THE NORTHERN MYTH, by B. R. Davidson, 8½> by 5½>ins., xviii and 283 pages, maps, index. Melbourne University Press. Melbourne, 1965, $6.30 (Aust.) or 63/- (Aust.).ECONOMIC POLICY AND THE SIZE OF CITIES, by G. M. Neutze, 9¼ by 7 ins., xi and 136 pages, maps, charts, index. The Australian National University, Canberra, 1965, S3.00 (Aust.) or 30/- (Aust).SOUTH-EAST OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, by Michael Williams, 8½> by 6 ins., 40 pages, maps, plates. Longmans Australian Geographies No. 22, Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., Croydon, 1965, 65c (Aust.) or 6/6 (Aust.)POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND GROWTH, Atlas of Australian Resources, Second Series, (a) Map-sheet, 28½> by 28½> ins., in colour; (b) Commentary, 9½> by 7¼ ins., 18 pages, tables, bibliography. Department of National Development, Canberra, 1964, 50c (Aust.) or 5/- (Aust.).TRAFFIC IN A NEW ZEALAND CITY, edited by W. B. Johnston, 11¼ by 9ins., 234 pages, plates, tables, diagrams, maps. Christchurch Regional Planning Authority, Christchurch, 1965, £2/10/0 (N.Z.).NEW ZEALAND, by Murray McCaskill, 8½> by 6 ins., 40 pages, maps, plates. Longmans Australian Geographies No. 21, Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., Croydon, 1965, 65c. (Aust.) or 6/6 (Aust.).NATIONAL RESOURCES SURVEY, PART IV: NELSON REGION, compiled by the Town and Country Planning Branch, Ministry of Works, New Zealand, 10¾> by 8¼ ins., xix and 208 pages, plates, diagrams, text maps, eight folded maps, gazetteer and index. Government Printer, Wellington, 1965, 45/- (N.Z.).REGIONAL GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE UNITED STATES, by William D. Thornbury, 10¼ by 7¼ ins., viii and 609 pages, plates, maps, diagrams, index. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1965, $14.75 (Aust.) or £7/7/6 (Aust.).THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF A MEXICAN MUNICIPIO, VILLA LAS ROSAS, by A. David Hill, 9 by 6 ins., xiii and 121 pages, maps, tables, index. Department of Geography Research Paper No. 91, (NAS-NRC Foreign Field Research Program Report No. 26), University of Chicago, Chicago, 1964, $4 (U.S.).THE CHICAGO-MILWAUKEE CORRIDOR, by Irving Cutler, 9 by 6 ins., xvii and 310 pages, plates, maps, tables. Northwestern University Studies in Geography No. 9, Department of Geography, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., 1965, $3.75 (U.S.).AFRICA, Oxford Regional Economic Atlas, by P. H. Ady et al., 10¼ by 7¾> ins., 164 pages consisting of Economic Commentary, Maps and Gazetteer. Oxford University Press, London, 1965, $9.80 (Aust.) or 98/- (Aust.).THE COMPETITIVE POSITION OF THE PORT OF DURBAN, by N. Manfred Shaffer, 9 by 6 ins., xii and 261 pages, tables, maps, diagrams. Northwestern University, Studies in Geography No. 8, Department of Geography, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., 1965, $3.75 (U.S.).RECORDS OF THE AFRICAN ASSOCIATION, 1788-1831, edited by Robin Hallet, 9½> by 6¼ ins., viii and 318 pages, two folded maps, index. Thomas Nelson and Sons, London. 1964. $10.60 (Aust.) or 106/- (Aust.).INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, by Arthur N. Strahler, 11¾> by 7¾> ins., ix and 455 pages, plates, maps, diagrams, index. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1965, $7.50 (Aus't.) or 75/- (Aust.).PRECIS D'HYDROLOGIE, MARINE ET CON-TINENTALE, by André Guilcher, 10 by 7 ins., 389 pages, maps, diagrams, index. Masson et Cie, Paris, 1965, 66F.THE EARTH BENEATH US, by Kirtley F. Mather, 11½> by 9ins., 320 pages, maps, photographs, index. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. London, 1964, $13.00 (Aust.) or £6/10 (Aust.).WORLD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, by D. W. Fryer, 9½> by 7 ins., xi and 627 pages, maps, diagrams, plates, index. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York. 1963, $9.40 (Aust.) or 94/- (Aust.).WORLD GEOGRAPHY, edited by John W. Morris and the late Otis W. Freeman, Second Edition, 9½> by 7¼ ins., ix and 710 pages, plates, maps, diagrams, index. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1965, $9.50 (U.S.).MAN'S STRUGGLE FOR SHELTER IN AN URBANIZING WORLD, by Charles Abrams, 9½> x 6¼ ins., xii and 307 pages, plates, index. The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1964, $7.95 (Aust.) or £3/19/6 (Aust.).REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING, A READER, edited by John Friedmann and William Alonso, 9½> by 6½> ins., xvii and 722 pages, maps. The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1964, $9.75 (U.S.).LAND AND LANDSCAPE, by H. R. Jarrett, 8½> by 5¾> ins., 128 pages, maps, diagrams, photographs, index. University of London Press Ltd., London, 1965. $1.80 (Aust.) or 18/- (Aust.).THE TEACHING OF GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY with special reference to the con cept of Social Studies, by A. M. Gorrie, 8½> by 5½> ins., 159 pages, charts, figures and index. Whitcombe and Tombs, Christchurch 1965, 22/6 (N.Z.).SPECTRUM BOOKS: Paperback series by Pren tice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 8 by 5 ins., each $1.95 (U.S.).