Utah. Department of Employment Security. Labor Market Information Services Section, Mathews, John T., Sylvester, Michael B., Utah. Department of Employment Security. Labor Market Information Services Section, Mathews, John T., and Sylvester, Michael B.
The Utah Job Outlook discusses the employment outlook for Utah from 1990 to 1995. It contains analysis, charts, and summary data tables that show industry and occupation composition and trends. The Outlook also presents "occupations in demand" for the next five years, including training levels, starting wages, and labor supply (output from the training community). This publication actually provides ten sets of projections, statewide, and one for each of the nine Service Delivery Areas (SDAs). The Utah Job Outlook's purpose is to provide labor market information, in the form of labor demand, labor supply, and other characteristics, for use by planners and administrators in the job training and educational community. Information in the Outlook is a tool in the process of identifying and planning training programs for occupations in demand. This publication was designed specifically to aid the Office of Job Training (JTPA) and the Office of Education in the preparation of plans to train individuals for "occupations in demand." The report has many other uses, particularly for those individuals and organizations interested in labor market information for use in economic development efforts, job counseling, job search, career information, and others.