THERE IS NOW COMPELLING EVIDENCE THAT SLEEP CONTRIBUTES TO THE CONSOLIDATION PROCESS OF PROCEDURAL TYPES OF MEMORY,1–3 AND OF MOTOR-sequence learning in particular.4–9 The term memory consolidation refers to a poorly defined set of processes that convert an initial unstable memory representation into a more stable and effective form.10 More specifically, Stickgold and Walker10 also proposed that this term should refer to the automatic postencoding processing occurring without intent or awareness but not to those requiring conscious and behavioral rehearsal. Practically, researchers have reported the existence of delayed gains in performance using a sequential finger-tapping task after a night of sleep but not after a comparable time interval during daytime.6,11–13 These findings support the role of sleep in the offline processing or reprocessing of memories,10 and some authors have even suggested that physical practice (PP) should ideally be followed by sleep to ensure long-lasting storage of a newly acquired motor skill.5,8,14–16 By contrast, research investigating the possibility of sleep-related improvements in motor learning following mental practice with motor imagery (MI) has been almost nonexistent (see1, for an exception). Motor imagery is a dynamic state during which one mentally simulates an action without any concomitant body movement.16 Studies looking at this learning-enhancing technique have shown that MI and PP of motor tasks show several parallel outcome characteristics, as shown by their degree of similarity at the temporal, behavioral, and neural levels.18–22 Findings from these experiments have provided evidence that the time course of mentally simulated actions is correlated with that taken to execute the same movement. Second, the analysis of the autonomic nervous system activity shows similar responses during imagined and actual movements. Finally, brain-mapping techniques have shown that goal-directed actions, whether executed or imagined, recruit similar (albeit nonidentical) neural substrates. Practically, MI has been found to be effective in the rehabilitation of patients with neurologic disorders affecting the motor system.23–25 In an attempt to explore whether mental practice with MI can also elicit consolidation processes similar to those observed following PP, we have recently tested young healthy subjects who were required to imagine that they were performing a kinematic motor-adaptation task before and after a night of sleep.1 Interestingly, practice with MI produced a significant increase in the subjects' speed to complete the target-reaching task following sleep, suggesting that this physiologic state plays a role in the consolidation of newly learned adapted movements. Our interpretation of such findings was limited, however, by the fact that we could not exclude the possibility that performance gains were also partially due to the speed at which movements were performed during the MI condition. Indeed, all participants strongly underestimated the time needed to reach each target, i.e., they imagined doing the task faster than when they were physically performing the movements. Such a lack of temporal congruence between the actual and imagined movements is known to result in a significant decrease in movement time.26–27 Changing MI speed (voluntarily or not) is sufficient to elicit changes in the timing of actual movements, and it was therefore difficult to determine the influence of such effect, as compared with the contribution of sleep, to explain performance gains. Second, our previous study did not include any group that was trained and retested during the daytime, and, thus, it was not possible to determine whether the gain in performance following MI was sleep dependent or was also due to the simple passage of time. The present study thus aimed to test further the hypothesis that mental practice of a motor sequence learning task with MI can elicit a consolidation process similar to that observed following PP of the same task. To do so, we used an adapted version of the sequential finger-tapping task first developed by Karni et al.28 This task was chosen because it is known that consolidation of this type of motor skill is sleep dependent,4,6,8 and because there is evidence of a temporal congruence between the physical and imagined conditions.29 Indeed, investigators have previously shown that the time necessary to imagine a sequence of finger movements does not differ from that needed to physically produce the same sequential movements29 and that MI is effective in improving the performance on this type of motor skill.30 In the present study, motor performance was evaluated before training, as well as before and after a night of sleep, or after a similar time interval without sleep during the daytime. Groups of young healthy participants were either asked to PP or to imagine an explicitly known motor sequence. Subjects in the MI condition were required to perform the sequence in real time (rtMI) or at a faster pace than usual (fMI) to control for possible effects of different mental representations on motor memory consolidation. Specifically, comparing 2 MI-speed conditions was a prerequisite to identify whether voluntary changes in MI speed play a specific and critical role in explaining performance gains. Last, a final NoSleep (control) group, in which subjects were trained and retested the same day (without any intervening sleep) after rtMI practice, was also included to test for the role of passage of time in consolidating this form of learning. We predicted that all groups would demonstrate a significant improvement in performance following the initial training session. Subjects in the PP, rtMI, and fMI conditions were also expected to show delayed gains in performance, whereas those in the NoSleep group were not. Finally, based on findings from our previous study,1 we hypothesized that greater offline delayed gains would be observed in the fMI group, compared with the rtMI group.