182 results on '"Uroda, Ivan"'
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2. Aktualne sigurnosne prijetnje i inozemna izravna ulaganja
- Author
Galović, Tomislav, Mišević, Petar, and Uroda, Ivan
- Subjects
Sigurnosne prijetnje, terorizam, kibernetski terorizam, FDI - Abstract
2022. godina je pokazala kako i koliko sigurnosne prijetnje utječu na globalnu ekonomiju. Sigurnosne prijetnje u današnjem okruženju podrazumijevaju rizike, odnosno sigurnosne izazove, koji se neprekidno i ubrzano mijenjaju, a obilježava ih složenost i nepredvidivost. U ovoj je knjizi posebna pozornost usmjerena na aktualne sigurnosne prijetnje, odnosno na terorizam i na jedan njegov važan i moderan oblik - kibernetički terorizam. U modernim vremenima, sigurnost funkcioniranja tržišta predstavlja imperativ za privatni, javni i neprofitni sektor globalnog gospodarstva. Svjetsko gospodarstvo postaje globalno i virtualno povezanije s visokom razinom međusobne zavisnosti, a razina kibernetičke i nacionalne sigurnosti zaostaje u praćenju dinamike kretanja. Opasnost od sigurnosnih prijetnji pojačava gospodarsku nesigurnost i razinu sumnjičavosti i paralelno usporava gospodarsku i ulagačku aktivnost globalnog gospodarstva. Knjiga posebno razmatra empirijski utjecaj terorizma na inozemna izravna ulaganja (FDI), gospodarske posljedice sigurnosnih prijetnji izražene su u kratkom i u dugom roku.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Stanić, Milan, primary, Uroda, Ivan, additional, and Stanić Šulentić, Marina, additional
- Published
- 2021
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4. Managing Digital Transformation in Public Administration
- Author
Glavas, Jerko, primary, Uroda, Ivan, additional, and Mandic, Bruno, additional
- Published
- 2021
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5. Kibersigurnost kao činitelj konkurentnosti na Jedinstvenom EU Digitalnom Tržištu - primjer Republike Hrvatske
- Author
Uroda, Ivan, Galović, Tomislav, Mišević, Petar, Družić, Gordan, and Sekur, Tomislav
- Subjects
kibersigurnost ,nacionalna konkurentnost ,poduzetnička konkurentnost ,Jedinstveno EU Digitalno Tržište ,Hrvatska - Abstract
Vezano uz predmet konkurentnosti, pogotovo na međunarodnoj razini, u prošlosti su postojali (i još uvijek postoje) neki relevantni i ključni tradicionalni činitelji (npr. indikatori i stupovi) za mjerenje nacionalne konkurentnosti. Ipak, sa svrhom pisanja ovog rada, autori su odlučili istražiti raznovrsne aspekte kibersigurnosti, pošto isti imaju znatan potencijal da postanu relevantni moderni činitelji i poduzetničke konkurentnosti i nacionalne konkurentnosti. Ovaj argument je opravdan činjenicom da je trenutno u tijeku digitalizacija i gospodarstva i tvrtki u mnogim nacijama tj. državama globalno što bi moglo dovesti do daljnjeg razvoja digitalnih tržišta. Stoga, autori su se fokusirali na Republiku Hrvatsku (krat. Hrvatsku) i hrvatske tvrtke naspram Europske Unije (krat. EU) te njenog Jedinstvenog Digitalnog Tržišta. Na taj način, bazirano na solidnoj istraživačkoj podlozi, autori su formulirali 3 cilja istraživanja u ovom radu koji se mogu precizirati na sljedeći način: 1) ispitati važnije značajke međuodnosa EU Jedinstvenog Digitalnog Tržišta i kibersigurnosti, 2) utvrditi razinu kibersigurnosti i njenih aspekata koje je postigla Hrvatska kao država, 3) odrediti razinu kibersigurnosti i njenih aspekata koje su dostigle hrvatske tvrtke. U skladu sa svime time, svi rezultati ovog istraživanja su bazirani na činjeničnim i brojčanim podatcima koji jasno predstavljaju status i Hrvatske kao države i hrvatskih tvrtki po pitanju kibersigurnosti. Bazirano na prethodno spomenutim rezultatima ovog istraživanja, autori su mogli izvesti logične i valjane zaključke ovog istraživanja. Isti su predstavljeni kao preporuke u pogledu, s jedne strane, koliko (relativno) i što bi Hrvatska kao država trebala napraviti da kontrolira (i idealno povisi) svoju razinu kibersigurnosti kao činitelja nacionalne konkurentnosti i, s druge strane, što bi hrvatske tvrtke trebale napraviti kako bi (također) kontrolirale (i idealno povisile) svoju razinu kibersigurnosti kao činitelja poduzetničke konkurentnosti, oboje povezano s EU Jedinstvenim Digitalnim Tržištem. U vezi sa svime time, i Hrvatska kao država i hrvatske tvrtke bi trebale nastaviti promatrati i smatrati EU Jedinstveno Digitalno Tržište kao primarno vanjsko tržište tj. zajedničko unutarnje tržište EU (u ovom slučaju, hrvatsko tržište se smatra kao unutarnje tržište države) koje bi trebali nastaviti opskrbljivati hrvatskim proizvodima i uslugama, pogotovo onima koji dokazano mogu biti konkurentni, ali odnedavno, uzimajući u obzir i raznovrsne aspekte kibersigurnosti.
- Published
- 2021
6. Adjustment and early retirement intentions of the older workers in the Croatian public sector
- Author
Štambuk, Ana, Uroda, Ivan, and Anđelić, Nikolina
- Subjects
lcsh:Social Sciences ,lcsh:H ,lcsh:HB71-74 ,early retirement intentions and decisions ,older workers ,public sector ,population ageing ,early retirement ,Personal Computer (PC) related requirements and skills ,lcsh:Economics as a science - Abstract
Croatian population and, consequently, Croatian labour force is rapidly ageing. With ageing comes the change in abilities e.g. decreasing productivity and declining cognitive ability. In the modern world, new applications of technologies transform requirements of jobs, thus workers have to adjust to those novelties. The problem is that older workers are ‘digital immigrants’ who started using a Personal Computer (PC) later in their lives, often during employment, so they had to change their approach to work i.e., they had to adjust to different requirements of today’s jobs. Required adjustments accompanied by decreasing abilities may lead to early retirement. The authors have investigated the influence of 1) the need to adjust to the requirements of today’s jobs (approximated by requirements to use a PC) and 2) the ability to adjust to the requirements of today’s jobs (approximated by ratings of PC skills) on early retirement intentions of population aged 50+ employed in the Croatian public sector. A logistic regression model in the context of complex samples was created by the authors, whereby both analysed variables were found to be related to the early retirement intentions. Finally, those who were required to use a PC and thus to adjust to changes were more likely to want to retire early than employees who did not have the same obligation. Those with low PC skills, i.e. employees whose ability to adjust was low, were also more likely to retire early than those who have adjusted better.
- Published
- 2020
7. Students’ Perception of Studying in Digital Environment and Preparedness for Workplaces in Digital Economy - Current State and Perspectives
- Author
Glavas, Jerko, primary, Uroda, Ivan, additional, and Mandic, Bruno, additional
- Published
- 2019
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8. Learning of Color in Croatian Primary Schools
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, primary, Prohaska, Zdenko, additional, and Uroda, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2019
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9. Integrated management of business processes - advanced regional development requirement
- Author
Glavaš, Jerko, Uroda, Ivan, Santo, Tibor, Mašek Tonković, Anka, and Crnković, Boris
- Subjects
management, business process, development, efficiency, competitiveness - Abstract
Basic theories and terminologies state and argue that business process management implies a systematic approach to improving the overall business, as it also has the basis in a modern business approach to managing change in the function of improving business processes with the aim of achieving better business success. Identification and integrative business process building is a highly complex and responsible business management task of any organization, regardless of its size, structure or activity. In order for an organization to achieve a competitive advantage, all its functions must be interconnected or integrated. Business Process Management adds value to the organization's resources and creates a variety of goods and services that meet the diverse needs and customer requirements. From the perspective of the process, business process management is considered as a management approach to good practice that is applied to help organizations achieve and maintain competitive advantages. The purpose of this research is to analyze, synthesize and examine key business process concepts, business process management and its effects on organizational performance. At the same time, this paper contributes to a better understanding of the areas of competitive advantage and business process management. These processes lead to better organizational efficiency, greater penetration into the market and higher employability, which is one of the main preconditions for regional development. The paper uses appropriate scientific methods suitable for the analysis and processing of secondary data, some of which are in contexts, can also take on the primary character. The analysis also used data from the latest BPTrends report released in early 2018. The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities of analysis and synthesis of business processes, to determine how companies organize, plan, execute and improve business processes, both individually in the specific economic field and in the general context.
- Published
- 2018
10. Results of the national photography competition in Croatian primary schools, high schools and schools of applied arts in 2017
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, primary, Prohaska, Zdenko, additional, and Uroda, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2018
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11. Research into changes to significance of Croatia in Canadian import and export within specific industries: comparison between year 2016 and years 2011-2015
- Author
Uroda, Ivan, Prohaska, Zdenko, Veckie, Edward, and Mašek - Tonković, Anka
- Subjects
significance, Croatia, Canada, import, export, industries, year 2016, years 2011-2015 - Abstract
This research and the associated paper represent the direct sequel of last year’s paper that marked the beginning of long-term research on significance of Croatia in Canadian import and exportwithin various industries by the same authors. While the focus of last year’s paper was on 5 years from 2011 to 2015, in this year’s paper those 5 years were being compared with the previous year 2016 that can be perceived as a kind of turning point in the relations of countries concerned, primarily through relations of EU (28 member countries, including Croatia) and Canada (10 provinces and 3 territories). With regard to research purpose of this paper, it can be explicitly defined as: to conduct unbiased, purposeful and multi-year research into changes to significance that Croatia had in Canadian import and export within specific industries. For that purpose, authors have decided to utilise exclusively websites created by Government of Canada that provide direct access to sufficient quantity of indorsed, relevant and official statistic data. Those were the main reasons why aforementioned websites were chosen as the central source of data in order to accomplish the research purpose of this paper. In relation to used research methods and approaches, in this paper authors have intentionally used only the most appropriate data from website by Government of Canada’s Office of the Chief Economist under Trade and Economic Statistics section as well as under Trade Investment and Economic Statistics subsection. Those datasets were utilized as the central source of numerical data for this wide- ranging research mostly because of their constancy, dependability and accessibility. Additionally, supplementary data by other carefully selected associations and organizations were used to further explicate import-export interrelations between Croatia and Canada. Conclusions that authors have drawn from the study of numerical data that included years 2011-2016 and from the detailed analyses and syntheses of the most relevant numerical data that link Croatia and Canada as well as their industries, actually represent the major research results of this paper. For these obvious reasons, major research results that were so clearly formulated can be used in a variety of professional purposes and in wide range of scientific researches. Finally, main implications of this paper were multiple logical deductions that can be made based on analyses and syntheses of numerical data as well as on proper comprehension of discussions within this paper. Those logical deductions should be perceived as stepping stones towards better import-export interrelations between Croatia and Canada that have the potential to improve, but only if previous experiences (including mistakes and omissions) will be properly used in future import- export endeavours that must take in consideration both previously mentioned countries.
- Published
- 2017
12. Analysis and synthesis of business data from information system of higher education institutions with emphasis on college of Slavonski Brod
- Author
Džeba, Dajana, Stanić, Luka, Uroda, Ivan, Barković, Dražen, and Runzheimer Bodo
- Subjects
Analiza, Sinteza, Poslovni podatci, Informacijski sustav visokoškolovanih ustanova, Veleučilište u Slavonskom Brodu, preddiplomski i diplomski studenti menadžmenta ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Analysis, Synthesis, Business data, Information System of Higher Education Institutions, College of Slavonski Brod, Undergraduate and Graduate Students in Management - Abstract
Information System of Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Croatia (abbreviation ISVU) is the business information system, whose creation and maintenance is financed by the Ministry of Science and Education. It allows en-try, monitoring and processing of data at university and professional studies in Croatia. ISVU provides free information system, free education for using the system, technical support, reports on the performance of students who have passed the exams, view of business data according to certain criteria (10% of the best students, the average grade at the final exam, etc.) allows creation of various reports, design of schedules and it places less burden on the institution’s Student Administration Offi ce. It also enables students to apply for and to withdraw applications for exams on the Internet, information about exams via e-mail, enrollment without queuing. It provides lecturers with updates of weekly curriculum for classes, review of exam dates, review of student’s status as well as data related to the completion of the study. Te ultimate goal of ISVU is to raise the quality of higher education as a whole and the quality of individual studies. College of Slavonski Brod also uses ISVU. Hence, in this paper authors have analyzed relevant business data from ISVU for undergraduate and specialist graduate studies in Management, for 5 previous academic years (from 2012/2013 to 2016/2017). Since students at studies in Management make the half of all enrolled students at College of Slavonski Brod, the emphasis of this paper was put precisely on them. This study included data on the number and status of students, data on the counties that they came from, the achieved average grades in secondary schools and vocational secondary schools. Analysis of the most relevant business data has shown that e.g. it is evident that students who have enrolled for full-time study have achieved higher average grade in secondary school, while those students who have enrolled for part-time study have achieved lower average grade in secondary school ; analysis of educational sectors has shown that full-time students mainly finished secondary schools in educational sector of economy, trade and business administration, while part-time students finished secondary schools for variety of other sectors. Inter- connected was business data synthesis, that takes into consideration all academic years that has shown e.g. increases and decreases number of students ; increases and decreases of the total number of points achieved at the state graduation exam (with and without admission exam). Authors have also composed closing paragraphs i.e. roundups that were utilized to make recommendations with regard to various instances that require certain actions. In the last part authors have concluded all parts of this paper whose aim was to contribute to solidifying foundations for the positive future developments and for potentially new study programs at the College of Slavonski Brod. All of those parts have the potential to attract new and larger number of undergraduate and graduate students, for all mentioned departments, including Social department.
- Published
- 2017
13. Economic benefits of modern marketing and its communication strategies across social media
- Author
Uroda, Ivan, Glavaš, Jerko, Delač, Krešimir, and Mašek - Tonković, Anka
- Subjects
economic benefits, marketing, communication strategies, social media, Osijek, Rijeka - Abstract
Social media are becoming one of the essential parts of everyday lives and economic activities of large percentage of people worldwide. Therefore, social media has entered almost every aspect of people’s daily lives by using enormous economic benefits of Internet and its most visible part i.e. World Wide Web that already made data, information and communication available to people in a matter of seconds. This is considerably emphasised when it comes to the power of social media in marketing, both the traditional one ; where advertisements are inevitable and surrounding consumers on every step, and the modern one (often called digital marketing and/or online marketing) which strives to implement new ways of displaying advertisements. Thus, all social media have deeply changed the way marketing functions and because of them the completely new discipline of marketing was subsequently coined i.e. social media marketing, with communication strategies being one of its most significant parts. Based on the premise that, in order to deepen relationships with and to enhance exposure to, potentially interested people, social media marketing and its communication strategies utilise the principle of networking within social media, authors have decided to conduct the research in order to determine economic benefits that can be expected from their timely and effective implementation. Purpose of this research is to find examples of economic benefits that modern marketing can achieve across a variety of social media by communication strategies that have potential to be viable, as well as to analyse and synthesise research results on the topic of this paper that was made and conducted by its authors. With regards to used approach, authors have combined these scientific methods: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, generalization and specialization, classification, description, compilation, comparison, statistical, mathematical, historical, empirical and survey. Finally, main results and implications of this paper are presented as carefully composed and thoroughly elaborated theoretical parts in conjunction with the aforementioned survey that is actually completely original authors’ contribution to the worldwide academic research in related scientific disciplines.
- Published
- 2017
14. Research into significance of Croatia in Canadian imports and exports within various industries
- Author
Veckie, Edward, Uroda, Ivan, and Mašek - Tonković, Anka
- Subjects
Croatia, Canada, Imports, Exports, Industries - Abstract
Research purpose of this scientific paper is to provide the objective, focused and systematic assessment of rankings that Croatia actually has in Canadian imports and exports of certain industries. In those terms, numerous official statistic data provided by Government of Canada was selected as the primary source of information to fulfil this scientific paper’s specific research purpose. Regarding utilized research methods and approaches, in this scientific paper authors have exclusively used only the most relevant data by Government of Canada’s Office of the Chief Economist under Trade and Economic Statistics section and Trade Investment and Economic Statistics subsection were utilized as the primary source of numerical data for this comprehensive assessment because of its consistency, reliability and availability. Moreover, the auxiliary statistical data by other relevant organizations and bodies was utilized to better position both of those countries i.e. Croatia and Canada as well as other countries included in this scientific paper within international trade framework and boundaries. Major research results within this scientific paper have primarily encompassed conclusions deriving from the multi-year comparative numerical analysis between Croatia and Canada in conjunction with comparisons, analysis and evaluation of numerous top-level industries, middle-level industries and low-level industries in the last 5 years with available data i.e. 2011-2015. Essentially, special care was taken of preparation, calculation and presentation of those major research results, so that they can be utilized both for continuation of this scientific research and as a source of information for anyone who might have the interest in this topic or the certain fraction of it. Main implications of this scientific paper center around the fact that only such objective, focused and systematic assessments of the past tendencies can lead to concrete movements, improvements and prosperity in terms of Croatian and Canadian international trade.
- Published
- 2016
15. National competition of photography as visual art in Croatian primary schools, high schools and schools of applied arts
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, primary, Prohaska, Zdenko, additional, and Uroda, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2017
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16. Valuation of common stocks using the dividend valuation approach and excel
- Author
Prohaska, Zdenko, primary, Uroda, Ivan, additional, and Pesa, Anita Radman, additional
- Published
- 2017
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17. PaintArt - An Interactive Computer Software for Education of Visual Arts
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, Uroda, Ivan, Čičin-Šain, Marina, Šunde, Jadranka, Uroda, Ivan, and Sluganović, Ivanka
- Subjects
ComputingMethodologies_IMAGEPROCESSINGANDCOMPUTERVISION ,computer software ,interactive ,education ,visual arts ,ComputingMethodologies_COMPUTERGRAPHICS - Abstract
In this paper a computer software consisting of a paint program and a database of specially prepared forms in bitmap format for education of visual arts on the elementary school level is presented. By using such computer software, a paint program (in graphic format) and forms in bitmap format, where it is possible not only to write text but also to draw lines, circles etc., interactive learning gets a new dimension, . From now on it is possible not only to ask questions in the form of yes or no, multiple choice or demand answers in full-text, but really to apply the solutions. If the lesson is about composition in painting, it is possible to show a painting of a well known artist and not only ask which form of composition is predominant in the painting, but to demand that the pupil draws the chosen composition (e.g. horizontal, diagonal, pyramidal etc.) as a line in the painting itself. By presenting this software in the class and by sharing it, pupils can use it at home and by comparing own answers with the provided solutions in the software they can verify their knowledge of the topicsdiscussed at school.
- Published
- 2013
18. Creating the Interactive Questionnaire by Using Microsoft Access
- Author
Uroda, Ivan, Begić, Sanjin, Čičin-Šain, Marina, Uroda, Ivan, Turčić-Prstačić, Ivana, and Sluganović, Ivanka
- Subjects
Interactive Questionnaire ,Access ,ComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSION ,ComputerApplications_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
The decision that was made to create the interactive questionnaire by respecting presented methodology. The complete process of creating this questionnaire is elaborated further in this paper.
- Published
- 2010
19. Money and Bonds - A Computer Program for Personal Finance
- Author
Prohaska, Zdenko, Uroda, Ivan, Zbašnik, Robert, Čičin-Šain, Marina, Uroda, Ivan, Turčić-Prstačić, Ivana, and Sluganović, Ivanka
- Subjects
money ,bonds ,computer program ,personal finance - Abstract
The computer program Money and Bonds is an educational PC program for personal finance. The main tasks of the program are to calculate the value of money, loan amortization, interest calculation, cash flow analysis, bond value of coupon bearing bonds, duration, sensitivity analysis of interest rates and currency risk in foreign exchange operations. Utility functions are also provided, such as backup and restore, format, time and date, configuration and DOS shell. The program was designed and programmed in the mid nineties using Clarion Professional Developer 2.1, a fourth generation language (4GL), with special functions included by implementing so called Language Extension Modules (LEMs). The algorithm was carefully elaborated so the program operates in text mode and it can be run in window or full screen mode on PCs with every OS from MS DOS to Windows. Only for Windows 7 DOSBox utility is required.
- Published
- 2010
20. E-business – (un)utilized opportunity for synergistic and joint development of eastern Croatia and other Croatian regions
- Author
Čapko, Zvonko, Uroda, Ivan, Glavaš, Jerko, and Mašek - Tonković, Anka
- Subjects
e-business ,synergistic and joint development ,IT sector and multitudinous activities ,eastern Croatia’s economy - Abstract
The main purpose of scientific research within this scientific paper is to investigate, analyse and synthesize: 1) the current state of e-business development within the Republic of Croatia’s economy (with a special reference to economy of eastern Croatia), 2) individual business entities’ attitudes towards e-business in multitudinous activities within the Republic of Croatia’s economy as well as 3) (post) graduate students’ (from Faculty of Economics at University of Rijeka) perceptions of ebusiness. As of research approach (and methods) used, authors use the most recent available and the most significant statistical and business data, that is processed and displayed in the context of this scientific paper, in order to elucidate the current state of e-business development within the Republic of Croatia’s economy. Moreover, the most significant scientific research findings from the first set of surveys / questionnaires with individual business entities’ attitudes towards e-business and the second set of surveys / questionnaires with students’ (from Faculty of Economics at University of Rijeka), perceptions of e- business will be represented, explained and elaborated in detail from. From the authors’ preliminary scientific research findings it is observable that the major results are going to be useful as a growth- inclusive and vision- inclusive signboards for joint development of both IT sector and other multitudinous activities within the Republic of Croatia’s economy with a special reference to economy of eastern Croatia. In this sense, authors have also filtered, listed and investigated how many and which of the business-related survey / questionnaire participants were located in eastern Croatia. Conclusively, concerning implications of this scientific paper and scientific research, those two can be perceived as the beginning of authors’ e-business-related research endeavour that will carefully, critically and realistically address e-business issues that are (too) often observed in one-sided, subjective and superficial manner.
- Published
- 2015
21. TSA – A Computer Program for Technical Analysis of Stocks
- Author
Prohaska, Zdenko, Olgić Draženović, Bojana, Uroda, Ivan, Čičin-Šain, Marina, Turčić Prstačić, Ivana, Sluganović, Ivanka, and Uroda, Ivan
- Subjects
stocks ,technical analysis ,supply ,demand ,prices ,computer program ,investment strategies - Abstract
Technical analysis is based on the widely accepted premise that security prices are determined by the supply and the demand for securities. With adequate tools technical analysis is recording historical financial data on charts, i.e. bar charts and line charts, studying these charts in an effort to find meaningful patterns, and using these patterns to predict future prices. To analyze the pros and cons of technical analysis in this article an educational computer program called TSA is presented, which calculates on the basis of daily high, low and close prices of stocks or other securities bar charts and line charts of stocks. Taking into account different moving averages (50, 100 and 200 days) and actual daily stock prices of 30 stocks in the DJIA the program is graphing the trades and simulates the results of such trades. It calculates the number of profitable and unprofitable trades, the average trading profit or loss, the maximum trading profit or loss and at the end the net profit if it exists. The goal of such an approach for students is to simulate different investment strategies without the risk of loosing real money and therefore being better prepared for real life investments in the mature financial markets and in the more volatile emerging financial markets.
- Published
- 2008
22. Use of computer programs in teaching photography courses at schools of applied arts and design in Croatia
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, primary, Prohaska, Zdenko, additional, and Uroda, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2016
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23. PaintArt 2.0 (PArt2.exe)
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, Prohaska, Zdenko, and Uroda, Ivan
- Subjects
computer program, education, secondary schools, visual arts, paintings ,GeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
This computer program consists of a paint program and a database of specially prepared forms in bitmap format for education of visual arts in secondary schools. Since more theoretical issues are prevailing on the secondary school level this computer software, which is actually a paint program, is equipped with different forms in bitmap format, with yes/no questions, multiple choice questions, classic questions demanding full text answers and questions where school boys and girls have to apply the solutions of the questions on specific paintings presented in the questions. By using this program, secondary school boys and girls can compare their own answers with the provided solutions in PaintArt 2.0 and enhance their knowledge of arts.
- Published
- 2014
24. PaintArt 2.0 - Computer Program for Education of Visual Arts in Secondary Schools
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, Prohaska, Zdenko, Uroda, Ivan, Biljanovic, P, Butkovic, Z, Skala, K, and et al.
- Subjects
computer program, education, secondary schools, visual arts, paintings - Abstract
This article presents a computer program consisting of a paint program and a database of specially prepared forms in bitmap format for education of visual arts in secondary schools. Since more theoretical issues are prevailing on the secondary school level this computer software, which is actually a paint program, is equipped with different forms in bitmap format, with yes/no questions, multiple choice questions, classic questions demanding full text answers and questions where school boys and girls have to apply the solutions of the questions on specific paintings presented in the questions. By using this program, secondary school boys and girls can compare their own answers with the provided solutions in PaintArt 2.0 and enhance their knowledge of arts.
- Published
- 2014
25. Razvoj ekspertnog sustava za odlučivanje pri investiranju u osobnim financijama
- Author
Uroda, Ivan
- Subjects
razvoj ,ekspertni sustav ,odlučivanje pri investiranju ,osobne financije - Abstract
Rezultati izvornog znanstvenog istraživanja provedenog od strane autora, unutar ovog doktorskog rada, su predstavljeni i elaborirani u sedam međusobno povezanih i međuovisnih dijelova. Autor je u sklopu ovog doktorskog rada u potpunosti samostalno i od početka razvio ekspertni sustav za odlučivanje pri investiranju u osobnim financijama.
- Published
- 2013
26. SP - Standard and Poor, Fundamental Analysis of Stocks
- Author
Prohaska, Zdenko, Uroda, Ivan, and Suljić, Stella
- Subjects
software ,education ,investments ,fundamental analysis ,stocks - Abstract
Fundamental analysis, a part of investment analysis, is long-term oriented and primarily focused on analyzing factors such as economic influences, industry factors, and especially company information such as product demand, earnings, dividends and management, in order to determine an intrinsic value for the company's stocks. Based on this analysis, security analysts, investors and also students can make prudent investment decisions by comparing this value with the current market price of the stock. To analyze the pros and cons of fundamental analysis in this article an educational computer program called SP will be presented, which calculates on the basis of companies balance sheet and income statement data provided by Standard and Poor's several important ratios. Among these ratios, are up and down beta factor, price-earnings ratio, dividend yield, debt-equity ratio etc. Taking into account a lot of data from the Standard and Poor's database the program enables users to calculate new and even different ratios which do not exist in the original database and are important for investment decisions. The goal of such an approach for students is to simulate different investment strategies based on fundamental analysis, by picking specific stocks which meet their investment criteria, tracking their performance for a predefined investment period and analyzing the results.
- Published
- 2011
27. Valuation of options by using Excel
- Author
Prohaska, Zdenko, primary, Drazenovic, Bojana Olgic, additional, and Uroda, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2015
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28. Implementation of computer programs in Visual Arts education in Croatian primary schools
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, primary, Benkovic, Silvija, additional, and Uroda, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2015
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29. Promoting Learning and Teaching Visual Arts in Elementary Schools by Using Computers and Software
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, Prohaska, Zdenko, Uroda, Ivan, Auer, Michael E.., and Schreurs, J.
- Subjects
Learning and Teaching ,Visual Arts ,Elementary Schools ,Software ,Computers - Abstract
Despite constant and numerous improvements and innovations in education systems worldwide, usage of computers and software in learning and teaching subject Visual arts on the elementary school level is not common and is therefore not widespread. Preliminary empiric research has proved that this is not only a Croatian, but an international problem.
- Published
- 2010
30. BMS - Bond Market Simulation
- Author
Prohaska, Zdenko, Uroda, Ivan, Orlić, Ozren, Čičin-Šain, M., Turčić Prstačić, I., Sluganović, I., and Uroda, I.
- Subjects
bond market ,simulation ,software ,BMS - Abstract
BMS is a computer program for bond market simulation. With this computer program students can simulate the buying and selling of bonds in three different markets or scenarios, the bond market in the USA, Germany and Slovenia. By analyzing the results they can decide if passive, semi-active or active investment strategies are more appropriate for bond investments in mature or emerging financial markets. This computer software was carefully programmed in the mid nineties using CLIPPER v. 5.00 and several other utility programs so it is running on PCs with Operation Systems from MS DOS to Windows Vista
- Published
- 2009
31. Obrazovanost stanovništva i primjena informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija kao pretpostavka razvoja nacionalne ekonomije
- Author
Uroda, Ivan
- Subjects
obrazovanost ,informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije ,razvoj ,nacionalna ekonomija - Abstract
Obrazovanost stanovništva i primjena informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija kao pretpostavka razvoja nacionalne ekonomije kao rad predtsvlja sintezu najznačajnijih rezultata istraživanja provedenog od strane autora. Sveobuhvatan pristup omogućio je autoru sintetiziranje saznanja iz ovih dvaju područja sve u funkciji razvoja nacionalne ekonomije.
- Published
- 2008
32. Bondmaster - Computer Software for Bond Management
- Author
Prohaska, Zdenko, Uroda, Ivan, Čičin-Šain, Marina, Turčić Prstačić, Ivana, and Sluganović, Ivanka
- Subjects
computer software ,program ,bonds ,bond managment - Abstract
The computer software Bondmaster is an educational PC program for investing in fixed income securities, i.e. in bonds. The main task of the program is to calculate the current yield of bonds, the yield to maturity of coupon bearing bonds, thir presents value and duration, both for annual and semiannual payments of interests. Special attention is paid to the currency risk in foreign exchange operations, the forecasting of interest rates and prices of bonds and a bond table generator is also included. There are also a lot of utilities built in like a calculator, a calendar and a file viewer with search function. Macros and a mouse support are also provided. The program was designed and programmed in the mid nineties in Microsoft QuickBasic with special functons included by using professional libraries. The algorithm was carefully elaborated so the program operates in text mode and it can be run in window or full screen mode on PC computers with OS from MS DOS to Windows XP Professional.
- Published
- 2007
33. Education of the participants of the electronic banking in the Erste & Steiermärkische bank Inc., Rijeka system of social responsibility
- Author
Cerović, Ljerka, Uroda, Ivan, Vujasinović, Violeta, Čičin-Šain, Marina, Turčić Prstačić, Ivana, and Sluganović, Ivanka
- Subjects
education ,electronic banking ,social responsibility management - Abstract
Electronic banking is the essential part of doing business in today's business environment. In the process of providing its services, the banks have to be socially responsible and ethical business entities towards its clients. Beside the authenticity in the process of logging in on the server, SSL encryption, user identification by user name, password and TAN table numbers, automatic log out, and the other mechanisms of protecting the electronic banking clients, the social responsibility of the Erste & Steiermarkische bank Inc., Rijeka can be overviewed trough the significant efforts in the field of education of all electronic banking participants, not only the clients, but bank's employees as well. From the bank's point of view, electronic banking and NetBanking system is still in the test phase. The real-life example of Swedish Nordea bank has shown that the security mechanisms and protocols require further development to ensure the greater protection of both, the banks and the clients.
- Published
- 2007
34. Function Plotting Applications
- Author
Uroda, Ivan, Čičin-Šain, Marina, and Čičin-Šain, Marina
- Subjects
Freeware ,graph plotting ,size ,price and possibilities - Abstract
Function/graph plotting/graphing is often required as the invaluable part of the scientific research in order to present and/or track the observed phenomena’ s and/or subject’ s changes, movements and/or trends. This method is widely used in Economics as well as in all other sciences. Therefore this article represents a brief summary of carefully selected function/graph/equation plotting software according to the following criteria: size, price and possibilities. Accordingly, throughout the paper authors strived to be objective in reviewing and marking so that the information given can be used as the systematic guide. In the conclusion of the Paper a final decision on the best applications is reached and elaborated.
- Published
- 2006
35. Human factor in the implementation of information and communication technology in enterprise financial modelling
- Author
Čičin-Šain, Marina, Crnković-Stumpf, Branka, and Uroda, Ivan
- Subjects
Financial functions ,Human factor ,End user ,Financial modelling ,Optimisation - Abstract
There are numerous possibilities to improve the implementation of contemporary information and communication technologies in modern enterprises, regardless of their size or type. The main reason is the insufficient end user's knowledge and misunderstanding of possibilities that are readily available. This paper is a concise presentation of several examples that could be found very useful and applicable. Constant growth and altering of both enterprises' business environment and higher ICT standards make the end-users' role the weakest link of the technological progress.
- Published
- 2006
36. Besplatni softver i softver otvorenog koda u poslovanju
- Author
Uroda, Ivan
- Subjects
softver ,freeware ,otvoreni kod ,grafičko korisničko sučelje ,komandna linija ,troškovi ,dodana vrijednost - Abstract
Razvoj grafičkih kartica doveo je do izrade i napretka grafičkih korisničkih sučelja. Nadalje, sa razvojem grafičkog korisničkog sučelja počeo se javljati korisniku prilagođen aplikativni softver. Za razliku od operativnih sustava sa komandnom linijom grafičko korisničko sučelje otvorilo je korisnicima potpuno novi svijet. Danas je većina aplikacija komercijalno što znači da ukoliko ih korisnik želi legalno koristiti mora i kupiti. S druge strane svakoga dana javlja se sve više freeware i softvera otvorenog koda. Određene aplikacije su izrazito kvalitetne i mogu u potpunosti zamijeniti komercijalne. U ovom diplomskom radu više od trideset aplikacija je recenzirano. Iste su pažljivo izabrane između više od četiri stotine aplikacija, a morale su zadovoljiti kriterij da se instantno mogu koristi u radnom okruženju. Završno, one bi trebale stvoriti dodanu vrijednost za određeno poduzeće i u krajnjoj liniji minimizirati troškove softvera tako da se ista sredstva mogu investirati u druge projekte.
- Published
- 2006
37. End-user's role in the implementation of information technology in financial modelling of the company
- Author
Čičin-Šain, Marina, Crnković-Stumpf, Branka, Uroda, Ivan, and Mastorakis, Nikos
- Subjects
financial functions ,human factor ,end user ,financial modelling ,oOptimisation - Abstract
The implementation of new IC Technologies in everyday business application in general is far from optimal. The main reason is the lack of end user knowledge and understanding of possibilities that are already at hand. The paper is an overview of some examples that are very useful, easy to apply and still underused. With permanent growth and changing of both the business environment and new ICT the weakest link seems to be the human factor.
- Published
- 2006
38. Research On The Influence Of Human Factor On Developing The ICT By Using The Spearman's Coefficient Of Correlation
- Author
Čičin-Šain, Marina, Crnković-Stumpf, Branka, Uroda, Ivan, and Kalmar, Laszlo
- Subjects
Human factor ,ICT ,productivity ,software ,measurement ,correlation - Abstract
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies is a term that implies use of electronic equipment, especially computers for storing, analyzing and distributing information of all kinds, including words, numbers and pictures. Correlation is a relationship between two sets of data that is not always cause-and-effect relationship. Moreover it is necessary to clearly distinguish functional dependence and correlation. Correlation can be easily explained on the real life example. The consumption of electricity in one household and matching electricity bill are the variables connected with functional dependence. The more kilowatts of electricity are spent, the bigger electricity bill is. It is also useable for the opposite case: The less kilowatts of electricity are spent, the smaller electricity bill is.
- Published
- 2006
39. The role of management in career development
- Author
Lamza-Maronic, Maja, primary, Glavas, Jerko, additional, and Uroda, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2014
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40. PaintArt 2.0 — Computer program for education of visual arts in secondary schools
- Author
Prohaska, Zvjezdana, primary, Prohaska, Zdenko, additional, and Uroda, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2014
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41. American Investor - simulation of investments in stocks and options.
- Author
Prohaska, Zdenko, Uroda, Ivan, and Suljic, Stella
- Abstract
American Investor, the former official simulation of the American Stock Exchange, was designed to teach market participants, i.e. investors but also students the basics of fundamental and technical analysis of stocks and the use of options in their investment strategy. It allowed participants to refine their analytical and investment skills in a no-risk environment. To test the knowledge and investment skills of students in transitional countries, graduate students of finance in Croatia and Slovenia tested their investment strategies on the American stock exchange with this simulation during their investment courses in the time period 1995–2005. It was found out that as time proceeded the results of the students were better because parallel with the evolution of the financial markets in their home countries special finance and investment courses were taught at their faculties what enabled them to be better prepared for investments in the secondary stock markets and options markets. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2012
42. Creation of a Business Database for Waste Disposal and Timesheets in the Company RT Primorka d.o.o
- Author
Zelić, Toni and Uroda, Ivan
- Abstract
Današnje vrijeme nameće potrebu organiziranja, uređivanja i pohranjivanja sve veće količine podataka koja se pojavljuje u svakom aspektu poslovnog procesa neke tvrtke. Stoga je predmet ovog završnog rada bilo kreiranje poslovne baze podataka za zbrinjavanje otpada i evidenciju radnog vremena za tvrtku Rt Primorka d.o.o. koja se bavi trgovinom tekstila, odjevnih predmeta, obuće i kožnih proizvoda na malo. U radu su pobliže objašnjene osnovne karakteristike poslovnih baza podataka, njihove definicije, te obilježja i funkcionalne osobitosti i povijesni razvoj softvera za kreiranje poslovne baze podataka općenito i Microsoft Accessa. Nadalje, izneseni su osnovni podaci o tekstilnoj industriji, njezinom povijesnom razvoju u RH kao i položaju u ukupnom gospodarstvu RH s osvrtom na tvrtku RT Primorka d.o.o. koja spada u djelokrug rada tekstilne industrije. U radu su prezentirane relevantne zakonske regulative za poslovanje tvrtke RT Primorka d.o.o. među kojima su detaljno objašnjena temeljna obilježja regulative o zbrinjavanju otpada i evidenciji radnog vremena. Prezentirani su načini postupci kreiranja poslovne baze podataka za RT Primorka d.o.o. te je prikazana kreirana poslovna baza podataka za zbrinjavanje otpada i evidenciju radnog vremena gore navedene tvrtke u obliku tablica i obrazaca unutar programa Microsoft Access. Razlog zašto je autor ovog završnog rada odlučio kreirati predmetnu poslovnu bazu podataka sadržan je u činjenici da je kreiranjem iste nastojao olakšati poslovanje tvrtki Rt Primorka d.o.o. kroz softverski kreiranu poslovnu bazu podataka za zbrinjavanje otpada i evidenciju radnog vremena, a u svrhu unaprjeđenja i ubrzanja poslovnog procesa svih dionika u sustavu tvrtke.
- Published
- 2022
43. Creation of spreadsheets for making reports to the management in the company Feromihin d.o.o
- Author
Pendeš, Dora, Uroda, Ivan, Vukmirović, Slavomir, and Katunar, Jana
- Abstract
Proračunska tablica, ukratko, jest zapravo velik broj ćelija koje su organizirane u retke i stupce i sadrže tekst, numeričke vrijednosti ili formule. Microsoft Excel je samo jedan od programa za proračunske tablice te broji čak preko 300 različitih funkcija. U ovom diplomskom radu upotrijebljeno je 16 Excel funkcija no prije same razrade, valjalo je spomenuti industriju predmetne tvrtke Feromihin d.o.o, a to je, ukratko, proizvodnja i održavanje plinovoda, naftovoda i cjevovoda. Republika Hrvatska ima veliku povijest proizvodnje nafte i plina, čak preko 100 godina. Iako na domaćem planu, proizvodnja nafte i plina u Hrvatskoj se smanjuje, a potreba za naknadnim opremanjem proizvodnih pogona raste. Tvrtka Feromihin d.o.o. u ovome trenutku, provodi dva projekta usmjerena na inovacije i internacionalizaciju koja ujedno jačaju i samu industriju. U svom poslovanju zaposlenici tvrtke Feromihin d.o.o koriste ERP (engl. Enterprise Resource Planning) sustav, no on sad ne sadrži izvještavanje menadžmenta. Stoga je autorica ovog diplomskog rada koristila Excel kao proračunsku tablicu za rješavanje problema izvještavanja menadžmenta. Konkretno, tvrtka Feromihin d.o.o. analitiku troškova i prihoda temelji po mjestu troška tj. po projektima. Autorica je obradom informacija iz putnih naloga pomoću Excel funkcija pojedinom zaposleniku pridružila odgovarajuću satnicu te je izradila pregled troškova vozila i rada po projektu. Uz daljnju upotrebu funkcija u obradi bilanci, izračunati su pojedinačni i ukupni prihodi projekata te su troškovi zajedničkih službi raspoređeni po projektima. Finalno, upotrebom svih ranije dobivenih izračuna i podataka, izrađen je predmetni izvještaj u dva dijela, prvi s prikazom pojedinačnih bilanci projekata zajedno s podatcima o udjelu pojedinog projekta u ukupnim prihodima, rasporedom troškova zajedničkih službi po projektu te raspodjelom direktnih troškova rada i vozila po danom projektu, a drugi dio finalnog izvještaja predstavlja bruto maržu te neto projektnu maržu svakog projekta tvrtke Feromihin d.o.o. u poslovnoj godini 2021. temeljem čega njen menadžment može kvalitetno planirati daljnja ulaganja u buduće poslovanje, naobrazbu zaposlenika, obnovu proizvodnog pogona i brojne ostale investicije.
- Published
- 2022
44. Kreiranje poslovne baze podataka za Hortiriviera d.o.o
- Author
Tomić, Ivan and Uroda, Ivan
- Abstract
Businesses worldwide have turned to computers and new technology to improve their day-to-day operations and one of those technologies are databases. This is why it’s important to know the history of databases and how they have become a critical component improving manipulation of business data due to the fact that it enables faster accessing, editing and deleting of data. On that note, the author has conducted the research on Hortiriviera d.o.o. and their current system of managing and manipulating data. Finding out that there is possible to add value, the author of this bachelor thesis decided to create a business database for Hortiriviera d.o.o. Thus, a detailed process of the creation of a business database is shown. The software used to create the database was Microsoft Access, which is a part of the Microsoft Office. The finished database is shown in detail i.e., in tables, forms, subforms and reports followed by detailed descriptions. It allows employees of Hortiriviera d.o.o. to create quote sheets for new clients, summarize past orders and quickly find data as well as information stored in it. To showcase how this business database created for Hortiriviera d.o.o. is going to add value, an interview with an employee was conducted. From the average score of 4,125 out of 5, one can conclude that the introduction of the business database has favourable outcome. In the very end, the author of this bachelor thesis presented a conclusion considering all the findings.
- Published
- 2022
45. Creation of a Business Database for Reservations and Exchange of Consumer Products in Sport Vision d.o.o
- Author
Šikić, Edi and Uroda, Ivan
- Abstract
Kroz ovaj završni rad je prikazan razvoj Accessa i osnovni podatci koji obuhvaćaju sve verzije, godine izdavanja, pakete u kojima se nalazi itd. Također su prikazani i odabrani ostali programi koji se koriste za kreiranje baza podataka. To su DbVisualizer, Altibase, SQL i Oracle. Objašnjena je i potreba za poslovnim bazama podataka u poslovanju te na koji način se pozicioniraju u efikasnom sustavu poslovanja. Također se ukazuje na povezanost tehnologije i poslovanja kao baze za razvoj poslovnih baza podataka kroz protok vremena. Navedeno je prikazano i povezano kroz Hamelov poslovni model kojim se objašnjava povezanost i utjecaj zasebnih komponenti poslovanja. Zbog različitih potreba poslovanja javljaju se i potrebe za različitim načinima primjene poslovnih baza podataka, kao što su baze za upravljanje odnosa s kupcima, za praćenje inventure i praćenje financija. Nadalje, predstavljena je tvrtka Sport Vision d.o.o. koja je u Hrvatskoj jedna od vodećih tvrtki za prodaju sportske opreme pored Decathlona, Intersporta, Hervisa i Ferivia. Tvrtka je u stalnom rastu i razvoju na domaćem i inozemnom tržištu, a to se vidi iz sve većeg broja poslovnica i zaposlenih. Uzevši sve ranije navedeno kao polazište, u sklopu ovog završnog rada autor je kreirao poslovnu bazu podataka za Sport Vision d.o.o. kojom je predložio kako riješiti sustav narudžbi i rezervacija u poslovnicama s ciljem poboljšanja, ali i unaprjeđenja poslovanja. Spomenuta poslovna baza podataka u ovom završnom radu kreirana je u Microsoft Accessu, te je cijeli postupak prikazan uz objašnjenja i postupke kako bi se prikazale sve mogućnosti ovakve poslovne baze podataka.
- Published
- 2022
46. Creation of a Business Database for Registering Applied Projects in the City of Rovinj - Rovigno
- Author
Modrušan, Leo and Uroda, Ivan
- Abstract
Microsoft Access jedan je od primjera sustava za upravljanje bazama podataka koji svojim korisnicima omogućuju jednostavan pristup, unos, organizaciju i pohranu podataka. Isti je dostupan putem Microsoft Office paketa. Kroz godine, Microsoft Access se konstantno razvijao, svaka verzija donosi određena poboljšanja i promjene koje zadovoljavaju potrebe tržišta. Nadalje, Grad Rovinj je grad na zapadnoj obali istarskog poluotoka. Djeluje kao lokalna samouprava čije je poslovanje organizirano kroz upravne odjele. Jedan od spomenutih upravnih odjela je Upravni odjel za gospodarstvo, javnu nabavu i europske fondove. Isti, uz ostalo, upravlja podacima o kandidiranim projektima Grada Rovinja-Rovigno financiranim sredstvima iz Europske unije koji su relevantni za ovaj završni rad. Nastavno na to, u sklopu ovog završnog rada kreirana je poslovna baza podataka za Grad Rovinj-Rovigno tj. za evidentiranje kandidiranih projekata Grada Rovinja-Rovigno financiranim od strane Europske unije se ukazuje na pogodnosti koje takav način upravljanja podatcima pruža. Kreirani su objekti baze podataka odnosno tablice, upiti, obrasci i podobrasci te izvještaji, a za sve od navedenih objekata je objašnjeno kako su kreirani i na koji način olakšavaju upravljanje spomenutim podatcima.
- Published
- 2022
47. Kreiranje poslovne baze podataka za dokumentiranje rada zaposlenih u Euromarkt d.o.o
- Author
Željko, Matija and Uroda, Ivan
- Abstract
Software Microsoft Access was first introduced in 1992 by Microsoft, through years of development and upgrades it is still one of the most popular and used tools for creating business databases. Moreover, company Euromarkt d. o. o. was founded in 1992 and located in Zagreb, Euromarkt d. o. o. has long experience in business of sales, rental and service of all warehouse machinery. In last 15 years, company has managed to position itself as one of the strongest in the region. It stands out among competition by having agency agreements with some of the world’s largest warehouse machinery manufacturers. Finally, in this bachelor thesis, author created and explained process of creating a business database that is documenting Euromarkt d. o. o.’s employees overall work throughout the year.
- Published
- 2021
48. Creation of proposal for the missing segment of the business database with relational method on the example of Special hospital Varaždinske toplice
- Author
Kaniški, Mateja, Uroda, Ivan, Vukmirović, Slavomir, and Galović, Tomislav
- Abstract
Pojam baza podataka može obuhvaćati skup raznovrsnih podataka, a baza podataka definira se kao skupina povezanih zapisa ili datoteka, dostupna širokom spektru korisnika. Izrada baza podataka temelji se na utvrđivanju i analizi zahtjeva između davatelja i korisnika podataka, a obuhvaća prijedloge i načine za grupiranje, strukturiranje i povezivanje istih. Upravljanje podatcima u bazama podataka sustavi za upravljanje istima. Tri su osnovna modela baza podataka su: hijerarhijski model, mrežni model, objektni model i relacijski model baze podataka. Microsoft Access jedan je od najprilagodljivijih programa, dizajniran da se njime može relativno brzo kreirati jednostavne baze podatka. U sustavu rada Microsoft Access korisniku omogućuje kreiranje i upravljanje koristeći osnovne objekte kao što su tablice, upiti, obrasci, izvještaji i makronaredbe. Nadalje, Specijalna bolnica Varaždinske Toplice najstarija je bolnica za medicinsku rehabilitaciju utemeljena 1820. godine. Predmetna bolnica posjeduje 5 smještajnih objekata sa preko 526 soba i oko 930 kreveta. Bolnica za svrhu prijema, obrade i otpusta pacijenata koristi se programom BIS od 09.12.2019. godine. Sustav omogućava bolnici da prati povijest događanja od prijama do otpusta pacijenta. Također BIS sustav se nadovezuje i na potrebe menadžmenta za njihovo praćenje kontrole rada, učinkovitosti, potrošnje materijala i lijekova. Tako je i za kreiranje prijedloga nedostajućeg segmenta poslovne baze podataka relacijskom metodom na primjeru Specijalne bolnice Varaždinske Toplice korišten, ranije spomenuti, program Microsoft Access i njegovi objekti tj. tablice, upiti, obrasci, izvještaji i makronaredbe. Kreiranjem nedostajućeg segmenta poslovne baze podataka s relacijskom metodom, s uključenim podatcima o opremljenosti soba i raspoloživosti smještajnih jedinica u Specijalnoj bolnici Varaždinske Toplice izbjegla bi se mogućnost ponavljanja podataka te bi se postigla bolja efikasnost u organizaciji i evidenciji pacijenata i podataka o raspoloživim smještajnim jedinicama.
- Published
- 2021
49. Kreiranje poslovne baze podataka s izvještajima o štetama za Cito fresh logistika d.o.o
- Author
Lipizer, Nicole and Uroda, Ivan
- Abstract
The main purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is the creation of business database with the data gathered about the damage during transports by the company Cito Fresh Logistika Ltd. This, Cito Fresh Logistika, Ltd is company that works in Transportation Services Sector Industry with the headquarters in the City of Rijeka, Croatia. Thus, activities and fields of logistics were explained to create a broader picture of the company's business and to overview the main issues and reasons for creation of business database. The term logistics and its importance are explained together with logistics in the Republic of Croatia. Furthermore, the brief history of databases in general is presented along with the history of Microsoft Access which is the program i.e. software used for the development of this business database. In this Bachelor thesis, the whole process of creating this business database for Cito Fresh Logistika Ltd is shown - including: tables, relationships, queries, forms (without subforms as wells with subforms) and report, by using screenshots and additional explanations underneath. Also, this Bachelor thesis contains number of suggestions for its improvement in the future as well as the improvements of the company's business. The conclusion presents the summarization of all parts of this Bachelor thesis and everything that was discussed previously. Also, it contains the concluding segment on how the created business database can be beneficial and useful in the future, primarily for the company Cito Fresh Logistika Ltd and its employees.
- Published
- 2021
50. Izrada baze podataka za praćenje raznih troškova kod iznajmljivanja stanova
- Author
Zatezalo, Boris and Uroda, Ivan
- Abstract
The idea for this bachelor thesis first sprouted in the author’s mind during his studies in the third year of his International Business program, particularly while learning the implementation of Microsoft Office Access during the course Data Bases that is held by the professor who is also the supervisor of this bachelor thesis. The author, who is also familiar with the business of apartment renting, thought it might be beneficial to implement business databases in the management and organisation of said business. The goal of this bachelor thesis is to analyse how databases can help with managing an apartment renting business. This will be done by first analysing the business of apartment renting, then analysing the history of databases, and finally creating a business database that can accommodate the needs of an apartment renting business.
- Published
- 2021
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