Osrednja tema magistrskega dela je analiza informiranja starejših o izobraževalni ponudbi, ki predstavlja v tržnem diskurzu pomemben korak v procesu odločanja, na izbiro storitvene dejavnosti, med te uvrščamo tudi izobraževanje starejših. Kljub naraščanju deleža starejših ostaja udeležba v izobraževalnih programih relativno nizka. V želji po večji vključenosti vanje je po Resoluciji o nacionalnem programu izobraževanja odraslih v Republiki Sloveniji za obdobje 2022–2030 (2022) sprejet nabor ukrepov za krepitev informiranja in ozaveščanja populacije o učinkih izobraževanje v vseh življenjskih obdobjih. Za koherentno informiranje se priporoča integrirano tržno komuniciranje in upoštevanje posebnosti storitvene dejavnosti. Poznavanje elementov komunikacijskega procesa omogoča doseganje večje učinkovitosti informiranja, kar je bil tudi predmet raziskovanja v tem magistrskem delu. Rezultati kvantitativnega dela so pokazali, da se je v zadnjih treh letih izobraževala več kot polovica starejših anketirancev, najpogosteje z namenom spoznavanja področja. V večini je bila neudeležba posledica pandemije COVID-19. Ugotovitve kažejo, da večina anketirancev najbolj zaupa informacijam bližnjih ali strokovnjakov. Pri izobraževalni ustanovi cenijo odnos do udeležencev in etično ter transparentno delovanje. Udeleženci raziskave tudi v večini poznajo Tedne vseživljenjskega učenja kot nacionalno promocijsko kampanjo, a je plakat (2022) opazila manj kot polovica anketirancev. V splošnem so mnenja, da znajo relativno dobro poiskati informacije. Za namere odločanja o udeležbi v izobraževanju bi poiskali dva vira informacij. Odzivi na vprašanja o načinu sporočanja so pokazali, da so jim blizu humorni apeli, pomembno vlogo imajo znane osebnosti, a niso ključne. Analiza zapisov fokusne skupine je pokazala, da imajo udeleženci pozitiven odnos do izobraževanja starejših, pri čemer pa kot temeljno vodilo za udeležbo navedejo osebni interes. Poudarijo lasten način iskanja informacij, hkrati pa predstavijo nabor zamisli za promocijo izobraževanja starejših. Kljub temu, da rezultatov ni mogoče posploševati, velja izvedena raziskava kot osnova za nadaljnje proučevanje tržno komunikacijskih elementov uspešnega informiranja starejših o izobraževalni ponudbi. The main subject of the master's thesis was the analysis of the communication of educational opportunities to older adults. In marketing, communication is an important step in the decision-making process of choosing a service activity, education of older adults included. While the proportion of older adults has increased at an accelerating rate, participation in educational programmes has remained relatively low. To increase the participation of older adults in educational activities, Slovenia has adopted the Resolution on the National Programme of Adult Education in the Republic of Slovenia 2021-2030 (2022), a set of measures to promote communication and raise awareness about the importance of education in all ages among the population. Adopting an integrated marketing communication approach and considering the specificities of service activities are recommended for establishing coherent communication. Knowledge of the communication process elements makes it possible to achieve greater communication effectiveness. The latter was the subject of the study. The quantitative survey results (n = 302) showed that more than half of the respondents had received training in the last three years, most commonly to learn more about the field. In many cases, non-participation was a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the respondents trusted information from close relatives and experts the most. They valued educational institutions that had a positive attitude towards the participants and acted ethically and transparently. Most respondents were aware of the Lifelong Learning Weeks national promotion campaign. However, less than half had seen the poster (2022). Overall, they considered that they were relatively good at finding information. They would find at least two sources of information to decide whether to participate in training. Regarding the characteristics of the messages, the respondents enjoyed humorous appeals and preferred personal appeals to using celebrities in communication. The focus group participants held positive attitudes towards education for older adults, citing personal interest as the main reason for participating. They emphasized that they had ways of finding information while putting forward ideas on how to promote the education of older adults. Although its findings cannot be generalized, the survey can serve as a starting point for further research on marketing communications elements needed to effectively communicate educational opportunities for older adults.