36 results on '"Twenhöfel C"'
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2. Tritium besmetting in Petten en mogelijke risico's voor de omgeving
- Author
Slaper H, Twenhöfel C, van der Knaap Y, VLH, and M&V
- Subjects
radiation ,straling ,tritium ,radioactivity ,radioactiviteit ,grondwater ,groundwater ,RIVM rapport 2017-0103 ,bodembesmetting ,soil contamination - Abstract
In 2012 is bij de Hoge Flux Reactor (HFR) in Petten een lekkage ontdekt van de radioactieve stof tritium in de bodem. De beheerder, NRG, heeft inmiddels maatregelen genomen om de lekkage te stoppen. RIVM heeft onderzocht wat de gevolgen voor omwonenden kunnen zijn. Uit dit onderzoek komt dat ook bij zeer ongunstige scenario's de blootstelling voor omwonenden beperkt blijft tot een dosis die als onbeduidend wordt aangemerkt, namelijk minder dan 10 microsievert per jaar. Ter vergelijking: dat is minder dan 0,4 % van de hoeveelheid straling die Nederlanders gemiddeld in een jaar opdoen door bronnen die veelal van nature in de leefomgeving aanwezig zijn (www.rivm.nl/stralingsbelasting). Er zijn geen aanwijzingen dat de lekkage van tritium naar de bodem nog voortduurt, maar de concentraties aan de terreingrens kunnen door grondwaterstroming nog wel hoger worden dan eerder geschat. Voortzetting van een monitoringprogramma is daarom wenselijk. Het RIVM-onderzoek is gebaseerd op de door NRG uitgevoerde bodemanalyses en de modellering van de grondwaterstromen door het ingenieursbureau Sweco, en is uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming. RIVM bestudeerde een twintigtal aangeleverde rapportages (tot en met oktober 2016) en onderschrijft de conclusie dat de concentratie van tritium in het grondwater aan de terreingrens in of na 2018 mogelijk hoger kan worden dan de eerder gestelde grenswaarde van 100 Bq/L. Ook schat RIVM dat de totale nog resterende besmetting waarschijnlijk groter is dan door Sweco en NRG aangegeven. De maximale concentratie aan de terreingrens blijft naar verwachting onder een waarde van enkele duizenden Bq/L. Voor tritium hanteert de World Health Organization (WHO) een richtlijn voor drinkwaterbesmetting van 10.000 Bq/L, ruim hoger dan de nu voor het grondwater aan de terreingrens geschatte maximale waarden. Ook in het ongunstigste scenario blijft de blootstelling voor omwonenden beperkt tot maximaal 10 microsievert per jaar. Maatregelen NRG heeft als beheerder van de HFR maatregelen genomen om de lekkage te stoppen en de besmetting te beteugelen. Op basis van de beschikbare gegevens concludeert het RIVM dat er geen aanwijzingen zijn dat de lekkage nog voortduurt. Er zijn door NRG verschillende alternatieven beschouwd om de concentraties aan de terreingrens nog verder te beteugelen. Omdat de concentraties al laag zijn en er bij omwonenden geen effecten op de gezondheid verwacht worden, lijken deze maatregelen weinig extra effectief. Wel beveelt het RIVM aan dat NRG het monitoring programma op het terrein in stand houdt, omdat het moeilijk gebleken is om de waterstromen op het terrein goed te voorspellen. In aanvulling daarop beveelt het RIVM aan ook juist buiten de terreingrens de besmettingsniveaus te bewaken, bijvoorbeeld in de nabijgelegen sloot. Tritium Tritium is een radioactieve stof die ontstaat door kernreacties in een watergekoelde kernreactor. De stof komt ook in de natuur voor, door reacties van zonnedeeltjes met onze atmosfeer. Tritium wordt gebruikt in noodverlichting in vliegtuigen, en als lichtbron in militaire apparatuur. De straling van tritium is heel zwak en kan niet door de huid dringen. Alleen na opname in het lichaam (vooral door inslikken of inademen) kan het bijdragen aan de stralingsblootstelling van mensen. Tritium vervalt vrij langzaam: na 12 jaar is nog de helft van de originele hoeveelheid over.
- Published
- 2020
3. Multiplicity distributions and charged-neutral fluctuations
- Author
Nayak, Tapan K, Aggarwal, MM, Agnihotri, A, Ahammed, Z, Angelis, ALS, Antonenko, V, Arefiev, V, Astakhov, V, Avdeitchikov, V, Awes, TC, Baba, PVKS, Badyal, SK, Baldine, A, Barabach, L, Barlag, C, Bathe, S, Batiounia, B, Bernier, T, Bhalla, KB, Bhatia, VS, Blume, C, Bock, R, Bohne, E-M, Bucher, D, Buijs, A, Buis, E-J, Büsching, H, Carlen, L, Chalyshev, V, Chattopadhyay, S, Chenawi, KE, Cherbatchev, R, Chujo, T, Claussen, A, Das, AC, Decowski, MP, Djordjadze, V, Donni, P, Doubovik, I, Dubey, AK, Dutta Majumdar, MR, Eliseev, S, Enosawa, K, Feldmann, H, Foka, P, Fokin, S, Frolov, V, Ganti, MS, Garpman, S, Gavrishchuk, O, Geurts, FJM, Ghosh, TK, Glasow, R, Gupta, SK, Guskov, B, Gustafsson, HA, Gutbrod, HH, Higuchi, R, Hrivanacova, I, Ippolitov, M, Kalechofsky, H, Kamermans, R, Kampert, K-H, Karadjev, K, Karpio, K, Kato, S, Kees, S, Kim, H, Kolb, BW, Kosarev, I, Koutcheryaev, I, Kugler, A, Kulinich, P, Kumar, V, Kurata, M, Kurita, K, Kuzmin, N, Langbein, I, Lebedev, A, Lee, YY, Löhner, H, Mahapatra, DP, Manko, V, Martin, M, Maximov, A, Mehdiyev, R, Mgebrichvili, G, Miake, Y, Mikhalev, D, Mishra, GC, Miyamoto, Y, Mohanty, B, Morrison, D, Mukhopadhyay, DS, Myalkovski, V, Naef, H, Nandi, BK, Nayak, SK, Nayak, TK, Neumaier, S, Nianine, A, Nikitine, V, Nikolaev, S, Nishimura, S, Nomokov, P, Nystrand, J, Obenshain, FE, Oskarsson, A, Otterlund, I, Pachr, M, Parfenov, A, Pavliouk, S, Peitzmann, T, Petracek, V, Plasil, F, Purschke, ML, Raeven, B, Rak, J, Raniwala, R, Raniwala, S, Ramamurthy, VS, Rao, NK, Retiere, F, Reygers, K, Roland, G, Rosselet, L, Roufanov, I, Rubio, JM, Sambyal, SS, Santo, R, Sato, S, Schlagheck, H, Schmidt, H-R, Shabratova, G, Sibiriak, I, Siemiarczuk, T, Sinha, BC, Slavine, N, Söderström, K, Solomey, N, Sood, G, Sørensen, SP, Stankus, P, Stefanek, G, Steinberg, P, Stenlund, E, Stüken, D, Sumbera, M, Svensson, T, Trivedi, MD, Tsvetkov, A, Twenhöfel, C, Tykarski, L, Urbahn, J, Eijndhoven, NV, Heeringen, WHV, Nieuwenhuizen, GJV, Vinogradov, A, Viyogi, YP, Vodopianov, A, Vörös, S, Vos, MA, Wyslouch, B, Yagi, K, Yokota, Y, and Young, GR
- Published
- 2001
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4. Towards an improved decision-making process to better cope with uncertainties following a nuclear accident
- Author
Durand, V., primary, Maître, M., additional, Crouaïl, P., additional, Schneider, T., additional, Sala, R., additional, Marques-Nunes, P., additional, Paiva, I., additional, Monteiro Gil, O., additional, Reis, M., additional, Hilliard, C., additional, Tafili, V., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Van Asselt, E., additional, Trueba, C., additional, Montero, M., additional, and Duranova, T., additional
- Published
- 2020
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5. Stakeholder involvement through national panels and surveys to address the issues and uncertainties arising in the preparedness and management of the transition phase
- Author
Montero, M., primary, Sala, R., additional, Trueba, C., additional, García-Puerta, B., additional, Abelshausen, B., additional, Bohunova, J., additional, Croüail, P., additional, Durand, V., additional, Duranova, T., additional, Hilliard, C., additional, Maitre, M., additional, Mitrakos, D., additional, Monteiro Gil, O., additional, Nunes, P., additional, Paiva, I., additional, Reis, M., additional, Schneider, T., additional, Skuterud, L., additional, Smith, V., additional, Tafili, V., additional, Thørring, H., additional, Turcanu, C., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, and Van Asselt, E., additional
- Published
- 2020
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6. Ranking uncertainties in atmospheric dispersion modelling following the accidental release of radioactive material
- Author
Leadbetter, S.J., primary, Andronopoulos, S., additional, Bedwell, P., additional, Chevalier-Jabet, K., additional, Geertsema, G., additional, Gering, F., additional, Hamburger, T., additional, Jones, A.R., additional, Klein, H., additional, Korsakissok, I., additional, Mathieu, A., additional, Pázmándi, T., additional, Périllat, R., additional, Rudas, Cs., additional, Sogachev, A., additional, Szántó, P., additional, Tomas, J.M., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, de Vries, H., additional, and Wellings, J., additional
- Published
- 2020
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7. Development of countermeasure strategies involving stakeholders: Towards an improved decision-making process to better cope with uncertainties following a nuclear accident
- Author
Durand, V., Maître, M., Crouaïl, P., Schneider, T., Sala, R., Marques-Nunes, P., Paiva, I., Monteiro Gil, O., Reis, M., Hilliard, C., Tafili, V., Twenhöfel, C., Van Asselt, E., Trueba, C., Montero, M., and Duranova, T.
- Subjects
Post-accident recovery ,Team Agrochains ,BU Toxicologie, Novel Foods & Agroketens ,Emergency preparedness and response ,BU Toxicology, Novel Foods & Agrochains ,Emergency and transition phases ,Recommendations ,Decision-making process ,Uncertainties ,Nuclear accident - Abstract
An emergency situation is subject to multiple sources of uncertainties which should be identified in advance in order to improve the emergency and recovery management, and so optimally foster the living conditions of the population and the quality of their environment. In this context, the Work Package 4 of the European Research Project CONFIDENCE aimed at identifying and reducing uncertainties which could emerge in decision-making processes, in order to improve the preparedness and response after a nuclear accident. To that end, stakeholder panels have been set up in several European countries to collect their views and concerns regarding the decisions to be taken in the event of a nuclear crisis (e.g. evacuation, food restrictions, etc.). More particularly, the implementation of these panels allowed the researchers to (i) identify the main uncertainties that may hamper decision-making processes and to (ii) evaluate the influence of prior decisions made during the emergency phase over the medium to long-term evolution of the situation. Based on these discussions, the various types of uncertainties raised by the national panels have been analysed in order to suggest recommendations to better consider them and to improve the decision-making processes. This paper aims to detail the recommendations resulting from the panels discussions.
- Published
- 2020
8. Development of countermeasure strategies involving stakeholders: Stakeholder involvement through national panels and surveys to address the issues and uncertainties arising in the preparedness and management of the transition phase
- Author
Montero, M., Sala, R., Trueba, C., García-Puerta, B., Abelshausen, B., Bohunova, J., Croüail, P., Durand, V., Duranova, T., Hilliard, C., Maitre, M., Mitrakos, D., Monteiro Gil, O., Nunes, P., Paiva, I., Reis, M., Schneider, T., Skuterud, L., Smith, V., Tafili, V., Thørring, H., Turcanu, C., Twenhöfel, C., and Van Asselt, E.
- Subjects
CONFIDENCE ,Team Agrochains ,Emergency preparedness ,BU Toxicologie, Novel Foods & Agroketens ,Recovery ,Delphi survey ,BU Toxicology, Novel Foods & Agrochains ,Stakeholder engagement ,Transition phase ,Decision-making - Abstract
Under the framework of the CONFIDENCE project, work package 4 was focusing on the transition to long-term recovery, involving stakeholders in decision-making processes. The essential research was performed using a participatory approach, which combined scenario-based stakeholder discussion panels and transnational stakeholder surveys following the Delphi methodology. The objective was to identify and address the issues and uncertainties arising in the preparedness and management of the transition phase and to explore ways to facilitate the incorporation of stakeholders' expertise, points of view and interests in the decision-making processes. The final goal was to build best practices for planning optimal remediation strategies during the transition phase considering stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process. The results obtained from the work undertaken in nine European countries are presented.
- Published
- 2020
9. Evaporation residue cross sections for 40Ca + 48Ti at 25.0 and 33.9 MeV per nucleon
- Author
Bootsma, T. M. V., van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J., Box, P. F., Kamermans, R., Kuijer, P. G., de Laat, C. T. A. M., Twenhöfel, C. J. W., Decowski, P., and Griffioen, K. A.
- Published
- 1997
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10. Ranking uncertainties in atmospheric dispersion modelling following the accidental release of radioactive material
- Author
Leadbetter, S.J., Andronopoulos, S., Bedwell, P., Chevalier-Jabet, K., Geertsema, G., Gering, F., Hamburger, T., Jones, A.R., Klein, H., Korsakissok, I., Mathieu, A., Pázmándi, T., Périllat, R., Rudas, Cs., Sogachev, A., Szántó, P., Tomas, J.M., Twenhöfel, C., de Vries, H., Wellings, J., Leadbetter, S.J., Andronopoulos, S., Bedwell, P., Chevalier-Jabet, K., Geertsema, G., Gering, F., Hamburger, T., Jones, A.R., Klein, H., Korsakissok, I., Mathieu, A., Pázmándi, T., Périllat, R., Rudas, Cs., Sogachev, A., Szántó, P., Tomas, J.M., Twenhöfel, C., de Vries, H., and Wellings, J.
- Abstract
During the pre-release and early phase of an accidental release of radionuclides into the atmosphere there are few or no measurements, and dispersion models are used to assess the consequences and assist in determining appropriate countermeasures. However, uncertainties are high during this early phase and it is important to characterise these uncertainties and, if possible, include them in any dispersion modelling. In this paper we examine three sources of uncertainty in dispersion modelling; uncertainty in the source term, uncertainty in the meteorological information used to drive the dispersion model and intrinsic uncertainty within the dispersion model. We also explore the possibility of ranking these uncertainties dependent on their impact on the dispersion model outputs.
- Published
- 2020
11. Guidelines for ranking uncertainties in atmospheric dispersion
- Author
Wellings, J., Bedwell, P., Leadbetter, S., Tomas, J., Andronopoulos, S., Korsakissok, I., Périllat, R., Almeida, Mathieu, Geertsema, G., de Vries, H., Klein, H., Hamburger, T., Pázmándi, T., Szántó, P., Rudas, C., Sogachev, Andrey, Davis, Neil, and Twenhöfel, C.
- Abstract
A literature review has been conducted to investigate the extent to which the uncertainty on atmospheric dispersion models’ various input variables has an effect on the models’ outputs, and in particular to determine which input variables are most influential in the sense of giving rise to the largest uncertainties on those outputs. The wide range of models, parameters and scenarios uncovered in the review meant that it was difficult to make a meaningful comparison among them; however, certain patterns were apparent. Consequently, rather than determining a quantitative ranking, parameters have been grouped into approximate categories according to the influence their uncertainties might have on modelling results.
- Published
- 2018
12. Overview of the PREPARE WP3: management of contaminated goods in post-accidental situation – Synthesis of European stakeholders' panels
- Author
Charron, S., Lafage, S., Van Asselt, E., Baptista, M., Van Bourgondiën, M., Brandhoff, P., Cabianca, T., Camps, J., Cessac, B., Crouail, P., Durand, V., Gallego, E., Gil, O., Holmes, S., Hourdakis, C., Jones, K., Kamenopoulou, V., Lecomte, J.F., Liland, A., Lopes, I., Madruga, M.J., Martins, J.O., McMahon, C., Montero, M., Murith, C., Olyslaegers, G., Organo, C., Paiva, I., Peltonen, T., Portugal, L., Potiriadis, C., Prades, A., Reis, M., Rossignol, N., Schneider, T., Sala, R., Smith, V., Tafili, V., Teles, P., Tomkiv, Y., Trueba, C., Turcanu, C., Turtiainen, T., Twenhöfel, C., Vaz, P., Duranova, Tatiana, Raskob, Wolfgang, Schneider, Thierry, Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), Centre d’étude sur l’Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucléaire (CEPN), RIKILT, Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen] (WUR), Public Health England [London], Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucléaire (SCK-CEN), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Greek Atomic Energy Commission, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, AGENCIA PORTUGUESA DO AMBIENTE PRT, Partenaires IRSTEA, Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)-Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA), ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY DUBLIN IRL, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas [Madrid] (CIEMAT), Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority [Helsinki] (STUK), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), and National Institute for Public Health and the Environment [Bilthoven] (RIVM)
- Subjects
Operations research ,Contaminated product ,Novel Foods & Agrochains ,European research project ,BU Toxicologie ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,BU Contaminanten & Toxines ,Commission ,Novel Foods & Agroketens ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,03 medical and health sciences ,BU Contaminants & Toxins ,0302 clinical medicine ,Contamination ,Potable water ,Activity concentration ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,BU Toxicology, Novel Foods & Agrochains ,European union ,Marketing ,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality ,Waste Management and Disposal ,Fukushima accidents ,media_common ,Economic and social effects ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,European research ,BU Toxicology ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Stakeholder ,Nuclear post-accidental situations preparedness modalities ,Contaminated goods management ,Severe nuclear accident ,Nuclear Energy and Engineering ,Work (electrical) ,BU Toxicologie, Novel Foods & Agroketens ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Accidental ,Accidents ,European Countries ,Business ,Nuclear reactor accidents ,Stakeholders expectations - Abstract
Recommendations and requirements for the management of foodstuffs including drinking water and feedstuffs (but not other commodities) contaminated after a nuclear accident or a radiological event have been developed by international bodies such as Codex Alimentarius Commission or European Union as well as by individual countries. However, the experience from severe nuclear accidents (Chernobyl, Fukushima) and less serious radiological events, shows that the implementation of such systems (based on criteria expressed in activity concentration) seems to be not fully suitable to prevent several difficulties such as, for instance, stigmatization and even rejection attitudes from consumers or retailers (anticipating the fears of consumers). To further investigate the possible strategies and stakeholder expectations to deal with this sensitive issue, a study has been launched within the European research project PREPARE-WP3. The overall objective of this work, coordinated is to contribute to the development of strategies, guidance and tools for the management of the contaminated products, taking into account the views of producers, processing and retail industries and consumers. For this purpose, 10 stakeholder panels from different European countries have been set up. In addition, feedback experience from the management of contaminated goods following the Fukushima accident has been provided by Japanese stakeholders. This paper highlights the key topics tackled by the different European stakeholders' panels. © EDP Sciences 2016.
- Published
- 2016
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13. Tritium besmetting in Petten en mogelijke risico's voor de omgeving
- Author
VLH, M&V, Slaper H, Twenhöfel C, van der Knaap Y, VLH, M&V, Slaper H, Twenhöfel C, and van der Knaap Y
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:In 2012 is bij de Hoge Flux Reactor (HFR) in Petten een lekkage ontdekt van de radioactieve stof tritium in de bodem. De beheerder, NRG, heeft inmiddels maatregelen genomen om de lekkage te stoppen. RIVM heeft onderzocht wat de gevolgen voor omwonenden kunnen zijn. Uit dit onderzoek komt dat ook bij zeer ongunstige scenario's de blootstelling voor omwonenden beperkt blijft tot een dosis die als onbeduidend wordt aangemerkt, namelijk minder dan 10 microsievert per jaar. Ter vergelijking: dat is minder dan 0,4 % van de hoeveelheid straling die Nederlanders gemiddeld in een jaar opdoen door bronnen die veelal van nature in de leefomgeving aanwezig zijn (www.rivm.nl/stralingsbelasting). Er zijn geen aanwijzingen dat de lekkage van tritium naar de bodem nog voortduurt, maar de concentraties aan de terreingrens kunnen door grondwaterstroming nog wel hoger worden dan eerder geschat. Voortzetting van een monitoringprogramma is daarom wenselijk. Het RIVM-onderzoek is gebaseerd op de door NRG uitgevoerde bodemanalyses en de modellering van de grondwaterstromen door het ingenieursbureau Sweco, en is uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming. RIVM bestudeerde een twintigtal aangeleverde rapportages (tot en met oktober 2016) en onderschrijft de conclusie dat de concentratie van tritium in het grondwater aan de terreingrens in of na 2018 mogelijk hoger kan worden dan de eerder gestelde grenswaarde van 100 Bq/L. Ook schat RIVM dat de totale nog resterende besmetting waarschijnlijk groter is dan door Sweco en NRG aangegeven. De maximale concentratie aan de terreingrens blijft naar verwachting onder een waarde van enkele duizenden Bq/L. Voor tritium hanteert de World Health Organization (WHO) een richtlijn voor drinkwaterbesmetting van 10.000 Bq/L, ruim hoger dan de nu voor het grondwater aan de terreingrens geschatte maximale waarden. Ook in het ongunstigste scenario blijft de blootstelling voor omwonenden beperkt tot maximaal 10 microsie, In 2012 a leakage of radioactive tritium to soil was discovered at the High Flux Reactor (HFR) in Petten. NRG, the HFR-operator, took countermeasures to stop the leakage into the soil. RIVM investigated the radiological consequences for residents in the vicinity of the reactor. Even in very unfavourable scenarios, the exposure of local residents remains limited to a dose that is generally considered insignificant, namely less than 10 microsievert per year. To put things into perspective, this is less than 0.4% of the average amount of radiation that people in the Netherlands are exposed to per year from sources that are largely present in the environment (www.rivm.nl/stralingsbelasting). The leakage of tritium to the soil appears to have stopped, but the concentrations at the edge of the site could increase to higher levels than previously estimated. Continuation of a monitoring programme is therefore deemed advisable. The above conclusions were the result of an investigation carried out by RIVM for the Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection. The investigation was based on the soil analyses carried out by NRG and the modelling of the groundwater flows by the Sweco firm of consulting engineers. RIVM has studied 20 reports submitted on the matter (up to and including October 2016) and supports the conclusion that the concentration of tritium in the groundwater on the edge of the site in or after 2018 could possibly exceed the threshold value of 100 Bq/L that was set previously. RIVM also estimates that the total amount of contamination still remaining is probably greater than the amount indicated by Sweco and NRG. However, the maximum concentration at the edge of the site is expected to remain below a few thousand Bq/L. For tritium contamination of drinking water, the World Health Organisation (WHO) applies a guideline of 10,000 Bq/L, which is considerably higher than the estimated maximum concentrations in the groundwater at the edge of the site. Even
- Published
- 2017
14. Systematics of inclusive photon production in 158·A GeV Pb induced reactions on Ni, Nb, and Pb targets
- Author
Aggarwal, M. M., Agnihotri, A., Ahammed, Z., Angelis, A. L. S., Antonenko, V., Arefiev, V., Astakhov, V., Avdeitchikov, V., Awes, T. C., Baba, P. V. K. S., Badyal, S. K., Baldine, A., Barabach, L., Barlag, C., Bathe, S., Batiounia, B., Bernier, T., Bhalla, K. B., Bhatia, V. S., Blume, C., Bock, R., Bohne, E. -M, Böröcz, Z., Bucher, D., Buijs, A., Büsching, H., Carlen, L., Chalyshev, V., Chattopadhyay, S., Cherbatchev, R., Chujo, T., Claussen, A., Das, A. C., Michal Patrick Decowski, Djordjadze, V., Donni, P., Doubovik, I., Dutt, S., Dutta Majumdar, M. R., El Chenawi, K., Eliseev, S., Enosawa, K., Foka, P., Fokin, S., Frolov, V., Ganti, M. S., Garpman, S., Gavrishchuk, O., Geurts, F. J. M., Ghosh, T. K., Glasow, R., Gupta, S. K., Guskov, B., Gustafsson, H. A., Gutbrod, H. H., Higuchi, R., Hrivnacova, I., Ippolitov, M., Kalechofsky, H., Kamermans, R., Kampert, K. -H, Karadjev, K., Karpio, K., Kato, S., Kees, S., Kim, H., Kolb, B. W., Kosarev, I., Koutcheryaev, I., Krümpel, T., Kugler, A., Kulinich, P., Kurata, M., Kurita, K., Kuzmin, N., Langbein, I., Lebedev, A., Lee, Y. Y., Löhner, H., Luquin, L., Mahapatra, D. P., Manko, V., Martin, M., Maximov, A., Mehdiyev, R., Mgebrichvili, G., Miake, Y., Mikhalev, D., Mir, M. F., Mishra, G. C., Miyamoto, Y., Morrison, D., Mukhopadhyay, D. S., Myalkovski, V., Naef, H., Nandi, B. K., Nayak, S. K., Nayak, T. K., Neumaier, S., Nianine, A., Nikitine, V., Nikolaev, S., Nilsson, P., Nishimura, S., Nomokonov, P., Nystrand, J., Obenshain, F. E., Oskarsson, A., Otterlund, I., Pachr, M., Parfenov, A., Pavliouk, S., Peitzmann, T., Petracek, V., Plasil, F., Pinanaud, W., Purschke, M. L., Raeven, B., Rak, J., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Ramamurthy, V. S., Rao, N. K., Retiere, F., Reygers, K., Roland, G., Rosselet, L., Roufanov, I., Roy, C., Rubio, J. M., Sako, H., Sambyal, S. S., Santo, R., Sato, S., Schlagheck, H., Schmidt, H. -R, Shabratova, G., Shah, T. H., Sibiriak, I., Siemiarczuk, T., Silvermyr, D., Sinha, B. C., Slavine, N., Söderström, K., Solomey, N., Sorensen, S. P., Stankus, P., Stefanek, G., Steinberg, P., Stenlund, E., Stüken, D., Sumbera, M., Svensson, T., Trivedi, M. D., Tsvetkov, A., Twenhöfel, C., Tykarski, L., Urbahn, J., Eijndhoven, N. V., Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. V., Vinogradov, A., Viyogi, Y. P., Vodopianov, A., Vörös, S., Wysluch, B., Yagi, K., Yokota, Y., and Young, G. R.
- Subjects
Physics ,Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Photon ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Photon yield ,Power law ,Nuclear physics ,Transverse plane ,Pseudorapidity ,Exponent ,Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex) ,Multiplicity (chemistry) ,Nuclear Experiment ,Nucleon ,Nuclear Physics - Abstract
The multiplicity of inclusive photons has been measured on an event-by-event basis for 158 AGeV Pb induced reactions on Ni, Nb, and Pb targets. The systematics of the pseudorapidity densities at midrapidity (rho_max) and the width of the pseudorapidity distributions have been studied for varying centralities for these collisions. A power law fit to the photon yield as a function of the number of participating nucleons gives a value of 1.13+-0.03 for the exponent. The mean transverse momentum, , of photons determined from the ratio of the measured electromagnetic transverse energy and photon multiplicity, remains almost constant with increasing rho_max. Results are compared with model predictions., Comment: 16 pages including 4 figures
- Published
- 1999
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15. Veilig leven met stralingsrisico’s
- Author
Jong, S.M. de, Hiemstra, P.H., Karssenberg, D.J., Twenhöfel, C., Landscape functioning, Geocomputation and Hydrology, and FG Landschapskunde, Gis, Hydrologie
- Subjects
Aardwetenschappen ,Taverne - Abstract
De kans op een ongeluk met radioactief materiaal in Nederland is niet groot, maar wel reëel. We hebben een nationaal netwerk om vrijgekomen straling te meten. Maar wanneer sla je alarm en ga je over tot een ingrijpende evacuatie? Naast modellen voor emissie, weersvoorspelling en atmosferische verspreiding van radioactieve stoffen helpt geografi sche kennis hierbij.
- Published
- 2013
16. Emergency preparedness for long lasting releases – overview and conclusions
- Author
Gering, F., primary, Gerich, B., additional, Arnold, K., additional, Peltonen, T., additional, Duranova, T., additional, Bujan, A., additional, Duran, J., additional, Bohun, L., additional, Montero, M., additional, Trueba, C., additional, Puijker, L., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, and de Vries, H., additional
- Published
- 2016
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17. Sampling Optimization Trade-Offs for Long-Term Monitoring of Gamma Dose Rates
- Author
Melles, S. J., primary, Heuvelink, G. B. M., additional, Twenhöfel, C. J. W., additional, and Stöhlker, U., additional
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18. Transverse momentum distributions of neutral pions from nuclear collisions at 200 AGeV
- Author
Albrecht, R., Antonenko, V., Awes, T. C., Barlag, C., Bloomer, M. A., Blume, C., Bock, D., Bock, R., Bohne, E. M., Bucher, D., Claussen, A., Clewing, G., Eklund, A., Fokin, S., Franz, A., Garpman, S., Geurts, F., Glasow, R., Gustaftson, H. Å, Gutbrod, H. H., Hölker, G., Idh, J., Ippolitov, M., Jacobs, P., Kamermans, R., Karl-Heinz Kampert, Karadjev, K., Kolb, B. W., Lebedev, A., Lund, I., Löhner, H., Manko, V., Nikolaev, S., Obenshain, F. E., Oskarsson, A., Otterlund, I., Peitzmann, T., Plasil, F., Poskanzer, A. M., Purschke, M., Ritter, H. G., Saini, S., Santo, R., Schmidt, H. R., Stankus, P., Steffens, K., Steinhaeuser, P., Stenlund, E., Stüken, D., Söderstrom, K., Sørensen, S. P., Twenhöfel, C., Vinogradov, A., and Young, G. R.
- Subjects
Nuclear Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
New results on transverse mass spectra of neutral pions measured at central rapidity are presented for impact parameter selected 200 AGeV S + S and S + Au collisions. The spectra from all systems show a clear power-law like shape with similar curvature. Collisions of S + Au exhibit a larger mean transverse momentum than pp increasing with centrality. Predictions of string models and by hydrodynamic approaches including collective expansion and decays of short lived resonances are compared to the data and the implications are discussed. New results on transverse mass spectra of neutral pions measured at central rapidity are presented for impact parameter selected 200 AGeV S + S and S + Au collisions. The spectra from all systems show a clear power-law like shape with similar curvature. Collisions of S + Au exhibit a larger mean transverse momentum than pp increasing with centrality. Predictions of string models and by hydrodynamic approaches including collective expansion and decays of short lived resonances are compared to the data and the implications are discussed.
- Published
- 1998
19. Optimization of mobile radioactivity monitoring networks
- Author
Heuvelink, G. B.M., primary, Jiang, Z., additional, De Bruin, S., additional, and Twenhöfel, C. J.W., additional
- Published
- 2010
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20. Bilateral information and data exchange in case of nuclear emergencies in the German-Dutch border region
- Author
Twenhöfel, C. J. W., primary, Salfeld, H. Ch., additional, Hable, K., additional, and Reinen, H. A. J. M., additional
- Published
- 2007
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21. Comparative study of Dutch and German emergency-management models for near border nuclear accidents
- Author
Kok, Y. S., primary, Eleveld, H., additional, Schnadt, H., additional, Gering, F., additional, Gregor, J., additional, Böttger, H., additional, Salfeld, C., additional, Twenhöfel, C. J. W., additional, and Reinen, H. A. J. M., additional
- Published
- 2005
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22. Erratum: Centrality Dependence of Neutral Pion Production in158AGeVP208b+P208bCollisions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4087 (1998)]
- Author
Aggarwal, M. M., primary, Agnihotri, A., additional, Ahammed, Z., additional, Angelis, A. L. S., additional, Antonenko, V., additional, Arefiev, V., additional, Astakhov, V., additional, Avdeitchikov, V., additional, Awes, T. C., additional, Baba, P. V. K. S., additional, Badyal, S. K., additional, Baldine, A., additional, Barabach, L., additional, Barlag, C., additional, Bathe, S., additional, Batiounia, B., additional, Bernier, T., additional, Bhalla, K. B., additional, Bhatia, V. S., additional, Blume, C., additional, Bock, R., additional, Bohne, E.-M., additional, Böröcz, Z. K., additional, Bucher, D., additional, Buijs, A., additional, Büsching, H., additional, Carlen, L., additional, Chalyshev, V., additional, Chattopadhyay, S., additional, Cherbatchev, R., additional, Chujo, T., additional, Claussen, A., additional, Das, A. C., additional, Decowski, M. P., additional, Djordjadze, V., additional, Donni, P., additional, Doubovik, I., additional, Dutta Majumdar, M. R., additional, El Chenawi, K., additional, Eliseev, S., additional, Enosawa, K., additional, Foka, P., additional, Fokin, S., additional, Frolov, V., additional, Ganti, M. S., additional, Garpman, S., additional, Gavrishchuk, O., additional, Geurts, F. J. M., additional, Ghosh, T. K., additional, Glasow, R., additional, Gupta, S. K., additional, Guskov, B., additional, Gustafsson, H. A., additional, Gutbrod, H. H., additional, Higuchi, R., additional, Hrivnacova, I., additional, Ippolitov, M., additional, Kalechofsky, H., additional, Kamermans, R., additional, Kampert, K.-H., additional, Karadjev, K., additional, Karpio, K., additional, Kato, S., additional, Kees, S., additional, Kim, H., additional, Kolb, B. W., additional, Kosarev, I., additional, Koutcheryaev, I., additional, Krümpel, T., additional, Kugler, A., additional, Kulinich, P., additional, Kurata, M., additional, Kurita, K., additional, Kuzmin, N., additional, Langbein, I., additional, Lebedev, A., additional, Lee, Y. Y., additional, Löhner, H., additional, Luquin, L., additional, Mahapatra, D. P., additional, Manko, V., additional, Martin, M., additional, Maximov, A., additional, Mehdiyev, R., additional, Mgebrichvili, G., additional, Miake, Y., additional, Mikhalev, D., additional, Mishra, G. C., additional, Miyamoto, Y., additional, Morrison, D., additional, Mukhopadhyay, D. S., additional, Myalkovski, V., additional, Naef, H., additional, Nandi, B. K., additional, Nayak, S. K., additional, Nayak, T. K., additional, Neumaier, S., additional, Nianine, A., additional, Nikitine, V., additional, Nikolaev, S., additional, Nilsson, P., additional, Nishimura, S., additional, Nomokonov, P., additional, Nystrand, J., additional, Obenshain, F. E., additional, Oskarsson, A., additional, Otterlund, I., additional, Pachr, M., additional, Parfenov, A., additional, Pavliouk, S., additional, Peitzmann, T., additional, Petracek, V., additional, Pinanaud, W., additional, Plasil, F., additional, Purschke, M. L., additional, Raeven, B., additional, Rak, J., additional, Raniwala, R., additional, Raniwala, S., additional, Ramamurthy, V. S., additional, Rao, N. K., additional, Retiere, F., additional, Reygers, K., additional, Roland, G., additional, Rosselet, L., additional, Roufanov, I., additional, Roy, C., additional, Rubio, J. M., additional, Sako, H., additional, Sambyal, S. S., additional, Santo, R., additional, Sato, S., additional, Schlagheck, H., additional, Schmidt, H.-R., additional, Shabratova, G., additional, Sibiriak, I., additional, Siemiarczuk, T., additional, Silvermyr, D., additional, Sinha, B. C., additional, Slavine, N., additional, Söderström, K., additional, Solomey, N., additional, Sørensen, S. P., additional, Stankus, P., additional, Stefanek, G., additional, Steinberg, P., additional, Stenlund, E., additional, Stüken, D., additional, Sumbera, M., additional, Svensson, T., additional, Trivedi, M. D., additional, Tsvetkov, A., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Tykarski, L., additional, Urbahn, J., additional, Eijndhoven, N. v., additional, Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. v., additional, Vinogradov, A., additional, Viyogi, Y. P., additional, Vodopianov, A., additional, Vörös, S., additional, Wysłouch, B., additional, Yagi, K., additional, Yokota, Y., additional, and Young, G. R., additional
- Published
- 2000
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23. Search for disoriented chiral condensates in 158·A GeV Pb+Pb collisions
- Author
Nayak, Tapan K., primary, Aggarwal, M.M., additional, Agnihotri, A., additional, Ahammed, Z., additional, Angelis, A.L.S., additional, Antonenko, V., additional, Arefiev, V., additional, Astakhov, V., additional, Avdeitchikov, V., additional, Awes, T.C., additional, Baba, P.V.K.S., additional, Badyal, S.K., additional, Baldine, A., additional, Barabach, L., additional, Barlag, C., additional, Bathe, S., additional, Batiounia, B., additional, Bernier, T., additional, Bhalla, K.B., additional, Bhatia, V.S., additional, Blume, C., additional, Bock, R., additional, Bohne, E.-M., additional, Bucher, D., additional, Buijs, A., additional, Buis, E.-J., additional, Büsching, H., additional, Carlen, L., additional, Chalyshev, V., additional, Chattopadhyay, S., additional, Chenawi, K.E., additional, Cherbatchev, R., additional, Chujo, T., additional, Claussen, A., additional, Das, A.C., additional, Decowski, M.P., additional, Djordjadze, V., additional, Donni, P., additional, Doubovik, I., additional, Dutta Majumdar, M.R., additional, Eliseev, S., additional, Enosawa, K., additional, Feldmann, H., additional, Foka, P., additional, Fokin, S., additional, Frolov, V., additional, Ganti, M.S., additional, Garpman, S., additional, Gavrishchuk, O., additional, Geurts, F.J.M., additional, Ghosh, T.K., additional, Glasow, R., additional, Gupta, S.K., additional, Guskov, B., additional, Gustafsson, H.A., additional, Gutbrod, H.H., additional, Higuchi, R., additional, Hrivnacova, I., additional, Ippolitov, M., additional, Kalechofsky, H., additional, Kamermans, R., additional, Kampert, K.-H., additional, Karadjev, K., additional, Karpio, K., additional, Kato, S., additional, Kees, S., additional, Kim, H., additional, Kolb, B.W., additional, Kosarev, I., additional, Koutcheryaev, I., additional, Kugler, A., additional, Kulinich, P., additional, Kumar, V., additional, Kurata, M., additional, Kurita, K., additional, Kuzmin, N., additional, Langbein, I., additional, Lebedev, A., additional, Lee, Y.Y., additional, Löhner, H., additional, Mahapatra, D.P., additional, Manko, V., additional, Martin, M., additional, Maximov, A., additional, Mehdiyev, R., additional, Mgebrichvili, G., additional, Miake, Y., additional, Mikhalev, D., additional, Mishra, G.C., additional, Miyamoto, Y., additional, Mohanty, B., additional, Morrison, D., additional, Mukhopadhyay, D.S., additional, Myalkovski, V., additional, Naef, H., additional, Nandi, B.K., additional, Nayak, S.K., additional, Nayak, T.K., additional, Neumaier, S., additional, Nianine, A., additional, Nikitine, V., additional, Nikolaev, S., additional, Nishimura, S., additional, Nomokov, P., additional, Nystrand, J., additional, Obenshain, F.E., additional, Oskarsson, A., additional, Otterlund, I., additional, Pachr, M., additional, Parfenov, A., additional, Pavliouk, S., additional, Peitzmann, T., additional, Petracek, V., additional, Plasil, F., additional, Purschke, M.L., additional, Raeven, B., additional, Rak, J., additional, Raniwala, S., additional, Ramamurthy, V.S., additional, Rao, N.K., additional, Retiere, F., additional, Reygers, K., additional, Roland, G., additional, Rosselet, L., additional, Roufanov, I., additional, Rubio, J.M., additional, Sambyal, S.S., additional, Santo, R., additional, Sato, S., additional, Schlagheck, H., additional, Schmidt, H.-R., additional, Shabratova, G., additional, Sibiriak, I., additional, Siemiarczuk, T., additional, Sinha, B.C., additional, Slavine, N., additional, Söderström, K., additional, Solomey, N., additional, Sørensen, S.P., additional, Stankus, P., additional, Stefanek, G., additional, Steinberg, P., additional, Stenlund, E., additional, Stüken, D., additional, Sumbera, M., additional, Svensson, T., additional, Trivedi, M.D., additional, Tsvetkov, A., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Tykarski, L., additional, Urbahn, J., additional, Eijndhoven, N.v., additional, Heeringen, W.H.v., additional, Nieuwenhuizen, G.J.v., additional, Vinogradov, A., additional, Viyogi, Y.P., additional, Vodopianov, A., additional, Vörös, S., additional, Vos, M.A., additional, Wyslouch, B., additional, Yagi, K., additional, Yokota, Y., additional, and Young, G.R., additional
- Published
- 2000
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24. Centrality Dependence of Neutral Pion Production in158AGeVP208b+P208bCollisions
- Author
Aggarwal, M. M., primary, Agnihotri, A., additional, Ahammed, Z., additional, Angelis, A. L. S., additional, Antonenko, V., additional, Arefiev, V., additional, Astakhov, V., additional, Avdeitchikov, V., additional, Awes, T. C., additional, Baba, P. V. K. S., additional, Badyal, S. K., additional, Baldine, A., additional, Barabach, L., additional, Barlag, C., additional, Bathe, S., additional, Batiounia, B., additional, Bernier, T., additional, Bhalla, K. B., additional, Bhatia, V. S., additional, Blume, C., additional, Bock, R., additional, Bohne, E.-M., additional, Böröcz, Z. K., additional, Bucher, D., additional, Buijs, A., additional, Büsching, H., additional, Carlen, L., additional, Chalyshev, V., additional, Chattopadhyay, S., additional, Cherbatchev, R., additional, Chujo, T., additional, Claussen, A., additional, Das, A. C., additional, Decowski, M. P., additional, Djordjadze, V., additional, Donni, P., additional, Doubovik, I., additional, Dutta Majumdar, M. R., additional, El Chenawi, K., additional, Eliseev, S., additional, Enosawa, K., additional, Foka, P., additional, Fokin, S., additional, Frolov, V., additional, Ganti, M. S., additional, Garpman, S., additional, Gavrishchuk, O., additional, Geurts, F. J. M., additional, Ghosh, T. K., additional, Glasow, R., additional, Gupta, S. K., additional, Guskov, B., additional, Gustafsson, H. A., additional, Gutbrod, H. H., additional, Higuchi, R., additional, Hrivnacova, I., additional, Ippolitov, M., additional, Kalechofsky, H., additional, Kamermans, R., additional, Kampert, K.-H., additional, Karadjev, K., additional, Karpio, K., additional, Kato, S., additional, Kees, S., additional, Kim, H., additional, Kolb, B. W., additional, Kosarev, I., additional, Koutcheryaev, I., additional, Krümpel, T., additional, Kugler, A., additional, Kulinich, P., additional, Kurata, M., additional, Kurita, K., additional, Kuzmin, N., additional, Langbein, I., additional, Lebedev, A., additional, Lee, Y. Y., additional, Löhner, H., additional, Luquin, L., additional, Mahapatra, D. P., additional, Manko, V., additional, Martin, M., additional, Maximov, A., additional, Mehdiyev, R., additional, Mgebrichvili, G., additional, Miake, Y., additional, Mikhalev, D., additional, Mishra, G. C., additional, Miyamoto, Y., additional, Morrison, D., additional, Mukhopadhyay, D. S., additional, Myalkovski, V., additional, Naef, H., additional, Nandi, B. K., additional, Nayak, S. K., additional, Nayak, T. K., additional, Neumaier, S., additional, Nianine, A., additional, Nikitine, V., additional, Nikolaev, S., additional, Nilsson, P., additional, Nishimura, S., additional, Nomokonov, P., additional, Nystrand, J., additional, Obenshain, F. E., additional, Oskarsson, A., additional, Otterlund, I., additional, Pachr, M., additional, Parfenov, A., additional, Pavliouk, S., additional, Pietzmann, T., additional, Patracek, V., additional, Pinanaud, W., additional, Plasil, F., additional, Purschke, M. L., additional, Raeven, B., additional, Rak, J., additional, Raniwala, R., additional, Raniwala, S., additional, Ramamurthy, V. S., additional, Rao, N. K., additional, Retiere, F., additional, Reygers, K., additional, Roland, G., additional, Rosselet, L., additional, Roufanov, I., additional, Roy, C., additional, Rubio, J. M., additional, Sako, H., additional, Sambyal, S. S., additional, Santo, R., additional, Sato, S., additional, Schlagheck, H., additional, Schmidt, H.-R., additional, Shabratova, G., additional, Sibiriak, I., additional, Siemiarczuk, T., additional, Silvermyr, D., additional, Sinha, B. C., additional, Slavine, N., additional, Söderström, K., additional, Solomey, N., additional, Sørensen, S. P., additional, Stankus, P., additional, Stefanek, G., additional, Steinberg, P., additional, Stenlund, E., additional, Stüken, D., additional, Sumbera, M., additional, Svensson, T., additional, Trivedi, M. D., additional, Tsvetkov, A., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Tykarski, L., additional, Urbahn, J., additional, Eijndhoven, N. v., additional, Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. v., additional, Vinogradov, A., additional, Viyogi, Y. P., additional, Vodopianov, A., additional, Vörös, S., additional, Wysłouch, B., additional, Yagi, K., additional, Yokota, Y., additional, and Young, G. R., additional
- Published
- 1998
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25. Collective flow in 158AGeV Pb+Pb collisions
- Author
Aggarwal, M.M., primary, Agnihotri, A., additional, Ahammed, Z., additional, Angelis, A.L.S., additional, Antonenko, V., additional, Arefiev, V., additional, Astakhov, V., additional, Avdeitchikov, V., additional, Awes, T.C., additional, Baba, P.V.K.S., additional, Badyal, S.K., additional, Baldine, A., additional, Barabach, L., additional, Barlag, C., additional, Bathe, S., additional, Batiounia, B., additional, Bernier, T., additional, Bhalla, K.B., additional, Bhatia, V.S., additional, Blume, C., additional, Bock, D., additional, Bock, R., additional, Bohne, E.-M., additional, Bucher, D., additional, Buijs, A., additional, Buis, E.-J., additional, Büsching, H., additional, Carlen, L., additional, Chalyshev, V., additional, Chattopadhyay, S., additional, Chenawi, K.E., additional, Cherbatchev, R., additional, Chujo, T., additional, Claussen, A., additional, Das, A.C., additional, Decowski, M.P., additional, Djordjadze, V., additional, Donni, P., additional, Doubovik, I., additional, Dutta Majumdar, M.R., additional, Eliseev, S., additional, Enosawa, K., additional, Feldmann, H., additional, Foka, P., additional, Fokin, S., additional, Frolov, V., additional, Ganti, M.S., additional, Garpman, S., additional, Gavrishchuk, O., additional, Guerts, F.J.M., additional, Ghosh, T.K., additional, Glasow, R., additional, Gupta, S.K., additional, Guskov, B., additional, Gustafsson, H.A., additional, Gutbrod, H.H., additional, Higuchi, R., additional, Hrivnacova, I., additional, Ippolitov, M., additional, Kalechofsky, H., additional, Kamermans, R., additional, Kampert, K.-H., additional, Karadjev, K., additional, Karpio, K., additional, Kato, S., additional, Kees, S., additional, Kim, H., additional, Kolb, B.W., additional, Kosarev, I., additional, Koutcheryaev, I., additional, Kugler, A., additional, Kulinich, P., additional, Kumar, V., additional, Kurata, M., additional, Kurita, K., additional, Kuzmin, N., additional, Langbein, I., additional, Lebedev, A., additional, Lee, Y.Y., additional, Löhner, H., additional, Mahapatra, D.P., additional, Manko, V., additional, Martin, M., additional, Maximov, A., additional, Mehdiyev, R., additional, Mgebrichvili, G., additional, Miake, Y., additional, Mikhalev, D., additional, Mishra, G.C., additional, Miyamoto, Y., additional, Morrison, D., additional, Mukhopadhyay, D.S., additional, Myalkovski, V., additional, Naef, H., additional, Nandi, B.K., additional, Nayak, S.K., additional, Nayak, T.K., additional, Neumaier, S., additional, Nianine, A., additional, Nikitine, V., additional, Nikolaev, S., additional, Nishimura, S., additional, Nomokonov, P., additional, Nystrand, J., additional, Obenshain, F.E., additional, Oskarsson, A., additional, Otterlund, I., additional, Pachr, M., additional, Parfenov, A., additional, Pavliouk, S., additional, Peitzmann, T., additional, Petracek, V., additional, Plasil, F., additional, Purschke, M.L., additional, Raeven, B., additional, Rak, J., additional, Raniwala, S., additional, Ramamurthy, V.S., additional, Rao, N.K., additional, Retiere, F., additional, Reygers, K., additional, Roland, G., additional, Rosselet, L., additional, Roufanov, I., additional, Rubio, J.M., additional, Sako, H., additional, Sambyal, S.S., additional, Santo, R., additional, Sato, S., additional, Schlagheck, H., additional, Schmidt, H.-R., additional, Shabratova, G., additional, Sibiriak, I., additional, Siemiarczuk, T., additional, Sinha, B.C., additional, Slavine, N., additional, Söderström, K., additional, Solomey, N., additional, Sørensen, S.P., additional, Stankus, P., additional, Stefanek, G., additional, Steinberg, P., additional, Stenlund, E., additional, Stüken, D., additional, Sumbera, M., additional, Svensson, T., additional, Trivedi, M.D., additional, Tsvetkov, A., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Tykarski, L., additional, Urbahn, J., additional, Eijndhoven, N.v., additional, Heeringen, W.H.v., additional, Nieuwenhuizen, G.J.v., additional, Vinogradov, A., additional, Viyogi, Y.P., additional, Vodopianov, A., additional, Vörös, S., additional, Vos, M.A., additional, Wyslouch, B., additional, Yagi, K., additional, Yokota, Y., additional, and Young, G.R., additional
- Published
- 1998
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26. Recent results on Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV from the WA98 experiment at CERN
- Author
Wyslouch, B., primary, Aggarwal, M.M., additional, Agnihotri, A., additional, Ahammed, Z., additional, Angelis, A.L.S., additional, Antonenko, V., additional, Arefiev, V., additional, Astakhov, V., additional, Avdeitchikov, V., additional, Awes, T.C., additional, Baba, P.V.K.S., additional, Badyal, S.K., additional, Baldine, A., additional, Barabach, L., additional, Barlag, C., additional, Bathe, S., additional, Batiounia, B., additional, Bernier, T., additional, Bhalla, K.B., additional, Bhatia, V.S., additional, Blume, C., additional, Bock, R., additional, Bohne, E.-M., additional, Bucher, D., additional, Buijs, A., additional, Buis, E.-J., additional, Büsching, H., additional, Carlen, L., additional, Chalyshev, V., additional, Chattopadhyay, S., additional, Cherbatchev, R., additional, Chujo, T., additional, Claussen, A., additional, Das, A.C., additional, Decowski, M.P., additional, Djordjadze, V., additional, Donni, P., additional, Doubovik, I., additional, Dutta Majumdar, M.R., additional, El Chenawi, K., additional, Eliseev, S., additional, Enosawa, K., additional, Feldmann, H., additional, Foka, P., additional, Fokin, S., additional, Frolov, V., additional, Ganti, M.S., additional, Garpman, S., additional, Gavrishchuk, O., additional, Geurts, F.J.M., additional, Ghosh, T.K., additional, Glasow, R., additional, Gupta, S.K., additional, Guskov, B., additional, Gustafsson, H.A., additional, Gutbrod, H.H., additional, Higuchi, R., additional, Hrivnacova, I., additional, Ippolitov, M., additional, Kalechofsky, H., additional, Kamermans, R., additional, Kampert, K.-H., additional, Karadjev, K., additional, Karpio, K., additional, Kato, S., additional, Kees, S., additional, Kim, H., additional, Kolb, B.W., additional, Kosarev, I., additional, Koutcheryaev, I., additional, Kugler, A., additional, Kulinich, P., additional, Kumar, V., additional, Kurata, M., additional, Kurita, K., additional, Kuzmin, N., additional, Langbein, I., additional, Lebedev, A., additional, Lee, Y.Y., additional, Löhner, H., additional, Mahapatra, D.P., additional, Manko, V., additional, Martin, M., additional, Maximov, A., additional, Mehdiyev, R., additional, Mgebrichvili, G., additional, Miake, Y., additional, Mikhalev, D., additional, Mishra, G.C., additional, Miyamoto, Y., additional, Morrison, D., additional, Mukhopadhyay, D.S., additional, Myalkovski, V., additional, Naef, H., additional, Nandi, B.K., additional, Nayak, S.K., additional, Nayak, T.K., additional, Neumaier, S., additional, Nianine, A., additional, Nikitine, V., additional, Nikolaev, S., additional, Nilsson, P., additional, Nishimura, S., additional, Nomokov, P., additional, Nystrand, J., additional, Obenshain, F.E., additional, Oskarsson, A., additional, Otterlund, I., additional, Pachr, M., additional, Parfenov, A., additional, Pavliouk, S., additional, Peitzmann, T., additional, Petracek, V., additional, Plasil, F., additional, Purschke, M.L., additional, Raeven, B., additional, Rak, J., additional, Raniwala, S., additional, Ramamurthy, V.S., additional, Rao, N.K., additional, Retiere, F., additional, Reygers, K., additional, Roland, G., additional, Rosselet, L., additional, Roufanov, I., additional, Rubio, J.M., additional, Sambyal, S.S., additional, Santo, R., additional, Sato, S., additional, Schlagheck, H., additional, Schmidt, H.-R., additional, Shabratova, G., additional, Sibiriak, I., additional, Siemiarczuk, T., additional, Silvermyr, D., additional, Sinha, B.C., additional, Slavine, N., additional, Söderström, K., additional, Solomey, N., additional, Sørensen, S.P., additional, Stankus, P., additional, Stefanek, G., additional, Steinberg, P., additional, Stenlund, E., additional, Stüken, D., additional, Sumbera, M., additional, Svensson, T., additional, Trivedi, M.D., additional, Tsvetkov, A., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Tykarski, L., additional, Urbahn, J., additional, Eijndhoven, N.v., additional, Heeringen, W.H.v., additional, Nieuwenhuizen, G.J.v., additional, Vinogradov, A., additional, Viyogi, Y.P., additional, Vodopianov, A., additional, Vörös, S., additional, Vos, M.A., additional, Wyslouch, B., additional, Yagi, K., additional, Yokota, Y., additional, and Young, G.R., additional
- Published
- 1998
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27. Present status and future of DCC analysis
- Author
Nayak, Tapan K., primary, Aggarwal, M.M., additional, Agnihotri, A., additional, Ahammed, Z., additional, Angelis, A.L.S., additional, Antonenko, V., additional, Arefiev, V., additional, Astakhov, V., additional, Avdeitchikov, V., additional, Awes, T.C., additional, Baba, P.V.K.S., additional, Badyal, S.K., additional, Baldine, A., additional, Barabach, L., additional, Barlag, C., additional, Bathe, S., additional, Batiounia, B., additional, Bernier, T., additional, Bhalla, K.B., additional, Bhatia, V.S., additional, Blume, C., additional, Bock, R., additional, Bohne, E.-M., additional, Bucher, D., additional, Buijs, A., additional, Buis, E.-J., additional, Büsching, H., additional, Carlen, L., additional, Chalyshev, V., additional, Chattopadhyay, S., additional, Chenawi, K.E., additional, Cherbatchev, R., additional, Chujo, T., additional, Claussen, A., additional, Das, A.C., additional, Decowski, M.P., additional, Djordjadze, V., additional, Donni, P., additional, Doubovik, I., additional, Dutta Majumdar, M.R., additional, Eliseev, S., additional, Enosawa, K., additional, Feldmann, H., additional, Foka, P., additional, Fokin, S., additional, Frolov, V., additional, Ganti, M.S., additional, Garpman, S., additional, Gavrishchuk, O., additional, Geurts, F.J.M., additional, Ghosh, T.K., additional, Glasow, R., additional, Gupta, S.K., additional, Guskov, B., additional, Gustafsson, H.A., additional, Gutbrod, H.H., additional, Higuchi, R., additional, Hrivnacova, I., additional, Ippolitov, M., additional, Kalechofsky, H., additional, Kamermans, R., additional, Kampert, K.-H., additional, Karadjev, K., additional, Karpio, K., additional, Kato, S., additional, Kees, S., additional, Kim, H., additional, Kolb, B.W., additional, Kosarev, I., additional, Koutcheryaev, I., additional, Kugler, A., additional, Kulinich, P., additional, Kumar, V., additional, Kurata, M., additional, Kurita, K., additional, Kuzmin, N., additional, Langbein, I., additional, Lebedev, A., additional, Lee, Y.Y., additional, Löhner, H., additional, Mahapatra, D.P., additional, Manko, V., additional, Martin, M., additional, Maximov, A., additional, Mehdiyev, R., additional, Mgebrichvili, G., additional, Miake, Y., additional, Mikhalev, D., additional, Mishra, G.C., additional, Miyamoto, Y., additional, Morrison, D., additional, Mukhopadhyay, D.S., additional, Myalkovski, V., additional, Naef, H., additional, Nandi, B.K., additional, Nayak, S.K., additional, Nayak, T.K., additional, Neumaier, S., additional, Nianine, A., additional, Nikitine, V., additional, Nikolaev, S., additional, Nishimura, S., additional, Nomokov, P., additional, Nystrand, J., additional, Obenshain, F.E., additional, Oskarsson, A., additional, Otterlund, I., additional, Pachr, M., additional, Parfenov, A., additional, Pavliouk, S., additional, Peitzmann, T., additional, Petracek, V., additional, Plasil, F., additional, Purschke, M.L., additional, Raeven, B., additional, Rak, J., additional, Raniwala, S., additional, Ramamurthy, V.S., additional, Rao, N.K., additional, Retiere, F., additional, Reygers, K., additional, Roland, G., additional, Rosselet, L., additional, Roufanov, I., additional, Rubio, J.M., additional, Sambyal, S.S., additional, Santo, R., additional, Sato, S., additional, Schlagheck, H., additional, Schmidt, H.-R., additional, Shabratova, G., additional, Sibiriak, I., additional, Siemiarczuk, T., additional, Sinha, B.C., additional, Slavine, N., additional, Söderström, K., additional, Solomey, N., additional, Sørensen, S.P., additional, Stankus, P., additional, Stefanek, G., additional, Steinberg, P., additional, Stenlund, E., additional, Stüken, D., additional, Sumbera, M., additional, Svensson, T., additional, Trivedi, M.D., additional, Tsvetkov, A., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Tykarski, L., additional, Urbahn, J., additional, Eijndhoven, N.v., additional, Heeringen, W.H.v., additional, Nieuwenhuizen, G.J.v., additional, Vinogradov, A., additional, Viyogi, Y.P., additional, Vodopianov, A., additional, Vörös, S., additional, Vos, M.A., additional, Wyslouch, B., additional, Yagi, K., additional, Yokota, Y., additional, and Young, G.R., additional
- Published
- 1998
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28. Search for disoriented chiral condensates in 158 AGeV Pb+Pb collisions
- Author
Aggarwal, M.M, primary, Agnihotri, A, additional, Ahammed, Z, additional, Angelis, A.L.S, additional, Antonenko, V, additional, Arefiev, V, additional, Astakhov, V, additional, Avdeitchikov, V, additional, Awes, T.C, additional, Baba, P.V.K.S, additional, Badyal, S.K, additional, Baldine, A, additional, Barabach, L, additional, Barlag, C, additional, Bathe, S, additional, Batiounia, B, additional, Bernier, T, additional, Bhalla, K.B, additional, Bhatia, V.S, additional, Blume, C, additional, Bock, R, additional, Bohne, E.-M, additional, Bucher, D, additional, Buijs, A, additional, Buis, E.-J, additional, Büsching, H, additional, Carlen, L, additional, Chalyshev, V, additional, Chattopadhyay, S, additional, Cherbatchev, R, additional, Chujo, T, additional, Claussen, A, additional, Das, A.C, additional, Decowski, M.P, additional, Djordjadze, V, additional, Donni, P, additional, Doubovik, I, additional, Dutta Majumdar, M.R, additional, El Chenawi, K, additional, Eliseev, S, additional, Enosawa, K, additional, Foka, P, additional, Fokin, S, additional, Frolov, V, additional, Ganti, M.S, additional, Garpman, S, additional, Gavrishchuk, O, additional, Geurts, F.J.M, additional, Ghosh, T.K, additional, Glasow, R, additional, Gupta, S.K, additional, Guskov, B, additional, Gustafsson, H.A, additional, Gutbrod, H.H, additional, Higuchi, R, additional, Hrivnacova, I, additional, Ippolitov, M, additional, Kalechofsky, H, additional, Kamermans, R, additional, Kampert, K.-H, additional, Karadjev, K, additional, Karpio, K, additional, Kato, S, additional, Kees, S, additional, Kim, H, additional, Kolb, B.W, additional, Kosarev, I, additional, Koutcheryaev, I, additional, Kugler, A, additional, Kulinich, P, additional, Kumar, V, additional, Kurata, M, additional, Kurita, K, additional, Kuzmin, N, additional, Langbein, I, additional, Lebedev, A, additional, Lee, Y.Y, additional, Löhner, H, additional, Luquin, L, additional, Mahapatra, D.P, additional, Manko, V, additional, Martin, M, additional, Maximov, A, additional, Mehdiyev, R, additional, Mgebrichvili, G, additional, Miake, Y, additional, Mikhalev, D, additional, Mishra, G.C, additional, Miyamoto, Y, additional, Morrison, D, additional, Mukhopadhyay, D.S, additional, Myalkovski, V, additional, Naef, H, additional, Nandi, B.K, additional, Nayak, S.K, additional, Nayak, T.K, additional, Neumaier, S, additional, Nianine, A, additional, Nikitine, V, additional, Nikolaev, S, additional, Nishimura, S, additional, Nomokonov, P, additional, Nystrand, J, additional, Obenshain, F.E, additional, Oskarsson, A, additional, Otterlund, I, additional, Pachr, M, additional, Parfenov, A, additional, Pavliouk, S, additional, Peitzmann, T, additional, Petracek, V, additional, Plasil, F, additional, Purschke, M.L, additional, Raeven, B, additional, Rak, J, additional, Raniwala, S, additional, Ramamurthy, V.S, additional, Rao, N.K, additional, Retiere, F, additional, Reygers, K, additional, Roland, G, additional, Rosselet, L, additional, Roufanov, I, additional, Roy, C, additional, Rubio, J.M, additional, Sako, H, additional, Sambyal, S.S, additional, Santo, R, additional, Sato, S, additional, Schlagheck, H, additional, Schmidt, H.-R, additional, Shabratova, G, additional, Sibiriak, I, additional, Siemiarczuk, T, additional, Sinha, B.C, additional, Slavine, N, additional, Söderström, K, additional, Solomey, N, additional, Sørensen, S.P, additional, Stankus, P, additional, Stefanek, G, additional, Steinberg, P, additional, Stenlund, E, additional, Stüken, D, additional, Sumbera, M, additional, Svensson, T, additional, Trivedi, M.D, additional, Tsvetkov, A, additional, Twenhöfel, C, additional, Tykarski, L, additional, Urbahn, J, additional, v. Eijndhoven, N, additional, v. Heeringen, W.H, additional, v. Nieuwenhuizen, G.J, additional, Vinogradov, A, additional, Viyogi, Y.P, additional, Vodopianov, A, additional, Vörös, S, additional, Vos, M.A, additional, Wysłouch, B, additional, Yagi, K, additional, Yokota, Y, additional, and Young, G.R, additional
- Published
- 1998
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29. First Evidence of Directed Flow at 158 A GeV Pb + Pb Collisions in WA98 Experiment
- Author
Kurata, Mizuki, primary, Aggarwal, M. M., additional, Agnihotri, A., additional, Ahammed, Z., additional, Angelis, A. L. S., additional, Antonenko, V., additional, Arefiev, V., additional, Astakhov, V., additional, Avdeitchikov, V., additional, Awes, T. C., additional, Baba, P. V. K. S., additional, Badyal, S. K., additional, Baldine, A., additional, Barabach, L., additional, Barlag, C., additional, Bathe, S., additional, Batiounia, B., additional, Bernier, T., additional, Bhalla, K. B., additional, Bhatia, V. S., additional, Blume, C., additional, Bock, D., additional, Bock, R., additional, Bohne, E.-M., additional, Bucher, D., additional, Buijs, A., additional, Buis, E.-J., additional, Büsching, H., additional, Carlen, L., additional, Chalyshev, V., additional, Chattopadhyay, S., additional, Chenawi, K. E., additional, Cherbatchev, R., additional, Chujo, T., additional, Claussen, A., additional, Das, A. C., additional, Decowski, M. P., additional, Djordjadze, V., additional, Donni, P., additional, Doubovik, I., additional, Majumdar, M. R. Dutta, additional, Eliseev, S., additional, Enosawa, K., additional, Feldmann, H., additional, Foka, P., additional, Fokin, S., additional, Frolov, V., additional, Ganti, M. S., additional, Garpman, S., additional, Gavrishchuk, O., additional, Geurts, F. J. M., additional, Ghosh, T. K., additional, Glasow, R., additional, Guskov, B., additional, Gustafsson, H. A., additional, Gutbrod, H. H., additional, Higuchi, R., additional, Hrivnacova, I., additional, Ippolitov, M., additional, Kalechofsky, H., additional, Kamermans, R., additional, Kampert, K.-H., additional, Karadjev, K., additional, Karpio, K., additional, Kato, S., additional, Kees, S., additional, Kim, H., additional, Kolb, B. W., additional, Kosarev, I., additional, Koutcheryaev, I., additional, Kugler, A., additional, Kulinich, P., additional, Kumar, V., additional, Kurita, K., additional, Kuzmin, N., additional, Langbein, I., additional, Lebedev, A., additional, Lee, Y. Y., additional, Löhner, H., additional, Mahapatra, D. P., additional, Manko, V., additional, Martin, M., additional, Maximov, A., additional, Mehdiyev, R., additional, Mgebrichvili, G., additional, Miake, Y., additional, Mikhalev, D., additional, Mishra, G. C., additional, Miyamoto, Y., additional, Morrison, D., additional, Mukhopadhyay, D. S., additional, Myalkovski, V., additional, Naef, H., additional, Nandi, B. K., additional, Nayak, S. K., additional, Nayak, T. K., additional, Neumaier, S., additional, Nianine, A., additional, Nikitine, V., additional, Nikolaev, S., additional, Nishimura, S., additional, Nomokonov, P., additional, Nystrand, J., additional, Obenshain, F. E., additional, Oskarsson, A., additional, Otterlund, I., additional, Pachr, M., additional, Parfenov, A., additional, Pavliouk, S., additional, Peitzmann, T., additional, Petracek, V., additional, Plasil, F., additional, Purschke, M. L., additional, Raeven, B., additional, Rak, J., additional, Raniwala, S., additional, Ramamurthy, V. S., additional, Rao, N. K., additional, Retiere, F., additional, Reygers, K., additional, Roland, G., additional, Rosselet, L., additional, Roufanov, I., additional, Rubio, J. M., additional, Sako, H., additional, Sambyal, S. S., additional, Santo, R., additional, Sato, S., additional, Schlagheck, H., additional, Schmidt, H.-R., additional, Shabratova, G., additional, Sibiriak, I., additional, Siemiarczuk, T., additional, Sinha, B. C., additional, Slavine, N., additional, Söderström, K., additional, Solomey, N., additional, Sørensen, S. P., additional, Stankus, P., additional, Stefanek, G., additional, Steinberg, P., additional, Stenlund, E., additional, Stüken, D., additional, Sumbera, M., additional, Svensson, T., additional, Trivedi, M. D., additional, Tsvetkov, A., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Tykarski, L., additional, Urbahn, J., additional, Eijndhoven, N. v., additional, Heeringen, W. H. v., additional, Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. v., additional, Vinogradov, A., additional, Viyogi, Y. P., additional, Vodopianov, A., additional, Vörös, S., additional, Vos, M. A., additional, Wyslouch, B., additional, Yagi, K., additional, Yokota, Y., additional, and Young, G. R., additional
- Published
- 1997
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30. Inclusive systematics forSi28+28Si reactions between 20 and 35 MeV per nucleon
- Author
Box, P. F., primary, Griffioen, K. A., additional, Decowski, P., additional, Bootsma, T., additional, Gierlik, E., additional, van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J., additional, Twenhöfel, C., additional, Kamermans, R., additional, Wilschut, H. W., additional, Giorni, A., additional, Morand, C., additional, Demeyer, A., additional, and Guinet, D., additional
- Published
- 1994
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31. Evaporation residue cross sections for 40Ca + 48Ti at 25.0 and 33.9 MeV per nucleon.
- Author
Bootsma, T. M. V., van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J., Box, P. F., Kamermans, R., Kuijer, P. G., de Laat, C. T. A. M., Twenhöfel, C. J. W., Decowski, P., and Griffioen, K. A.
- Abstract
The fusion and subsequent decay of the system
40 Ca+48 Ti has been studied at 25.0 and 33.9 MeV per nucleon bombarding energies. Heavy residues were detected in coincidence with light particles, and evaporation residue cross sections have been extracted. Light particle distributions are well described by a simple kinematical model, and from this the average excitation energies of the system were determined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 1997
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32. Search for disoriented chiral condensates in 158 AGeV Pb + Pb collisions
- Author
Aggarwal, M. M., Agnihotri, A., Ahammed, Z., Angelis, A. L. S., Antonenko, V., Arefiev, V., Astakhov, V., Avdeitchikov, V., Awes, T. C., Baba, P. V. K. S., Badyal, S. K., Baldine, A., Barabach, L., Barlag, C., Bathe, S., Batiounia, B., Bernier, T., Bhalla, K. B., Bhatia, V. S., Blume, C., Bock, R., Bohne, E. -M, Bucher, D., Buijs, A., Buis, E. -J, Büsching, H., Carlen, L., Chalyshev, V., Chattopadhyay, S., Cherbatchev, R., Chujo, T., Claussen, A., Das, A. C., Decowski, M. P., Djordjadze, V., Donni, P., Doubovik, I., Duttamajumdar, M. R., El Chenawi, K., Eliseev, S., Enosawa, K., Foka, P., Fokin, S., Frolov, V., Ganti, M. S., Garpman, S., Gavrishchuk, O., Geurts, F. J. M., Ghosh, T. K., Glasow, R., Gupta, S. K., Guskov, B., Gustafsson, H. A., Gutbrod, H. H., Higuchi, R., Hrivnacova, I., Ippolitov, M., Kalechofsky, H., Kamermans, R., Kampert, K. -H, Karadjev, K., Karpio, K., Kato, S., Kees, S., Kim, H., Kolb, B. W., Kosarev, I., Koutcheryaev, I., Kugler, A., Kulinich, P., Kumar, V., Kurata, M., Kurita, K., Kuzmin, N., Langbein, I., Lebedev, A., Lee, Y. Y., Löhner, H., Luquin, L., Mahapatra, D. P., Manko, V., Martin, M., Maximov, A., Mehdiyev, R., Mgebrichvili, G., Miake, Y., Mikhalev, D., Mishra, G. C., Miyamoto, Y., Morrison, D., Mukhopadhyay, D. S., Myalkovski, V., Naef, H., Nandi, B. K., Nayak, S. K., Nayak, T. K., Neumaier, S., Nianine, A., Nikitine, V., Nikolaev, S., Nishimura, S., Nomokonov, P., Nystrand, J., Obenshain, F. E., Oskarsson, A., Otterlund, I., Pachr, M., Parfenov, A., Pavliouk, S., Peitzmann, T., Petracek, V., Plasil, F., Purschke, M. L., Raeven, B., Rak, J., Raniwala, S., Ramamurthy, V. S., Rao, N. K., Retiere, F., Reygers, K., Roland, G., Rosselet, L., Roufanov, I., Roy, C., Rubio, J. M., Sako, H., Sambyal, S. S., Santo, R., Sato, S., Schlagheck, H., Schmidt, H. -R, Shabratova, G., Sibiriak, I., Siemiarczuk, T., Sinha, B. C., Slavine, N., Söderström, K., Solomey, N., Sorensen, S. P., Stankus, P., Stefanek, G., Steinberg, P., Stenlund, E., Stüken, D., Michal Sumbera, Svensson, T., Trivedi, M. D., Tsvetkov, A., Twenhöfel, C., Tykarski, L., Urbahn, J., Eijndhoven, N. V., Heeringen, W. H. V., Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. V., Vinogradov, A., Viyogi, Y. P., Vodopianov, A., Vörös, S., Vos, M. A., Wysluch, B., Yagi, K., Yokota, Y., and Young, G. R.
33. Centrality dependence of neutral pion production in 158A GeV 208Pb + 208Pb collisions
- Author
Aggarwal, M. M., Agnihotri, A., Ahammed, Z., Angelis, A. L. S., Antonenko, V., Arefiev, V., Astakhov, V., Avdeitchikov, V., Awes, T. C., Baba, P. V. K. S., Badyal, S. K., Baldine, A., Barabach, L., Barlag, C., Bathe, S., Batiounia, B., Bernier, T., Bhalla, K. B., Bhatia, V. S., Blume, C., Bock, R., Bohne, E. -M, Böröcz, Z. K., Bucher, D., Buijs, A., Büsching, H., Carlen, L., Chalyshev, V., Chattopadhyay, S., Cherbatchev, R., Chujo, T., Claussen, A., Das, A. C., Michal Patrick Decowski, Djordjadze, V., Donni, P., Doubovik, I., Dutta Majumdar, M. R., El Chenawi, K., Eliseev, S., Enosawa, K., Foka, P., Fokin, S., Frolov, V., Ganti, M. S., Garpman, S., Gavrishchuk, O., Geurts, F. J. M., Ghosh, T. K., Glasow, R., Gupta, S. K., Guskov, B., Gustafsson, H. A., Gutbrod, H. H., Higuchi, R., Hrivnacova, I., Ippolitov, M., Kalechofsky, H., Kamermans, R., Kampert, K. -H, Karadjev, K., Karpio, K., Kato, S., Kees, S., Kim, H., Kolb, B. W., Kosarev, I., Koutcheryaev, I., Krümpel, T., Kugler, A., Kulinich, P., Kurata, M., Kurita, K., Kuzmin, N., Langbein, I., Lebedev, A., Lee, Y. Y., Löhner, H., Luquin, L., Mahapatra, D. P., Manko, V., Martin, M., Maximov, A., Mehdiyev, R., Mgebrichvili, G., Miake, Y., Mikhalev, D., Mishra, G. C., Miyamoto, Y., Morrison, D., Mukhopadhyay, D. S., Myalkovski, V., Naef, H., Nandi, B. K., Nayak, S. K., Nayak, T. K., Neumaier, S., Nianine, A., Nikitine, V., Nikolaev, S., Nilsson, P., Nishimura, S., Nomokonov, P., Nystrand, J., Obenshain, F. E., Oskarsson, A., Otterlund, I., Pachr, M., Parfenov, A., Pavliouk, S., Pietzmann, T., Patracek, V., Pinanaud, W., Plasil, F., Purschke, M. L., Raeven, B., Rak, J., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Ramamurthy, V. S., Rao, N. K., Retiere, F., Reygers, K., Roland, G., Rosselet, L., Roufanov, I., Roy, C., Rubio, J. M., Sako, H., Sambyal, S. S., Santo, R., Sato, S., Schlagheck, H., Schmidt, H. -R, Shabratova, G., Sibiriak, I., Siemiarczuk, T., Silvermyr, D., Sinha, B. C., Slavine, N., Söderström, K., Solomey, N., Sørensen, S. P., Stankus, P., Stefanek, G., Steinberg, P., Stenlund, E., Stüken, D., Sumbera, M., Svensson, T., Trivedi, M. D., Tsvetkov, A., Twenhöfel, C., Tykarski, L., Urbahn, J., Eijndhoven, N. V., Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. V., Vinogradov, A., Viyogi, Y. P., Vodopianov, A., Vörös, S., Wysouch, B., Yagi, K., Yokota, Y., and Young, G. R.
34. Stakeholder interactions in nuclear emergency response for the Dutch food supply chain
- Author
Asselt, E. van, Brandhoff, P., Twenhöfel, C. van, Asselt, E. van, Brandhoff, P., and Twenhöfel, C. van
- Abstract
In the Netherlands, EPAn (Unit Planning and Advice – Nuclear) assesses the radiological situation and advises the national and regional levels on protective actions. This advice is based on radiological and human health expertise provided by the Crisis Expert Team (CET) radiation. At the start of the project, CET lacked insight in the measures taken by food producers in case of a nuclear accident and communication with these stakeholders was limited. Furthermore, experience on recovery measures was primarily focused on the first stage after an incident.
35. First Evidence of Directed Flow at 158 A GeV Pb + Pb Collisions in WA98 Experiment
- Author
Kurata, Mizuki, Collaboration, WA98, Aggarwal, M.M., Agnihotri, A., Ahammed, Z., Angelis, A.L.S., Antonenko, V., Arefiev, V., Astakhov, V., Avdeitchikov, V., Awes, T.C, Baba, P.V.K.S., Badyal, S.K., Baldine, A., Barabach, L., Barlag, C., Bathe, S., Batiounia, B., Bernier, T., Bhalla, K.B., Bhatia, V.S., Blume, C., Bock, D., Bock, R., Bohne, E.-M., Bucher, D., Buijs, A., Buis, E.-J., Büsching, H., Carlen, L., Chalyshev, V., Chattopadhyay, S., Chenawi, K.E, Cherbatchev, R., Chujo, T., Claussen, A., Das, A.C., Decowski, M.P., Djordjadze, V., Donni, P., Doubovik, I., Majumdar, M.R. Dutta, Eliseev, S., Enosawa, K., Feldmann, H., Foka, P., Fokin, S., Frolov, V., Ganti, M.S., Garpman, S., Gavrishchuk, O., Geurts, F.J.M., Ghosh, T.K., Glasow, R., Guskov, B., Gustafsson, H.A., Gutbrod, H.H., Higuchi, R., Hrivnacova, I., Ippolitov, M., Kalechofsky, H., Kamermans, R., Kampert, K.-H., Karadjev, K., Karpio, K., Kato, S., Kees, S., Kim, H., Kolb, B. W., Kosarev, I., Koutcheryaev, I., Kugler, A., Kulinich, P., Kumar, V., Kurita, K., Kuzmin, N., Langbein, I., Lebedev, A., Lee, Y.Y., Löhner, H., Mahapatra, D.P., Manko, V., Martin, M., Maximov, A., Mehdiyev, R., Mgebrichvili, G., Miake, Y., Mikhalev, D., Mishra, G.C, Miyamoto, Y., Morrison, D., Mukhopadhyay, D.S., Myalkovski, V., Naef, H., Nandi, B.K., Nayak, S.K., Nayak, T.K., Neumaier, S., Nianine, A., Nikitine, V., Nikolaev, S., Nishimura, S., Nomokonov, P., Nystrand, J., Obenshain, F.E., Oskarsson, A., Otterlund, I., Pachr, M., Parfenov, A., Pavliouk, S., Peitzmann, T., Petracek, V., Plasil, F., Purschke, M.L., Raeven, B., Rak, J., Raniwala, S., Ramamurthy, V.S., Rao, N.K., Retiere, F., Reygers, K., Roland, G., Rosselet, L., Roufanov, I., Rubio, J.M., Sako, H., Sambyal, S.S., Santo, R., Sato, S., Schlagheck, H., Schmidt, H.-R., Shabratova, G., Sibiriak, I., Siemiarczuk, T., Sinha, B. C., Slavine, N., Söderström, K., Solomey, N., Sørensen, S.P., Stankus, P., Stefanek, G., Steinberg, P., Stenlund, E., Stüken, D., Sumbera, M., Svensson, T., Trivedi, M.D., Tsvetkov, A., Twenhöfel, C., Tykarski, L., Urbahn, J., Eijndhoven, N.V., Heeringen, W.H.V., Nieuwenhuizen, G.J.V., Vinogradov, A., Viyogi, Y.P., Vodopianov, A., Vörös, S., Vos, M.A., Wyslouch, B., Yagi, K., Yokota, Y., and Young, G.R.
- Abstract
The first evidence of directed flow at 158 A GeV Pb + Pb collisions is observed using the Plastic Ball detector in WA98 experiment. The azimuthal angle of the total transverse energy, Φ
0 , is determined for each event using the observed protons in the Plastic Ball. A clear azimuthal asymmetry of fragments is observed with respect to Φ0 . The degree of azimuthal asymmetry is found to be largest in mid-central collisions, which is consistent with the picture of the collective flow. The pt spectra of particles measured in the mid-rapidity spectrometer has been studied in conjunction with the Plastic Ball, and different pt slopes with respect to Φ0 for proton and π+ are observed.- Published
- 2013
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36. Inclusive systematics for 28Si+28Si reactions between 20 and 35 MeV per nucleon.
- Author
Box PF, Griffioen KA, Decowski P, Bootsma T, Gierlik E, van Nieuwenhuizen GJ, Twenhöfel C, Kamermans R, Wilschut HW, Giorni A, Morand C, Demeyer A, and Guinet D
- Published
- 1994
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