Hydrochemical parameters of water in ecosystems of Gijdivan district of Bukhara region: O2 content 4,9 ± 0,5 mg / l, Cl2 312 ± 14 mg / l, mineralization - 992-1402 mg / l and oil products about 0,6-0,8 mg / l, it turned out that the amount of these elements in the water exceeds the permissible norm. The following conclusions were made on the basis of the study of the status of the species listed in the “Red Book” in aquatic ecosystems of the lower reaches of the Zarafshan river. We found that the population of the species Colletopterum and Corbicula in the village of Sultanabad in the Navoi region is a growing population, while the population of the species Colletopterum and Corbicula in the Gijduvan region of the Bukhara region is decreasing.