Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is a significant cause of neonatal hearing loss. However, at the cochlear level, the anatomical lesions and pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie hearing loss are still not clearly understood. In murine models of CMV infection, we have observed early damage to the capillary networks in stria vascularis, as well as hearing loss manifested in ABR threshold elevations. Our experimental hypothesis is that strial damage causes a reduced endocochlear potential (EP) resulting in impaired haircell activation and consequent hearing loss. We have studied strial damage, EP, and ABR threshold elevations in two mouse models (BALB/c and C57BL6 strains) infected with murine CMV. Neonatal (P3) pups were inoculated with murine CMV (2µl of 200pfu) by intra cerebral injection. Control mice were saline injected. At 6 weeks, ABR thresholds to tonal stimuli at 8, 16 and 32 kHz were determined for each ear. At 8 weeks a sub-group of treated and control animals was prepared for study of cochlear capillary networks using scanning electron microscopy of corrosion cast specimens. In a second group, at 8 weeks, EP measurements from both cochleas were made. We report that in both mouse strains, CMV infection caused capillary loss in the stria vascularis, initially at the cochlear apex, and extending to lower cochlear turns in some subjects. After CMV infection, in both BALB/c and C57BL6 mice, reduced EPs and ABR threshold elevations were observed, and there was a within-animal correlation between loss of EP and ABR threshold elevations across the sound frequencies tested. These results suggest that CMV induced damage to stria vascularis results in EP reduction that is correlated with ABR threshold elevations. Extrapolating to the human condition, we suggest that strial damage and its physiological consequences may contribute to the initial hearing loss in congenital CMV infection. The early involvement of cochlear capillary damage may encourage a focus on therapeutic interventions that can prevent vascular damage, or subsequently promote vascular healing or angiogenesis.