The etiology of insulin resistance is complex and multi-faceted.For example, metabolic perturbations associated with obesity and/orincreased consumption of energy-dense foodstuffs, coupled witha sedentary lifestyle may fuel this process [1,2].Nutrientexcess,and more specifically excursions of acute hyperglycemia, can playa significant role in the development of insulin resistance and theassociated onset of cardiovascular diseases [3,4].Recent data from our laboratory show that short-term hypergly-cemia exerts a number of detrimental metabolic alterations contrib-uting to both myocardial insulin resistance and impaired cardiaccontractile function. This includes greater oxidative stress and theinduction of non-oxidative glucose pathways (NOGPs)— i.e.enhanced formation of advanced glycation-end products (AGEs),stimulation of proteinkinase C(PKC)isoforms, andincreased activa-tion of the polyol and hexosamine biosynthetic pathways (HBP);leading to invitrocardiac insulin resistance [5],and increased infarctsizes and apoptosis duringex vivo ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) of rathearts [6]. However, activation of a pentose phosphate pathway(PPP) enzyme (transketolase) by thiamine (derivative of vitaminB1) or its lipophilic analog benfotiamine (BFT) is associated withprotective effects against various diabetic complications. For exam-ple, we demonstrated that BFT treatment augmented transketolaseactivity, thereby reversing cellular insulin resistance and alsoprotecting against I/R-mediated damage[5,6]. Since our earlierwork was generally conducted in cultured heart cells, the currentstudy evaluated myocardial NOGP regulation and thiamine adminis-tration during pre- and overt diabetes within an in vivo context. Wehypothesized that thiamine improves diabetes-induced cardio-metabolic dysfunction by upregulation of transketolase activity,thereby re-directing metabolites into the PPP and subsequentlydecreasing activation of damaging NOGPs.Heart tissues were kindly provided by Dr. Takao Tanaka (OsakaUniversity of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka, Japan). Four-weekold male Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats wererandomly divided into a) untreated and b) thiamine-treated groupsreceiving thiamine (2 g/L) in their drinking water[7]. Groups werefurther divided according to treatment time, with rats killed at 25 or55 weeks of age, corresponding to 21 and 51 weeks of thiamine treat-ment, respectively (n = 8 per group).Thiamine administration reduced plasma glucose, insulin,triglycerides and HbA1c levels compared to untreated controls[7].Although the levels of plasma glucose and insulin were both higher inthe 25-week-old controls, the 55-week-old rats displayed elevatedglucose but decreased insulin levels. These data therefore indicate ahyperinsulinemic/hyperglycemic (pre-diabetic) state at 25 weeks,and a full blown diabetic condition at 55 weeks [7]. For the purpose ofthisreport,werefertotheexperimentalgroupsas“pre-diabetic”versus“diabetic”. Furthermore, echocardiographic assessment of diabeticOLETF rats revealed impaired cardiac function that could be improvedby thiamine treatment.For this study, we initially investigated Akt kinase activity (asa marker of insulin signaling) using a commercial kit (Enzo LifeSciences, Farmingdale, NY) and found that thiamine treatmentincreased Akt activity by ~2.4 fold in the pre-diabetic group (P b 0.001vs. pre-diabetic control) (Fig. 1A). Conversely, the diabetic ratsdisplayed reduced myocardial Akt activity at baseline and in responseto thiamine treatment (P b 0.05 vs. pre-diabetic control, P b 0.001 vs.pre-diabetic thiamine). The activities of two key regulatory PPPenzymes, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) (BioVision,Mountain View, CA) and transketolase (modified assay from Sigma,St Louis, MO [5,6]) were next evaluated. Here thiamine treatment had