267 results on '"Toussaint, Doug"'
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2. D-meson semileptonic decays to pseudoscalars from four-flavor lattice QCD
- Author
Bazavov, Alexei, DeTar, Carleton, El-Khadra, Aida X., Gámiz, Elvira, Gelzer, Zechariah, Gottlieb, Steven, Jay, William I., Jeong, Hwancheol, Kronfeld, Andreas S., Li, Ruizi, Lytle, Andrew T., Mackenzie, Paul B., Neil, Ethan T., Primer, Thomas, Simone, James N., Sugar, Robert L., Toussaint, Doug, Van de Water, Ruth S., and Vaquero, Alejandro
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We present lattice-QCD calculations of the hadronic form factors for the semileptonic decays $D\to\pi\ell\nu$, $D\to K\ell\nu$, and $D_s\to K\ell\nu$. Our calculation uses the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action for all valence and sea quarks and includes $N_f=2+1+1$ MILC ensembles with lattice spacings ranging from $a\approx0.12$ fm down to $0.042$ fm. At most lattice spacings, an ensemble with physical-mass light quarks is included. The HISQ action allows all the quarks to be treated with the same relativistic light-quark action, allowing for nonperturbative renormalization using partial conservation of the vector current. We combine our results with experimental measurements of the differential decay rates to determine $|V_{cd}|^{D\to\pi}=0.2238(11)^{\rm Expt}(15)^{\rm QCD}(04)^{\rm EW}(02)^{\rm SIB}[22]^{\rm QED}$ and $|V_{cs}|^{D\to K}=0.9589(23)^{\rm Expt}(40)^{\rm QCD}(15)^{\rm EW}(05)^{\rm SIB}[95]^{\rm QED}$ This result for $|V_{cd}|$ is the most precise to date, with a lattice-QCD error that is, for the first time for the semileptonic extraction, at the same level as the experimental error. Using recent measurements from BES III, we also give the first-ever determination of $|V_{cd}|^{D_s\to K}=0.258(15)^{\rm Expt}(01)^{\rm QCD}[03]^{\rm QED}$ from $D_s\to K \ell\nu$. Our results also furnish new Standard Model calculations of the lepton flavor universality ratios $R^{D\to\pi}=0.98671(17)^{\rm QCD}[500]^{\rm QED}$, $R^{D\to K}=0.97606(16)^{\rm QCD}[500]^{\rm QED}$, and $R^{D_s\to K}=0.98099(10)^{\rm QCD}[500]^{\rm QED}$, which are consistent within $2\sigma$ with experimental measurements. Our extractions of $|V_{cd}|$ and $|V_{cs}|$, when combined with a value for $|V_{cb}|$, provide the most precise test of second-row CKM unitarity, finding agreement with unitarity at the level of one standard deviation., Comment: 92 pages, V2 matches version accepted for publication in PRD. Expanded supplementary material for reconstructing our final results. An implementation of nonlinear shrinkage is also included
- Published
- 2022
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3. MILC Code Performance on High End CPU and GPU Supercomputer Clusters
- Author
Li, Ruizi, DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,Physics - Computational Physics - Abstract
With recent developments in parallel supercomputing architecture, many core, multi-core, and GPU processors are now commonplace, resulting in more levels of parallelism, memory hierarchy, and programming complexity. It has been necessary to adapt the MILC code to these new processors starting with NVIDIA GPUs, and more recently, the Intel Xeon Phi processors. We report on our efforts to port and optimize our code for the Intel Knights Landing architecture. We consider performance of the MILC code with MPI and OpenMP, and optimizations with QOPQDP and QPhiX. For the latter approach, we concentrate on the staggered conjugate gradient and gauge force. We also consider performance on recent NVIDIA GPUs using the QUDA library.
- Published
- 2017
4. Non-equilibration of topological charge and its effects
- Author
Bernard, Claude and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
In QCD simulations at small lattice spacings, the topological charge Q evolves very slowly and, if this quantity is not properly equilibrated, we could get incorrect results for physical quantities, or incorrect estimates of their errors. We use the known relation between the dependence of masses and decay constants on the QCD vacuum angle theta and the squared topological charge Q^2 together with chiral perturbation theory results for the dependence of masses and decay constants on theta to estimate the size of these effects and suggest strategies for dealing with them. For the partially quenched case, we sketch an alternative derivation of the known $\chi$PT results of Aoki and Fukaya, using the nonperturbatively correct chiral theory worked out by Golterman, Sharpe and Singleton, and by Sharpe and Shoresh. With the MILC collaboration's ensembles of lattices with four flavors of HISQ dynamical quarks, we measure the $Q^2$ dependence of masses and decay constants and compare to the $\chi$PT forms. The observed agreement gives us confidence that we can reliably estimate the errors from slow topology change, and even correct for its leading effects., Comment: Contribution to LATTICE 2017 conference, Southampton, UK, July 2016
- Published
- 2016
5. MILC staggered conjugate gradient performance on Intel KNL
- Author
DeTar, Carleton, Doerfler, Douglas, Gottlieb, Steven, Jha, Ashish, Kalamkar, Dhiraj, Li, Ruizi, and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,Physics - Computational Physics - Abstract
We review our work done to optimize the staggered conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm in the MILC code for use with the Intel Knights Landing (KNL) architecture. KNL is the second gener- ation Intel Xeon Phi processor. It is capable of massive thread parallelism, data parallelism, and high on-board memory bandwidth and is being adopted in supercomputing centers for scientific research. The CG solver consumes the majority of time in production running, so we have spent most of our effort on it. We compare performance of an MPI+OpenMP baseline version of the MILC code with a version incorporating the QPhiX staggered CG solver, for both one-node and multi-node runs., Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2016
6. $D$-meson semileptonic form factors at zero momentum transfer in (2+1+1)-flavor lattice QCD
- Author
Primer, Thomas, Bernard, Claude, DeTar, Carleton, El-Khadra, Aide, Gámiz, Elvira, Komijani, Javad, Kronfeld, Andreas, Simone, James, Toussaint, Doug, and Van de Water, Ruth S.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present a calculation of the $D\to K \ell \nu$ and $D\to\pi \ell \nu$ semileptonic form factors at $q^2=0$, which enable determinations of the CKM matrix elements $\lvert{V_{cs}}\rvert$ and $\lvert{V_{cd}}\rvert$, respectively. We use gauge-field configurations generated by the MILC collaboration with four flavors of highly-improved staggered (HISQ) quarks, analyzing several ensembles including those with physical pion masses and approximate lattice spacings ranging from 0.12~fm to 0.042~fm. We also use the HISQ action for the valence quarks. We employ twisted boundary conditions to calculate the form factors at zero momentum transfer directly. We use heavy-light-meson chiral perturbation theory modified for energetic pions and kaons, and supplemented by terms to describe the lattice-spacing dependence, to obtain preliminary results at the physical point and in the continuum limit., Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure, Lattice 2015
- Published
- 2015
7. Kaon and D meson semileptonic form factors from lattice QCD
- Author
Primer, Thomas, Toussaint, Doug, El-Khadra, Aida, Gámiz, Elvira, and Simone, James
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present the status of on-going calculations of the $K\to\pi l\nu$ and $D\to K(\pi) l\nu$ semileptonic form factors at $q^2=0$. These form factors are important for the determination of the CKM matrix elements $\lvert{V_{us}}\rvert$ and $\lvert{V_{cs(d)}}\rvert$ respectively. This work uses the HISQ action for both valence quarks and sea quarks on MILC $N_f=2+1+1$ configurations. We employ twisted boundary conditions to calculate the form factors at zero momentum transfer directly. The $K\to\pi$ results are an update to previously published results with new data at the physical point. The $D\to K(\pi)$ results are preliminary.
- Published
- 2014
8. The intrinsic strangeness and charm of the nucleon using improved staggered fermions
- Author
Freeman, Walter and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We calculate the intrinsic strangeness of the nucleon,
- <0|ss|0>, using the MILC library of improved staggered gauge configurations using the Asqtad and HISQ actions. Additionally, we present a preliminary calculation of the intrinsic charm of the nucleon using the HISQ action with dynamical charm. The calculation is done with a method which incorporates features of both commonly-used methods, the direct evaluation of the three-point function and the application of the Feynman- Hellman theorem. We present an improvement on this method that further reduces the statistical error, and check the result from this hybrid method against the other two methods and find that they are consistent. The values for and found here, together with perturbative results for heavy quarks, show that dark matter scattering through Higgs-like exchange receives roughly equal contributions from all heavy quark flavors., Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures - Published
- 2012
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9. Improved method for calculating nucleon strangeness
- Author
Freeman, Walter and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
The strange quark content of the nucleon, as well as other matrix elements, can be calculated on the lattice by examining correlations between the nucleon propagator and the quark condensate. The largest contribution to statistical error comes from fluctuations in the condensate far from the propagation region that contribute only noise. We will report on a technique for considering only the condensate near the propagation region, significantly reducing the statistical error., Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; proceedings of Lattice 2010
- Published
- 2010
10. The strange quark content of the nucleon in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
- Author
Freeman, Walter and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
The strangeness of the nucleon,
- <0|ss|0>, is a quantity of interest for interpreting the results of dark matter detection experiments as well as for exploring the structure of the nucleon itself. We present a calculation of this quantity in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD using a range of lattice spacings and quark masses. The method is based on calculating quark-line disconnected contributions on the MILC lattice configurations, which include the effects of dynamical strange quarks. After continuum and chiral extrapolations, the value is - <0|ss|0> = 0.69 +/- 0.07(stat) +/- 0.09(sys) in the msbar(2GeV) regularization., Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; proceedings of Lattice 2009 - Published
- 2009
11. The Omega- and the strange quark mass
- Author
Toussaint, Doug and Davies, C. T. H.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
Omega- correlators have been calculated on the MILC collaboration's archive of three flavor improved staggered quark lattices. The Omega- is stable under strong interactions (140 MeV below threshold). It provides a valuable consistency check on a combination of strange quark mass and lattice scale determination from other quantities. Alternatively, the Omega- mass could be used to fix the strange quark mass, which gives a check on computations of the strange quark mass based on the kaon mass., Comment: Three pages, proceedings of the Lattice-04 symposium. (Corrected typographical errors)
- Published
- 2004
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12. Hybrid configuration content of heavy S-wave mesons
- Author
Burch, Tommy and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We use the non-relativistic expansion of QCD (NRQCD) on the lattice to study the lowest hybrid configuration contribution to the ground state of heavy S-wave mesons. Using lowest-order lattice NRQCD to create the heavy-quark propagators, we form a basis of ``unperturbed'' S-wave and hybrid states. We then apply the lowest-order coupling of the quark spin and chromomagnetic field at an intermediate time slice to create ``mixed'' correlators between the S-wave and hybrid states. From the resulting amplitudes, we extract the off-diagonal element of our two-state Hamiltonian. Diagonalizing this Hamiltonian gives us the admixture of hybrid configuration within the meson ground state. The present effort represents a continuation of previous work: the analysis has been extended to include lattices of varying spacings, source operators having better overlap with the ground states, and the pseudoscalar (along with the vector) channel. Results are presented for bottomonium ($\Upsilon$, $\eta_b^{}$) using three different sets of quenched lattices. We also show results for charmonium ($J/\psi$, $\eta_c^{}$) from one lattice set, although we note that the non-relativistic approximation is not expected to be very good in this case., Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, version to appear in Phys Rev D
- Published
- 2003
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13. Spectrum Results with Kogut-Susskind Quarks
- Author
Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
I summarize recent developments in spectrum calculations using Kogut-Susskind quarks. Theoretical developments include one-loop computations with improved actions. I present some recent simulation results, mostly from a MILC collaboration project using three flavors. Effects of dynamical quarks are clearly seen in the isovector 0++ meson propagator and in the mass ratio ``J''., Comment: 6 pages, contribution to Lattice2001(plenary) figures resized, reference added
- Published
- 2001
14. Determining hybrid content of heavy quarkonia using lattice nonrelativistic QCD
- Author
Burch, Tommy, Orginos, Kostas, and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
Using lowest-order lattice NRQCD to create heavy meson propagators and applying the spin-dependent interaction, $c_B^{} \frac{-g}{2m_q}\vec\sigma\cdot\vec{B}$, at varying intermediate time slices, we compute the off-diagonal matrix element of the Hamiltonian for the quarkonium-hybrid two-state system. Diagonalizing this two-state Hamiltonian, the admixture of hybrid ($|Q\bar{Q}g>$) in the ground state is found. We present results from a set of quenched lattices with an interpolation in quark mass to match the bottomonium spectrum., Comment: Lattice2001(heavyquark) ; 3 pages, 2 figures
- Published
- 2001
15. The QCD spectrum with three quark flavors
- Author
Bernard, Claude, Burch, Tom, DeGrand, Thomas A., Datta, Saumen, DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Orginos, Kostas, Sugar, Robert, and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We present results from a lattice hadron spectrum calculation using three flavors of dynamical quarks - two light and one strange, and quenched simulations for comparison. These simulations were done using a one-loop Symanzik improved gauge action and an improved Kogut-Susskind quark action. The lattice spacings, and hence also the physical volumes, were tuned to be the same in all the runs to better expose differences due to flavor number. Lattice spacings were tuned using the static quark potential, so as a byproduct we obtain updated results for the effect of sea quarks on the static quark potential. We find indications that the full QCD meson spectrum is in better agreement with experiment than the quenched spectrum. For the 0++ (a0) meson we see a coupling to two pseudoscalar mesons, or a meson decay on the lattice., Comment: 38 pages, 20 figures, uses epsf. 5/29/01 revision responds to referee's Comments, changes pion fits and tables, and corrects Fig. 10 and some minor errors
- Published
- 2001
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16. Measurement of hybrid content of heavy quarkonia using lattice NRQCD
- Author
Burch, Tommy, Orginos, Kostas, and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Using lowest-order lattice NRQCD to create heavy meson propagators and applying the spin-dependent interaction, $c_B^{} \frac{-g}{2m_q}\vec\sigma\cdot\vec{B}$, at varying intermediate time slices, we compute the off-diagonal matrix element of the Hamiltonian for the quarkonium-hybrid two-state system. Thus far, we have results for one set of quenched lattices with an interpolation in quark mass to match the bottomonium spectrum. After diagonalization of the two-state Hamiltonian, we find the ground state of the $\Upsilon$ to show a $0.0035(1)c_B^2$ (with $c_B^2 \sim 1.5-3.1$) probability admixture of hybrid, $|b\bar{b}g>$., Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys Rev D
- Published
- 2001
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17. Variants of fattening and flavor symmetry restoration
- Author
Orginos, Kostas, Sugar, R. L., and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We study the effects of different "fat link" actions for Kogut-Susskind quarks on flavor symmetry breaking. Our method is mostly empirical - we compute the pion spectrum with different valence quark actions on common sets of sample lattices. Different actions are compared, as best we can, at equivalent physical points. We find significant reductions in flavor symmetry breaking relative to the conventional or to the "link plus staple" actions, with a reasonable cost in computer time. We also develop and test a scheme for approximate unitarization of the fat links. While our tests have concentrated on the valence quark action, our results will be useful in designing simulations with dynamical quarks., Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, PostScript figures included
- Published
- 1999
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18. Tests of Improved Kogut-Susskind Fermion Actions
- Author
Orginos, Kostas and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
Improved Kogut-Susskind quark actions containing repeatedly smeared links are studied to address the issue of flavor symmetry restoration. As a measure of the flavor symmetry restoration the mass spectrum of all the pions is computed. We present results for several variants of the "fat" actions that are suitable for full QCD simulations., Comment: 3 pages, LATTICE98(improvement), LaTeX, PostScript figures included
- Published
- 1998
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19. Testing improved actions for dynamical Kogut-Susskind quarks
- Author
Orginos, Kostas and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We extend tests of "Naik" and "fat link" improvements of the Kogut-Susskind quark action to full QCD simulations, and verify that the improvements previously demonstrated in the quenched approximation apply also to dynamical quark simulations. We extend the study of flavor symmetry improvement to the complete set of pions, and find that the nonlocal pions are significantly heavier than the local non-Goldstone pion. These results can be used to estimate the lattice spacing necessary for realistic simulations with this action., Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, PostScript figures included
- Published
- 1998
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20. Quenched hadron spectroscopy with improved staggered quark action
- Author
MILC Collaboration, Bernard, Claude, Blum, Tom, DeGrand, Thomas A., DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Hetrick, James, McNeile, Craig, Rummukainen, K., Sugar, Bob, and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We investigate light hadron spectroscopy with an improved quenched staggered quark action. We compare the results obtained with an improved gauge plus an improved quark action, an improved gauge plus standard quark action, and the standard gauge plus standard quark action. Most of the improvement in the spectroscopy results is due to the improved gauge sector. However, the improved quark action substantially reduces violations of Lorentz invariance, as evidenced by the meson dispersion relations., Comment: New references added
- Published
- 1997
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21. Light quark spectrum with improved gauge and fermion actions
- Author
MILC Collaboration, Bernard, Claude, DeGrand, Tom, DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Hetrick, Jim, McNeile, Craig, Rummukainen, Kari, Sugar, Bob, Toussaint, Doug, and Wingate, Matthew
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We report on a study of the light quark spectrum using an improved gauge action and both Kogut-Susskind and Naik quark actions. We have studied six different lattice spacings, corresponding to plaquette couplings ranging from 6.8 to 7.9, with five to six quark masses per coupling. We compare the two quark actions in terms of the spectrum and restoration of flavor symmetry. We also compare these results with those from the conventional action., Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, uses espcrs2, epsf, talk presented by S. Gottlieb at LATTICE'97, Edinburgh, 22-26 July 1997
- Published
- 1997
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22. Heavy-light decay constants---MILC results with the Wilson action
- Author
MILC Collaboration, Bernard, Claude, Blum, Tom, DeGrand, Thomas A., DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Hetrick, Jim, McNeile, Craig, Rummukainen, Kari, Soni, A., Sugar, Bob, Toussaint, Doug, and Wingate, Matthew
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present the current status of our ongoing calculations of pseudoscalar meson decay constants for mesons that contain one light and one heavy quark (f_B, f_{B_s}, f_D, f_{D_s}). We are currently generating new gauge configurations that include dynamical quarks and calculating the decay constants. In addition, we have several new results for the static approximation. Those results, as well as several refinements to the analysis, are new since Lattice '96. Our current (still preliminary) value for f_B is 156 +- 11 +- 30 +- 14 MeV, where the first error is from statistical and fitting errors, the second error is an estimate of other systematic errors within the quenched approximation and the third error is an estimate of the quenching error. For the ratio f_{B_s}/f_B, we get 1.11 +- 0.02 +- 0.03 +- 0.07., Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX, uses espcrs2, epsf, Invited talk presented by S. Gottlieb at Lattice QCD on Parallel Computers, University of Tsukuba, March, 1997, to appear in the proceedings
- Published
- 1997
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23. Light hadron spectrum---MILC results with the Kogut-Susskind and Wilson actions
- Author
MILC Collaboration, Bernard, Claude, Blum, Tom, DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Hetrick, Jim, McNeile, Craig, Rummukainen, Kari, Sugar, Bob, Toussaint, Doug, and Wingate, Matthew
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present the current status of our ongoing calculations of the light hadron spectrum with both Kogut-Susskind (KS) and Wilson quarks in the valence or quenched approximation. We discuss KS quarks first and find that the chiral extrapolation is potentially the biggest source of systematic error. For the Wilson case, we focus on finite volume and source size effects at 6/g^2=5.7. We find no evidence to support the claim that there is a finite volume effect between N_s=16 and 24 of approximately 5%., Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, LaTeX, uses espcrs2, epsf, Invited talk presented by S. Gottlieb at Lattice QCD on Parallel Computers, University of Tsukuba, March, 1997, to appear in the proceedings
- Published
- 1997
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24. Exotic mesons in quenched lattice QCD
- Author
MILC collaboration, Bernard, Claude, DeGrand, Thomas A., DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Hetrick, James E., McNeile, Craig, Rummukainen, Kari, Sugar, Bob, Toussaint, Doug, and Wingate, Matthew
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Since gluons in QCD are interacting fundamental constituents just as quarks are, we expect that in addition to mesons made from a quark and an antiquark, there should also be glueballs and hybrids (bound states of quarks, antiquarks and gluons). In general, these states would mix strongly with the conventional q-bar-q mesons. However, they can also have exotic quantum numbers inaccessible to q-bar-q mesons. Confirmation of such states would give information on the role of "dynamical" color in low energy QCD. In the quenched approximation we present a lattice calculation of the masses of mesons with exotic quantum numbers. These hybrid mesons can mix with four quark (q-bar-q-bar-q-q) states. The quenched approximation partially suppresses this mixing. Nonetheless, our hybrid interpolating fields also couple to four quark states. Using a four quark source operator, we demonstrate this mixing for the 1-+ meson. Using the conventional Wilson quark action, we calculate both at reasonably light quark masses, intending to extrapolate to small quark mass, and near the charmed quark mass, where we calculate the masses of some c-bar-c-g hybrid mesons. The hybrid meson masses are large --- over 4 GeV for charmonium and more than twice the vector meson mass at our smallest quark mass, which is near the strange quark mass., Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, PostScript figures included, 2 typos fixed in table 6
- Published
- 1997
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25. QCD Thermodynamics with an Improved Lattice Action
- Author
Bernard, Claude, Hetrick, James E., DeGrand, Thomas, Wingate, Matthew, DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Rummukainen, Kari, Toussaint, Doug, Sugar, Robert L., and Collaboration, MILC
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We have investigated QCD with two flavors of degenerate fermions using a Symanzik-improved lattice action for both the gauge and fermion actions. Our study focuses on the deconfinement transition on an $N_t=4$ lattice. Having located the thermal transition, we performed zero temperature simulations nearby in order to compute hadronic masses and the static quark potential. We find that the present action reduces lattice artifacts present in thermodynamics with the standard Wilson (gauge and fermion) actions. However, it does not bring studies with Wilson-type quarks to the same level as those using the Kogut--Susskind formulation., Comment: 20 pages Latex, 16 of 16 figures included
- Published
- 1997
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26. Improving flavor symmetry in the Kogut-Susskind hadron spectrum
- Author
Blum, Tom, DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Hetrick, James E., Rummukainen, Kari, Sugar, R. L., Toussaint, Doug, and Wingate, Matthew
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We study the effect of modifying the coupling of Kogut-Susskind quarks to the gauge field by replacing the link matrix in the quark action by a "fat link", or sum of link plus three-link paths. Flavor symmetry breaking, determined by the mass difference between the Goldstone and non-Goldstone local pions, is reduced by approximately a factor of two by this modification., Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, uses epsf.sty
- Published
- 1996
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27. Recent MILC spectrum results
- Author
Bernard, C., Blum, T., DeGrand, T. A., DeTar, C., Gottlieb, Steve, Heller, Urs M., Hetrick, J., McNeile, C., Rummukainen, K., Sugar, R. L., Toussaint, Doug, and Wingate, M.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We report on results from three spectrum calculations with staggered quarks: 1) a quenched calculation with the standard action for the gluons and quarks; 2) a quenched calculation with improved actions for both the gluons and quarks; and 3) a calculation with two flavors of dynamical quarks using the standard actions for the gluons and quarks., Comment: Poster presented at LATTICE96(spectrum);4 pages of LaTeX, uses espcrc2 and epsf, six postscript figures included
- Published
- 1996
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28. Finite Temperature Lattice QCD with Clover Fermions
- Author
Bernard, Claude, Blum, Tom, DeGrand, Thomas A., DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs M., Hetrick, Jim, McNeile, Craig, Rummukainen, Kari, Sugar, Bob, Toussaint, Doug, and Wingate, Matt
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We report on our simulation of finite temperature lattice QCD with two flavors of ${\cal O}(a)$ Symanzik-improved fermions and ${\cal O}(a^2)$ Symanzik-improved glue. Our thermodynamic simulations were performed on an $8^3 \times 4$ lattice, and we have performed complementary zero temperature simulations on an $8^3 \times 16$ lattice. We compare our results to those from simulations with two flavors of Wilson fermions and discuss the improvement resulting from use of the improved action., Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Talk presented at Lattice 96
- Published
- 1996
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29. Scaling functions for O(4) in three dimensions
- Author
Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
Monte Carlo simulation using a cluster algorithm is used to compute the scaling part of the free energy for a three dimensional O(4) spin model. The results are relevant for analysis of lattice studies of high temperature QCD., Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, uses epsf.sty
- Published
- 1996
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30. Exotic hybrid mesons with light quarks
- Author
Bernard, Claude, Blum, Tom, DeGrand, Thomas A., DeTar, Carleton, Gottlieb, Steven, Heller, Urs. M., Hetrick, Jim, McNeile, Craig, Rummukainen, Kari, Sugar, Bob, Toussaint, Doug, and Wingate, Matt
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Hybrid mesons, made from a quark, an antiquark and gluons, can have quantum numbers inaccessible to conventional quark-antiquark states. Confirmation of such states would give information on the role of "dynamical" color in low energy QCD. We present preliminary results for hybrid meson masses using light Wilson valence quarks., Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(spectrum)
- Published
- 1996
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31. High density QCD with static quarks
- Author
Blum, Thomas C., Hetrick, James E., and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We study lattice QCD in the limit that the quark mass and chemical potential are simultaneously made large, resulting in a controllable density of quarks which do not move. This is similar in spirit to the quenched approximation for zero density QCD. In this approximation we find that the deconfinement transition seen at zero density becomes a smooth crossover at any nonzero density, and that at low enough temperature chiral symmetry remains broken at all densities., Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, uses epsf.sty, postscript figures included
- Published
- 1995
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32. D-meson semileptonic decays to pseudoscalars from four-flavor lattice QCD
- Author
Bazavov, Alexei, Detar, Carleton, El-Khadra, Aida X., Gámiz, Elvira, Gelzer, Zechariah, Gottlieb, Steven, Jay, William I., Jeong, Hwancheol, Kronfeld, Andreas S., Li, Ruizi, Lytle, Andrew T., Mackenzie, Paul B., Neil, Ethan T., Primer, Thomas, Simone, James N., Sugar, Robert L., Toussaint, Doug, Water, Ruth S., and Alejandro Vaquero Avilés-Casco
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat) ,FOS: Physical sciences - Abstract
We present lattice-QCD calculations of the hadronic form factors for the semileptonic decays $D\to\pi\ell\nu$, $D\to K\ell\nu$, and $D_s\to K\ell\nu$. Our calculation uses the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action for all valence and sea quarks and includes $N_f=2+1+1$ MILC ensembles with lattice spacings ranging from $a\approx0.12$ fm down to $0.042$ fm. At most lattice spacings, an ensemble with physical-mass light quarks is included. The HISQ action allows all the quarks to be treated with the same relativistic light-quark action, allowing for nonperturbative renormalization using partial conservation of the vector current. We combine our results with experimental measurements of the differential decay rates to determine $|V_{cd}|^{D\to\pi}=0.2238(11)^{\rm Expt}(15)^{\rm QCD}(04)^{\rm EW}(02)^{\rm SIB}[22]^{\rm QED}$ and $|V_{cs}|^{D\to K}=0.9589(23)^{\rm Expt}(40)^{\rm QCD}(15)^{\rm EW}(05)^{\rm SIB}[95]^{\rm QED}$ This result for $|V_{cd}|$ is the most precise to date, with a lattice-QCD error that is, for the first time for the semileptonic extraction, at the same level as the experimental error. Using recent measurements from BES III, we also give the first-ever determination of $|V_{cd}|^{D_s\to K}=0.258(15)^{\rm Expt}(01)^{\rm QCD}[03]^{\rm QED}$ from $D_s\to K \ell\nu$. Our results also furnish new Standard Model calculations of the lepton flavor universality ratios $R^{D\to\pi}=0.98671(17)^{\rm QCD}[500]^{\rm QED}$, $R^{D\to K}=0.97606(16)^{\rm QCD}[500]^{\rm QED}$, and $R^{D_s\to K}=0.98099(10)^{\rm QCD}[500]^{\rm QED}$, which are consistent within $2\sigma$ with experimental measurements. Our extractions of $|V_{cd}|$ and $|V_{cs}|$, when combined with a value for $|V_{cb}|$, provide the most precise test of second-row CKM unitarity, finding agreement with unitarity at the level of one standard deviation., Comment: 92 pages, V2 matches version accepted for publication in PRD. Expanded supplementary material for reconstructing our final results. An implementation of nonlinear shrinkage is also included
- Published
- 2023
33. MILC Code Performance on High End CPU and GPU Supercomputer Clusters
- Author
DeTar Carleton, Gottlieb Steven, Li Ruizi, and Toussaint Doug
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
With recent developments in parallel supercomputing architecture, many core, multi-core, and GPU processors are now commonplace, resulting in more levels of parallelism, memory hierarchy, and programming complexity. It has been necessary to adapt the MILC code to these new processors starting with NVIDIA GPUs, and more recently, the Intel Xeon Phi processors. We report on our efforts to port and optimize our code for the Intel Knights Landing architecture. We consider performance of the MILC code with MPI and OpenMP, and optimizations with QOPQDP and QPhiX. For the latter approach, we concentrate on the staggered conjugate gradient and gauge force. We also consider performance on recent NVIDIA GPUs using the QUDA library.
- Published
- 2018
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34. High Energy Physics Exascale Requirements Review. An Office of Science review sponsored jointly by Advanced Scientific Computing Research and High Energy Physics, June 10-12, 2015, Bethesda, Maryland
- Author
Habib, Salman, primary, Roser, Robert, additional, Gerber, Richard, additional, Antypas, Katie, additional, Dart, Eli, additional, Dosanjh, Sudip, additional, Hack, James, additional, Monga, Inder, additional, Papka, Michael E., additional, Riley, Katherine, additional, Rotman, Lauren, additional, Straatsma, Tjerk, additional, Wells, Jack, additional, Williams, Tim, additional, Almgren, A., additional, Amundson, J., additional, Bailey, Stephen, additional, Bard, Deborah, additional, Bloom, Ken, additional, Bockelman, Brian, additional, Borgland, Anders, additional, Borrill, Julian, additional, Boughezal, Radja, additional, Brower, Richard, additional, Cowan, Benjamin, additional, Finkel, Hal, additional, Frontiere, Nicholas, additional, Fuess, Stuart, additional, Ge, Lixin, additional, Gnedin, Nick, additional, Gottlieb, Steven, additional, Gutsche, Oliver, additional, Han, T., additional, Heitmann, Katrin, additional, Hoeche, Stefan, additional, Ko, Kwok, additional, Kononenko, Oleksiy, additional, LeCompte, Thomas, additional, Li, Zheng, additional, Lukic, Zarija, additional, Mori, Warren, additional, Ng, Cho-Kuen, additional, Nugent, Peter, additional, Oleynik, Gene, additional, O’Shea, Brian, additional, Padmanabhan, Nikhil, additional, Petravick, Donald, additional, Petriello, Frank J., additional, Pope, Adrian, additional, Power, John, additional, Qiang, Ji, additional, Reina, Laura, additional, Rizzo, Thomas Gerard, additional, Ryne, Robert, additional, Schram, Malachi, additional, Spentzouris, P., additional, Toussaint, Doug, additional, Vay, Jean Luc, additional, Viren, B., additional, Wuerthwein, Frank, additional, Xiao, Liling, additional, and Coffey, Richard, additional
- Published
- 2016
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35. Determining hybrid content of heavy quarkonia using lattice nonrelativistic QCD
- Author
Burch, Tommy, Orginos, Kostas, and Toussaint, Doug
- Published
- 2002
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36. Spectrum results with Kogut-Susskind quarks
- Author
Toussaint, Doug
- Published
- 2002
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37. SciDAC-3: Searching for Physics Beyond the Standard Model, University of Arizona component, Year 2 progress report
- Author
Toussaint, Doug, primary
- Published
- 2014
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38. National Computational Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Theory: SciDAC-2 Closeout Report
- Author
Mackenzie, Paul, primary, Brower, Richard, additional, Karsch, Frithjof, additional, Christ, Norman, additional, Gottlieb, Steven, additional, Negele, John, additional, Richards, David, additional, Toussaint, Doug, additional, Sugar, Robert, additional, DeTar, Carleton, additional, Sharpe, Stephen, additional, DiPierro, Massimo, additional, Sun, Xian-He, additional, Fowler, Rob, additional, and Dubey, Abhishek, additional
- Published
- 2014
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39. Flavor Physics with Heavy Baryons and Resonances Using Lattice QCD
- Author
Johns, Ken, Su, Shufang, Toussaint, Doug, Varnes, Erich, Rendon Suzuki, Jesus Gumaro, Johns, Ken, Su, Shufang, Toussaint, Doug, Varnes, Erich, and Rendon Suzuki, Jesus Gumaro
- Abstract
Flavor-changing transitions play an important role in the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). In order to compare experimental results with SM theoretical predictions we must calculate hadronic matrix elements in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In order to perform such calculations we use formulations of QCD on a Euclidean space-time mesh. Having a discretized Euclidean QCD action allows us to use Monte Carlo methods to generate the field configurations we use to evaluate the path integral numerically. In this thesis, we present results on the lattice calculation of matrix elements for decay processes with negative parity baryons in the final state, Λb → Λ(1520)ℓ+ℓ- , Λb → Λc (2595)ℓ-ν, and Λb → Λc(2625)ℓ-ν , which are under investigation by LHCb and can provide new information on current tensions seen in mesonic b → sμ+μ- and b → cτ-ν transitions. We also present preliminary results on form factor calculations for the process Λc → Λ(1520)ℓ+ν which can be measured by the BESIII and Belle II experiments. One of the most important contributors to the tensions in mesonic b → sμ+μ- transitions is B → K*(892)μ+μ- . The theoretical calculations used for B →K*(892)μ+μ- were performed assuming the K*(892) is a stable hadron; however, in reality this state is unstable under the strong force. In order to do a proper treatment, one has to calculate the B → Kπ matrix elements and the finite volume effects of the lattice have to be accounted for using the Briceño-Hansen-Walker-Loud (BHWL) formalism. For that, we will need to first calculate the Kπ scattering amplitudes from multi-hadron spectra on the lattice. We have done these calculations and present results here. Another similar process of interest is B → ρ(→ ππ)ℓ-ν, which would help understand better the tensions between exclusive and inclusive determinations of |Vub |. For that reason, we also present results on the necessary ππ (JPC = 1−− , I = 1, I3 = 1) scattering amplitude obtained from the lattice. Th
- Published
- 2019
40. Cosmological Aspects of Non-Minimal Dark Sectors
- Author
Su, Shufang, Rutherfoord, John P., Toussaint, Doug, Zhang, Shufeng, Huang, Fei, Su, Shufang, Rutherfoord, John P., Toussaint, Doug, Zhang, Shufeng, and Huang, Fei
- Abstract
Many proposals for physics beyond the Standard Model do not give rise to only a single dark-matter candidate --- they give rise to an entire dark sector consisting of many independent dark degrees of freedom. In this dissertation, we explore some of the cosmological implications of such non-minimal dark sectors. In the first part of this dissertation, we examine the phenomenology of dark sectors in which the density of dark states grows exponentially with mass. Ensembles of such states arise naturally as the ``hadronic'' resonances associated with the confining phase of a strongly-coupled dark sector; they also arise naturally as the gauge-neutral bulk states of Type I string theories. We study the dynamical properties of such ensembles, including their effective equations of state, and investigate some of the immediate model-independent observational (astrophysical and cosmological) constraints on such ensembles that follow. Remarkably, we find that these constraints allow such sectors to exhibit energy scales ranging from the GeV scale all the way to the Planck scale, but that the total present-day cosmological abundance of the dark sector must be spread across an increasing number of different states in the ensemble as these energy scales are dialed from the Planck scale down to the GeV scale. In the second part of this dissertation, by contrast, we examine the possibility of non-trivial dynamics within non-minimal dark sectors, focusing on processes in which heavier constituents within a non-minimal dark sector decay to lighter constituents. We begin by demonstrating that such decays can leave non-trivial imprints on the phase-space distribution of the resulting dark matter. Indeed, as a result of these effects, this phase-space distribution need not be thermal --- it can even be multi-modal, with a non-trivial pattern of peaks and troughs as a function of momentum. We then proceed to study how these features can induce non-trivial changes in the shape of the re
- Published
- 2019
41. Glueballs and hybrids (Gluons as constituents)
- Author
Toussaint, Doug
- Published
- 2000
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42. Closeout for U.S. Department of Energy Final Technical Report for University of Arizona grant DOE Award Number DE-FG03-95ER40906 From 1 February 1995 to 31 January 2004 Grant title: Theory and Phenomenology of Strong and Weak High Energy Physics (Task A) and Experimental Elementary Particle Physics (Task B)
- Author
Rutherfoord, John, primary, Toussaint, Doug, additional, and Sarcevic, Ina, additional
- Published
- 2005
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43. Particle-antiparticle annihilation in diffusive motion.
- Author
Toussaint, Doug and Wilczek, Frank
- Published
- 1983
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44. Searching for Vector-Like Quarks Using 36.1 fb^{-1} Of Proton-Proton Collisions Decaying to Same-Charge Dileptons and Trileptons + b-jets at √s = 13 TeV with The ATLAS Detector
- Author
Johns, Kenneth, Varnes, Erich, Cheu, Elliott, Sarcevic, Ina, Toussaint, Doug, Jones, Sarah, Johns, Kenneth, Varnes, Erich, Cheu, Elliott, Sarcevic, Ina, Toussaint, Doug, and Jones, Sarah
- Published
- 2017
45. Non-equilibration of topological charge and its effects
- Author
Toussaint, Doug, primary and Bernard, Claude, additional
- Published
- 2016
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46. MILC Staggered Conjugate Gradient Performance on Intel KNL
- Author
Li, Ruizi, primary, DeTar, Carleton, additional, Doerfler, Douglas, additional, Gottlieb, Steven, additional, Jha, Ashish, additional, Kalamkar, Dhiraj, additional, and Toussaint, Doug, additional
- Published
- 2016
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47. Decay constants $f_B$ and $f_{B_s}$ from HISQ simulations
- Author
DeTar, Carleton, primary, Bazavov, Alexei, additional, Bernard, Claude, additional, Bouchard, Chris, additional, Brown, Nathan, additional, Du, Daping, additional, El-Khadra, Aida X, additional, Freeland, E. D., additional, Gamiz, Elvira, additional, Gottlieb, Steven, additional, Heller, Urs M., additional, Komijani, Javad, additional, Kronfeld, A. S., additional, Laiho, John, additional, Levkova, Ludmila, additional, Mackenzie, Paul B., additional, Monahan, Christopher, additional, Primer, Thomas, additional, Na, Heechang, additional, Neil, Ethan T, additional, Simone, James N., additional, Sugar, Robert, additional, Toussaint, Doug, additional, Van de Water, Ruth, additional, and Zhou, Ran, additional
- Published
- 2016
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48. D meson semileptonic form factors at zero momentum transfer in 2+1+1 flavor lattice QCD
- Author
Primer, Thomas, primary, Toussaint, Doug, additional, Bernard, Claude, additional, Komijani, Javad, additional, DeTar, Carleton, additional, El-Khadra, Aida X, additional, Gamiz, Elvira, additional, Kronfeld, Andreas, additional, Simone, James N., additional, and Van de Water, Ruth, additional
- Published
- 2016
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49. Electromagnetic effects on the light pseudoscalar mesons and determination of $m_u/m_d$
- Author
Gottlieb, Steven, primary, Basak, Subhasish, additional, Bazavov, Alexei, additional, Bernard, Claude, additional, DeTar, Carleton, additional, Freeland, Elizabeth, additional, Foley, Justin, additional, Heller, Urs M., additional, Laiho, John, additional, Levkova, Ludmila, additional, Osborn, James C., additional, Sugar, Robert, additional, Torok, Aaron, additional, Toussaint, Doug, additional, Van de Water, Ruth, additional, and Zhou, Ran, additional
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Pearson, Robert B., Richardson, John L., and Toussaint, Doug
- Subjects
The article focuses on the use of special-purpose processors in solving problems of theoretical physics. The goal of theoretical physics is to determine the basic laws that govern the universe. This is an extremely abstract endeavor, and the role that computing can play in it may not at first be obvious. There are some important problems for which today's computers are simply inadequate, although algorithms for simulation might be known in principle. The problems that are suitable for special-purpose processors are characterized by a simple algorithm for which the computation must be repeated many times or for which the data cannot be moved in the appropriate way quickly enough in standard hardware. An obvious example is the solution of partial differential equations such as those encountered in hydrodynamics. This example is well known and has often been invoked as a goal for the design of large computing machines. Although supercomputers are usually fairly efficient on these problems as long as the memory can be managed conveniently, there is still a real need for much greater computing power.
- Published
- 1985
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