The Kitakyushu City area, in which the University of Occupational and Envionmental Health, Japan (UOEH) campus lies, is situated in the region of the evergreen broad-leaf, or laurel-leaf, forests. Our studies on relict forest stands revealed that the original forest communities in the area were Cyrtomio-Litseetum japonicae and Euonymo-Pittos-poretum tobirae in the coastl area, Arisemato ringentis-Machiletum thunbergii in the bottomland, Symploco-Castanopsietum sieboldii and Ardisio-Castanopsietum sieboldii in. foothill area, and Distylio-Cyclobalanopsietum stenophyllae, Actinodaphnetum lancifoliae and Skimmio-Cyclobalanopsietum acutae on the mountain slopes. The secondary forests in the area are Castanopsis-Cyclobalanopsis coppice of sprout origin, red-pine forest and deciduous forests of various dominants. The original forest on the UOEH campus is assumed to be Symploco-Castanopsietum sieboldii, an evergreen broad-leaf forest, some 25m high and I m dbh in canopy trees. The secondary forest on the campus is doin inated by Quercus serrata, accompanied by Rhus succedanea, Platycarya strobilacea and Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieholdii. A small wetland near the north gate is dominated by Typha angustata. Slopes on the campus, which were created by cutting-off or fillingup of the ground, are invaded by Miscanthus sinensis, Solidago altissima (alien) and many other herbaceous plants. One hundred and thirty-six species of flowering plants and eight specles of ferns were recorded from the campus. Conservation problems are discussed from the standpoint of vegetation science., 1)医生ケ丘をふくむ北九州市西部は, 全域が照葉樹林域にある. 残存林分の調査によって, 沿岸地帯-内陸の原植生が推定され, 医生ケ丘一帯はスダシイ-ミミズバイ群集域であることが明らかとなった. 2)現存植生の二次林は, シイーカシ萌芽林とカラスザンショウ群落が優勢である. 医生ケ作の二次林では, コナラが優占し, ハゼノキ・ノグルミが常に出現する. 向陽地では林床にウラジロまたはコシダが優占している. 3)湿地にはガマ・ヒメガマ・イグサが優占する. 4)医生ケ丘で種子植物131種, シダ植物8種を記録した. 5)大学構内の緑化について, 植生学の立場から付言し, 特に残存林および西北部の湿原群落の保存の重要性を指摘した., Journal of UOEH, 3(4), pp.323-337; 1981