19 results on '"Tokić, Marija"'
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- Author
Tokić, Marija and Škegro, Dario
- Subjects
politika ,football ,nogomet ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,Jugoslavija ,navijači ,Yugoslavia ,Dinamo ,fans/supporters ,politics ,Hajduk - Abstract
Predmet ovog rada je položaj hrvatskih nogometnih klubova u jugoslavenskoj nogometnoj ligi. Politika i nogomet oduvijek su snažno povezani. Nogomet je kao najpopularniji sport na svijetu, u povijesti često korišten za promoviranje političkih ideologija. U radu je promatrano razdoblje Jugoslavije, a glavni cilj ovog rada je, pomoću različitih metoda istraživanja, dokazati nepovoljan položaj hrvatskog naroda i hrvatskog sporta (nogometa) u to vrijeme. Naglasak je stavljen na klubove Dinamo i Hajduk i na njihovom primjeru će se prikazati utjecaj politike na nogomet. Osim za nogomet i nogometaše, osnivanje navijačkih skupina tada ima veliki politički značaj, a u radu se govori upravo o skupinama dvaju najvećih hrvatskih klubova. Početak rata i neodigrana utakmica između Dinama i Crvene zvezde 1990. godine jedan je od niza događaja koji su obilježili raspad Jugoslavije, a koji je također obrađen u radu. The subject of this paper is the position of Croatian football clubs in the Yugoslav football league. Politics and football have always been strongly connected. Football, as the most popular sport in the world, has historically been used to promote political ideology. The paper examines the period of Yugoslavia, and the main goal of this paper is, using various research methods, to prove the unfavorable position of the Croatian people and Croatian sports at that time. Emphasis is placed on the clubs Dinamo and Hajduk, and their example will show the influence of politics on football at that time. In addition to football and football players, the establishment of fan groups then has great political significance, and the paper discusses the groups of the two largest Croatian clubs. The beginning of the war and the unplayed match between Dinamo and Crvena Zveda in 1990 are some of the events that marked the breakup od Yugoslavia.
- Published
- 2023
3. Uzgoj ozime pšenice na PG-u TID Solara od 2014. do 2017. godine
- Author
Tokić, Marija, Iljkić, Dario, Rastija, Mirta, and Stošić, Miro
- Subjects
vegetation season ,wheat ,grain quality ,pšenica ,vegetacijska godina ,agrotehnika ,prinos ,kvaliteta zrna ,agrotechnics ,yield - Abstract
Cilj diplomskog rada je bila analiza proizvodnje ozime pšenice na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu TID Solara tijekom tri vegetacijske godine (2014./2015, 2015./2016. i 2016./2017.) s obzirom na vremenske prilike i provedenu agrotehniku. Vremenske prilike su bile specifične za svaku godinu. Količina oborina tijekom 2014./2015. godine nije značajnije odstupala od višegodišnjeg prosjeka uz povećanu prosječnu temperaturu zraka za 1,4 °C. Iako nije bilo drastičnih odstupanja u ovoj vegetaciji su ostvareni najniži prosječni prinosi pšenice od 7,63 t/ha. Sorta Kraljica je imala veći prinos i bolju kvalitetu u usporedbi sa sortom BcMira. Tijekom 2015./2016. godine vremenske prilike su bile gotovo jednake prethodnoj godini, ali uz značajna odstupanja tijekom mjeseci. Tako je prevelika količina oborina u listopadu odgodila sjetvu, a tijekom lipnja i srpnja i žetvu. Prosječno ostvareni prinosi su bili 8,26 t/ha uz relativno dobru kvalitetu zrna u pogledu sadržaja proteina (13,5 %) i hektolitarske mase (82,0 kg/hl). Sorta Sofru je imala nešto niži prinos i manji sadržaj proteina od sorte Falado. U 2016./2017. godini količina oborina je bila niža za 11% u usporedbi s višegodišnjim prosjekom dok je temperatura zraka bila na razini višegodišnjeg prosjeka. Takvi uvjeti su izuzetno pogodovali razvoju ozime pšenice jer su u ovoj godini postignuti najviši prinosi i kvaliteta zrna. Sorta Sofru je postigla prinos od 10,12 t/ha uz izuzetno visok sadržaj proteina (14,0 %) i hektolitarske mase (84,3 kg/hl) dok je sorta Falado postigla 10,05 t/ha i nešto slabiju kvalitetu. Visoki prinosi i kvaliteta tijekom analiziranog razdoblja su opravdali sva ulaganja kroz agrotehničke operacije te se proizvodnja kao takva pokazala ekonomski isplativa., The aim of this graduate thesis was to analyze the production of winter wheat in the agricultural holding of TID Solara during the three vegetation seasons (2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017) with respect to weather conditions and conducted crop management. The weather conditions were specific for each year. Rainfall in 2014/2015 season did not significantly deviate from the annual average with an increased average air temperature of 1.4°C. Although there were no drastic deviations in this vegetation, the lowest average yields of wheat of 7, 63 t/ha were achieved. The Kraljica variety had a higher grain yield and better quality compared to BcMira. During 2015/2016 weather conditions were almost the same as in the previous season, but with significant deviations over the months. High precipitation rate in the late October and also during June and July postponed sowing, as well as harvest. The average yield were 8, 26 t/ha with relatively adequate grain quality in terms of protein content (13.5%) and hectoliter weight (82.0 kg/hl). Sofru variety had a slightly lower yield and lower protein content than Falado's. In 2016/2017 rainfall was lower by 11% compared to the annual average, while the air temperature was on a multi-year basis. Such conditions were extremely favorable to the development of winter wheat because the highest yield and grain quality were achieved this year. Sofru varitey achieved a yield of 10.12 t/ha with very high protein content (14.0%) and hectoliter weight (84.3 kg/ hl) while Falado varieties reached 10.05 t/ha and slightly lower quality. High yields and quality throughout the analyzed period justified all investments through agronomic practice and production as such proved to be economically viable.
- Published
- 2018
4. Logistički procesi kontrole zaliha i interne distribucije u maloprodaji autodijelova
- Author
Tokić, Marija
- Subjects
logistički procesi ,maloprodaja ,interna distribucija ,autodijelovi - Abstract
Na primjeru poduzeća je istraživano kako je provedena analiza logističkih procesa u maloprodaji autodijelova sa svrhom unaprjeđenja i istaknute su i pobliže razjašnjene glavne komponente koje su analizirane i najviše utječu na istraživane procese. U te komponente, između ostalih, spadaju: troškovi, vremensko i prostorno ograničenje, te konačan utjecaj na poduzeće putem likvidnosti, obrtaja zaliha i prodaje. Koriste se podaci prikupljeni primarnim istraživanjem, odnosno intervjuiranjem zaposlenika promatranog poduzeća i temeljem dostupne znanstvene i stručne literature. Nakon što su primarnim istraživanjem prikupljene informacije vezane uz analizu logističkih procesa kontrole zaliha i interne distribucije, ponovno su prikupljene informacije nakon unaprjeđenja procesa kako bi se izučio utjecaj unaprjeđenja procesa na prodaju. Polazi se od pretpostavke da unaprjeđenje logističkih procesa maloprodaje, koje zahtijeva dodatan s trošak, daje pozitivan sveukupni rezultat u prodaji i ostalim povezanim komponentama. Drugim riječima, jedinica utroška na unaprjeđenje procesa treba rezultirati pozitivnim učinkom na prodaju većem od jedinice. Rezultat je i učinkovitije manevriranje robnim asortimanom poduzeća s obzirom da se sofistikacijom logističkih procesa otvara fizički prostor, bolja likvidnost, veći koeficijent obrtaja itd. Krajnji je cilj povećati prodaju temeljem bolje i brže usluge kupcima, čiji je uvjet bolja logistika upravljanja robom.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Tokić, Marija, Brozović, Bojana, Stipešević, Bojan, and Jug, Danijel
- Subjects
crop rotation ,Key words: cover crops ,pokrovni usjevi, plodored, organska tvar, erozija, terminacija - Abstract
Cilj ovog rada bio je upoznati se sa ulogom pokrovnih usjeva i njihovim pozitivnim učincima u održivoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Osim što su korisni u poljoprivredi s aspekta plodoreda, dodatne organske tvari u tlu i suzbijanju korova, vrlo značajnu ulogu imaju s ekološkog aspekta jer pomažu pri očuvanju tla od erozije, smanjuju upotrebu mineralnih gnojiva i pesticida čime se sprječava onečišćenje samog okoliša, te podzemnih voda. Povoljno djeluju na održavanje i povećavanje bioraznolikosti jer privlače korisne kukce. U radu su opisani pozitivni učinci pokrovnih usjeva na agroekosustav, načini korištenja pokrovnih usjeva, kriteriji odabira s, The aim of this paper was to represent the role of cover crops and their possitive effects on sustainable agriculture production. Cover crops are useful in agriculture in terms of crop rotations, additional organic matter content in soil, weeds suppression, but also they have a very important role from an ecological point, whereas they preventing soil erosion, reducing use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides and thus prevent environment and grounwater contamination. Because of attracting beneficial insects they have positive effects on maintaining and increasing biodiversity. The paper describes the benefits of cover crops on agroecosystem, principal uses of cover crops, cover crops selections based on individual enterprise or production goals and the cover crops termination moment and method.
- Published
- 2016
6. Importance of managing communication process in crisis situations
- Author
Jukić, Josip, Blažević, Ivona, Tokić, Marija, Stanić, Milan, and AlumniPress
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSION ,management ,communication processes ,communication plan ,crisis situations - Abstract
The crisis is every internal and external event which interferes with the normal operations of the organization, and, if it is inadequately managed, very easily destroys the hard-earned reputation and business of the organization. Crisis situations are an integral part of the environment in which the organization operates. Communication in crisis is one of the most important items for any organization, company and institution. Upon the occurrence of crisis situation, stakeholders who are affected by it have a strong need for timely information. Business partners, employees, suppliers, customers and others are interested how crisis occurred, how company will deal with it and in which direction will business go when crisis situation finishes. Crisis communication is of great importance for every company, as well as the preparation for crisis situations, their management and crisis planning. This paper defines meaning of managing communication process in crisis situations and analyzes the concept of communication. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the communication plan before, during and after a crisis situation, there are located areas on which should be concentrated while learning from crisis. The authors used the following scientific methods of research: methods of analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, description and classification, as well as the specific methods used for the analysis and ranking of certain parameters.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Stanić, Milan, Blažević, Ivona, Tokić, Marija, and Prof. dr. sc. Anka Mašek Tonković
- Subjects
Garden center ,Investments ,Cost-benefit analysis ,Agriculture ,Slavonia - Abstract
Agriculture is a key factor and one of the greatest comparative advantages of eastern Croatian and Slavonia region. The question is whether it will be attractive for business investment? The answer on this question will be given by economic analysis of project feasibility of building the international garden center in Slavonski Brod as a part of the secondary school center for agriculture Matija Antun Reljkovi . The project aim is the development and modernization of agricultural activities in area of eastern Slavonia according to EU standards, and stimulation of development of area through horticultural production. Garden center, apart from production, provides services of planting and decorating the garden, maintains training seminars for potential producers and has an exhibit space. It is expected that the project of garden center would contribute to the development of awareness of the dynamic agriculture and thus improve the standard of production on agricultural holdings by using modern technology in glasshouse production. The center is intended as a place where would be consolidated the expertise of the academic community, led by the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Institute in Osijek on the one hand, and on the other hand the Agricultural Land Agency and the Agricultural Extension Service of the Brod-Posavina County, which would allow center to become a key location for technical and business support for agricultural producers in the broader region. Center includes three objects: the administration building, which comprises a laboratory expanse and classroom, buildings for production and storage of plant material, tools and machines, and canopies used for loading and unloading materials. Economic analysis will be based on data from the financial statements and the financial data plans that are available in public disclosures. During research of facts and possibilities that currently exist, for the formulation of the research results in this paper, the following research methods are used in a different combination: historical method, the method of analysis and synthesis, classification and description method.
- Published
- 2015
8. Struktura bilance kao pokazatelj lošeg poslovanja
- Author
Bolfek, Berislav, primary, Stanić, Milan, additional, and Tokić, Marija, additional
- Published
- 2017
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9. Komparativna analiza odabranih tržišta za generiranje i prijem organiziranih putovanja u Europi
- Author
Blažević, Ivona, Vuković, Jelena, and Tokić, Marija
- Subjects
stvaranje tržišta, prijemna tržišta, organizirana putovanja po Europi - Abstract
This paper will analyze those tourist generating markets from which Croatia achieves the highest number of visitors and tourist receiving markets which are considered to be its biggest competitors. All the relevant factors affecting the choice of receiving destinations of leading generating tourist markets will be also analyzed. In order to determine the real position of Croatia as an election on the main generating markets of organized trips in Europe and in order of cognition of the factors that affect its lower position in certain markets, it is necessary to perform the analysis of other leading tourist generating markets from where Croatia achieves significantly lower number of tourist arrivals in recent years. For this purpose, it will be also analyzed the generating market of Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries market.
- Published
- 2014
10. The analysis of the Brod – Posavina county forgein trade exchange for the period from the year 2008 to the year 2012
- Author
Bolfek, Berislav, Blažević, Ivona, Tokić, Marija, and Dominika Lehocká, Ján Cárach, Lucia Knapčíková, Sergej Hloch
- Subjects
export ,import ,Brod-Posavina County - Abstract
In today’s globalized conditions of business, country’s foreign trade exchange is of great importance to its economy. The Republic of Croatia, according to its territorial constitution, is comprised of 21 counties, and the subject of this article is the analysis of foreign trade exchange of the Brod-Posavina County. According to the size and the number of residents, the Brod-Posavina County is in the middle of the mentioned 21 counties. The main objective of this paper is to determine involvement and influence of some of the counties in foreign trade exchange through the level of openness by analyzing the secondary data gathered from the Croatian Chamber of Economy and the Central Bureau of Statistics. This paper analyzes the level of foreign trade exchange, import dependence, export development and the level of openness of the Brod-Posavina County.
- Published
- 2013
11. Predpristupni programi pomoći Europske unije u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Blažević, Ivona, Tokić, Marija, and Žakić, Zrinka
- Subjects
Predpristupni programi, Kohezijska politika, EU - Abstract
Pre-accession programs of the European Union are preparation for the participation in the Cohesion policy and a framework through which the European Union provides financial support on a daily basis in the implementation of projects to encourage reforms and adjustments in order to utilize all the opportunities of membership in the European Union. The basis for the Croatian participation in EU Programs is Framework agreement between the Croatian and European Community on the general principles of the Croatian participation in Community Programs which opened the possibility for Croatia to participate in 25 programs.
- Published
- 2012
12. Koncesija u zakonodavstvu Republike Hrvatske
- Author
Tolić, Verica, Bolfek, Berislav, and Tokić, Marija
- Subjects
koncesija ,vrste koncesija ,zakon o koncesijama - Abstract
Cilj je ovog rada odrediti pojam koncesije uz kratki prikaz povijesnog razvoja ovog pravnog instituta s osvrtom na vrste koncesija. Autor daje pregled stanja i normativnog reguliranja koncesija u zakonodavstvu Republike Hrvatske.
- Published
- 2011
13. Antioksidacijski profil fenolnog ekstrakta ružmarina
- Author
Tokić, Marija
- Subjects
ružmarin ,fenoli ,antioksidacijska svojstva - Abstract
Zadatak ovog diplomskog rada bio je odrediti fenolni profil i antioksidacijska svojstva vodenog ekstrakta ružmarina (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). Analiza fenolnog sastava ekstrakta ružmarina uključila je određivanje sadržaja ukupnih fenolnih spojeva u ekstraktu, kao i udio pojedinih fenolnih podgrupa (flavonoida, flavona, flavonola i flavana), dok je antioksidacijska sposobnost ekstrakta testirana određivanjem redukcijske snage ekstrakata metodom Ferric Reducing/Antioxidant Power (FRAP) i određivanjem sposobnosti ekstrakta da gasi molekule stabilnog, slobodnog radikala 2, 2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH).
- Published
- 2011
14. Funkcionalna struktura poduzetničkih računovodstvenih informacijskih sustava
- Author
Tokić, Marija, Španja, Mateo, Tokić, Iva, and Blažević, Ivona
- Subjects
računovodstvo, informacijski sustavi, poduzeće - Abstract
The necessity for modern information systems management occurs at the end of 20th century. Management was faced with a need to conduct business on the local, but also on a global level and the importance of adequate information at the right time became unquestionable. Even though they can bring many benefits, investments in operating systems are always a challenge for management teams since they have to have economic justification. Although the investment costs can be relatively accurately determined, benefits that they produce are more difficult to measure and they require a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of business to which the systems are related. The importance of accounting, as a part of information systems, is reflected in the collection, processing, "production" and timely distribution of information to the management. Accounting Information System (AIS) belongs to the organizational system. AIS is a system that integrates and connects the natural and technical elements with the human potential into actionable and meaningful units. Given that the accounting records data valuably, it can be said that it connects all the business information subsystems, which contributes to the creation of a unified information system of the company.
- Published
- 2010
15. Solidifikacija i stabilizacija smjese otpadnog zeolita i mulja iz pogona pocinčavanja u cementnom matriksu
- Author
Tokić, Marija
- Subjects
Solidifikacija/stabilizacija ,otpadni mulj ,zasićeni zeolit - Abstract
Ispitivan je utjecaj dodatka smjese mulja iz pogona pocinčavanja pomiješanog s zeolitom, zasićenim cinkovim ionima, na specifičnu provodnost cementne paste. Određivanje specifične provodnosti provedeno je digitalnim konduktometrom na uzorcima industrijskog portland cementa CEM I s primjenom metalnih elektroda od nehrđajućeg čelika. Mulj iz pogona pocinčavanja osušen je do konstantne mase pri 105 °C te je usitnjen do veličine čestica približno istih kao što su čestice cementa. Cementna pasta priređena je uz voda / cement omjer, V/C = 0, 5 te je termostatirana na 20 °C. Kompozitne cementne paste s masenim udjelom dodataka smjese mulja i zasićenog zeolita od w = 5, 0 – 35, 0 mas. %, priređene su uz voda / kruto omjer, V/K = 0, 5 te su termostatirane na 20 °C. Udio mulja u kompozitu bio je kostantan u svim pastama i iznosio je w = 3, 0 mas. % u odnosu na kruti dio. Dobivene krivulje specifične provodnosti pasta uz dodatke uspoređene su s krivuljama za cementnu pastu bez dodataka te je utvrđeno da imaju tipičan oblik s naglašenim vrhom maksimalne provodnosti, koji se pojavljuje u kasnijim vremenima. Ovo upućuje da smjesa mulja i zeolita utječe na procese hidratacije cementa, usporava ih i odgađa vezanje cementa. Utvrđeno je da je dodatak smjese u sustavu cement-voda prihvatljiv do iznosa w = 20 mas. %. Povećani udjeli dodatka značajnije odgađaju pojavu maksimuma specifične provodnosti i za sustav nisu prihvatljivi. Dobiveni rezultati pokazatelj su koliki se udjel smjese otpadnog mulja i zeolita iz pogona pocinčavanja može dodati u cementni sustav za njegovu uspješnu solidifikaciju i stabilizaciju.
- Published
- 2009
16. Dezinfekcijski učinak kloriranja vode u vodoopskrbnom sustavu JKP IZVOR iz Ploča
- Author
Tokić, Marija
- Subjects
Opskrba pitkom vodom ,klor ,kloriranje ,perzistencija klora - Abstract
Cilj rad je bio ispitati učinkovitost dezinfekcije vodovodene vode izvorišta Klokun, JKP Izvor iz Ploča, klorom mjerenjem perzistencije klora DPD metodom. Na temelju rezultata ispitivanja fizičko-kemijskih i bakterioloških pokazatelja vode za piće u razdoblju od 1992-2001, a koje je izvršio laboratorij za vode Zavoda za javno zdravstvo Županije Splitsko-dalmatinske, ocijenjena je kakvoća vode izvorišta Klokun i utjecaj okoliša na nju. Voda Klokuna je tipična krška voda, kalcijsko-bikarbonatno-sulfatnog tipa i odgovara standardu dobre vode za piće. Međutim, kao i sve krške vode, vodu Klokuna je potrebno klorirati prije ulaska u vodoopskrbni sustav, s ciljem da se u vodi zadrži ostatak klora u koncentraciji od 0, 1-0, 2 mg/L radi sigurnosti u vodovodnoj mreži. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata određivanja perzistencije klora u vodi Klokuna, Jadra i Cetine, te izračunatih brzina raspada slobodnog klora raspravljena je učinkovitost dezinfekcije vode klorom ovisno o tipu vode, temperaturi i fotoefektu.
- Published
- 2002
- Author
Tokić, Marija and Proklin, Marina
- Subjects
ACCOUNTING ,TECHNOLOGICAL innovations in business enterprises ,INFORMATION technology ,INFORMATION & communication technologies ,COMMUNICATION & technology - Abstract
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- Published
- 2011
- Author
TOKIĆ, Marija, ŠPANJA, Mateo, TOKIĆ, Iṽa, and BLAŽEṼIĆ, Iṽona
- Subjects
- *
INFORMATION storage & retrieval systems , *COMPUTER operating systems , *ACCOUNTING , *INDUSTRIAL management , *BUSINESS enterprises - Abstract
The necessity for modern information systems management occurs at the end of 20th century. Management was faced with a need to conduct business on the local, but also on a global level and the importance of adequate information at the right time became unquestionable. Even though they can bring many benefits, investments in operating systems are always a challenge for management teams since they have to have economic justification. Although the investment costs can be relatively accurately determined, benefits that they produce are more difficult to measure and they require a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of business to which the systems are related. The importance of accounting, as a part of information systems, is reflected in the collection, processing, "production" and timely distribution of information to the management. Accounting Information System (AIS) belongs to the organizational system. AIS is a system that integrates and connects the natural and technical elements with the human potential into actionable and meaningful units. Given that the accounting records data valuably, it can be said that it connects all the business information subsystems, which contributes to the creation of a unified information system of the company. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
19. Prolonged watery diarrhea and malnutrition caused by Aliarcobacter butzleri (formerly Arcobacter butzleri ): the first pediatric case in Croatia and a literature review.
- Author
Novak A, Vuko-Tokić M, Žitko V, and Tonkić M
- Abstract
Aliarcobacter butzleri (formerly Arcobacter butzleri ), is a newly recognized Campylobacter- like emerging foodborne pathogen worldwide, usually causing gastrointestinal symptoms in young children. A 4-year-old boy was admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital of Split, Croatia, because of malnutrition, lost appetite and prolonged watery diarrhea. A comprehensive diagnostics, including biochemistry, haematology, allergology, microbiology and radiology, were performed. The only positive microbiology result was unexpected isolation of Aliarcobacter butzleri on selective media for Campylobacter , after 48 hours of incubation on 42°C, among microaerophilic atmosphere. Clinical course was favorable and after symptomatic therapy child was discharged in good clinical condition and normal peristalsis to home care, with the recommendation of taking high-protein preparations to improve nutritional status. In addition, we performed a literature review of clinical cases caused by Aliarcobacter butzleri infection. The first report of Aliarcobacter butzleri isolated from stool sample in a 4-year old boy in Croatia, along with other clinical reports in literature, highlights the importance of standardisation and improvement of microbiological analysis, especially implementation of new methods for the identification of emerging pathogens., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest: None.
- Published
- 2024
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