Realizing high hydrogen uptakes on surfaces is one of the essential aspects of practical hydrogen storage in solid-state materials. To achieve this, it is always beneficial to know how the road to adsorption saturation on the surface looks like in terms of the physical mechanisms involved, and how we can control required reactions given this knowledge. On this topic, work has been carried out on how the simplest groups—pairs—of hydrogen behave on graphite/graphene. In that study it was shown that hydrogen pair interaction cannot be described by a simple function of interadsorbate separation, and that only certain pairing geometries on the surface are energetically favored (we note here that full relaxation of the substrate atoms was not found to change these conclusions). As detecting and discriminating singly adsorbed and small groups of adsorbates is an essential step to knowing how saturation can be reached, we have subsequently shown how probing surface electronic states can be used to identify an atomic hydrogen adsorbate, and distinguish it from the closely-spaced hydrogen pairs on the surface, affirming previously published experimental work on this subject, particularly that in ref. 3. In this paper we comment on the next step towards saturation: the formation of hydrogen clusters of three, i.e. hydrogen trios, on graphene. Results are discussed with respect to results obtained from hydrogen pairs adsorbed on graphene. Stable hydrogen adsorption configurations were determined through geometry optimization calculations using the VASP code, which implements the projector augmentedwave method for density functional theory-based electronic structure calculations. All calculations were spin-polarized, and utilized the exchange–correlation functional based on the PBE version of the generalized gradient approximation. We applied a 400 eV cutoff to limit the plane-wave basis set without compromising computational accuracy, and a 4 4 1 Monkhorst–Pack special k point grid for Brillouin zone sampling. Three H atoms on a 48-C atom single sheet comprise the unit cell, with C–C nearest-neighbor distances of 1.42 A before relaxation. All atoms were completely unrestricted in the geometry optimization. A 15.0 A vacuum separating adjacent sheets was used. Figure 1 shows the different clusters of three hydrogen atoms systems included in the computations of this study. We specifically choose the fourteen most closely-packed combinations of three atoms adsorbed on C atom ‘‘top’’ sites. Upon reconstruction hydrogen atom lateral positions generally don’t deviate much from the positions on receiving C atoms shown in Fig. 1. A trio is named based on its smallest H pairing component (o = ortho, m = meta, p = para) and distance of the third member of the trio from the pair center. This means, for example, that the trio labeled to1 is the three-hydrogen cluster comprised of a pair of adjacently adsorbed (ortho) hydrogen, and a third H atom adsorbed in the closest possible distance from the aforementioned pair. Table I shows the trios arranged by adsorption energy, starting with the most stable geometry. Table values were computed using the following expressions: Eads 1⁄4 Egr+3H(ads) ðEgr þ 3EH(g)Þ; Es 1⁄4 Eads=3; Eo 1⁄4 Egr+3H(ads) ðEgr+2H(ortho) þ EH(g)Þ; Em 1⁄4 Egr+3H(ads) ðEgr+2H(meta) þ EH(g)Þ; and Ep 1⁄4 Egr+3H(ads) ðEgr+2H(para) þ EH(g)Þ, where the terms Egr, EH(g), Egr+3H(ads), and Egr+2H are the total energies for the graphene sheet, a gas phase H atom, the system comprised of an adsorbed H trio and graphene, and the system comprised of an adsorbed H pair and graphene, respectively. The adsorption energy of an isolated H atom on graphene Eiso 1⁄4 Egr+H(ads) ðEgr þ EH(g)Þ is 0:77 eV, a value which differs slightly from previous calculations due to the different adsorbate coverage used in these studies. For the same reason pair and trio adsorption energies reported here also differ slightly from corresponding values reported in refs. 2 and 8. Adsorbed trios are generally stable: the Eads (and Es) values are all negative, meaning all adsorbed three-hydrogen groups are stable with respect to hydrogen atoms located far from the graphene surface. If Es for a given trio is less than Eiso, the trio is more stable compared with a system comprised of three isolated adsorbed H on graphene. In other words it would be more energetically favorable for the hydrogen atoms to clump together than to separate from each other on the surface, i.e., the net interaction shows an ‘attractive’ character. Only one trio— tm1— is found to1 to4