The equation of state of natural antigorite has been determined up to ∼10 GPa and 500 °C by in situ X-ray diffraction in a cubic type multi-anvil apparatus, MAX80, located at the Photon Factory-Advanced Ring at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), and the temperature dependence of the bulk modulus was determined for the first time by high pressure and high temperature X-ray diffraction based on a series of direct measurements. No dehydration occurred during the entire experimental process, and no significant deviatoric stress was observed after heating. The room temperature P–V data below 7 GPa have been fit to the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state, yielding V 0,300 K = 366.9(7) A 3 , K 0, 300 K = 65.2(31) GPa, and the pressure derivative K ′ fixed to 6.1. The high pressure phase transition was observed through volume softening behavior at around 7 GPa, and the dP/dT slope seems to be flat or slightly positive, which is consistent with the recent report by Bezacier et al. (2013) . The high temperature Birch-Murnaghan equation of state was used to fit the P–V–T data below 7 GPa. Since the present experimental data was obtained by energy dispersive X-ray diffraction at high pressure and high temperature, the resolution was slightly lower than that obtained by the angle dispersive X-ray method. So the bulk modulus K 0, 300 K and the pressure derivative K ′ were fixed to 62.9 GPa and 6.1, respectively, which was obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell by means of the angle dispersive method ( Nestola et al., 2010 ) during fitting. From the fitting, we obtained V 0, 300 K = 367.3(2) A 3 , dK/dT = −0.0265(41) GPa/K, thermal expansion α 0 = 3.92(50) × 10 −5 /K. The temperature dependence of the bulk modulus was larger than the value calculated empirically ( Holland and Powell, 1998 ). The thermal expansion of antigorite is larger than the results from the previous study. The compression of antigorite is very anisotropic along three axes, with a ratio of 1.15:1.00:3.33 at room temperature. Considering the P–T conditions of the subducting slab, the phase transition of antigorite may occur only in a limited area in the slab.