This report is based on the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency's evaluation of the first final project reports of the first generation of CBHE projects selected for funding in 2015. Altogether 138 projects were funded in 2015 and 88 finalized projects have submitted their final reports in 2019, among which 22 were implemented in Central Asia. The distribution of project per country is as follows: Kazakhstan 13, Uzbekistan 11, Kyrgyzstan 6, Tajikistan 2 and Turkmenistan 1. The report's results are therefore based on a relatively small sample of finalized CBHE projects and are to be considered as preliminary and to be reviewed at a later stage . The analysis takes also into account the institutional monitoring visits and cluster meetings that were organized by the Agency as part of its monitoring strategy. The report is analyzing the role of the CBHE action regarding the impact and sustainability of the funded projects together with their inclusiveness (participants with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers) where applicable. More specifically, the report will look into the institutional development of higher education institutions (HEI), their modernization of study programs and their teaching and learning methodologies, structural reforms and the strengthening of HEI's technical capacities. It will then focus on the opportunities created for individuals (students, academic and administrative staff) and third parties like enterprises, NGOs, chambers of commerce, etc. The report will also examine how the EU projects have influenced national policy developments in the education sector, through Structural projects and indirectly through Joint Projects. Special attention is given to the strengthening of regional cooperation through CBHE projects that include two or more countries from the same Region. Finally, the analysis will be used to identify challenges and provide a set of recommendations for future reference. structural reforms and the strengthening of HEI's technical capacities. It will then focus on the opportunities created for individuals (students, academic and administrative staff) and third parties like enterprises, NGOs, chambers of commerce, etc. The report will also examine how the EU projects have influenced national policy developments in the education sector, through Structural projects and indirectly through Joint Projects. Special attention is given to the strengthening of regional cooperation through CBHE projects that include two or more countries from the same Region. Finally, the analysis will be used to identify challenges and provide a set of recommendations for future reference. structural reforms and the strengthening of HEI's technical capacities. It will then focus on the opportunities created for individuals (students, academic and administrative staff) and third parties like enterprises, NGOs, chambers of commerce, etc. The report will also examine how the EU projects have influenced national policy developments in the education sector, through Structural projects and indirectly through Joint Projects. Special attention is given to the strengthening of regional cooperation through CBHE projects that include two or more countries from the same Region. Finally, the analysis will be used to identify challenges and provide a set of recommendations for future reference. academic and administrative staff) and third parties like enterprises, NGOs, chambers of commerce, etc. The report will also examine how the EU projects have influenced national policy developments in the education sector, through Structural projects and indirectly through Joint Projects. Special attention is given to the strengthening of regional cooperation through CBHE projects that include two or more countries from the same Region. Finally, the analysis will be used to identify challenges and provide a set of recommendations for future reference. academic and administrative staff) and third parties like enterprises, NGOs, chambers of commerce, etc. The report will also examine how the EU projects have influenced national policy developments in the education sector, through Structural projects and indirectly through Joint Projects. Special attention is given to the strengthening of regional cooperation through CBHE projects that include two or more countries from the same Region. Finally, the analysis will be used to identify challenges and provide a set of recommendations for future reference. Special attention is given to the strengthening of regional cooperation through CBHE projects that include two or more countries from the same Region. Finally, the analysis will be used to identify challenges and provide a set of recommendations for future reference. Special attention is given to the strengthening of regional cooperation through CBHE projects that include two or more countries from the same Region. Finally, the analysis will be used to identify challenges and provide a set of recommendations for future reference.