Shot boundary detection is a fundamental step for the organization of large video data. In this paper, we propose a new method for video gradual shots detection and classification, using advantages of fractal analysis and AIS-based classifier. Proposed features are “vertical intercept" and “fractal dimension" of each frame of videos which are computed using Fourier transform coefficients. We also used a classifier based on Clonal Selection Algorithm. We have carried out our solution and assessed it according to the TRECVID2006 benchmark dataset., {"references":["S. W. Smoliar and H.-J. Zhang, \"Content-based video indexing and\nretrieval,\" IEEE Multimedia, vol. 1, no. 2, 1994, pp. 62-72.","R. Lienhart, S. Pfeiffer, and W. Effelsberg, \"Video abstracting,\"\nCommun. ACM, vol. 40, no. 12, 1997, pp. 55-62.","X. U. Cabedo and S. K. Bhattacharjee, \"Shot detection tools in digital\nvideo,\" in Proc. Non-Linear Model based Image Analysis, 1998,\npp.121-126.","V. Kobla, D. DeMenthon, and D. Doermann, \"Special effect edit\ndetection using videotrails: a comparison with existing techniques,\" in\nProc. SPIE Conf. Storage Retrieval Image Video Databases VII, Jan.\n1999, pp. 302-313.","A. Nagasaka and Y. Tanaka, \"Automatic Video Indexing and Full-Video\nSearch for Object Appearances,\" Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG 2.6\nSecond Working Conference on Visual Database Systems II, North-\nHolland Publishing Co., 1992, pp. 113-127.","H. Zhang, A. Kankanhalli, and S.W. Smoliar, \"Automatic partitioning of\nfull-motion video,\" Multimedia Systems, vol. 1, Jan. 1993, pp. 10-28.","B. Shahraray, \"Scene change detection and content-based sampling of\nvideo sequences,\" Apr. 1995.","A. Nagasaka and Y. Tanaka, \"Automatic Video Indexing and Full-Video\nSearch for Object Appearances,\" Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG 2.6\nSecond Working Conference on Visual Database Systems II, North-\nHolland Publishing Co., 1992, pp. 113-127.","W. Xiong, J. C.-M. Lee, \"Efficient Scene Change Detection and Camera\nMotion Annotation for Video Classification\", Computer Vision and\nImage Understanding, Vol.71, Issue 2,1998, pp.166-181.\n[10] A.M. Ferman and A.M. Tekalp, \"Efficient Filtering and Clustering\nMethods for Temporal Video Segmentation and Visual Summarization,\"\nJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 9,\nDec. 1998, pp. 336-351.\n[11] F. Arman, A. Hsu, and M. Chiu, \"Image processing on compressed data\nfor large video databases,\" Proceedings of the first ACM international\nconference on Multimedia, Anaheim, California, United States: ACM,\n1993, pp. 267-272.\n[12] B. Yeo and B. Liu, \"Rapid scene analysis on compressed video,\"\nCircuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol.\n5, 1995, pp. 544, 533.\n[13] K. Shen and E.J. Delp, \"A fast algorithm for video parsing using MPEG\ncompressed sequences,\" Proceedings of the 1995 International\nConference on Image Processing (Vol.2)-Volume 2 - Volume 2, IEEE\nComputer Society, 1995, p. 2252.\n[14] Z. Cernekova, I. Pitas, and C. Nikou, \"Information theory-based\nshot cut/fade detection and video summarization,\" Circuits and\nSystems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 16,\n2006, pp. 82-91.\n[15] P. Chiu, A. Girgensohn, W. Polak, E. Rieffel, and L. Wilcox, \"A genetic\nalgorithm for video segmentation and summarization,\" Multimedia and\nExpo, 2000. ICME 2000. 2000 IEEE International Conference on, 2000,\npp. 1329-1332 vol.3.\n[16] . Lienhart, \"Reliable transition detection in videos: a survey and\npractitioner-s guide,\" Int. J. Image Graph., vol. 1, no. 3, 2001, pp. 469-\n486.\n[17] M. Albanese, A. Chianese, V. Moscato, and L. Sansone, \"A Formal\nModel for Video Shot Segmentation and its Application via Animate\nVision,\" Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 24, Dec. 2004, pp.\n253-272.\n[18] Jinhui Yuan, Huiyi Wang, Lan Xiao, Wujie Zheng, Jianmin Li, Fuzong\nLin, and Bo Zhang, \"A Formal Study of Shot Boundary Detection,\"\nCircuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol.\n17, 2007, pp. 168-186.\n[19] Sarkar N., B.B. Chaudhuri, \"An efficient differential box-counting\napproach to compute fractal dimension of image\", IEEE Transaction on\nSystem Man and Cybernet, vol.24, no.1, 1994, pp.115-120.\n[20] Zhang J. , Regtien P.P.L. , Korsten M.J. , \"Monitoring of dry sliding\nwear using fractal analysis\", 10th TC-10 IMEKO Conference on\nTechnical Diagnostics, 9-10 June, 2005, Budapest, Hungary\n[21] Russ J. C.: Fractal Surfaces. New York (etc.), Plenum Press 1994.\n[22] Rawers J., Tylczak J.: Fractal characterization of wear-erosion surfaces,\nJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 8, no.6, 1999,\npp. 669-676.\n[23] R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Prentice\nHall, 2002.\n[24] Z. Cernekov'a, N. Nikolaidis, I. Pitas. AIIA shot boundary detection at\nTRECVID 2006, TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation(C), 2006\n[25] NIST, Homepage of Trecvid Evaluation, http://wwwnlpir.\"]}