19 results on '"Susanna, Park"'
Search Results
2. 036 Nerve excitability and motor unit number estimation: early biomarkers of nerve involvement in hereditary amyloidosis (ATTRv)
- Author
Steve Vucic, Matthew Kiernan, Antonia Carroll, Mary Reilly, Cindy Lin, Neil Simon, and Susanna Park
- Subjects
Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry ,RC321-571 - Published
- 2021
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3. Oral isotretinoin and topical retinoid use in a series of young patients with ocular melanoma
- Author
Kavita K. Mishra, Jessica E. Scholey, Inder K. Daftari, Armin Afshar, Tony Tsai, Susanna Park, Jeanne M. Quivey, and Devron H. Char
- Subjects
Ocular melanoma ,Uveal melanoma ,Isotretinoin ,Tretinoin ,Retinoid therapy ,Ophthalmology ,RE1-994 - Abstract
Purpose: To describe the first series of six young uveal melanoma (UM) patients with oral isotretinoin and/or topical retinoid therapy prior to diagnosis. Observations: The case series is based on clinical observations at our UM quaternary referral center. Six UM patient cases are reported, ages 16–44 years old. All had been using either oral (isotretinoin) and/or topical (tretinoin or tazarotene) retinoid treatment (3 months–~10 years) prior to or at the time of diagnosis (3 of 6 cases). All patients had ocular complaints on presentation, and the onset of certain symptoms corresponded with the course of retinoids. Other potential risk factors or relevant history included Caucasian background, cone-rod dystrophy and active smoker status (Case 2), family history of UM and pregnancy at time of diagnosis (Case 3), past smoking and possible secondary Chernobyl exposure as a baby (Case 5). All patients were treated with proton beam radiotherapy and currently have no sign of recurrent or metastatic disease. Conclusions and importance: Retinoid therapy has been linked to various benign and/or reversible effects on the anterior and posterior eye, though pathophysiology remains not well understood. Uveal melanoma (UM) is a rare cancer diagnosis in young adults. We report here the first case series of young UM patients with a history of retinoid use and ocular complaints. No causal link is claimed and further systematic epidemiologic and biologic study of retinoid therapy and ocular impact may provide additional relevant data, particularly in young ocular melanoma patients.
- Published
- 2020
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4. OCT Predictors of Treatment Discontinuation in Eyes with RVO and ME
- Author
Daniella, Lent-Schochet, Jaycob, Avaylon, Michael, Nguyen, Abraham, Hang, Kiana, Nava, Therlinder, Lo, Kieu-Yen, Luu, Steven, Tran, Parisa Emami, Naeini, Ala, Moshiri, Susanna, Park, and Glenn, Yiu
- Abstract
We analyzed OCT biomarkers of 65 eyes with treatment-naive RVO and ME. While none of the factors analyzed predicted successful treatment discontinuation, early improvements in vision and DRIL were associated with long-term visual outcomes.
- Published
- 2022
5. Corneal Pigment Opacity From Face-Down Positioning After Pars Plana Vitrectomy, Treated With Descemet Stripping Only Technique
- Author
Madeline, Yung, Edward H, Lee, Jason, Chow, Esther, Kim, Susanna, Park, Lien, Tu, and Mark J, Mannis
- Subjects
Cornea ,Male ,Ophthalmology ,Corneal Opacity ,Vitrectomy ,Prone Position ,Retinal Detachment ,Vision Disorders ,Humans ,Prostheses and Implants ,Descemet Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty ,Aged ,Corneal Diseases - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to report a case of corneal opacity resulting from pigment deposition after face-down positioning, which was treated with Descemet stripping only (DSO) to enable concurrent pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for retinal detachment repair.A 79-year-old man with a history of Fuchs endothelial dystrophy and retinal detachment presented for the repair of recurrent retinal detachment and evaluation of a central corneal opacity.The patient was found to have significant corneal endothelial pigment deposition obscuring the view to the fundus. A repeat macula-involving retinal detachment was visualized on limited fundoscopic examination and confirmed using ultrasonography. The patient subsequently underwent combination scleral buckle, DSO, and PPV. DSO achieved corneal clarity for the entire duration of the PPV and allowed for the necessary postoperative face-down positioning. Immunohistochemistry of the corneal specimen revealed deposition of retinal pigment epithelium as the origin of the pigment opacity. The corneal edema cleared at postoperative month 4, and the retina remained attached, resulting in an improvement of visual acuity from counting fingers preoperatively to 20/70.This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first case describing the formation of a corneal endothelial opacity because of retinal pigment epithelium deposition associated with face-down positioning after PPV for retinal detachment. DSO is a minimally invasive, viable alternative to endothelial keratoplasty or temporary keratoprosthesis placement for the clearance of focal corneal endothelial opacities for PPV.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Tüskehegy : Táltos
- Author
Susanna Park and Susanna Park
- Abstract
Miután Amyta társaival együtt átkelt Tüskehegyen és találkozott a Táltossal, hamar rájött, hogy innen bizony csak kemény és nehéz tanulás árán szabadulhat. Már ha kiszabadulhat egyáltalán. Szerencsére elveszettnek hitt társai – Szélvész és Anna – is biztonságban élik életüket a titokzatos hegy mögött, sőt a lány újabb ismeretségekre is szert tesz ezen az eddig mindenki számára ismeretlen helyen. Mindeközben a külvilágban különös szövetségek köttetnek. A Fekete király és Noarin egyre nagyobb sötétségbe borítják Honát, Matt herceg és segítői útját az eddig rejtőzködő életet élő Farkasok keresztezik, a Császár pedig Bluendella királynővel indul el felfedezni a Déli kontinenst és Üveghegyet, benne a sötét boszorkány hagyatékával.Szuomi, a kis fényevő természetesen most is Fényességes Hercegnője segítségére siet, és ezzel új lendületet kapnak az események, melynek hatására Amyta és társai megpróbálnak utat keresni kifelé Tüskehegy biztonságos menedékéből. De vajon van-e kiút?
- Published
- 2024
7. TH-265. Evidence of sensory and fine motor dysfunction in peripheral and central nervous systems in Kennedy’s disease (KD)
- Author
Cindy Lin, Tiffany Li, Sicong Tu, Susanna Park, Steve Vucic, and Matthew Kiernan
- Subjects
Neurology ,Physiology (medical) ,Neurology (clinical) ,Sensory Systems - Published
- 2022
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8. Tüskehegy
- Author
Susanna Park and Susanna Park
- Abstract
Amyta első látásra egyszerűnek tűnő életet él családjával egy kisváros melletti tanyán. Egy nap titokzatos „látogató” érkezik hozzájuk, aminek hatására szülei menekülésre ösztönzik a lányt. Egy időre rejtekhelyén, egy barlangban reked, melyet titokzatos varázslat véd. Amikor a veszély elmúltával kiszabadul, otthona helyén már csak romokat talál. Ekkor találkozik Slyjal, a tündérharcossal, aki megmenti a lányt attól, hogy a titokzatos és kegyetlen Hollók elragadják és elvigyék a Fekete királyhoz. Végeláthatatlan kalandok sora veszi ezzel kezdetét, melyek során a tündéreken kívül még számos csodálatos teremtménnyel – többek között Szuomival, a kis fényevővel, a Csodaszarvassal és varázslatos segítőtársakkal – találkozik. Hosszú útjuk végén megérkeznek a rettegett Tüskehegyhez, melyen keresztül Amyta az, aki megtalálja az utat, és útitársaival végül eljut Csillagszemű birodalmába.
- Published
- 2022
9. Three-Year, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial of Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema
- Author
David S. Boyer, 1 Young Hee Yoon, MD, PhD, 2 Rubens Belfort, Jr, MD, PhD, 3 Francesco Bandello, 4 Raj K. Maturi, 5 Albert J. Augustin, 6 Xiao Yan Li, 7 Harry Cui, 7 Yehia Hashad, 7 Scott M. Whitcup, MDThe MEAD Study Group Principal Investigators: Suel Abujamra, James Acton, Fareed Ali, Andrew Antoszyk, Albert J. Augustin, Carl C. Awh, Adiel Barak, Karl Ulrich Bartz Schmidt, Caroline R. Baumal, Rubens Belfort, J.r., Muna Bhende, William Z. Bridges, David M. Brown, Trevor Carmichael, Ken Carnevale, Antonio M. Casella, Tom Chang, Daniel Chechik, San Ni Chen, Lawrence P. Chong, Victor Chong, Joel Corwin, Catherine Creuzot Garcher, Alan Cruess, Mark Daniell, Marcos P. de Avila, Haroldo Vieira de Moraes, Robert G. Devenyi, Bernard H. Doft, Mark Donaldson, Richard Dreyer, Dean Eliott, Harry M. Engel, Jan Ernest, Thomas F. Essman, Philip M. Falcone, Sharon Fekrat, Joseph R. Ferencz, Joao L. Ferreira, Joao Figueira, Ivan Fiser, Bradley Foster, Gregory M. Fox, William R. Freeman, S. P. Garg, Mark Gillies, David Glaser, Burton G. Goldstein, Andre M. V. Gomes, John R. Gonder, Lingam Gopal, Petrus Gous, Amod Gupta, Anurag Gupta, Lawrence Halperin, Dennis Han, Seenu M. Hariprasad, Frank G. Holz, Peter Kaiser, Bohdana Kalvodova, Barrett Katz, Randy S. Katz, Dariusz Kecik, Judianne Kellaway, Itamar Klemperer, Baruch Kuppermann, Paolo Lanzetta, Rosangela Lattanzio, Won Ki Lee, John Lehr, Monique Leys, Isaac Loose, Andrew Lotery, Da Wen Lu, Paul McCartney, Ajit B. Majji, Jose A. Martinez, Pascale Massin, Raj K. Maturi, Ugo Menchini, Geeta Menon, Mark Michels, Edoardo Midena, James Miller, Paul Mitchell, Joseph Moisseiev, Lawrence Morse, Rafael Navarro, Janos Nemeth, Henry Newland, Richard Newsom, John Nichols, Juan Orellana, Nicola Orzalesi, Augusto Paranhos, Robert Park, Susanna Park, Maurizio Battaglia Parodi, Peter R. Pavan, James Peace, Don J. Perez Ortiz, Ayala Pollack, Kim Ramaswamy, Ramakrishna Ratnakaram, Giuseppe Ravalico, Jiri Rehak, Kourous Rezaei, Stanislao Rizzo, Francisco J. Rodriguez Alvira, Jean Paul Romanet, Steven Rose, Richard B. Rosen, Luca Rossetti, Jose Maria Ruiz Moreno, SriniVas Sadda, Kenneth Sall, Dirk Sandner, Alvaro Fernandez Vega Sanz, Gil Sartani, Stefanie Schmickler, Steven D. Schwartz, Y. R. Sharma, Shwu Jiuan Sheu, Michael Singer, Sobha Sivaprasad, Gisele Soubrane, Petr Soucek, Eric H. Souied, Giovanni Staurenghi, Jan Studnicka, Marta Suarez Figueroa, Walter Y. Takahashi, Patrick L. Tsai, Lawrence J. Ulanski, Harvey Uy, Monica Varano, Miroslav Veith, Igor Vicha, Francesco Viola, Linda Visser, Dov Weinberger, Glenn L. Wing, Edmund Wong, Tien Wong, Edward Wylegala, Jiong Yan, Young Hee Yoon, Lucy H. Young, Hyeong G. Yu, Ingrid E. Zimmer Galler, TOGNETTO, DANIELE, Boyer, D, Yoon, Yh, Belfort, R, Bandello, Francesco, Maturi, Rk, Augustin, Aj, Li, Xy, Cui, H, Hashad, Y, Whitcup, Sm, David S., Boyer, Md, 1 Young Hee, Yoon, Md, Phd, 2 Rubens, Belfort, Jr, Md, Phd, 3 Francesco, Bandello, 4 Raj K., Maturi, 5 Albert J., Augustin, 6 Xiao Yan, Li, 7 Harry, Cui, Ms, 7 Yehia, Hashad, 7 Scott M., Whitcup, MDThe MEAD Study Group Principal Investigators: Suel, Abujamra, James, Acton, Fareed, Ali, Andrew, Antoszyk, Albert J., Augustin, Carl C., Awh, Adiel, Barak, Karl Ulrich Bartz, Schmidt, Caroline R., Baumal, Rubens, Belfort, J., R., Muna, Bhende, William Z., Bridge, David M., Brown, Trevor, Carmichael, Ken, Carnevale, Antonio M., Casella, Tom, Chang, Daniel, Chechik, San Ni, Chen, Lawrence P., Chong, Victor, Chong, Joel, Corwin, Catherine Creuzot, Garcher, Alan, Crue, Mark, Daniell, Marcos P., de Avila, Haroldo Vieira de, Morae, Robert G., Devenyi, Bernard H., Doft, Mark, Donaldson, Richard, Dreyer, Dean, Eliott, Harry M., Engel, Jan, Ernest, Thomas F., Essman, Philip M., Falcone, Sharon, Fekrat, Joseph R., Ferencz, Joao L., Ferreira, Joao, Figueira, Ivan, Fiser, Bradley, Foster, Gregory M., Fox, William R., Freeman, S. P., Garg, Mark, Gillie, David, Glaser, Burton G., Goldstein, Andre M. V., Gome, John R., Gonder, Lingam, Gopal, Petrus, Gou, Amod, Gupta, Anurag, Gupta, Lawrence, Halperin, Dennis, Han, Seenu M., Hariprasad, Frank G., Holz, Peter, Kaiser, Bohdana, Kalvodova, Barrett, Katz, Randy S., Katz, Dariusz, Kecik, Judianne, Kellaway, Itamar, Klemperer, Baruch, Kuppermann, Paolo, Lanzetta, Rosangela, Lattanzio, Won Ki, Lee, John, Lehr, Monique, Ley, Isaac, Loose, Andrew, Lotery, Da Wen, Lu, Paul, Mccartney, Ajit B., Majji, Jose A., Martinez, Pascale, Massin, Raj K., Maturi, Ugo, Menchini, Geeta, Menon, Mark, Michel, Edoardo, Midena, James, Miller, Paul, Mitchell, Joseph, Moisseiev, Lawrence, Morse, Rafael, Navarro, Janos, Nemeth, Henry, Newland, Richard, Newsom, John, Nichol, Juan, Orellana, Nicola, Orzalesi, Augusto, Paranho, Robert, Park, Susanna, Park, Maurizio Battaglia, Parodi, Peter R., Pavan, James, Peace, Don J., Perez Ortiz, Ayala, Pollack, Kim, Ramaswamy, Ramakrishna, Ratnakaram, Giuseppe, Ravalico, Jiri, Rehak, Kourous, Rezaei, Stanislao, Rizzo, Francisco J., Rodriguez Alvira, Jean Paul, Romanet, Steven, Rose, Richard B., Rosen, Luca, Rossetti, Jose Maria Ruiz, Moreno, Srinivas, Sadda, Kenneth, Sall, Dirk, Sandner, Alvaro Fernandez Vega, Sanz, Gil, Sartani, Stefanie, Schmickler, Steven D., Schwartz, Y. R., Sharma, Shwu Jiuan, Sheu, Michael, Singer, Sobha, Sivaprasad, Gisele, Soubrane, Petr, Soucek, Eric H., Souied, Giovanni, Staurenghi, Jan, Studnicka, Marta Suarez, Figueroa, Walter Y., Takahashi, Tognetto, Daniele, Patrick L., Tsai, Lawrence J., Ulanski, Ii, Harvey, Uy, Monica, Varano, Miroslav, Veith, Igor, Vicha, Francesco, Viola, Linda, Visser, Dov, Weinberger, Glenn L., Wing, Edmund, Wong, Tien, Wong, Edward, Wylegala, Jiong, Yan, Young Hee, Yoon, Lucy H., Young, Hyeong G., Yu, and Ingrid E., Zimmer Galler
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Intraocular pressure ,Triamcinolone acetonide ,Visual acuity ,genetic structures ,Anti-Inflammatory Agents ,Visual Acuity ,Phases of clinical research ,Dexamethasone ,Macular Edema ,law.invention ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Health Sciences ,Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant (Ozurdex ,Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant ,Humans ,Medicine ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Drug Implants ,Diabetic Retinopathy ,business.industry ,Area under the curve ,Middle Aged ,Ophthalmology ,DEX implant Diabetic Macular Edemat ,Area Under Curve ,Anesthesia ,Intravitreal Injections ,Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant (Ozurdex, DEX implant Diabetic Macular Edemat ,Female ,Implant ,medicine.symptom ,business ,hormones, hormone substitutes, and hormone antagonists ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of dexamethasone intravitreal implant (Ozurdex, DEX implant) 0.7 and 0.35 mg in the treatment of patients with diabetic macular edema (DME).Design: Two randomized, multicenter, masked, sham-controlled, phase III clinical trials with identical protocols were conducted. Data were pooled for analysis.Participants: Patients (n = 1048) with DME, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/50 to 20/200 Snellen equivalent, and central retinal thickness (CRT) of ≥300 μm by optical coherence tomography.Methods: Patients were randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to study treatment with DEX implant 0.7 mg, DEX implant 0.35 mg, or sham procedure and followed for 3 years (or 39 months for patients treated at month 36) at ≤40 scheduled visits. Patients who met retreatment eligibility criteria could be retreated no more often than every 6 months.Main Outcome Measures: The predefined primary efficacy endpoint for the United States Food and Drug Administration was achievement of ≥15-letter improvement in BCVA from baseline at study end. Safety measures included adverse events and intraocular pressure (IOP).Results: Mean number of treatments received over 3 years was 4.1, 4.4, and 3.3 with DEX implant 0.7 mg, DEX implant 0.35 mg, and sham, respectively. The percentage of patients with ≥15-letter improvement in BCVA from baseline at study end was greater with DEX implant 0.7 mg (22.2%) and DEX implant 0.35 mg (18.4%) than sham (12.0%; P ≤ 0.018). Mean average reduction in CRT from baseline was greater with DEX implant 0.7 mg (−111.6 μm) and DEX implant 0.35 mg (−107.9 μm) than sham (−41.9 μm; P < 0.001). Rates of cataract-related adverse events in phakic eyes were 67.9%, 64.1%, and 20.4% in the DEX implant 0.7 mg, DEX implant 0.35 mg, and sham groups, respectively. Increases in IOP were usually controlled with medication or no therapy; only 2 patients (0.6%) in the DEX implant 0.7 mg group and 1 (0.3%) in the DEX implant 0.35 mg group required trabeculectomy.Conclusions: The DEX implant 0.7 mg and 0.35 mg met the primary efficacy endpoint for improvement in BCVA. The safety profile was acceptable and consistent with previous reports.
- Published
- 2014
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10. Evidence-based evaluation of repeated cycles of oocyte donation by the same woman: treatment outcomes are not adversely affected by multiple prior donations
- Author
Said T. Daneshmand, Susanna Park, Vanessa Julaton, B.E. Friedman, Lindsay Gates, Carol Lynn Curchoe, L. Michael Kettel, V. Julie Collier, Rebecca Gu, Heather Coulter, Sara Berkshire, Jennifer Collins, L. Anderson, Sigourney Anne Francisco, William Venier, Sandy S. Chuan, and Ashley Geka
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Evidence-based practice ,Reproductive Medicine ,Obstetrics ,business.industry ,Oocyte donation ,Treatment outcome ,medicine ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,business - Published
- 2019
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11. Extended embryo culture and ploidy of morphologically normal embryos assessed by next gen sequencing PGS: a single center retrospective study
- Author
S. Francisco, M. Fredricks, Sandy S. Chuan, V. Julaton, L. Gates, S. Berkshire, Susanna Park, S. Singer, S. Kokjohn, M. Kettel, R. Rosi, H. Leimkuhler, J. Collins, A. Geka, S. Danseshmand, P. Quintero, B. Venier, L. Anderson, B.E. Friedman, M. Farinelli, and Carol Lynn Curchoe
- Subjects
Andrology ,03 medical and health sciences ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,0302 clinical medicine ,Reproductive Medicine ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Retrospective cohort study ,Embryo culture ,Embryo ,Ploidy ,Biology ,Single Center - Published
- 2018
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12. Pre-surrogacy obstetrical risk assessment for potential gestational carriers
- Author
Susanna Park, Said T. Daneshmand, and Georges Sylvestre-Margolis
- Subjects
Gestational carrier ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Reproductive Medicine ,business.industry ,Obstetrical risk ,Obstetrics ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Medicine ,business - Published
- 2019
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13. Ocular Manifestations of Pigmentary Disorders
- Author
Daniel M. Albert, Susanna Park, and Jean L. Bolognia
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Pathology ,Retinal pigment epithelium ,Neurocutaneous Syndromes ,business.industry ,Eye disease ,Neural crest ,Dermatology ,medicine.disease ,eye diseases ,Eye abnormality ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,medicine ,sense organs ,Eye Finding ,business ,Pigmentation disorder ,Uveal tract - Abstract
This article is a brief overview of disorders of pigmentation of the skin that have associated ocular abnormalities. The clinical entities are categorized as either congenital, hereditary (genodermatoses), or acquired. In some disorders many of the eye abnormalities can be explained by a common pathogenic mechanism that involves the melanocytes in the skin as well as the melanocytes in the uveal tract and retinal pigment epithelium. The eye findings in the neurocutaneous syndromes are a reflection of the neural crest origin of cutaneous melanocytes.
- Published
- 1992
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14. Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
- Author
Charles Huang, Susanna Park, Alessandro A. Castellarin, Dante J. Pieramici, and Emmett T. Cunningham
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Cardiolipins ,Retinal Detachment ,Acyclovir ,Retinal Necrosis Syndrome, Acute ,General Medicine ,Penicillins ,Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Test ,Ophthalmology ,Cholesterol ,HIV Seropositivity ,Panuveitis ,Phosphatidylcholines ,Humans ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,Syphilis ,Fluorescein Angiography - Published
- 2007
15. Assessment of functional impairment in patients following Oxplatin treatment
- Author
Marco Davare, Susanna Park, and Martin Koltzenburg
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Functional impairment ,Neurology ,business.industry ,Physiology (medical) ,Internal medicine ,Medicine ,In patient ,Neurology (clinical) ,General Medicine ,business - Published
- 2013
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16. Protein kinase C in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction
- Author
Susanna Park, Howard Rasmussen, and Yoh Takuwa
- Subjects
Myosin light-chain kinase ,macromolecular substances ,Phosphatidylinositols ,Models, Biological ,Biochemistry ,Phosphatidylinositol Phosphates ,Myosin ,Genetics ,medicine ,Animals ,Phosphorylation ,Protein kinase A ,Myosin-Light-Chain Kinase ,Molecular Biology ,Protein Kinase C ,Protein kinase C ,Actin ,Adenosine Triphosphatases ,biology ,Chemistry ,Muscle, Smooth ,Smooth muscle contraction ,Enzyme Activation ,Caldesmon ,biology.protein ,Biophysics ,Calcium ,medicine.symptom ,Muscle Contraction ,Biotechnology ,Muscle contraction - Abstract
The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying smooth muscle contraction are reviewed in the light of recent studies of smooth muscle ultrastructure and of the role of polyphosphoinositide turnover and protein kinase C function in smooth muscle contraction. A new model of smooth muscle contraction is proposed that differs radically from accepted views, particularly the latch bridge hypothesis, in terms of both Ca2+ messenger function and the molecular events underlying this process. A coordinate fibrillar domain model of contraction is proposed in which the initial and sustained phases of contraction are mediated by different cellular and molecular events. The initial phase of response is mediated by a rise in [Ca2+]c and the resulting calmodulin-dependent activation of both myosin light chain kinase and the dissociation of caldesmon from the actin-caldesmon-tropomyosin-myosin fibrillar domain. These events lead to an interaction between actin and the phosphorylated light chains of myosin just as in previous models. However, this initial phase is followed by a sustained phase in which a rise in [Ca2+]sm stimulates the plasma membrane-associated, Ca2+-sensitive form of protein kinase C that results in the phosphorylation of both structural and regulatory components of the filamin-actin-desmin fibrillar domain. These events underlie the tonic phase of contraction.
- Published
- 1987
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17. Antineoplastic activity of 3'-(chloroethyl)nitrosourea analogs of 2'-deoxyuridine and 2'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine
- Author
Susanna Park, Zi Hou Wang, Tai Shun Lin, William H. Prusoff, and William F. Brubaker
- Subjects
Nitrosourea ,Alkylation ,Stereochemistry ,Chemistry ,Antineoplastic Agents ,Biological activity ,Deoxyuridine ,Isocyanate ,Dideoxynucleosides ,Nitrosourea Compounds ,Deoxyribonucleoside ,Mice ,Structure-Activity Relationship ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Drug Discovery ,Nitrosation ,Animals ,Molecular Medicine ,5 fluorouridine ,Female ,Floxuridine ,Leukemia L1210 ,Nucleoside - Abstract
The (chloroethyl)nitrosourea analogues of 2'-deoxyuridine and 2'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine, 3'-[3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosoureido]-2',3'-dideoxyuridine (3'-CdUNU, 7) and 3'-[3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosoureido]-2,3'-dideoxy-5-fluorouridine (3'-CFdUNU, 8), have been synthesized by treatment of the corresponding 3'-amino nucleosides with chloroethyl isocyanate, followed by nitrosation of the resulting ureas. Nucleoside nitrosoureas 7 and 8 exhibited marked anticancer activity against L1210 leukemia in tumor-bearing mice. At an optimum dosage level of 40 mg/kg, 7 and 8 produced 90% and 60% "cures" (greater than 60-day survivors), respectively. The structure-activity relationships are discussed.
- Published
- 1986
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18. Activation of tracheal smooth muscle contraction: synergism between Ca2+ and activators of protein kinase C
- Author
Howard Rasmussen and Susanna Park
- Subjects
Mezerein ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Contraction (grammar) ,Nifedipine ,In Vitro Techniques ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Animals ,Protein kinase C ,Calcimycin ,Protein Kinase C ,Multidisciplinary ,Forskolin ,Terpenes ,Ionomycin ,Colforsin ,Drug Synergism ,Muscle, Smooth ,Smooth muscle contraction ,3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid, 1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-5-nitro-4-(2-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-, Methyl ester ,Enzyme Activation ,Trachea ,Endocrinology ,chemistry ,Phorbol ,Biophysics ,Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate ,Calcium ,Cattle ,medicine.symptom ,Diterpenes ,Muscle contraction ,Research Article ,Ethers ,Muscle Contraction - Abstract
The effects of divalent ionophores (A23187 and ionomycin), Ca2+ channel agonist (BAY K 8644), and protein kinase C (C-kinase) activators [phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), mezerein] on bovine tracheal smooth muscle contraction were investigated. A23187 (5 microM) and ionomycin (0.5 microM) produced a prompt but transient contraction. C-kinase activators either produced no effect--e.g., PMA at 200 nM--or produced a rise in tension that was slow in onset but then gradually increased--e.g., mezerein at 400 nM. In contrast, ionophores and C-kinase activators, in combination, acted synergistically to produce a prompt and sustained contractile response that is reminiscent of that observed in response to carbachol, a cholinergic agonist. In addition, BAY K 8644 (20 nM), which has a minimal effect on tension by itself, could significantly enhance contraction induced by C-kinase activators. The contraction induced by all of these agents was quickly reversed either by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or upon addition of forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase. A similar reversal of carbachol-induced contraction by forskolin was observed with carbachol-induced contraction. These findings strongly suggest that C-kinase plays an important role in mediating tracheal smooth muscle contraction.
- Published
- 1985
19. Critical Issues in International Refugee Law: Strategies Toward Interpretative Harmony.
- Author
- Abstract
The article reviews the book "Critical Issues in International Refugee Law: Strategies Toward Interpretative Harmony," edited by James C. Simeon.
- Published
- 2011
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