Autor je pri pisanju diplomskog rada koristio stručnu literaturu koja govori o situaciji na otoku Visu od kapitulacije Italije do kraja Drugog svjetskog rata. Također, koristeći se arhivskom građom i tadašnjom periodikom, pokušao je dodatno prikazati život lokalnog stanovništva pod talijanskom okupacijom i nakon nje. Najprije je prikazana situacija na otoku Visu prije kapitulacije Italije te se osvrnuo na njegovo strategijsko i političko značenje koje će biti od iznimne važnosti za sam tijek Rata na prostoru Jugoslavije. Naime, otok Vis je bio etapna stanica za zbjeg stanovništva u Italiju te se od tamo dio izbjeglica prebacio Savezničkim brodovima u Egipat. Osim toga, otok je bio tada važna točka na Jadranu za transport Savezničkog oružja i opreme koja je bila prijeko potrebna NOVJ u borbi protiv Nijemaca i njihovih saveznika. Otok Vis dobiva dodatno na važnosti 7. lipnja 1944. godine. Naime, od tada do 18. rujna 1944. godine na otoku su boravili članovi Vrhovnog štaba, Predsjedništvo AVNOJ-a zajedno s Josipom Brozom Titom. U tom vremenskom intervalu oni su iz otoka Visa rukovodili vojnim operacijama NOVJ-a na otoku i kopnu te su se diplomatski borili za svoju ideju buduće Jugoslavije nakon Rata. Također, Vrhovni štab se iz Visa nije se bavio samo s Narodno Oslobodilačkim Pokretima unutar teritorija predratne Jugoslavije, nego je surađivao i s grčkim, albanskim i bugarskim Narodno Oslobodilačkim Pokretima koji su djelovali protiv nacista i njihovih saveznika. Tako se može reći da je tada otok Vis imao međunarodno značenje u borbi protiv nacizma. In writing his thesis, the author used professional literature that talks about the situation on the island of Vis from the capitulation of Italy to the end of World War II. Also, using archival material and periodicals of the time, he tried to show further the life of the local population under and after the Italian occupation. First, the situation on the island of Vis before the capitulation of Italy was presented, and he commented on its strategic and political significance, which will be extremely important for the course of the War in Yugoslavia. Namely, the island of Vis was a stage station for the refugee population to Italy, and from there part of the refugees were transferred by Allied ships to Egypt. In addition, the island was then an important point on the Adriatic for the transport of Allied weapons and equipment that was much needed by the NOVJ in the fight against the Germans and their allies. The island of Vis gained additional importance on June 7, 1944. Namely, from then until September 18, 1944, members of the Supreme Staff, the Presidency of AVNOJ, together with Josip Broz Tito, stayed on the island. In that time interval, they led the NOVJ's military operations on the island and the mainland from the island of Vis and fought diplomatically for their idea of a future Yugoslavia after the War. Also, the Supreme Headquarters from Vis not only dealt with the People's Liberation Movements within the territory of pre-war Yugoslavia, but also cooperated with the Greek, Albanian and Bulgarian People's Liberation Movements that acted against the Nazis and their allies. Thus, it can be said that at that time the island of Vis had international significance in the fight against Nazism.