Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y de Fabricación, Gómez Blanco, J. Carlos, Martínez Reina, Francisco Javier, Cruz, Domingo, Pagador, J. Blas, Sánchez Margallo, Francisco M., Soria, Federico, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y de Fabricación, Gómez Blanco, J. Carlos, Martínez Reina, Francisco Javier, Cruz, Domingo, Pagador, J. Blas, Sánchez Margallo, Francisco M., and Soria, Federico
Many urologists are currently studying new designs of ureteral stents to improve the quality of their operations and the subsequent recovery of the patient. In order to help during this design process, many computational models have been developed to simulate the behaviour of different biological tissues and provide a realistic computational environment to evaluate the stents. However, due to the high complexity of the involved tissues, they usually introduce simplifications to make these models less computationally demanding. In this study, the interaction between urine flow and a double-J stented ureter with a simplified geometry has been analysed.The Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) of urine and the ureteral wall was studied using three models for the solid domain: Mooney-Rivlin, Yeoh, and Ogden. The ureter was assumed to be quasi-incompressible and isotropic. Data obtained in previous studies fromex vivo and in vivo mechanical characterization of different ureters were used to fit thementioned models.The results show that the interaction between the stented ureter and urine is negligible. Therefore, we can conclude that this type of models does not need to include the FSI and could be solved quite accurately assuming that the ureter is a rigid body and, thus, using the more simple Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach.