16 results on '"Soldo, Anamarija"'
Search Results
2. State interventionism vs. neoliberal economic policy: Croatia and USA
- Author
Soldo, Anamarija and Vlahinić Lenz, Nela
- Abstract
Kod problematike vezane uz ekonomsku politiku kao jedno od najznačajnijih pitanja javlja se uloga države u pojedinom gospodarstvu pri čemu se često ističe problematika odnosa među tržišnim silama i državnom intervencijom i regulacijom. Prisutnost države u ekonomiji postojala je oduvijek, pa je nerijetko dovodila i do težnje ka slobodnijoj ekonomiji, odnosno izostanku državne intervencije u ekonomska pitanja. Upravo je u ovom radu riječ o usporedbi državnog intervencionizma i neoliberalne ekonomske politike. U teorijskom dijelu rada uspoređuje se nastanak i glavne odrednice tih dvaju koncepata, dok se empirijski dio rada bavi usporedbom Hrvatske i SAD-a u okviru ekonomske politike. Na temelju napisanog rada zaključuje se da se ekonomska uloga države u pojedinom gospodarstvu mijenja ovisno o općem gospodarskom stanju, odnosno ciklusima kojima je gospodarstvo zahvaćeno.
- Published
- 2018
3. Correlation between the level of 25 (OH) D3 and the incidence and recurrence of different clinical forms of BPPV
- Author
Maslovara, Siniša, Butković Soldo, Silva, Šestak, Anamarija, Milinković, Katarina, Rogić-Namacinski, Jasna, and Soldo, Anamarija
- Subjects
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ,Vitamin D3 insufficiency ,Recurrence ,Clinical forms - Abstract
Introduction Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of dizziness in the general population. It is a condition with potential impact of reduced levels of vitamin D on its recurrent attacks. Objectives The aim of this study was to measure the serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OH D3) in patients with BPPV and determine whether there is a difference in the serum levels of vitamin D3 between patients with and without recurrence, as well as between the different clinical forms of BPPV. Methods The study included 40 patients who came to the regular medical examination, diagnosed with PC-BPPV based on the positive Dix- Hallpike's test. All patients underwent Epley manoeuvre after the diagnosis. Patients were classified according to current guidelines for levels of vitamin D3 in the serum in three groups: the deficiency, insufficiency and adequate level. Results The average serum level of 25-OH D3 among respondents was 20.78 ng/mL, indicating a lack or insufficiency of the aforementioned 25-OH D3. According to the levels of 25-OH D3, most patients suffer from deficiency (47.5%). 7 (17.5%) respondents had adequate blood level of 25-OH D3, and 14 (35%) respondents suffer from insufficiency. A significant difference was not found in the serum level of 25-OH D3 between patients with and without BPPV recurrence. There was a significant difference in the serum levels of 25-OH D3 in comparison to the clinical form of the disease. Lower 25-OH D3 values were found in patients with canalithiasis compared to those with cupulolithiasis. Conclusions There were no significant differences in the vitamin D3 serum level in patients with and without recurrence. The study showed a low level of serum vitamin D3 in most patients, indicating the need for supplemental therapy.
- Published
- 2018
4. Vestibular migraine considering new diagnostic criteria
- Author
Maslovara, Siniša, Butković Soldo, Silva, Pajić Matić, Ivana, Alkhamis, Tamara, Mendeš, Tihana, and Soldo, Anamarija
- Subjects
otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,migraine ,episodic recurrent vertigo ,vestibular migraine ,diagnostic criteria ,sense organs - Abstract
Vestibular migraine is one of the causes of spontaneous vertigo. Around 50 to 60 percent of migraine patients experience vertigo following a migraine attack, and in about half of the patients vertigo occurs unrelated to the headache. It is clinically manifested as a rotatory, positioning, visually-or head movement- related vertigo. In more than 60% of cases, photo-or phonophobia occurs. Changes in electronystamography/videonystamography results are more common in patients with migraine than in the rest of the population, but very different and unspecific. Although accepted, the lack of universally acclaimed definition of vestibular migraine prevented clinicians and researchers to recognize it more often. In July 2012, the Bárány Society’s Committee for Classification of Vestibular Disorders and Subcommittee for the Classifications of Migraine of the International Society for Headaches have co-published diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine and probable vestibular migraine as part of the project in the classification of otoneurologic disorder. Diagnosis of vestibular migraine is based on the presence of different forms of vertigo with moderate or severe intensity, which occur often and last between 5 minutes and 72 hours, as well as on the history of migraine and exclusion of other causes of vestibular symptoms. For the first time, we are in possession of proposed criteria for the diagnosis of vestibular migraine, which will facilitate the diagnosis of this common but insufficiently diagnosed vertiginous entity.
- Published
- 2014
5. Importance of accurate diagnosis in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) therapy
- Author
Maslovara, Siniša, Mendeš, Tihana, Butković Soldo, Silva, Pajić Matić, Ivana, Maslovara, Karmela, Mirošević Zubonja, Tea, and Soldo, Anamarija
- Subjects
diagnosis ,videonistagmography ,canalolithiasis ,cupulolithiasis ,canalith repostioning procedures - Abstract
Aim To determine the importance of accurate topological diagnostics of the otolith and the differentiation of certain clinical forms of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Methods A prospective study was conducted at the County General Hospital Vukovar in the period from January 2011 till January 2012. A total of 81 patients with BPPV, 59 females (72.84%) and 22 (27.16%) males (p less than 0.001), mean age 60.1 (± 12.1) were examined. The diagnosis was confirmed and documented by videonystagmography (VNG). The disability due to disease and risk of falling were monitored by filling in the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the repositioning treatment. Results In 79 (97.3%) patients posterior semicircular canal was affected, and in a small number of patients, two (2.47%) the lateral one. After the repositioning procedures were performed, there was a significant reduction or complete elimination of symptoms in the majority of subjects, 76 (93.82%). The median total DHI sum amounted to 50.5 (± 22.2) at the beginning and 20.4 (± 18.5) at the end of the study (p less than 0.00). Similarly, the results of ABC questionnaires at the beginning of the study demonstrated a result of 59.2% (± 22.4%), and at the end of the treatment the average result of examinees was significantly higher, 84.9% (± 15.2%) (p less than 0.00). Conclusion Although a subjectively positive Dix-Hallpike or a "supine roll" test is sufficient for the diagnosis of BPPV, it is necessary perform the VNG as well in order to precisely determine the exact localization of the otolith, so that an appropriate repositioning procedure can be applied.
- Published
- 2014
6. Vestibularna rehabilitacija kod obostrane lezije labirinta
- Author
Maslovara, Siniša, Maslovara, Karmela, Butković-Soldo, Silva, Vešligaj, Tihana, and Soldo, Anamarija
- Subjects
obostrana leyija labirinta ,ototoksi ,ni lijekovi ,vestibularna rehabilitacija - Abstract
Uvod: Obostrane lezije labirinta najčešće su posljedica djelovanja ototoksičnih lijekova, ponajviše aminoglikozidnih antibiotika, dok je drugi najčešći uzrok Méinèreova bolest. Učestalost im je daleko manja, a simptomi puno blaži od onih kod jednostrane vestibularne lezije. Vrtoglavice se u pravilu ne javljaju, osim kada postoji asimetrija u oštećenju labirinata. Kliničkom slikom dominiraju oscilopsije i nedostatak posturalne kontrole, za postavljanje dijagnoze najznačajniji je nalaz kalorijskog testa. Cilj: Odrediti zastupljenost obostrane lezije labirinta među našim vertiginoznim pacijentima, kao i učinkovitost vestibularne rehabilitacije u njenom zbrinjavanju.Pacijenti i metode: Na uzorku od 15 bolesnika s obostranom lezijom labirinta liječenih na Odjelu za ORL, Opće županijske bolnice Vukovar tijekom 2012. god. proveli smo vestibularnu rehabilitaciju. Stanje onesposobljenosti, opasnosti od pada i tijek oporavka pratili smo popunjavanjem ABC i DHI upitnika od strane bolesnika pri dolasku, nakon tri i šest mjeseci od početka liječenja. Rezultati: Prosječna vrijednost ABC upitnika na početku liječenja iznosila je 38, 66, a na kraju 61, 16 bodova. Rezultati DHI testa od 65, 33 bodova na početku liječenja govorili su u prilog velike onesposobljenosti pacijenata, da bi se pri trećoj kontroli smanjio na 36, 66 bodova, što ukazuje na značajan, ali ne i potpuni oporavak. Zaključak:Vestibularna rehabilitacija kojom se jačaju alternativni spaciocepcijski sustavi, daje dobre rezultate u liječenju obostrane lezije labirinta. Ključ njihovog zbrinjavanja je u prevenciji, u sklopu koje je najvažnije ototoksične lijekove ordinirati samo u krajnjoj nuždi i uz stalnu kontrolu stanja sluha i ravnoteže, kao i izbjegavati istovremenu primjenu više ototoksičnih lijekova (npr. aminoglikozida s diureticima petlje).
- Published
- 2013
7. Antioksidativne tvari, minerali i vitamini u povrću
- Author
Parađiković, Nada, Vinković, Tomislav, Tkalec, Monika, Soldo, Anamarija, and Hajnšek, Sanja
- Subjects
antioksidativne tvari ,minerali ,vitamini ,povrće - Abstract
Nutrijenti u povrću su od vitalnog značaja za sve tjelesne funkcije. Bez njih, naša tijela ne rade dobro, a naše zdravlje se narušava. Nutrijenti djeluju sinergistički što znači da ih je najbolje uzimati hranom. Tamno zeleno lisnato povrće je vjerojatno najveći koncentrirani izvor nutrijenata u usporedbi sa ostalom hranom. Ono je bogat izvor minerala (uključujući željezo, kalcij, kalij i magnezij) i vitamina, uključujući vitamine K, C, E te mnoge B vitamine. Također, su i izvor raznih fitonutrijenata, uključujući beta-karotena, luteina, i zeaksantin, koji štite stanice od oštećenja, korisni su u očuvanju očiju odnosno u sprečavanju staračke degeneracije žute mrlje. Tamno zeleno lišće sadržava čak i male količine omega-3 masnih kiselina. Minerali su glavne komponente zubi i kosti te služe kao građevni blokovi za druge stanice i enzime. Minerali također pomažu regulirati ravnotežu tekućine u tijelu i kontrolu kretanja živčanih impulsa. Vitamini, minerali i ostala hranjiva, unaprjeđuju i uravnotežavaju jedni druge, tako da naše tijelo može apsorbirati i koristiti ih za najbolji učinak. Vitamini topljivi u mastima se sastoje od vitamina A, E, D i K koji se mogu naći u povrću poput rajčice, batata, mrkve, kelja, repinog lišća i kineskog kupusa. Vitamini topljivi u vodi su vitamini B- kompleksa, kao što B6, B12, folna kiselina, niacin i tiamin. Vitamin C je također vitamin topiv u vodi. Neki biljni izvori ovih vitamina su šparoga, crvena i zelena paprika, špinat, batat, brokula i cvjetača.
- Published
- 2013
8. Migrainozne vervrtoglavice:nove dijagnostičke smjernice
- Author
Maslovara, Siniša, Maslovara, Karmela, Butkovic-Soldo, Silva, Vešligaj, Tihana, Soldo, Anamarija, and Mirosevic Zubonja, Tea
- Subjects
migrenozne vrtoglavice ,dijagnostički kriteriji - Abstract
Vestibularna migrena najčešći je uzrok spontano nastalih vrtoglavica. Javlja se kod oko 50-60% bolesnika s migrenom, a kod oko polovine njih vrtoglavica se javlja nevezano uz napadaj glavobolje. Klinički se manifestira kao kružna, položavajuća, vidno ili pokretima glave potaknuta vrtoglavica. U preko 60% slučajeva praćena je foto ili fonofobijom, a u jednog dijela bolesnika i aurom. Promjene u elektronistagmografskom i ostalim laboratorijskim nalazima češće su kod bolesnika s migrenom nego kod ostale populacije, ali dosta raznolike i nespecifične. Usprkos priznatosti, manjak univerzalno prihvaćene definicije vestibularne migrene onemogućava kliničare i istraživače u češćem prepoznavanju. U srpnju 2012. godine Odbor za klasifikaciju vestibularnih poremećaja Bárányjeva društva i Pododbor za klasifikaciju migrena Međunarodnoga društva za glavobolje zajednički su objavili dijagnostičke kriterije za vestibularnu migrenu i vjerojatnu vestibularnu migrenu kao dio većega poduhvata za klasifikaciju otoneuroloških poremećaja. Dijagnoza vestibularne migrene temeljena je na prisutnosti različitih oblika vrtoglavica umjerenoga ili jakog intenziteta koji se učestalo pojavljuju, u trajanju između 5 minuta i 72 sata, povijesti migrene i isključenju ostalih uzroka vestibularnih simptoma. Po prvi put smo oboružani jasnim kriterijima za dijagnozu vestibularne migrene što će uvelike olakšati dijagnostiku toga ne tako rijetkog, ali nažalost nedovoljno dijagnosticiranoga uzroka vrtoglavice.
- Published
- 2013
9. Terapija biljkama kao neuro i fizikalna rehabilitacija
- Author
Parađiković, Nada, Butković-Soldo, Silva, Tkalec, Monika, Soldo, Anamarija, Vinković, Tomislav, Šendula-Jengić, Kapović, Miljenko, Peterlin, Borut, and Zalar, Bojan
- Subjects
terapija biljkama ,vrtlarenje ,neurorehabilitacija ,fizikalna rehabilitacija - Abstract
Therapy with plants is discipline which uses plants and gardening activities for professional program in therapy and neurorehabilitation of people with special needs. The ultimate goal of these programs is the improved physical and mental health of the individual. The benefits may be seen in four areas - intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. Plants are a part of the aesthetically pleasing and perceptually stimulating aspects of the environment to which man responds. Plants serve as a stimulus for a direct, specific, positive response for which the human perceptual system is specifically developed. By observation of plant growth and change, man learns about life and acquires an understanding that can be applied to other aspects of life. For instance, as a result of a car accident the woman who has paraplegia and she thinks of herself as a unuseful humen being who "can't even stand up." In plant therapy, she is learning how to stake the plants and realises concretely that she can do something and be very useful. Fruthermore, she starts to experience three things symbolically, learning that other things need support, gaining an interest in supporting a plant and therefore she's being useful to another living thing and she (and by implication, others) feels it is genuinely worthwhile to aid in the support of others who literally cannot stand alone. The profession of plants therapy, gardening or horticultural therapy is one of the treatment modalities (including therapies such as art, music and recreational) that form the adjunctive therapy treatment approach. Plants therapy programs are commonly found in physical rehabilitation facilities, psychiatric hospitals, educational centers for individuals with intellectual defects and similar treatment facilities. Vocational training programs, sheltered workshops, and prisons are also places where professional plant therapists work they way. In many countries, arboreta and botanic gardens are employing Registered Horticultural Therapists to conduct educational outreach programs for professionals and clients in treatment facilities in their communities. First individual plant teraphy in Croatia started in 2003.
- Published
- 2012
10. Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Spondyloarthritides and HLA-B27 Positive Antigen
- Author
Glasnović, Marija, Bošnjak, Ivica, Šram, Miroslav, Vranješ, Željko, Včev, Aleksandar, Dobrošević Blaženka, Sinčić-Petricević, Jasminka, Horvatić, Elizabeta, Orkić, Želimir, Tadžić, Refmir, Soldo, Anamarija, Šišljagić , Dina, and Dinjar , Kristijan
- Subjects
Cohort Studies ,Male ,Spondyloarthtritides ,HLA-B27 ,antigen ,ASAS classification criteria ,spondyloarthtritides ,ASAS clasification criteria ,Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Direct ,Arthritis, Psoriatic ,Humans ,Female ,Spondylitis, Ankylosing ,Middle Aged ,HLA-B27 Antigen - Abstract
The aim of this study was to present our experiences in diagnosing spondyloarthritides (SpA), and to list the most common clinical features of HLA-B27 positive patients. The study included 65 HLA-B27 positive patients with confirmed diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) who were analyzed between 2009 and 2010 in Clinic of Internal Medicine in Osijek. The diagnosis of seronegative spondyloarthritides was based on the ASAS (Assessment in AS Working Group) classification criteria for axial and then supplemented with ASAS criteria for peripheral SpA and was confirmed by radiological techniques. For diagnosing the ankylosing spondylitis (AS), there have been applied the modified New York criteria. Radiological criteria for definite sacroiliitis according to the modified New York criteria is bilateral sacroiliitis, grade 2-4 (> or = 2) or unilateral sacroiliitis, grade 3-4. For diagnosing the psoriatic arthritis (PsA), there were used CASPAR diagnostic criteria. Other features of SpA are defined within the existing classification criteria. HLA-B27 antigen was determined by direct immune-fluorescence technique using flow cytometer. The average age of patients was 50.34 years, of whom 27 female (41.53%), 38 male (58.46%). Duration of illness was 15.79 years on average. With 75.38% of patients, there had been determined the diagnosis of AS ; 24.62% of patients had the diagnosis of PsA. The most common clinical characteristics that patients had were: inflammatory back pain (pain Inflammation along the lumbosacral spine), peripheral arthritis, intermittent pain in the gluteus, sacroiliitis, enthesitis, uveitis, dactilitis.
- Published
- 2011
11. Tay Sachsova bolest: prikaz oboljelih članova obitelji i pregled literature
- Author
Bilić, Ervina, Šepec, Branimir Ivan, Mitrović, Zoran, Ereš, Vedrana, Žagar, Marija, Fumić, Ksenija, Soldo, Anamarija, Marić, Anđela, Franjić, Daniel, Vranješ, Davorka, Jurenić, Dubravka, and Hajnšek, Sanja
- Subjects
Tay Sachsova bolest - Abstract
U ovom radu su prikazani brat i sestra oboljeli od rijetke lizosomske bolesti uzrokovane deficitom heksozaminidaze A, odnosno Tay Sachsove bolesti (TSB). Ovo je prvi opis više članova jedne obitelji oboljelih od TSB u Hrvatskoj.
- Published
- 2009
12. Florikultura kao neurorehabilitacija
- Author
Parađiković, Nada, Mirošević, Tea, Soldo, Anamarija, Butković-Soldo, Silva, Vukić, Miroslav, Hajnšek, Sanja, and Barac, Boško
- Subjects
florikultura ,neurorehabilitacija ,vrtlarenje - Abstract
Rehabilitacija onesposobljenih osoba složen je proces osamostaljivanja za život i rad uz interdisciplinarnu aktivnost na zbrinjavanju medicinskih, psihosocijalnih i radnih potreba onesposobljenih. Da bi rehabilitacija bila učinkovita mora biti polivalentna, stručna, dobro organizirana i ekonomična. Život onesposobljenog potrebito je prije svega organizirati u vlastitom domu, a vrijeme provedeno u specijaliziranoj instituciji svesti na nužnu potrebnu mjeru. Plan rehabilitacije sadrži cilj, a to je maksimalno moguća reintegracija bolesnika u obitelj, društvo i radnu sredinu, te postizanje što većeg stupnja kvalitete življenja onesposobljenog i aspekte rehabilitacije.
- Published
- 2007
13. Morphological Manifestations of the Dandy-Walker Syndrome in Female Members of a Family.
- Author
Titlić, Marina, Alfirević, Stanko, Kolić, Krešimir, Soldo, Anamarija, and Tripalo, Ana Batoš
- Subjects
DANDY-Walker syndrome ,DISEASES in women ,GENETIC disorders ,JOUBERT syndrome ,HUMAN abnormalities - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
14. Giant Cell Arteritis: How to Diagnose? -- A Case Report.
- Author
Glasnović, Marija, Bošnjak, Ivica, Včev, Aleksandar, Soldo, Ivan, Horvatić, Elizabeta, Bedeković, Dražen, Marjanović, Ksenija, Hečimović, Valentina, and Soldo, Anamarija
- Subjects
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2008
15. Čimbenici koji utječu na rehabilitacijske postupke nakon moždanog udara
- Author
Tuškan-Mohar, Lidija, Barac, Boško, Burković Soldo, Silva, Tomić, Svetlana, Mirošević Zubonja, Tea, Soldo, Anamarija, Koruga, Nenad, and Petravić, Damir
- Subjects
rehabilitacijski postupci ,moždani udar ,ishod - Abstract
U većini razvijenih zemalja moždani udar (MU) treći je uzrok smrti među odraslom populacijom i vodeći je uzrok invaliditeta. Samo 25% bolesnika nakon MU vrati se na razinu normalnog funkcioniranja. Oporavak nakon MU je proces koji uključuje liječenje, spontani oporavak, rehabilitaciju i povratak u društveni život. Rehabilitacija, bazirana na činjenici da postoji plastičnost mozga, od izuzetne je važnosti u procesu liječenja MU jer bolesniku pomaže da sačuva i ponovno stekne sposobnosti koje mu omogućuju samostalnost u svakodnevnom životu pri čemu je bitno postaviti realne ciljeve rehabilitacije. Rehabilitacijski postupci kao sastavni dio akutnog liječenja MU usmjereni su na sprečavanje različitih komplikacija koji često prate akutni MU kao što su aspiracijska i hipostatska bronhopneumonija, uroinfekcije, depresija, padovi, duboka venska tromboza i dekubitalni vrijedovi. Nakon akutnog liječenja, ovisno o funkcionalnom statusu bolesnika, nastavlja se s liječenjem i daljnjom rehabilitacijom. U tom procesu bolji ishod će imati bolesnici koji nemaju značajnije oštećenu kognitivnu funkciju i očuvanost bar minimalne govorne funkcije radi boljeg sporazumijevanja s članovima rehabilitacijskog tima te bolesnici koji su u dobrom fizičkom stanju da mogu tolerirati bar minimalnu fizičku aktivnost. Vjerojatnost oporavka bolesnika nakon MU je različita i ovisi o mnogim čimbenicima. Na rehabilitacijske postupke i ishode oporavka prvenstveno utječe lokalizacija i opseg moždanog oštećenja što za posljedicu ima vrlo raznolike neurološke deficite, od minimalnih disfunkcija do vrlo velikih deficita u psihomotoričkom funkcioniranju. Najčešći neurološki ispadi koji utječu na onesposobljenost bolesnika su paraliza i problemi s kontrolom motorike, osjetni poremećaji uključujući i bol, problemi s govornim funkcijama i komunikacijom, problemi s kognitivnim i višim mentalnim funkcijama kao što su pamćenje, apstraktno mišljenje, prosuđivanje, neglekt i apraksija te emocionalna nestabilnost. Od ostalih čimbenika koji utječu na proces rehabilitacije i stupanj oporavka je zdravstveno stanje oboljelog prije MU, skrb i suradnja obitelji kao i aktivno sudjelovanje samog bolesnika i njegova želja za oporavkom. Stoga je teško ujednačiti rehabilitacijske postupke za sve bolesnike s MU te je važan individualni pristup a slijedom toga i oporavak će biti za svakog bolesnika različit. Iz tih razloga rehabilitacijski proces za bolesnike sa složenim problemima zahtjeva pažljivo planiran i integriran program.
- Published
- 2013
16. Importance of accurate diagnosis in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) therapy.
- Author
Maslovara S, Vešligaj T, Butković Soldo S, Pajić-Penavić I, Maslovara K, Mirošević Zubonja T, and Soldo A
- Subjects
- Aged, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo physiopathology, Electronystagmography methods, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Patient Positioning methods, Prospective Studies, Semicircular Canals physiopathology, Statistics, Nonparametric, Surveys and Questionnaires, Vestibule, Labyrinth physiopathology, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo diagnosis, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo therapy
- Abstract
Aim: To determine the importance of accurate topological diagnostics of the otolith and the differentiation of certain clinical forms of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)., Methods: A prospective study was conducted at the County General Hospital Vukovar in the period from January 2011 till January 2012. A total of 81 patients with BPPV, 59 females (72.84%) and 22 (27.16%) males (p less than 0.001), mean age 60.1 (± 12.1) were examined. The diagnosis was confirmed and documented by videonystagmography (VNG). The disability due to disease and risk of falling were monitored by filling in the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the repositioning treatment., Results: In 79 (97.3%) patients posterior semicircular canal was affected, and in a small number of patients, two (2.47%) the lateral one. After the repositioning procedures were performed, there was a significant reduction or complete elimination of symptoms in the majority of subjects, 76 (93.82%). The median total DHI sum amounted to 50.5 (± 22.2) at the beginning and 20.4 (± 18.5) at the end of the study (p less than 0.00). Similarly, the results of ABC questionnaires at the beginning of the study demonstrated a result of 59.2% (± 22.4%), and at the end of the treatment the average result of examinees was significantly higher, 84.9% (± 15.2%) (p less than 0.00)., Conclusion: Although a subjectively positive Dix-Hallpike or a "supine roll" test is sufficient for the diagnosis of BPPV, it is necessary perform the VNG as well in order to precisely determine the exact localization of the otolith, so that an appropriate repositioning procedure can be applied.
- Published
- 2014
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