25 results on '"Skuland, Aase"'
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2. Fish Protein Hydrolysate as Protein Enrichment in Texture-Modified Salmon Products.
- Author
Prabhu, Leena, Skuland, Aase Vorre, Varela, Paula, and Rosnes, Jan Thomas
- Subjects
PROTEIN hydrolysates ,ATLANTIC salmon ,FOOD texture ,BITTERNESS (Taste) ,CASEINS - Abstract
The aim of this study was to develop a chilled, texture-modified salmon product for dysphagia patients, enriched with dairy and fish hydrolysate proteins. The challenge was to create a product with appealing sensory qualities and texture that meets level 5 (minced & moist) of the IDDSI framework. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was heat-treated (95 °C/15 min), blended, and reconstructed by adding texture modifiers, casein and whey protein, and enzymatically derived fish hydrolysate. The products were packaged in oxygen-free plastic trays, heat-treated to a core temperature of 95 °C for 15 min, chilled and stored at 4 °C for 29 days and analyzed for microbiology, instrumental texture, and sensory properties. The texture analyses showed that products with fish protein hydrolysate were softer than those only with casein and whey protein, a result also confirmed by the IDDSI fork pressure test. Quantitative descriptive analysis of salmon products revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) in sensory attributes within flavour (fish flavour), and texture (softness and adhesiveness) but there was no significant change in bitterness. The shelf-life study at 4 °C showed good microbiological quality of the product, and safety after 29 days with appealing sensory and textural properties, i.e., a product at IDDSI level 5 for age care facilities and commercial production was obtained. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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3. A simulated e-commerce cold chain for fresh cod (Gadus morhua L.) products: Applicability of selected TTIs and effects of pre-treatment and packaging
- Author
Lorentzen, Grete, Rosnes, Jan Thomas, Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore, Skuland, Aase Vorre, Hansen, Jorunn S., and Ageeva, Tatiana N.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Quality characteristics and consumer acceptance of diploid and triploid cold smoked Atlantic salmon reared at 5, 10 and 15 °C
- Author
Lerfall, Jørgen, Skuland, Aase Vorre, Skare, Even Flønes, Hasli, Pål Rune, and Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore
- Published
- 2017
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5. Shelf life of snow crab clusters (Chionoecetes opilio) stored at 0 and 4 °C
- Author
Lorentzen, Grete, Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore, Olsen, Stein Harris, Skuland, Aase Vorre, and Siikavuopio, Sten Ivar
- Published
- 2016
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6. Consumers, Norwegian food and belonging: a qualitative study
- Author
Roos, Gun Mikaela, Hansen, Kai Victor, and Skuland, Aase Vorre
- Published
- 2016
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7. Determination of the shelf life of cluster of the red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) during chilled storage
- Author
Lorentzen, Grete, Skuland, Aase Vorre, Sone, Izumi, Johansen, Jørn-Owe, and Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore
- Published
- 2014
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8. Forbrukeroppfatninger om fersk og tint laks
- Author
Heide, Morten, Skuland, Aase Vorre, and Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore
- Abstract
Denne undersøkelsen skulle frembringe ny kunnskap om hvordan konserveringsmetodene fersk og tint påvirker forbrukeroppfatninger av laks, samt hvordan det å erstatte fersk med tint laks påvirker forbrukeraksept og betalingsvillighet. Data ble innsamlet gjennom en spørreundersøkelse i Japan og USA, samt sensorisk blindtest av fersk og tint laks i Norge. Resultatene viser at forbrukerne fra USA og Japan hadde ulike assosiasjoner og holdninger til fersk og tint laks. Forsøk på å påvirke holdningen til tint laks med informasjon om karbonavtrykk hadde ingen stor effekt. Videre viste resultatene at tinte produkter må ha minst like god kvalitet som fersk for å lykkes i disse markedene. Betalingsvilligheten for tint laks var 30 % lavere i begge markedene. En segmenteringsanalyse viste at det finnes en gruppe miljøbevisste forbrukere i begge markedene som ønsket laks med lavt karbonavtrykk. Dette segmentet virker å være svært interessant som målgruppe for tint laks. Resultatene fra blindtest viste at forbrukerne ikke oppfattet sensoriske forskjeller mellom fersk og tint laks som var servert kokt og rå. Videre undersøkelser for å bekrefte betalingsvillighet og resultatene fra blindtest av fersk og tint laks anbefales
- Published
- 2022
9. A Simulated E-Commerce Cold Chain for Fresh Cod ( Gadus Morhua L.) Products: Applicability of Selected TTIs and Effects of Pre-Treatment and Packaging
- Author
Lorentzen, Grete, primary, Rosnes, Jan Thomas, additional, Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore, additional, Vorre Skuland, Aase, additional, Hansen, Jorunn S., additional, and Ageeva, Tatiana N., additional
- Published
- 2021
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10. Convenience products from salted fisk and clipfish
- Author
Rode, Tone Mari, Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore, Skuland, Aase Vorre, Øverby, Lene, and Sørheim, Oddvin
- Abstract
Ferdig utvannet salt- og klippfisk har en relativt kort holdbarhet som ferskt produkt. For å oppnå forlenget holdbarhet på et slikt produkt er det flere alternativer. En kan f.eks. fryse produktet, benytte ulik pakketeknologi eller prosessere på annen måte, ved f.eks. bruk av høytrykksprosessering (HP). Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over forsøk som er gjort i arbeidspakke 02 i prosjektet «Fremtidens konsumentprodukter av norsk salt- og klippfisk». Råstoffet som er benyttet er saltfisk, lombos med skinn og bein, og skinn- og beinfri klippfiskloin. I prosesseringsforsøkene er det gjort forsøk med ulike trykk (400, 500 og 600 MPa) og ulike holdetider (2, 5 og 10 min). I tillegg er det benyttet ulik pakketeknologi (vakuum og modifisert atmosfære) enten alene eller i kombinasjon med HP. Resultatene viste at man kan oppnå en holdbarhet for utvannet salt- og klippfisk på 49 dager eller mer dersom man prosesserer utvannet produkt ved 600 MPa ved 5 min. Dersom man kombinerer HP med pakking av produkt i modifisert atmosfære eller med bruk av CO2-emitter oppnår man en enda bedre holdbarhet enn bare HP av vakuumpakket produkt. Fryse-tine forsøk av utvannet saltfisk viste at dersom den utvannede saltfisken ble CO2-mettet etter utvanning og deretter pakket i vakuum og frosset, så hadde dette en bakteriehemmende effekt på det tinte produktet. Den tinte fisken kunne dermed få noen dager ekstra holdbarhet etter tining sammenlignet med utvannet saltfisk kun pakket i vakuum og frosset etter utvanning. Framtidens konsumprodukter fra norsk salt- og klippfisk - H02. Pakketeknologi og holdbarhet Convenience products from salted fisk and clipfish
- Published
- 2019
11. Varmrøykt makrell Effekt av fangstsesong, fryselagringstid av råstoff (filet) og kjølelagringstid av ferdig produkt, på farge og sensoriske egenskaper
- Author
Skåra, Torstein, Sone, Izumi, and Skuland, Aase Vorre
- Abstract
Two trials have been carried out with hot-smoking of Atlantic mackerel in order to investigate the effect of different raw material (fillets), on product quality and shelf-life. Fillets produced from trawled, Icelandic mackerel, caught in September, from Norwegian purse-seine caught fish from November, and from trawled mackerel caught in January, were hot smoked, vacuum packaged and stored at 4 °C. After one and seven weeks, the colour was measured instrumentally, and the samples were evaluated by a sensory panel. The results indicate that neither catch season, nor frozen storage time significantly affected the processing yield. The colour of the smoked fillets changed during storage; both the redness and the yellowness decreased over the 6 week storage period, as did the lightness. In the trial, frozen fillets stored for more than eight months were used. None of the smoked samples, however, were characterised as rancid or oxidized. The products from the three different catch-months were, in fact, only significantly different with respect to salty and acid taste. The results show that the smoking process to some degree evens out the differences in raw material freshness and composition. Hot smoked Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) Effects of catch season, frozen storage time of raw material (fillets) and chilled storage time of finished product, on colour and sensory characteristics Varmrøykt makrell Effekt av fangstsesong, fryselagringstid av råstoff (filet) og kjølelagringstid av ferdig produkt, på farge og sensoriske egenskaper
- Published
- 2018
12. Utvikling og optimalisering av makrellfiletering
- Author
Sone, Izumi, Skåra, Torstein, and Skuland, Aase Vorre
- Abstract
Med støtte fra RFF-Vest og med Pelagia som industriell partner var hovedmålet å avdekke de viktigste sammenhengene mellom sesong, behandling og prosessparametere, på kvalitet og holdbarhet av fryst makrellfilet. Prosjektet ble delt inn i 3 deler. Del 1 kvantifiserte kvalitetsparameterne i dagens fileter som selges i Japan. Del 2 undersøkte kvalitetsvariasjonen i makrellfilet, som følge av fangstsesong og endelig tinetemperatur ved filetering. Del 3 undersøkte lagringsstabiliteten av filetprodukter og effekten av tilsats av en antioksidant. Kina-filet hadde jevn kvalitet, mens norsk filet var preget av stor variasjon innen samme batch, trolig på grunn av manuell filetproduksjon og glasering. Resultatene for farge og gaping samsvarte godt med generell oppfatning om kvalitetsforskjell i råstoff mellom notfanget og trålfanget makrell. Når det gjelder farge, tekstur, gaping og blodflekker var kvaliteten på norsk notfanget septemberfilet ganske lik kvaliteten på Kina-filet. Resultatene tyder på at tining kan ha effekt på filetkvalitet. Dette bør undersøkes nærmere med flere fisk og under mer kontrollert (automatisert) filetproduksjon. Etter 4 måneders fryselagring ble filetene mer gule uavhengig av råstoff, noe som indikerte harskning. De opprinnelige fargeforskjellene observert i starten av lagringen hadde blitt minsket bort, og det ble ikke lenger observert stor fargeforskjell mellom de ulike råstoffene etter 12 måneder. Resultatene tyder på at holdbarheten på norsk makrellfilet er 4–8 måneder på cirka -20 °C fryselagring. Fastheten så ut til å øke med lagring (60 % Kraft) og være bløtere sammenlignet med Kina-filet (Areal 0–90 %). Resultatene viste ikke tydelig antioksidativ effekt av 2 % rosmarinekstrakt. Developing and Optimizing mackerel filleting
- Published
- 2017
13. Modeling-assisted minimal heat processing of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
- Author
Stormo, Svein Kristian, primary, Skipnes, Dagbjørn, additional, Sone, Izumi, additional, Skuland, Aase, additional, Heia, Karsten, additional, and Skåra, Torstein, additional
- Published
- 2017
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14. Report 21/2013, English Summary
- Author
Lorentzen, Grete Elisabeth, Skuland, Aase vorre, Sone, Izumi, Johansen, Jørn-Owe, and Rotabakk, Bjørn T
- Abstract
På oppdrag for FHF er holdbarhet på kjølt cluster av kongekrabbe (Paralithodes camtschaticus) studert. Målet har vært å komme frem til en anbefalt holdbarhet og i tillegg vise et grunnlag for en fremtidig QIM-analyse som en alternativ måte å fastsette holdbarhet på. Cluster av kongekrabbe ble produsert ved Storbukt Fiskeindustri AS i Honningsvåg. Deretter ble clusterne lagret i 14 døgn på 4 °C og analysert med hensyn på mikrobiologi, sensorikk, farge, pH og salt. En totalvurdering av resultatene viser at kjøtt i legger har en holdbarhet på 8 døgn, mens kjøtt fra skulder har en holdbarhet på 5 døgn. Det er imidlertid lite praktisk for industrien å operere med to holdbarheter på ett produkt. Derfor anbefales en holdbarhet på 5 døgn for kjølt cluster av kongekrabbe produsert under de samme betingelsene som i dette forsøket. I en fremtidig QIM-analyse, viser resultatene at lukt i skulderdelen gir en klar indikasjon på produktets totale kvalitet. Dette vil være viktig ved bruk av en fremtidig QIM analyse. In this project, shelf-life of clusters of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) has been studied. A cluster refers to a "half king crab", namely three legs plus one claw attached to a shoulder. The aim of the work has been to determine shelf-life of meat located in shoulders and legs and link this to microbial and chemical analysis. During storage, a deterioration of the meat located in the shoulder occurred faster as compared to the meat of the legs. Based on this, a shelf of 5 and 8 days for meat in shoulder and legs, respectively, is recommended. However, as clusters are sold as one unit, the overall recommended shelf of chilled clusters is 5 days.
- Published
- 2013
15. Dish composition: children’s mental representation and expected liking
- Author
Olsen, Nina Veflen, primary, Altintzoglou, Themistoklis, additional, Almli, Valérie Lengard, additional, Hersleth, Margrethe, additional, Skuland, Aase, additional, and Honkanen, Pirjo, additional
- Published
- 2015
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16. Dramatisk tidsbesparelse og forbedring av produktkvalitet for varmebehandlet mat med Shaka-varmebehandling.Fiskesuppe og risgrøt som modellprodukter
- Author
Øines, Sigurd and Skuland, Aase Vorre
- Abstract
Gjennom en rekke forsøk ble det utviklet effektive varmebehandlingsmetoder for risgrøt og fiskesuppe. Det gikk mye raskere å varmebehandle suppen med risting enn uten. Det tok 67 minutter å oppnå en P90°C10°C -verdi på 10 min i suppen under statisk behandling og 11 minutter å oppnå samme P-verdi med risting. Det ble funnet at metodene for varmebehandling ga signifikante forskjeller i sensoriske egenskaper på fiskesuppen. Statisk varmebehandling ga mindre tyggemotstand i grønnsakene enn Shaka. Koking av grøt med risting ga et produkt med meget god konsistens, mens bruk av samme varmebehandlingsprogram uten risting resulterte i at risen ble liggende i en klump på bunnen av begeret uten å blande seg med melken. P100°C 9°C - verdien var også lavere ved koking i statisk autoklav. Dramatisk tidsbesparelse og forbedring av produktkvalitet for varmebehandlet mat med Shaka-varmebehandling.Fiskesuppe og risgrøt som modellprodukter
- Published
- 2010
17. The Shelf Life of Farmed Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
- Author
Roth, Bjorn, primary, Kramer, Lene, additional, Skuland, Aase Vorre, additional, Løvdal, Trond, additional, Øines, Sigurd, additional, Foss, Atle, additional, and Imsland, Albert Kjartansson, additional
- Published
- 2014
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18. Consumer Intentions to Buy Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labeled Food Products: The Moderating Effects of Personality Differences
- Author
Onozaka, Yuko, primary, Melbye, Elisabeth Lind, additional, Skuland, Aase Vorre, additional, and Hansen, Håvard, additional
- Published
- 2014
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19. Using renowned chefs for VeriTaste™ as a sensory method analysis in food products – A comparison of Atlantic salmon stored in refrigerated seawater and on ice
- Author
Chan, Sherry Stephanie, Iversen, Stian Gjerstad, Skuland, Aase Vorre, Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore, Lerfall, Jørgen, Rognså, Guro Helgesdotter, and Roth, Bjørn
- Abstract
Sensory evaluation is an important quality analysis for examining the characteristics of a food product. This study presents a new sensory analysis method using renowned chefs, branded Veritaste™, to evaluate raw and cooked fillets of Atlantic salmon originating from refrigerated seawater (RSW) versus traditional ice whole fish storage. Quality parameters were also studied, including the fillet index method and cook loss. The raw fillets from the RSW-stored fish had a more distinct salty taste compared to the traditionally stored fish. In addition, the RSW-stored salmon gave a lower cook loss. Otherwise, there were minimal differences in the sensory parameters observed and the fillet index measurements. Both Veritaste™ and the fillet index measurements showed that judges significantly influence the sensory quality parameters. It is concluded that Veritaste™ can serve as supplementary information in addition to the common sensory analyses done today. This method has the potential to be further improved, optimised, and extended to other food products.
- Published
- 2022
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20. Texture-modified salmon products for dysphagia patients
- Author
Baly, Andrea Sofie, Rosnes, Jan Thomas, Skuland, Aase Vorre, and Drobac, Gorana
- Abstract
Consuming food plays an important role in a person's quality of life. Dysphagia is a medical condition where chewing and swallowing are difficult, and this condition is most common among the elderly. It can lead to malnutrition, aspiration, low energy levels and reduced life quality. During the next ten years, the number of elderly persons is expected to increase and subsequently, the necessity for more personalised diets, particularly for persons with dysphagia. To prevent the risk of aspiration, texture-modified products with different texture levels have been requested in dysphagia management. In Norway, “Kostholdshåndboken” has categorised dysphagia food into 4 levels, while the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) have suggested a framework for foods and liquids into 8 levels. The municipal age-care kitchen (Sandnes Matservice) currently produces texture- modified products that are not categorised, but they want these products to be used as a reference and to gain knowledge for the production of a softer level aimed for patients with severe dysphagia (IDDSI level 4 – “pureed”). We developed a total of 9 recipes with salmon as raw material, added combinations of oil, water and the texture modifiers Agar and modified corn starch (Farinex). The preliminary experiments were conducted with Heat Treatment (90 oC for 35 min) or High-Pressure Processing (400 or 600MPa). These products were stored chilled (4 oC) and tested for microorganisms (total viable counts) at day 1 and day 21 and for texture and colour measurements. After the preliminary recipes, 7 new recipes were produced, adjusted with more liquids and less salmon to obtain a softer product. The adjusted products received heat treatment (90 oC for 35 min) and freezing (-30 oC) and were measured in terms of texture, colour, rheology and a Spoon Tilt Test developed by IDDSI. The microbiological analysis showed low numbers (< log 3 cfu/g) and minimal growth of microorganisms from day 1 to day 21 for both heat-treated and high-pressure processed products. The Farinex products had low hardness (N) values, higher yield stress, higher storage modulus, a higher viscosity (at 1/10 1/s) and a tan delta under 0.6. These values indicate a product safer for swallowing than the control sample and the Agar products produced in this project, thus concluding that the Farinex product was the most adequate in a dysphagia diet. The Agar products showed a low yield stress and lower viscosity levels. This could mean that the product is more liquid, indicating that the product is less adequate than the Farinex products. From these results, it was concluded that the desired texture, IDDSI level 4 - pureed food, was achieved for the adjusted products.
- Published
- 2023
21. Protein enrichment in minced fish products – using pea protein concentrates, salmon protein hydrolysate and hydrocolloids
- Author
Gundersen, Ingvild, Skuland, Aase Vorre, and Rosnes, Jan Thomas
- Abstract
The world population is in rapid growth with demand for an improved utilization of already existing protein sources, along with development of new and sustainable ones. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis was to perform a pilot production and a shelf-life study to develop protein enriched minced fish products with edible soft texture. Protein sources from both animal (salmon protein hydrolysate (FPH)) and plant (pea protein concentrate (PPC) and texturized pea protein concentrate (TPP)) in combination with hydrocolloids, were used to produce protein enriched minced fish products, in addition to protein enriched minced fish burgers. Pilot production testing of minced fish products added 3% starch from potato, tapioca, modified corn and native- and modified pea showed varied texture and sensory properties. The softest texture was observed for products added native pea starch. Samples added potato- and modified cornstarch had significantly (p < 0.001) higher gel-strength than all other samples. Minced fish products added potato starch and native pea starch were further evaluated in a shelf-life study with storage at 4C for 35 days to evaluate one firmer and one softer product. The samples were pasteurized at 90C for 10 minutes before repacked in plastic trays with modified atmosphere (47% CO2 and 53% N2). Analyses of texture, color, sensory properties, water holding capacity (WHC) and microbiology showed homogenous samples with small textural differences over time. All samples had a shift in color from green to redder on day 35 indicating signs of spoilage. Hence, a safe microbiological quality and shelf-life was concluded to be 28 days. Protein enriched minced fish samples at varying levels gave total protein content between 18.29-22.34%, and burgers with 4% protein yielded a total protein content of 22.34% with FPH and 20.70% with PPC. Texture measurements showed that increasing amount of protein increased the hardness and gumminess in the products, especially with PPC and TPP. Simultaneously, addition of FPH maintained a softer texture compared to PPC and TPP and improved the WHC in both minced fish products and burgers. More protein added also made the products more yellow in color and a darker shade. Image analysis of protein enriched products showed evenly distribution of proteins in the gelatinization structure. Hence, the area threshold correlated with increasing protein content. Salmon protein hydrolysate and pea protein concentrates were concluded to be sustainable sources of proteins added minced fish and may be utilized in the food industry in the future.
- Published
- 2022
22. Produksjon av fiskefarse produkter med alternative stivelser
- Author
Fagereng, Iselin, Rosnes, Jan Thomas, and Skuland, Aase Vorre
- Subjects
food and beverages - Abstract
Starch is one of the major ingredients that is incorporated into minced fish products due to its ability to modify the texture and improve the stability during refrigerated storage. Fish mince products were developed that contained different starches. Potato starch is a commonly used starch ingredient in fish mince products. The aim of this thesis was to produce fish mince products with specific textural and structural attributes and with a long shelf-life (up to 30 days), using an alternative and sustainable starch ingredient. It was also analysed what effect two different packaging methods (casings and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)) had on the properties and on the shelf-life of the products. Preliminary analyses of fish mince with different starches were performed to find suitable starches to use further in the pilot production being the shelf-life study. Based on the results found from the preliminary productions, two variants of fish mince were further analysed in the shelf-life study: one containing potato starch (“Potetmel”, Hoff, Norway) and one containing native pea starch (AMN Pea Flour Concentrate Ground Pellet, Food Grade, Norway). Texture analyses of the potato starch variant (MAP), the potato starch variant (stored in casings) and the native pea starch variant showed that some of the samples from the pea starch variant showed lower measurements in hardness (p < 0.001), chewiness (p= 0.001), gumminess (p < 0.001), springiness (p= 0.324), cohesiveness (p= 0.043), and resilience (p= 0.027) than some samples from the other variants. The resulting parameters obtained from the texture profile analyses (TPA) suggest that the storage time and packaging have little impact on the texture of the products. All three variants had had a significant (p < 0.001) decrease in the water holding capacity (WHC) from day 17 to 28. The results from the colour measurements in the colour coordinate b* in the shelf-life study showed that the native pea starch variant had a more yellow colour than the potato starch variant. From the sensory evaluation a trend was observed within the taste of the samples correlating with the storage time, where the fish taste became more indistinct and less fresh/pure. The results from the microbiological analyses of the fish mince products correlated with the sensory evaluation of the samples on the last day of analyses (day 29), where there was an increase in the bacterial count of spoilage organisms found on the samples. Based on the microbiological analyses and the sensory evaluation of the variants the products were thought to have a shelf-life of at least 28 days. The textural and sensory properties of the fish mince variants suggests that native pea starch could be a good and sustainable alternative starch ingredient in fish mince products.
- Published
- 2021
23. Texture modified and enriched products to elderly and people with dysphagia
- Author
Kvammen, Ingrid, Rosnes, Jan Thomas, Skuland, Aase Vorre, and Lillo, Cathrine
- Abstract
The main aim for this thesis was to develop products with defined texture and viscosity properties for elderly people and dysphagia patients at Stavanger Universitets Sykehus (SUS). Two products were developed: 1) a texture modified cod product and 2) a protein enriched fish soup, both stored frozen (-30 °C) to obtain longer shelf life. The products were enriched with the dairy proteins whey protein concentrate (WPC) and caseinate, and with fish protein hydrolysate (FPH). The products were characterised in accordance with texture levels in the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI). The texture modified products (TMP) produced were between level 5-“minced and moist” and level 6-“soft and bite size”. Texture analysis showed that TMP with a higher total protein content was significantly firmer than non-enriched or less enriched products. Also, the IDDSI fork pressure test of the texture modified products revealed that they got firmer with increasing protein content and with cooling during 15- and 30 min standstill, from eating temperature at 55 °C. Rheology measurements of TMP showed that there could be a correlation between protein content, temperature and storage modulus. High-pressure processing of TMP was tested to see if combination of pressure and chilled storage (4 °C) could give prolonged shelf life. It showed that bacteria survived at 600 MPa for 10 min. The numbers where
- Published
- 2021
24. Effects of protein enrichment in texture modified and minced fish products
- Author
Østebrød, Therese Netland, Rosnes, Jan Thomas, Skuland, Aase Vorre, and Lillo, Cathrine
- Subjects
minced fish ,texture modified products ,dysphagia ,fish protein hydrolysate ,Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Basale biofag: 470::Biokjemi: 476 [VDP] ,molecular biology ,biological chemistry ,personalized nutrition ,biologisk kjemi ,elderly ,texture analysis ,sensory analysis - Abstract
Master's thesis in Biological chemistry The aim of this thesis was to develop two protein enriched products based on haddock and silver smelt, reaching the level of total protein in the utilized fish raw material. Both products were enriched by whey protein concentrate, sodium caseinate and fish protein hydrolysate and further investigated how the proteins affected color, texture, water holding capacity and sensory attributes. The products were developed as a contribution to the marked of personalized nutrition. Personalized nutrition is aimed for consumer groups with special needs or requirements to obtain a good health status. The first product was a texture modified fish product for elderly and other people with chewing and swallowing problems, (dysphagia). The second product was a minced fish product to meet the regular consumer interested in protein enriched products. Many people have found interest in different diets and fitness in later years, which explains the great variation of protein enriched products available today. Preliminary testing was performed to optimize the processes and to test varying amounts of added protein, liquid, and oil. Rheological analysis, texture analysis including gel-test, texture profile analysis and penetration test, image analysis, water holding capacity were carried out during preliminary production and in pilot production were additional sensory analyses done. Texture analysis of texture modified products showed that higher total protein content with fish protein hydrolysate was significantly firmer than products with less proteins, sensory analysis revealed equal correlation between protein and firmness. Further, it was revealed that higher amount of proteins significantly increased intensity of coarseness and cohesiveness. Texture profile analysis of minced fish revealed that hardness, force, and gumminess increased significantly with higher level of total protein. Cohesiveness and resilience on the other hand, decreased significantly with more protein enrichment. Sensory analysis showed that minced fish with higher protein enrichment was significantly less intense in sour flavor, while more proteins resulted in a significantly stronger aftertaste. Lower level of protein enrichment significantly increased juiciness and significantly decreased crumbliness. More added protein gave a significantly yellower tone and darker shade in both products. Water holding capacity was significantly improved by higher level of protein enrichment. Internal mass was showed through image analysis to significantly increase by higher amounts of proteins in both products. The pilot products developed in this work show that it is possible to add protein hydrolysates from fish byproducts within certain concentrations into new products. It is also possible to enrich minced fish products level of 16-19% proteins, which is comparable to levels in fish fillets. Description of how proteins affect physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics in products after several processing steps is important for further development of attractive protein rich retail products.
- Published
- 2020
25. Mikrobiell og sensorisk holdbarhet på fiskekaker og pesto tilsatt sukkertare (Saccharina latissima) og butare (Alaria esculenta)
- Author
Bjørvik, Tanya Sivertsen, Løvdal, Trond, and Skuland, Aase Vorre
- Subjects
mikrobiologi ,sukkertare (Saccharina latissima) ,Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Basale biofag: 470::Biokjemi: 476 [VDP] ,makroalger ,Bacillus ,biologisk kjemi ,butare (Alaria esculenta) - Abstract
Master's thesis in Biological chemistry I denne masteroppgaven ble det utført analyse av Sukkertare (Saccharina latissima) og butare (Alaria esculenta) med det formål å studere holdbarhet av matprodukt tilsatt tare. Tare er blitt benyttet i mange sammenhenger både gjennom historien og opp til i dag. Den kan brukes innen matindustri, gjødsel, fòr, medisin og kosmetikk. Siden sitt utspring i Asia står taren og dens mange bruksområder svært sentralt i Europa da tradisjonelle metoder tas i bruk parallelt med nye innovative måter å utnytte denne allsidige ressursen på. Det er blitt analysert hvilke vekstmedium som er best egnet til undersøkelse av mikroflora på produkter med tilsatt tare og det er gjort forsøk på ulik varmebehandling av rå tare for å identifisere forskjeller med utgangspunkt i mikrobiologisk kvalitet på taren, samt effekten av ulik temperaturbehandling (varmebehandling). Det ble også utført lagringsforsøk med fiskekake og pesto tilsatt tare. De to tarevariantene ble dyrket og høstet på Værlandet - Bulandet våren 2015 og 2016. Den mikrobiologiske undersøkelsen ble utført med utgangspunkt i totalt aerobt kimtall, aerobe kuldetolerante bakterier og sporedannende bakterier funnet på taren ved validering av funn i henhold til NMKL (Norsk Metodikk komité for Næringsmidler) metode Nr. 184 og 189. Sensoriske analyser ble utført på pesto og fiskekaker med tilsatt tare. Produktene ble dømt med fokus på egenskaper som utseende, smak, lukt, farge og tekstur. Undersøkelsen ble også viktig for kartleggingen av hva som kunne forventes av sensorisk analyse av tare kombinert med et annet produkt. Fra resultatene ble holdbarhet på fiskekaker med tare 3 uker med metode benyttet i denne oppgaven. Pesto med tare lagret på 4 ˚C fikk en holdbarhet på 6 uker. Metoden benyttet fungerte ikke for varmfylt pesto med tare lagret på 20 ˚C.
- Published
- 2017
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