274 results on '"Skerlev, Mihael"'
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2. Antiviral Drugs in Dermatology and Venereology
- Author
Skerlev, Mihael, Čulav, Ivana, Stanimirović, Andrija, Kutlić, Dominik, Katsambas, Andreas D., editor, Lotti, Torello M., editor, Dessinioti, Clio, editor, and D'Erme, Angelo Massimiliano, editor
- Published
- 2023
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3. Viral Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Skerlev, Mihael, Smoller, Bruce, editor, and Bagherani, Nooshin, editor
- Published
- 2022
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4. Syphilis and Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Krtanjek, Jelena, Marinović, Branka, Skerlev, Mihael, Smoller, Bruce, editor, and Bagherani, Nooshin, editor
- Published
- 2022
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5. Syphilis and Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, primary, Krtanjek, Jelena, additional, Marinović, Branka, additional, and Skerlev, Mihael, additional
- Published
- 2021
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6. Viral Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, primary and Skerlev, Mihael, additional
- Published
- 2021
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7. Neurofibromatoza i kada to nije slučaj
- Author
Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, Skerlev, Mihael, Husar, Karmela, Balić, Anamaria, Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, Skerlev, Mihael, Husar, Karmela, Balić, Anamaria, and Murat-Sušić, Slobodna
- Abstract
Neurokutane bolesti su nasljedni poremećaji razvoja ektoderma. Prema kliničkoj slici i nasljeđivanju dijelimo ih na tri tipa bolesti: neurofibromatoza tipa I, neurofibromatoza tipa II i švanomatoza. Izdvajamo najčešći oblik, neurofibromatozu tipa I (NF1), s posebnim osvrtom na klinička obilježja na koži. Radi se o mutaciji gena NF1 za neurofibromin, a nasljeđivanje je autosomno dominantno i sporadično (50%), uz varijabilnu ekspresivnost. U kliničkoj slici kao jedan od dijagnostičkih kriterija nalaze se café-au-lait makule (CALM), hiperpigmentirane promjene u razini kože, koje mogu biti prisutne po rođenju ili u prvih nekoliko mjeseci. Rastu veličinom i brojem do desete godine života. Za postavljanje dijagnoze NF1 potrebno je šest i više makula većih od 5 mm u promjeru do puberteta, te većih od 15 mm u odrasloj dobi uz ostale kriterije. Do 15% zdrave populacije ima 1 – 3 CALM-a. Osim CALM-a na koži je izražena i aksilarna, odnosno ingvinalna pjegavost, tzv. Crowe sign koja se pojavljuje do sedme godine života u 90% oboljele djece. Isto tako CALM se pojavljuju i kod drugih sindroma u dječjoj dobi kao što su McCune-Albright sindrom, Legius sindrom, Noonan sindrom, tuberozna skleroza i Fanconijeva anemija. Diferencijalno dijagnostički treba uzeti u obzir i same melanocitne lezije i melanotične makule poput Becker nevusa, kongenitalnog nevusa te lentiga. Ostale kliničke manifestacije uključuju pojavu neurofibroma, pleksiformnog neurofibroma, okularne, koštane te neurološke promjene i povećanu učestalost malignih bolesti. Oboljeli često imaju i psihološke probleme. Do 97% bolesnika ispunjava potrebne kriterije za dijagnozu do osme godine života. Kada govorimo o NF1, govorimo o multisistemskoj bolesti čiji se simptomi mogu pojavljivati tijekom cijeloga života, stoga je važno praćenje prilagoditi dobi bolesnika uz multidisciplinaran pristup. CALM mogu biti prisutne i kod zdrave populacije, ali i kod drugih bolesti i sindroma na koje treba pomisliti, stoga je važna suradnja, Neurocutaneous diseases are hereditary disorders of ectoderm development. According to the clinical picture and inheritance, we divide them into 3 major types of disease: neurofibromatosis type I, neurofibromatosis type II and schwannomatosis. We highlight the most common form, neurofibromatosis type I (NF1), with special reference to clinical features on the skin. There is a mutation of the NF1 gene for neurofibromin, and the inheritance is autosomal dominant and sporadic (50%), with variable expressivity. In the clinical picture, as one of the diagnostic criteria, there are café-au-lait macules (CALM), hyperpigmented macules on the skin, which can be present at birth or in the first few months. They grow in size and number up to the age of 10. To establish the diagnosis of NF1, 6 or more macules larger than 5 mm in diameter are required until puberty, and larger than 15 mm in adulthood in addition to other criteria. Up to 15% of the healthy population has 1-3 CALM. In addition to CALM, freckling in the axillary or inguinal region also known as Crowe sign appears by the age of 7 in 90% of affected children. CALM also occurs in other childhood syndromes such as McCune-Albright syndrome, Legius syndrome, Noonan syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and Fanconi anemia. In the differential diagnosis, melanocytic lesions and melanotic macules such as Becker nevus, congenital nevus, and lentigo should be taken into account. Other clinical manifestations include the appearance of neurofibroma, plexiform neurofibroma, ocular, bone, and neurological changes and an increased frequency of malignant diseases. Patients often also have psychological problems. Up to 97% of patients meet the diagnostic criteria by the age of 8. When we talk about NF1, we are talking about a multisystemic disease whose symptoms can appear throughout life, so it is important to adapt monitoring to the age of the patient with a multidisciplinary approach. CALM can be present in a healthy population, but also
- Published
- 2024
8. Enigma HPV-genitalne infekcije u dječjoj i adolescentnoj dobi (kratko priopćenje)
- Author
Skerlev, Mihael, Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Husar, Karmela, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, Balić, Anamaria, Skerlev, Mihael, Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Husar, Karmela, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, and Balić, Anamaria
- Abstract
Genitalne infekcije uzrokovane humanim papilomavirusom (HPV) sve su više predmetom istraživanja s obzirom na njihovu najvišu učestalost unutar skupine virusnih spolno prenosivih infekcija, sklonost recidivima, dugotrajno liječenje i nedvosmislenu povezanost s pojavom zloćudnih bolesti. Genitalne infekcije uzrokovane HPV-om klinički se najčešće manifestiraju kao širok spektar dermatoveneroloških bolesti, od kojih se posebno ističu condylomata acuminata (šiljasti kondilomi), condylomata plana (ravni kondilomi), gigantski kondilom Buschke-Löwenstein, papulosis Bowenoides, kao i razne druge kliničke manifestacije intraepitelnih neoplazija (IN) vanjskoga genitalnog sustava (dakle, ne samo cervikalne intraepitelne neoplazije, CIN), poput npr. penilne (PIN), analne (AIN), vulvarne (VIN), skrotalne (SIN), vaginalne (VAIN) intraepitelne neoplazije. No, treba svakako napomenuti da se danas s HPV-om povezuju i razne zloćudne bolesti organa izvan genitalnog sustava kao što su npr. grkljan, usna šupljina, ždrijelo itd. Incidencija HPV-genitalnih infekcija najviša je u trećem desetljeću života i opada nakon četrdesete godine života, međutim, sve se više pojavljuju (ili prepoznavaju?) slučajevi HPV-genitalne infekcije u dječjoj dobi, kao i u meno/andropuazi. U tom smislu posebnu pozornost treba pridati HPV-infekcijama u dječjoj dobi s obzirom na složenost odnosa dijete – roditelj – zdravstveni radnik u toj situaciji, zahtjevnost liječenja, kao i mogućnost seksualnog zlostavljanja djeteta. Liječnik koji se „hvata u koštac“ s ovom problematikom treba kritički i razumno, no istodobno i umirujuće pristupiti bolesniku i roditeIju i što egzaktnije potvrditi dijagnozu. S obzirom na sve navedeno, kao i na dostupnost cjepiva protiv HPV-infekcija, danas je cijepljenje oba spola deveterovalentnom (9v) HPV-vakcinom ozbiljan pomak koji značajno unaprjeđuje pristup ovom problemu., Anogenital infections caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV) are the most frequently diagnosed Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) of viral origin. Anogenital warts (condylomata acuminata) are the most common lesions presented in men, however, during the last decade the other HPV-associated exaggerated lesions such as condylomata plana, penile, scrotal, and anal intraepithelial neoplasias (thus not only cervical), as well as the penile, urine bladder and prostate cancer have been studied a little bit more extensively. The clinical variations might range from clinically invisible, asymptomatic lesions to the bizarre forms of giant condyloma of Buschke-Löwenstein type, including Bowenoid papulosis, Mb. Bowen, different kinds of eryhtroplasias in both men and women and a large spectrum of HPV-induced dermatovenereological entities in genital region including the HPV-associated premalignant and malignant lesions of larynx, oropharynx, mouth cavity etc. In spite of the fact that the clinical manifestations of HPV-genital infections are most frequently observed in the third decade of life, more and more cases have been reported (or registered?) in the paediatric and meno/andropausal age. The complexity of the HPV-genital infections in the paediatric age definitely deserve our special attention providing the specific “child-parent-health provider” relationship in such delicate situation, demanding treatment modalities in paediatric age and the possibility that such clinical lesions might be consequence of the child sexual abuse. A critical, reasonable and reassuring attitude of the health provider is definitely mandatory in these particular situations. Accordingly, we definitely need the HPV vaccination programme to get rid of one of the oldest and up to now unsolved problems of humankind. Approaches to this include prophylactic vaccines such as nonavalent (9v) HPV vaccine for both men and women.
- Published
- 2024
9. Suvremeni praktični pristup liječenju akne u pedijatrijskoj dobi
- Author
Balić, Anamaria, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, Murat Sušić, Slobodna, Balić, Anamaria, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, and Murat Sušić, Slobodna
- Abstract
Akne u pedijatrijskoj dobi česta je upalna bolest kože koja pogađa djecu i adolescente. Karakterizira je prisutnost otvorenih i zatvorenih komedona, upalnih papula, papulopusta te nodusa i cističnih lezija na licu, vratu i drugim dijelovima tijela. Iako točan uzrok pedijatrijske akne nije u potpunosti razjašnjen zbog multifaktorijalne etiologije, hormonalne promjene, genetska predispozicija i određeni životni čimbenici mogu doprinijeti njezinom razvoju. Liječenje pedijatrijske akne uključuje kombinaciju pravilne njege kože i primjenu lijekova. Važno je uspostaviti dnevnu rutinu njege kože koja uključuje nježno čišćenje, hidratizaciju i korištenje nekomedogenih proizvoda. Topikalni lijekovi poput benzoil peroksida i retinoida mogu pomoći u smanjenju upale te preveniraju nastanak novih komedona. U težim slučajevima mogu se propisati oralni antibiotici, isotretinoin ili hormonalna terapija u određenim indikacijama. Roditelji i skrbnici imaju važnu ulogu u podršci djeci i adolescentima s akne. Važno je pružiti emocionalnu podršku i educirati djecu o pravilnoj njezi kože te ispravnom provođenju propisane terapije kao i nužnosti provođenja terapije održavanja po izliječenju. Poticanje zdravog načina života, uključujući uravnoteženu prehranu, redovitu tjelesnu aktivnost i smanjenje stresa, također može doprinijeti boljem terapijskom ishodu. Iako je akne često frustrirajuća bolest i utječe na samopouzdanje, bitno je naglasiti da je to stanje koje se može liječiti. Pravilnim pristupom većina slučajeva pedijatrijske akne može se na vrijeme prepoznati i liječiti te time omogućiti djeci čistu i zdravu kožu bez popratnih komplikacija i posljedica poput ožiljkavanja. Važno je na vrijeme konzultirati dermatologa radi postavljanja točne dijagnoze i uspostavljanja personaliziranog plana liječenja pedijatrijske akne. U slučajevima vrlo teških oblika akne koji slabo reagiraju na terapiju te prisutnih drugih znakova i simptoma popratnoga sistemskog zbivanja, hormonalnog poremećaja ili, Pediatric acne is a common inflammatory skin disease that affects children and adolescents. It is characterized by the presence of blackheads, whiteheads, inflammatory papules, papulopustules, nodules and cysts on the face, neck, and other body areas. While the exact cause of pediatric acne is not fully understood because of its multifactorial etiology, hormonal changes, genetics, and certain lifestyle factors can contribute to its development. Treating pediatric acne involves a combination of skincare practices and medications. It is important to establish a daily skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and the use of non-comedogenic products. Topical medications, such as benzoyl peroxide and retinoids, can help reduce inflammation and prevent formation of comedones. In more severe cases, oral antibiotics, isotretinoin or hormonal therapy in certain indications, may be prescribed. Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in supporting children with pediatric acne. It is important to provide emotional support and educate children about proper skincare practices. Encouraging a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management, can also contribute to better management and treatment outcome of pediatric acne. While pediatric acne can be frustrating and impact a child’s self-esteem, it is important to emphasize that this is a treatable condition. With the right approach, most cases of pediatric acne can be correctly diagnosed in time and effectively managed, allowing children to have clear and healthy skin without accompanying complications and sequelae such as scarring. It is important to consult a dermatologist timely for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. In cases of very severe forms of acne that respond poorly to therapy, and in cases where other signs and symptoms of accompanying systemic disorder or hormonal disorder are present, as well as where there is a suspicion of a rare autoin
- Published
- 2024
10. Mastocitoze u dječjoj dobi
- Author
Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Balić, Anamaria, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Balić, Anamaria, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, Husar, Karmela, and Skerlev, Mihael
- Abstract
Mastocitoze predstavljaju heterogenu skupinu bolesti, a obilježene su proliferacijom i nakupljanjem mastocita u različitim tkivima. Razlikujemo kožne mastocitoze, u kojih se nakupljanje mastocita nalazi isključivo u koži, od sistemske mastocitoze kod koje je proliferacija mastocita prisutna u koštanoj srži te u drugim organima kao što su gastrointestinalni trakt, limfni čvorovi, jetra i/ili slezena. U djece se javljaju gotovo isključivo kožne mastocitoze, za razliku od odraslih, u kojih se dijagnosticira sistemska mastocitoza. Izgled i rasprostranjenost kožnih promjena, kao i simptomi, mogu značajno varirati. Simptomi su posljedica oslobađanja upalnih medijatora iz mastocita, najčešće svrbež te crvenilo i urtike. Nužne su redovite kontrole ovih bolesnika, a organomegalija, značajno povišene vrijednosti serumske triptaze, kao i prisutnost KIT mutacije u perifernoj krvi, pomaže u odluci u kojeg je bolesnika nužno učiniti biopsiju koštane srži. Liječenje je najčešće simptomatsko, usmjereno na izbjegavanje okidača i smanjivanje simptoma bolesti koji su posljedica oslobađanja upalnih medijatora iz mastocita, najčešće primjenom H1i H2 blokatora, primjenom lokalnih kortikosteroida i pimekrolimusa., Mastocytosis are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by proliferation and accumulation of mastocytes in various tissues. Cutaneous mastocytosis is diagnosed if the accumulation of mastocytes is detected only in the skin. In cases of systemic mastocytosis the mastocytes accumulate in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, lymph nodes, liver and/or spleen. Contrary to adults, in who systemic mastocytosis is the most common type of mastocytosis, in childhood the vast majority of patients are diagnosed with cutaneous forms of the disease. The type, distribution and extent of skin lesions, as well as symptoms, can vary from patient to patient. Symptoms are due to release of inflammatory mediators from mastocytes, most often itch, redness of the skin and wheals. Regular follow-ups are necessary, while organomegaly, significantly elevated serum tryptase levels and/or detection of KIT mutation in peripheral blood help in decision if and when to perform bone marrow biopsy. Treatment is aimed toward avoidance of triggers, and alleviation of symptoms caused by mast cell mediators, usually H1 and H2 blockers, as well as topical corticosteroids and pimecrolimus application.
- Published
- 2024
11. Imiquimod
- Author
Skerlev, Mihael, Čulav-Košćak, Ivana, Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Sirotković-Skerlev, Maja, Katsambas, Andreas D., editor, Lotti, Torello M., editor, Dessinioti, Clio, editor, and D’Erme, Angelo Massimiliano, editor
- Published
- 2015
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12. Antiviral Drugs
- Author
Skerlev, Mihael, Čulav-Košćak, Ivana, Basarovski, Jane, Stanimirović, Andrija, Katsambas, Andreas D., editor, Lotti, Torello M., editor, Dessinioti, Clio, editor, and D’Erme, Angelo Massimiliano, editor
- Published
- 2015
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13. Neurofibromatoza i kada to nije slučaj.
- Author
Ciglar, Ivana Martinac, Skerlev, Mihael, Husar, Karmela, Balić, Anamaria, and Murat-Sušić, Slobodna
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2024
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14. Mollusca Contagiosa
- Author
Skerlev, Mihael, Husar, Karmela, Gross, Gerd E., editor, and Tyring, Stephen K., editor
- Published
- 2011
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15. Smjernice za liječenje atopijskog dermatitisa
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Pustišek, Nives, Lugović Mihić, Liborija, Ožanić-Bulić, Suzana, Puizina-Ivić, Neira, Peternel, Sandra, Vukšić Polić, Melita, Marinović Kulišić, Sandra, Jurakić Tončić, Ružica, Murat Sušić, Slobodna, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, Duvančić, Tomislav, Bulat, Vedrana, Dediol, Iva, Ivanišević, Ranka, Bojčić, Iva, Brajac, Ines, Kuric, Igor, Kotrulja, Lena, Tomić Babić, Lucija, Krnjević-Pezić, Gordana, Čavka, Vlatka, Stanimirović, Andrija, Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka, Šitum, Mirna, Marinović, Branka, Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Pustišek, Nives, Lugović Mihić, Liborija, Ožanić-Bulić, Suzana, Puizina-Ivić, Neira, Peternel, Sandra, Vukšić Polić, Melita, Marinović Kulišić, Sandra, Jurakić Tončić, Ružica, Murat Sušić, Slobodna, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, Martinac Ciglar, Ivana, Duvančić, Tomislav, Bulat, Vedrana, Dediol, Iva, Ivanišević, Ranka, Bojčić, Iva, Brajac, Ines, Kuric, Igor, Kotrulja, Lena, Tomić Babić, Lucija, Krnjević-Pezić, Gordana, Čavka, Vlatka, Stanimirović, Andrija, Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka, Šitum, Mirna, and Marinović, Branka
- Abstract
SAŽETAK Atopijski dermatitis česta je, kronično recidivirajuća upalna bolest kože karakterizirana složenom etiopatogenezom i raznolikim kliničkim fenotipom. Klinička slika može biti različita, a bolest je obilježena ponavljajućim dermatitisom, izraženim svrbežom i značajnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života oboljele osobe i cijele obitelji. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju kliničke slike prema standardiziranim dijagnostičkim kriterijima, a procjena težine bolesti prema standardiziranim instrumentima za procjenu težine bolesti. Liječenje treba prilagoditi svakom bolesniku, a cilj liječenja je smanjiti simptome svrbeža, obnoviti oštećenu kožnu barijeru, spriječiti egzacerbaciju bolesti, spriječiti odnosno liječiti komplikacije i komorbiditete te smanjiti negativni utjecaj bolesti na kvalitetu života. Zahvaljujući napretku u razumijevanju etiopatogeneze, terapijske mogućnosti su zadnjih godina značajno napredovale. Hrvatsko dermatovenerološko društvo Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora predstavlja smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje atopijskog dermatitisa. Smjernice su rezultat konsenzusa hrvatskih stručnjaka za atopijski dermatitis koji su kritički proučili mjerodavnu znanstvenu literaturu, koja se temelji na najboljim dokazima., Atopic dermatitis is a common, chronically recurrent inflammatory skin disease characterized by a complex etiopathogenesis and a variable clinical phenotype. The clinical presentation is heterogeneous, and the disease is characterized by a recurrent dermatitis, intense itching and a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and their family. The diagnosis is based on the clinical presentation according to the standardized diagnostic criteria, while the assessment of disease severity of the disease is based on the standardized tools for disease severity assessment. Treatment should be tailored to each patient profile, and the goal of the treatment is focused on decreasing symptoms and renewing damaged skin barrier, preventing the exacerbation of the disease and preventing or treating the complications and comorbidities, and decreasing the negative influence of the disease on the patient’s quality of life. Due to progress in understanding the etiopathogenesis, treatment options have significantly expanded in the past years. The Croatian Society of Dermatovenerology of the Croatian Medical Association is presenting guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis. These guidelines are the result of consensus of Croatian experts based on critical analysis of relevant, evidence-based scientific literature.
- Published
- 2022
16. Meatal Intraurethral Warts Successfully Treated with 5-fluorouracil Cream
- Author
Tomić, Lucija, Skerlev, Mihael, and Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana
- Subjects
meatal intraurethral warts, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) ,elec- trosurgery - Abstract
Condyloma acuminatum relatively rarely involves the urethra, and when it does it is usually only in the most distal por- tion of the urethra. A number of treatments have been described for urethral condylomas. These treatments are extensive and vari- able, comprising laser treatment, electrosurgery, cryotherapy, and topical application of cytotoxic agents such as 80% trichloroacetic acid, 5-fluorouracil cream (5-FU), podophyllin, podophyllotoxin, and imiquimod. Laser is still considered to be therapy of choice for treat- ment of intrauretral condylomata. We present the case of a 25-year- old male patient with meatal intraurethral warts who was success- fully treated with 5-FU, after many unsuccessful treatment attempts with laser treatment, electrosurgery, cryotherapy, imiquimod, and 80% trichloroacetic acid.
- Published
- 2022
17. Inflammatory epidermolysis bullosa acquisita in a 4-year-old girl
- Author
LAZIĆ-MOSLER, Elvira, JUKIĆ, Ines Lakoš, MURAT-SUŠIĆ, Slobodna, HUSAR, Karmela, SKERLEV, Mihael, BUKVIĆ MOKOS, Zrinka, ISHII, Norito, HASHIMOTO, Takashi, and MARINOVIĆ, Branka
- Published
- 2015
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18. Crusted scabies misdiagnosed as psoriasis
- Author
Gorgievska-Sukarovska, Biljana, Skerlev, Mihael, and Žele-Starčević, Lidija
- Subjects
integumentary system ,crusted scabies - Abstract
Introduction: Crusted (Norwegian) scabies is a rare, severe, very contagious form of scabies, presented as localized or generalized scaly rash. This form of scabies may occur in a people with weakened immune system, AIDS especially, patients with neurological diseases, transplant recipients, malnutrition, intellectual deficit, or very old age. We present case of crusted scabies in a patient on a prolonged topical corticosteroid therapy, misdiagnosed as psoriasis. Case: A 71- year-old man with scaly, crusted plaques on the hips, torso and elbows, have been examined. Necrotic lesions on the knees and excoriated papules disseminated over hands, limbs and trunk were also present. The patient had multiple underlying diseases, including diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. But he had no history of any immunodeficiency or neurological disease. He was referred to dermatologist because of a very intensive pruritus with 2 months duration. The first lesions have been reported to start 2 years before visit, as small erithematouse pruritic papules spread over the trunk, hips and hands. Topical treatment with betamethason cream, prescribed by his general physician, lessened symptoms for a short period of time. After few months of therapy scaly, crusted plaques appeared and patient had been diagnosed with psoriasis, by his general physician. Therapy with salicylic acid and topical corticosteroids had been continued, but without improvement. The clinical suspicion of scabies we confirmed with parasitological examination. Light microscopy of skin scrapings with 10% KOH revealed adult mites, larvae and ova of Sarcoptes scabiei in a large number. Diagnosis of crusted scabies had been established. Before using of acaricides, we used keratolytic agent, 5% salicylic acid, to remove hyperkeratotic skin. Ivermectin was not available. Then therapy with 25% benzyl benzoate had been administered. After 6 days of therapy parasitological examination still positive, revealing mites of Sarcoptes scabiei, in a significant low number. Because of irritated and tender skin, previously treated with topical steroids for a long time, we continued therapy with 20% Balsam of Peru ointment for 5 days. At the same time the therapy was administered for his wife. After the therapy, complete parasitological regression had been observed. Conclusion: Prolonged use of topical corticosteroids may change clinical appearance of scabies lesions, leading to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. Crusted scabies is the most severe form of scabies and repeated applications of acaricides are necessary for successful therapy. The laboratory diagnosis of scabies is simple, therefore is recommended in any suspicious case, in order to prevent misdiagnosis, which is crucial for therapeutic and infection control of disease.
- Published
- 2021
19. Smjernice za liječenje atopijskog dermatitisa.
- Author
Hadžavdić, Suzana Ljubojević, Pustišek, Nives, Mihić, Liborija Lugović, Bulić, Suzana Ožanić, Puizina-Ivić, Neira, Peternel, Sandra, Polić, Melita Vukšić, Kulišić, Sandra Marinović, Tončić, Ružica Jurakić, Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, Ciglar, Ivana Martinac, Duvančić, Tomislav, Bulat, Vedrana, Dediol, Iva, Ivanišević, Ranka, Bojčić, Iva, Brajac, Ines, and Kuric, Igor
- Subjects
SCIENTIFIC literature ,DISEASE exacerbation ,ATOPIC dermatitis ,MEDICAL societies ,SYMPTOMS ,QUALITY of life ,OLDER patients - Abstract
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- Published
- 2022
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20. Oncogenic Aspects of HPV Infections of the Female Genital Tract
- Author
Zekan, Josko, primary, Sirotkovic-Skerlev, Maja, additional, and Skerlev, Mihael, additional
- Published
- 2011
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21. Genitalne HPV infekcije u trudnoći
- Author
Kovačević, Karla, Skerlev, Mihael, Vrčić, Hrvoje, Kovačević, Petra, and Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana
- Subjects
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES – pathology, transmission, virology ,PAPILLOMAVIRUS INFECTIONS – pathology, transmission, virology ,PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS, INFECTIOUS – pathology, virology ,REPRODUCTIVE TRACT INFECTIONS – pathology, virology ,INFECTIOUS DISEASE TRANSMISSION, VERTICAL ,TUMOR VIRUS INFECTIONS – transmission, virology ,CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA – therapy, virology ,RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS – diagnosis, therapy, virology ,INFANT ,NEWBORN ,INFEKCIJE HUMANIM PAPILOMA VIRUSOM – patologija, prijenos, virologija ,KOMPLIKACIJE INFEKCIJA U TRUDNOĆI – patologija, virologija ,INFEKCIJE GENITALNOG TRAKTA – patologija, virologija ,SPOLNO PRENOSIVE BOLESTI – patologija, prijenos, virologija ,VERTIKALNI PRIJENOS INFEKCIJE ,INFEKCIJE ONKOGENIM VIRUSOM – prijenos, virologija ,ŠILJASTI KONDILOMI – liječenje, virologija ,INFEKCIJE DIŠNOG SUSTAVA – dijagnoza, liječenje, virologija ,NOVOROĐENČE ,Humani papiloma virusi, pitelotropni DNK virusi, genitalni HPV ,incidencija u trudnoći, rekurentna respirtatona papilomatoza - Abstract
Humani papiloma virusi (HPV) su mali, epitelotropni DNK virusi. Dosadašnji podatci ukazuju na postojanje više od dvjesto genotipova virusa, od kojih oko četrdeset uzrokuje infekcije genitalnog područja. S obzirom na onkogeni potencijal, razlikujemo genotipove visokog (HPV 16, HPV 18, itd.) i genotipove niskog rizika (HPV 6, HPV 11, itd.). Genitalni HPV najčešće se prenosi kontaktom s inficiranom kožom ili sluznicom. Ostali načini prijenosa uključuju neizravni kontakt s kontaminiranim predmetima te autoinokulaciju. HPV uzrokuje različite promjene genitalne regije poput kondiloma, intraepitelnih neoplazija i invazivnih karcinoma cerviksa, vulve, penisa ili anusa. Također, HPV može prouzročiti lezije u područjima izvan genitalne regije kao što su usna šupljina, ždrijelo, grlo i jednjak. Ne postoji suglasnost vezana uz prevalenciju HPV-a tijekom trudnoće, pa ona varira u različitim zemljama između 5,5% i 65%. Vertikalni prijenos HPV-a označava mogućnost prijenosa HPV-a s majke na dijete tijekom trudnoće. Do perikonceptualnog prijenosa HPV DNA dolazi u vrijeme fertilizacije, dok se antenatalni prijenos događa isključivo za vrijeme trudnoće. No, većina HPV infekcija novorođenčadi nastaje perinatalnim prijenosom tijekom porođaja. Incidencija anogenitalnih kondiloma u trudnoći iznosi između 11,6% i 28,2%. Oni predstavljaju rizik od kontaminacije novorođenčeta HPV-om tijekom porođaja. Porastom učestalosti pojavljivanja anogenitalnih kondiloma u odraslih uočen je i usporedni porast incidencije anogenitalnih kondiloma u djece. HPV u djece može uzrokovati i rekurentnu respiratornu papilomatozu koju karakterizira nastajanje multiplih papiloma glasnica. Rijetko dolazi do totalne opstrukcije dišnog puta ili progresije u karcinom., Human papilloma viruses (HPV) are small, epitheliotropic DNA viruses. More than two hundred different HPV genotypes are known today, of which around forty types cause genital infection. According to their oncogenic potential the viruses are divided in high-risk HPV genotypes (HPV 16, HPV 18, etc.) and low-risk genotypes (HPV 6, HPV 11, etc.). Genital HPV is most frequently transmitted through contact with infected skin or mucous membranes. Other routes of transmission are via contaminated fomites and autoinoculation. HPV causes genital warts, intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive carcinoma of cervix, vulva, penis or anus.Also, HPV can cause lesions in non-genital areas such as oral cavity, pharynx, throat and esophagus. There is no consensus regarding the prevalence of HPV during pregnancy, so it varies in different countries between 5.5 % and 65 %. The otential route of HPV transmission from mother to child during pregnancy is known as vertical transmission. Periconceptual transmission of HPV DNA occurs during fertilization, while prenatal transmission happens only during pregnancy. Most infant HPV infections occur via perinatal transmission during delivery. The incidence of anogenital warts in pregnancy is between 11.6 % and 28.2 %. Anogenital warts increase the risk of infant HPV contamination during delivery. As the incidence of anogenital warts increased in adults, increased incidence was also reported in children. HPV can cause recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in children, a disease characterized with laryngeal papillomatosis. In rare cases, total obstruction of airway or progression in carcinoma can occur.
- Published
- 2020
22. Is It Justifiable to Treat Condylomata Acuminata Down to the Very Last Visible Papule?
- Author
Wolf, Ronni, Davidovici, Batya, and Skerlev, Mihael
- Published
- 2007
23. Phototherapy in Pediatric Patients
- Author
Pašić, Aida, Čeović, Romana, Lipozenčić, Jasna, Husar, Karmela, Sušić, Slobodna Murat, Skerlev, Mihael, and Hrsan, Damir
- Published
- 2003
24. Correlation between family history and the age of onset of childhood acne in relation to sex and type of acne
- Author
Šijak, Dorotea, Horvat, Ivona, Sonicki, Zdenko, Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, Marinović, Branka, and Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka
- Subjects
Male ,Adolescent ,Croatia ,Infant, Newborn ,Infant ,Severity of Illness Index ,acne ,family history ,age of onset ,Sex Factors ,Risk Factors ,Child, Preschool ,Acne Vulgaris ,Humans ,Family ,Female ,Age of Onset ,Child ,Retrospective Studies ,childhood acne ,pediatric acne ,epidemiologic data ,family characteristics ,acne severity - Abstract
Acne vulgaris is a common chronic skin disorder of the pilosebaceous unit with a wide range of clinical presentations, which depend on the age of onset of acne, sex, family history of acne, and genetic factors, especially the genes affecting keratinization and desquamation. This retrospective study investigated pediatric acne using the patients’ past medical history, with patients aged from newborns to 15 years of age. Acne were further stratified by 5 parameters: sex, age, family history, acne type, and localization. Our main aim was to investigate the possible association between selected parameters and the presence or absence of family history of acne. We did not find statistically significant correlation between sex, age of onset, and positive family history of acne. Furthermore, we did not find any association between age of onset and family history according to family members (mother/father/brother or sister). However, we found statistically significant correlation between sex and type of acne. This retrospective analysis of pediatric acne in Croatia did not reveal statistically significant correlation between positive family history and sex, age of onset, and clinical type of acne. In analyzing the correlation between family history and localization of acne, however, we found that the number of patients with acne localized on both the face and trunk and positive family history was statistically significant higher than expected.
- Published
- 2019
25. Coexistence of anogenital psoriasis and genital warts - is there an optimal treatment?
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Budinšćak, Alma, Žužul, Kristina, Ljubojević Grgec, Dragana, and Skerlev, Mihael
- Subjects
anogenital psoriasis ,inverse psoriasis ,genital warts ,HPV ,genetic structures ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,virus diseases ,psychological phenomena and processes - Abstract
A 21-year-old female student with a 3-month history of mild psoriasis (erythematosquamous plaque on the elbows and nail pitting on the nails of the hand) was referred to our Department. One month earlier, suddenly appearance of erythematous, smooth, clearly demarcated plaques was observed on the labia majora, the mons pubis, the perineal and perianal region together with a brownish hyperkera-totic papule on the pubic region (Figure 1, a-b). The patient underwent excisional biopsy at the Department of Surgery, and the pathohistological finding was unavailable to us. The elbows were treated with corticosteroid-keratolytic preparation, whereas the anogenital lesions were treated with moderately potent topical corticosteroids. In addition to anogeni-tal erythema, on clinical examination we noticed an erythematosquamous plaque on the site of excision with a hyperkeratotic verrucous papule on the edge of the lesion (the Koebner phenomenon on the site of skin injury). In the pubic region, we noticed two hyperkeratotic papules and a few verrucous papules on labia majora. Localized dermatophyte or candida infection were excluded with a KOH test and scrapings culture. Serology for syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis were negative. Cervical Pap smear was normal. Biop-sy of erythematosus lesion from the mons pubis was conclusive for psoriasis, and of the keratotic papule with the genital wart with positive HPV 6 and 11. The patient’s older sister had chronic plaque psoriasis.
- Published
- 2019
26. Anogenital contact dermatitis
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana and Skerlev, Mihael
- Subjects
contact sensibility, patch and prick testing, occupational allergy, urticaria, atopic dermatitis ,cutaneous drug hypersensitivity reactions ,education ,health care economics and organizations ,humanities - Abstract
ICDRG Symposia was organized in co-operation with Croatian Dermatovenerological Society of the Croatian Medical Association, and was held in Zagreb, Croatia, from 29th-31st March 2019. This Symposium presented an opportunity to exchange scientific ideas, knowledge and experience among colleagues with expertise in contact sensibility, patch and prick testing, occupational allergy, urticaria, atopic dermatitis and cutaneous drug hypersensitivity reactions, from all around Europe and many other parts of the World.
- Published
- 2019
27. HPV infekcije u HIV pozitivnih bolesnika
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Zekan, Šime, Đurinec, Paola, and Skerlev, Mihael
- Subjects
HPV infekcija, HIV - Abstract
Infekcije humanim papilloma virusom (HPV) su najčešće virusno spolno prenosive infekcije. Svake godine otprilike 17, 500 žena and 9, 300 muškaraca dobiju karcinom uzorkovan HPV-om. Otprilike 1 od 100 spolno aktivne osobe ima šiljaste kondilome. Osobe s HPV infekcijom sklonije su nastanku HIV infekcije - rizik za infekciju HIV-om u osoba s HPV infekcijom je udvostručena. HIV pozitivni bolesnici imaju povećanu prevalenciju i incidenciju HPV infekcije (posebice HPV povezanih displazija). Karcinomi povezani s HPV-om su najučestaliji karcinomi u bolesnika s HIV-om. Zbog visoke incidencije i perzistencije infekcije, HIV pozitivni bolesnici imaju povećani rizik za nastanka karcinoma povezanih s HPV-om. Incidencija analnog karcinoma, orofaringealnog karcinoma, karcinoma penisa, vulvovaginalnog karcinoma u HIV pozitivnih osoba je u povećanju neovisno o uvođenju HAART terapije. Incidencija cervikalnog karcinoma u HIV pozitivnih osoba je visoka, po uvođenju HAART-a ne raste, ali nema dokaza niti o smanjenoj učestalosti
- Published
- 2019
28. Quality of life of children with chronic skin diseases and psychological problems of parents
- Author
Martinac, Ivana, Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Kovačić Petrović, Zrnka, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, and Marinović, Branka
- Subjects
quality of life ,children ,chronic skin diseases ,psychological problems of parents - Abstract
Pediatric patients and their parents are particularly vulnerable to the burden of skin disease. Chronic disease in childhood may negatively affect development and overall quality of life (QoL). Interest in QoL measurement in pediatric patients with skin disease has grown in recent years and started with an increased recognition of the psychosocial burden experienced by young patients with disease and their families. The most common studies were conducted on atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, vitiligo and acne. Children with these most common skin diseases are more likely to experience depression, low self-esteem, and lack of sleep, bullying, poor social interactions, poor medical compliance and poorer health outcomes as adults and therefore a significant impairment of QoL. Among other impacts the burden of pediatric skin disease affects the family unit as a whole. In that context one must pay attention to the intense emotional and biological connection between children and their caregivers and the degree to which this relationship regulates and influences children’s behavior. The skin has an important role in this connection because it is through the skin that the child perceives its first sensations and begins to identify what is pleasurable or not. Thus, the presence of skin disease can have repercussions on the children-adult bond and the healthy development of a relationship.The literature also identifies the influence of the caregiver’s behavioral disturbances on the child’s illness, the evolution of the disease and even on the development of future adults. In studies on the QoL on these most common chronic skin diseases anxiety and depression occur most frequently among caregivers of pediatric patients. Exposure to negative experiences related to anxiety and depression in their main caregiver can have the effect of reducing their quality of life. In turn, psychosomatic mechanisms may be linked to the worsening of skin diseases reported in pediatric studies. It is important that dermatologists be aware of available QoL indices and to use them to recognize the specific emotional vulnerability within this group of pediatric patients and not to minimize the role of their parents and their impact in an overall treatment that contributes to their QoL and emotional development.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Žužul, Kristina, Zekan, Šime, Stanimirović, Andrija, Skerlev, Mihael, and Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana
- Subjects
anogenital ,ulceration ,bacterial infections and mycoses ,urologic and male genital diseases ,female genital diseases and pregnancy complications - Abstract
A wide range of infectious, neoplastic, and inflammatory dermatoses can affect the anogenital region and manifest with ulcerations. The most frequent causes of painful genital ulcers are herpes simplex infection, syphilis and Haemophilus ducreyi infection (chancroid). Granuloma inguinale and lymphogranuloma venereum are rare causes of genital ulcerations. However , various other infectious and noninfectious dermatoses should also be considered as a possible cause of ulcerations in anogenital region. We present a case of a 22- year-old patient who, during a physical examination, had an ulceration of 1cm in diameter surrounded by a few smaller ulcerations in the perianal region. All the ulcerations were painful on palpation, with a yellowish discharge appearing on pressure. There was no regional lymphadenopathy and the patient denied having any prodromal symptoms. The patient history revealed occasional sexual intercourse with male partners. The first suspected diagnosis was syphilis with the coexistence of herpes genitalis, but due to the clinical picture and patient history, lymphogranuloma venereum was also suspected. Serology for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis was negative. Urethral swabs for Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalis were negative, except for Ureaplasma urealyticum which was unremarkably positive 103. Perianal and rectal swabs for Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalis and Ureaplasma urealyticum were positive for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for HSV 1 and HSV2 of perianal ulcerations was positive (HSV IgM: positive). The patient was treated with acyclovir 3x400 mg for 7 days, doxycycline 2x100 mg for 3 weeks and ceftriaxone 1gr intramuscular injection, which led to complete resolution of clinical symptoms. We believe that our patient had perianal ulcerations of multiple etiologies combined, such as herpes simplex infection, gonorrhea and/or lymphogranuloma venereum. All the patients with genital ulcers thought to be caused by an STI should be tested for syphilis, HIV, and herpes simplex, and also to other STI causative agents like Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis (serovars L1, L2, and L3), depending on patient’s history.
- Published
- 2017
30. Kerion Celsi due to Microsporum canis with dermatophytide reaction
- Author
Gorgievska-Sukarovska, Biljana, Skerlev, Mihael, Žele-Starčević, Lidija, Husar, Karmela, and Halasz, Mirna
- Subjects
kerion celsi ,tinea capitis profunda ,dermatophyte ,Microsporum canis ,Kerion Celsi ,dermatophytide reaction - Abstract
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: Fungal scalp infections caused by Microsporum (M.) canis tend to be noninflammatory, but recently, progressive numbers of cases of tinea capitis characterized with highly inflammatory infection caused by M. canis and M. gypseum, have been registered. We present case of highly inflammatory tinea capitis, also known as kerion celsi with dermatophytide reaction caused by M. canis. MATERIAL & METHODS: A 6-year-old, otherwise healthy girl, with tender, infiltrated, 6x4 cm large plaque in the occipital region of the scalp, of 2.5 months duration has been examined. Almost complete loss of hair, a few satellite plaques with pustules on the surface, and exudation from some of the follicular orifices could be observed. Multiple annular lesions spread over the neck and shoulders. In addition, papular exanthema of the trunk and bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy were present. The patient was in a good condition, and routine investigations were all within the normal limits. Fungal culture on modified Sabouraud dextrose agar medium, revealed flat, white to creamy colonies with cottony surface and golden brownish-yellow reversed pigment. Diagnosis of kerion due to M. canis was established. M. canis has been confirmed in the isolate by the use of the molecular methods (PCR-RFLP), as well. Thus, ITS1 and ITS4 universal primers were used to amplify ITS1-5.8s rDNA-ITS2 region. By the RFLP analysis of the PCR product of the isolated strain and reference strain of M. canis ATCC 36299, using Hinf1 restriction enzyme a unique pattern for M. canis has been revealed. Mycological examination of the papular lesions of the trunk was negative, so these lesions were considered as dermatophytide reaction. The treatment with oral terbinafine 125 mg/day had been prescribed together with topical gyrodalate ointment and triamcinolone acetonide cream followed with miconazole cream. Systemic prednisolone, 10 mg/day for 7 days has been also administered in order to relive symptoms of “ide” reaction and to prevent scarring. After 12 weeks of therapy, complete clinical and mycological regression was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in epidemiology and clinical pattern of fungal infections due to M. canis have become significant in the recent years. M. canis, thus not only Trichophyton spp. as previously reported can also be responsible for kerion and dermatophytide reactions. Greater awareness is needed in order to establish proper diagnosis and successful treatment strategy for those patients.
- Published
- 2017
31. Coexistence of genital lichen sclerosus and genital warts
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, primary, Krtanjek, Jelena, additional, Đurinec, Paola, additional, Žele-Starčević, Lidija, additional, Skerlev, Mihael, additional, and Bartenjev, Igor, additional
- Published
- 2018
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32. Etiologija, diferencijalna dijagnoza i liječenje ulceracija u anogenitalnoj regiji
- Author
Ana Križanović, Ana, Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, and Skerlev, Mihael
- Subjects
genitalne ulceracije ,spolno prenosive bolesti ,bolesti spolovila - Abstract
Prilikom postavljanja dijagnoze u bolesnika s ulceracijom u anogenitalnoj regiji liječnici se često susreću s problemima u razlikovanju i prepoznavanju pojedinih stanja i uzroka ulceracija. Iako su genitalni herpes i sifilis najčešći uzroci ulceracija u anogenitalnoj regiji, uzroci mogu biti i mnoge druge spolno prenosive bolesti, kao što su: ulcus molle (chancroid), lymphogranuloma venerum, granuloma venerum (donovanosis, granuloma inguinale), infekcija humanim papiloma virusom (HPV), molluscum contagiosum i skabijes. Ulceracije u anogenitalnoj regiji ponekad mogu biti posljedica bolesti koje se ne prenose spolnim putem, od kojih su neke infektivne etiologije, a mnoge su posljedica neinfektivnog uzroka. Detaljna anamneza i klinički pregled smanjuju broj bolesti koje ulaze u diferencijalnu dijagnozu, ali potrebno je i laboratorijsko testiranje na najčešće patogene. Ponekad tek biopsija lezija i patohistološka analiza dovode do konačne dijagnoze. Zadaća je liječnika utvrditi uzrok anogenitalnih ulceracija te postaviti ispravnu dijagnozu kako bi mogao ordinirati ispravnu terapiju i smanjiti rizik za prijenos bolesti.
- Published
- 2016
33. HPV i intraepitelne neoplazije muškaraca
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Skerlev, Mihael, and Đurinec, Paola
- Subjects
HPV ,intraepitelialne neoplazije muškaraca - Abstract
Humani papiloma virus (HPV) u anogenitalnoj regiji može uzrokovati raznolike kliničke slike, od benignih šiljastih kondiloma do preinvazivnih neoplazija i invazivnih karcinoma. Većina HPV genitalnih infekcija je tranzitorna i asimptomatska. Oko 70% HPV infekcija genitalne regije regredira unutar godinu, a 80% unutar 2 godine. Opisane su 3 varijante intraepitelne neoplazije penisa. Analna intraepitelna neoplazija predstavlja značajan zdravstveni problem u imunosuprimiranih osoba. Ukoliko se ne prepozna na vrijeme i ne započne liječenje iz intraepitelne neoplazije će nastati karcinom.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Jelušić, Marija, Frković, Marijan, Sršen, Saša, Čekada, Nastasia, Đapić, Tomislav, Šmigovec, Igor, Skerlev, Mihael, Murat Sušić, Slobodna, and Husar, Karmela
- Subjects
SAPHO, CRMO - Abstract
Uvod: Među općenito rijetkim, ali vjerojatno i subdijagnosticiranim autoinflamatornim bolestima kostiju, kronični rekurentni multifokalni osteomijelitis (CRMO) i sinovitis, akne, pustuloza, hiperostoza, osteitis (SAPHO) sindrom predstavljaju dva najčešća entiteta. Klinički se prezentiraju znakovima upale različitih dijelova skeleta te spektrom kožnih manifestacija, koje ne moraju biti prisutne u svih bolesnika ili se mogu razviti godinama nakon početka bolesti. Obzirom na niz sličnosti, dio autora smatra da je CRMO, koji se dominantno javlja u dječjoj dobi, podtip SAPHO sindroma, koji se najčešće klinički prezentira u adolescenciji ili odrasloj dobi. Cilj: Analizirati i usporediti karakteristike bolesnika s CRMO i SAPHO sindromom. Metode: Retrospektivna analiza i usporedba podataka iz medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika s CRMO i SAPHO sindromom liječenih u Referetnom centru za pedijatrijsku i adolescentnu reumatologiju u periodu od 2008. – 2016. godine. Rezultati: U periodu od 2008. – 2016. godine u Referetnom centru obrađivane su i liječene 3 djevojčice s CRMO prosječne dobi od 7 godina i 5 mladića sa SAPHO sindromom, prosječne dobi od 15 godina u vrijeme postavljanja dijagnoze. Svi bolesnici su inicijalno imali umjereno povišene upalne parametre. U svih bolesnica s CRMO obradom su nađene multifokalne upalne promjene različitih dijelova aksijalnog i perifernog skeleta, u samo jedne bolesnice promjene su bile simetrične. Niti jedna nije imala kožnih promjena. Liječene su nesteroidnim protuupalnim lijekovima, u jedne je navedenom terapijom postignuta remisija, dok je u dvije bolesnice inidicirana i kraća sistemska primjena glukokortikoida s istim, povoljnim ishodom. U dva bolesnika sa SAPHO sindromom nađen je tipični scintigrafski nalaz upalnog zahvaćanja sternoklavikularnih zglobova i sternuma, dok su u ostalih bolesnika promjene detektirane u različitim drugim dijelovima skeleta, uključujući maksilu i mandibulu. Kožne promjene u vidu opsežnih akni imali su svi bolesnici, u 4 su akne predstavljale inicijalni simptom bolesti, dok su se u jednog razvile 2 godine nakon počekta upalnih promjena skeleta. U četiri bolesnika zadovoljavajuća kontrola bolesti uspostavljena je primjenom indometacina, glukokortikoida ili metotreksata, a u jednog bolesnika anti TNF pripravkom. Zaključak: CRMO i SAPHO sindrom imaju niz zajedničkih karakteristika te se prema dijelu recentne literature CRMO smatra dječjom formom SAPHO sindroma, koji se dominantno javlja u adolescenata i odraslih. Rezultati usporedbe naših bolesnika s navedenim bolestima sukladni su literaturnim podacima. Tek će otkrivanje još uvijek nepoznate etiopatogeneze definitivno razjasniti odnos dviju najčešćih autoinflamatornih bolesti kostiju.
- Published
- 2016
35. Diferencijalna dijagnoza eritema u anogenitalnoj regiji
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Skerlev, Mihael, and Đurinec, Paola
- Subjects
diferencijalna dijagnoza ,eritem ,anogenitalna regija - Abstract
Osjetljivost genitalne regije kao i kontakt s raznim iritansima često uzrokuju svrbež, pečenje i crvenilo u području anogenitalne regije. Potrebno je temeljito pregledati čitavu anogenitalnu regiju te prema potrebi uzeti materijal radi mikrobiološke, odnosno pathistološke analize. Ovakav pristup omogućava postavljanje točne dijagnoze i pravovremeni početak odgovarajuće terapije.
- Published
- 2016
36. Sinecatechins and imiquimod as proactive sequential therapy of external genital and perianal warts in adults
- Author
Schöfer, Helmut, primary, Tatti, Silvio, additional, Lynde, Charles W, additional, Skerlev, Mihael, additional, Hercogová, Jana, additional, Rotaru, Maria, additional, Ballesteros, Juan, additional, and Calzavara-Pinton, Piergiacomo, additional
- Published
- 2017
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37. The 2016 European guideline on the management of epididymo-orchitis
- Author
Street, Emma J, primary, Justice, Edwin D, additional, Kopa, Zsolt, additional, Portman, Mags D, additional, Ross, Jonathan D, additional, Skerlev, Mihael, additional, Wilson, Janet D, additional, and Patel, Rajul, additional
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Skerlev, Mihael and Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana
- Subjects
Anogenital warts (condylomata acuminata) ,HPV Lesions ,prophylactic vaccine ,virus diseases - Abstract
Anogenital warts (condylomata acuminata) are the most common HPV lesions presented in men, however, during the last decade the other HPV- associated exaggerated lesions such as condylomata plana, penile, scrotal, and anal intraepithelial neoplasias (so, not only cervical!), as well as the penile, oropharyngeal and tonsillar cancer have been studied a little bit more extensively. Some examples of “not to do” situations are listed. If, for example, a pregnant woman turns out to be positive for the high-risk types of HPV associated with cervical cancer, she should be monitored during the pregnancy to watch for cervical tissue changes. If possible, treatment should be postponed, because it may lead to premature labour. Genital warts can be removed surgically, as well as with cryotherapy or curettage. However, chemical cytotoxic drugs for genital warts removal should not be used during pregnancy! More than 35 types of HPV infect the genital tract ; types 16 and 18 inducing about 70% of high-grade intraepithelial genital neoplasias, and HPV 6 and 11 causing 90% of anogenital warts. However, the “banality” of anogenital warts should not be underestimated providing that the high risk HPV DNA 16 and 18 can be isolated (PCR) from “benign" HPV-associated genital lesions (anogenital warts) in 10-20% of patients, i.e. more than it is usually expected. We definitely need the HPV vaccination programme to get rid of one of the oldest and up to now unsolved problems of mankind. Since HPV is transmitted by sexual intercourse, managing both partners (thus, not only female patients) is necessary in order to eliminate the virus in the population. Approaches to this include prophylactic vaccines such as quadrivalent HPV vaccine for both men and women. Besides, a proper dermatological training is required as the clinical criterion is still very important and the HPV-induced lesions get quite often misdiagnosed unless managed by the skilled professional. It can be thus concluded that the HPV-genital infections represent a significant dermato-venereological issue.
- Published
- 2015
39. Juvenile Onset Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoides: A Case Series Of 3 Patients
- Author
Jerković Gulin, Sandra, Čeović, Romana, Husar, Karmela, Skerlev, Mihael, Murat Sušić, Slobodna, Bradamante, Mirna, Radoš, Jaka, Ilić, Ivana, and Stanimirović, Andrija
- Subjects
mycosis fungoides, hypopigmented mycosis fungoides, vitiligo, juvenile mycosis fungoides - Abstract
Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most common type of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). Primary cutaneous lymphomas (PCLs) are exceedingly rare in children and adolescents, with mycosis fungoides (MF) being the most frequent PCL diagnosed in childhood. The incidence of MF is 6.4 per 1, 000, 000 per year in adults, but the occurrence in children and young adults is rare and has not been well established yet. Hypopigmented mycosis fungoides (HMF) is an atypical and rare subtype of MF characterized by solely hypopigmented patches or in combination with erythematous patches or plaques. There are no criteria that define a typical case of HMF. We present three cases of juvenileonset HMF at Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital Center Zagreb between November 2014 and January 2015. Patients were between 9 and 12 years old at the time of diagnosis. The diagnosis was reached based on clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical correlation. All patients were investigated at the time of diagnosis with complete blood count, peripheral smear, ultrasonography of abdomen and pelvis, and chest X-ray. They were all without extracutaneous progression of disease. Narrowband UVB (311nm) phototherapy and/or potent topical steroids were used as a first- line treatment. HMF is rare in Caucasians and with only few cases described in children. Juvenile-onset MF is often misdiagnosed at early stages as benign condition. HMF may simulate atopic dermatitis, pityriasis alba, pityriasis lichenoides, tinea versicolor, vitiligo, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation or leprosy (Hansen? disease). Although HMF has good prognosis, it is a malignant skin lymphoma and should always be treated as such. Treatment modalities for juvenile MF are based on general strategies for adults according to disease stage.
- Published
- 2015
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40. Tinea incognita
- Author
Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Skerlev, Mihael, and Bradamante , Mirna
- Subjects
integumentary system ,Tinea incognita ,diagnosis ,therapy ,skin and connective tissue diseases - Abstract
Tinea incognita is a fungal infection in which topical or systemic steroids as well as topical application of calcineurin inhibitors, have modified the clinical appearance of the mycosis and mimicking other skin diseases. Clinical entity could be presented in various clinical forms ranging from lupus erythematosus discoid-like, eczema-like, rosacea-like, impetigoJike dermatitis, but it can resembled psoriasis, purpura, seb¬orrhoeic dermatitis and lichen planus. Physical examination usually revealed plaques with erythema and papules on the treated area, along with pruritus. The diagnosis is confirmed by direct microscopic examination of the skin scrapings with 10o/o potassium hydroxide preparation includ¬ing culture, Complete clinical resolutions is observed with oral and topical antimycotic treatment. Tinea incognita is not a rare clinical entity. Atypical erythematous plaques should be investigated in terms of presence of fungi and trea¬ted accordingly to establish total clinical and mycological cure.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Skerlev, Mihael, Sirotković-Skerlev, Maja, and Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana
- Subjects
Anogenital warts (condylomata acuminata) ,HPV Lesions ,prophylactic vaccine ,virus diseases ,female genital diseases and pregnancy complications - Abstract
Anogenital warts (condylomata acuminata) are the most common HPV lesions presented in men, however, during the last decade the other HPV-associated lesions such as condylomata plana, penile, scrotal, and anal intraepithelial neoplasias, as well as the penile, urine bladder and prostate cancer have been studied a little bit more extensively. However, consistent studies are still sparse for male population. More than 35 types of HPV infect the genital tract ; types 16 and 18 inducing about 70% of high-grade intraepithelial genital neoplasias, such as penile, anal, scrotal, vulvar, vaginal etc. (thus not only cervical), and HPV 6 and 11 causing 90% of anogenital warts. However, the "banality" of anogenital warts should not be underestimated providing that the high risk HPV DNA 16 and 18 can be isolated (PCR) from "benign" HPV-associated genital lesions (anogenital warts) in 10-20% of patients, i.e. more than it is usually expected. On the other hand, the presence and the recalcitrant course of HPV DNA 6 and 11 associated diseases represent a significant physical and psychological problem for both men and women. A prophylactic vaccine that targets these types should thus substantially reduce the burden of HPv-associated clinical diseases. Ultimately, within the spectrum of therapeutic options for condylomata, no method is really superior to others ; recurrences occurred in 30-70% of cases. We definitely need the HPV vaccination programme to get rid of one of the oldest and up to now unsolved problems of mankind. Since HPV is transmitted by sexual intercourse, managing both partners is necessary in order to eliminate the virus in the population. Approaches to this include prophylactic vaccines such as quadrivalent HPV vaccine for both men and women. This should be the only way to significantly decrease the numbers of infected persons. Besides, a proper dermatological training is required as the clinical criterion is still very important and the HPV induced lesions get quite often misdiagnosed unless managed by the skilled professional. It can be thus concluded that the HPV-genital infections represent a significant dermatovenereological issue, and the dermatovenereologists should definitely be the part of the HPV vaccine programme team
- Published
- 2015
42. Human papillomavirus-related diseases of the female lower genital tract: oncogenic aspects and molecular interaction [Bolesti donjeg dijela ženskog spolnog sustava povezane s humanim papilomavirusom - onkogeni aspekti i molekularne interakcije]
- Author
Zekan, Joško, Skerlev, Mihael, Milić, Lukrecija, and Karelović, Deni
- Abstract
The causal role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in all cancers of the uterine cervix has been firmly established biologically and epidemiologically. Most cancers of both the vulva and the vagina are also induced by HPV. Papillomaviruses are perfectly adapted to their natural host tissue, the differentiating epithelial cell of skin or mucosae, and exploit the cellular machinery for their own purposes. The infectious cycle is initiated once the infectious particles reach the basal layer of the epithelium, where they bind to and enter the cells. The critical molecules in the process of virus replication are the viral proteins E6 and E7, which interact with a number of cellular proteins. In experimental system these interactions have been shown to induce proliferation and eventually immortalization and malignant transformation of cells. Binding of E7 to pRb activates the E2F transcription factor, which then triggers the expression of proteins necessary for DNA replication. Unscheduled S-phase would normally lead to apoptosis by the action of p53. However, in HPV-infected cells, this process is counteracted by the viral E6 protein, which targets p53 for proteolytic degradation. Besides blocking p53 function in regulation of apoptosis, high-risk HPV proteins interact with both extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. As an aberration of virus infection, constant activity of the viral proteins E6 and E7 leads to increasing genomic instability, accumulation of oncogene mutations, further loss of cell-growth control and ultimately cancer. The immune system uses innate and adaptive immunity to recognize and combat foreign agents that invade the body, but these methods are sometimes ineffective against human papillomavirus. HPV has several mechanisms for avoiding the immune system. Furthermore, HPV infections disrupt cytokine expression with the E6 and E7 oncoproteins, particularly targeting the expression of interferon genes. Approximately 10% of individuals develop a persistent infection, and it is this cohort who is at risk of cancer progression, with the development of high-grade precursor lesions and eventually invasive carcinoma.
- Published
- 2014
43. HPV genital infections - current status of diagnostic and prevention
- Author
Skerlev, Mihael, Ljubojević, Suzana, Lipozenčić, Jasna, Skerlev, Mihael, and Marinović, Branka (ur.).
- Subjects
virus diseases ,HPV ,DNA typing ,prevention ,female genital diseases and pregnancy complications - Abstract
Anogenital warts (condylomata acuminata) are the most common HPV-induced lesions presented in men, however, during the last decade the other HPV-associated entities such as condylomata plana, penile, scrotal, and anal intraepithelial neoplasias, as well as the penile, urine bladder and prostate cancer have been studied a little bit more extensively. Consistent studies are still lacking for male population. Over the last twelve years, different diagnostic tools have been used for the patients with HPV genital infection including pathohistology and peniscopy in some cases. We wanted to evaluate the significance of viral tests (PCR, hybridization) for HPV-induced, clinically visible lesions. According to our results, HPV 16 and 18 have been isolated (PCR) from “ benign" HPV-associated genital lesions (anogenital warts) in 20% of patients, i.e. more than it is usually expected. Therefore, the diagnostic approach to HPV genital infections needs to be complex including HPV DNA typing whenever it seems appropriate. We definitely consider HPV detecting and typing of male genital HPV lesions as important part of the diagnostic procedure, treatment, follow-up, and, most recently, prevention of the HPV-genital infections.
- Published
- 2008
44. Aetiology and clinical variations of balanoposthitis
- Author
Špoljar, Sanja, Skerlev, Mihael, Budimčić, Dragomir, Lipozenčić, Jasna, Lipozenčić, Jasna, Skerlev, Mihael, and Marinović, Branka (ur.)
- Subjects
Balanoposthitis ,HPV ,aetiology ,genital dermatology - Abstract
Background. Balanoposthitis is a rather demanding clinical entity including the broad range of aetiological factors and clinical variations. Therefore, the purpose of this survey was to analyze the clinical variations of balanoposthitis in the light of various aetiological factors. Patients and Methods. The retrospective analysis of data obtained from the STD and General Dermatovenereology Outpatient Clinics of University Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Zagreb University Hospital and Medical School of Zagreb University has been performed for the five-year period. The total of 599 patients with clinical findings of balanoposthitis (clearly visible signs of inflammation of the glans penis and the prepuce) attending our Clinics from the year 2003 to 2007 have been included in our study. In general, the results were based on medical history and clinical findings confirmed with the results of the mycological, histopathological and bacteriological (urethral swabs) examination whenever indicated (and/or available). Results. In 326 out of 599 patients, even with the slightest clinical suspicion of balanoposthitis of mycotic aetiology (Candida balanoposthitis), the mycological testing has been performed (direct microscopy and the cultivation on the modified Sabourad medium in the Reference Laboratory for Dermatological Mycology and Parasitology of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republic of Croatia in our Department). In 227 patients out of these 326, the result of the mycological testing was negative. However, in 99 patients out of 326, Candida spp. has been verified. In the rest of 263 out of the total of 599 patients the lesions were mostly clinically consistent with irritant balanitis (217) followed with: balanitis circumscripta plasmacellularis (Zoon balanitis) (16 patients), circinate balanitis (10 patients), lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (7 patients), lichen planus genitalis (4 patients) and inverse psoriasis (3 patients). In two patients circinate balanitis was found to be a part of Reiter’ s syndrome, the other two patients were HLA B 27+, DR+ positive, but the other criteria have not been fulfilled to establish the diagnosis of Reiter’ s syndrome, whereas in the rest of 6 patients there were no signs of Reiter’ s syndrome. In 8 patients with clinical features of irritant balanitis, serotypes D-K Chlamydia trachomatis have been isolated from urethral swabs ; Ureaplasma urealyticum in 10 patients ; Mycoplasma hominis in 6 patients and Trichomonas vaginalis in 4 patients. In 9 patients considering medical history and clinical findings a Latex allergy has been suspected, but the allergological testing has not been performed due to the patients’ poor compliance. In 6 patients the artefact dermatitis of the genital region has been seriously suspected. Discussion and Conclusion: It can be thus concluded that different aetiological agents can induce similar clinical findings in balanoposthitis, as well as the single aetiological agent of balanoposthitis can induce different clinical features. Moreover, we observed that a certain number of patients with clinical findings of balanoposthitis were referred to as STIs, but these lesions have been finally proven as purely dermatological disorder(s). Under the name of “ irritant balanitis” many other entities might be misdiagnosed, thus the proper and very careful manner of taking history, precise clinical examination, rational laboratory testing and combined “ dermatovenereological” approach are required in order to solve the complexity of this problem.
- Published
- 2008
45. Unusually low prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium in urine samples from infertile men and healthy controls: a prevalence study
- Author
Plečko, Vanda, Žele-Starčević, Lidija, Tripković, Vesna, Skerlev, Mihael, Ljubojević, Suzana, Pleško, Sanja, Mareković, Ivana, Jensen, and Jensen, Jorgen Skov
- Subjects
Male ,Chlamydia trachomatis ,Mycoplasma genitalium ,medicine.disease_cause ,urologic and male genital diseases ,Ureaplasma ,Prevalence ,EPIDEMIOLOGY ,education.field_of_study ,biology ,Drug Resistance, Microbial ,General Medicine ,Healthy Volunteers ,female genital diseases and pregnancy complications ,3. Good health ,Mycoplasma hominis ,Genital Diseases, Male ,Sexual Health ,Adult ,DNA, Bacterial ,MICROBIOLOGY ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Croatia ,Population ,Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction ,Semen ,medicine ,Humans ,Urethritis ,education ,Infertility, Male ,Gynecology ,business.industry ,Research ,medicine.disease ,biology.organism_classification ,bacterial infections and mycoses ,urine ,infertility ,Neisseria gonorrhoeae ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Trichomonas vaginalis ,business - Abstract
Objective To detect Mycoplasma genitalium in urine samples of infertile men and men without any signs of infection in order to investigate whether M. genitalium and other genital mycoplasmas ( Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma spp) are found more often in urine samples of infertile men than in asymptomatic controls and to determine resistance to macrolides. Methods The study included first void urine samples taken from 145 infertile men and 49 men with no symptoms of urethritis. M. genitalium, Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae were detected by commercial PCR. Trichomonas vaginalis was detected by microscopy and culture. M. hominis and Ureaplasma spp were detected by culture. M. genitalium was detected by in-house conventional and real-time PCR. Results Two M. genitalium positive samples were found among samples obtained from infertile men. All asymptomatic men were M. genitalium negative. Macrolide resistance was not found in either of the two positive samples. Conclusions In comparison with reported data, an unusually low prevalence of M. genitalium was found in infertile men. The reasons for this unexpected result are not known; possibly, local demographic and social characteristics of the population influenced the result. Further studies to investigate M. genitalium in infertile and other groups of patients are needed.
- Published
- 2014
46. Njega kože i zbrinjavanje rana u bolesnika s nasljednom buloznom epidermolizom
- Author
Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Husar, Karmela, Marinović, Branka, Skerlev, Mihael, Štulhofer Buzina, Daška, Kljenak, Antun, and Martinac, Ivana
- Subjects
nasljedne bulozne epidermolize ,rane ,zbrinjavanje rana - Abstract
Nasljedne bulozne epidermolize (EB) skupina su genetski uvjetovanih bolesti obilježenih osjetljivošću kože, u nekim oblicima i sluznica, s nastankom mjehura i erozija nakon beznačajne mehaničke traume. Radi se o multisistemskoj bolesti jer se komplikacije u tih bolesnika javljaju na brojnim organima i organskim sistemima. Kako izlječenja za sada nema, terapija se sastoji od pravodobnog prepoznavanja i liječenja komplikacija, a ključnu ulogu ima pravilna njega rana i zaštita kože. Način zbrinjavanja pojedinih rana ovisi ponajprije o podtipu bolesti, lokalizaciji i izgledu rane. Uz pravilnu njegu rana nužna je i kvalitetna suportivna terapija koja zahtijeva multidisciplinarni pristup.
- Published
- 2014
47. Dermatovenerologija
- Author
Basta-Juzbašić, Aleksandra, Bradamante, Mirna, Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka, Čeović, Romana, Dobrić, Ivan, Husar, Karmela, Jurakić Tončić, Ružica, Kostović, Krešimir, Lakoš Jukić, Ines, Ledić Drvar, Danijela, Lipozenčić, Jasna, Lončarić, Davorin, Ljubojević Grgec, Dragana, Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana, Marinović, Branka, Marinović Kulišić, Sandra, Milavec-Puretić, Višnja, Murat-Sušić, Slobodna, Pašić, Aida, Paštar, Zrinka, Radoš, Jaka, Skerlev, Mihael, Šitum, Mirna, and Štulhofer Buzina, Daška
- Subjects
dermatovenerologija - Abstract
Sveukupno gradivo iz dermatovenerologije za studente medicine.
- Published
- 2014
48. Mycoplasma genitalium: clinical siginificance and diagnosis
- Author
Plečko, Vanda, Žele Starčević, Lidija, Tripković, Vesna, Rezo Vranješ, Violeta, and Skerlev, Mihael
- Subjects
Mycoplasma genitalium ,bacterial infections and mycoses ,urologic and male genital diseases ,female genital diseases and pregnancy complications - Abstract
Diagnostic procedures for Mycoplasma genitalium are described.
- Published
- 2014
49. Unrecognised dermatophyte infection in a patient with CREST Syndrome
- Author
Gorgievska-Sukarovska, Biljana, Skerlev, Mihael, and Žele-Starčević, Lidija
- Subjects
Tinea incognita, CREST Syndrome - Abstract
Introduction: Tinea incognita is an initially unrecognized dermatophyte infection, usually modified by the inappropriate topical or systemic corticosteroid therapy. We report case of an extensive tinea incognita caused by zoophylic dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagrophytes (var. granulosa) in a patient with CREST syndrome. Materials and Methods: Forty-nine-year-old female patient has been referred to our Department due to the extensive erythematous, not well demarcated lesions on the trunk, neck and arms. Ichtyosiform scales and excoriations were observed, as well. Prior to this visit, the lesions had been unsuccessfully treated with topical betamethasone cream. Very intensive pruritus urged the patient to visit dermatologist. Fifteen years before, the patient was diagnosed with CREST syndrome, with biliary cirrhosis and had been continuously receiving systemic steroids, 10 mg of prednisone daily. The physical examination revealed also sclerodactyly and calcinosis of the fingers, with yellowish discoloration of the nails. Numerous teleangiectasias were spread over the face, neck, upper trunk and even lips. Results: Direct microscopic potassium hydroxide examination of the skin scrapings was positive revealing fungal hyphae and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (var. granulosa) was confirmed by culture on the Sabouraud medium. Direct examination and fungal culture of the nails were negative. The topical treatment with terbinafine cream was initiated. Systemic antimycotic therapy was not administered because of the very good response on the topical therapy and because of high level of liver enzymes, as well. After the four weeks of treatment, a complete clinical and mycological regression was observed. Conclusion: Immunocompromized patients are susceptible to dermatophyte infections with atypical clinical presentation. Therefore, close monitoring and mycological skin examination is recommended in order to avoid misdiagnosis and to give the patient the best chance of cure.
- Published
- 2014
50. Majocchi's granuloma caused by Microsporum gypseum
- Author
Gorgievska-Sukarovska, Biljana, Skerlev, Mihael, and Žele-Starčević, Lidija
- Subjects
Majocchi's granuloma ,Microsporum gypseum - Abstract
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Majocchi’s granuloma is a deep folliculitis due to a cutaneous dermatophyte infection. It might occur as a result of the use of topical steroids on unsuspected tinea. Majocchi’s granuloma is also known as granuloma trichophyticum, as the most frequently reported agents are Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton violaceum. We report case of a Majocchi’s granuloma caused by geophylic Microsporum (M.) gypseum in a fifty- three-year- old female patient. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-three-year-old, otherwise healthy female patient, has been referred to our Department due to solitary, well- circumscribed plaque on the left forearm, with perifollicular papulopustules, erythema and scaling. Pressure did not result in pus exudation. Prior to this visit the lesion had been unsuccessfully treated with topical hydrocortisone/oxitetraciklin-hydrochloride ointment, for a month. Moreover the condition had even deteriorated, with lesion becoming bigger and pruritic. RESULTS: Direct microscopic potassium hydroxide (KOH) examination of the skin scrapings was positive, revealing fungal hyphae and M. gypseum was confirmed by culture on the glucose-modified Sabouraud medium. Topical antimycotic treatment with terbinafine cream and oral terbinafine, 250 mg daily, have been administered during 6 weeks. The liver enzymes, as well as the serum lipids level were within normal ranges at the beginning during and at the end of treatment. After 6 weeks of therapy, almost complete regression with slight residual erythema could be clinically observed. The results of the mycological examination were negative at the end of treatment. CONCLUSION: Majocchi’s granuloma is uncommon, but well recognized dermatophyte infection. Although Trichophyton spp. has been traditionally the expected pathogen, and, accordingly, the term granuloma trichophyticum has been used, in our patient geophylic fungus Microsporum gypseum has been confirmed by culture as an aetiological agent. Thus, the change of the name to “Majocchi’s granuloma” instead of traditional “Granuloma trichophyticum Majocchi” should be seriously considered.
- Published
- 2014
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