Psihološka i pedagoška podrška nastavnika predstavljaju značajne činioce postignuća učenika i uspešne tranzicije iz osnovne škole u srednju školu. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita povezanost školskog angažovanja, motivacije za školsko učenje učenika prvog razreda srednjih škola i podrške nastavnika, kao i da se provere eventualne razlike u povezanosti podrške nastavnika i školskog angažovanja i podrške nastavnika i motivacije između učenika srednjih stručnih škola i gimnazija. Upitnik je popunilo 447 učenika prvog razreda tri beogradske gimnazije (n = 198) i pet srednjih stručnih škola (n = 249). Motivacija je procenjivana skalama kreiranim za potrebe ovog istraživanja (Likertovog tipa) – jedne zasnovane na teoriji ciljeva (Skala orijentacije na postignuće i ovladavanje, α1 = ,744) i druge na teoriji očekivanja i vrednovanja (Skala očekivanja i vrednovanja, α2 = ,798). Školsko angažovanje procenjivano je Upitnikom školskog angažovanja (Fredericks et al., 2004), a podrška nastavnika – Skalom podrške nastavnika i učenika (Torsheim et al., 2002). Korelacija između podrške nastavnika i školskog angažovanja iznosi r = ,61, p< ,001, a korelacija između podrške nastavnika i motivacije r1 = ,52, p< ,001, odnosno r2 = ,56, p < ,001. Kada se porede visine korelacija između podrške nastavnika i angažovanosti u grupi učenika stručnih škola i gimnazija, ne utvrđuju se značajne razlike, dok su razlike u visinama korelacijama između podrške nastavnika i motivacije, operacionalizovane preko teorije ciljeva (rssš = ,46, p< ,001, rg = ,62, p< ,001, z = - 2,28, p < ,001) i preko teorije očekivanja i vrednovanja (rssš = ,50, p< ,001, rg = ,64, p < ,001, z = - 2,09 , p< ,005) među ovim grupama značajne. Rezultati su diskutovani u svetlu razlika u programima nastave i učenja za srednje stručne škole i gimnazije i u inicijalnom obrazovanju nastavnika ovih škola, kao i u kontekstu razlika u konstruktima motivacije i angažovanja. Psychological and educational teacher support represent significant factors of students’ academic achievement and adjustment during transition from primary to secondary school. This research tried to investigate relationship between school engagement and motivation to learn of the secondary school first graders, and teacher support. Additionally, we have tested the differences in relationship between teacher support and school engagement, and teacher support and motivation depending on the school type. The sample comprised 447 first graders from three Belgrade high schools (nhs= 198) and five vocational secondary schools (nvs = 249). Motivation was assessed with two Likerttype scales developed for this research, one grounded in the goal orientation theory (Mastery and Performance Orientation Scale, α1 = .744), and the other in the expectancy-value theory (Expectancy and Value Scale, α2 = .798). The School Engagement Scale (Fredericks et al, 2004) and the Teacher and Classmates Support Scale (Torsheim et al, 2002) were applied. Correlation between teacher support and school engagement was r = .61, p< .001. Correlations between teacher support and both measures of motivation were r1= .52, p< .001, and r2 = .56, p< .001. When subsamples of students were analysed separately, there were no significant differences in the correlation between teacher support and school engagement, while differences in the correlations between teacher support and both measures of motivation were significant (Mastery and Performance Orientation, rvs=. 46, p < .001, rhs =. 62, p < .001, z = - 2.28, p< .001; Expectancy and Value, rvs= .50, p = < .001, rhs =. 64, p< .001, z = - 2.09, p< .005). Results were discussed in the light of differences between vocational and high school curricula, and educational trajectories of vocational and high school teachers, as well as in the context of differences between concepts of motivation and engagement. Knjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa" Book of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"