85 results on '"Silba"'
Search Results
2. The complete mitochondrial genome of Silba sp. (Diptera: Lonchaeidae)
- Author
Liang Wang, Xin Li, and Ding Yang
- Subjects
lonchaeidae ,phylogeny ,complete mitochondrial genome ,silba ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
The mitochondrial genome of Silba sp. was sequenced and annotated as the first representative of family Lonchaeidae. The complete mitochondrial genome of Silba sp. is 16,008 bp totally, consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNAs, and 22 transfer RNAs, which has a similar gene structure with other published species of Diptera. The nucleotide composition biases toward A and T is 77.2% of the entirety. All PCGs start with ATN codons, except COI and ND1, and end with TAA or incomplete stop codon. Phylogenetic analyses based on 11 Diptera species supported the monophyly of superfamily Tephritoidea.
- Published
- 2019
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3. Marine litter in sediments related to ecological features in impacted sites and marine protected areas (Croatia).
- Author
Renzi, Monia, Čižmek, Hrvoje, and Blašković, Andrea
- Subjects
MARINE debris ,MARINE sediments ,MARINE parks & reserves ,PLASTIC marine debris - Abstract
Abstract This study estimates levels of marine litter including plastics (macro-, meso- and microplastics) in sediments collected in shallow marine water from Croatia (Central Adriatic Sea). Selected sampling areas are characterized by different human pressure: Silba is highly stressed by tourism while Grebena is listed as marine protected area (MPA) of future institution. Obtained results on marine litter in sediments are correlated to ecological features recorded in each sampling site. Marine litter in collected sediments ranged within 180–528 items/kg d.w. Macroplastics were not recorded while mesoplastics were 1.3–4.8%. On a general basis, fibres are higher than microplastics. In Južni Greben, level of fragments higher than fibres was recorded. A slight significance of the factor "water depth" was evidenced by the statistical analyses exploring relationships among marine litter and ecological features. Furthermore, Silba and Grebena Islands showed a significant different assessment of size, shape and colour features. These results suggest different sources/dynamics affecting marine litter recorded in marine areas stressed by tourism compared to MPA. Highlights • Marine litter in touristic areas and MPA from Croatia Islands ranged within 180–528 items/kg d.w. • Macroplastics were not recorded while mesoplastics were 1.3–4.8%. • Fibres and fragments were the more frequent shapes. • Significant differences in marine litter were recorded between MPA and touristic stressed areas. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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4. Porušena crkva Rođenja Blažene Djevice Marije u Silbi
- Author
Eugen Motušić
- Subjects
Silba ,Church of the Nativity of the Virgin ,vernacular architecture ,lopica porch ,bell tower ,altars ,seventeenth to nineteenth century ,Arts in general ,NX1-820 - Abstract
Već otprije je bio poznat podatak da se godine 1828. u Silbi porušila stara crkva Rođenja B.D. Marije kako bi se dobivenim građevinskim materijalom dovršila prekinuta gradnja nove župne crkve koja naslijeđuje i njen titular. Prema arhivskim podacima rušenje je dozvolio zadarski nadbiskup Josip Nowak i odredio da se do izgradnje nove crkve kao župna koristi nekadašnja franjevačka Gospe od Karmela. Od čitavog je sklopa do danas sačuvan tek zvonik koji je ostao služiti novoj župnoj crkvi. Prema shematiziranim tlocrtu i dimenzijama porušene crkve, dokumentiranima u danas zagubljenom spisu iz župnog arhiva, razvidno je da se radilo o jednobrodnoj longitudinalnoj crkvi s pravokutnom, od lađe užom sakristijom na začelju, dvjema plitkim kapelama dograđenima uz pobočne zidove, te otvorenim predvorjem (ložom) duž pročelja koje se svojim južnim uglom oslanjalo na ugao zvonika. Crkvena je dvorana osim glavnog oltara prislonjenog uz začelje lađe imala tri para pobočnih oltara. Analiza apostolskih i kanonskih vizitacija crkve, prvi puta spomenute 1579. godine, pokazuje da je još u drugoj četvrtini 17. stoljeća ona bila skromna građevina u kojoj se, radi udaljenosti tadašnje župne crkve sv. Marka od naselja, čuva ulje za bolesničko pomazanje. Ipak, crkva je tada imala pet pobočnih oltara koje podižu ugledniji pojedinci i laičke bratovštine od kojih se isticala ona Gospe od Ružarija po kojoj se i crkva tijekom 18. stoljeća pučki nazivala. Na temelju analize zapisa vizitacije nadbiskupa Evanđeliste Parzaghija iz 1670. godine, zaključuje se da je crkva netom prije njegova pohoda pregrađena, dok se prilikom opisa pojedinih oltara navodi da su u ovoj obnovi mijenjali poziciju. Godine 1678. prvi se put spominje zvonik – kampanel. Komparativnom analizom može se ustvrditi da je crkva Male Gospe u Silbi svojom tipologijom pripadala brojnoj skupini jednostavnih, prostranih, ali prema građevnim oblicima ruralnih crkava, kakve tijekom 17. i 18. stoljeća u seoskim sredinama duž istočnojadranske obale podižu pučki majstori. Njihovu djelatnost na otoku potvrđuju kako suvremene matične knjige, tako i spomenici – prikazi zidarskih i klesarskih alata na nadgrobnoj ploči u crkvi sv. Marka te na nadvratniku kuće majstora Franića Lorencina iz 1660. godine. Analiza katastarskih i topografskih nacrta iz 1824. i 1833. godine pokazuje da južni zid crkve istočno od prigrađene kapele Gospe od Ružarija zasebnim usmijerenjem odstupa od pravca ostalog dijela zida, što upućuje na zaključak da je ovaj dio strukture pripadao ranijem, po svemu sudeći srednjovjekovnom sloju građevine koja bi pregradnjom, dokumentiranoj u vizitaciji iz 1670. godine, bila proširena i produžena prema zapadu. Ovu mogućnost, koju bi trebala potvrditi neka buduća arheološka istraživanja lokaliteta, osnažuje učestalost takvih pregradnji na primjerima crkava XVII. i XVIII. stoljeća na otoku Ugljanu, a posebno situacija na tipološki analognom primjeru crkve sv. Lovre u Lukoranu na istom otoku iz 1632. godine. Otvorena predvorja također su osobitost ovih crkava, s tom razlikom da su na hrvatskom priobalju karakteristične upravo za područja Istre i Kvarnera kojemu otok Silba i zemljopisno gravitira. Silbenska je „lopica“ bila specifično izduženog tlocrta te je na pročelju imala dva simetrična niza od po tri nosača s aksijalnim glavnim ulazom u trijem, odnosno crkvu. Radi neposredne prijetnje od upada turskih gusara trijem vjerojatno nije bio prigrađen prije kraja 17. stoljeća kada ove prijetnje prestaju. Naime, toranj zvonika zasigurno je korišten kao obrambena kula, kojoj bi takva prigradnja umanjivala fortifikacijski značaj i vizualnu kontrolu ulaza u crkvu. Uvidom u arhitektonsku strukturu zvonika zapažena su dva različita građevna sloja od kojih starijem pripada trup zvonika, dok se drugi odnosi na strukturu piramide osovljene na plitkom kvadratnom tamburu. Trup zvonika u svojem izvornom obliku zatvorenog je volumena s po jednim lučno zaključenim otvorom u središtu stranica dvaju završnih katova kojih stilski nedefinirana morfologija karakterizira skromnije zvonike od kraja 16. do 18. stoljeća na ovom području. Nekadašnja je piramida 1858. godine radi trošnosti uklonjena te je izgrađena sadašnja s ovalnim otvorima po sredini svake stranice tambura u njenom podnožju. Ova je struktura gotovo identična vršnom dijelu zvonika crkve Gospe od Ružarija u Preku na otoku Ugljanu podignutom 1844. godine. Na temelju arhivskih podataka u radu se utvrđuje da je radikalno preslikana pala glavnog oltara sadašnje župne crkve - „Bogordica s Djetetom, sv. Markom i sv. Matejem“ - u svom ostakljenom dijelu izvorno sadržavala brojne zavjetne darove, te da joj je prilikom umetanja u nišu mramornog retabla Ćirila M. Ivekovića iz 1898. godine skraćen format čime su uklonjeni dijelovi s ostala dva evanđelista. Prema sačuvanom ugovoru i nacrtu donji je dio oltara 1860. godine podigao vodnjanski altarist Giovanni dalla Zonca, a na njemu su bili postavljeni i do danas sačuvani drveni kipovi sv. Petra i Pavla koji prema stilskim karakteristikama datiraju iz sredine 17. stoljeća. Zaključuje se da su čašćena slika i kipovi preneseni s glavnog oltara porušene crkve.
- Published
- 2014
5. Silba fumosa
- Author
Ebejer, Martin J. and Nicolosi, Giuseppe
- Subjects
Silba fumosa ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba fumosa (Egger, 1862) Material examined: 2♀, Sicily, Etna, Rifugio Citelli, Betula wood, 1700m, 12.vi.1999, M.J. Ebejer. New record for Sicily ., Published as part of Ebejer, Martin J. & Nicolosi, Giuseppe, 2022, New records of acalyptrate Diptera from Sicily (Brachycera, Muscomorpha: Asteiidae, Aulacigastridae, Carnidae, Lonchaeidae, Odiniidae, Pallopteridae, Periscelididae, Piophilidae, Sciomyzidae, Ulidiidae), pp. 101-104 in Fragmenta entomologica 54 (1) on pages 102-103, DOI: 10.13133/2284-4880/766, http://zenodo.org/record/8148054
- Published
- 2022
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6. Rasprostranjenost i potencijal uzgoja spužava iz roda Spongia u akvatoriju otoka Silbe
- Author
Sutlović, Marta and Zubak Čižmek, Ivana
- Subjects
Spužve ,Spongia ,rasprostranjenost ,SCUBA ,Silba ,uzgoj ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Biologija ,Sponges ,Farming ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Biology ,Distribution - Abstract
Morske spužve su važna komponenta bentičke faune te u ekosustavu obavljaju niz funkcionalnih uloga koje doprinose zdravlju ekosustava i smanjuju utjecaj sve prisutnijih promjena u okolišu na morske zajednice. Spužve iz roda Spongia rasprostranjene su na čvrstim sublitoralnim podlogama u cijelom Sredozemnom moru (osobito u njegovom istočnom dijelu) i duž istočne obale Atlantika. Socioekonomska važnost ovog roda poznata je od davnina, a iskorištavaju se i danas te se interes za iskorištavanjem povećava. Iskorištavanje spužava u komercijalne svrhe smatra se njihovom najvećom ugrozom, gdje prekomjerni izlov i korištenje neadekvatnih ribolovnih alata dovode do znatne degradacije populacija. Spužve su osjetljivi organizmi koji pod snažnim antropogenim utjecajem doživljavaju pojave masovnog mortaliteta i bolesti. Neadekvatno odlaganje otpada i otpadnih voda, odbačeni ribolovni alati te sve jači utjecaj klimatskih promjena (porast temperature mora, promjene pH i promjene u morskim strujama), dovode do promjena u bogatstvu vrsta, brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti spužava. U Jadranskom moru je zabilježeno šest vrsta iz roda Spongia. U ovom diplomskom radu istražena je rasprostranjenost i potencijal uzgoja spužava iz roda Spongia u akvatoriju otoka Silbe (Zadarska županija). Utvrđena je široka rasprostranjenost spužava iz roda Spongia - zabilježene su 223 jedinke vrste S. officinalis te je primijećeno kako njihova prisutnost na određenoj lokaciji ovisi o tipu staništa; najveći broj jedinki (n=135) pronađen je na kamenu s prisutnim makro algama, a najmanji (n=4) na kamenu s algama uz prisustvo morske cvjetnice posidonije. Prikupljeni podaci ukazuju da se akvatorij otoka Silbe može smatrati povoljnom lokacijom za uspostavljanje uzgoja spužvi iz roda Spongia. Budući da su istraživanja o komercijalno važnim vrstama spužava i ugrozama za iste u Jadranskom moru nedostatna, ne provodi se monitoring i nije poznato stanje očuvanosti vrsta iz roda Spongia, potrebno je započeti istraživanja kako bi se razjasnilo postojeće stanje i utvrdili problemi koji dovode do degradacije prirodnih populacija spužava. Potencijalni uzgoj spužava iz roda Spongia smanjio bi pritisak na prirodne populacije te pridonio njihovom obnavljanju. Marine sponges are an essential component of the benthic fauna. They play numerous functional roles in the ecosystem, thus contributing to ecosystem health and reducing the impact of increasing environmental changes on marine communities. Sponges of the genus Spongia are distributed on hard sublittoral substrates throughout the Mediterranean (especially in its eastern part) and along the east coast of the Atlantic. The socio-economic importance of this species has been known since ancient times, and they are still being exploited today with increasing interest for exploitation. The exploitation of sponges for commercial purposes is considered the greatest threat to these organisms, where overfishing and the use of inadequate fishing gear lead to significant degradation of their populations. Sponges are sensitive organisms that experience mass mortality and disease phenomena under a strong anthropogenic influence. Inadequate waste and wastewater disposal, discarded fishing tools, and the growing impact of climate change (rising sea temperatures, pH changes, and changes in marine currents) lead to changes in the species richness, abundance, and distribution of sponges. Six species of the genus Spongia have been recorded in the Adriatic Sea. This dissertation investigates sponges' distribution and farming potential from the genus Spongia around Silba Island (Zadar County). We found that they are widely distributed – 223 individuals of S. officinalis were recorded. Their distribution varies according to habitat type; the largest number of individuals (n = 135) was found on the rocky habitat with macroalgae, and the smallest (n = 4) on the rocks with algae and the presence of seagrass Posidonia oceanica. The data indicate that the Silba area could be considered a favorable location for farming sponges of the genus Spongia. Since research on commercially important sponges in the Adriatic Sea (and their threats) is insufficient, no monitoring is implemented, and the conservation status of Spongia species is unknown, research is needed to clarify the current state and identify problems leading to the degradation of natural populations of sponges. Potential aquaculture of sponges from the genus Spongia would reduce the pressure on natural populations and contribute to their regeneration.
- Published
- 2022
7. Infrastruktura otoka : diplomski rad
- Author
Borković, Niko, Jurić, Ivan, Andrić, Ivo, and Boko, Ivica
- Subjects
TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Arhitektura i urbanizam. Arhitektonsko projektiranje ,sportski kompleksi ,vodopskrba ,otoci ,kišnica ,sportski centri ,društveni centri ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Architecture and Urbanism. Architectural Design ,Silba - Abstract
Otok Silba, najsjeverniji je otok zadarskog arhipelaga. Silba pripada jadranskim otocima na kojima nije osiguran pristup vodi putem sustava javne vodoopskrbe, već se prikuplja kišnicama u cisternama. Komentorski i urbanistički dio projekta bavi se načinom rješavanja sustava plitkih drenova koji bi bilo moguće realizirati te omogućiti kontinuiranu opskrbu vodom za potrebe stanovništva i lokalnih obrtnika te nadodati nove sadržaje na punktovima gdje se prikuplja voda. U arhitektonskom djelu projekta obrađuje se jedan od većih punktova koji se sastoji od više manjih nezavisnih objekata koje je moguće izgraditi etapno. Započelo bi se s objektima prioritetnim za lokalno stanovništvo i sezonske turiste, poput društvenog i sportskog kompleksa. Neovisno o njima, među prvima planirana bi bila izgradnja sustava cisterni za prikupljanje kišnice.
- Published
- 2022
8. Silba ischnopoda MacGowan et Compton 2018
- Author
MacGowan, I. and Barták, M.
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Silba ischnopoda ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba ischnopoda MacGowan et Compton, 2018 Silba ischnopoda MacGowan & Compton, 2018: 197. DISTRIBUTION. Cambodia, Thailand., Published as part of MacGowan, I. & Barták, M., 2022, An annotated list of Lonchaeidae (Diptera) from China, Cambodia and Vietnam with description of a new species, pp. 10-16 in Far Eastern Entomologist 447 on page 12, DOI: 10.25221/fee.447.2, http://zenodo.org/record/7166718
- Published
- 2022
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9. Silba microcercosa MacGowan 2007
- Author
MacGowan, I. and Barták, M.
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba microcercosa ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba microcercosa MacGowan, 2007 Silba microcercosa MacGowan, 2007: 26. DISTRIBUTION. Vietnam (Tay Ninh Province)., Published as part of MacGowan, I. & Barták, M., 2022, An annotated list of Lonchaeidae (Diptera) from China, Cambodia and Vietnam with description of a new species, pp. 10-16 in Far Eastern Entomologist 447 on page 14, DOI: 10.25221/fee.447.2, http://zenodo.org/record/7166718
- Published
- 2022
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10. Silba hebridensis MacGowan 2021, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Silba hebridensis ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba hebridensis sp. nov. (Figures 36-39) Description. MALE: Body length 3.0mm. Head: Eyes bare. Frons when viewed from above grey dusted, ratio of width at anterior margin to eye width 0.5:1. Interfrontal and frontal setulae very short approximately 0.1x length of orbital seta, becoming longer near anterior margin. Orbital plate shining black, bare apart from orbital seta. Lunule, ground colour dull brown, lightly grey dusted as are face and parafacials. Antennae entirely black, postpedicel length to depth ratio 1.9:1. Arista plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of postpedicel 1.1:1. Anterior genal setae in a single row of five along mouth margin. Thorax: scutum shining black, covered with setulae approximately 0.25x length of orbital seta. Anepisternum with three anterior and four? posterior setae. Katepisternum, two setae located near dorsal margin, anterior weaker than posterior. One seta on both proepimeron and proepisternum. Scutellum, disc heavily dusted, bare, margin between lateral and apical setae with three setulae on left side, two on right, one setula between apical setae. Calypteres white with a white fringe. Wings light fumose, veins light brown. Wing length 2.8mm. Legs entirely black. Male terminalia: In lateral view epandrium slightly wider than high, in ventral view rather spherical, long setae situated along posterior and ventral margins. Cerci rather rectangular approximately 0.5x height of epandrium, with numerous setae apically Surstyli projecting beyond shell of epandrium ventrally as a blunt, almost square process. Internal surface of surstyli with a posterior uniserial row of 6 uniformly sized prensisetae, two strong setae situated near base of cerci. Remainder of inner surface covered with numerous small spicules ventrally, medially with an anterior-posterior loose row of small tubercles. Four—five strong setae located at base of posterior process. Pregonites rather large and club-shaped. Phallus, a complex structure, consisting of closely associated outer and inner layers, inner section C- shaped with a rather acutely pointed apical part, a small lateral projection present at base of apical half. Outer layer following the curvature of the inner but straighter and blunter apically. Type material. Holotype ♂: VANUATU: Malekula, Oubua, iii & iv.1929, L. E. Cheesman (BMNH). Paratype: 1 ♂ with the same data as holotype. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the New Hebrides, the pre-independence name of Vanuatu. Remarks. A relatively dull and dusted species. In the general shape of the epandrium it shows some affinities to S. erromango described above but there are fewer prensisetae. It also lacks the numerous processes arising from the hypandrial structures and the phallus is more complex. The Holotype is mounted on a rather large pin which has somewhat squashed the specimen., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2021, The Lonchaeidae of Vanuatu (Diptera: Schizophora), pp. 342-362 in Zootaxa 4926 (3) on page 358, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4926.3.2, http://zenodo.org/record/4529270
- Published
- 2021
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11. Silba erromango MacGowan 2021, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Silba erromango ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba erromango sp. nov. (Figures 33—35) Description. MALE: Body length 3.0mm. Head: Eyes bare. Frons dull sooty black, narrowing only slightly from level of ocellar triangle to antennal bases where it is 0.5x eye width. Interfrontal and frontal setulae approximately 0.25x length of orbital seta, becoming longer near anterior margin. Lunule black, face and parafacials light grey dusted Antennae black, postpedicel length to depth ratio 1.7:1. Arista missing. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of four along mouth edge, the basal setula of this row strong and reclinate. Thorax: scutum sub-shining blue black, covered with setulae approximately 0.25x length of orbital seta. Anepisternum with two? anterior setae and three? posteriorly (these difficult to distinguish from other long setulae on the sclerite). Katepisternum, one strong seta situated near dorsal margin, a weaker seta situated anterior to it. Scutellum with setae and setulae missing. Calypteres; very small, greyish with a darker margin, fringe short and dark. Wings light fumose, wing length 2.8mm. Legs entirely black. Male terminalia: In lateral view epandrium slightly wider than high, in ventral view rather spherical, with a scattering of long setae along posterior and ventral margins. Cerci rather rectangular approximately 0.5x height of epandrium. Apically with numerous setae approximately 0.5x as long as depth of cerci. Surstyli projecting beyond shell of epandrium ventrally, forming a relatively large finger-like posterior projection. Internal surface of surstyli posteriorly with a row of eight prensisetae gradually decreasing in size ventrally, a ninth smaller prensiseta slightly detached at ventral end of the row. one strong seta situated anterior to dorsal two prensisetae, remainder of inner surface with numerous small setulae. Approximately seven setae located at base of the finger-like process. Hypandrium conspicuous for its numerous projections, two long, sinuous ventrally- directed finger-like projections arising from anterior margin of hypandrial apodeme, a shorter pair situated laterally to these. Pregonites with long apical projections each bearing a single seta, with an additional long, curved posterior arm. Postgonites also extended ventrally into two arms, setulose at apices. One further pair of long medially-directed projections arising near posterior margin of hypandrium. Phallus; a simple J-shaped tube. Type material. Holotype ♂: VANUATU: Erromango, Dillons Bay, iii.1981, N. L. H. Krauss (BMNH). Paratypes: Tanna, Lenakel. 0-150m, iii 1970, N. L. H. Krauss, 6♂; Lenakel. 0-100m, xi 1978, N. L. H. Krauss, 1♂ (BPBM). Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the island of Erromango on which the holotype was captured. Remarks. This species is distinguished from other Silba species by its numerous short prensisetae and the unique ventrally-directed projections arising from the structures of the hypandrium., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2021, The Lonchaeidae of Vanuatu (Diptera: Schizophora), pp. 342-362 in Zootaxa 4926 (3) on pages 355-357, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4926.3.2, http://zenodo.org/record/4529270
- Published
- 2021
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12. Paleolitičko nalazište Pećina na Zmorašnjem grebenu kod Silbe
- Author
Vujević, Dario and Parica, Mate
- Subjects
arheologija ,speleologija ,Silba ,Grebeni ,srednji paleolitik ,gornji paleolitik - Abstract
Područje silbenskih grebena čini 5.5 km dugi niz vapnenačkih otoka koji se reljefno nastavljaju na sjeveroistočni greben otoka Ista. Iako već odavno poznati ljubiteljima podvodne arheologije, „kopneni“ dio Grebena u arheološkom je smislu bio terra incognita. Slučajna dojava o postojanju pećine na jednom bila je povod arheološkom pregledu i otkriću nekoliko potencijalnih lokacija za daljnja arheološka istraživanja. Među njima najznačajnije mjesto zauzima Pećina na Zmorašnjem (Zapadnom) grebenu. Sa zaštićenim prostorom i velikim ulaznim dijelom koji gleda na jug, na prolaz između otoka Premude i Škarde, pećina već na prvi pogled otkriva svoj potencijal. Danas dno većinom čini matična stijena, osim po sredini gdje se nalazi uska traka zemlje i sitnog kamenja. Upravo je na tom području pronađen veći broj razbacanih nalaza, s uzorkom koji ukazuje da je djelovanje voda u mnogočemu zaslužno za zatečenu situaciju. Uz komade grube prapovijesne keramike, većinu nalaza čine litički predmeti s karakteristikama koje se mogu povezati uz srednji i nešto u manjem broju uz gornji paleolitik. Otkriveni kontekst otvorio je pitanja stratigrafije nalazišta i mogućnosti pronalaska intaktnih slojeva, a odgovore na njih dala je sonda 1 postavljena na ulaznom platou. Na dubini od 1 m otkriven je sloj s nalazima koji se po svojim karakteristikama s velikom sigurnošću mogu pripisati srednjem paleolitiku. Kad se navedenom pridodaju otkrića velike koštane breče ispod same pećine, urušenog speleološkog objekta u neposrednoj blizini, zatim otkriće pećine s litičkim nalazima na Središnjem grebenu, već poznati nalazi s otoka Molata, kao i rijetki, ali ipak prisutni litički nalazi na samom otoku Silbi, dobiva se dovoljno elemenata za raspravu o mogućem postojanju paleolitičkog sustava na širem području s tragovima različitih aktivnosti potrebnih za život paleolitičkih zajednica
- Published
- 2021
13. The complete mitochondrial genome of
- Author
Liang, Wang, Xin, Li, and Ding, Yang
- Subjects
Lonchaeidae ,fungi ,parasitic diseases ,complete mitochondrial genome ,phylogeny ,Silba ,Mitogenome Announcement ,Research Article - Abstract
The mitochondrial genome of Silba sp. was sequenced and annotated as the first representative of family Lonchaeidae. The complete mitochondrial genome of Silba sp. is 16,008 bp totally, consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNAs, and 22 transfer RNAs, which has a similar gene structure with other published species of Diptera. The nucleotide composition biases toward A and T is 77.2% of the entirety. All PCGs start with ATN codons, except COI and ND1, and end with TAA or incomplete stop codon. Phylogenetic analyses based on 11 Diptera species supported the monophyly of superfamily Tephritoidea.
- Published
- 2020
14. Marine litter in sediments related to ecological features in impacted sites and marine protected areas (Croatia)
- Author
Hrvoje Čižmek, Monia Renzi, Andrea Blašković, Renzi, M., Cizmek, H., and Blaskovic, A.
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Geologic Sediments ,Microplastics ,Croatia ,Marine protected area ,Chemical ,Plastic ,010501 environmental sciences ,Aquatic Science ,Oceanography ,01 natural sciences ,Geologic Sediment ,Statistical analyses ,Marine debris ,Marine protected areas ,Water Pollutants ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Central Adriatic Sea ,Garbage plastic wastes ,Shallow water ,Silba ,Environmental Monitoring ,Plastics ,Water Pollutants, Chemical ,Conservation of Water Resources ,Ecology ,010604 marine biology & hydrobiology ,Microplastic ,Sampling (statistics) ,Pollution ,Water depth ,Waves and shallow water ,Human pressure ,Environmental science ,Garbage plastic waste - Abstract
This study estimates levels of marine litter including plastics (macro-, meso- and microplastics) in sediments collected in shallow marine water from Croatia (Central Adriatic Sea). Selected sampling areas are characterized by different human pressure: Silba is highly stressed by tourism while Grebena is listed as marine protected area (MPA) of future institution. Obtained results on marine litter in sediments are correlated to ecological features recorded in each sampling site. Marine litter in collected sediments ranged within 180–528 items/kg d.w. Macroplastics were not recorded while mesoplastics were 1.3–4.8%. On a general basis, fibres are higher than microplastics. In Južni Greben, level of fragments higher than fibres was recorded. A slight significance of the factor “water depth” was evidenced by the statistical analyses exploring relationships among marine litter and ecological features. Furthermore, Silba and Grebena Islands showed a significant different assessment of size, shape and colour features. These results suggest different sources/dynamics affecting marine litter recorded in marine areas stressed by tourism compared to MPA.
- Published
- 2019
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15. Silba fungicola Macgowan 2020, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Silba fungicola ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba fungicola MacGowan sp. nov. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons, sub-shining black, dulled by microsculpture, at narrowest point anterior to ocellar triangle approximately 0.5x eye width. Orbital plate sub-shining black, dulled by microsculpture, bare apart from orbital seta. Frontal and interfrontal setulae very short, approximately 0.1x length of orbital seta. Lunule setulose, ground colour black. Face and parafacials sub-shining black. Anterior genal setulae forming a single row of 3���4 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from the other genal setulae. Antennae entirely black, postpedicel length to depth ratio 2.7:1. Arista, plumosity short, at greatest extent 0.5x width of postpedicel. Thorax: scutum grey dusted, sub-shining black, covered with setulae approximately 0.25x length of orbital seta. Anepisternum, grey dusted, anterior setae in a vertical row of 4, the ventral pair weaker than the dorsal, 3 posterior setae, shorter setulae scattered between these rows. Katepisternum grey dusted, 2 setae near dorsal margin, the posterior slightly stronger than anterior, a few setulae lying anterior to these along the anterior margin of the sclerite. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta, that on the proepisternum much stronger than that on the proepimeron. Scutellum, grey dusted contrasting with the sub-shining black of the thoracic scutum, on margin with 3���4 setulae between lateral and apical setae, 2 very short setulae between apical setae. Calypteres whitish with a slightly brown margin, fringe white, of uniform length. Halteres black with a black stalk. Wings clear, veins light brown, wing length 3.75mm. Legs entirely black including ventral row of spicules on fore and hind basal tarsomeres. Male terminalia: (Figures 1���4): In lateral view epandrium slightly higher than wide, anteriorly with a semi-circular excavation, numerous long setulae on ventral and posterior surface. Cerci, rather rectangular, approximately 0.5x height of epandrium, bearing numerous short, stiff setulae on posterior and ventral surfaces. Surstyli projecting only slightly postero-ventrally beyond the shell of the epandrium as a rather flat, rounded lobe. In ventral view; surstyli with a marginal row of stiff setulae, a pair of setulae present at base of cerci. Pregonites finger-like, slightly narrowed apically, each with a single apical seta. Postgonites large and square-shaped, a group of setulae present on median posterior angle. Internal view; prensisetae small, forming a single curved row of 5 near posterior margin of surstyli, one seta positioned near base of each cercus. Inner surface of surstylus with a band of small posteriorly directed setae along outer margin, approximately twelve long, transverse creases positioned on centrally, medial these an area of small, rounded tubercles. Phallus with basal portion deep and rectangular in shape, bearing numerous small spicules, intromittent organ long, slender and, slightly curved. Female; similar to male apart from the usual sexual differences Aculeus relatively narrow. Apical segment with a long pair of dorso-basal and ventro-apical setulae, these more than 0.5x length of apical segment Type material: Holotype ♂. JAPAN, Nanao city, Ishikawa prefecture. Sample 524. 22. vii. 2012. Leg. N. Tuno. Reared from larvae found in Amanita spissacea Imai, 1933 (Amanitaceae). Paratypes: With the same data as the Holotype 2♂ 3 ♀. Kanazawa city, Ishikawa prefecture, Sample 477, 9.vii.2012, 2 ♂ 3 ♀, reared from larvae found in Amanita ibotengutake Oda et al, 2002 (Amanitaceae). Nomi city, Ishikawa prefecture, Sample 119, 12.vii.2012. 1♂ 4♀, reared from larvae found in Lactarius sp. (Russulaceae). All leg. N. Tuno. All specimens in National Museum of Scotland. Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the larval substrate. Differential diagnosis: This is a rather typical Silba species the key specific characters being the structures of the male genitalia, particularly the lateral creases on the inner surface of the surstyli and the structure of the phallus. This species is obviously a fungal specialist with 110 individuals being recorded from 3 families and 15 species of fungi in Japan. The major family utilised was Amanitaceae with 47% of the rearing records with the genera Amanita, Tylopilus, Boletus, Lactarius, Leccinum and Russula also acting as hosts (Tuno et al, 2019) Silba mitsuii MacGowan sp. nov. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons, narrow approximately 0.4x width of eye, covered with heavy grey dusting. Orbital plate grey dusted, bare apart from orbital seta. Frontal and interfrontal setulae short, approximately 0.25x length of orbital seta. Lunule, ground colour black. Face and parafacials very lightly grey dusted. Anterior genal setulae forming a single row of 7 along mouth margin. Antennae entirely black, postpedicel length to depth ratio 2.5:1. Arista with short plumosity, at greatest extent 0.4x width of postpedicel Thorax: scutum sub-shining black, covered with setulae approximately 0.5x length of orbital seta. Anepisternum, heavily grey dusted anteriorly, a vertical row of 3 anterior and 4 posterior setae on left side of thorax, 4 anterior and 3 posterior on right, a scattering of shorter setulae between these rows. Katepisternum grey dusted, 2 setae positioned near dorsal margin, the posterior slightly stronger than anterior, a few setulae lying anterior to these. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum, more heavily dusted than thoracic scutum, margin with 7���8 setulae between lateral and apical setae, 4 between apical setae, all these setulae relatively long, approximately 0.5x length of lateral setae. Calypteres blackish with a dense fringe of black setulae. Halteres black with a black stalk. Wings slightly fumose anteriorly basally, veins dark brown Wing length 4.4mm. Legs entirely black including ventral row of spicules on fore and hind basal tarsomeres. Male terminalia: (Figures 7���10). In lateral view epandrium slightly wider than high, anteriorly with a semi-circular excavation, numerous long setulae located ventrally and posteriorly. Cerci, rather rectangular, approximately 0.5x height of epandrium, bearing numerous short, stiff setulae on posterior and ventral surfaces. Surstyli projecting postero-ventrally from the shell of the epandrium as a large slightly angular lobe. Ventral view; surstyli with a marginal row of stiff setulae, a single setula present at base of each cercus. Pregonites finger-like, slightly bifurcated apically, with a single apical seta. Postgonites small and simple, narrowed apically with a single apical seta. Internal view; prensisetae forming a single curved row of 6 near posterior margin, 1 seta lying anterior to this row and one near base of cerci, ventrally with a covering of numerous small spicule-like setulae. Phallus U-shaped, with a pair of long sinuous basal processes and large, broad, spiculate lateral processes, intromittent organ short, slightly curved. Female: similar to male apart from the usual sexual differences. Frons width 0.5x eye width. Calypteres yellowish-white with a relatively dense fringe of white setulae. Wings clearer than in male with more yellowish veins.Aculeus relatively broad and strong, narrowing towards the blade-like apical segment which is slightly rounded apically. Apical segment ventrally with 3 pairs of lateral setulae, apical pair of the row 2x as long as the preceding pairs. Type material: Holotype ♂. JAPAN, Tokyo. Hachioji, 18.iii.2015. leg H. Mitsui ex. flower buds of Camellia japonica L. Paratypes: 6 ♂ 6 ♀ with the same data as the Holotype The holotype and 4 ♂ 4 ♀ paratypes deposited the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh (NMS). 2 ♂ 2 ♀ paratypes in the Laboratory of Systematic Entomology, Hokkaido University Museum (SEHU). Etymology: the specific epithet refers to Dr. Hideyuki Mitsui who first found this species developing in Camellia flower buds. Differential diagnosis: This is a rather typical Silba species the key specific character being the distinctive structure of the phallus. The condition of having differently coloured calypters and fringes in the male and female is not unknown in Asian Silba species being found in species such as Silba capsicarum McAlpine, 1956 and Silba atratula (Walker, 1860) (MacGowan & Rauf 2018). Although the presence of the larvae in the flower buds of C. japonica is likely to cause premature bud drop, lack of flowering and reduced seed production there would appear to be no recognised agricultural or horticultural impact. In Japan Camellia oil is produced from C. japonica, although amount is very small and it is also cultivated for horticultural use. Whether S. mitsuii or other Silba species attack other Camellia species is as yet unknown. There would be a potentially damaging agricultural impact if Silba larvae were to attack the buds of C. oleifera Abel, 1818 an important source of edible oil cultivated extensively in China. It is also possible that C. sinensis (L.) Kuntze (tea) could also be attacked by this species. Although no systematic study seems to have been carried out there are at present no reports of this or any related Silba species causing agricultural damage to C. japonica, C. oleifera or C. sinensis (M. Kimura pers.com.)., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2020, Two new species of Silba (Diptera; Lonchaeidae) from Japan with unusual larval development sites, pp. 177-182 in Zootaxa 4755 (1) on pages 178-182, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4755.1.10, http://zenodo.org/record/3724234, {"references":["Tuno, N., Nitta, M., Kobayashi, M. & Kitabayashi, K. (2019) Diversity and host associations of dipteran insects exploiting fungal fruiting bodies in Hokuriku, central Japan. Entomological Science, 22 (2) 161 - 166. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / ens. 12349","MacGowan, I. & Rauf, A. (2018) Silba capsicarum (Diptera: Lonchaeidae), a newly recognized pest of chilli pepper in Java. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 22 (1), 83 - 86. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. aspen. 2018.12.003"]}
- Published
- 2020
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16. Porušena crkva Rođenja Blažene Djevice Marije u Silbi.
- Author
Motušić, Eugen
- Subjects
Based on the archival records and architectural drawings, this article reconstructs and analyzes the architectural structure of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary at Silba which was demolished in 1828 and its building material used for the construction of the nearby parish church. Information about the history of the church and particularly those about its thorough renovation during the 1660s has been gathered from the records of the canonical visitations. On the basis of the church's porch of the lopica type, a structure characteristic of contemporary vernacular churches in Istria and the Quarnero gulf, the article argues that the island of Silba belonged to the same cultural sphere. All that remains of the former church complex is a bell tower which was built during the aforementioned renovation and provided with a new pyramidal roof in 1858. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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17. New species of Lonchaeidae ( Diptera: Schizophora) from Japan and a re-evaluation of genus Setisquamalonchaea Morge.
- Author
MacGowan, Iain and Okamoto, Tomoko
- Subjects
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FLIES , *LONCHAEIDAE , *FICUS (Plants) , *CLASSIFICATION of insects , *INSECT morphology - Abstract
Three new species of Lonchaeidae are described from material reared from fig syconia in Japan: Silba inubiwa sp. nov., S. ishigaki sp. nov. and S. japonica sp. nov. Based on the taxonomy of these and similar species the boundaries of the genus Silba are re-evaluated, and, as a result, it is considered that Setisquamalonchaea Morge is synonymous with Silba Macquart. A revised key and generic notes on the tribe Lonchaeini are provided. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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18. Od Vrgade do Silbe: Udio otočana sa zadarskoga arhipelaga u mletačkim kopnenim postrojbama u 18. stoljeću
- Author
Čoralić, Lovorka
- Subjects
Silba ,Vrgada ,Zadarsko otočje ,Mletačka vojska ,18. st - Abstract
U Zadru se raspravlja udio stanovnika zadarskog otočja u mletačkim vojnim postrojbama (Croati a cavallo, Fanti oltramarini) 18. stoljeća.
- Published
- 2020
19. The topography of Silba in Classical Antiquity
- Author
Goričanec, Lovro Krešimir and Jadrić-Kučan, Ivana
- Subjects
Pocukmarak bay ,Sveti Ante Cove ,uvala Sv. Ante ,Silba, uvala Pocukmarak, antički brodolom ,podvodna arheologija ,antički brodolom ,Cape Samotvorac ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Archeology. Ancient Archeology ,uvala Pocukmarak ,Cape Arat ,kasnoantičko pristanište ,underwater archaeology ,rt Samotvorac ,rt Arat ,antique shipwrecks ,Silba ,Grebeni ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Arheologija. Antička arheologija ,late antique pier - Abstract
Otok Silba mali je otok istočnojadranskog arhipelaga. Pribraja se skupini sjevernodalmatinskih otoka, odnosno zadarskoj podskupini. Svojim smještajem Silba je rano uključena u plovidbene rute prapovijesti i antike, što je evidentirano arheološkim materijalom. Silba se također ističe dugim kontinuitetom naseljenosti. Iz razdoblja prapovijesti otkriveni su tragovi naseljenosti Liburna, dok se u antici na otoku stacioniraju Rimljani. O dolasku Hrvata na otok govori se od 8. do 10. stoljeća. Upravo iz 10. stoljeća potječe prvi pisani spomen Silbe. Radi se o 29. poglavlju djela De administrando imperio, bizantskog cara Konstantina VII. Porfirogeneta, gdje car navodi ime Σελβώ/Selbo. Rimska prisutnosti utvrđena je na poziciji uvale Pocukmarak. Toponim Pocukmarak vuče korijen od latinskog Sanctus Marcus. Upravo su toponimi tipa san(c)tu(s) + naziv sveca vezani uz kasnoantičke crkve 5. i 6. stoljeća, a iznad same uvale smještena je crkva sv. Marka čija se izvorna građevina datira u 5. ili 6. stoljeće. U vezu s navedenim vremenskim okvirom lokalitet se dovodi i zbog sporadičnih nalaza otkrivanih tijekom 20. stoljeća. Zdenko Brusić i Smiljan Gluščević na temelju svojih istraživanja izlažu da je na prostoru uvale postojao gospodarski kompleks i njemu pripadajuća nekropola. Z. Brusić također u podmorju uvale uočava ostatke arhitekture u sklopu mola, ispostavljenih kao dijelove sarkofaga u funkciji spolija. Iako nije u potpunosti jasan njihov kronološki odnos, pretpostavljena je istovremenost upotrebe dijelova sarkofaga kao spolija i gradnje mola. Pronađeni drveni dijelovi u sklopu mola omogućili su okvirnu dataciju lokaliteta u 5. ili 6. stoljeće. Osim uvale Pocukmarak, sustavna istraživanja, pod vodstvom S. Gluščevića, provedena su i na Grebenima. Radi se o otočićima smještenima u Silbanskom kanalu, Zapadnom, Srednjem i Južnom grebenu. Uz obale Južnoga grebena otkriven je rimskodobni brodolom datiran u vremenski okvir od 40. do 50. godine. Utvrđeno je kako se radi o trgovačkom brodu s amforama tipa Dressel 2-4 i nepravilnim lomljenim kamenom kao glavnim teretom. Među ostalim teretom, određeni primjerci keramičkog posuđa sugeriraju istočnomediteransko podrijetlo broda. U neposrednoj blizini Zapadnoga grebena locirane su tri pličine, također s materijalom koji se može opisati teretom antičkih brodoloma. Uz spomenute brodolome, uz obale obaju otočića pronađeni su sporadični nalazi amfora i sidara. Sporadični nalazi također su pronađeni u uvali Sv. Ante te na rtovima Arat i Samotvorac. The island of Silba is a small island within the eastern Adriatic island group. It is situated within the north Dalmatian subgroup of islands, belonging to the Zadar division. Due to its setting Silba has been a part of the prehistoric and antique seafaring routes, which is evident through the accumulated archaeological findings. Moreover, the island has a long history of settlement. Traces of the Liburni have been discovered with the prehistoric period in question, while the Romans have left their mark in the Age of Antiquity. One can talk about the advent of the Croatian people on the island around the 8th or 10th century. The 10th century is also worthy of note as it yielded the first written mention of the island. The Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos mentions Silba in the form of Σελβώ/Selbo within the 29th chapter of his pivotal body of work, De Administrando Imperio. With regard to the Roman presence on the island, it has been established in the bay of Pocukmarak. The toponym Pocukmarak derives from the Latin phrase Sanctus Marcus. That is important to note as toponyms of the san(c)tu(s) + a saint's name built are linked with Late Antiquity churches of the 5th and 6th century. At the same time, the oldest church on the island, the church of Saint Mark, lies in proximity of the bay. It can be dated back to the 5th or 6th century itself. The site can also be placed inside the aforementioned time frame due to the findings sporadically discovered throughout the 20th century. Zdenko Brusić and Smiljan Gluščević laid out the possibility of an economic complex and accompanying cemetery existing at the location at the time. In addition, Z. Brusić observed architectural remains incorporated within a small pier submerged not too far away from the shore. The remains turned out to be various sarcophagi parts used as spolia. Although their exact chronological relation is not fully clear, it is assumed the sarcophagi were used as spolia simultaneously with the construction of the pier. Some uncovered wooden parts helped to roughly date the site in the 5th -6 th century. The Pocukmarak bay is not the only site where methodical research has been carried out. S. Gluščević conducted such aforementioned research on the location of Grebeni. They are a group of three small islands known as the Western, Middle and Southern Greben. Along the coast of the Southern Greben a shipwreck from the Roman period was found. It was dated to a time frame between the year 40 AD and 50 AD. As a result of the conducted research, a merchant ship with Dressel 2-4 type of amphorae and unevenly cut stone as the ship's main cargo was reconstructed. Among the rest of the cargo, particular pottery items suggested an Eastern Mediterranean origin of the ship. In proximity of the Western Greben three shallows were located. The finds in the shallows suggested more antique shipwrecks. Alongside the aforesaid shipwrecks, findings of amphorae and anchors were found along the coast of the Western and Southern Greben. Scattered findings were also found in the Sveti Ante Cove and around the Arat Cape and Samotvorac Cape.
- Published
- 2020
20. Jaslice u jednoj privatnoj kući na otoku Silbi
- Author
Teodora Vigato
- Subjects
Silba ,jaslice ,vertep ,szop - Abstract
U radu autorica predstavlja jaslice u privatnoj kući na otoku Silbi koje podsjećaju na poljsku szopku i ukrajinski vertep. Pretpostavlja kako su pomorci jaslice na Silbu donijeli s Crnog mora, kamo su često plovili. Istražuje kako su izgledale jaslice u silbenskim kućama i crkvi prije Drugoga svjetskog rata i kako su izgledale u hrvatskoj tradiciji. Po silbenskim kućama i u crkvi figure u jaslicama panoramski su raspoređene, a u jaslicama koje podsjećaju na poljsku szopku i ukrajinski vertep raspoređene su na katove. U prizemlju se nalaze figure koje obične susrećemo u jaslicama, a na katu je ostavljeno mjesto za scene iz svakodnevnog života. U drugom dijelu rada autorica prikazuje načine kako su se nepokretne figure pokrenule i postale minijaturno kazalište lutaka i pokušava prodrijeti u značenja jaslica koje se nalaze u kutiji ili kućici.
- Published
- 2020
21. Assessment of desalination technologies for useage on Croatian islands
- Author
Bebić, Marino and Pašičko, Robert
- Subjects
Premuda ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Interdisciplinarne tehničke znanosti. Inženjerstvo okoliša ,vodoopskrba otoka ,Desalinizacija ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences. Environmental Engineering ,Olib ,fotonaponske ćelije ,sunčane elektrane ,Silba - Abstract
Tema ovoga diplomskog rada jest problematika vodoopskrbe na područjima poput otoka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Uglavnom sve otoke na području RH karakterizira okršeni krajolik bez značajnijih vodotoka, iznimka je jedino otok Cres koji ima sređen sustav vodoopskrbe iz Vranskog jezera. Poseban problem javlja se u vrijeme turističke sezone kada se broj ljudi/posjetitelja na otocima poveća i do 10 puta. Za sada većini otoka brodovi vodonosci dovoze vodu s kopna, a kvaliteta te vode je najčešće jako loša, dok cijena m3 doseže i preko 17 kn. Stoga se kao idealna solucija rješenja vodoopskrbe nameće desalinizacijski sustav koji bi stanovnicima omogućio stalni pristup kvalitetnoj vodi. Za primjer u radu uzeti su otoci Olib, Silba i Premuda na kojima se ranijim studijama desalinizacija pokazala kao najisplativije rješenje. Planirani desalinizacijski sustavi bili bi spojeni sa sunčanim elektranama te bi se i na taj način značajno snizila krajnja cijena m3 vode.
- Published
- 2018
22. Silba ischnopoda Macgowan & Compton 2018, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain and Compton, Stephen G.
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Silba ischnopoda ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba ischnopoda sp. nov. (Figure 1) Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons subshining black, ratio of width to width of an eye 1:2.1, covered in light grey pollinosity. Frontal and interfrontal setulae extremely short, a few longer ones present on anterior margin above the lunule. Orbital plate shining black, bare apart from the orbital seta. Antennae; pedicel brownish-orange medially, postpedicel broadly orange on medial base, this colouration extending along the ventral margin, length to depth ratio 2.6:1. Arista short plumose, ratio of width of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of postpedicel 0.47:1. Lunule setulose, ground colour black, covered with intense silver pollinosity. Face and parafacials lightly silver pollinose. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 5���6 along the mouth margin, the basal of these the strongest setulae on the genae. Thorax. scutum and sclerites sub-shining black, lightly covered with grey pollinosity. Scutum covered with short setulae approximately 0.25x length of orbital setae. Anepisternum with a vertical row of 3 anterior setae, 3 strong posterior setae, a single weaker seta lying ventral to these, between these rows a covering of setulae no more than 0.5x length of the setae. Katepisternum with one strong seta close to dorsal margin, a few short setulae anteriorly. Proepisternum with 1 long seta 2x as long as the single seta on the proepimeron. Scutellum; disc slightly brassy in colour, contrasting with the blue-black of the thoracic scutum. Margin, between lateral and apical setae, with 3 short setulae on each side, 2 setulae between apical setae. Calypteres white with a white fringe. Wings clear, veins slightly yellowish, wing length 3.1mm. Male terminalia: (Figs. 2���5). In lateral view epandrium as wide as high, with a scattering of long, strong setae ventrally. Cerci relatively large and rather rectangular, densely setulose on ventral margin, less so over remainder. Surstylus projecting beyond shell of epandrium as a small rounded posteroventral process. Inner surface of surstylus with a posterior-anterior row of 6 small, black prensisetae, anterior to these and in the same orientation, two small spicules. One strong setae present at the base of each cercus. The area between the row of prensisetae and the ventral margin densely covered in fine setulae. 5 parallel dorsoventral creases on the surface of the surstylus dorsal to the row of prensisetae. Pregonites setulose for most of their length, postgonites rather square shaped with an apical seta. Phallus; U-shaped, basally rather broad, apically a fine slightly curved tube. A pair of lateral, ventrally directed processes arising from the basal section, the apices of these developed into numerous spike-like processes. Female: In most aspects as in male; frons; ratio of width to width of an eye 1:1.5. Aculeus with apical segment diamond-shaped, numerous short ventral setulae apically. Type material. Holotype ♂: THAILAND; Songkla province, Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary, collected as larva 30.i.2017, eclosed February 2017. S.G. Compton. (NMS). Reared from figs of Ficus ischnopoda Miquel, 1867. Paratypes. 1 ♂, 3 ♀ with the same data as the holotype (NMS). CAMBODIA; Koh Kong province, Koh Kong env.11���6������N, 103���0������E, 28.xi���4.xii. 2010, N. Vikhrev. 1 ♂. (ZMMU) Etymology. the specific epithet derived from Ficus ischnopoda from the figs of which the larvae were collected. Differential diagnosis: With only one katepisternal seta, reduced aristal plumosity and a phallus with long lateral processes, S. ischnopoda shows most similarity to two other species which have been reared from figs, Silba lashker MacGowan & Razak, 2012 and S. ishigaki MacGowan & Okamoto, 2013. These two species are easily distinguished from S. ischnopoda by reference to the shape, particularly at the apex, of the lateral processes of the phallus. In the former the lateral processes of the phallus are smooth and pointed apically, in the latter the lateral processes are bifurcated with one limb being much longer than the other. Of the other Silba species known to utilise figs as a larval substrate S. inubiwa MacGowan & Okamoto, 2013 also has a single seta on the katepisternum but the phallus is simple with no lateral processes. Silba japonica MacGowan & Okamoto, 2013 and Silba adipata both have two strong setae near the dorsal margin of the katepisternum and in addition S. adipata has a long plumed arista., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain & Compton, Stephen G., 2018, A new species of Silba (Diptera; Lonchaeidae) associated with figs, pp. 196-200 in Zootaxa 4455 (1) on pages 197-199, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4455.1.10, http://zenodo.org/record/1456947, {"references":["MacGowan, I, Razak, N, Rotheray, G. E. & Ahmad, I. (2012) A new species of fig-feeding Lonchaeidae (Diptera: Schizophora) from India and a checklist for the family in the Indian sub-continent. Zootaxa, 3242, 47 - 52.","MacGowan, I. & Okamoto, T. (2013) New species of Lonchaeidae (Diptera: Schizophora) from Japan and a re-evaluation of genus Setisquamalonchaea Morge. Entomological Science, 16, 196 - 202. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / ens. 12003"]}
- Published
- 2018
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23. The complete mitochondrial genome of Silba sp. (Diptera: Lonchaeidae).
- Author
Wang, Liang, Li, Xin, and Yang, Ding
- Subjects
The mitochondrial genome of Silba sp. was sequenced and annotated as the first representative of family Lonchaeidae. The complete mitochondrial genome of Silba sp. is 16,008 bp totally, consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNAs, and 22 transfer RNAs, which has a similar gene structure with other published species of Diptera. The nucleotide composition biases toward A and T is 77.2% of the entirety. All PCGs start with ATN codons, except COI and ND1, and end with TAA or incomplete stop codon. Phylogenetic analyses based on 11 Diptera species supported the monophyly of superfamily Tephritoidea. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Teodora Vigato
- Subjects
Silba ,otkup Silbe ,pučka drama ,amaterizam ,svakodnevica ,repurchase ,folk drama ,civil drama ,amateurism ,everyday life - Abstract
Pomorac Artur Lukin, koji inače nije pisao drame, povodom stote godišnjice otkupa otoka Silbe od kolonata napisao je dramu Prigodna predstava u tri čina povodom stogodišnjeg otkupa otoka Silbe ili Ki će mi šoldi dati. Autorica ovog članka povijesno kontekstualizira motive o otkupu Silbe u 1852., ali i u 1952. kada se dogodila izvedba i kada se slavila stota obljetnica. Igrokaz predstavlja uravnoteženi odnos između zabavljačkih i socijalno-kritičkih elemenata. S jedne strane autor Artur Lukin predstavio se povijesnom temom pa je igrokaz strogo povijesno uokviren događajem o otkupu Silbe, a s druge strane igrokaz donosi mnoštvo isječaka iz svakodnevnog života na otoku. U drami su se na trenutke brisale oštre granice između glumišnog i gledališnog prostora. Na otoku Silbi postoji paralelizam dviju kultura, seoske i gradske, tako i drama s jedne strane poštuje kompoziciju građanske drame i pučkih igrokaza, što je Artur Lukin baštinio iz kazališnog života na otoku Silbi između dva rata, a s druge strane drama je sastavljena od folklornih elemenata pa se u igrokazu svira glazba na liri, pleše silbenski ples, izvodi običaj vjenčanja, a u didaskalijama se čak donosi opis silbenske nošnje., Artur Lukin is the mariner who did not write dramas otherwise. He wrote the drama motivated by centenary anniversary repurchase of the island from »kolonat«. He named it The Convenient Show in Three Acts Motivated by Centenary Repurchase of the Island of Silba or Who is going to give me money. The authoress of this paper contextualizes historical motives of repurchase of Silba in 1852, and in 1952. when the show came about and when one century anniversary was celebrated. The play presents balanced relationship between entertaining and socio-critical elements. The author Artur Lukin presented himself by historical topic on one side, so that the play was strictly historically framed by the occasion of the repurchase of Silba and on the other side, it gives multitude clips from everyday life on the island. Sharp boundaries between auditorium and acting are deleted at moments in drama. There is parallelism of two cultures on Silba, rural and urban. That’s why the drama respects composition of civil drama and folk plays. That is what Artur Lukin inherited from the theatrical life on Silba in the period between The First and The Second World War. On the other side the drama is compounded of folk elements: there is music played on lira, Silba folk dance is danced, wedding ceremony is performed, and in stage directions there is even the description of Silba folk costumes.
- Published
- 2018
25. Osnovna geološka karta Republike Hrvatske mjerila 1:50 000 – list Silba 1
- Author
Fuček, Ladislav, Korbar, Tvrtko, Palenik, Damir, and Matičec, Dubravko
- Subjects
Silba ,Premuda ,Ilovik ,Škarda ,Lošinj ,litostratigrafija ,tektonika ,geološki stupovi ,geološki profili - Abstract
Ovaj list prikazuje geološku građu, odnosno prostorni raspored, stratigrafske i tektonske odnose te temeljnu paleontologiju i petrologiju 15 litostratigrafskih jedinica različite geološke starosti (kreda, paleogen, i kvartar) otoka Silbe, Premude, Ilovika, Škarde i južnog dijela otoka Lošinja. List je izrađen prema pisanom geološkom standardu (Upute za izradu Osnovne geološke karte Republike Hrvatske mjerila 1:50 000), u okviru projekta od strateškog nacionalnog interesa.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Ivica Vigato
- Subjects
Ist ,Molat ,Olib ,Silba ,Glagolitic testaments ,toponyms ,General Medicine ,glagoljske oporuke ,toponimi - Abstract
Toponimi kao i sve druge jezične činjenice podložni su različitim promjenama prateći jezični razvoj, ali se i prilagođavaju društveno-povijesnim okolnostima. U ovom radu autor u glagoljskim oporukama iz 16. 17. i 18. stoljeća zabilježenih na Istu, Molatu, Olibu i Silbi pronalazi toponime koje uspoređuje s istovjetnim, posvjedočenim u monografijama Petra Skoka, Vladimira Skračića te Ante Jurića (samo za otok Ist) kojim su predočena toponomastička istraživanja na tim sjevernodalmatinskim otocima. Kontrastivnim pristupom autor utvrđuje kako su neki toponimi po svom glasovnom sastavu istovjetni današnjima, neki su doživjeli glasovne promjene, a neki su nestali. Neke su pak toponime potvrdili informatori, iako u prijašnjim istraživanjima nisu zabilježeni. Rad je zamišljen kao nadopuna postojećim, inače veoma opsežnim i vrijednim toponomastičkim istraživanjima., Toponyms as well as any other linguistic facts are subject to change due to the development of language, but they also adjust to the social and historical circumstances. This paper gives the toponyms in the Glagolitic last wills from the 16th, 17th and 18th century found on Ist, Molat, Olib and Silba and compares them with the identical place names noted in the monographs by Petar Skok, Vladimir Skračić and Ante Jurić (only for Ist), which display the toponomastic research on these northern Dalmatian islands. Using a contrastive approach, the author determines that some toponyms by their sound system are the same as today, some have undergone sound changes and others have disappeared. Some toponyms were confirmed by informers although in previous research they had not been registered. The idea of this work was to be a supplement to the already existing, extremely extensive and valuable toponomastic research.
- Published
- 2015
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27. Silba adipata McAlpine 1956
- Author
El-Hawagry, Magdi S.
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy ,Silba adipata - Abstract
Silba adipata McAlpine, 1956 Silba adipata McAlpine, 1956: 524.? Holotype. Italy (Lasio: Terracina) (? BMNH). Distribution. AF: South Africa. PA: Canary Islands, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Spain (Mallorca), Syria. Egyptian localities. Sinai: Ein Hudra, St. Katherine, Wadi El-Arbaein, Wadi Garagneya, Wadi Tubug. Host plants. Fig (Ficus carica L.). Source: MacGowan & Freidberg (2008). Dates of collection. June to August., Published as part of El-Hawagry, Magdi S., 2017, Catalogue of Egyptian Tephritoidea (Diptera: Schizophora: Acalyptratae), pp. 151-190 in Zootaxa 4299 (2) on page 157, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4299.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/843233, {"references":["McAlpine, J. F. (1956) Old World lonchaeids of the genus Silba Macquart (= Carpolonchaea Bezzi), with descriptions of six new species (Diptera: Lonchaeidae). Canadian Entomologist, 88, 521 - 544.","MacGowan, I. & Freidberg, A. (2008) The Lonchaeidae (Diptera) of Israel, with descriptions of three new species. Israel Journal of Entomology, 38, 61 - 92."]}
- Published
- 2017
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28. Silba Macquart 1851
- Author
El-Hawagry, Magdi S.
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Genus SILBA Macquart Silba Macquart, 1851: 277. Type species: Silba virescens Macquart, 1851, original designation.. Carpolonchaea Bezzi, 1920: 199. Type species: Lonchaea plumosissima Bezzi, 1919, original designation. Setisquamalonchaea Morge, 1963: 204. Type species: Lonchaea fumosa Egger, 1862, original designation. Vide: MacGowan & Okamoto (2013)., Published as part of El-Hawagry, Magdi S., 2017, Catalogue of Egyptian Tephritoidea (Diptera: Schizophora: Acalyptratae), pp. 151-190 in Zootaxa 4299 (2) on page 157, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4299.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/843233, {"references":["Macquart, J. P. M. (1851) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Suite du 4 e supplement. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et des Arts, de Lille, 1850, 134 - 294.","Bezzi, M. (1920) Further notes on the Lonchaeidae (Dipt.) with descriptions of new species from Africa and Asia. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 11, 199 - 210. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0007485300044643","Morge, G. (1963) Die Lonchaeidae und Pallopteridae Osterreichs und der angrenzenden Gebiete. Eine Revision auf der Grundlage der Linzer Sammlungen und anderer osterreichischer Kollektionen. 1. Teil: die Lonchaeidae. Naturkundliches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz, 9, 123 - 312.","MacGowan, I & Okamoto, T. (2013) New species of Lonchaeidae (Diptera: Schizophora) from Japan and a re - evaluation of genus Setisquamalonchaea Morge. Entomological Science, 16 (2), 196 - 202."]}
- Published
- 2017
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29. Silba virescens Macquart 1851
- Author
El-Hawagry, Magdi S.
- Subjects
Insecta ,Silba virescens ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba virescens Macquart, 1851 Silba virescens Macquart, 1851: 277. Reunion (Type depository unknown). Lonchaea aristella Becker, 1903: 129. Unspecified type. Egypt (Cairo, Assyut & Luxor) (ZMHB). Distribution. AF: Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, R��union, Sudan, South Africa, Tanzania. PA: Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Syria. Egyptian localities. Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Cairo, Giza. Upper Nile Valley: Assiout, Luxor. Host plants. Sorghum (Sorghum cernuum Willd.). Source: MacGowan & Freidberg (2008). OTHER Plants from which flies were swept. Fig (Ficus carica L.), maize (Zea mays L.), and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). Dates of collection. April to December., Published as part of El-Hawagry, Magdi S., 2017, Catalogue of Egyptian Tephritoidea (Diptera: Schizophora: Acalyptratae), pp. 151-190 in Zootaxa 4299 (2) on page 157, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4299.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/843233, {"references":["Macquart, J. P. M. (1851) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Suite du 4 e supplement. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et des Arts, de Lille, 1850, 134 - 294.","MacGowan, I. & Freidberg, A. (2008) The Lonchaeidae (Diptera) of Israel, with descriptions of three new species. Israel Journal of Entomology, 38, 61 - 92."]}
- Published
- 2017
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30. Je li održivost turizma upitna?
- Author
Jurin, Inga and Krce Miočić, Božena
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Trade and Tourism ,održivost turizma ,turizam ,tourism ,carrying capacity ,sustainable tourism ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Trgovina i turizam ,održivost ,prihvatni kapacitet ,sustainability ,Silba ,otok Silba - Abstract
U ovom radu je detaljan fokus stavljen na održivost turizma, pokazatelje, aspekte i izgradnju istog na primjeru otoka Silbe i njenih prirodnih i kulturnih resursa. Kroz sam rad i analizu se opisuje pojam turizma, održivosti i održivosti turizma. U prvim poglavljima su se definirali ključni pojmovi bitni za razumijevanje teme koja se obrađuje. Također, upoznaje se i pojam prihvatnog kapaciteta, kako se on izrađuje, njegovi pokazatelji i značenje samog pojma za održivost određene destinacije. U trećem poglavlju, detaljno je analiziran otok Silba, njegova povijest i značenje u prošlosti, kretanje i broj stanovnika te prirodne i kulturne znamenitosti otoka. U četvrtom poglavlju obradio se turizam na Silbi od samih početaka pa do danas kroz godine, dolaske i broj noćenja. U zadnjem poglavlju se kroz pokazatelje i indikatore koji su odabrani u okviru temeljnih stupova održivog turizma, a to su ekološki, ekonomski i sociokulturni, analizira i daje odgovor na pitanje iz naslova teme i koje prednosti bi održivi razvoj otoka imao za njegov turizam. In this paper, main focus is on sustainable tourism, indicators, aspects and development of sustainable tourism on the example of island Silba and its natural and cultural resources. Through the work itself and the analysis, it is described the concept of tourism, sustainability and sustainable tourism. In addition, the readers can be introduce to the concept of carrying capacity, its indicators and the meaning of the concept for sustainability of certain destination. In the third chapter, there is detailed analyses of the island Silba, its history and importance in the past, movements of the population as well as natural and cultural attractions of the island. In the fourth chapter, tourism on Silba was analized from its beginning to the present day, arrivals and overnight stay of tourists. In the last chapter, the indicators crucial for sustainable tourism have been described as part of the fundamental pillars of sustainable tourism, namely environmental, economic and socio-cultural. Furthermore, the last chapter gives an answer to the question in the theme title and what benefits the sustainable development has for development of the island.
- Published
- 2016
31. Silba
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Key to males of Silba admirabilis species group (all Afrotropical unless indicated) 1. Phallus boat-shaped, basal plate fused laterally to phallus, basiphallus spiculate (Figs. 33���34)....................................................................................................... chalkei McAlpine; S.E. Asia. - Phallus with a distinct ventrally situated basal plate.......................................................... 2 2. Phallus with an additional pair of processes between it and the basal plate (Figs. 29���30)................................................................................................. admirabilis McAlpine; India & Sri Lanka. - Phallus without such additional processes.................................................................. 3 3. Basiphallus with an obvious bulge on inner surface, in anterior view basal plate of phallus simple and lanceolate. (Figs. 35���36)......................................................................... flavitarsis MacGowan; S.E. Asia. - Basiphallus without such a bulge or lanceolate basal plate..................................................... 4 4. In ventral view basal plate of phallus diamond shaped (Figs. 16 & 18)............................................ 5 - In ventral view basal plate of phallus not diamond shaped...................................................... 6 5. Basal plate serrated apically and laterally, apical excavation a narrow V-shape (Figs. 15���16)................................................................................................................ lubumbashi sp. nov. - Basal plate without marginal serrations, apical excavation broader, U-shaped (Figs. 17���18)................ mbuti sp. nov. 6. In ventral view basal plate of phallus with apical margin only slightly concave, without a large V or U-shaped excavation (Figs. 8, 26, 38 & 42).................................................................................. 7 - Basal plate of phallus at apex with an obvious V or U-shaped excavation........................................ 10 7. Basal plate long and very narrow, without any marginal serrations or spicules. (Fig. 8)................... bredoi sp. nov. - Basal plate wider, often with marginal serrations or spicules. (Figs. 26, 38 & 42).................................. 8 8. Basal plate shorter than phallus, thin and translucent, with serrated margins, basiphallus broad and setulose (Figs. 37 & 38)................................................................................. hilli (Malloch); Australasia - Basal plate as long or longer than phallus. (Figs. 26 ���42)...................................................... 9 9. Apical margin of basal plate strongly serrated (Fig. 26).......................................... upemba sp. nov. - Apical margin of basal plate almost smooth, with only a few spicules (Fig. 42).................... namibia MacGowan 10. In ventral view basal plate of phallus markedly swollen medially, apex with two diverging processes with between them an open U-shaped excavation (Fig 24)............................................................. tekei sp. nov. - In ventral view basal plate of phallus not markedly swollen medially........................................... 11 11. Basal plate of phallus bearing spicules across its ventral surface (Figs 22 & 32)................................... 12 - Basal plate of phallus without spicules across its ventral surface................................................ 13 12. Basal plate covered in large spicules, apically with a large open V-shaped excavation (Figs. 31���32).... apodesma McAlpine - Basal plate bearing only small spicules, mostly along margins, apically with a U-shaped excavation (Figs 21���22)................................................................................................ spiculata sp. nov. 13. In ventral view basal plate of phallus narrow, with a spanner-shaped apex (Figs. 9���10)................. garamba sp. nov. - In ventral view basal plate of phallus usually broader, without such a spanner-shaped apex.......................... 14 14. In ventral view basal plate of phallus apically split for almost half of its length (Figs. 20 & 28)...................... 15 - In ventral view basal plate of phallus without such a deep split............................................... 16 15. Basal plate of phallus with two thin leaf-like parallel, gradually tapering, bluntly pointed apical lobes (Figs. 27���28)................................................................................................. wittei sp. nov. - Basal plate of phallus with parallel apical lobes constricted near apex, in lateral view with expanded apex. (Figs. 19���20)............................................................................................ saegeri sp. nov. 16. In ventral view basal plate of phallus with two square-ended apical processes separated by a V-shaped excavation. (Figs. 39��� 40).................................................................. israel MacGowan and Freidberg; Israel. - Basal plate of phallus without square ended apical processes.................................................. 17 17. In lateral view basiphallus very broad and rounded (Fig. 11). In ventral view basal plate widening at apex, forming two rather narrow, lateral apical processes separated by a wide apical excavation (Fig. 12)....................... hambai sp. nov. - In lateral view basiphallus not greatly broadened (Figs. 3, 5, 13 & 43).......................................... 18 18. In ventral view basal plate widening steadily from base to apex, apical processes almost parallel sided, apical excavation a rel- atively wide U-shape (Figs. 3���4)............................................................ bakongo sp. nov. - In ventral view basal plate broadest before the apex or straight sided (Figs. 6, 14 & 44)............................ 19 19. In ventral view basal plate parallel sided, apex with two pointed processes divided by a U-shaped excavation (Figs. 43���44)................................................................................... pappi So��s; Afghanistan - In ventral view basal plate not parallel sided, broadest before the apex (Figs. 6 & 14).............................. 20 20. Basal plate broadened apically, in ventral view widest at apical third, apical processes slightly bulbous at apex, apical excavation a narrow mouthed U-shape, basiphallus not swollen. (Figs. 5���6)................................ boulangi sp. nov. - Basal plate thin and translucent, in ventral view at apical quarter before narrowing to apex with a V-shaped apical excavation, in ventral view basiphallus slightly swollen (Figs. 13���14)......................................... inimvua sp. nov., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on pages 533-534, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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32. Silba boulangi Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Silba boulangi ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba boulangi sp. nov. The holotype has the antennae missing. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.5 x width of an eye, subshining black, dulled by microsculpture, frontal and interfrontal setulae less than 0.25 x length of orbital seta. Orbital plates shining black. Lunule with brownish ground colour, intensely covered in silver pollinosity as to a lesser extent are parafacials and face. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 5 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from the other setulae. Antennae missing, Paratype has 1 st flagellomere black apart from a hint of orange-brown at extreme medial base, length to depth ratio 3.3: 1. Arista long plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1 st flagellomere 1: 1 Thorax: Mesonotum subshining blue black. Anepisternum with 2 anterior and 3 posterior setae. Katepisternum with 2 setae near dorsal margin, posterior longer and stronger than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc heavily grey dusted, on margin between lateral and apical setae with four setulae on each side, none between apical setae. Calypteres white with white fringes. Wings clear, wing length 3.5 mm. Legs entirely black, basal and second tarsomeres yellow/brown, apical segments darkened. Male terminalia (Figs. 5���6): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: basal plate, in ventral view almost parallel sided, widest point before the apex, with two processes, these rather rounded and swollen at their apices, separated by a deep, U-shaped incision. In lateral view basal plate extending past the apex of the phallus, apices expanded and laterally flattened, resembling paddles. Basiphallus of normal size, bearing a scattering of spicules ventrally. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.G. (Park Nationale Garamba), 26.ix. 1952, II/gd/ 16, Miss. H. de Saeger. Paratypes. All taken within the Park Nationale Garamba by Miss. H. de Saeger; 7.ix.1950, 1♂. Napukumweli, 15.ix.1950, 1♂; 3.vi.1952, 1♂; 16.vi.1952, 1♂. Specimens in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Boulangi tribe of the Congo., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on pages 518-520, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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33. Silba upemba Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Silba upemba ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba upemba sp. nov. Specimen in a moderate condition, glued to pin and slightly faded with age. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.5 x width of an eye, slightly brown with aging, dulled by microsculpture, frontal and interfrontal setulae less than 0.25 x length of orbital seta, longer setulae present anteriorly above lunule. Orbital plates shining black, bare apart from the orbital seta.. Lunule with black ground colour, covered in silver pollinosity as to a lesser extent are parafacials. Anterior genal setulae rather short in a single row of 6 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from the other setulae. Antennae; 1 st flagellomere black apart from an obscure brownish area at extreme medial base, length to depth ratio 3: 1. Arista plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1 st flagellomere 1: 1. Thorax: mesonotum subshining blue black. Anepisternum 2 anterodorsal and 2 posterior setae. Katepisternum with 2 setae near the dorsal margin, posterior longer and stronger than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc heavily grey dusted, on margin between the lateral and apical setae with 4 setulae on each side, none between apical setae. Calypteres and fringes distinctly golden. Wings clear, wing length 3.6mm. Legs entirely black, basal tarsomeres yellow/brown, apical segments darkened. Male terminalia (Figs. 25���26): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: Basal plate, in ventral view widening only slightly from base, almost parallel sided but with a pair of lateral serrations at half way point, apically without any obvious incision, lateral margins more produced than the centre, the entire apical margin being covered in a loose row of spinules. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.U. (Park Nationale Upemba), r.e. Lac Upemba, 585m, 1.ii. 1949, Miss G.F. de Witte. Only known from the Holotype, specimen in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Park Nationale Upemba where the holotype was captured., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on page 527, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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34. Silba inimvua Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Silba inimvua ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba inimvua sp. nov. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.6 x the width of an eye, subshining black, dulled by microsculpture, frontal and interfrontal setulae less than 0.25 x length of orbital seta. Orbital plates shining black. Lunule with brownish ground colour, covered in silver pollinosity as to a lesser extent are the parafacials and face. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 6 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from the other setulae. Antennae; 1 st flagellomere black, brownish orange colouration at the base of the medial surface more extensive than in the other species described here, length to depth ratio 2.8: 1. Arista plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1 st flagellomere 1.1: 1. Thorax; mesonotum subshining blue black. Anepisternum with 2 anterior and 2 posterior setae. Katepisternum with 2 setae near the dorsal margin, posterior longer and stronger than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc heavily grey dusted, on margin between lateral and apical setae with two setulae on each side, none between apical setae. Calypteres and fringes pale golden. Wings clear, wing length 3.5mm. Legs entirely black, basal tarsomeres yellow/brown, apical segments darkened. Male terminalia (Figs. 13���14): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: Basal plate a thin transparent structure, in ventral view only slightly widening towards apex where there is a v-shaped excavation. In lateral view basal plate, shorter than phallus, apex blade-like. Basiphallus swollen laterally, bearing a few spicules ventrally. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.G. (Park Nationale Garamba), Inimvua, 20.v. 1952, Miss. H. de Saeger. Paratypes. All from the Park Nationale Garamba: Akam, 19.v.1950, 1♂; 21.viii.1951, 1♂; 31.viii.1951, 1♂; 3.x.1951, 1♂; 8.xi.1951, 1♂. Dedegwa, 17.v.1952, 1♂. Inimvua, 20.v.1952, 1♂; 10.ix.1952, 1♂. Mabanga, 23.ix.1952, 1♂. Mt. Moyo, 25.ix.1952, 1♂. Specimens in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the capture site of the Holotype., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on pages 522-523, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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35. Silba garamba Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Silba garamba ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba garamba sp. nov Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.5 x width of an eye, mainly shining black with slight microsculpture, frontal and interfrontal setulae approximately 0.3 x as long as the orbital setae, orbital plate bare and shining. Lunule intensely silvered, face and parafacials slightly silver pollinose. A group of four anterior genal setulae slightly separated from other setulae on the genae, none particularly strong. Antennae; entirely black, 1 st flagellomere length to depth ratio 3.5: 1. Arista, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1 st flagellomere, 1.1: 1. Thorax; Mesonotum shining black. Anepisternum with 2 anterior and 3 posterior setae, Katepisternum with 2 setae, posterior slightly stronger than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum rather heavily grey dusted, on margin between lateral and apical setae with four short setulae, none between apical setae. Calypteres whitish with a rather dense, long whitish fringe. Wings clear, wing length 3.5mm. Legs black with basal and second tarsomeres brownish yellow. Male terminalia (Figs. 9���10): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: Basal plate, in ventral view very long and narrow, almost parallel sided, widening abruptly at apex and forming two pointed apical processes divided by a relatively wide U-shaped incision, the entire basal plate resembling the shape of a spanner. In lateral view basal plate extending further than the phallus, apex slightly expanded. Basiphallus of normal size, a few spicules at base of distiphallus. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.G. (Parc Nationale Garamba). Ndele/R., 24.ix. 1952, Miss. H.de Saeger. Paratypes. P.N.G. 23.4.1951, 2♂; 1.viii.1951, 1♂; 11.ix.1951, 1♂; 11.ix.1951, 1♂; 8.x.1951, 2 ♂; 8.xi.1951, 1♂; 18.iv.1952, 1♂; 28.vii.1952, 1♂. P.N.G., Magamba, 29.ix.1952, 1♂. Specimens in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Parc Nationale Garamba from which the type material was collected., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on pages 520-522, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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36. Silba saegeri Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Silba saegeri ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba saegeri sp. nov. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.6 x width of an eye, subshining black with short frontal and interfrontal setulae which are not more than 0.25 x length of orbital setae. Orbital plate bare apart from the orbital setae. Lunule with brownish ground colour, slight silver dusting as have face and parafacials. Anterior genal setulae short, in a single row of 3���4 along the mouth margin. Antennae; 1 st flagellomere black apart from a hint of orange-brown at extreme medial base, length to depth ratio 3.2: 1. Arista plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1 st flagellomere 1: 1. Thorax: mesonotum and pleura subshining black. Anepisternum with 2 strong anterior setae and 3 strong posterior setae Katepisternum with 2 setae, anterior slightly weaker and situated slightly more ventrally than posterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum on margin between lateral and apical setae with 4���5 setulae, none between the apical setae. Calypteres whitish with a white fringe. Wings clear, wing length 3.5mm. Legs black but with all basal tarsomeres yellow, Male terminalia (Figs. 19���20): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: basal plate, in ventral view forceps-shaped, widening only slightly for basal two thirds then slightly constricted towards apex, apical incision long stretching almost half length of basal plate, a relatively broad apically, basally more of a narrow slot. In lateral view apices expanded and laterally flattened, resembling paddles. Basiphallus rather broad, bearing numerous spicules. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.G. (Park Nationale Garamba), 27.iii. 1952, Miss. H. de Saeger. Paratypes. All taken within the Park Nationale Garamba by Miss. H. de Saeger. 21.vii.1950, 1♂; 21.xii.1950, 1♂; 17.vi.1951, 1♂; 18.vii.1951, 1♂; 21.vii.1951, 1♂; 8.x.1951, 1♂; 12.x.1951, 1♂; 8.xi.1951, 1♂; 20.xii.1951, 1♂; 21.xii.1951, 1♂. Pidigala, 23.iv.1952, 1♂; 8.v.1952, 1♂; 19.v.1952, 1♂. Mt. Tungu (S), 9.vi.1952, 1♂; 1.ix.1952, 2♂. Mabunga, 29.ix.1952, 1♂. Specimens in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the H. de Saeger expedition which captured the holotype of this species and many of the other specimens described in this paper., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on page 525, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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37. Silba tekei Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Silba tekei ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba tekei sp. nov. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.6 x the width of an eye, subshining black, dulled by microsculpture, frontal and interfrontal setulae less than 0.25 x length of orbital seta. Orbital plates shining black, bare apart from the orbital seta. Lunule with brownish ground colour, intensely covered in silver pollinosity as to a lesser extent are parafacials and face. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 5 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from the other setulae. Antennae; 1 st flagellomere black apart from a hint of orange-brown at extreme medial base, length to depth ratio 3.6: 1. Arista long plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1 st flagellomere 1.4: 1. Thorax: mesonotum subshining blue black. Anepisternum 2 anterior and 3 posterior setae. Katepisternum with 2 setae near the dorsal margin, the posterior longer and stronger than the anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc heavily grey dusted, on margin between lateral and apical setae with 5 setulae on the left and 3 on the right, none between apical setae. Calypteres white with white fringes. Wings clear, wing length 3.5mm. Legs entirely black, basal tarsomeres yellow/brown, apical segments darkened. Male terminalia (Figs. 23���24): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: Basal plate, in ventral view swollen laterally from base then narrowing and at apex diverging into two narrow round ended processes, these separated by a very wide U-shaped incision, bearing a few spicules ventrally. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.G. (Park Nationale Garamba), 27.v. 1952, Miss. H. de Saeger. Paratypes. Mabanga, P.N.G., 29.ix. 1952, 1 ♂; 20.xii.1951, 1 ♂ and 18.ix.1952, 1♂. Specimens in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Teke people of the Congo., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on page 527, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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38. Silba wittei Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Silba wittei ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba wittei sp. nov. The single specimen is in poor condition. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.5 x width of an eye, subshining black, dulled by microsculpture, frontal and interfrontal setulae less than 0.25 x length of orbital seta. Orbital plate shining black, bare apart from orbital seta. Lunule with dull brown ground colour, covered in silver pollinosity, parafacials and face more lightly dusted. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 7 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from the other setulae, the basal three are the longest setulae on the genae. Antennae; 1 st flagellomere black apart from an obscure brownish area at extreme medial base, length to depth ratio 2.9: 1. Arista missing. Thorax: mesonotum subshining blue black. Anepisternum and katepisternum with most setae missing. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc heavily grey dusted, on margin between the lateral and apical setae with only 1 setulae present on right side. Calypteres white with white fringes. Wings clear, wing length 3.8mm. Legs entirely black, basal tarsomeres yellow/brown, apical segments darkened. Male terminalia (Figs. 27���28): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: basal plate a relatively thin, translucent structure, in ventral view narrowly Y-shaped, widening gradually from base, divided at apex by a relatively narrow, deep incision, each side simply tapering towards apex In lateral view apices. Apex of phallus broken off, basiphallus slightly swollen, bearing spicules at base of distiphallus. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.G. (Park Nationale Garamba), Kamitungulu (1700m), 31.iv. 1947, Miss. G.F.de Witte., Only known from the holotype, specimen in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to G.F.de Witte who captured the holotype of this species., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on page 528, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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39. Silba lubumbashi Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Silba lubumbashi ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba lubumbashi sp. nov. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons subshining black, dulled by fine microsculpture, with vet short frontal and interfrontal setulae, 0.6 x the width of an eye. Lunule silver pollinose, parafacials slightly pollinose as is are lateral margins of face. Orbital plate bare. Anterior genal setulae forming a single row of 4 anteriorly, these slightly separated from the other setulae on the genae. Antennae; 1 st flagellomere length to depth ratio 3.2: 1, medial surface orange yellow basally, this colouration extending along the ventral surface for the basal third of the flagellomere. Arista with plumosity which at its maximum extent is approximately the depth of the 1 st flagellomere. Thorax: mesonotum shining black contrasting with the silver grey dusting on the scutellar disc. Pleura sub-shining black, anepisternum with 3 strong setulae posteriorly and 2 anteriorly. Katepisternum with 2 strong setae on dorsal margin, posterior much stronger and longer than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc slightly grey dusted, on margin apical setae missing, 2 setulae on the right side between lateral and apical setae, none on left (possibly due to damage). Calypteres white with a whitish fringe. Legs black apart from all basal tarsomeres which are yellow apical tarsomeres slightly darker. Wings clear, wing length, 3.5mm Male terminalia (Figs. 15���16): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus in lateral view a rather open U-shape, basally with only a few small spicules, basal plate thin, almost transparent, as long as phallus, in ventral view diamond-shaped, widening on apical third to form a sharp lateral point, often with serrated margin, towards apex narrowing abruptly to form two apical sharp serrated prongs, a narrow V-shaped incision between the two. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; Lubumbashi, (label reads Elisabethville), 15.ii. 1939, leg. H. J. Br��doi. Specimen in RBINS. Paratype; SOUTH AFRICA; Roodeplaat Dam N.R., 25 Km NE Pretoria, 2.i. 1995, A. Freidberg, 1 ♂. Specimen in TAUI. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the city of capture of the holotype., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on page 523, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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40. Silba mbuti Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Silba mbuti ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba mbuti sp. nov. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.5 x width of an eye, subshining black, dulled by microsculpture, frontal and interfrontal setulae less than 0.25 x length of orbital seta, longer setulae present anteriorly above lunule. Orbital plates shining black. Lunule with dull orange ground colour, covered in silver pollinosity as to a lesser extent are parafacials and face. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 6 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from and slightly stronger than the other setulae. Antennae; 1 st flagellomere black apart from an obscure brownish area at extreme medial base, length to depth ratio 3.2: 1. Arista long plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1 st flagellomere 1.4: 1. Thorax: mesonotum subshining blue black. Anepisternum 3 anterodorsal and 3 posterior setae. Katepisternum with 2 setae near the dorsal margin, the posterior longer and stronger than the anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc almost as subshining blue black as the thoracic disc, on margin between lateral and apical setae with two setulae on each side, none between apical setae. Calypteres and fringes slightly yellowish white. Wings clear, wing length 3.7mm. Legs entirely black, basal tarsomeres yellow/brown, apical segments darkened. Male terminalia (Figs. 17���18): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: basal plate, in ventral view kite-shaped, widening steadily for basal two thirds, then narrowing to apex, apical incision a rather deep U-shape. In lateral view basiphallus rather broad, bearing spicules, basal plate as long as phallus. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.G. (Park Nationale Garamba), 19.v. 1952, Miss. H. de Saeger. Only known from the holotype, specimen in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Mbuti people of the Congo., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on pages 523-525, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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41. Silba hambai Macgowan, 2015, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Silba hambai ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba hambai sp. nov. Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.5 x width of an eye, subshining black, dulled by microsculpture, frontal and interfrontal setulae less than 0.25 x length of orbital seta. Orbital plates shining black. Lunule with brownish ground colour, covered in silver pollinosity as to a lesser extent are the parafacials and face. Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 5���6 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from the other setulae. Antennae; 1 st flagellomere black apart from an obscure brownish area at extreme medial base, length to depth ratio 3: 1. Arista plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1 st flagellomere 1: 1 Thorax: mesonotum subshining blue black. Anepisternum with all setae either broken or obscured by the mounting pin and glue. Katepisternum with 2 setae near the dorsal margin, the posterior longer and stronger than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc almost as subshining blue black as the mesonotum, on margin between lateral and apical setae with 2 setulae on each side, none between apical setae. Calypteres white with white fringes. Wings clear, wing length 3.2mm. Legs entirely black, basal tarsomeres yellow/brown, apical segments darkened. Male terminalia (Figs. 11���12): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type. Phallus: Basal plate, in ventral view widening steadily from base, at apex forming two processes separated by a wide V shaped incision. In lateral view apices expanded and laterally flattened, resembling paddles. Apex of phallus broken off, basiphallus significantly swollen, bearing spicules on inner surfaces. Type material. Holotype ♂. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO; P.N.G. (Park Nationale Garamba), II/gd/9, 8.xi. 1951. Miss. H. de Saeger. Only known from the holotype, specimen in MRAC. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Hamba people of the Congo., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2015, A review of the Silba admirabilis McAlpine species group (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Afrotropical region, pp. 515-534 in Zootaxa 4032 (5) on page 522, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.5.3, http://zenodo.org/record/232754
- Published
- 2015
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42. Silbanski vodeni backup : diplomski rad
- Author
Cvitan, Luka, Plejić, Toma, and Margeta, Jure
- Subjects
TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Arhitektura i urbanizam. Arhitektonsko projektiranje ,vodoopskrba ,voda ,akumulacije vode ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Architecture and Urbanism. Architectural Design ,Silba ,vodene zalihe - Abstract
Diplomski rad ispituje mogućnost stvaranja održivog lokalnog „backup-a“ vode na otoku Silbi kroz teme hibridnosti, ekologije i uparivanja sadržaja. Rješenje nudi alternativu zastarjelom Regionalnom planu Zadarske županije prema kojem bi se Silba povezala na regionalni sustav vodoopskrbe predimenzioniranom infrastrukturom, dimenzioniranom na temelju „vršnog tjedna“ kada na otoku boravi najviše ljudi.
- Published
- 2015
43. Silba fumosa
- Author
Rotheray, Graham and Lyszkowski, Richard
- Subjects
Silba fumosa ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba fumosa; (Lonchaeidae); Palloptera trimacula (Pallopteridae) and Chymomyza costata (Drosophilidae) Compared with other saprophages, these larvae were most similar to each other. Cibarial ridges are present and lunge times are similar and neither fast nor slow relative to the range of other saprophages (Table 2). Lunge distances are neither long nor short relative to the range of the others (Table 3). Thoracic segments taper the least (Table 3). Length of the thorax as a proportion of overall body length is at the high end of the range for all saprophages (Table 3). The pseudocephalon is longer than wide and, in S. fumosa, the oral cavity is open (i.e. the lobes of the pseudocephalon separate from the base of the mandibles); the oral cavity is closed in the other two species (i.e. by fusion of the lobes along their dorsal and apical margins), like an upside-down bowl. The inside margin of the mandibular hook is rounded and the anterior face without spicules in S. fumosa. In the other two species, the mandibular hook is flattened and the anterior fold has spicules., Published as part of Rotheray, Graham & Lyszkowski, Richard, 2015, Diverse mechanisms of feeding and movement in Cyclorrhaphan larvae (Diptera), pp. 2139-2211 in Journal of Natural History 49 (35) on page 2163, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1010314, http://zenodo.org/record/4001803
- Published
- 2015
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44. Late Antique quay in Pocukmarak bay on the island of the Silba
- Author
Parica, Mate
- Subjects
Silba ,Pocukmarak ,submarine archaeological research ,sarcophagi ,late antique harbour installation ,podmorska arheološka istraživanja ,sarkofazi ,kasnoantička lučka instalacija - Abstract
Autor u članku donosi rezultate podmorskih arheoloških istraživanja u uvali Pocukmarak na otoku Silbi, gdje je izvršeno pet istraživačkih kampanja. Radi se o kamenom nasipu – gatu koji je činio manje pristanište u uvali, dok su u neposrednom zaleđu uvale raniji istraživači primijetili materijalne ostatke iz antičkog i kasnoantičkog vremena. Kasnoantičko pristanište sastoji se od kamenog nasipa u koji su ugrađeni kameni sarkofazi. Osim kamene građe, u temelju kamenog nasipa pronađeni su i ostatci drvene građe koja je služila kao temelj na dijelu gdje se nasip pruža preko pješčanog dna. Analiza 14C odredila je vrijeme sječe drvene građe za gradnju gata u razdoblje od 425. do 595. godine., The author presents the results of five campaigns of submarine archaeological research in Pocukmarak bay on the island of Silba focusing on a stone embankment – quay which functioned as a small waterfront in the bay. Former researchers noticed material evidence from classical antiqity and Late Antiquity in immediate hinterland of the bay. Late antique quay consists of stone sarcophagi incorporated into a stone embankment. In addition to stone finds, wood remains were found in the foundation of the stone embankment. These remains of wooden structures were used as fundament in the segment where the embankment spanned the sand bed. According to 14C analysis the wood used for quay construction was felled in the period between 425 and 595.
- Published
- 2015
45. Arheologija Silbe i silbenskih Grebena
- Author
Gluščević, Smiljan
- Subjects
Silba ,prapovijest ,sarkofazi ,brodolomi ,zvono ,topovi ,prehistory ,sarcophagi ,shipwrecks ,bell ,cannons - Abstract
U članku se govori o arheološkim podatcima koji su tijekom desetljeća zabilježeni na otoku Silbi, odnosno u njezinu podmorju, koji se nalazio na najvažnijem pomorskom pravcu koji je od sjevernog vodio prema južnom Jadranu. Najstarije šture podatke o naseljenosti daje prapovijesna gradina, dok o životu u antici i kasnoj antici svjedoče zabilježeni grobovi i sarkofazi. Mnogo je bogatije podmorje samog otoka Silbe posebice prostor oko uvale sv. Ante i rta Arat na kojima su utvrđeni ostatci ponajviše antičkog postanja, ali i stakla iz novovjekovnog razdoblja. Silbi smo priključili i Grebene, skupinu od tri manja nenaseljena otočića, koji su bili sudbonosni za mnoge antičke, jedan kasnosrednjovjekovni i jedan novovjekovni brod. Najznačajniji su nalazi broda s velikom količinom, u jadranskom miljeu često unikatnog materijala, iz sredine 1. st. n. Kr., nalaz zvona iz druge pol. 13. st., odnosno nalazi broda s topovima, sidrima i keramikom iz sredine 17. st. Valja im pribrojiti i prvi u podmorju Jadrana zasvjedočeni brodolom s betičkim amforama Dr. 20., The article deals with the archaeological material recorded over past decades on the island of Silba and on its seabed. The island is located on the most important seafaring route that led from the northern to southern Adriatic. The source of the earliest – albeit scarce – information about its population is the island’s prehistoric hill-fort. As for the life on the island in Antiquity and Late Antiquity, the graves and sarcophagi recorded there can be used as evidence of it. In terms of the number of finds, the seabed off Silba is much richer than the island itself, particularly the area near Sveti Ante Cove and Cape Arat, where Antiquity remains and Modern Age glass objects were found. Grebeni – the neighboring group of three reefs – were also included in the excavations. They were fatal for numerous ships of the Antiquity, as well as for one Late Medieval ship and one Modern Age ship. The most important finds include those from a mid-1st-century AD ship (a large quantity of material which is mostly unique for the Adriatic), a bell from the second half of the 13th century, and a ship with mid-17th-century cannons, anchors and ceramics. We should add to these the find of a shipwreck with Baetical amphorae (type Dr. 20) – the first such find on the Adriatic seabed.
- Published
- 2015
46. Silba setiphallus Macgowan, 2014, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba setiphallus ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba setiphallus sp. nov. Description. Male: Head.; Eyes bare. Frons matt black with numerous short frontal and interfrontal setulae no more than 0.2 x length of orbital seta. Orbital plate bare, subshining black, dulled by micro sculpture, bare apart from orbital seta. Lunule setulose with dark ground colour, light grey dusted as are face and parafacials. Antennae entirely black, 1 st flagellomere 3 x as long as deep. Arista with short plumosity, at maximum extent 0.5 x depth of 1 st flagellomere. Anterior genal setulae in single row along mouth margin, anterior 3 setulae well separated from the rest, none of these particularly strong. Thorax: Dorsum subshining, slightly grey dusted, covered in rather coarse black setulae approximately 0.25 x length of orbital seta. Thoracic sclerites subshining and slightly grey dusted, anepisternum with 2 strong anterior setae and 3 posterior, remainder of sclerite with scattered long black setulae. Katepisternum with two strong setae near dorsal margin, the anterior slightly shorter and weaker than posterior, four fine setulae anterior to anterior seta. Proepimeron with one setulae. Scutellum grey dusted, on margin between apical setae with 4 strong setulae, between lateral and apical setae with 2 setulae on the right side- the longest almost half the length of apical seta, left side with setulae rubbed off. Calypteres greyish brown with a dark fringe of uniform length. Wings slightly infuscated anteriorly, wing length 4.0mm. Legs entirely black including ventral fringe of anterior and posterior tarsomeres. Male terminalia: (Figs. 29���32) In lateral view epandrium 1.5 x wider than high, bearing long setulae at posteroventrally cerci almost half the height of the epandrium, roughly rectangular in shape, bearing numerous fine setulae apically. Prensisetae and surstyli projecting beyond the shell of epandrium. Surstyli; in ventral view black peg-like prensisetae obvious on basal plate, 8 on one side and 7 on other, a pair of small setulae present below base of cerci, margin of surstylus extended into a lobe its margin bearing a row of setulae the posterior 4 of which are markedly longer and stronger than the rest. Phallus a stout J -shape with a basal lobe, main section covered in tiny setulae for most of its length, basal lobe simple. Type material: Holotype ♂. FIJI; Kadavu, 0.25 Km. SW Solodamu village, Moanakaka bird sanctuary, 19.078 ��S 178.121 ��E, alt. 60m, Malaise trap, 23.x��� 19.xi. 2003. Schlinger & Tokota���a. Other material: Viti Levu, Suva, ��� 1920 ���, leg. Pemberton. 1 male. Differential diagnosis: This species is best identified by its distinctive phallus. The relatively broad epandrium, surstyli with a row of large prensisetae and phallus with spicules and a basal lobe does show some affinities with S. longidentata MacGowan, 2007 currently only known from Thailand., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2014, The Lonchaeidae of Fiji (Diptera: Schizophora), pp. 537-552 in Zootaxa 3814 (4) on pages 545-547, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3814.4.6, http://zenodo.org/record/229314
- Published
- 2014
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47. Silba kadavu Macgowan, 2014, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba kadavu ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba kadavu sp. nov. Description. Male: Head. Eyes bare. Frons matt black with numerous short frontal and interfrontal setulae approximately 10 % length of orbital seta. Orbital plate bare, subshining black, dulled by micro sculpture, bare apart from orbital seta. Lunule setulose with dark ground colour, light grey dusted, this dusting extending to face and parafacials. Antennae black, 1 st antennal flagellomere 2.5 x as long as deep. Arista with short plumosity which at maximum extent is approximately 0.5 x depth of 1 st flagellomere. Anterior genal setulae in a single row along mouth margin, anterior 4 well separated from the rest, on right side these almost all same length but on right basal setulae much stronger than the others. Thorax: Dorsum and sclerites subshining black, covered with fine dusting, Anepisternum with 2 strong anterodorsal setae and 3 posterior, remainder of sclerite with scattered long black setulae. Katepisternum with two strong dorsocentral setae, anterior slightly shorter and weaker than posterior, otherwise sclerite bare. Proepimeron with one setulae. Scutellum quite heavily dusted, Holotype with marginal setae and setulae missing (Paratype - between apical setae with 2 small setulae, between lateral and apical setae with 2 setulae). Calypteres white with white fringe. Wings almost clear, wing length 3.0mm. Legs entirely black including ventral fringe of anterior and posterior basal tarsomeres. Male terminalia: (Figs. 24���27). In lateral view epandrium 1.5 x wider than high, bearing setulae posteroventrally; cerci large and rectangular in shape, bearing strong setulae along posterior and ventral margins. Surstyli projecting beyond the shell of epandrium, in internal view 7 black peg-like prensisetae present on basal plate, one small setula present below the basal prensisetae, outer lobe disc-like, margin bearing a row of 10���12 strong spine-like setulae. Phallus U-shaped, relatively slender with a few small setulae near base, basal lobe large with bifurcated apex. Type material: Holotype ♂. FIJI; Kadavu island, 0.25 Km SW Solodamu village, Moanakaka bird sanctuary, 19.078 ��S 178.121 ��E, alt. 60m, Malaise trap, 15.ii��� 7 -iii. 2004. Schlinger & Tokota���a. Paratype; 1 male with the same data as the Holotype. Lakemba, Tubou, 0��� 10m., 11.ii. 1970, N.L.H. Krauss, 1 male. Differential diagnosis: In the structure of the phallus this species shows some similarities to Silba rotherayi MacGowan, 2005 from Malaysia but in that species the basal lobe is more distinctly divided. Other differences in the male genitalia include the presence of long pointed setae at the base of the cerci and long pointed prensisetae in S. rotherayi., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, 2014, The Lonchaeidae of Fiji (Diptera: Schizophora), pp. 537-552 in Zootaxa 3814 (4) on pages 542-544, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3814.4.6, http://zenodo.org/record/229314
- Published
- 2014
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48. Glagoljske teme u monografiji o otoku Silbi (Otok Silba: prirodno i kulturno blago, ur. J. Mužinić, J. J. Purger, Zadar 2013.)
- Author
Dürrigl, Marija-Ana
- Subjects
glagoljska tradicija ,Silba - Abstract
Prikazana su poglavlja koja obrađuju glagoljske teme u bogatoj monografiji o otoku Silbi.
- Published
- 2013
49. Silba lashker MacGowan and Razak, sp. nov
- Author
Macgowan, Iain, Razak, Nakeer, Rotheray, Graham E., and Ahmad, Irfan
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Silba lashker ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Silba lashker MacGowan and Razak sp. nov. Description. Male: Head. Eyes bare. Frons matt black with light grey dusting, parallel sided, half width of eye. Frontal setulae short, approximately one fifth length of orbital setae. Interfrontal setulae equally short and sparse. Orbital plate subshining black, bare apart from orbital setae which are slightly shorter than the ocellar setae. Lunule, face and parafacials matt black with only slight silver dusting. Lunule bearing approximately eight short setulae. Genal setae short, anteriorly forming a single row of five along the oral margin, becoming stronger posteriorly, the basal of the five being the strongest on genae. Antennae entirelly black, 1 st flagellomere 2.5 times longer than deep. Arista short plumed for a Silba species, with maximum extent of plumosity equal to half depth of the 1 st flagellomere. Palpus entirelly black. Thorax. Thoracic dorsum and sclerites subshining black, covered with light grey dusting, setulae covering dorsum very short, at maximum 0.25 length of orbital seta. Anepisternum with three strong setae anteriorly, three posteriorly. Other setulae on the sclerite rather sparse and short, no more than 0.25 of the setae. One propleural and one stigmatical seta. Prosternum with three weak seta on each side. Dorsal margin of katepisternum with one strong seta, a much shorter and finer seta situated anterior to it (in some paratypes this anterior seta is practically indistinguishable from other setulae on the sclerite), remainder of katepisternum bare apart from a scattering of five to seven short setulae on anterodorsal portion. Scutellar dorsum subshining, lightly grey dusted, slightly more brassy in colour than thoracic dorsum, with three short marginal setulae between lateral and apical setae, two tiny setulae present on the margin between apical setae. No setulae present anterior to lateral setae. Calypteres pale with pale margins and a short whitish fringe. Wings hyaline. Wing length 3.7 ��� 3.8mm. Legs entirelly black. Male terminalia (Figs. 1���3). Epandrium in ventral view slightly longer than wide with semi circular excavation anterodorsally, long setulae scattered posteroventrally. Cerci extending posteriorly, about half height of epandrium (Fig. 1), not sclerotised, bearing short setulae on margins and apex. Surstyli not projecting beyond shell of epandrium although the upper surstylar teeth are just visible posteriorly. In ventral view surstyli slightly visible ventrally, their margins bearing a row of brownish setulae with the posterior 5 are strong and spine-like. A row of 7 relatively large sharp black teeth present on posterior lobe forming a curved row on inner surface of the surstyli, gradually decreasing in size ventrally. A pair of short setulae present just below bases of cerci. Aedeagus distinctive (Fig. 3), a rather simple U-shape with two basal side arms, these gradually narrowing and pointed apically. Female. Similar to male except with overall shorter setulae on the integument and wider frons 0.25 the width of an eye. Female terminalia (Fig 4). Aculeus gradually narrows towards apex, Apical segment dorsoventrally flattened, diamond shaped, basally embedded into the aculeus, with a pair of downward pointing short lateral setulae and two or three very short setulae lying anterior to these. Aculeus and apical segment noticeably golden-brown. Description of third stage larva (N= 2). Length 4.5-5mm; maximum width 0.68-0.83mm; maximum height 0.83-0.91mm. Truncate posteriorly, tapered anteriorly; dirty white except for black margins of posterior spiracular plates, red-brown margins of posterior spiracles and black sclerotised cephalopharyngeal skeleton; anterior spiracles consisting of eight respiratory bulbs arranged in a fan; posterior spiracular plates borne on short (0.05- 0.06mm) projections and sited on upper apical margin of anal segment; spiracular plates oval, separated by about two times the width of the spiracular plate; spiracular openings straight, about equidistant from each other and longer than wide (0.03mm long x 0.01mm); cuticular scar black and on inner, upper margin of plate; four groups of 3- 4, short, interspiracular setae present; oral lobes of pseudocephalon coated in cirri; integument without vestiture except the following: anterior margin of prothorax circumvented by numerous, short, straight or curved bars of upright microspicules generally orientated transversely across the segment; locomotory spicules on the anterior and posterior segmental boundaries of all abdominal segments consisting of 7 transverse rows of even sized spicules with 4 rows on the posterior margin and 3 on the anterior margin of each segment; mesothorax and metathorax without spicules or vestiture; anus surrounded by short spicules anteriorly and longer spicules posteriorly, laterally without surrounding spicules. Cephalopharyngeal skeleton (Fig. 5) length 0.36mm; mandible with rectangular base, a curved apical hook and an oval-shaped dental sclerite sclerotised black; intermediate sclerite sclerotised black, bar-shaped; vertical plate and dorsal cornu sclerotised; ventral cornu brown, not as sclerotised; cibarial ridges present. Differential diagnosis. Adult. The genus Silba is tropical and subtropical in distribution but in the northern part of this range there are species whose external characters vary increasingly from the ���normal��� Silba type. The species described here is a case in question. Although it does have the defining Silba character of a row of teeth on the posterior part of the surstyli there is only one, not two strong setae on the katepisternum and the plumosity of the arista is reduced, features which make it distinct from the majority of described species in this genus. The species described here clearly differs from the known fig feeding species S. adipata which has two seta on the katepisternum and a plumose arista. The male genitalia are also considerably different particularly in terms of the aedeagus which is relatively simple in S. adipata but bears a pair of strong basal processes in S. lashker. Larvae. The larva is similar in overall appearance and basic features to other larvae of the Lonchaeidae. The extent of black sclerotisation of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton and lack of ornamentation, such as hooks, associated with the posterior spiracular plates is more similar to the genus Setisquamalonchaea than either Dasiops or Lonchaea although only one species of the former genus has been examined. The anterior margin of the prothorax with the distinctive ornamentation of short, transverse bars of microspicules may be a unique, defining feature of Silba as ornamentation of this kind is certainly absent in Lonchaea and apparently absent in Dasiops. However, the state of this character is unknown in other lonchaeid genera including Setisquamalonchaea. Type material: Holotype 3. INDIA: Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Hazratbal. 10.vii. 2008, reared from Ficus carica collected in herbal garden of CCRUM (Central Council of Research in Unani Medicine), leg. N. Razak; paratypes: 2 3, 3 �� with the same data as the holotype; 3 3, ��, Chanapora, Srinagar 14.vii. 2008. (types in Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Entomology section, New Delhi, PUSA, India; 3 and �� paratypes in National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh). Etymology. From lashker, an Urdu noun meaning a group, referring to the group emergence of flies in the rearing cages. Ecological information. Larvae were found at various sites in the Srinagar and Budgam Districts of the Kashmir valley infesting figs of Ficus carica. Intact fruits, both raw and ripe, which were heavily infested with tiny white larvae, were placed in rearing cages. The number of larvae emerging per fruit to pupate ranged between 3 and 10. In the CCRUM herbal garden samples 85-90 % of the fruits were found to be infested. At other sites the level of infestation was somewhat lower ranging from 30-60 %., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, Razak, Nakeer, Rotheray, Graham E. & Ahmad, Irfan, 2012, A new species of fig-feeding Lonchaeidae (Diptera: Schizophora) from India and a checklist for the family in the Indian sub-continent, pp. 47-52 in Zootaxa 3242 on pages 48-50, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.209909
- Published
- 2012
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50. Silba Macquart 1851
- Author
Macgowan, Iain, Razak, Nakeer, Rotheray, Graham E., and Ahmad, Irfan
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Lonchaeidae ,Diptera ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Silba ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Genus Silba Macquart, 1851. This genus currently contains some 90 named species but many others still await description. The majority of Silba species are associated with the tropical forests of Africa, Asia, and Australasia extending northwards into southern Europe, Taiwan and southern China. Larvae have been reared from the fruits and stems of a wide range of tropical plants., Published as part of Macgowan, Iain, Razak, Nakeer, Rotheray, Graham E. & Ahmad, Irfan, 2012, A new species of fig-feeding Lonchaeidae (Diptera: Schizophora) from India and a checklist for the family in the Indian sub-continent, pp. 47-52 in Zootaxa 3242 on page 48, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.209909
- Published
- 2012
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