Sheida Azizi, A. Moya, Joaquim Gutiérrez, Josep A. Calduch-Giner, Encarnación Capilla, Esmail Lutfi, Isabel Navarro, Miquel Perelló, Emilio J. Vélez, Josefina Blasco, Jaume Pérez-Sánchez, Jaume Fernández-Borràs, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Universidad de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, Vélez, Emilio, Perelló-Amorós, Miguel, Lutfi, Esmail, Calduch-Giner, Josep A., Vélez, Emilio [0000-0002-6363-0697], Perelló-Amorós, Miguel [0000-0002-6776-8765], Lutfi, Esmail [0000-0002-6363-0697], and Calduch-Giner, Josep A. [0000-0003-3124-5986]
The growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) endocrine axis is the main growth-regulator system in vertebrates. Some authors have demonstrated the positive effects on growth of a sustained-release formulation of a recombinant bovine GH (rBGH) in different fish species. The aim of this work was to characterize the effects of a single injection of rBGH in fingerlings of gilthead sea bream on growth, GH-IGF axis, and both myogenic and osteogenic processes. Thus, body weight and specific growth rate were significantly increased in rBGH-treated fish respect to control fish at 6 weeks post-injection, whereas the hepatosomatic index was decreased and the condition factor and mesenteric fat index were unchanged, altogether indicating enhanced somatic growth. Moreover, rBGH injection increased the plasma IGF-I levels in parallel with a rise of hepatic mRNA from total IGF-I, IGF-Ic and IGF-II, the binding proteins IGFBP-1a and IGFBP-2b, and also the receptors IGF-IRb, GHR-I and GHR-II. In skeletal muscle, the expression of IGF-Ib and GHR-I was significantly increased but that of IGF-IRb was reduced; the mRNA levels of myogenic regulatory factors, proliferation and differentiation markers (PCNA and MHC, respectively), or that of different molecules of the signaling pathway (TOR/AKT) were unaltered. Besides, the growth inhibitor myostatin (MSTN1 and MSTN2) and the hypertrophic marker (MLC2B) expression resulted significantly enhanced, suggesting altogether that the muscle is in a non-proliferative stage of development. Contrarily in bone, although the expression of most molecules of the GH/IGF axis was decreased, the mRNA levels of several osteogenic genes were increased. The histology analysis showed a GH induced lipolytic effect with a clear decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer. Overall, these results reveal that a better growth potential can be achieved on this species and supports the possibility to improve growth and quality through the optimization of its culture conditions., E.J.V. and E.L. are supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación” (MICINN), and A.M. by the University of Barcelona (APIF-2012). This study was supported by the project AGL2012-39768 (MICINN) to J.G., and the “Xarxa de Refèrencia d’R+D+I en Aqüicultura” and the 2014SGR-01371 from the “Generalitat de Catalunya”.