van Wageningen, Brian, Bucknall, Kevin, Watson, Andrew, Hu, J. P., Warren, Jim, Fisher, Carney, McLaren, Anne, Leong, S. T., Young, Graham, Tan-Schlee, Traudl, Liew, K. S., Richard, Dick, Swan, Bill, Gerstle, C. Andrew, Story, Greg, Walsh, Frank, Sheard, Paul, Morris, Mark, Brewster, Jennifer, Arasaratnam, S., Yasmeen, Samina, Hewison, Kevin, Knight, G. R., Legge, J. D., Robison, Dick, Terwiel, B. J., Krinks, Peter, Barraclough, Simon, Stange, Paul, Manderson, Lenore, Drakard, J. E., O'Malley, William, and Cushman, J. W.
David and Maya Bradley, Problems of Asian Students in Australia: Language, Culture and Education, Department of Education and Youth Affairs, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1984. xi, 357pp. Foreword, appendices, bibliography. Paper: $15.40.Robert Adley, All Change Hong Kong, Blandford Press, Poole, U.K., 1984. 128pp. Preface, index, bibliography, photographs, maps. Cloths $13.95.Elisabeth Croll, The Family Rice Bowl: Food and the Domestic Economy in China, Zed Press, London, 1983. 375pp. Tables, figures, notes, appendices, index. Papers £6.95.John DeFrancis, The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1984. x, 330pp. Preface, introduction, illustrations, tables, notes, glossary, index. Cloth: US$20.00.Frederick C. Drake, The Empire of the Seas: A Biography of Rear Admiral Robert Wilson Shufeldt, USN, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1984. v, 468pp. Maps, plates, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth: US$29.95.Huang Liu-hung and Djang Chu, trans. and ed., A Complete Book Concerning Happiness and Benevolence: Fu-hui ch'üan-shu; A Manual for Local Magistrates in Seventeenth-Century China, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1984. 656pp. Preface, notes, glossary, illustrations, index. Cloth: US$37.50.Lee Yu-Hwa, Fantasy and Realism in Chinese Fiction: T'ang Love Themes in Contrast, Asian Library Series No.37, Chinese Materials Center Publications, San Francisco, 1984. 89pp. Cloth: US$15.50.R.K.I. Quested, Sino-Russian Relations: A Short History, George Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1984. 194pp. Introduction, bibliography, time charts, index. Cloth: $22.95, Paper: $10.95.Stuart R. Schram, Mao Zedong: A Preliminary Reassessment, The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 1983. xv, 104pp. Introduction, preface, appendices, plates. Cloth: US$17.50.Robert A.F. Thurman, trans., Tsong Khapa's Speech of Gold in the Essence of True Eloquence, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1984. 442pp. Preface, foreword, introduction, glossary, illustrations, bibliography, index. Cloth: US$65.00.Wen-hui Tsai, Patterns of Political Elite Mobility in Modern China, 1912-1949, Chinese Materials Center, San Francisco, 1983. xxiii, 277pp. Preface, introduction, figures, tables, appendices, bibliography, index. Cloths US$25.80.Masao Ishizawa, Teizo Suganuma, Ichimatsu Tanaka, Chisaburo Yamada, Yuzo Yamane, Yoshiho Yonezawa and Itsuji Yoshikawa, The Heritage of Japanese Art, Kodansha International Ltd., Tokyo, New York and San Francisco, 1982. 208pp. Introduction, map, plates, bibliography, index. Cloth: $69.00.Ikuo Iwasaki, compiler, Japan and Southeast Asia: A Bibliography of Historical, Economic and Political Relations, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1983. xiv, 176pp. Paper: US$7.00.Jin'ichi Konishi, A History of Japanese Literature, Vol. 1, The Archaic and Ancient Ages, translated by A. Gatten and N. Teele, edited by E. Miner, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1984. xx, 475pp. Preface, foreword, introduction, tables, bibliography, index. Cloth: US$65.00, Paper: US$25.50.Shibusawa Masahide, Japan and the Asian Pacific Region, Croom Helm, London and Sydney, 1984. 196pp. Introduction, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth: $35.95.Alan Rix and Ross Mouer, eds., Japan's Impact on the World, Japanese Studies Association of Australia, Griffith University Press, Nathan, 1984. viii, 252pp. Preface. Paper: $8.00.Kazuo Sato and Yasuo Hoshino, eds., The Anatomy of Japanese Business, M.E. Sharpe, New York and Croom Helm, London and Sydney, 1984. 369pp. Introduction. Cloth: $44.95.Makoto Ueda, Modern Japanese Poets and the Nature of Literature, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1983. viii, 451pp. Preface, introduction, bibliography, index. Cloth: US$28.50.John Young and Kimiko Nakajima-Okano, Learn Japanese: New College Text, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1984. Vol.1, xiv, 270pp., Vol.2, ix, 346pp. Introduction, appendices, glossary, index. Paper: US$13.95.K.N. Chaudhuri, Trade and Civilization in the Indian Ocean. An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985. xiii, 269pp. Maps, plates, preface, introduction, notes, glossary, bibliography, index. Cloth: $66.50, Paper: $23.50.Zalmay Khalilzad, Security in Southern Asia: The Security of Southwest Asia, International Institute of Strategic Studies, Gower, London, 1984. n.p.g.Timothy George, Robert Litwak and Shahram Chubin, Security in Southern Asia: India and the Great Powers, International Institute of Strategic Studies, Gower, London, 1984. n.p.g.Benjamin A. Batson, The End of Absolute Monarchy in Siam, ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series, Oxford U.P., Singapore, 1984. xviii, 349 pp. Plates, glossary, appendices, bibliography, index. Paper: n.p.g.Jan Breman, Control of Land and Labour in Colonial Java, KITLV Verhandelingen Series, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1983. xi, 158pp. Glossary, introduction, notes, bibliography, index. Paper: Df1. 40.Chan Heng Chee, A Sensation of Independence: A Political Biography of David Marshall, Oxford U.P., Singapore, 1984. xii, 260 pp. Bibliography, index. Paper: S$25.David Jenkins, Suharto and His Generals: Indonesian Military Politics, 1975-1983, Modern Indonesia Project Monograph Series No. 64, Cornell University, Ithaca, 1984. xii, 280pp. Preface, glossary, index. Paper: US$12.50Hong Lysa, Thailand in the Nineteenth Century: Evolution of the Economy and Society, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1984. 182pp. Paper: n.p.g.Alfred W. McCoy, Priests on Trial: Father Gore and Father O'Brien Caught in the- Crossfire Between Dictatorship and Revolution, Penguin Books, Sydney, 1984. xii, 259pp. Preface, index. Paper: $6.95.J. Saravanamuttu, The Dilemma of Independence: Two Decades of Malaysia's Foreign Policy, 1957-1977, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 1983. vii, 206pp. Illustrations, preface, appendices, bibliography, index. Paper: n.p.g.Tham Seong Chee, Religion and Modernisation: A Study of Changing Rituals Among Singapore's Chinese, Malays, and Indians, East Asian Cultural Studies, Vol. XXIII, Nos. 1-4, Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies, Tokyo, March 1984. ix, 186pp. Tables, bibliography, plates. Paper: US$19.20.Khin Thitsa and Signe Howell, Women and Development in South-East Asia: Two Papers, Occasional Paper No. 1, Centre of South-East Asian Studies, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1983. 81pp. Paper: £2.25 (postage included).C.W. Watson, Kerinci: Two Historical Studies, Occasional Paper No. 3, Centre of South-East Asian Studies, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1984. x, 63pp. Paper: £2.25 (postage included).John Wong, The Political Economy of China's Changing Relations with Southeast Asia, Macmillan Press, London, 1984. xvi, 246pp. Preface, tables, notes, references, index. Cloth: $18.00, Paper: $6.95.David K. Wyatt, Thailand: A Short History, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1982, 1984. xviii, 351pp. Illustrations, tables, preface, appendices, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth: US$27.50.