This study describes the involvement of anterior chamber (AC) angle structures in patients with disseminated histoplasmosis. The postmortem eyes from three patients (aged 33, 41, and 42 years, respectively) with disseminated histoplasmosis, two of whom had acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, were examined by light microscopy using hematoxylin-eosin, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), and Gomori's methenamide silver (GMS) stains. Electron microscopy studies of the choroid were performed in one eye. Significant numbers of budding yeast forms of Histoplasma capsulatum measuring 2-5 microns in diameter were observed within the trabecular meshwork, Schlemm's canal and in the deep intrascleral plexuses. All eyes showed massive involvement of the choroidal vasculature, including the choriocapillaris. The organisms were observed freely as well as in small clusters within the cytoplasm of circulating monocytes. The vessels of the limbal conjunctiva (two eyes) and ciliary body (three eyes) contained many Histoplasma organisms. In one eye, several budding yeast were noted in an iris vessel and in occasional histiocytes within the ciliary muscle. Blood smears containing Histoplasma organisms were observed in two cases. None of the patients had an ophthalmologic examination prior to death. Involvement of the intravascular structures of the eye as well as the AC angle was observed in three patients with disseminated histoplasmosis. The fungus most likely reached the AC angle structures by direct hematogenous dissemination or via the aqueous humor by migration from vessels in the ciliary body and iris. An abnormal retrograde blood flow into the AC angle structures may have also played an important role. We suggested that the intraocular pressure be monitored in cases of suspected disseminated histoplasmosis to detect functional alterations indicative of a blockage in the outflow channels.