2,321 results on '"Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Diritto"'
Search Results
2. La cura è una questione di democrazia. Rileggendo Franco Basaglia a cent’anni dalla nascita
- Author
Daly, Enrico, ENRICO DALY (ORCID:0000-0002-2891-7107), Daly, Enrico, and ENRICO DALY (ORCID:0000-0002-2891-7107)
- Abstract
Ri-leggere Basaglia a cent'anni dalla nascita è ri-scoprire il legame inscindibile tra cura e democrazia. La legge 180 infatti, introducendo per la prima volta il principio di volontarietà dei trattamenti sanitari, riconosceva alla persona la disponibilità del proprio corpo. Il malato non più come corpo-oggetto che si può internare o sottoporre al paternalismo del curante, ma come corpo-soggetto con una sua dignità e contrattualità.
- Published
- 2024
3. Metodologia e diritto civile : Una prospettiva filosofica
- Author
Velluzzi, Vito, V. Velluzzi, Velluzzi, Vito, and V. Velluzzi
- Abstract
Il libro presenta quattro capitoli su temi prevalentemente di diritto civile: l’interpretazione del contratto, il giudizio di meritevolezza degli interessi, l’abuso del diritto e il contratto in frode al terzo. Ogni testo intreccia aspetti filosofici e giuridici assumendo, fra le molte adottabili, la prospettiva della filosofia del diritto positivo. Quest’ultimo è una miscela di vari elementi: testi, significati, argomentazioni, prassi sociali; farne la filosofia significa, tra l’altro, individuare e discutere i problemi che la giurisprudenza e la dottrina sollevano, compiere riflessioni sugli strumenti di lavoro utilizzati dai giudici e dagli studiosi, segnalare differenti chiavi di lettura rispetto a quelle impiegate, rilevare l’eventuale assenza di chiarezza concettuale.
- Published
- 2023
4. Guerra o salute: un manuale di educazione civica contemporanea
- Author
Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673), Tallacchini, Mariachiara, and Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673)
- Abstract
Può sembrare insolito parlare di un un saggio di epidemiologia cominciando da considerazioni di filosofia del diritto. Ma nel caso di “Guerra o salute. Dalle evidenze scientifiche alla promozione della pace” (Il PensieroScientifico Editore, Roma 2023), di Pirous Fateh-Moghadam, la scelta ha più di una ragione. Da molto tempo e attraverso numerosi scritti, Fateh-Moghadam si occupa di come la guerra sia in sé, e sia diventata con crescita esponenziale, un ambito di fondamentale interesse epidemiologico e uno dei fattori maggiormente decisivi per la salute individuale e pubblica mondiale. La rilevanza della filosofia del diritto, o più precisamente del collegamento tra epidemiologia e profili di diritto e policy, è peraltro suggerita dal titolo del saggio, che collega evidenze scientifiche e proposte di pace.
- Published
- 2023
5. Eric Voegelin, Ordine e storia, vol. III. Platone e Aristotele
- Author
Scotti, Nicoletta, scotti nicoletta (ORCID:0000-0003-3527-9139), Scotti, Nicoletta, and scotti nicoletta (ORCID:0000-0003-3527-9139)
- Abstract
"Plato and Aristotle", the third volume of "Order and History", continues the analysis of the Greek order of the soul and of the polis started in vol. II, "The World of the Polis" and offers a comprehensive analysis of Plato's main 'political' dialogues and of Aristotle's "Politics" as specific achievements in the universal history of order. Plato's political thought represents a synthesis of metaphysical, ethical and epistemological dimensions and a steadfast perspective to include his whole philosophy. Aristotle's political philosophy is considered both on its own and in its relation to Plato's. The analysis focuses also on the issues of sovereignty and law, that have been crucial in Voegelin's endeavours since the beginning of his scientific path. The present edition is enriched with a critical apparatus.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Costato Luigi, Albisinni Ferdinando, Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Albisinni, F, Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673), Costato Luigi, Albisinni Ferdinando, Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Albisinni, F, and Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673)
- Abstract
La consapevolezza delle ragioni etiche e scienti!che che fondano il rispetto degli animali non-umani ha acquisito un signi!cato crescente nel diritto dell’Unione europea. Ciò che ha reso concretamente possibile l’adozione di misure vincolanti per tutti gli Stati membri in tema di animali sono state la convergenza e le reciproche interazioni tra ragioni etiche, principi di funzionamento delle istituzioni europee e conoscenze rese disponibili dalle scienze del benessere animale (animal welfare).
- Published
- 2023
7. On the ‘restorative idea’: setting boundaries, innovating and exploring the unknown
- Author
Fonseca Rosenblatt, Fernanda, Mazzucato, Claudia, Mazzucato, Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664), Fonseca Rosenblatt, Fernanda, Mazzucato, Claudia, and Mazzucato, Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664)
- Abstract
The editorial introduces and discusses the International Journal of Restorative Justice's special issue 'The evolving meaning of restorative justice: a discussion'. In fact, the special issue contains twelve texts by leading scholars and practitioners, a conversation and a series of book reviews that explore the concept, notion, boundaries, extension and possible development of the restorative 'idea'. The editorial discusses the main issues arising from the debate/discussion in the special issue and presents the guest editors' views on the topic. In particular, the two authors reflect on the notion(s) and field(s) of application of restorative justice in and outside of criminal matters, discuss the challenges for academic research and teaching arising from the expansion of the restorative idea, and look for common features of 'restorativeness' as a result of the transcultural and interdisciplinary discussion gathered in the special issue.
- Published
- 2023
8. Scienza e potere
- Author
Marta Cartabia e Marco Ruotolo, Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673), Marta Cartabia e Marco Ruotolo, Tallacchini, Mariachiara, and Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673)
- Abstract
Il tema del rapporto tra scienza e potere si presta a molte letture. La prospettiva qui proposta riguarda la scienza come potere nei suoi rapporti con i poteri dello Stato, in particolare le istituzioni legislative e di governo. Scienza, politica e diritto sono entrati variamente in relazione fin dall’inizio dell’impresa scientifica e dello Stato moderno. Saperi e pratiche politico-giuridici hanno lungamente guardato alla scienza come ideale di metodologia per migliorare certezza e oggettività, e diminuire soggettività e spazi di arbitrio (1). Ma la situazione odierna è andata ben oltre il modello metodologico. Nelle società fondate sulla conoscenza, scienza, diritto e policy — termine con cui si fa solitamente riferimento ai processi di determinazione delle scelte pubbliche — sono sempre più interdipendenti nella vicendevole costruzione e legittimazione delle norme. Le knowledge-based societies sono le società in cui la conoscenza è parte fondante dei processi di legittimazione delle regole che organizzano la vita associata.
- Published
- 2023
9. Prefazione
- Author
Velluzzi, Vito, Velluzzi V. (ORCID:0000-0003-2331-5630), Velluzzi, Vito, and Velluzzi V. (ORCID:0000-0003-2331-5630)
- Abstract
Si tratta di una Prefazione al volume di M. Q. Silvi, Filosofia dell'atto giuridico
- Published
- 2023
10. Dialoghi sulla morfologia delle fonti
- Author
Bombelli, G, Heritier P, Massa M, Bombelli, Giovanni, Heritier, Paolo, Massa, Michele, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Michele Massa (ORCID:0000-0001-6642-7654), Bombelli, G, Heritier P, Massa M, Bombelli, Giovanni, Heritier, Paolo, Massa, Michele, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), and Michele Massa (ORCID:0000-0001-6642-7654)
- Abstract
Introduzione alla sezione speciale del fascicolo della Rivista che raccoglie gli atti di un ciclo di seminari dal titolo Dialoghi sulla morfologia delle fonti, tenutosi presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano nella primavera del 2022. Gli incontri si sono strutturati come veri e propri dialoghi. Gli ospiti sono stati invitati a discutere, tra loro e con gli organizzatori, attorno ad alcune domande, da una varietà di prospettive: dal diritto pubblico alla filosofia del diritto, sino ad altri settori delle scienze giuridiche, nonché ad aree afferenti altre scienze sociali (segnatamente la sociologia). Questa la domanda essenziale: come cambia il diritto per effetto del rifluire su di esso dei processi di mutamento sociale, in particolare in momenti segnati da situazioni di emergenza e orizzonti di incertezza conoscitiva (o, meglio, cognitiva). L'introduzione ripercorre i diversi seminari, inquadrandoli in un percorso teoretico unitario.
- Published
- 2023
11. La scienza gentile di Sheila Jasanoff
- Author
Giuseppe Tipaldo, Flavio Ceravolo, Valentina Moiso, Nico Pitrelli, Mariacristina Sciannamblo, Mariachiara Tallacchini, Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Pitrelli, N, Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673), Giuseppe Tipaldo, Flavio Ceravolo, Valentina Moiso, Nico Pitrelli, Mariacristina Sciannamblo, Mariachiara Tallacchini, Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Pitrelli, N, and Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673)
- Abstract
Già vent’anni prima della pandemia di Coronavirus, avevamo tutti gli strumenti concettuali per ripensare le politiche della scienza, il ruolo delle istituzioni di ricerca, il contributo dei cittadini alla produzione di conoscenza in direzioni molto differenti rispetto alle traiettorie delineatisi negli ultimi tre anni di emergenza sanitaria mondiale.
- Published
- 2023
12. Xenotransplantation: The Role of Public Involvement
- Author
Daniel J. Hurst, Luz Padilla, Wayne D. Paris, Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673), Daniel J. Hurst, Luz Padilla, Wayne D. Paris, Tallacchini, Mariachiara, and Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673)
- Abstract
Public involvement, namely including the general public, for health regulations and policies has gained momentum and has been deemed increasingly relevant in the past few decades in most democratic societies. This chapter illustrates the meaning and the evolution of public involvement in xenotransplantation (XTx) from a science policy perspective—that is, how scientific knowledge and normative requirements merge in decision-making—and with an interest for the current changes as to how democratic societies think of themselves
- Published
- 2023
13. Manifesto per un'educazione civica alla scienza
- Author
Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Pitrelli, N., Tallacchini, M. (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673), Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Pitrelli, N., and Tallacchini, M. (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673)
- Abstract
Le principali sfide della contemporaneità – dal clima alla salute globale – hanno sia una dimensione sociale e politica sia una dimensione scientifica e tecnologica. I decisori politici non possono fare a meno del sapere specialistico, ma la scienza a disposizione è spesso ambigua, incompleta e multidisciplinare. Nico Pitrelli e Mariachiara Tallacchini propongono un nuovo approccio al rapporto fra il sapere scientifico e le regole comuni di convivenza, un’educazione civica alla scienza che tenga conto di ruoli, diritti e responsabilità dei cittadini, di chi fa ricerca e di chi prende decisioni. Perché la democrazia, oggi, è soprattutto un problema di conoscenza.
- Published
- 2023
14. Evoluzione dell’etica della ricerca: il dopo-Merton è iniziato da tempo
- Author
Tallacchini, Mariachiara, Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673), Tallacchini, Mariachiara, and Tallacchini, M (ORCID:0000-0003-3730-3673)
- Abstract
In questa riflessione sull'etica della ricerca si indicano le direzioni che l'etica della ricerca ha intrapreso nel dopo-Merton: sintesi degli obblighi di "diligenza scientifica" e richiesta di integrazione tra dimensioni etiche individuali e istituzionali.
- Published
- 2023
15. La questione del metodo tra filosofia e teoria del diritto. Su qualche eredità carneluttiana
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Bombelli, Giovanni, and Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902)
- Abstract
Moving from Carnelutti’s philosophical-legal framework the paper offers a critical reading of his perspective, which emphasizes the methodological dimension and highlights the pattern of law elaborated by the Italian author. It is closely connected to a categorical horizon, rooted in the ideas of “system” and “legal order” and dating back to the classical notion of scientia juris. The analysis of some turning points (i.e. the nexus epistemology-law; the role of the methodological level; the model of theory of law), as well as the comparison with some theoretical orientations (i.e. Capograssi, Betti, Menogni), makes it clear the richness and fruitfulness of Carnelutti’s model also in order to understand in depth the current legal scenario based on the pair Government-Governance.
- Published
- 2023
16. Introduzione
- Author
Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo, Armen Khatchatourov, Beltramo, Giorgio Lorenzo, Khatchatourov, Armen, Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo (ORCID:0000-0001-7598-4487), Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo, Armen Khatchatourov, Beltramo, Giorgio Lorenzo, Khatchatourov, Armen, and Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo (ORCID:0000-0001-7598-4487)
- Abstract
Il volume, che vede una pubblicazione parallela nella rivista Études Digitales, integra, anche introducendo un Focus dedicato alla nozione di relazione, l’analisi compiuta nel volume primo, interrogando il fondamento umanistico delle nuove tecnologie e precisandone il possibile valore per il rinnovamento della concezione didattica di classici filosofico giuridici. Trattando di un tema transdisciplinare come la tecnica e di un soggetto “indisciplinato” come il récit, si mettono così in luce da più punti di vista – ora giuridici, ora letterari, ora filosofici – forme diverse di normatività.
- Published
- 2023
17. Aristotle’s Model of Rhetoric and Contemporary Patterns of Argumentation: On Some Aristotelian Challenges
- Author
Huppes-Cluysenaer, L., Coelho, N.M.M.S., Bombelli, Giovanni, Bombelli G. (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Huppes-Cluysenaer, L., Coelho, N.M.M.S., Bombelli, Giovanni, and Bombelli G. (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902)
- Abstract
The chapter focuses on the interdependence of the concepts of dialogue, law and truth in Aristotle’s model of rhetoric. Taking some aspects of the new rhetoric and of the argumentation theory of Perelman, Alexy and Habermas as a starting point, it will be clarified that the Aristotelian and ancient idea of rhetoric involved a completely different pattern of reasoning. Our analysis will focus on Aristotle’s paradigm, in particular the aspects of dialogue, truth and justice, which highlight the complexity of his model and show how his approach differs from the new model of argumentation theory. The revival of aspects of the Aristotelian approach within the contemporary philosophical-legal debate demonstrates the enduring relevance of Aristotle’s theoretical framework and invites its use to analyze patterns of reasoning in the public debate on issues as equity and climate change.
- Published
- 2023
18. Sulle fonti di ispirazione del giurista tra politica e diritto. Incursioni in narrazioni “altre”
- Author
Faralli, C., Mittica, M. P., Bombelli, Giovanni, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Faralli, C., Mittica, M. P., Bombelli, Giovanni, and Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902)
- Abstract
The paper focuses on the wide range of sources of inspiration underlying the work of the jurist between politics and law. Starting from the relevant role played by literature within the legal dimension, which has been put in light by the so-called orientation Law and Literature, the analysis deals with the reference to “other” narratives through some examples related to the modernity as well as to the recent and contemporary scenario. Concerning the first one, the ambiguity of Hobbes’ legal-political perspective paradigmatically emerges in order to understand the implementation of the modern political-legal model. In the same way, the current scenario is deepened both in light of some obscure or contradictory aspects of the National Socialism and of some aspects concerning the “case Dugin” closely connected to the conflict Russia-Ukraina. In conclusion, the contribution focuses on the modern conceptual architecture of the political-legal sphere: moving from the relevant role played by “other” narratives, it allows the rethinking of some fundamental legal categories dating back to the origins of modernity.
- Published
- 2023
19. Nomopoiesi. Appunti per una teoria grafica del diritto
- Author
Beltramo, Giorgio Lorenzo, Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo (ORCID:0000-0001-7598-4487), Beltramo, Giorgio Lorenzo, and Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo (ORCID:0000-0001-7598-4487)
- Abstract
Attraverso una reinterpretazione originale del pensiero di Carlo SIni, il lavoro intende proporre ed esercitare una prospettiva grafica, al fine di criticare la normatività teorica della filosofia del diritto. LA scientia iuris è qui colta come il precipitato di una tradizione di pratiche grafiche sterminate, di cui si mostrano gli effetti antropopoietici e normativi. In un esercizio genealogico, è dunque indagata la forma specifica della pratica teorica, la cui interno si inscrive il soggetto teoreticamente atteggiato. Ne emerge un paradosso, che bisogna saper abitare. La filosofia del diritto è un discorso critico sulla norma, che presuppone però la forma normativa della teoria. È precisamente questa maggiore esposizione al paradosso che fa della scientia iuris una prospettiva filosoficamente privilegiata.
- Published
- 2023
20. The Interlinkages Science-Technology-Law: Information and Communication Society, Knowledge-Based Economy and the Rule of Law
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni, Farah, Paolo, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Paolo Farah, Bombelli, Giovanni, Farah, Paolo, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), and Paolo Farah
- Abstract
This chapter focuses on the circular and complex relationship between science, technology, society, and law. The technology/society connection focuses on the democratic deficit issue. The democratic deficit would be a consequence of the lack of adaptability of western democracy to complex (information) societies, where technology (and the increasing access to data that it permits) is separating the connection between information and knowledge (as well as the classical legitimacy couple of democracy-truth) moving these societies towards a technocracy. On one hand, the technology-law circle deals with the progressive reduction of law to a normative technique (since the law is always late and uncomplete face to technology, there is a transition from hard law to soft law, from norms to rules, from government to governance) but, at the same time and on the other hand, the technology aims to be recognized as a legal framework based on new “net/web” relationships, applied to new spaces (cyberspace) and based on accountability instead of sovereignty. This new legal structure operates in the “net” society (interactive, dematerialized and based on database memory) where cognitive acquisition (hypertextualization of knowledge, cyberculture) conducts political deliberation to simple expressions of subjectivism and emotive decisions based on casual and contingent information. As a result, in highly technologized and mass societies there is a dislocation between information and knowledge, which no longer identifies each other.
- Published
- 2023
21. Umano, viventi, diritto (e diritti)
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Bombelli, Giovanni, and Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902)
- Abstract
Some contemporary issues (patterns of social development, crisis of the democracies, climate change) involve a rediscussion of the modern equation “human subject-subjective right”, which is based on the Cartesian scission “subject” (i.e. rational being)-“nature” (i.e. mechanistic world). The relevance tributed to non-human dimensions entails to rethink some philosophical- legal concepts: the pair subject-object, the role of law, the idea of responsibility and the relation human beings-nature.
- Published
- 2023
22. I volti della dignità
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Bombelli, Giovanni, and Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902)
- Abstract
From classical thought to modernity, Western reflection has thematized dignity as original dimension of the human according to different paradigms. A comparison of some of the junctures that connote the philosophical-legal line, including the growing role of law, and magisterial elaboration, reveals significant points of tangency. In a postmodern framework, they confirm the ineludible nature of the reference to dignity understood as “common human” by revealing its multiple faces.
- Published
- 2023
23. AlphaZero batte Stockfish 28 a 0. Intelligenza Artificiale, gioco degli scacchi e scelte strategiche [AlphaZero beats Stockfish 28 to 0. Artificial Intelligence, chess game and strategic choices]
- Author
Daly, Enrico, Daly E. (ORCID:0000-0002-2891-7107), Daly, Enrico, and Daly E. (ORCID:0000-0002-2891-7107)
- Abstract
The essay discusses the subject of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and the legal principles governing this matter. The functioning of the algorithms Turochamp, Stockfish, AlphaZero, used in the game of chess, is described in detail. Based on these examples, the differences between deterministic, non-strictly deterministic algorithms and self-training AI algorithms are analysed, up to the topic of opacity and black box, typical of deep-learning systems. Finally, the issue of the transparency and explicability required by jurisprudence for the use of AI algorithms in the public sphere and the compatibility of these legal principles with the functioning of these new technologies are addressed.
- Published
- 2023
24. Sciopero della fame del detenuto e alimentazione forzata. Profili etico-giuridici
- Author
Daly, Enrico, ENRICO DALY (ORCID:0000-0002-2891-7107), Daly, Enrico, and ENRICO DALY (ORCID:0000-0002-2891-7107)
- Abstract
This contribution addresses the issue of the power of public authorities to resort to force-feeding if a prisoner on hunger strike is in danger of dying. This issue is analyzed from an ethical and legal point of view, with reference, on the one hand, to the principle of self-determination of the person and, on the other hand, to the rules established by Law no. 219/2017. The legal concept of “adequacy” of the DAT (“Disposizioni Anticipate di Trattamento”, Advanced Treatment Provisions) is also discussed. Finally, the use of force-feeding is examined in the light of the doctrine of the “criminal law of the enemy”, a controversial philosophical-juridical theory which states that some subjects, considered “enemies” of society and the State, are knowingly denied the protection and guardianship guaranteed by constitutional norms.
- Published
- 2023
25. Persona: origini, dimensioni, proiezioni
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Bombelli, Giovanni, and Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902)
- Abstract
The idea of person belongs to the Western tradition. Matured in the Christian reflection in an ontological-creationist key and declined in a functionalist sense by modern thought, the personalist approach represents a peculiar qualification of the human. Interwoven with fundamental junctures of magisterial reflection, this tradition is reproposed in the context of complex societies, confirming the fruitfulness of the reference to the anthropological-philosophical dimension of the person
- Published
- 2023
26. Su qualche destino della 'forma-codice'
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni, Bombelli G. (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Bombelli, Giovanni, and Bombelli G. (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902)
- Abstract
The essay addresses the question concerning the category of “code” (i.e. the “code-form”) within the current philosophical-legal debate. Through the scheme based on the concepts of modernity, postmodernity and hypermodernity, the contribution focuses on some theoretical passages: the nexus among the notions of system-method-code underlying the modern framework, the circle narration-performativity developed by the postmodern perspective and, finally, the hypermodern circuminsession among acceleration, new typologies of “code” and Governance. Moving from this analysis, some structural aspects of the modern-based idea of “code” are highlighted, also in order to grasp the distance from the jagged contemporary scenario. It is characterized by the continuum regarding the crisis of the “code” (i.e. decoding), the increasing “new codifications” and the current legal environments. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes the necessity to rethink the relation between the “legal form” and the contemporary and multiple patterns of knowledge as well as of social practices, in light of a deep rediscussion of the idea of “code” also in a future perspective.
- Published
- 2023
27. La ricorsività della teoria. Per un'etica dell'errore
- Author
Beltramo, Giorgio Lorenzo, Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo (ORCID:0000-0001-7598-4487), Beltramo, Giorgio Lorenzo, and Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo (ORCID:0000-0001-7598-4487)
- Abstract
The question on the question that Sini brought in philosophy aims to shake up the very foundations of the West’s rational thinking, that is, theory. A similar recursiveness is clearly visible, for example, in the method of cultural anthropology, linguistics and history. The paradoxical outcome does not invite a flat relativism; rather, it is an opportunity to exercise a new ethics of knowledge and a new figure of the subject: to force Remotti’s term, it is an anthropopoietic exercise. The truth of the world is configured in the threshold of meaning opened by its own practices: it exposes itself, thus, to its own error and catastrophe.
- Published
- 2023
28. Intorno a due scritti sulla legalità penale e l'interpretazione
- Author
Velluzzi, Vito, Velluzzi (ORCID:0000-0003-2331-5630), Velluzzi, Vito, and Velluzzi (ORCID:0000-0003-2331-5630)
- Abstract
Si svolgono alcune riflessioni sul rapporto tra interpretazione e legalità penale a partire da due saggi di Vincenzo Maiello
- Published
- 2023
29. Normativity, Truth, Validity and Effectiveness. Remarks Starting from the Horizon of the “Common Sense”
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni, Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Bombelli, Giovanni, and Giovanni Bombelli (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902)
- Abstract
The essay focuses on the rethinking of the conceptual circle normativity-truth-validity as regards its projection on the theory of law. Starting from the perspective of the “law in action”, that is to say by considering the experience/behaviour of the “common man”, the classical distinction between truth validity can be rediscussed. This perspective is based on the concept of “common sense”: it is a very complex dimension composed by different strata and entails a new meditation on the pair “deontic-psychological” also in light of some Edmund Husserl’s clues. Accordingly, it is possible to grasp the pair truth-validity “in action” (i.e. within the common legal experience), in order to propose some “open” conclusions concerning the dimensions of law as well as the legal theory.
- Published
- 2023
30. Nomografie. Per un approccio grafico al diritto
- Author
Beltramo, Giorgio Lorenzo, Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo (ORCID:0000-0001-7598-4487), Beltramo, Giorgio Lorenzo, and Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo (ORCID:0000-0001-7598-4487)
- Abstract
This article tries to propose and exercise a graphical perspective as a critique of the theoretical normativity inherent in the philosophy of law. Philosophy of law is placed in a tradition or interweaving of graphic practices: writing, alphabet, text, grammar, etc. This ideal and potentially abysmal genealogy takes form as an exercise (Sini) aimed at grasping in each new practice the leap of perspective on the world, that is, the point of emergence of the world for man: what is here interpreted normatively. Through Ong, Havelock, Svenbro, Illich, Auroux a partial genealogy of our theoretical practice is exercised. The authors are then discussed with reference to the positivization of the norm and its retroversion: what allows a graphical critique of the oral/written, custom/law dichotomies. The normativity of practice is thus interpreted as a configuration (Robilant) of the world, that is, as its de-cision (Sini). Finally, the practise of philosophy of law – the critical and defining proceeding aimed at corresponding to the norm – is recognised as always already normed: what we propose to see as a nomic-graphical custom. In this nomic paradox of the philosophy of law we see a philosophical privilege.
- Published
- 2023
31. Dialoghi sulla morfologia delle fonti: introduzione
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni, Massa, Michele, Heritier, P, Bombelli, G (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), Massa, M (ORCID:0000-0001-6642-7654), Bombelli, Giovanni, Massa, Michele, Heritier, P, Bombelli, G (ORCID:0000-0003-0486-9902), and Massa, M (ORCID:0000-0001-6642-7654)
- Abstract
Introduction to a focus dedicated to the question concerning the sources of law.
- Published
- 2023
32. Riflessioni e cautele (sempre attuali) sulla discrezionalità giudiziale
- Author
Velluzzi, Vito, V. Velluzzi (ORCID:0000-0003-2331-5630), Velluzzi, Vito, and V. Velluzzi (ORCID:0000-0003-2331-5630)
- Abstract
La recensione riguarda il libro di P. Portaluri, La cambiale di Forsthoff. Creazionismo giurisprudenziale e diritto al giudice amministrativo, Napoli, ESI, 2021, pp. 172.
- Published
- 2023
33. 'Trialectics' of Legal Interpretation
- Author
Lukáš Lev Červinka
- Subjects
rule of law ,legal interpretation ,Settore IUS/08 - Diritto Costituzionale ,rule of law, legal interpretation, hermeneutics ,hermeneutics ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto ,Law - Published
- 2022
34. Scienze sociali o scienze cognitive? Idee per un approccio socio-cognitivo
- Author
- Subjects
Cognition ,Cognitive sciences ,Interdisciplinarity ,Settore SPS/12 - Sociologia Giuridica, della Devianza e Mutamento Sociale ,General Medicine ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto ,Social sciences - Published
- 2022
35. Cognitive Turn? Tra giuspositivismo e giuscognitivismo. Alcuni riflessi socio-giuridici
- Author
Bombelli, Giovanni
- Subjects
Legal cognitivism ,Behavior ,Cognition ,Legal positivism ,Decision ,Society ,Settore IUS/20 - FILOSOFIA DEL DIRITTO ,General Medicine ,Cognition, Law, Legal positivism, Legal cognitivism, Decision, Behavior, Society ,Cognitivo, diritto, positivismo giuridico ,Law - Published
- 2022
36. El razonamiento probatorio en los casos de discriminación
- Author
- Subjects
Discriminación ,razonamiento probatorio ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto - Published
- 2023
37. Sicurezza e populismo. I migranti alla frontiera del diritto penale
- Author
ROMANO, Veronica, TESAURO, Alessandro, and SCHIAVELLO, Aldo
- Subjects
human rights ,populismo ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Diritto ,migranti ,sécurité ,solidarité ,security ,solidarietà ,populisme ,populism ,frontière ,sicurezza ,droits humains ,migrant ,frontiere ,border ,solidarity ,diritti umani ,Settore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale - Abstract
Il presente lavoro di ricerca ha ad oggetto la criminalizzazione delle migrazioni nell'èra del cosiddetto populismo, e in particolare del populismo penale. Invero, negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad una espansione incontrollata del potere punitivo che, sotto la pressione di un bisogno collettivo di sicurezza, ha condotto ad una vera e propria disumanizzazione del diritto penale (e punitivo-amministrativo), nel duplice significato che quest’ultima espressione rivestiva secondo la giurispoeta Mireille Delmas-Marty: "quello di un diritto penale che si sta deumanizzando, e quindi deumanizzato, in quanto sempre più distante dai principi dell'umanesimo giuridico; e quello di un diritto penale deumanizzante, in quanto riduce alcuni esseri umani [...] al rango di strumenti o mezzi al servizio di un fine". I migranti sono infatti il bersaglio principale di una crescente cultura della paura e di un ritornello politico e mediatico volto a stigmatizzarli come potenziali criminali. Come uno specchio, la politica migratoria e la politica criminale ci restituiscono l'immagine di una società dominata dalla paura: la prima perché - come ha scritto Abdelmalek Sayad - è «lo Stato che pensa se stesso pensando l'immigrazione»; la seconda «perché ogni incriminazione [...] si basa su una scelta di valori o di interessi, il cui rispetto è ritenuto essenziale per il mantenimento dell'ordine sociale» (Xavier Pin). La tesi è suddivisa in tre capitoli. Il capitolo I descrive il contesto emotivo, politico e socio-economico in cui si è sviluppato il populismo penale e mira a decostruire la retorica securitaria volta ad assimilare il migrante al criminale tout court. L'analisi del capitolo II si concentra sulla critica di questo "diritto penale della paura-esclusione" che ha tratto forza e legittimazione dalla narrazione deumanizzante e criminalizzante attorno alle migrazioni. Si dimostrerà, in particolare, che il diritto penale funge da frontiera, incarnando la sovranità e il relativismo dei valori nazionali e agendo come arma di esclusione e deumanizzazione delle persone migranti. La parola frontiera evocherà altresì la zona di confine in cui opera la criminalizzazione degli stranieri indesiderabili (così come degli attori umanitari che soccorrono i migranti in pericolo): si tratta, in effetti, di una zona grigia, in cui al diritto penale si sovrappone, in modo sempre più crescente, un uso punitivo del diritto amministrativo, senza che, tuttavia, il legislatore rinunci alla forza stigmatizzante e deumanizzante del primo: lo dimostra, ad esempio, il délit (in Francia) o la contravvenzione (in Italia) dell’ingresso illegale, che costituisce la bandiera del populismo penale escludente. Si vedrà anche in che misura il processo di ampliamento della nozione di nemico abbia finito per inglobare gli attori umanitari, sulla base di una “narrazione disumanizzante dell'umano” ispirata allo stereotipo delle ONG come fattori di attrazione. Lungo i sentieri della repressione della solidarietà, ci si imbatterà in forme penali di criminalizzazione (mediante, ad esempio, l'abuso del reato di favoreggiamento dell'immigrazione c.d. clandestina), forme para-penali (quali, i fermi amministrativi delle navi umanitarie) e forme inedite (mediante, ad esempio, la contestazione dei reati di inosservanza dei provvedimenti dell’Autorità e di invasione arbitraria di terreni o edifici). Il vero è che dietro questo incessante ricorso al diritto punitivo si nasconde l’incapacità di governare razionalmente i fenomeni migratori. Come verrà spiegato nel capitolo III e come ha insegnato la giurista Mireille Delmas-Marty, lo Stato securitario è una pura illusione. La transizione verso uno Stato solidale è l'unica "bussola dei possibili", l'unica rotta da seguire se vogliamo "salvarci insieme". Ci si chiederà se e in che misura i giudici abbiano contribuito (e possano contribuire in futuro) a una rifondazione dei poteri e del diritto penale su una rinnovata etica della solidarietà. This thesis deals with the criminalisation of migration in the Age of the so-called populism, in particular "penal populism". Indeed, recent years have seen an uncontrolled expansion of punitive power which, under the pressure of a collective need for security, has led to a proper dehumanisation of criminal law (as well as administrative-punitive law), in the dual meaning that the jurispoet Mireille Delmas-Marty ascribed to this expression: "that of a criminal law that is dehumanising, and thus dehumanised, insofar as it is increasingly distant from the principles of legal humanism; and that of a dehumanising criminal law, insofar as it reduces certain human beings [...] to the rank of instruments or means at the service of an end". Indeed, migrants are the main target of a growing culture of fear and a political and media refrain aimed at stigmatising them as potential criminals. Like a mirror, migration policy and criminal policy disclose the image of a society dominated by fear: the former because - as argued by Abdelmalek Sayad - "the State [...] thinks of itself by thinking of immigration"; the latter "because every incrimination [...] is based on a choice of values or interests, respect for which is considered essential for maintaining social order" (Xavier Pin). The thesis is divided into three parts. Chapter I describes the emotional, political and socio-economic context in which penal populism has developed, and tries to deconstruct the securitarian rhetoric aimed at representing migrant as a criminal. Chapter II critically analyses this 'criminal law of fear-exclusion' that has drawn strength and legitimacy from the dehumanising and criminalising narrative on migration. In particular, it will be shown that criminal law acts as a border, embodying the sovereignty and relativism of national values and acting as a weapon of exclusion and dehumanisation of migrants. The word border will also evoke the border zone in which the criminalisation of undesirable migrants (as well as humanitarian actors who rescue them) works: a grey zone, in which a punitive use of administrative law overlaps with criminal law, albeit the legislator does not renounce the stigmatising and dehumanising force of the latter: this is shown, for example, by the délit (in France) or the contravvenzione (in Italy) of illegal entry, which constitutes the flag of exclusionary criminal populism. It will be shown to what extent the process of broadening the notion of enemy has ended up encompassing humanitarian actors, on the basis of a "dehumanising narrative of the human" inspired by the stereotype of NGOs as pull factors. Along the paths of the repression of solidarity, we will come across criminal forms of punishment (through, for example, the abuse of the crime of aiding and abetting illegal entry), para-criminal forms (such as the administrative detention of humanitarian ships) and unprecedented forms (through, for example, the charge of the crimes of non-compliance with the measures of the Authority and the arbitrary invasion of land or buildings). As a matter of fact, behind this abuse of punitive law lies the inability to rationally govern migratory phenomena. As it will be explained in Chapter III and as argued by the jurist Mireille Delmas-Marty, the Securitarian State is a mere illusion. The transition towards a Solidary State is the only 'compass of the possible', the only path to be followed in order to 'save ourselves together'. The question arises as to whether and to what extent judges have contributed (and may contribute in the future) to a refounding of powers and criminal law on a renewed ethic of solidarity.
- Published
- 2023
38. Hybris e rivoluzione. Il caso della rivolta cilena
- Author
Clelia Bartoli and Clelia Bartoli
- Subjects
Revolution ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Diritto ,Legal order ,Chilean revolt ,Mapuche «Cosmovision» ,Mapuche ,Settore SPS/01 - Filosofia Politica ,Chile ,Freire ,Arrogance ,Insurgency ,Bobbio - Abstract
This paper discusses the binomial hybris and revolution. In particular, the question of whether the excessive dominants’ arrogance, who have too much both in material and symbolic terms, is sufficient to explain the deflagration of an insurgency and the interruption of a legal order. The question will be addressed by interweaving the reflections of authors who have discussed this topic with a material collected by the author through a legal-political ethnography conducted in Chile during the revolt that broke out in October 2019 and led to a new constituent phase. Categories and definitions used in this text are partly borrowed from the course devoted to political change and revolution taught by Norberto Bobbio in the 1978/79 academic year and from Michelangelo Bovero’s lectures that took place in that course. But they are placed in dialogue with revolutionary visions and practices rooted in the Latin American continent, in particular with Paulo Freire’s thought and with the so called Mapuche «cosmovision». From this comparison, the author comes to hypothesize: a. the relevance of the intimate (epistemic and emotional) dimension of revolutions; b. the priority in the etiology of insurgencies of the subjective cause, understood as the opening of the «possibles» due to the cracking of the epistemic violence exerted by the structure of domination in charge; c. the desire for radical change as an effect rather than a cause of insurgencies; d. the non-opposition between the «accelerated time» typical of revolutionary phenomena and the slow and hardly perceptible preparatory phase of latency.
- Published
- 2023
39. Ai ricci importa la salute pubblica? La teoria dei diritti di Dworkin, i beni pubblici e le sfide della pandemia
- Author
Francesco Biondo and Francesco Biondo
- Subjects
Public health, rights as trumps, Dworkin, mandate to vaccination, rationing health care ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Diritto - Abstract
In this paper, after offering a short vindication of public health as public good that liberal government should guarantee, I will show why Ronald Dworkin’s theory of justice in health care does not offer guidance in two cases that arise in pandemics: 1) how to set priorities in rationing access to intense care unit, 2) how to choose between vaccination policies. This lack of guidance is due to an unrealistic assumption that follows from Dworkin’s idea of the unity of value: that it is always possible to strike a balance between individual rights and collective claims in maintaining a public good (in this case public health).
- Published
- 2023
40. Mercato delle idee e fake news. Note su un problema di esternalità negative nell’ambiente digitale
- Author
Francesco Biondo and Francesco Biondo
- Subjects
Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Diritto ,Fake News, Failures of the market, market of ideas, freedom of expression - Abstract
The spread of fake news in the digital arena has put into question the traditional idea of the self-regulation of public debate: the well-known metaphor of “free market of ideas”. Because of the availability of digital media, the reduction of the overall cost in producing and disseminating false news has dramatically fallen. Everybody at any time can enter the public debate, even though with bad arguments. At the same time, the competition between traditional and digital media has produced an astonishing reduction of the average incomes of the professional journalists. This paper aims to bring to the fore the metaphor of the market of ideas, metaphor that has been used in the US for reducing the extent of public regulation of medias. After a short introduction about historical the genesis of the “free market of ideas”, the article to show the usefulness of the concept, by highlighting the notion of “failures of the market”, which occur in the digital arena and two possible remedies
- Published
- 2023
41. Argumentos jurídicos y precedentes jurisprudenciales. Un experimento de sociología judicial entre la práctica y la teoría
- Author
Silvia Zorzetto
- Subjects
precedentes judiciales ,argumentos jurídicos ,razonamiento jurídico ,fuentes del derecho ,doctrina del stare decisis ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto ,Law - Abstract
El objetivo de esta contribución es analizar algunas de las principales variantes de argumentos jurídicos que usan los precedentes judiciales, con el fin de captar su relevancia y variedad en la práctica. El análisis está inspirado en la jurisprudencia de Secciones Unidas Civiles de la Corte de Casación italiana, también para estimular una comparación entre los usos de los precedentes judiciales en los diferentes sistemas jurídicos existentes. Sin embargo, el análisis es de carácter explicativo o crítico-reconstructivo, e ilustra una serie de usos y problemas vinculados con el razonamiento jurídico, que tienen un alcance general y, por tanto, van más allá del contexto jurídico concreto considerado. El análisis se realiza desde el punto de vista interno y, en particular, del decisor (es decir, el juez), y aborda algunas vexatae quaestiones en torno a la idea de que en la práctica la jurisprudencia es una fuente del derecho. El estudio defiende la tesis de que el argumento del precedente es, de hecho, una familia de argumentos muy heterogénea y más extendida de lo que suele desprenderse de las taxonomías clásicas de los argumentos jurídicos; asimismo, el trabajo sostiene que por razones pragmáticas inherentes al razonamiento jurídico la jurisprudencia es inevitablemente una “fuente del derecho”.
- Published
- 2022
42. Shifting Terms and Concepts: From Defence to (Human) Security
- Author
Marsili, Marco
- Subjects
defence ,diritto umanitario internazionale ,NATO ,STO ,United Nations ,Geneva Conventions ,sicurezza, dofesa, sicurezza umana, forze armate, diritto internazionale, diritto umanitario internazionale, NATO, STO, Nazioni Unite, Onu, UN, Science and Technology Organization, defence, defense, security, human security, international law, international humanitarian law (IHL) ,united nations, un, nato, nato sto, human security, security ,Onu ,security ,Settore SPS/06 - Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali ,Settore SPS/02 - Storia delle Dottrine Politiche ,Nazioni Unite ,diritto internazionale ,Settore SPS/11 - Sociologia dei Fenomeni Politici ,human security ,Settore M-STO/04 - Storia Contemporanea ,forze armate ,Settore IUS/13 - Diritto Internazionale ,international law ,NATO STO ,international humanitarian law ,Settore M-FIL/05 - Filosofia e Teoria dei Linguaggi ,UN ,dofesa ,international humanitarian law (IHL) ,armed forces ,Science and technology Organization ,sicurezza ,defense ,sicurezza umana ,Settore SPS/01 - Filosofia Politica ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto ,Settore SPS/04 - Scienza Politica - Abstract
Over the last two decades, the concepts of defence and security have overlapped to the point where the former is merged with the latter. Since jihadist terrorism broke out at the dawn of the millennium, governments have been forced to review the classic paradigm according to which the military is employed in overseas operations—or the defence of the homeland from external enemies—and police and law enforcement agencies are tasked with internal security. In such a context, the military has taken on an increasing role in national security matters, although security itself is an umbrella concept under development that currently includes such cross-cutting topics as terrorism, cyber threats, health, food, energy, the economy, poverty, climate change, information technology, social security, job security, just to mention a few. The inclination to replace the idea of defence with security has contributed to the expansion of the idea of security itself. This way, defence activities abroad, such as military assistance to Ukraine in the context of the ongoing conflict with Russia, are presented to the public as "security" operations. Well-established and reputable dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster, Britannica, Collins, Oxford, Cambridge, Longman, and Macmillan provide similar definitions of the term "security": safety; safety from attack, harm, or damage; freedom from danger or threat; freedom from fear or anxiety; being safe and free from worry; being protected or safe from harm. Security is the protection from, or resilience against, the potential harm caused by others by restricting one's freedom to act. In addition to these definitions, some of which are more focused on the person and his concerns and fears, there is a more comprehensive idea that incorporates the term “defence”. The definitions given by several dictionaries in this respect are pertinent. Therefore, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, security is the "protection of a person, building, organization, or country against threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries". A similar definition is provided by the Oxford Dictionary: "the safety of a state or organization against criminal activity such as terrorism, theft, or espionage". On the same line, Longman says: "things that are done to keep a person, building, or country safe from danger or crime". These definitions show how the nature of the concept of security is changing, incorporating that of defence into much broader domains than the military realm. The term "defence", is given as a synonym of "security" by the majority of these dictionaries (Merriam-Webster, Cambridge, Oxford, Collins), even though Britannica and Macmillan continue to be anchored to the dichotomy of defence/external and security/internal, respectively, by providing the words "national security" and "internal security", is evidence of this trend. The evolving concept of security must be scrutinised, with special attention paid to the notion of human security, boosted by UN General Assembly resolution 66/290 and the NATO Strategic Concept 2022, and currently under investigation by the Exploratory Team of the NATO Science and Technology Organization., Poster presented at the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, organised by the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS), the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), and the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES-UC), held at FEUC, Portugal, 4-6 April 2023. More info in https://xii-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net/en/2023/home/ and https://eu-central-1.linodeobjects.com/evt4-media/documents/programa_de_comunicações_APS_21Mar.pdf. Abstract published at p. 277 in the Book of Abstracts available at https://eu-central-1.linodeobjects.com/evt4-media/documents/book-of-abstracts_5_2.pdf
- Published
- 2023
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43. L’institutionnalisation de la raison : le système de philosophie du droit de Robert Alexy et ses limites
- Author
- Subjects
Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto - Published
- 2023
44. The marketplace of ideas and its externalities: Who pays the cost of online fake news?
- Author
Francesco Biondo, Biondo, F, La Rocca, G, Trapani, V, and Francesco Biondo
- Subjects
Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Diritto ,Fake news, externalities, freedom of expression, marketplace of ideas - Abstract
Since the nineteenth century, thanks to J.S. Mill, an argument against limiting the freedom of expression has been gaining ground, namely that the truth of an argument is the result of free competition between different ideas in a “marketplace of ideas” and that this competition can yield an approximate form of the truth or a robust argument. In this paper I will argue that Mill’s model of the marketplace of ideas is an “idealised” model because it assumes that there is a subject who seeks to know in a detached manner, without being influenced by his or her expectations, needs, ideologies, or biases. However, the metaphor of the marketplace of ideas is still relevant because it also harbours a limitation to the marketplace itself, namely the production of “negative externalities”: the spread of fake news (conspiracy theories and the deliberate spread of alarm), the polarisation of the debate, and the concentration of the advertising market in the hands of a few companies. Just as in the case of pollution, these costs need to be taken into account. How can this be done? The available conventional mechanisms seem to be insufficient because they need to pursue two conflicting goals, i.e., reducing the number of disinformation sites on the one hand and protecting users’ freedom of expression on the other. Platforms may not allow competing apps to be downloaded or may impose automated and intrusive regulatory schemes. However, this means that censorship would return in the form of a “private” censor. I will compare two models for possibly solving the conundrum: the one proposed by Paul Romer of regressive taxation of platforms and the mixed model proposed by the European Commission.
- Published
- 2023
45. Empiria e senso comune nel diritto: una recensione Hegeliana a Gerstäcker
- Author
Sabbatini, Carlo
- Subjects
diritto naturale, senso comune, metafisica, scetticismo ,senso comune ,metafisica ,scetticismo ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto ,diritto naturale - Published
- 2022
46. Environmental Mediation and Facilitation in Italy : Theoretical Insights and Practical Experience on Non-Adjudicative Mechanisms and 'Total Conflicts'
- Author
Cominelli, L., Ciscato, E., and Lattuille, S.
- Subjects
Settore IUS/09 - Istituzioni di Diritto Pubblico ,Settore SPS/10 - Sociologia dell'Ambiente e del Territorio ,Settore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativo ,Settore SPS/12 - Sociologia Giuridica, della Devianza e Mutamento Sociale ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto ,Settore SECS-P/02 - Politica Economica - Published
- 2023
- Author
Dimitri, Nicola
- Subjects
Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto - Published
- 2023
48. Jurisprudencia valorativa y jurisprudencia creativa
- Author
ISABEL ASCENSION Trujillo Perez, Medina Morales, D, Fernandez Ruiz Galvez, E, Garibo Peyrò, A, Aparicio Chofré, L, and ISABEL ASCENSION Trujillo Perez
- Subjects
Jurisprudence ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Diritto ,judge ,Rule of law ,interpretation ,legal thought - Abstract
After analyzing pros and cons of the legal syllogism, the chapter contextualizes the opposition between evaluative and creative jurisprudence in the current evolution of law, finding in the respect of the rule of law the key for the correct reading of the judicial decision-making. The latter is a contribution to the building of the legal system in which it is possible a form of participation of the parties
- Published
- 2023
49. Tackling online hate speech from a European perspective: Potentials and challenges of inter-legality
- Author
Barbara Bello
- Subjects
interlegalidad ,inter-legality ,gobernanza de Internet ,online hate speech ,inter-legality, internet governance ,legal and non-legal actors ,discurso de odio online ,actores jurídicos y no jurídicos ,internet governance ,Settore SPS/12 - Sociologia Giuridica, della Devianza e Mutamento Sociale ,Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia del Diritto ,Law ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
The contribution delves into some main implications of the current soft and hard legal framework related to the Internet governance for tackling online hate speech, from the perspective of legal and social actors based in the European Union. Given the dynamic constellation characterised by centripetal trends towards UN-fostered international governance, Council of Europe and EU soft and hard legal instruments, co-existing with centrifugal forces of national legislations, the article explores how inter-legality may contribute tackling online hate speech in today’s fast changing and complex legal scenario. Hence, due to the lack of a universally recognised definition of hate speech and a global regulation of online communication, inter-legality may be operationalised in still unexplored places – that is, not only by judges but by lawmakers, independent authorities on communication, and even platforms.
- Published
- 2023
50. La scienza gentile di Sheila Jasanoff
- Author
Tallacchini, Mariachiara and Pitrelli, N
- Subjects
Diritti di cittadinanza scientifica ,Science policy ,Settore IUS/20 - FILOSOFIA DEL DIRITTO ,Tecnologie dell'umilta' - Published
- 2023
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