217 results on '"Second hand"'
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2. Time and space in Brechó de Troca: Reflections on the method of a clothing exchange group in Brazil.
- Author
Soares, Helena de Barros and Hennigen, Inês
- Subjects
POPULAR culture ,FASHION ,LATIN Americans ,LIFESTYLES - Abstract
This article analyses the creation of a group time-space and its effects based on a master's thesis research that analysed some processes in a second-hand exchange group called Brechó de Troca. This group is a space for interaction, whose meetings promote the exchange of clothes and accessories. It was founded in Porto Alegre (south of Brazil) in 2009, with a distinct method aiming to produce subjectivity by exchanging clothes in a way that considers their stories. For this research, we assembled materials that paved the way to such results, analysing the mode of production of subjectivity through the dressing practices in the group. We could observe that the invention of another time, which suspends the eagerness for consumption, potentiates modes of subjectivation through the practices of dressing. This article also highlights the fact that access to consumption is not equalitarian in Global South capitalism. This can be seen in a social phenomenon called 'rolezinhos', which took place in Brazil in 2014 and illustrated the contrast between the purchasing power of the lower and upper classes. We believe that the invention of the limbo, name given to the time-space created in the group, works as a trigger of processes, which suspends and enables exercises of the self through clothing in the group meetings. The exchanges gain potency and various stories after going through the Brechó de Troca. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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3. Essay: Nachhaltigkeit, Sammelobjekt oder Schnäppchen? – Gründe, sich mit Second-Hand-Spielen zu befassen
- Author
Pick, Nadine, Karla, Jürgen, editor, and Post, Christoph, editor
- Published
- 2024
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4. Agricultural Combine Remaining Value Forecasting Methodology and Model (and Derived Tool).
- Author
Herranz-Matey, Ivan and Ruiz-Garcia, Luis
- Subjects
VALUE engineering ,FORECASTING methodology ,AGRICULTURE ,COMBINES (Agricultural machinery) ,AGRICULTURAL forecasts ,PRICES - Abstract
Harvesting is an integral component of the agricultural cycle, necessitating the use of high-performance grain harvester combines, which are utilized for a short period each year. Given the seasonality and significant cost involved, list prices ranging from a quarter to almost a million euros, a fact-based investment assessment decision-making process is essential. However, there is a paucity of research studies forecasting the remaining value of grain harvester combines in recent years. This study proposes a straightforward methodology based on public information that employs various parametric and non-parametric models to develop a robust and user-friendly model that can assist decision makers, such as farmers, contractors, sellers, and finance and insurance entities, in optimizing their harvesting operations. The model employs a power regression mode, with RMSE of 1.574 and RSqAdj of 0.8457 results, to provide accurate and reliable insights for informed decision-making. The robust model transparency enables us to easily create a mainstreamed spreadsheet-based dashboard tool. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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5. Second-hand selling apps and the notion of luxury: trend networking and circular economy.
- Author
Calaza, Miriam García, Varela Casal, Cristina, and Valencia, Juan Manuel Corbacho
- Subjects
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CIRCULAR economy , *SOCIAL networks , *FAST fashion , *LUXURIES , *USED car sales & prices - Abstract
The link between social networks and consumption is changing. In the beginning, social networks used to encourage fast fashion; now, social networks promote the concept of slow fashion. This situation has led to the appearance of reselling apps that use the same tools as social networks. This paper aimed at analysing the role of status within fashion. To this end, a sample of second-hand clothes apps, selected since their similarity to social networks, was subjected to a descriptive technique based on a bibliographic review of the current trends in the fashion industry. The results demonstrated that two new approaches to luxury were considered in the sale of second-hand clothes. A thoughtful luxury, called deliberate luxury, that involves reflection and looks for creativity, exclusivity and reuse; and an automated luxury, called iconic luxury, that involves post-commercial pieces, authenticity and resale. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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6. Big data analysis of trends in the second-hand apparel market: a comparison between 2014 and 2019
- Author
Kim, Sanghee and Woo, Hongjoo
- Published
- 2022
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7. A Cross-Cultural Investigation on Second-Hand Online Shopping Behaviour: An Abstract
- Author
Valaei, Naser, Bressolles, Gregory, Fouladgaran, Hamid Reza Panjeh, Shahgholian, Azar, Jochims, Bruna, editor, and Allen, Juliann, editor
- Published
- 2023
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8. Hur fungerar återanvändning 2035 i Sverige? : Usereuse scenarier, fyra möjliga framtider
- Author
Fjellander, Liv, Nyblom, Åsa, De Jong, Annelise, Sondal, Jonas, Fjellander, Liv, Nyblom, Åsa, De Jong, Annelise, and Sondal, Jonas
- Abstract
I projektet Usereuse undersöker IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet hur system för återanvändning kan skapas, förbättras och skalas upp på olika arenor så att återanvändning blir norm och uppfattas som enklare än nyköp. I denna studie har 15 aktörer tillsammans tagit fram fyra scenarier för hur återanvändning kan komma att fungera 2035 i Sverige: Lätt att göra rätt. Ta hand om kvalitet. Tillgång när det behövs. Gör om och om igen. Syftet med scenarierna är att skapa en gemensam karta över möjliga utvecklingar för återanvändning av prylar och att identifiera hinder och potential, risker och åtgärder för att göra lösningar anpassningsbara och mer framtidssäkra. Scenarierna orienterar oss i landskapet av hur användning och konsumtion av saker ser ut 2035 och ger fyra olika svar på frågan: Hur fungerar återanvändning 2035 i Sverige? Hur mycket bygger framtida lösningar på reglering eller frivillighet? Handlar det mer om att behålla färre saker längre eller att många använder samma saker? Handlar det främst om sakerna eller hur vi använder dem? Hur storskaliga eller småskaliga system kan göra att återanvändnings skalar upp? Hur påverkas det av om vi har ont om eller gott om fritid? Alla scenarierna är normativa och beskriver fyra möjliga framtider som tar oss i riktning mot Munkmodellens planetära och sociala gränser. Berättelser om var vi är och vart vi ska formar vår syn på världen och påverkar vilka handlingsvägar som vi ser som möjliga. Scenarios är ett transformativt verktyg för att utforska, utveckla och utvärdera våra verksamheter och våra samhällen. I rapporten finns ett verktyg som stöd för den som vill använda scenarierna i relation till sin verksamhet., In the project Usereuse, the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute research how a system for reuse can be created, improved and scaled up in various arenas so that reuse becomes norm and perceived as easier than new purchases. In this study, 15 actors have jointly produced four scenarios for how reuse might work in Sweden in 2035. The purpose of the scenarios is to create a common map of possible developments for the reuse of items and to identify obstacles and potential, risks and measures to make solutions adaptable and more future-proof. The scenarios orient us in the landscape of how the use and consumption of things will look like in 2035 and give four different answers to the question: How does reuse work in 2035 in Sweden? How much will future solutions be based on regulation or voluntariness? Is it more about keeping fewer things longer or that many people use the same things? Is it mainly about the thin itself or how we use it? How large-scale or small-scale systems can make reuse scale up? How is it affected by whether we have a lack of or plenty of free time? All the scenarios are normative and describe four possible futures that take us in the direction of the Doughnuts planetary and social boundaries. Stories about where we are and where we are going shape our view of the world and influence which courses of action we see as possible. Scenarios are a transformative tool for exploring, developing and evaluating our operations and our communities. The report contains a tool to support those who want to use the scenarios in relation to their business.
- Published
- 2024
9. Konsumenters drivkrafter, hinder och vanor kopplat till begagnatköp : Usereuse - System för en återanvändningsindustri
- Author
De Jong, Annelise, Dahlbom, Maja, Fjellander, Liv, De Jong, Annelise, Dahlbom, Maja, and Fjellander, Liv
- Abstract
För att ställa om till en mer hållbar konsumtion behövs nya former av återbruk, exempelvis kan butiker samla in och sälja begagnade produkter av eget märke, second handaktörer kan flytta in i gallerior och kommunala avfallsföretag kan erbjuda plats för att lämna och hämta produkter gratis. I denna rapport presenteras resultatet från enkäter och intervjuer som genomförts med besöker på dessa olika former av återbruk. Syftet var att undersöka kunders drivkrafter, hinder och vanor när det kommer till begagnatköp. Resultatet visar att besökarnas främsta drivkrafter till att köpa begagnat är ekonomiska och miljöskäl. En stark drivkraft för besökarna av second hand-butiker var även att hitta trendiga eller unika saker. Pris, utbud och tillgänglighet i butik var vanliga hinder. Om besökaren hade köpt något uppgav mer än hälften att det hade ersatt ett nyköp. Resultaten visade även att kvinnor och män tenderar att köpa begagnade och nya saker i lika stor utsträckning, dock visade det sig att de som köper kläder oftare tenderar att köp mer begagnat än nytt. Slutligen kan det konstateras att inställningen till återbruk hos besökarna var positiv. Vidare forskning bör fokusera på att nå personer som inte befinner sig på dessa platser, exempelvis personer som bara handlar i nyköpsbutiker eller online, för att få en bredare bild av drivkrafter, hinder och vanor kopplat till återbruk.
- Published
- 2024
10. reCycle : A study on how an online marketplace specialised on usedbicycles can be visually and functionally designed to optimisecredibility and trustworthiness
- Author
Johansson, Victoria, Strömberg, Emma, Andersson, Joachim, Gårdmark, Sten, Carlberg, Jacob, Lövborg, Olle, Ridell, Robin, Öbrink, William, Johansson, Victoria, Strömberg, Emma, Andersson, Joachim, Gårdmark, Sten, Carlberg, Jacob, Lövborg, Olle, Ridell, Robin, and Öbrink, William
- Abstract
The purpose of this research report was to determine how an online marketplace canbe visually and functionally designed to optimise credibility and trustworthiness. The hypothesis was that perceived credibility and trustworthiness could be optimised throughstudying and implementing good visuals and functionality. To aid in this investigation, abusiness idea and an appurtenant web application for the fictional company reCycle wasdeveloped. This company provides an online marketplace for second hand bicycles, withstudents at Linköping University as its target market. The students are able to both selland purchase bicycles. A user of the website can list their own bicycles for sale, or find potential purchases on the application’s Home page. The main point of generating value is theprocess of easily finding bicycles to purchase and the possibility to sell on an appropriateplatform, without having to interact with the other actor in the sale. To be successful withthis, it was deemed that the website had to yield a high degree of credibility, and hence themain purpose of the research emerged - How can an online marketplace be visually andfunctionally designed to optimise credibility and trustworthiness?In order to conduct this research, a considerable amount of applicable informativesources were studied, summarised, and tested. This is brought up in the theory chapter, generating the foundation on which reCycle’s web application was built. The researchprocess consisted of two iterations of development and user tests to implement, evaluateand confirm the concepts gathered. Thereafter, the results from the tests were analysed anddiscussed, which led to the investigation finding its conclusion.The findings of this research report aligned with the hypothesis formed from previousstudies and theory gathered - An online marketplace can, through its design, improve itscredibility and perceived trustworthiness, both in regards to visual aspects and functionalcapabilities. The asp, Syftet med denna forskningsrapport var att fastställa hur en onlinemarknadsplats kanutformas visuellt och funktionellt för att optimera trovärdighet och pålitlighet. För att underlätta denna undersökning konstruerades en affärsidé och en tillhörande webbapplikation för det fiktiva företaget reCycle. Detta företag erbjuder en marknadsplats för begagnade cyklar, med studenter vid Linköpings universitet som målgrupp. Studenterna kanbåde sälja och köpa cyklar. En användare av webbplatsen kan lista sina egna cyklar tillförsäljning eller hitta potentiella köp på applikationens startsida. Det primära målet medatt skapa värde är att enkelt hitta cyklar att köpa och möjligheten att sälja på en lämpligplattform utan att behöva interagera med den andra aktören i försäljningen. För att lyckas med detta ansågs att webbplatsen måste ge en hög grad av trovärdighet, och därmedframkom det huvudsakliga syftet med forskningen - Hur kan en virtuell marknadsplatsutformas visuellt och funktionellt för att optimera trovärdighet och pålitlighet?För att genomföra denna forskning studerades, sammanfattades och testades en betydande mängd lämpliga informationskällor. Detta presenteras i teorikapitlet och utgörgrunden för reCycles webbapplikation. Forskningsprocessen bestod av två utvecklingsiterationer och användartester för att implementera, utvärdera och bekräfta de insamladekoncepten. Därefter analyserades och diskuterades resultaten från testerna, vilket leddetill att undersökningen nådde sin slutsats.Resultaten från denna forskningsrapport stämde överens med de hypoteser som bildats från tidigare studier och teorier som samlats in. För det första är det möjligt för envirtuell marknadsplats att, genom sin design, förbättra sin trovärdighet och uppfattadepålitlighet, när det gäller både visuella och funktionella egenskaper. De identifierade aspekterna för att förbättra visuell design inkluderade att justera element, välja lämpliga ochsammanhängande färger, använda lämpliga typsnitt och typ
- Published
- 2024
11. Ju fler desto bättre? - Potentialen i att bedriva byteshandel med fler än två parter
- Author
Esaiasson, Teodor, Juncke, Teodor, Esaiasson, Teodor, and Juncke, Teodor
- Abstract
This thesis explores the potential and challenges of multi-party bartering in the secondhand market,especially against the backdrop of the increasing relevance of barter. Historically, barter has been limitedby the need for a "double coincidence of wants," where both parties in an exchange must have a mutualinterest in each other's goods or services. With technological advancements, particularly the developmentof the internet and digital platforms, new opportunities have arisen to address these limitations. The thesisfocuses on the use of multi-party exchanges, involving three or more parties, which can increase theefficiency of matching exchange partners compared to traditional two-party exchanges. Using empirical data from digital barter platforms, the proportion of users who have the opportunity forexchange in two-party versus multi-party scenarios is analyzed. The results indicate that three-partyexchanges can offer statistical advantages and increase the likelihood of successful exchanges, althoughcomplexity increases with more participating parties. The thesis also discusses potential disadvantages ofmulti-party exchanges and suggests further research areas to explore and improve barter models on thegrowing secondhand market. In conclusion, the thesis demonstrates that multi-party exchanges can be a way forward to increase thefeasibility and efficiency of barter, but emphasizes that this is not a universal solution to all barter-relatedchallenges. Further research is required to fully understand and optimize these models., Den här uppsatsen utforskar potentialen och utmaningarna med flerpartsbyten inom byteshandel påsecondhandmarknaden, särskilt mot bakgrund av byteshandelns ökande relevans. Historiskt harbyteshandel varit begränsad av behovet av en "double coincidence of wants", där båda parter i ett bytemåste ha ett ömsesidigt intresse för varandras varor eller tjänster. Med tekniska framsteg, särskiltutvecklingen av internet och digitala plattformar, har nya möjligheter uppstått för att adressera dessabegränsningar. Uppsatsen fokuserar på användningen av flerpartstbyten, som involverar tre eller flerparter, vilket kan öka effektiviteten i att matcha bytesparter jämfört med traditionella tvåpartsbyten. Genom att använda empiriska data från digitala bytesplattformar analyseras andelen användare som harmöjlighet till byte i scenarier med två parter jämfört med flerparter. Resultaten indikerar atttrepartsutbyten kan erbjuda statistiska fördelar och öka sannolikheten för framgångsrika byten, även omkomplexiteten ökar med fler deltagande parter. Uppsatsen diskuterar också potentiella nackdelar medflerpartsutbyten och föreslår ytterligare forskningsområden för att utforska och förbättra bytesmodeller påden växande andrahandsmarknaden. Sammanfattningsvis visar uppsatsen att flerpartsbyten kan vara en väg framåt för att ökagenomförbarheten och effektiviteten i byteshandel, men betonar att detta inte är en universell lösning påalla utmaningar relaterade till byteshandel. Ytterligare forskning krävs för att fullt ut förstå och optimeradessa modeller.
- Published
- 2024
12. “Second hand i ny tappning” : En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys och visuell retorikanalys på hur Sellpy konstruerar miljömässig hållbarhet i deras externa konsumentkommunikation
- Author
Angergård, Alva, Rylander, Filippa, Angergård, Alva, and Rylander, Filippa
- Abstract
This study aims to examine how the second hand company Sellpy constructs environmental sustainability in their external consumer communication through visual rhetorical tools and semiotic resources. The theoretical framework of the study is social semiotics and visual rhetoric, utilizing multimodal critical discourse analysis and visual rhetorical analysis as analytical methods. The study intends to analyze Sellpy's website and Instagram account with the aim of gaining an understanding of how sustainability is communicated and constructed to their consumers. The results show that Sellpy demonstrates creativity and playfulness in their communication about sustainability. They connect to discourses such as leisure, nature, and fashion trends to reach a broad audience. However, their Instagram communication is tailored to attract young consumers, focusing on fashion trends. The company uses rhetorical tools to make their sustainability messages more convincing and appealing. The tools demonstrate that Sellpy is a company with a focus on sustainability and is genuinely working towards benefiting the environment. For example, by using exact numbers on how much water and carbon dioxide are saved through consumption via their service, they "prove" and convince consumers that they are a reliable company. Through their communication, Sellpy presents itself as a “better” and sustainable company for everyone.
- Published
- 2024
13. Svenska högskolestudenters köpbeteenden : - en undersökning om klädkonsumtion på Generation Z
- Author
Delin, Jonna, Werner, Josefin, Delin, Jonna, and Werner, Josefin
- Abstract
Den här studien undersöker vad som påverkar beslutsfattandet för svenska högskolestudenter ur Generation Z när de gör inköp av kläder, samt vilka konsekvenser det leder till gällande konsumtionen av second hand och fast fashion. Studien undersöker även hur miljömedvetenhet påverkar dessa beslut. Studien är baserad på en enkätundersökning, där frågorna är baserade på teorierna Theory of Planned Behaviour och the Value-Action gap. Med hjälp av enkäten undersöks attityder till olika val samt hur deltagarna agerar. Studien utgår även från tillgänglig litteratur, bestående av vetenskapliga källor och rapporter. Resultaten visar att miljömedvetenhet har en stor inverkan på hur konsumenter agerar, samt att pris, tillgänglighet, kvalitet, storleksutbud och hållbarhet är avgörande när konsumenten fattar sina beslut. En jämförelse mot hållbarhetsmål 12 ur FN:s Agenda 2030, som anses aktuellt för studien, visar på att svenska högskolestudenter ur Generation Z konsumerar förhållandevis hållbart och ligger relativt bra i linje med de uppsatta målen. Resultaten visar även att den generella inställningen till fast fashion är negativ, och inställningen till second hand generellt är positiv. Detta ser lovande ut inför framtiden, och resultaten tyder även på att större medvetenhet kring miljöfrågor leder till mer hållbara val och konsumtionsmönster., This study examines factors influencing decision-making among Swedish university students from Generation Z when purchasing clothing, as well as the consequences this has on the consumption of second hand and fast fashion. The study also explores how environmental awareness affects these decisions. The study is based on a survey, in which the questions are based on Theory of Planned Behaviour and Value-Action Gap. The survey explores attitudes towards different choices and how participants act. The study also draws from available literature, consisting of scientific sources and reports. The results show that environmental awareness has a significant impact on consumer behaviour, and that price, availability, quality, size range, and sustainability are crucial when consumers make their decisions. The results were compared with several sub-goals of Sustainable Development Goal 12 from the UN's Agenda 2030, which are considered relevant to the study. The results also indicate that the general attitude towards fast fashion is negative, and the attitude towards second hand is generally positive. This looks promising for the future, and the results also suggest that greater awareness of environmental issues leads to more sustainable choices and consumption patterns.
- Published
- 2024
14. Can Digital Technologies Increase Consumer Acceptance of Circular Business Models? The Case of Second Hand Fashion.
- Author
Charnley, Fiona, Knecht, Fabienne, Muenkel, Helge, Pletosu, Diana, Rickard, Victoria, Sambonet, Chiara, Schneider, Martina, and Zhang, Chunli
- Abstract
Experimentation with, and the implementation of, circular business models (CBMs) has gained rapid traction within the textiles and fashion industry over the last five years. Substitution of virgin materials with bioderived alternatives, extending the lifecycle of garments through resale, and rental services and the recycling or upcycling of garments are some of the strategies being used to reduce the 1.2 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions and 92 million tonnes of waste associated with the sector in 2017. However, whilst CBMs demonstrate environmental and economic benefits, low consumer acceptance is considered by business professionals and policymakers to be one of the main barriers to the transition towards a circular economy. Digitisation is widely acknowledged as a catalyst for innovation in many sectors and digital technologies are driving new ways to exchange and share goods and services, enabling companies to match the supply, and demand for, otherwise underused assets and products. Online platforms, in particular, have played a crucial role in driving the growth of used goods and resale in other consumer goods markets, such as consumer technology. A mixed methods approach, including a review of 40 organisations operating second hand fashion models, a consumer survey of over 1200 respondents and in-depth interviews with 10 organisations operating second hand fashion models, is adopted to reveal (a) the barriers to consumer acceptance of reuse models in the fashion industry, and (b) how digital technologies can overcome these barriers. Findings highlight the significant progress that organisations have made in using digitalisation, including data analytics, algorithms, digital platforms, advanced product imagery and data informed customer communications, to address barriers associated with convenience, hygiene, trust and security. Furthermore, the study identifies opportunities for the development of more sophisticated digital technologies to support increased transparency and address concerns associated with the quality, authenticity and sourcing of materials. Positioned at the interface of digitisation and consumer acceptance of circular business models, this study makes an important contribution to understanding consumer barriers and how to address them and concludes with a set of recommendations for practitioners. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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15. Big data analysis of trends in the second-hand apparel market: a comparison between 2014 and 2019.
- Author
Sanghee Kim and Hongjoo Woo
- Subjects
BIG data ,TREND analysis ,CONSUMER preferences ,SEMANTIC network analysis ,DATA analysis ,DEMAND forecasting - Abstract
Purpose – According to the perspective of evolutionary economic theory, the marketplace continuously evolves over time, following the changing needs of both customers and firms. In accordance with the theory, the second-hand apparel market has been rapidly expanding by meeting consumers’ diverse preferences and promoting sustainability since 2014. To understand what changes in consumers’ consumption behaviors regarding used apparel have driven this growth, the purpose of this study is to examine how the second-hand apparel market product types, distribution channels and consumers’ motives have changed over the past five years. Design/methodology/approach – This study collected big data from Google through Textom software by extracting all Web-exposed text in 2014, and again in 2019, that contained the keyword “second-hand apparel,” and used the Node XL program to visualize the network patterns of these words through the semantic network analysis. Findings – The results indicate that the second-hand apparel market has evolved with various changes over the past five years in terms of consumer motives, product types and distribution channels. Originality/value – This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the changing demands of consumers toward used apparel over the past five years, providing insights for retailers as well as future research in this subject area. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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16. Agricultural Combine Remaining Value Forecasting Methodology and Model (and Derived Tool)
- Author
Ivan Herranz-Matey and Luis Ruiz-Garcia
- Subjects
agricultural harvester combines ,previously owned ,second hand ,residual value ,depreciation ,cost of ownership ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
Harvesting is an integral component of the agricultural cycle, necessitating the use of high-performance grain harvester combines, which are utilized for a short period each year. Given the seasonality and significant cost involved, list prices ranging from a quarter to almost a million euros, a fact-based investment assessment decision-making process is essential. However, there is a paucity of research studies forecasting the remaining value of grain harvester combines in recent years. This study proposes a straightforward methodology based on public information that employs various parametric and non-parametric models to develop a robust and user-friendly model that can assist decision makers, such as farmers, contractors, sellers, and finance and insurance entities, in optimizing their harvesting operations. The model employs a power regression mode, with RMSE of 1.574 and RSqAdj of 0.8457 results, to provide accurate and reliable insights for informed decision-making. The robust model transparency enables us to easily create a mainstreamed spreadsheet-based dashboard tool.
- Published
- 2023
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17. Des fripes, des restes et des champignons : de l’irrécupérable en toute chose et de quoi en faire dans un monde fini
- Author
Delphine Corteel, Sophie Houdart, Émilie Guitard, and Baptiste Monsaingeon
- Subjects
ethnography ,France ,Japan ,radioactivity ,second hand ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Can we analyse the human and material dimensions of “removal from the world” on the same level? Isn’t the term “irrecoverable” imbued with a moral tone which irremediably condemns what it describes, especially when that is human individuals? What epistemic and ethical issues emerge when the same term is used to describe things and people? This conversation between Sophie Houdart and Delphine Corteel enables the comparison of the on-the-ground perspectives of these two researchers, both of whom focus on ethnographic details and this important to-ing and fro-ing between humans and non-humans. This interview covers situations where individuals attempt to cope with the continuous production of intractable things, and try to deal with it by developing, on a daily basis, new techniques and new strategies to enable them to try either to salvage or restore what cannot be considered lost, or to live as well as possible with the irrecoverable in a finite world.
- Published
- 2019
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18. Lifetime prevalence and correlates of smoking behavior in Iranian adults’ population; a cross-sectional study
- Author
Ibrahim Abdollahpour, Mohammad Ali Mansournia, Yahya Salimi, and Saharnaz Nedjat
- Subjects
Population-based cross-sectional study ,Cigarette ,Second hand ,Waterpipe ,Smoking ,Predictors ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Abstact Background There are few if any reports concerning the joint use of waterpipe, cigarette and exposure to second-hand smoking in Tehran, Iran. Here, we simultaneously investigated the prevalence and predictors of smoking habits in Iranian adults. Methods In this population-based cross-sectional study, we recruited 1057 Iranian adults between August 2013 and February 2015, in Tehran, a multi-ethnic city. Participants were selected using random digit dialing. Three separate logistic regression models were applied to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (95% CI). Results Exposure to second-hand smoking was the most prevalent smoking type (37, 95% CI: 35–41%) followed by cigarette (23.9% (95% CI: 21–27%)) and water-pipe smoking (20.25% (95% CI: 18–23%)) in adults in Tehran. Almost 3.3 and 4.5% of adults reported three and two types of lifetime smoking behaviors, respectively. Age, sex, history of depression along with lifetime alcohol intake was the important predictors of all three types of smoking. Lifetime alcohol consumption was associated with increased prevalence of all three types of smoking (p for trend
- Published
- 2019
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19. Commentary on Staff et al.: Should smoke‐free areas be made vape‐free?
- Author
Tattan‐Birch, Harry
- Subjects
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SMOKING laws , *HOME environment , *ELECTRONIC cigarettes , *FAMILY roles , *PASSIVE smoking , *ADOLESCENCE - Abstract
The author comments on an article by J. Staff and colleagues on whether smoke-free areas should be made vape-free. Topics discussed include the need of governments, businesses, schools and parents to decide whether to expand smoke-free rules banning smoking inside to include vaping, two lines of argument when smoking was banned inside public places in England, and the findings of a study by Staff and colleagues on more widespread adoption of these bans.
- Published
- 2024
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20. Children’s Exposure to Secondhand Smoke: Nearly One Million Affected in California
- Author
Holtby, Sue, Zahnd, Elaine, Grant, David, and Park, Royce
- Subjects
Environmental Public Health ,Social Policy ,smoking ,smoke ,second hand ,children ,one million ,First 5 African-American ,Poverty ,Los Angeles ,California - Abstract
Despite the steady decline of smoking rates in California, over 200,000 children under age 12 live in homes where smoking is allowed, and another 742,000 live with an adult or adolescent smoker. Significant differences in children’s exposure to tobacco smoke and risk of exposure are found by race/ethnicity, geographic regions within the state and by poverty level. African-American children were found to have a significantly higher rate of exposure than other racial and ethnic groups, while children in the Northern/ Sierra and San Joaquin Valley regions were at the highest risk of exposure to secondhand smoke. Children living in lower-income households were also at higher risk. These findings can aid strategies to decrease children’s exposure to tobacco smoke in the home through targeted public health messages and outreach to those enrolled in public programs.
- Published
- 2011
21. Cross-Industry Learnings: What Fashion Retail Can Learn from the Used-Car Industry
- Author
Strähle, Jochen, Höhn, Maria, Choi, Tsan-Ming, Series editor, and Strähle, Jochen, editor
- Published
- 2017
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22. Sustainable fashion as a part of the circular economy concept.
- Author
Matušovičová, Monika
- Subjects
SUSTAINABLE fashion ,MEN'S clothing ,QUALITY of life ,CLOTHING industry ,KNOWLEDGE base ,TEXTILE industry - Abstract
It has been shown that the textile and clothing industry have a negative impact on both the environmental and socio-economic field. The current trend in fashion, called sustainable fashion, is part of a new concept of circular economy, in which textiles and clothing are kept in the highest quality throughout their life cycle and then put back into circulation. The aim of the paper is to focus and evaluate the current knowledge base in the field of sustainable fashion and to clarify the basic approaches and strategies of circular fashion. The article uses mainly the description and comparison of theoretical knowledge and synthesis of analytical data from consulting companies and research agencies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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23. Cirkulär och hållbar konsumtion – det ska vara lätt att göra rätt : En kvalitativ studie om Generation X attityder och beteende till second hand produkter
- Author
Nilsson, Vanessa and Nilsson, Vanessa
- Abstract
Hållbar konsumtion är viktig för att stävja ohållbar utveckling i dagens samhälle. Konsumenter idag vill konsumera mer hållbart, men deras positiva attityder till miljön överförs inte alltid till deras beteenden. Tidigare studier om second hand marknaden har ofta fokuserat på konsumenter yngre än 40 år, vilket gör att Generation X inte är välrepresenterade samt att det saknas information om rollen som marknadsföring har på konsumentens second hand inköp. Syftet är att skapa en ökad förståelse för konsumenter i Generation X attityder och beteende till hållbar konsumtion och begagnade varor, samt rollen som miljömärkningar, hållbarhetsinformation och marknadsföringen har på konsumenternas inköp. Studien har använt sig av en kvalitativ metod och en abduktiv ansats. 20 respondenter intervjuades via semistrukturerade intervjuer för att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Konsumenter inom Generation X anser att hållbarhet och hållbar konsumtion är viktig och att handla begagnade produkter är bra. Det finns ett gap mellan deras attityder och beteende eftersom Generation X inte letar efter miljömärkningar eller hållbarhetsinformation innan inköp. Möjligen eftersom inköpen ofta är impulsköp, de inte är väl insatta med miljömärkningars betydelse och på grund av att de ansåg att de redan hade gjort ett bra val genom att återanvända en produkt. Vissa konsumenter, majoriteten kvinnor, söker kvalitetsprodukter och närproducerade varor. Därmed anser studien att det är viktigt för producenter att visa att de är hållbara för Generation X genom att använda sig av dessa alternativ. Studien visar även att second hand butikerna bör använda sig av word of mouth och sociala medier för att nå konsumenter inom Generation X, eftersom marknadsföringen spelar en stor roll på deras inköp. Däremot behöver butiksbiträdet bli mer hjälpsam för att skapa en trevlig atmosfär och få konsumenterna att vilja rekommendera butiken., Sustainability is important in today’s society to be able to reduce unsustainable consumption and development. Consumers want to be able to consume sustainably, but due to companies sincerity consumers positive attitude towards the environment does not always transfer to their behavior. One way for consumers to behave environmental friendly is to consume second hand products. Previous research have targeted consumers that are younger than 40 years and because of this Generation X is not well represented. There is also a lack of information regarding the role marketing plays on consumers second hand purchase. Thus, this study will aim to create knowledge and understanding about Generation X attitudes and behaviors towards sustainable consumption, second hand products and the role that eco-labels, sustainability information and marketing has on consumers’ purchases. The data is based on 20 semi structured interviews with consumers. The findings indicate that Generation X have positive attitudes towards sustainable consumption, the environment and second hand products. However, there is a gap between their attitudes and behavior since they do not search for the more sustainable second hand choices or products with eco-labels. Possibly because they do not have any information about the eco-labels, consumers impulse buy, limited assortment and because they think that they made a good choice for the environment by buying second hand. However, a few consumers, majority women, search for products that are produced locally and have good quality. That is why this study considers it important that companies shows to consumers in Generation X that their products are sustainable through these easier choices. The findings also show that word of mouth and social media are important marketing tools to reach Generation X.
- Published
- 2023
24. När miljön är på modet : En diskursanalys av konsumenters inställningar till modeindustrin och hållbara alternativ
- Author
Scott, Freja and Scott, Freja
- Abstract
Modeindustrin har en av de främsta och mest skadliga rollerna i den rådande vanvården av planeten, som gör sig ständigt påmind i olika samhälleliga forum. Uppkomsten av så kallad fast fashion har sedan millennieskiftet exempelvis bidragit till den ökande mängden utsläpp och avfall samt den alltmer akuta uttömningen av naturresurser. På grund av detta förespråkas övergången till en cirkulär klädmarknad.I denna uppsats utforskas fem konsumenters inställningar till fast fashion och hållbara alternativ, främst second hand-kläder. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genererar diskussioner om bland annat ansvar, påverkan, status och hygien. Dessa besvarar frågeställningarna om hur konsumenter förhåller sig till modeindustrin, samt vilka faktorer som de upplever styr deras konsumtion. Syftet med detta är att uppmärksamma hur samhällets hållbarhetsdiskurs kan påverka individers syn på sig själva och andra, samt deras möjligheter att konsumera hållbart.Resultaten påvisar en hög konsumentmedvetenhet om förhållandet mellan mode och hållbarhet, samt att respondenterna har ambitioner att konsumera med minimal miljöpåverkan. Strukturella motgångar påverkar dock hur väl de kan uppfylla sina aspirationer, och de upplever sig vilseledda av den greenwashing som genomsyrar klädmarknaden. Konsumenterna ser mode som identitetsbyggande och statusingivande, och den sociala kontexten verkar påverka hur kläder och konsumtionssätt uppfattas. Jämförelser mellan nyproducerade och begagnade kläder utmynnar i resonemang om hygienens symbolik, där betraktelsen av de sistnämnda som smutsiga tolkas som socialt konstruerad. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen är att hållbar konsumtion möjliggörs av både strukturers och aktörers inverkan. De oskrivna kraven som ställs på konsumenter att handla hållbart kan dock upplevas som omöjliga att uppnå, och därför är omfattande institutionella förändringar nödvändiga för verkställelsen av en cirkulär modeindustri.
- Published
- 2023
25. Från linjär till cirkulär : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska modeföretag kan stärka sitt varumärke med hjälp av second hand-försäljning
- Author
Karlsson Rydermark, Olivia, Åmark, Jennifer, Haagen, Zanna, Falk, Hilda, Karlsson Rydermark, Olivia, Åmark, Jennifer, Haagen, Zanna, and Falk, Hilda
- Abstract
Modeindustrin har historiskt sett låtit människor uttrycka sin kreativitet och personlighet genom kläder, men den har också bidragit till överkonsumtion och negativa miljö- och sociala konsekvenser. För att skapa en mer hållbar modeindustri har cirkulära affärsmodeller utvecklats, där återanvändning och återvinning av kläder spelar en viktig roll. Second hand-försäljning möjliggör att kläder får ett nytt liv och minskar efterfrågan på nya produkter. Idag finns olika alternativ för second hand-försäljning, inklusive traditionella välgörenhetsorganisationer, second hand-butiker och digitala peer-to-peer plattformar. Studiens syfte är att fylla en viktig kunskapslucka genom att undersöka vilken varumärkesbyggande potential det finns med second hand-försäljning av sitt eget varumärke. I studien har både Aakers och Kellers varumärkesmodeller använts som en guide för den analysmodell som legat till grund för analys av resultatet. En tematisk analys har utförts för att analysera transkriberingen av de semistrukturerade intervjuerna som genomförts med både konsumenter samt medelstora svenska modeföretag. Resultatet av denna studie visar på att det finns betydande varumärkesbyggande potential med second hand-försäljning hos svenska modeföretag. Genom att fokusera på hållbarhet, kvalitet och bekvämlighet kan företagen skapa positiva varumärkesassociationer och attrahera olika kundsegment. Genom att involvera kunderna i cirkulära affärsmodeller kan företagen bygga och upprätthålla varumärkeslojalitet och skapa en stark gemenskap med sina kunder., The fashion industry has historically allowed people to express their creativity and personality through clothing, but it has also contributed to overconsumption and negative environmental and social consequences. To create a more sustainable fashion industry, circular business models have emerged, where clothing reuse and recycling play a crucial role. Second hand sales give clothes a new life and reduce the demand for new products. Today, there are various options for second hand sales, including traditional charities, thrift stores, and digital peer-to-peer platforms. The purpose of the study is to fill a significant knowledge gap by investigating the brand building potential that could be achieved through second hand sales. Both Aaker's and Keller's brand models have been used as a guide for the analysis framework based on the thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with both consumers and medium-sized Swedish fashion companies. The results of this study demonstrate significant brand-building potential through second hand sales for Swedish fashion companies. By focusing on sustainability, quality, and convenience, companies can create positive brand associations and attract different customer segments. By involving customers in circular business models, companies can build and maintain brand loyalty and create a strong community with their customers.
- Published
- 2023
26. Second hand och konsumtionsmönster - en kvalitativ intervjustudie av second hand-konsumtions relation till stigma och grupptillhörighet
- Author
Ritzén, Love and Ritzén, Love
- Abstract
The following research study will examine the relation between individuals consumption patterns and a desire to be socially included in a specific group identity through a semi-structured interview study with six participants all residing in either Lund or Malmö. In the case of this study Bauman’s theory of how second hand consumption functions as a means for individuals to construct an identity that is deemed valuable in the specific social field that they act within will be applied to understand the correlation between consumption and group identity. Additionally, the stigmatization of second hand as well as that of consumption of newly produced products and how this affects individuals consumption choices will be studied through the lens of Goffman's stigmatization theory.
- Published
- 2023
27. 'Gapet' till att värna om klimatet
- Author
Clemén, Philip, Månsson, Andrea, Olsson, Moa, Clemén, Philip, Månsson, Andrea, and Olsson, Moa
- Published
- 2023
28. Intention - beteende gapet: När intentionen förlorar sin slagkraft
- Author
Förare, Ellen, Bielke, Hanna, Slättberg, Sara, Förare, Ellen, Bielke, Hanna, and Slättberg, Sara
- Abstract
Titel: Intention - beteende gapet: När intentionen förlorar sin slagkraft Seminariedatum: 11-01-2023 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i Marknadsföring, Kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Hanna Bielke, Ellen Förare och Sara Slättberg. Handledare: Lars Carlman. Nyckelord: Intention-beteende gap, Theory of Planned Behavior, Hållbar klädkonsumtion, Barriärer, Second hand, Upcycling, Köpprocessen, Konsumentbeteende. Forskningsfråga: Hur kan man minska intention-beteende gapet inom hållbar klädkonsumtion? Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka de faktorer som påverkar sambandet mellan unga vuxnas intentioner att konsumera hållbart och deras faktiska konsumtionsbeteende. Det är viktigt att förstå vilka faktorer och barriärer som ligger bakom detta fenomen för att kunna påverka konsumenternas beteenden i en hållbar riktning. Detta arbete är därför ämnat för att undersöka dessa faktorer och skapa en djupare förståelse för hur de kan påverkas Metod: Empiriskt resultat presenteras i form av en kvalitativ litteraturstudie följt av en kvantitativ enkätinsamling. Detta med målsättningen att finna logik bakom det identifierade gapet, och vidare på att abduktivt vis urskilja barriärer från drivkrafter. Fallstudien baseras på systematiskt samt strukturerad insamlad empiri i form av en litteraturstudie för att tematisera det fenomen som undersöks. Nyckelord baserade på studiens underfrågeställningar samt relaterade teorier användes för att finna relevanta artiklar. Vidare gallrades dessa efter en övergripande uppskattning av de publicerades arbetens abstract och dess relevans till fallstudiens ämne. Enkätundersökningens frågeformulär baserades på högstrukturerade svarsalternativ kopplade till frågeställningen tillsammans med öppna frågor med utrymme för motivering. Samtliga respondenter tillhörde målgruppen unga vuxna (15-29 år). Datan analyserades främst med hjälp den presenterade datans medelvärden samt genom en tematisk analys av de kvalitativa svaren., Title: Intention - Behavior gap: When the intention loses its power Seminar date: 11-01-2023 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS-cr) Authors: Hanna Bielke, Ellen Förare and Sara Slättberg. Advisors: Lars Carlman. Key words: Intention-behavior gap, Theory of Planned Behavior, Sustainable clothing consumption, Barriers, Second hand, Upcycling, Consumer Buying Process, Consumer behavior. Research question: How can the intention-behavior gap in sustainable clothing consumption be reduced? Purpose: This study aims to investigate the factors that influence the relationship between young adults' intentions to consume sustainably and their actual consumption behavior. A positive attitude and intention to consume sustainably are not always consistent with actual behavior, which can be seen as an "intention-behavior gap". It is important to understand what factors and barriers underlie this phenomenon in order to influence consumers' behaviors in a sustainable direction. Therefore, this work is intended to examine these factors and gain a deeper understanding of how they can be influenced. Methodology: Empirical results are presented in the form of a qualitative literature review followed by a quantitative survey. This is with the aim of finding the logic behind the identified gap, and further to abductively identify barriers from drivers. The case study is based on systematically and structured empirical data in the form of a literature review in order to thematize the phenomenon being investigated. Keywords based on the study's sub-questions and related theories were used to find relevant articles. These were further screened based on an overall assessment of the published work's abstract and its relevance to the subject of the case study. The questionnaire for the survey was based on highly structured response options linked to the question together with open questions
- Published
- 2023
29. Eco-efficient kids: um estudo transcultural exploratório de hábitos de consumidor sustentáveis
- Author
McTeigue, Catherine Elizabeth and Oliveira, Manuel Au-Yong
- Subjects
Sustainability ,Circular economy ,Consumer behaviour ,Word of mouth ,Toys ,Second hand ,Marketing strategy ,Consumer purchase decisions ,Environment - Abstract
The global sustainable toys market is expected to be valued at $59.64 billion by 2030, growing by a compound annual growth rate of 12.5% from 2020 when it was worth $18.93 billion. As consumers increasingly seek to purchase second hand or preloved items and businesses become increasingly aware of the need to appeal to this customer base, companies operating within the toy industry must face the challenges of changing consumer buying habits and adapt their offering to meet these changes. This study investigates trends pertaining to consumers who purchase toys from a sustainable point of view. The study was undertaken with the proposed purpose of providing information on a commercial level to provide insights for sustainable marketing strategy development and on a scientific level to study consumer behaviour and sustainability related consumer trends.This cross-sectional study involved both quantitative and qualitative research using a mixed-method approach and the results showed that culture, educational attainment, and word of mouth affected consumers' decisions to purchase second hand toys. The qualitative research was in the form of a Focus Group with three British mothers which revealed an awareness of sustainable purchase decisions as well as financial and educational influences. The quantitative element of the study took place between the 31st of May and 12th of August 2022, at a point when the economic effects of the war in Ukraine were starting to be felt at a consumer level. The quantitative results were based on an inital survey result of 167 responses from those who purchased toys, of which, a convenience sample of 127 respondents from Mexico, Portugal and the United Kingdom were analysed in more depth. Data were analysed using SPSS version 28 and Spearman’s rho was calculated as well as Chi-Square analyses undertaken. The Chi-Square analysis showed for statistically significant results at 0.1% level of significance and showed that culture, educational attainment and word of mouth affect consumer decision making. In a rapidly changing environment, such as that which was witnessed in 2022, this study is relevant as consumers adapt to difficult financial times and increased strains on their lifestyles, whilst still wishing to give their children the best start in life. O mercado global de brinquedos sustentáveis deverá ser avaliado em 59,64 mil milhões de dólares até 2030, crescendo a uma taxa de crescimento anual composta de 12,5% a partir de 2020, quando valia 18,93 mil milhões de dólares. À medida que os consumidores procuram cada vez mais adquirir artigos em segunda mão e as empresas se tornam cada vez mais conscientes da necessidade de apelar a esta base de clientes, as empresas que operam na indústria dos brinquedos têm de enfrentar os desafios de mudar os hábitos de compra dos consumidores e adaptar a sua oferta para responder a estas mudanças. Este estudo investiga as tendências relativas aos consumidores que adquirem brinquedos de um ponto de vista sustentável. O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo proposto de fornecer informações a nível comercial para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de marketing sustentáveis e a nível científico para estudar o comportamento do consumidor e as tendências relacionadas com a sustentabilidade. Este estudo transversal envolveu investigação quantitativa e qualitativa utilizando uma abordagem de método misto e os resultados mostraram que a cultura, o nível de educação e o word-of-mouth afetavam as decisões dos consumidores de comprar brinquedos em segunda mão. A investigação qualitativa assumiu a forma de um focus group com três mães de nacionalidade britânica que revelou uma consciência de decisões de compra sustentáveis, bem como influências financeiras e educativas. A investigação quantitativa ocorreu entre o 31 de maio e 12 de agosto de 2022, numa altura em que em vários paises europeos os efeitos económicos da guerra na Ucrânia estavam a tornar-se mais evidentes. Os resultados quantitativos têm como base um inquérito que obteve 167 respostas de indivíduos que compram brinquedos, dos quais uma amostra de conveniência de 127 respondentes do México, de Portugal e o Reino Unido foi sujeita a uma análise mais profundada . Os dados foram analisados utilizando SPSS versão 28 e o rô de Spearman foi calculado, bem como as análises Qui-Quadrado realizadas. Os resultados ds análises Qui-Quadrado demostrararam resultados estatisticamente significativos à 0.1% de nível de significância e que a cultura, o nível de educação e a palavra de boca em boca afetuam as decisões de compra do consumidor. Num ambiente em rápida mudança, que foi testemunhado em 2022, este estudo é relevante à medida que os consumidores se adaptam a tempos financeiros difíceis e a tensões acrescidas nos seus estilos de vida, ao mesmo tempo que ainda desejam dar aos seus filhos o melhor começo de vida. Mestrado em Gestão
- Published
- 2022
30. On the hunt for a Bargain : A quantitative study on Generation Z’s impact on the Second-Hand industry during the Pandemic
- Author
Palmgren, Minna, Zylfijaj, Erolinda, Palmgren, Minna, and Zylfijaj, Erolinda
- Abstract
The purpose of this study is to examine and investigate if there has been a growth within the second hand industry during the pandemic and if so, investigate what factors there are that have contributed to the growth. The target group of this study is within generation Z and their view on second hand. The study is based on the number of gaps that had been identified with help on earlier research on the subject. Numerous people in the literature and articles are eager to present that the second hand market has increased, but why it has increased and what has caused generation Z to shop more second hand is more challenging to answer. Furthermore, an analysis has been conducted in order to cover the gaps that have been identified. The study is based on a quantitative study with generation Z as respondents. The results from this study shows that the generation has begun to shop more second hand over the last years than they have been doing before. This is due to the fact that the generation is very active on social media where second hand has become a trend. New websites have emerged and it has become increasingly accessible to find good second hand bargains. It has also become increasingly common to seek inspiration on social media to find a foundation where they can express themselves with clothes and products. The results also show that there is a growing interest in products that are sustainable and environmentally conscious. It can be said that there are a number of factors that have played a major role in the growth of the second hand industry.
- Published
- 2022
31. Svenska konsumenters inställning och syn vid köp av second hand kläder : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar köp av second hand kläder
- Author
Farokhizadeh, Allan, Abdulahad, Gebrail, Farokhizadeh, Allan, and Abdulahad, Gebrail
- Abstract
Problem: There are a lot of studies on second hand clothing consumption. But there are very limited studies that explore the main motivating factors for Swedish consumers to buy second hand clothes, but also dampening factors for buying second hand clothes. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore what motives there are that influence the consumer to buy second hand clothes and contribute with an increased understanding of what factors make one not want to buy second hand clothes. Method: For this study, a qualitative and abductive approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using a convenience selection. Analysis: Analysis of data for this study was hand coded, through the transcription of the interviews recorded. The transcription was performed immediately after the interview was completed in order to have a fresh memory and to remember small details from the interview. An analysis was then carried out in connection with the various themes identified in the theory section. Conclusion: The conclusions drawn after the interviews were that the motivating factors for buying second hand clothes were price awareness, environmental awareness and hedonistic motives. The most common reason for not buying second hand clothes was fashion interest.
- Published
- 2022
32. Electric conversion of combustion engine cars
- Author
Modling, Annika, Åbrandt, Bobby, Modling, Annika, and Åbrandt, Bobby
- Abstract
The electrification of personal transport vehicles is one of the strategies to counteract global warming and dependance on fossil fuels. Diesel powered cars are already prohibited in several big cities and the prices for fuel are constantly climbing. Even so, electric cars are still a premium that not everyone can afford as they could an older ICE-car. This means that there can be a gap in the near future were the Swedish working- and middle class can neither afford a new EV nor refuel their combustion engine car. This thesis investigates the possibilities and challenges of electric conversion of an existing, (used) combustion engine car as an alternative to buying a new electric car. The conversion is meant to be a DIY-project that can be carried out by anyone with the capacity to learn all the skills necessary and with sufficient funds to own a car in the first place. Parts of or the whole project can be outsourced to machine shops or similar, if there are areas where knowledge or equipment of the builder are insufficient. This type of conversion proves to be highly modular where the selection of both car and components depends on budget, time, and knowledge. Brushed DC motors offer reliability at a low cost, but with relatively low efficiency. A three-phase induction motor will be a more costly option, but with the benefit of higher efficiency and power. The batteries that are deemed appropriate for the conversion are lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries. Lead-acid batteries are robust and have a low cost. Their low energy density will however result in a higher weight making this type of battery best suited for a small car with short range. Lithium-ion batteries, which are used in commercial EVs, have a high energy density and lower weight. They come at a high cost however, and they require individual monitoring of the cells’ voltage to prevent potential failure. The converted car will have to be registered as a modified vehicle in order to legally be used in Swe, Den pågående elektrifieringen av personlig transport är ett av verktygen för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling. I samband med detta stiger bränslepriser och förbud mot dieseldrivna bilar finns numera i flertalet städer. Trots detta är elbilar fortfarande mycket dyra i inköp. Elkonvertering av befintliga (begagnade) bilar kan vara både ekonomiskt och ekologiskt gynnsamt då resultatet blir en cirkulär ekonomi och minskat behov av fossila bränslen, samtidigt som bilägaren ej behöver betala för dyrt bränsle. Detta examensarbete kartlägger möjligheterna och utmaningarna kring elkonvertering av enbegagnad bil med förbränningsmotor som alternativ för att köpa en ny elektrisk bil. Konverteringen skall vara ett DIY-projekt som kan genomföras av alla som har kapaciteten att lära sig de färdigheter som krävs samt har finansiella möjlighten att äga en bil. Delar av eller hela arbetet kan även lämnas bort till en mekanisk verkstad om byggaren saknar kunskap eller utrustningen för att genomföra projektet. Att utföra en sådan konvertering visar sig vara högst modulärt där val av bil eller komponenter behöver fattas utifrån budget, tid och kunskap. Kolborst-DC motorer erbjuder pålitlighet till ett lågt pris men har förhållandevis låg verkningsgrad. Trefas AC motorer innebär högre kostnad men erbjuder högre effektivitet och mer effekt. De batterier som bedöms lämpliga för konverteringen är bly-syra batterier och litium-jonbatterier. Även här skiljer sig kostnad och prestanda. Bly-syrabatterier är robusta och innebär lägre kostnad, men har låg energidensitet och resulterar i hög vikt. De lämpar sig därför för mindre bilar med kort räckvidd. Litium-jonbatterier, som används kommersiellt i dagens elbilar, har hög energidensitet och lägre vikt. De är dock ett mer kostsamt alternativ och kräver cellövervakning för att förhindra potentiellt haveri. Bilen kommer behövas registreras som ombyggt fordon för att lagligt kunna brukas i Sverige. Viktigt är att bilens ursprungliga totalvikt ej över
- Published
- 2022
33. Can we play our way to a more circular fashion world? : A quantitative study about the impact of gamification on consumer attitudes and intentions to use C2C apps
- Author
Arnesson, Amanda, Westman, Sofia, Arnesson, Amanda, and Westman, Sofia
- Abstract
As new styles rapidly replace the old and garments are discarded, fast fashion and clothing consumption contribute to a serious and negative environmental impact. Previous research and fast fashion’s negative sustainability consequences all imply that a change is required. Peoples’ desire “to fit in” and the resulting clothing consumption has to find its solution, and second hand consumption is suggested as a viable answer. But, to buy pre-loved garments has been considered inconvenient, time-demanding and unappealing. These attitudes towards a more sustainable consumption behavior therefore becomes a barrier to a circular fashion economy. Consequently, companies are trying to develop and offer new services that could improve the situation. One of these marketplaces are Consumer to Consumer (C2C) apps, which connect sellers and buyers of second hand items through their user accounts, meaning that the company behind the service is not involved in the transaction other than as the supplier of the software. Previous research suggests that people's intentions towards pursuing a desired consumer behavior is positively encouraged by gamification elements. Despite this, C2C apps on the Swedish market do not use these features to promote second hand consumption. Within gamification, there are a myriad of elements and tools to choose from, where three of the most commonly used gamification elements to improve attitudes are points, badges and leaderboards, also known as the PBL triad. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) states that attitude towards the behavior, together with subjective norm and perceived behavior control are the components that affect an intention to engage in a behavior, which predicts whether individuals will actually perform the behavior. Based on these considerations, this thesis identified a research gap in how gamification can affect Swedish consumers’ attitude towards using C2C apps gamified with points, badges and leaderboards. We examine how
- Published
- 2022
34. Avlagda kläder - avfall eller resurs? : En enkätundersökning om hur studenter motiverar sin användning av olika klädavfallsmetoder
- Author
Lindén, Felicia, Svensson, Madelene, Lindén, Felicia, and Svensson, Madelene
- Abstract
Under de senaste två decennierna har konsumtionen av nyproducerade kläder ökat med närmare 30 procent per person i Sverige. Den ökade konsumtionen har medfört att individers klädavfall blivit mer omfattande och många gånger slängs klädesplagg som fortfarande kan användas i hushållets restavfall även om andra alternativ är bättre. Med utgångspunkt i detta och tidigare forskning som visar att unga människor är en högkonsumerande grupp undersöker föreliggande studie hur studenter vid Jönköping University som är bosatta i Jönköpings kommun hanterar sitt klädavfall. Med en webbaserad enkätundersökning samlades data in för att ta reda på vilka av klädavfallsmetoderna secondhand, textilåtervinning, återförsäljning, ge till familj och/eller vänner och restavfall som målgruppen använder samt vad som motiverar deras val att använda dessa klädavfallsmetoder. Genom att utgå från teorin om bunden rationalitet och tematiskt analysera svaren på enkätens öppna frågor visar resultatet hos studiens 73 respondenter att valet av klädavfallsmetod är komplext och i många fall begränsas av omständigheter. Sådana omständigheter beskrivs av studiens respondenter som bland annat brist på tillgänglighet, tid och information. Resultatet visar också att valet av klädavfallsmetod många gånger inte enbart handlar om att göra sig av med sitt klädavfall på ett smidigt sätt. För vissa fungerar klädavfallsmetoderna även som ett sätt att generera extra intäkter eller för att hjälpa andra människor. En kunskap om och förståelse för varför klädavfallsflödena ser ut som de gör kan vara behjälpligt för såväl regeringar som kommuner i pågående arbete för ett mer cirkulärt samhälle. Senast januari 2025 ska nämligen alla EU:s medlemsländer uppfylla direktivet 2018/851 om avfall som bland annat innefattar krav på separat insamling av textilier., Over the past two decades, the consumption of new clothing has increased by almost 30 percent per person in Sweden, which has also caused individual's clothing waste to become more extensive. Clothes that are still wearable is often disposed of in the household's residual waste. With this in mind, and with previous research showing that young people are considered a high- consuming group, this study aim to investigate how students at Jönköping University, who live in Jönköping municipality, handle their clothing waste. The empirical data was retrieved with a web-based survey to investigate which of the clothing disposal methods secondhand, textile recycling, private resale, giving to family and/or friends, and residual waste that are used by the target group and how they justify their choice of clothing disposal method. Through a thematic analysis of the open-ended questions in the survey, as well as through using the theory of bounded rationality, the results show that the choice of clothing disposal method is complex since it many times is limited by circumstances. Among the study’s 73 respondents, such circumstances turned out to be, among other things, a lack of accessibility, time, and information. Furthermore, the result shows that for some of the respondents the choice of clothing disposal method is not solely about getting rid of the clothes in a comfortable way. For some, clothing disposal is also about earning some extra money or about helping others. Knowledge and understanding of why clothing waste is handled the way it is and ends up where it ends up can be helpful for governments as well as for municipalities in their ongoing work for a more circular society. By January 2025, all EU member states must comply with the EU Directive 2018/851 on waste which among other things targets the need for a separate collection of textiles.
- Published
- 2022
35. “Dead white man’s clothes” : The influence of second hand import on young Ghanaians’ consuming patterns
- Author
Skoglund, Hanna, Samuelsson, Johanna, Finell, Linda, Skoglund, Hanna, Samuelsson, Johanna, and Finell, Linda
- Abstract
Generally, not many in the Global North are aware of the complexity behind the second hand clothing trade and donations. Today, Ghana has become one of the biggest markets for imported second hand clothing. With this, the Akan saying “Obroni Wawu” has come, and translates into “Dead White Man’s Clothes”. The expression is formed based on the idea that someone must have died in order to give up such an amount of clothing. While the consumption pattern has changed in the Global North, in terms of overconsumption and a throwaway mentality, it has simultaneously changed among African youth as a result of increased consumption and exposure to Western culture. This has led to a concern among non-profit organisations that second hand imports have influenced Ghanaian youths' perception of the value clothing has. Thus, this thesis aims to take a social and cultural perspective to study the influence of the import of second hand clothing on young Ghanaians' perceived value of clothing. The review of literature on the field of research about Ghana, second hand trade in Africa and second hand in general defined a substantial gap which this thesis aims to fill. Through a field study conducted over eight weeks in Accra, Ghana, this thesis follows an exploratory approach of anthropological nature. 21 in-depth interviews combined with participant observations generated the final results which are analysed based on theoretical perspectives from postcolonialism and the relation to clothes in terms of identity, attachment and usage. Findings of the study suggest that the influence on young Ghanaians' perceived value of clothing reaches beyond second hand import, but is rather a complex nature of historical values and a current adoption of Western culture and consumption. Findings further suggest an indirect adaptation of fast fashion consumer goods, influenced by Western culture and the high presence of such goods among second hand imports. This thesis is believed to contribute to an
- Published
- 2022
36. Läckage av metaller från glas och keramiska artiklar köpta second hand till livsmedel : En potentiell risk för människors hälsa
- Author
Nord-Eriksson, Hanna and Nord-Eriksson, Hanna
- Abstract
För att leva mer hållbart så är cirkulär ekonomi en stor del, ser man till marknaden för second hand så är artiklar gjorda av keramik och glas vanligt förekommande och populariteten ökar. Detta examensarbete fokuserade på artiklar köpta second hand av keramik och glas där de nuvarande gränsvärdena för bly och kadmium jämfördes med discussing starting values (DSV). Arbetet undersökte även riskerna för människan vid användning av second hand artiklar av glas och keramik. Arbetetbaserades på tidigare forskning som gjorts kring artiklar av keramik och glas. Resultatet visar på olika värden för artiklarna och styrker att det finns artiklar på second handmarknaden som kan, vid exponering, påverka människors hälsa negativt. Framför allt så konstaterades det att de nuvarande gränsvärdena inom EU för bly och kadmium i keramiska artiklar är för höga, samt att de föreslagna nya gränsvärdena (DSV) redan överstigs., The circular economy is a big part of sustainable living. It’s not uncommon to see articles made of ceramics and glass in nowadays very popular second-hand markets.This thesis focused on second-hand articles of ceramics and glass, where the current limit values for lead and cadmium were compared with discussing starting values (DSV). This work also examined the risk for humans when using second-hand glass and ceramic items. The work was based on previous research done on ceramic and glass articles. The results show different values for the articles and prove that there are articles on the second-hand market that can, when exposed, have a negative effect on human health. In particular, it was found that the current EU limit values for lead and cadmium in ceramic articles are too high, and that the proposed new limit values (DSV) are already being exceeded.
- Published
- 2022
37. Upcycling av second hand textil : Att utveckla en ny värdekedja baserat på överblivna material
- Author
Correa Miranda, Maria, Avdija, Inela, Correa Miranda, Maria, and Avdija, Inela
- Abstract
Syfte Rapportens syften var att undersöka möjligheter för att ta fram en upcyclingskollektion i Sverige, där materialet är överbliven och obrukad andrahandstextil som Human Bridge samlat in. Metod En kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med induktiv forskningsprocess har använts som metodansats. Den kvalitativa forskningen är mer flexibel och mindre strukturerad än den kvantitativa. Utöver litteraturstudier är rapporten huvudsakligen baserad på en semistrukturerad intervju med personal från Human bridge. För att analysera den insamlade datan användes Business Model Canvas och SWOT-analys. Resultat Resultatet visar att det finns potential för en upcyclingskollektion, men även en del risker. Exempelvis ser vi att det finns en kunskapsbrist när det gäller textil inom organisationen men att det inte råder brist på upcyclingsmaterial. Originalitet/Värde I motsats till majoriteten av forskning vi kunnat hitta, så fokuserar denna rapport på upcycling som en affärsmodell istället för som en designstrategi., Purpose The purpose of the report was to investigate possibilities for producing an upcycling collection in Sweden, where the material is leftover second hand textiles collected by Human Bridge. Method A qualitative research strategy with an inductive research process has been used as a methodological approach. Qualitative research is more flexible and less structured than quantitative research. In addition to literature studies, the report is mainly based on a semi-structured interview with staff from Human bridge. Business Model Canvas and SWOT-analysis were used to analyze the collected data. Results The results show that there is potential for an upcycling collection, but also some risks. For example, we see that there is a lack of knowledge regarding textiles within the organization, but that there is no shortage of upcycling materials. Value In contrast to the majority of research we have been able to find, this report focuses on upcycling as a business model instead of as a design strategy.
- Published
- 2022
38. Upcycle and Repurpose Driven Design : A case study at ReTuna Återbruksgalleria
- Author
Berglund, Moa and Berglund, Moa
- Abstract
How can we use more of the materials and products that have already been produced? At the second hand shopping mall ReTuna in Eskilstuna, where circular flows are a reality, there are still many products going to waste. This master thesis project explores the possibilities of upcycle and repurpose driven design, and by that adding new value to existing products. The process of doing that is the basis of this report. ReTuna Återbruksgalleria is a place where people can leave products they do not want or need anymore.Everyday hundreds of products are left for reuse at ReTuna, which is connected to the overconsumptionthat results in copious amounts of second hand products. Much more than can be taken care of in today’s system. The resources put into every product needs to be valued accordingly to what they truly cost and emit. This master’s thesis project explores how to design within the planetary boundaries by taking care and responsibility for what already is produced. The first phase of the project consists of observations and interviews to get an understanding of how ReTuna works. The framing of the project was decided after the research phase, which resulted in focus on one specific product, dining chairs. The next part of the project involves upcycling workshops, building of prototypes and an exhibition, all with a focus on increasing the value for second hand chairsand giving the material new areas of use. The last part of the project presents a design result, with an approach for involving more repurpose driven design and upcycling within design and product development.
- Published
- 2022
39. Kommunikation för hållbart mode : En produktionsstudie om second hand-mode ur ett kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv
- Author
Ek, Lowa, Samuelsson, Lina, Ek, Lowa, and Samuelsson, Lina
- Abstract
This essay aims to, against the background of how today's second hand-fashion has come to change current concepts and new communication techniques, find out how businesses in the industry perceive their communication towards their recipients. The method used is qualitative and interviews have been conducted from the producer's perspective with a selection of relevant businesses within the industry. Questions that have also been investigated are how businesses view media for the distribution of their communication. The results show, among other things, that businesses active in second hand-fashion need to stay up-to-date in their communication in order to maintain their place in the market and therefore see digital media as necessary although not entirely unproblematic, in terms of the distribution of the communication. What is also common is that the primary communicative strategies are not to emphasize sustainability, due to not shaming or telling consumers in which way they should live or act. Instead, it is important for the businesses to emphasize messages about clothing care and how clothes last longer and thus retain value. The essay has finally shown that the second hand industry in fashion is closely connected with media development, where digital media are primary components to reach out to the audience., Denna uppsats syftar till att, mot bakgrund av hur dagens second hand-mode kommit att förändras gällande koncept och nya kommunikationstekniker, ta reda hur aktörer inom branschen ser på kommunikationen gentemot sina mottagare. Metoden som använts är kvalitativ och intervjuer har genomförts ur producentens perspektiv med ett axplock relevanta aktörer inom branschen. Frågor som också undersökts är hur aktörerna ser på medier för distribuering av sin kommunikation. Resultaten visar dels på att aktörer verksamma inom second hand-mode behöver hålla sig uppdaterade i sin kommunikation för att behålla sin plats på marknaden och ser därför digitala medier som nödvändiga om än inte helt oproblematiska vad rör distributionen av kommunikationen. Gemensamt är också att de primära kommunikativa strategierna inte är att betona hållbarhet, med anledning av att inte skambelägga eller tala om för konsumenterna på vilket sätt de ska leva eller agera. Viktigt för aktörerna är i stället att kommunicera budskap kring klädvård och hur kläder håller längre och därmed behåller ett värde. Uppsatsen har slutligen visat att second hand-branschen inom mode är nära sammansluten med medieutvecklingen, där digitala medier är primära beståndsdelar för att nå ut till publiken.
- Published
- 2022
40. En konstruerad verklighet : En kritisk diskursanalys av second hand inom svensk media
- Author
Ek, Oscar, Svensson, Albin, Ek, Oscar, and Svensson, Albin
- Abstract
Sustainability is a term of significant relevance in today’s global context, permeating discourses and management decisions, and influencing decision-making at the head of most industries. This is particularly apparent in relation to fashion. Second hand clothing is often portrayed as a model towards sustainable consumption, reducing personal environmental impacts while signifying good ethics. Critique towards the fashion industry's environmental consequences is often aimed towards waste created and energy consumption necessary for the production of new clothing, and very rarely towards our discarded clothing. However, the impact our unwanted clothes have on our environment and social life in marginalized countries is severe. This argument is strengthened in the thesis by Andrew Brooks previous research and fieldwork. Furthermore this thesis will draw upon works by Raymond L Bryant and Michael K Goodman in order to investigate the reasons for consuming sustainable items. This thesis adheres to Norman Fairclough's three dimensional model of critical discourse analysis to investigate how Swedish media portrays second hand clothing. We believe that there is an overly positive view on second hand clothing that lacks critique and transparency. Furthermore, the thesis draws upon Patrik Aspers theories on fashion markets and how they function through status. In order to get a fair view of how Swedish media portrays the second hand-market, research on 100 articles were conducted by using the digital archive Mediearkivet. Two central themes were found in the articles and they are analyzed according to Fairclough's model. The results of the analysis shows how Swedish media primarily portrays the second hand-market as something positive, with limited hints towards the effects it has on our environment. The results also show how Swedish media is co-creating the second hand-market together with other agents in the industry to.... Media has a big part in forging what we see in an
- Published
- 2022
41. Can Digital Technologies Increase Consumer Acceptance of Circular Business Models? The Case of Second Hand Fashion
- Author
Fiona Charnley, Fabienne Knecht, Helge Muenkel, Diana Pletosu, Victoria Rickard, Chiara Sambonet, Martina Schneider, and Chunli Zhang
- Subjects
sustainability ,fashion ,circular economy ,consumers ,digitisation ,technology ,second hand ,resale ,reuse ,engagement ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Building and Construction ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law - Abstract
Experimentation with, and the implementation of, circular business models (CBMs) has gained rapid traction within the textiles and fashion industry over the last five years. Substitution of virgin materials with bioderived alternatives, extending the lifecycle of garments through resale, and rental services and the recycling or upcycling of garments are some of the strategies being used to reduce the 1.2 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions and 92 million tonnes of waste associated with the sector in 2017. However, whilst CBMs demonstrate environmental and economic benefits, low consumer acceptance is considered by business professionals and policymakers to be one of the main barriers to the transition towards a circular economy. Digitisation is widely acknowledged as a catalyst for innovation in many sectors and digital technologies are driving new ways to exchange and share goods and services, enabling companies to match the supply, and demand for, otherwise underused assets and products. Online platforms, in particular, have played a crucial role in driving the growth of used goods and resale in other consumer goods markets, such as consumer technology. A mixed methods approach, including a review of 40 organisations operating second hand fashion models, a consumer survey of over 1200 respondents and in-depth interviews with 10 organisations operating second hand fashion models, is adopted to reveal (a) the barriers to consumer acceptance of reuse models in the fashion industry, and (b) how digital technologies can overcome these barriers. Findings highlight the significant progress that organisations have made in using digitalisation, including data analytics, algorithms, digital platforms, advanced product imagery and data informed customer communications, to address barriers associated with convenience, hygiene, trust and security. Furthermore, the study identifies opportunities for the development of more sophisticated digital technologies to support increased transparency and address concerns associated with the quality, authenticity and sourcing of materials. Positioned at the interface of digitisation and consumer acceptance of circular business models, this study makes an important contribution to understanding consumer barriers and how to address them and concludes with a set of recommendations for practitioners.
- Published
- 2022
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42. Medir la conciencia medioambiental del consumidor de moda de segunda mano a la luz de la Escala NEP
- Author
Crispim, Sérgio Feliciano, Pamplona, João Batista, Marcelino, Emília Paranhos Santos, and Marcelino, Cecília Paranhos Santos
- Subjects
Consciência Ambiental ,Tienda de segunda ,Second Hand ,Environmental awareness ,Consumidor ,Consumer ,Thrift store ,Conciencia ambiental ,Brechó - Abstract
This is a work on consumer behavior, especially those who consume second-hand products, in the fashion segment, since thrift stores, in recent years, have significantly increased their role in the fashion market, with a proposal , among other factors, aimed at environmental awareness. In Brazil, following a global trend, SERASA (2019) points out that 3 people out of every ten respondents in its database claim to have consumed a used product in 2019, by retail stores, what reinforces the importance of how to know this better. Consumer and relate their behavior to an environmentally conscious attitude. The objective of the research is to measure the environmental awareness of consumers in a particular second-hand store, or thrift store, through the NEP scale, an instrument validated in the field of academic research on environmental awareness, which is presented in a form. With this discussion we seek to answer the following question: Is it possible to say that there is environmental awareness on the part of thrift shop consumers? It is intended, through this research, to obtain evidence of environmental awareness of the patrons of this type of second hand store, since one of the aspects that drive the consumption of used products, pointed out in the scientific literature, is the critical and environmentally conscious, or socio-environmental, approach. The methodology used the NEP questionnaire, with minor adjustments to the study, using a Likert-type scale (1-5), through data collection approaches using Google forms, with data analysis using the SPSS software. El reconocimiento de la innovación como uno de los principales impulsores de la competitividad y el desarrollo económico ha llamado la atención de académicos, emprendedores y formuladores de políticas públicas para identificar los factores que impiden que las organizaciones innoven o logren el éxito con sus innovaciones. Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la literatura científica sobre los obstáculos a la innovación en Brasil en los últimos diez años (2010 a 2020). La investigación, con un enfoque cuantitativo, se clasifica como descriptiva-exploratoria, y utiliza el análisis de conglomerados y el análisis factorial exploratorio para el procesamiento de datos. La encuesta de artículos para análisis resultó en 43 publicaciones en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus. Los principales resultados obtenidos del análisis factorial y de conglomerados sugieren que los principales obstáculos a la innovación en Brasil discutidos en la literatura son los altos costos de la innovación, la falta de personal calificado, los riesgos económicos y la escasez de financiamiento. Trata-se de um trabalho sobre o comportamento do consumidor, em especial, daqueles que consomem produtos second hand, no segmento de moda, visto que as lojas de brechós, nos últimos anos tem aumentado significativamente seu papel no mercado de moda, com uma proposta, entre outros fatores, voltada à consciência ambiental. No Brasil, seguindo uma tendência mundial, o SERASA (2019) aponta que 3 pessoas, a cada dez entrevistados do seu banco de dados, afirmam ter consumido um produto usado no ano de 2019, via varejo, reforçando a importância de se conhecer melhor este consumidor e relacionar seu comportamento a uma atitude ambientalmente consciente. O objetivo da pesquisa é mensurar a consciência ambiental dos consumidores de uma determinada loja second hand, ou brechó, através da escala NEP, um instrumento validado no campo da pesquisa acadêmica sobre a consciência ambiental, que se apresenta em formato de formulário. Com a presente discussão busca-se responder ao seguinte questionamento: É possível afirmar que há consciência ambiental, por parte de consumidores de brechós? Almeja-se, através desta pesquisa obter indícios de consciência ambiental dos frequentadores deste tipo de loja second hand, visto que uma das vertentes que movem o consumo de produtos usados, apontada na literatura cientifica, é a abordagem crítica e ambientalmente consciente, ou socioambiental. A metodologia utilizou-se do questionário NEP, com pequenas adequações ao estudo, usando uma escala tipo likert (1-5), através de abordagens de coleta de dados pelo Google forms, com análise de dados através do software SPSS.
- Published
- 2022
43. Seconde main et deuxième vie
- Author
Octave Debary and Philippe Gabel
- Subjects
Ethnology ,Exchange ,Flea market ,Junk ,Second hand ,Used ,History of Spain ,DP1-402 ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
This article looks at the importance that our society attaches to the reappraisal of used objects when they reach the end of their useful life. Laid out in flea markets, displayed in museums or re-used in contemporary art, some objects, some pieces of junk, acquire recovery or exchange value. How are we to gauge the importance of their presence, particularly for these “second hand” places commonly known as flea markets? This article attempts to show that such objects possess a value deriving from their power to tell a story —a story passed from hand to hand through trade. Thus objects acquire new owners and change hands, assuring them a new future, often as memorabilia.
- Published
- 2010
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44. Garment lifecycle - to end or extend? : A survey of how Swedish students motivate the disposal of their unwanted clothing
- Author
Lindén, Felicia and Svensson, Madelene
- Subjects
Jönköping municipality ,Textile ,Återvinning ,Clothing disposal ,Second hand ,Avfallsdirektivet ,Social Sciences ,Samhällsvetenskap ,Avfall ,Jönköpings kommun ,Hållbarhet ,Textil ,Clothes ,Allmänningens tragedi ,Tragedy of the commons ,Avfallspaketet ,Sustainability ,Waste ,Secondhand ,Recycling ,Kläder - Abstract
Under de senaste två decennierna har konsumtionen av nyproducerade kläder ökat med närmare 30 procent per person i Sverige. Den ökade konsumtionen har medfört att individers klädavfall blivit mer omfattande och många gånger slängs klädesplagg som fortfarande kan användas i hushållets restavfall även om andra alternativ är bättre. Med utgångspunkt i detta och tidigare forskning som visar att unga människor är en högkonsumerande grupp undersöker föreliggande studie hur studenter vid Jönköping University som är bosatta i Jönköpings kommun hanterar sitt klädavfall. Med en webbaserad enkätundersökning samlades data in för att ta reda på vilka av klädavfallsmetoderna secondhand, textilåtervinning, återförsäljning, ge till familj och/eller vänner och restavfall som målgruppen använder samt vad som motiverar deras val att använda dessa klädavfallsmetoder. Genom att utgå från teorin om bunden rationalitet och tematiskt analysera svaren på enkätens öppna frågor visar resultatet hos studiens 73 respondenter att valet av klädavfallsmetod är komplext och i många fall begränsas av omständigheter. Sådana omständigheter beskrivs av studiens respondenter som bland annat brist på tillgänglighet, tid och information. Resultatet visar också att valet av klädavfallsmetod många gånger inte enbart handlar om att göra sig av med sitt klädavfall på ett smidigt sätt. För vissa fungerar klädavfallsmetoderna även som ett sätt att generera extra intäkter eller för att hjälpa andra människor. En kunskap om och förståelse för varför klädavfallsflödena ser ut som de gör kan vara behjälpligt för såväl regeringar som kommuner i pågående arbete för ett mer cirkulärt samhälle. Senast januari 2025 ska nämligen alla EU:s medlemsländer uppfylla direktivet 2018/851 om avfall som bland annat innefattar krav på separat insamling av textilier. Over the past two decades, the consumption of new clothing has increased by almost 30 percent per person in Sweden, which has also caused individual's clothing waste to become more extensive. Clothes that are still wearable is often disposed of in the household's residual waste. With this in mind, and with previous research showing that young people are considered a high- consuming group, this study aim to investigate how students at Jönköping University, who live in Jönköping municipality, handle their clothing waste. The empirical data was retrieved with a web-based survey to investigate which of the clothing disposal methods secondhand, textile recycling, private resale, giving to family and/or friends, and residual waste that are used by the target group and how they justify their choice of clothing disposal method. Through a thematic analysis of the open-ended questions in the survey, as well as through using the theory of bounded rationality, the results show that the choice of clothing disposal method is complex since it many times is limited by circumstances. Among the study’s 73 respondents, such circumstances turned out to be, among other things, a lack of accessibility, time, and information. Furthermore, the result shows that for some of the respondents the choice of clothing disposal method is not solely about getting rid of the clothes in a comfortable way. For some, clothing disposal is also about earning some extra money or about helping others. Knowledge and understanding of why clothing waste is handled the way it is and ends up where it ends up can be helpful for governments as well as for municipalities in their ongoing work for a more circular society. By January 2025, all EU member states must comply with the EU Directive 2018/851 on waste which among other things targets the need for a separate collection of textiles.
- Published
- 2022
45. Swedish consumers' attitudes and perception when buying second hand clothes : A qualitative study of factors that affect the purchase of second hand clothes
- Author
Farokhizadeh, Allan and Abdulahad, Gebrail
- Subjects
motiverande faktorer ,Second hand ,second hand kläder ,dämpande faktorer ,Business Administration ,Företagsekonomi - Abstract
Problem: There are a lot of studies on second hand clothing consumption. But there are very limited studies that explore the main motivating factors for Swedish consumers to buy second hand clothes, but also dampening factors for buying second hand clothes. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore what motives there are that influence the consumer to buy second hand clothes and contribute with an increased understanding of what factors make one not want to buy second hand clothes. Method: For this study, a qualitative and abductive approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using a convenience selection. Analysis: Analysis of data for this study was hand coded, through the transcription of the interviews recorded. The transcription was performed immediately after the interview was completed in order to have a fresh memory and to remember small details from the interview. An analysis was then carried out in connection with the various themes identified in the theory section. Conclusion: The conclusions drawn after the interviews were that the motivating factors for buying second hand clothes were price awareness, environmental awareness and hedonistic motives. The most common reason for not buying second hand clothes was fashion interest.
- Published
- 2022
46. Elkonvertering av bilar med förbränningsmotor
- Author
Modling, Annika and Åbrandt, Bobby
- Subjects
elmotor ,blysyra ,begagnat ,förbränningsmotor ,litiumjon ,combustion engine ,electric motor ,DIY ,lead-acid ,Electric conversion ,Teknik och teknologier ,Engineering and Technology ,second hand ,cirkulär process ,lithium-ion ,Elkonvertering - Abstract
The electrification of personal transport vehicles is one of the strategies to counteract global warming and dependance on fossil fuels. Diesel powered cars are already prohibited in several big cities and the prices for fuel are constantly climbing. Even so, electric cars are still a premium that not everyone can afford as they could an older ICE-car. This means that there can be a gap in the near future were the Swedish working- and middle class can neither afford a new EV nor refuel their combustion engine car. This thesis investigates the possibilities and challenges of electric conversion of an existing, (used) combustion engine car as an alternative to buying a new electric car. The conversion is meant to be a DIY-project that can be carried out by anyone with the capacity to learn all the skills necessary and with sufficient funds to own a car in the first place. Parts of or the whole project can be outsourced to machine shops or similar, if there are areas where knowledge or equipment of the builder are insufficient. This type of conversion proves to be highly modular where the selection of both car and components depends on budget, time, and knowledge. Brushed DC motors offer reliability at a low cost, but with relatively low efficiency. A three-phase induction motor will be a more costly option, but with the benefit of higher efficiency and power. The batteries that are deemed appropriate for the conversion are lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries. Lead-acid batteries are robust and have a low cost. Their low energy density will however result in a higher weight making this type of battery best suited for a small car with short range. Lithium-ion batteries, which are used in commercial EVs, have a high energy density and lower weight. They come at a high cost however, and they require individual monitoring of the cells’ voltage to prevent potential failure. The converted car will have to be registered as a modified vehicle in order to legally be used in Sweden. The original total weight of the car cannot be exceeded during the conversion and because of this, a car with low curb weight and high max load is preferable as a starting point. Den pågående elektrifieringen av personlig transport är ett av verktygen för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling. I samband med detta stiger bränslepriser och förbud mot dieseldrivna bilar finns numera i flertalet städer. Trots detta är elbilar fortfarande mycket dyra i inköp. Elkonvertering av befintliga (begagnade) bilar kan vara både ekonomiskt och ekologiskt gynnsamt då resultatet blir en cirkulär ekonomi och minskat behov av fossila bränslen, samtidigt som bilägaren ej behöver betala för dyrt bränsle. Detta examensarbete kartlägger möjligheterna och utmaningarna kring elkonvertering av enbegagnad bil med förbränningsmotor som alternativ för att köpa en ny elektrisk bil. Konverteringen skall vara ett DIY-projekt som kan genomföras av alla som har kapaciteten att lära sig de färdigheter som krävs samt har finansiella möjlighten att äga en bil. Delar av eller hela arbetet kan även lämnas bort till en mekanisk verkstad om byggaren saknar kunskap eller utrustningen för att genomföra projektet. Att utföra en sådan konvertering visar sig vara högst modulärt där val av bil eller komponenter behöver fattas utifrån budget, tid och kunskap. Kolborst-DC motorer erbjuder pålitlighet till ett lågt pris men har förhållandevis låg verkningsgrad. Trefas AC motorer innebär högre kostnad men erbjuder högre effektivitet och mer effekt. De batterier som bedöms lämpliga för konverteringen är bly-syra batterier och litium-jonbatterier. Även här skiljer sig kostnad och prestanda. Bly-syrabatterier är robusta och innebär lägre kostnad, men har låg energidensitet och resulterar i hög vikt. De lämpar sig därför för mindre bilar med kort räckvidd. Litium-jonbatterier, som används kommersiellt i dagens elbilar, har hög energidensitet och lägre vikt. De är dock ett mer kostsamt alternativ och kräver cellövervakning för att förhindra potentiellt haveri. Bilen kommer behövas registreras som ombyggt fordon för att lagligt kunna brukas i Sverige. Viktigt är att bilens ursprungliga totalvikt ej överskrids, varför en bil med låg tjänstevikt och hög maxlast är att föredra som utgångspunkt för konverteringen.
- Published
- 2022
47. Leakage of metals from glass and ceramic articles purchased second hand to food : A potential risk to human health
- Author
Nord-Eriksson, Hanna
- Subjects
Ceramics ,Miljögift ,Bly ,Kadmium ,Second hand ,Environmental toxin ,Miljövetenskap ,Keramik ,Lead ,Second-hand ,Glas ,Glass ,Environmental Sciences ,Cadmium - Abstract
För att leva mer hållbart så är cirkulär ekonomi en stor del, ser man till marknaden för second hand så är artiklar gjorda av keramik och glas vanligt förekommande och populariteten ökar. Detta examensarbete fokuserade på artiklar köpta second hand av keramik och glas där de nuvarande gränsvärdena för bly och kadmium jämfördes med discussing starting values (DSV). Arbetet undersökte även riskerna för människan vid användning av second hand artiklar av glas och keramik. Arbetetbaserades på tidigare forskning som gjorts kring artiklar av keramik och glas. Resultatet visar på olika värden för artiklarna och styrker att det finns artiklar på second handmarknaden som kan, vid exponering, påverka människors hälsa negativt. Framför allt så konstaterades det att de nuvarande gränsvärdena inom EU för bly och kadmium i keramiska artiklar är för höga, samt att de föreslagna nya gränsvärdena (DSV) redan överstigs. The circular economy is a big part of sustainable living. It’s not uncommon to see articles made of ceramics and glass in nowadays very popular second-hand markets.This thesis focused on second-hand articles of ceramics and glass, where the current limit values for lead and cadmium were compared with discussing starting values (DSV). This work also examined the risk for humans when using second-hand glass and ceramic items. The work was based on previous research done on ceramic and glass articles. The results show different values for the articles and prove that there are articles on the second-hand market that can, when exposed, have a negative effect on human health. In particular, it was found that the current EU limit values for lead and cadmium in ceramic articles are too high, and that the proposed new limit values (DSV) are already being exceeded.
- Published
- 2022
48. Xarxa de tractament de motocicletes : desballestament, reaprofitament i tractament de residus generats pel transport a les ciutats
- Author
Bossa Vilà, Pau, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, and Ribas Xirgo, Lluís
- Subjects
Motocicletes ,Motocicletas ,Network ,Reuse ,Talleres ,Ciudades ,Reutilizar ,Public roads ,Desguace ,Segona mà ,Parc mòbil ,Mobility ,Mobile fleet ,Mobilitat ,Economy ,Abandonament ,Via pública ,Motorcycles ,Parts and spare parts ,Movilidad ,Workshops ,Nuevas tecnologías ,Xarxa ,Sociedad ,Abandono ,Piezas y repuestos ,Medi ambient ,Economia ,Environment ,Parque móvil ,Economía ,Ciutats ,Tallers ,Scrapper ,Society ,Cities ,Vía pública ,Desballestador ,Residus ,Societat ,Col·laboració ,Noves tecnologies ,Abandonment ,Second hand ,Red ,Collaboration ,Waste ,Segunda mano ,Medio ambiente ,Reutilitzar ,Residuos ,Peces i recanvis ,Colaboración ,New technologies - Abstract
L'emergència climàtica que vivim actualment s'ha de superar allargant el temps de vida de vehicles i recanvis. A la vegada hem d'evitar repetir processos contaminants que suposen un futur irreparable. Les noves tecnologies ens permeten realitzar negocis que fins fa pocs anys haurien estat impossibles de dur a terme. En el camp de les motocicletes, sempre ha estat present la problemàtica de no trobar recanvis de segona mà sense haver de recórrer a cada un dels desballestadors de la zona. Fins i tot així, molts cops, l'única solució acaba sent comprar aquest recanvi nou, a la casa oficial, per un preu elevat o, pels que no se'l poden permetre, abandonar la motocicleta al carrer, pel fet de no tenir un espai on guardar-la, o bé vendre-la a un desballestador, a un preu ridícul. Precisament, per aquest motiu, aquest treball pretén resoldre aquestes problemàtiques a través d'una xarxa de tractament de motocicletes on els principals actors serien els ajuntaments, desballestadors, dipòsits, tallers, proveïdors i propietaris, entre altres, d'aquests vehicles. Mitjançant una optimització de l'organització, gràcies a tots aquests, podem millorar i extreure uns beneficis tant per la societat en general com per les nostres ciutats. La emergencia climática que vivimos actualmente debe superarse alargando el tiempo de vida de vehículos y recambios. A la vez debemos evitar repetir procesos contaminantes que supongan un futuro irreparable. Las nuevas tecnologías nos permiten realizar negocios que hasta hace pocos años habrían sido imposibles de realizar. En el campo de las motocicletas, siempre ha estado presente la problemática de no encontrar repuestos de segunda mano sin tener que recurrir a cada uno de los desguaces de la zona. Incluso así, muchas veces, la única solución acaba siendo comprar ese recambio nuevo, en la casa oficial, por un precio elevado o, por los que no se le pueden permitir, abandonar la motocicleta en la calle, al no tener un espacio donde guardarla, o bien venderla a un desguazador, a un precio ridículo. Precisamente, por este motivo, este trabajo pretende resolver estas problemáticas a través de una red de tratamiento de motocicletas donde los principales actores serían los ayuntamientos, desguaces, depósitos, talleres, proveedores y propietarios, entre otros, de estos vehículos. Mediante una optimización de la organización, gracias a todos ellos, podemos mejorar y extraer beneficios tanto para la sociedad en general como para nuestras ciudades. The current climate emergency must be overcome by extending the lifespan of vehicles and spare parts. At the same time, we must avoid repeating polluting processes that have an irreparable future. New technologies allow us to do business that until a few years ago would have been impossible to carry out. In the field of motorcycles, the problem of not finding second-hand spare parts without having to resort to each of the scrapers in the area has always been present. Even so, many times, the only solution ends up being to buy this new spare part, in the official house, for a high price or, for those who cannot afford it, to leave the motorcycle on the street, due to not having a space to store it, or sell it to a scrap yard, at a ridiculous price. Precisely for this reason, this work aims to solve these problems through a motorcycle treatment network where the main actors would be the municipalities, scrapers, depots, workshops, suppliers and owners, among others, of these vehicles. By optimizing the organization, thanks to all these, we can improve and extract benefits for society in general and for our cities.
- Published
- 2022
49. Análisis del mercado de segunda mano en las plataformas digitales
- Author
Pulido Jurado, Javier and Sanmartín Baena, Patricia
- Subjects
Segunda mano ,Digital platforms ,Second hand ,Buying and selling ,On-line ,Usuarios ,Plataformas digitales ,Users ,Compraventa - Abstract
Con el desarrollo de internet y especialmente de las plataformas digitales, el mercado de segunda mano ha experimentado un gran auge. En el presente trabajo se han analizado las principales características del mercado de segunda mano, estudiando su evolución. Asimismo, se han abordado otros aspectos sustanciales del mismo como las plataformas digitales más usadas, las estrategias de comunicación empleadas y el perfil de sus principales actores. Se ha realizado una encuesta en la cual se han examinado determinados aspectos relacionados con el uso del mercado de segunda mano a partir del empleo de las plataformas digitales de la población. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existen considerables similitudes entre los argumentos teóricos expuestos a lo largo del trabajo y el uso real que hace la población en general de estas plataformas, como pueden ser: el liderazgo de Wallapop, o la preferencia de los motivos económicos tanto en la compra como en la venta. With the development of the internet and especially of digital platforms, the second-hand market has experienced a boom. In this paper we have analysed the main characteristics of the second-hand market, studying its evolution. It has also addressed other substantial aspects of the market, such as the most widely used digital platforms, the communication strategies employed and the profile of the main players. A survey has been carried out to examine certain aspects related to the use of the second-hand market based on the population's use of digital platforms. The results obtained show that there are considerable similarities between the theoretical arguments put forward throughout the study and the actual use of these platforms by the general population, such as: the leadership of Wallapop, or the preference for economic motives in both buying and selling.
- Published
- 2022
50. Xarxa de tractament de motocicletes : desballestament, reaprofitament i tractament de residus generats pel transport a les ciutats
- Author
Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Font Segura, Xavier, Barrena Gómez, Raquel, Bossa i Vilà, Pau, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Font Segura, Xavier, Barrena Gómez, Raquel, Bossa i Vilà, Pau, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria
- Abstract
L'emergència climàtica que vivim actualment s'ha de superar allargant el temps de vida de vehicles i recanvis. A la vegada hem d'evitar repetir processos contaminants que suposen un futur irreparable. Les noves tecnologies ens permeten realitzar negocis que fins fa pocs anys haurien estat impossibles de dur a terme. En el camp de les motocicletes, sempre ha estat present la problemàtica de no trobar recanvis de segona mà sense haver de recórrer a cada un dels desballestadors de la zona. Fins i tot així, molts cops, l'única solució acaba sent comprar aquest recanvi nou, a la casa oficial, per un preu elevat o, pels que no se'l poden permetre, abandonar la motocicleta al carrer, pel fet de no tenir un espai on guardar-la, o bé vendre-la a un desballestador, a un preu ridícul. Precisament, per aquest motiu, aquest treball pretén resoldre aquestes problemàtiques a través d'una xarxa de tractament de motocicletes on els principals actors serien els ajuntaments, desballestadors, dipòsits, tallers, proveïdors i propietaris, entre altres, d'aquests vehicles. Mitjançant una optimització de l'organització, gràcies a tots aquests, podem millorar i extreure uns beneficis tant per la societat en general com per les nostres ciutats., The current climate emergency must be overcome by extending the lifespan of vehicles and spare parts. At the same time, we must avoid repeating polluting processes that have an irreparable future. New technologies allow us to do business that until a few years ago would have been impossible to carry out. In the field of motorcycles, the problem of not finding second-hand spare parts without having to resort to each of the scrapers in the area has always been present. Even so, many times, the only solution ends up being to buy this new spare part, in the official house, for a high price or, for those who cannot afford it, to leave the motorcycle on the street, due to not having a space to store it, or sell it to a scrap yard, at a ridiculous price. Precisely for this reason, this work aims to solve these problems through a motorcycle treatment network where the main actors would be the municipalities, scrapers, depots, workshops, suppliers and owners, among others, of these vehicles. By optimizing the organization, thanks to all these, we can improve and extract benefits for society in general and for our cities.
- Published
- 2021
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