This OpenAIRE report is the final document about the analytics, development, and integration of Article Processing Charges (APC). Using the example of the OpenAPC Initiative, one of the largest initiatives for transparent APCs worldwide, the complete integration into OpenAIRE will be demonstrated and thus made possible for subsequent use in the Open Science Observatory, among others. The report ends with recommendations for repositories, as well as their usage in the OpenAIRE Research Graph, services, and products. Specifically, it is based on these milestones: ● MS19 - OpenAPC Workshop for new contributing institutions ( ) ● MS20 - Technical enhancements of OpenAPC ● MS21 - Final Open APC Workshop to promote results ( references ), {"references":["Czerniak, Andreas, & Broschinski, Christoph. (2019, March). Webinar about transparency of publication fees and the OpenAPC project.","Broschinski, Christoph. (2019, December). The global OpenAPC project - an introduction. Presented at the Workshop \"Monitoring OA publishing costs and revenues of publishing initiatives\", Paris, France: Zenodo.","Pieper, Dirk. (2019, December). Cost transparency for transformative agreements. Presented at the Workshop \"Monitoring OA publishing costs and revenues of publishing initiatives\", Paris, France: Zenodo.","Mosterd, Max. (2019, December). Integrating the costs of different OA book models into the ecosystem. Presented at the Workshop \"Monitoring OA publishing costs and revenues of publishing initiatives\", Paris, France: Zenodo.","Czerniak, Andreas. (2019, December). Processing charge integration into OpenAIRE Research Graph. Presented at the Workshop \"Monitoring OA publishing costs and revenues of publishing initiatives\", Paris, France: Zenodo.","Monaghan, J., Lucraft, M., Allin, K. (2020): 'APCs in the Wild': Could Increased Monitoring and Consolidation of Funding Accelerate the Transition to Open Access?. figshare. Journal contribution.","Shamash, K. (2016). Article processing charges (APCs) and subscriptions. Monitoring open access costs. Online available:","Pieper, D. (2015). 1. 2 Open APC Data in Germany. Zenodo.","Pieper, D., & Broschinski, C. (2018). OpenAPC: a contribution to a transparent and reproducible monitoring of fee-based open access publishing across institutions and nations. Insights the UKSG journal, 31.","Manghi, P., Bardi, A., Atzori, C., Baglioni, M., Manola, N., Schirrwagen, J., & Principe, P. (2019). The OpenAIRE Research Graph Data Model (Version 1.3). Zenodo.","Manghi, P., Atzori, C., Bardi, A., Schirrwagen, J., Dimitropoulos, H., La Bruzzo, S., … Summan, F. (2019). OpenAIRE Research Graph Dump (Version 1.0.0-beta) [Data set]. Zenodo.","Broschinski, C., & Pieper, D. (2019). Cost transparency for transformative agreements (or how to calculate equivalent APCs within the DEAL-Wiley agreement). Zenodo.","Pieper, D. (2019). Cost transparency for transformative agreements. Zenodo.","Copiello, S. (2020). Business as Usual with Article Processing Charges in the Transition towards OA Publishing: A Case Study Based on Elsevier. Publications, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 3."]}