44 results on '"Schenk, M.F."'
Search Results
2. Consumers, communication and food allergy
- Author
van Putten, M.C., primary, Schenk, M.F., additional, Gremmen, B., additional, and Frewer, L.J., additional
- Published
- 2007
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- Author
Zwart, M.P., Schenk, M.F., Hwang, S., Koopmanschap-Memelink, A.B., de Lange, N., van de Pol, Lion, Nga, Tran T.T., Szendro, Ivan G., Krug, Joachim, de Visser, J.A.G.M., Zwart, M.P., Schenk, M.F., Hwang, S., Koopmanschap-Memelink, A.B., de Lange, N., van de Pol, Lion, Nga, Tran T.T., Szendro, Ivan G., Krug, Joachim, and de Visser, J.A.G.M.
- Published
- 2018
4. Betula PR-10 protein (PR-10) gene, PR-10-01A01.01 allele, partial cds
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Cordewener, J.H.G., America, A.H.P., van 't Westende, W.P.C., Smulders, M.J.M., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Schenk, M.F., Cordewener, J.H.G., America, A.H.P., van 't Westende, W.P.C., Smulders, M.J.M., and Gilissen, L.J.W.J.
- Published
- 2016
5. Triticinae alpha-gliadin storage protein gene, partial cds
- Author
van Herpen, T.W.J.M., Goryunova-Svetlana, V., van der Schoot, J., Mitreva, M., Salentijn, E.M.J., Vorst, O.F.J., Schenk, M.F., van Veelen, P., de Koning, F., van Soest, L.J.M., Vosman, B.J., Bosch, H.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Smulders, M.J.M., van Herpen, T.W.J.M., Goryunova-Svetlana, V., van der Schoot, J., Mitreva, M., Salentijn, E.M.J., Vorst, O.F.J., Schenk, M.F., van Veelen, P., de Koning, F., van Soest, L.J.M., Vosman, B.J., Bosch, H.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., and Smulders, M.J.M.
- Published
- 2016
6. Aanpak van overmatige wortelgroei in vruchtgroentegewassen
- Author
Ludeking, D.J.W., Hamelink, R., Wubben, J.P., Wubben, J., and Schenk, M.F.
- Subjects
WUR GTB Gewasgezondheid ,rhizobium rhizogenes ,greenhouse crops ,vruchtgroenten ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,rhizoplane ,drainage water ,plant pathogens ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,Laboratorium voor Erfelijkheidsleer ,control methods ,kasgewassen ,substraten ,plantenziekteverwekkers ,worteloppervlak ,glastuinbouw ,tests ,drainagewater ,Laboratory of Genetics ,bestrijdingsmethoden ,substrates ,fruit vegetables ,greenhouse horticulture - Abstract
Bij de teelt van komkommer, tomaat en aubergine in uiteen lopende glastuinbouwgebieden in Nederland worden planten waargenomen in de teelt waarbij het wortelgestel een overmatige productie aan wortels laat zien. Het fenomeen dat daarom ook ‘overmatige wortelgroei’ wordt genoemd, uit zich door het ontstaan van veel extra wortels aan het grond- of steenwoloppervlak. De oorzaak van deze overmatige wortelgroei is de bacterie Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Deze bacterie wordt ook wel Agrobacterium radiobacter genoemd . In dit experiment zijn verschillende methoden of middelen onderzocht die de aanwezigheid en infectie van wortels met de Ri-plasmide afkomstig uit Agrobacterium rhizogenes in een kas kunnen voorkomen of verspreiding ervan kunnen inperken. De uitgevoerde proeven hebben als doel: Het ontwikkelen en testen van effectieve maatregelen die de aanwezigheid en verspreiding van overmatige wortelgroei in vruchtgroentegewassen kunnen beperken.
- Published
- 2013
7. Onderzoeksverslag 'Distributie van Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomatenplanten'
- Author
van der Wolf, J.M., van der Zouwen, P.S., Ludeking, D.J.W., Hamelink, R., and Schenk, M.F.
- Subjects
WUR GTB Gewasgezondheid ,zaadbesmetting ,epidemiologie ,plantenziekteverwekkende bacteriën ,seedborne bacteria ,plant pathogenic bacteria ,ziektedistributie ,seed contamination ,infection ,in zaden overlevende bacteriën ,disease distribution ,solanum lycopersicum ,clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis ,glastuinbouw ,PRI BIOINT Ecological Interactions ,epidemiology ,plantenziekten ,tomaten ,tomatoes ,infectie ,plant diseases ,greenhouse horticulture - Abstract
Van 2009 tot 2011 werden kasproeven uitgevoerd om de kolonisatie van tomatenplanten met Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) vanuit besmet zaad en de secundaire verspreiding van Cmm in een gewas te bestuderen.
- Published
- 2012
8. De ontwikkeling van hypoallergene appelrassen
- Author
van der Meer, I.M., van de Weg, W.E., van der Maas, M.P., Schenk, M.F., Smulders, M.J.M., and Gilissen, L.J.W.J.
- Subjects
Plant Breeding ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,Fruit ,PPO BBF Fruitgewassen ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,PRI BIOS Applied Genomics & Proteomics - Abstract
Wageningen University & Research centre heeft samen met het Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht en Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen een hypoallergene appel geïdentificeerd, de Santana, die sinds 2006 als zodanig verkrijgbaar is in de supermarkt. In 2011 is hier het ras Elise met een ander smaakprofiel en andere bewaareigenschappen als nieuwe hypoallergene appel bijgekomen. Hiermee is het aanbod verbreed. Daarnaast zijn appels genetisch gemodificeerd (GM) om te onderzoeken of de techniek van ‘gene silencing’ geschikt is om het meest voorkomende allergeen in appel, Mal d 1, uit te schakelen. Deze GM-appels zijn niet bestemd voor consumptie. Ten slotte is met een combinatie van DNA-onderzoek en veredelingsonderzoek een mogelijk laagallergene eiwitvariant van Mal d 1 geïdentificeerd die slechts één aminozuur verschilt van een hoogallergene variant. De kennis uit dit onderzoek wordt benut om de ontwikkeling van hypoallergene appelrassen en andere hypoallergene plantaardige producten te versnellen en daarmee de kwaliteit van leven van de allergische consument te verbeteren.
- Published
- 2012
9. Detectie en beheersing van bacterierot veroorzaakt door Pseudomonas cattleyae in Phalaenopsis
- Author
Ludeking, D.J.W., Hamelink, R., Kromwijk, J.A.M., Schenk, M.F., Vermunt, A., and Woets, F.
- Subjects
WUR GTB Gewasgezondheid ,bacterial diseases ,influences ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,bacterieziekten ,bladvlekkenziekte ,food and beverages ,relatieve vochtigheid ,water treatment ,WUR GTB Teelt & Bedrijfssystemen ,relative humidity ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,waterzuivering ,phalaenopsis ,black spot ,infection ,pseudomonas ,invloeden ,leaf spotting ,moleculaire technieken ,infectie ,molecular techniques - Abstract
Phalaenopsis growers suffer from mayor losses up to 20% due to bacterial spot. This bacterial infection in caused by the Acidovorax avenae subsp. cattleyae. In practice this bacterial disease is also known as Pseudomonas. This bacterium is causing black leaf spots with a yellow border. Pseudomonas cattleyae is very contagious and is promoted by high temperatures en moist conditions. In this project Groen Agro Control laboratory (Delfgauw) has developed a molecular analysis method to detect Pseudomonas cattleyae in different matrices. The influence of the relative humidity on the development of Pseudomonas cattleyae is investigated during this research. The results show that a relative humidity of 90% strongly promotes infection of the bacteria. A relative humidity of 75% shows no extra dispersion of Pseudomonas cattleyae compared to a greenhouse compartment with a continuous relative humidity of 60%. This knowledge offers the opportunity to safe energy in the cultivation of Phalaenopsis. During this research the effects of water treatments on the dispersion of Pseudomonas cattleyae have been investigated. The results show that a treatment with hydrogen peroxide (20 ppm) offers the best reduction of dispersion. This treatment turns out to be better than the control and all other treatments. This research has led to new insights about the dispersal and optimal growing conditions of this bacteria, but leads to new questions. Questions, about other different dosages and the effects of other water treatments, but also about the optimal level to promote plant growth and reduce bacterial infections, have to be investigated in new research. Referaat Telers van Phalaenopsis hebben vooral in de opkweekfase last van infecties met de bacterie Acidovorax avenae subsp. cattleyae. In de praktijk spreekt men nog vaak over Pseudomonas. De bacterie veroorzaakt bladvlekken die bestaan uit zwarte ingezonken plek met een gele rand. In sommige gevallen kan de uitval oplopen tot wel 20%. De bacterieziekte is zeer besmettelijk en wordt door hoge temperaturen en veel vocht in de hand gewerkt. Groen Agro Control heeft in dit project een analysemethode ontwikkeld om de bacteriën met behulp van DNA technieken te detecteren. Tijdens het onderzoek is gekeken naar de invloed van relatieve luchtvochtigheid op de ontwikkeling van Pseudomonas cattleyae. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat een relatieve luchtvochtigheid van 90% de bacterieverspreiding enorm stimuleert en dat de mate van de aantasting ook veel ernstiger is dan bij lagere relatieve luchtvochtigheden. Een relatieve luchtvochtigheid van 75% toont geen extra verspreiding van Pseudomonas cattleyae ten opzichte van de verspreiding in een kascompartiment waar een relatieve luchtvochtigheid van continu 60% wordt gerealiseerd. Met deze kennis kan bij de teelt Phalaenopsis een energiebesparing worden gerealiseerd. In dit onderzoek zijn ook de effecten van gietwaterbehandelingen op de verspreiding van Pseudomonas cattleyae bekeken. Uit de resultaten komt een behandeling met waterstofperoxide van 20 ppm als beste naar voren. Deze behandeling is beter dan de onbehandelde controle en de andere behandelingen. Dit onderzoek heeft geleid tot nieuwe inzichten in de verspreiding en optimale groeicondities van de bacterie, maar geeft ook weer aanleiding tot het stellen van nieuwe vragen. Vragen over andere doseringen en nieuwe gietbehandelingen, maar ook over de uiterste grens voor de relatieve luchtvochtigheid waarbij geen extra verspreiding optreedt zullen in een vervolgonderzoek moeten worden onderzocht. Abstract Phalaenopsis growers suffer from mayor losses up to 20% due to bacterial spot. This bacterial infection in caused by the Acidovorax avenae subsp. cattleyae. In practice this bacterial disease is also known as Pseudomonas. This bacterium is causing black leaf spots with a yellow border. Pseudomonas cattleyae is very contagious and is promoted by high temperatures en moist conditions. In this project Groen Agro Control laboratory (Delfgauw) has developed a molecular analysis method to detect Pseudomonas cattleyae in different matrices. The influence of the relative humidity on the development of Pseudomonas cattleyae is investigated during this research. The results show that a relative humidity of 90% strongly promotes infection of the bacteria. A relative humidity of 75% shows no extra dispersion of Pseudomonas cattleyae compared to a greenhouse compartment with a continuous relative humidity of 60%. This knowledge offers the opportunity to safe energy in the cultivation of Phalaenopsis. During this research the effects of water treatments on the dispersion of Pseudomonas cattleyae have been investigated. The results show that a treatment with hydrogen peroxide (20 ppm) offers the best reduction of dispersion. This treatment turns out to be better than the control and all other treatments. This research has led to new insights about the dispersal and optimal growing conditions of this bacteria, but leads to new questions. Questions, about other different dosages and the effects of other water treatments, but also about the optimal level to promote plant growth and reduce bacterial infections, have to be investigated in new research.
- Published
- 2011
10. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Witte, Sariette, Salverda, M.L.M., Koopmanschap, Bertha, Krug, Joachim, de Visser, J.A.G.M., Schenk, M.F., Witte, Sariette, Salverda, M.L.M., Koopmanschap, Bertha, Krug, Joachim, and de Visser, J.A.G.M.
- Published
- 2015
11. Pepinomozaïekvirus alleen met strikte hygiëne in te perken
- Author
Schenk, M.F. and Stijger, C.C.M.M.
- Subjects
vegetables ,teelt onder bescherming ,research ,vruchtgroenten ,groenten ,tuinbouw ,horticulture ,protected cultivation ,wetenschappelijk onderzoek ,onderzoek ,greenhouses ,hygiene ,kassen ,hygiëne ,pepino mosaic virus ,glastuinbouw ,scientific research ,tomaten ,industrial hygiene ,tomatoes ,Pepinomozaïekvirus ,bedrijfshygiëne ,fruit vegetables ,greenhouse horticulture - Abstract
Pepinomozaïekvirus (PepMV) heeft zich sinds de eerste verschijning sterk verspreid en zorgt nu al een decennium voor flinke problemen in de tomatenteelt. In de loop der tijd zijn diverse onderzoeken uitgevoerd naar dit virus. Op dit moment is de toepassing van strikte hygiënemaatregelen de enige optie waarvan met zekerheid vaststaat dat het helpt om dit virus in te perken. Cross-protectie blijkt slechts onder bepaalde omstandigheden te werken
- Published
- 2010
12. Bescherming en beheersing van pepinomozaïekvirus in de tomatenteelt: kasproef cross-protectie
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Hamelink, R., van der Vlugt, R.A.A., Vermunt, A.E.M., and Meijer, R.J.M.
- Subjects
plant protection ,Biointeracties and Plant Health ,disease resistance ,gewasbescherming ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,defence mechanisms ,plant viruses ,pepinomozaïekvirus ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,plantenvirussen ,ziekteresistentie ,solanum lycopersicum ,pepino mosaic virus ,PRI Biointeractions en Plantgezondheid ,tomaten ,BU Microbiologische & Chemische Voedselanalyse ,tomatoes ,verdedigingsmechanismen ,BU Microbiological & Chemical Food Analysis - Abstract
Pepinomozaïkvirus is een mechanisch overdraagbaar virus. Het tegengaan van besmettingen met dit virus blijkt in de praktijk bijzonder lastig. Naast het aanhouden van strikte hygiëne vormt de toepassing van cross-protectie een alternatieve strategie. Daarbij veronderstelt met dan besmetting met zwakke virusisolaten (zwakke stammen) de gevolgen van een besmetting met agressieve isolaten onderdrukt. In 2005 en 2006 is in kasproeven aangetoond dat cross-protectie met de isolaten V1 of 1066 werkt tegen isolaten van de Europese (EU) stam van pepinomozaïkvirus. Kleinschalige preoven uit 2008 suggereerden echt dat de zwakke isolaten V1 en 1066 niet in staat zijn om beschrming met nieuwe varianten die tot de Chili-2 stam (CH-2) behoorden, waren doorbraakverschijnselen zichtbaar. Een zwak isolaat da behoorde tot deze Ch-2 stam bood wel bescherming onder deze omstandigheden, maar was minder zwak in zijn symptomen dan V1 en 1066. In de proeven uit 2008 is vanwege de looptijd van de proef alleen gekeken naar het optreden van bladsymptomen.
- Published
- 2010
13. Nieuw hygiëneprotocol komkommer moet verspreiding voorkomen: Tipkaart bevat foto's en belangrijkste hygiënemaatregelen
- Author
Stijger, I. and Schenk, M.F.
- Subjects
vegetables ,teelt onder bescherming ,groenten ,protected cultivation ,protocols ,ziektedistributie ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,organisch bodemmateriaal ,maatregelen ,cleaning and sterilizing ,greenhouses ,kassen ,komkommers ,market gardens ,cucumbers ,soil organic matter ,industrial hygiene ,rotaties ,greenhouse horticulture ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,measures ,cropping systems ,schoonmaken en sterilizeren ,protocollen ,rotations ,disease distribution ,glastuinbouw ,bedrijfshygiëne ,teeltsystemen ,tuinbouwbedrijven - Abstract
Recent is een nieuw hygiëneprotocol voor komkommer verschenen waarin de belangrijkste virussen zijn weergegeven. Daarnaast is ook een tipkaart verschenen wat een verkorte versie is van dit protocol. In het protocol neemt komkommerbontvirus een prominente plaats in. Per teeltfase staan allerlei maatregelen om de kas tijdens de teeltwisseling grondig te reinigen. Belangrijk is om al het organisch materiaal uit de kas te verwijderen en daarna goed schoon te maken. Voorkom dat het virus van buitenaf het bedrijf binnen komt door bijvoorbeeld aanneemploegen of loonwerkers
- Published
- 2009
14. Pepinomozaïekvirus
- Author
Schenk, M.F.
- Subjects
Life Science - Published
- 2009
15. Acceptatie van natuurlijke en genetisch gemodificeerde hypoallergene appels door mensen met het orale allergie syndroom (OAS)
- Author
van der Meer, I.M., Schenk, M.F., van der Maas, M.P., Smulders, M.J.M., and Gilissen, L.J.W.J.
- Subjects
Life Science - Published
- 2009
16. Onderzoek naar tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus in paprika
- Author
Schenk, M.F.
- Subjects
Life Science - Published
- 2009
17. Telers moeten vooral de Californische trips onder controle houden : Tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus in paprika
- Author
Schenk, M.F.
- Subjects
vegetables ,vruchtgroenten ,sweet peppers ,groenten ,tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus ,plagenbestrijding ,capsicum annuum ,greenhouses ,contamination ,kassen ,paprika ,market gardens ,tomato spotted wilt virus ,glastuinbouw ,besmetting ,fruit vegetables ,greenhouse horticulture ,pest control ,frankliniella occidentalis ,tuinbouwbedrijven - Abstract
In 2008 waren er weinig problemen met trips in paprika en bleven de problemen door tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus beperkt door toepassing van hygiënemaatregelen tijdens de teeltwisseling, de inzet van biologische bestrijders en het consequent verwijderen van virusplanten. Het onderzoek geeft nog geen uitsluitsel over de ernst van de problemen in jaren met veel trips. Daarbij spelen virusbronnen buiten de kas mogelijk een rol. Komende jaren kan dit virus dus opnieuw op grotere schaal opduiken
- Published
- 2009
18. Hygiene schiet tekort voor pepino : Interview met Martijn Schenk
- Author
Schenk, M.F.
- Subjects
Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw - Published
- 2009
19. Inventarisatie naar en bestrijding van vegetatieve doorgroei in de bloemtakken van hortensia
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Hamelink, R., and van Noort, F.R.
- Subjects
Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,netherlands ,inventarisaties ,potplanten ,pot plants ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,nederland ,sierplanten ,inventories ,phytoplasma ,plantenziekten ,ornamental plants ,plant diseases ,hydrangea - Abstract
Binnen de Hortensiateelt worden planten aangetroffen met ziekteverschijnselen die wijzen op besmetting met een fytoplasma. Aangetaste Hortensia's hebben groene bloemen, er ontstaan scheuten vanuit de bloemdelen en de planten blijven achter in groei zodra de vegetatieve fase van de plant inzet. Doel van het in dit rapport beschreven onderzoek was om vast te stellen op welke schaal besmetting met fytoplasma in Hortensia optreedt in Nederland en om aanknopingspunten te vinden om besmetting te voorkomen of in te perken.
- Published
- 2009
20. Bescherming en beheersing van PepMV in de tomatenteelt : onderdeel Cross-protectie
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Stijger, I., Hamelink, R., van der Vlugt, R.A.A., Vermunt, A., Kaarsemaker, R.C., and Meijer, R.J.M.
- Subjects
plant protection ,Biointeracties and Plant Health ,gewasbescherming ,PPO Bloembollen en Bomen ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,plant viruses ,netherlands ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,plantenvirussen ,nederland ,plant disease control ,Nursery Stock-Flower Bulbs ,solanum lycopersicum ,pepino mosaic virus ,glastuinbouw ,PRI Biointeractions en Plantgezondheid ,tomaten ,plantenziektebestrijding ,tomatoes ,Pepinomozaïekvirus ,greenhouse horticulture - Abstract
Het Pepinomozaïekvirus (PepMV) is een mechanisch overdraagbaar virus. Het tegengaan van besmetting is in de praktijk zeer lastig. Naast het aanhouden van strikte hygiëne is de toepassing van cross-protectie een alternatieve strategie. Daarbij veronderstelt men dat besmetting met milde virusvarianten (zwakke stammen) de gevolgen van een besmetting met agressieve isolaten ondedrukt. Eerder is aangetoond dat cross-protectie met V1 of 1066 tegen de Europese tomatenstam van PepMV werkt. De doelstelling van dit onderzoek was om te bepalen of zwakke stammen in staat zijn om te beschermen tegen nieuwe agressievere isolaten van PepMV.
- Published
- 2009
21. Haalbaarheid hygiënestrategie bij tomatenbedrijven om vrij te blijven van pepinomozaïekvirus
- Author
Vermunt, A., Kaarsemaker, R.C., Schenk, M.F., and Stijger, I.
- Subjects
WUR GTB Gewasgezondheid ,plant protection ,gewasbescherming ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,GTB Gewasgez. Bodem en Water ,plant viruses ,pepinomozaïekvirus ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,plantenvirussen ,pepino mosaic virus ,glastuinbouw ,tomaten ,tomatoes ,greenhouse horticulture - Abstract
Bij een zevental tomatentelers die absoluut vrij wilden blijven van een besmetting met het pepinomozaïekvirus is de teelt gevolgd en begeleid. Deze telers namen tevens deel aan een praktijknetwerk waarin ervaringen werden uitgewisseld.
- Published
- 2009
22. De hypoallergene appel
- Author
van der Meer, I.M., Schenk, M.F., van der Maas, M.P., Smulders, M.J.M., and Gilissen, L.J.W.J.
- Subjects
PRI Bioscience ,PRI Biodiversity and Breeding ,Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving, Sector Fruit ,Applied Plant Research, Fruit Research Unit ,PRI Biodiversiteit en Veredeling ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw - Published
- 2009
23. Tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus (TSWV) in paprika
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Stijger, C.C.M.M., and Ramakers, P.M.J.
- Subjects
disease control ,plant protection ,gewasbescherming ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,plant viruses ,tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus ,ziektebestrijding ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,capsicum annuum ,plantenvirussen ,tomato spotted wilt virus ,glastuinbouw ,greenhouse horticulture ,frankliniella occidentalis - Abstract
De laatste jaren nemen de problemen en economische schade door het tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus (TSWV) toe binnen de paprikateelt. De Californische trips is in Nederland waarschijnlijk de voornaamste vector van dit virus. In 2005 veroorzaakte TSWV problemen op meerdere paprikabedrijven, terwijl in 2007 enkele zeer ernstige besmettingen optraden. De vraag is welke factoren deze recente toename veroorzaken en hoe men besmetting kan voorkomen
- Published
- 2009
24. Onderzoek naar tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus
- Author
Stijger, C.C.M.M., Schenk, M.F., and Ramakers, P.M.J.
- Subjects
Life Science - Published
- 2008
25. Birch pollen allergy: molecular characterization and hypoallergenic products
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Wageningen University, Evert Jacobsen, Lynn Frewer, Rene Smulders, and Luud Gilissen
- Subjects
Marketing and Consumer Behaviour ,moleculaire veredeling ,hooikoorts ,allergieën ,selection ,appels ,molecular breeding ,transgenic plants ,dna-sequencing ,plantenveredeling ,food allergies ,diëten ,Laboratorium voor Plantenveredeling ,allergenen ,PRI Biodiversiteit en Veredeling ,betula ,pollen allergy ,selectie ,cultivars ,plant breeding ,allergens ,genetische variatie ,apples ,allergies ,EPS-4 ,transgene planten ,dna sequencing ,PRI Bioscience ,PRI Biodiversity and Breeding ,MGS ,consumer attitudes ,diets ,genetic variation ,voedselallergieën ,Marktkunde en Consumentengedrag ,ige ,houding van consumenten - Abstract
Allergic diseases, such as hay fever and food allergy, affect a substantial part of the population in westernized countries. Pollen of the European white birch (Betula pendula) is a considerable cause of hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis) in northern and central Europe. The major birch pollen allergen is Bet ν 1, which is the conventional allergen name for the birch pollen proteins of a large group of proteins otherwise known as PR-10 proteins. Individuals that suffer from birch pollen allergy are particularly prone to develop Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) due to the occurrence of an IgE-mediated cross-reaction between Bet ν 1 and PR-10 proteins in various plant foods. The high prevalence of apple allergy among hay fever sufferers is a good example of OAS. Allergic diseases can be severe for patients and have considerable medical and economical costs as well. Consequently, prevention of birch pollen allergy and OAS would contribute to an improvement of the quality of life of many patients. This thesis examines the feasibility of strategies that are directed towards development of hypoallergenic (= having a reduced allergenicity) birch trees or plant foods in order to alleviate Bet ν 1 [PR-10]- associated complaints. When the development of hypoallergenic products involves application of genetic modification (GM), societal concerns about this technology should be taken into account. The attitude towards hypoallergenic products developed by GM was examined in the survey that is described in Chapter 2. This study differentiated between patients and non-patients. Attitude towards GM was measured for two applications directed against hay fever (hypoallergenic birch and grass) and one application directed against food allergy (hypoallergenic apple). Attitude was described in terms of two constructs that were labelled as 'benefits' and 'rejection factors'. Hay fever sufferers perceived greater 'benefits' associated with application of GM to develop hypoallergenic birch trees as compared to non-sufferers. The perceived 'benefits' increased with a higher self-reported impact of hay fever on quality of life. No attitudinal differences were observed between sufferers and non-sufferers for the attitudinal construct 'rejection factors'. Furthermore, the impact of perceived 'benefits' on acceptance of GM was larger than the impact of 'rejection factors'. The perceptions of 'benefits' were further explored in Chapter 3. Here, the attitude towards hypoallergenic apples was examined in a survey in which consumers rate a set of apple profiles that varied in the breeding method that was applied during development (GM vs. traditional breeding), in pesticide usage, and in the degree of allergenicity. Acceptance of hypoallergenic apples was high among all consumers, also when GM was involved in their development. Acceptance of hypoallergenic products was higher among consumers with an apple allergy, presumably because they find a personal 'benefit' associated with these products. Novel GM products that are recognised as beneficial by some consumers may consequently experience an increased acceptance. However, both Chapter 2 and 3 indicated a clear consumer preference for traditional breeding over breeding by GM for the development of hypoallergenic birch trees or food products. Approaches which focus on traditional breeding should thus be explored first. Chapter 3 also evaluated appreciation of the hypoallergenic apple cultivar Santana, which was introduced in shops in a large-scale sales pilot labelled as 'suitable for individuals suffering from mild apple allergy' in 2006. A survey among consumers that bought the Santana measured the self-reported response to this apple. Almost half (42%) of the apple allergic consumers had no allergic reaction at all after eating the Santana. Most (96%) consumers who did experience an allergic reaction reported the symptoms as minor. The self-reported severity of the apple allergy, the occurrence of other fruit allergies, and age were associated with the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the Santana. Overall, the Santana was valued positively by the majority of apple allergic consumers, regardless of whether these consumers could eat the apple without experiencing an allergic reaction. Development of hypoallergenic foods such as Santana may therefore contribute to food allergy management, although variation among individual consumers in the allergic response to hypoallergenic products should be taken into account when developing and marketing such products. A prerequisite for designing strategies for selection and breeding of hypoallergenic birch trees is knowledge on diversity of Bet ν 1 genes and on allergenicity of the protein variants (=isoforms) that are encoded by these genes. Chapter 4 describes a study on the variation of Bet ν 1 isoforms in .the most common birch species in Europe, Betula pendula. PR-10 sequences from three B. pendula cultivars were amplified, cloned and sequenced. Forty-four unique PR-10 sequences were recovered from B. pendula and these were assigned to thirteen putative genes based on sequence identity and intron length. Information on gene transcription was inferred from a comparison with existing mRNA sequences and suggested that seven of these genes are transcribed in pollen. Bet ν 1 isoforms are known to vary in IgE-reactivity. The study in Chapter 4 showed that isoforms with high and low IgE-reactivity are encoded by different genes. Thus, one birch pollen grain has the genetic background to produce a mixture of isoforms with varying IgE-reactivity. The sequence of one of the isoforms with a high IgE-reactivity was present in all examined B. pendula trees. The search for hypoallergenic birch trees was, therefore, expanded to other Betula species. The selection of a representative set of species which cover variation among Betula species requires knowledge on phylogenetic relationships within the genus Betula. Chapter 5 describes a study on the reconstruction of the phylogeny of this genus using multilocus data from AFLP markers. The taxonomy of the genus Betula is complicated by the occurrence of parallel evolution of morphological traits, of polyploidisation events, and of extensive hybridisation among species. A large number of polymorphic AFLP markers (321 variable bands) were produced in 107 Betula accessions from 23 species and 11 hybrids. The analysis identified four distinct groups within the genus. These groups are partly in disagreement with the traditional, but disputed, division of the genus. The majority of the species and all hybrids fell within subgenus Betula and are thus closely related to B. pendula. Subgenus Chamaebetula and part of the Neurobetula species should be merged with subgenus Betula. Apart from subgenus Betula, the subgenera Betulenta, Betulaster, and the remaining part of Neurobetula formed distinct and well-supported groups and should thus be maintained. The results from the AFLP study are to a large extent congruent with results from previous studies that made use of molecular (sequence) data. The allergenic potency of Betula species other than B. pendula is described in Chapter 6 in which the PR-10 genes from eight birch species are cloned and sequenced. These species represent the various groups that were previously identified in the genus Betula. In total, 134 unique PR-10 sequences were recovered, including both sequences with a full open reading frame and pseudogenes. Sequences were attributed to putative genes, which could, in turn, be subdivided into seven subfamilies. Five subfamilies were common to all birch species. Q-TOF LC-MSE was applied to detect peptide fragments of Bet ν 1 that are unique for particular isoforms, in order to identify which PR-10 genes are expressed in pollen. The relative abundance of individual isoforms in the pollen proteome was also determined by Q-TOF LC-MSE. Each of the five examined birch species expressed a mixture of isoforms with at least 4-5 different isoforms. Both isoforms with a high and low IgE-reactivity were abundant in the Bet ν 1 mixture of B. pendula. The other birch species lacked Bet ν 1 isoforms that are similar to known isoforms with a low IgE-reactivity, but isoforms that are similar to known isoforms with a high IgE-reactivity were abundant in all species except B. lenta. In Chapter 7, the antigenic and allergenic profiles of pollen extracts from twenty-four different birch trees were determined by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. Fifteen different Betula species were examined, covering all previously identified subgenera/groups in the genus Betula. The major birch allergen Bet ν 1 was an abundant protein in all examined pollen extracts. Immune-reactivity of the extracts was tested using a pool of sera that were obtained from birch pollen allergic patients. A strong 17 kDa band, representing Bet ν 1, was recognized by the serum pool in all pollen extracts. The degree of immune-reactivity correlated well with the total amount of Bet ν 1 in the extract, which varied from 44% to 61% of the total protein content. Pollen extracts from different birch trees varied in the total protein content, presumably the result of variation in pollen quality due to pollen rupture and varying hydration during the extraction. Bet ν 1 isoforms in the pollen of eleven Betula species were subsequently digested with trypsin and the resulting fragments were analyzed and quantified by Q-TOF LC-MSE. Peptides that contained amino acid residues that are associated with high IgE-reactivity were detected in all examined species, and were abundant as well. Differences between Betula species in the relative presence of these amino acid residues were small. As a consequence, differences in allergenicity between birch trees are probably far too small to have clinical relevance, implying that all examined Betula species will be highly allergenic. The research presented here did not identify any birch trees in which Bet ν 1 variants with a high IgE-reactivity are reduced in abundance or are absent. Development of hypoallergenic birch trees thus must rely on other approaches, such as selection or introduction of male sterility (trees that do not produce male catkins were observed during the study), or the application of RNAi to silence the Bet ν 1 genes in pollen. Also, the conducted research showed that acceptance of hypoallergenic GM products is quite high, particularly for allergic sufferers who were allergic to the product being modified. This supports the hypothesis that consumer attitude towards GM is partly driven by recognition of specific and personally relevant benefits. The hypoallergenic apple cultivar Santana, which was developed by selection and not by GM, was well received by allergic consumers, indicating that there is a market for hypoallergenic products.
- Published
- 2008
26. Monitoring van tomatenbronsvlekkenvirus (TSWV) in paprika
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Stijger, C.C.M.M., and Ramakers, P.M.J.
- Subjects
Life Science - Published
- 2008
27. Allergische consument is tevreden met Santana
- Author
van der Maas, M.P. and Schenk, M.F.
- Subjects
appels ,consumenten ,food allergies ,voeding en gezondheid ,consumers ,food-related disorders ,improved varieties ,nutrition and health ,allergenen ,veredelde rassen ,stoornissen samenhangend met voedsel ,allergens ,voedselallergieën ,food intolerance ,apples ,voedselintolerantie - Abstract
Nederland had twee jaar geleden de primeur: Santana, een hyperallergeen appelras voor mensen met appelallergie. Wageningen UR heeft de ervaringen van de consumenten over 2006 en 2007 onderzocht. De vermindering van de allergische reactie is ongeveer volgens verwachting en de tevredenheid blijkt hoog te zijn
- Published
- 2008
28. Hygiëneprotocol komkommer : protocol gericht op voorkomen en tegen gaan van verspreiding van virussen en virusziekten in de teelt van komkommer
- Author
Stijger, C.C.M.M., Schenk, M.F., and Hamelink, R.
- Subjects
watermeloenenmozaïekvirus ,Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw ,Cucumis ,komkommerbontvirus ,plantenvirussen ,komkommers ,Zucchini yellow mosaic virus ,cucumbers ,Watermelon mosaic virus ,industrial hygiene ,tabaksnecrosevirus ,fruit vegetables ,greenhouse horticulture ,Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus ,meloenennecrosevirus ,Tobacco necrosis virus ,vruchtgroenten ,Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ,Cucumber mosaic virus ,plant viruses ,melon necrotic spot virus ,courgettegeelmozaïekvirus ,symptomen ,glastuinbouw ,symptoms ,bedrijfshygiëne ,komkommermozaïekvirus - Abstract
In dit rapport wordt ingegaan op de probleemanalyse van virussen in komkommer, de herkenning van komkommerbontvirus, komkommermozaïekvirus, tabaksnecrosevirus, meloenennecrosevirus, pseudo-slavergelingsvirus, courgettegeelmozaïekvirus, watermeloenenmozaïekvirus en komkommerblekevruchtenviroïde en de te treffen hygiënemaatregelen
- Published
- 2008
29. Strategies for prevention and mitigation of hay fever
- Author
Schenk, M.F., van Vliet, A.J.H., Smulders, M.J.M., and Gilissen, L.J.W.J.
- Subjects
PRI Bioscience ,PRI Biodiversity and Breeding ,WIMEK ,Environmental Systems Analysis ,PRI Biodiversiteit en Veredeling ,Milieusysteemanalyse ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,Life Science - Abstract
Seasonal allergic rhinitis is a widespread disorder in westernized countries. It has a strong negative impact on the patient¿s health-related quality of life and is accompanied by considerable medical and economic costs. Currently, the socioeconomic interest in prevention is growing. Reducing or avoiding allergen exposure may result in a significant reduction of sensitization and mitigation of allergic complaints, and this reduction is in addition to existing medical prevention strategies. It will require good communication to (potential) patients on the importance and possibilities for reducing the contact with allergenic pollen. Longterm pollen monitoring and forecasts of the flowering period of allergenic plants are important tools in this respect. Reducing the allergenic load may prove an alternative prevention strategy. Pollen sources are heterogeneously distributed throughout the landscape and may be avoided or selectively removed. The use of selection, conventional breeding strategies or genetic modification may reduce the allergenicity of the pollen sources. Strategies that involve genetic modification are, however, likely to raise some public concern and acceptability of these strategies has to be considered. Keywords: seasonal allergic rhinitis; allergy prevention; pollen allergens; crossreactivity; phenology; allergenicity; risk analysis; public concern
- Published
- 2006
- Full Text
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30. Predicting the evolution of antibiotic resistance
- Author
Schenk, M.F., de Visser, J.A.G.M., Schenk, M.F., and de Visser, J.A.G.M.
- Abstract
Mutations causing antibiotic resistance are often associated with a cost in the absence of antibiotics. Surprisingly, a new study found that bacteria adapting to increased temperature became resistant to rifampicin. By studying the consequences of the involved mutations in different conditions and genetic backgrounds, the authors illustrate how knowledge of two fundamental genetic properties, pleiotropy and epistasis, may help to predict the evolution of antibiotic resistance
- Published
- 2013
31. Quantifying the adaptive potential of an antibiotic resistance enzyme
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Szendro, I.G., Krug, J., de Visser, J.A.G.M., Schenk, M.F., Szendro, I.G., Krug, J., and de Visser, J.A.G.M.
- Abstract
For a quantitative understanding of the process of adaptation, we need to understand its “raw material,” that is, the frequency and fitness effects of beneficial mutations. At present, most empirical evidence suggests an exponential distribution of fitness effects of beneficial mutations, as predicted for Gumbel-domain distributions by extreme value theory. Here, we study the distribution of mutation effects on cefotaxime (Ctx) resistance and fitness of 48 unique beneficial mutations in the bacterial enzyme TEM-1 ß-lactamase, which were obtained by screening the products of random mutagenesis for increased Ctx resistance. Our contributions are threefold. First, based on the frequency of unique mutations among more than 300 sequenced isolates and correcting for mutation bias, we conservatively estimate that the total number of first-step mutations that increase Ctx resistance in this enzyme is 87 [95% CI 75–189], or 3.4% of all 2,583 possible base-pair substitutions. Of the 48 mutations, 10 are synonymous and the majority of the 38 non-synonymous mutations occur in the pocket surrounding the catalytic site. Second, we estimate the effects of the mutations on Ctx resistance by determining survival at various Ctx concentrations, and we derive their fitness effects by modeling reproduction and survival as a branching process. Third, we find that the distribution of both measures follows a Fréchet-type distribution characterized by a broad tail of a few exceptionally fit mutants. Such distributions have fundamental evolutionary implications, including an increased predictability of evolution, and may provide a partial explanation for recent observations of striking parallel evolution of antibiotic resistance
- Published
- 2012
32. Proteomic analysis of the major birch allergen Bet v 1 predicts allergenicity for 15 birch species
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Cordewener, J.H.G., America, A.H.P., Peters, J., Smulders, M.J.M., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Schenk, M.F., Cordewener, J.H.G., America, A.H.P., Peters, J., Smulders, M.J.M., and Gilissen, L.J.W.J.
- Abstract
Pollen of the European and Asian white birch (Betula pendula and B. platyphylla) causes hay fever in humans. The allergenic potency of other birch species is largely unknown. To identify birch trees with a reduced allergenicity, we assessed the immunochemical characteristics of 15 species and two hybrids, representing four subgenera within the genus Betula, while focusing on the major pollen allergen Bet v 1. Antigenic and allergenic profiles of pollen extracts from these species were evaluated by SDS-PAGE and Western blot using pooled sera of birch-allergic individuals. Tryptic digests of the Bet v 1 bands were analyzed by LC-MSE to determine the abundance of various Bet v 1 isoforms. Bet v 1 was the most abundant pollen protein across all birch species. LC-MSE confirmed that pollen of all species contained a mixture of multiple Bet v 1 isoforms. Considerable differences in Bet v 1 isoform composition exist between birch species. However, isoforms that are predicted to have a high IgE-reactivity prevailed in pollen of all species. Immunoblotting confirmed that all pollen extracts were similar in immune-reactivity, implying that pollen of all birch species is likely to evoke strong allergic reactions.
- Published
- 2011
33. Consumer attitudes towards hypoallergenic apples that alleviate mild apple allergy
- Author
Schenk, M.F., van der Maas, M.P., Smulders, M.J.M., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Fischer, A.R.H., van der Lans, I.A., Jacobsen, E., Frewer, L.J., Schenk, M.F., van der Maas, M.P., Smulders, M.J.M., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Fischer, A.R.H., van der Lans, I.A., Jacobsen, E., and Frewer, L.J.
- Abstract
The development of genetically modified (GM) foods with benefits for consumers may be more acceptable than GM foods with benefits that accrue to industry or producers. The Santana apple is a novel hypoallergenic product suitable for many apple allergic consumers with mild symptomology. The Santana also needs fewer pesticides to be applied in production. A survey was conducted among consumers who bought the Santana in a large-scale “sales pilot”. The Santana was perceived to be beneficial by many apple allergic consumers. Non-allergic consumers were less positive about genetically modified hypoallergenic apples. Overall, traditional breeding was the preferred production strategy, although acceptance of genetic modification as a process did increase with increasing perceived personal benefit associated with products, in particular those which were “medically-related”, or perceived to reduce allergic reactions. Consumer preferences for reduced pesticide usage were also found, although this was more contingent on type of production processes applied.
- Published
- 2011
34. Impact of urbanization of the proteome of birch pollen and its chemotactic activity on human granulocytes
- Author
Bryce, M., Drews, O., Schenk, M.F., Menzel, A., Estrella, N., Weichenmeier, I., Smulders, M.J.M., Buters, J., Ring, J., Gorg, A., Behrendt, H., Traidl-Hoffmann, C., Bryce, M., Drews, O., Schenk, M.F., Menzel, A., Estrella, N., Weichenmeier, I., Smulders, M.J.M., Buters, J., Ring, J., Gorg, A., Behrendt, H., and Traidl-Hoffmann, C.
- Abstract
Background: Epidemiologic studies reveal a dramatic increase in allergies in the last decades. Air pollution is considered to be one of the factors responsible for this augmentation. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of urbanization on birch pollen. The birch pollen proteome was investigated in order to identify differences in protein abundance between pollen from rural and urban areas. The allergenicity of birch pollen from both areas was evaluated by assessing its chemotactic potency as well as its protein and allergen contents. Methods: Difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) was used to analyze the pollen proteome. The chemotactic activity of aqueous pollen extracts was determined by migration assays of human neutrophils. Results: DIGE revealed 26 differences in protein spot intensity between pollen from urban and rural areas. One of these proteins was identified by de novo sequencing as the 14-3-3 protein, which resembles a stress-induced factor in other plant species. Furthermore, extracts from pollen collected in urban areas had higher chemotactic activity on human neutrophils compared to pollen from rural sites. Conclusions: The present study points to an impact of air pollution on allergen carrier proteome and release of chemotactic substances. The increment in proinflammatory substances such as pollen-associated lipid mediators might contribute to the described urban-rural gradient of allergy prevalence. Furthermore, our study suggests that allergenicity is determined by more than the sole allergen content.
- Published
- 2010
35. Characterization of PR-10 genes from eight Betula species and detection of Bet v 1 isoforms in birch pollen
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Cordewener, J.H.G., America, A.H.P., van 't Westende, W.P.C., Smulders, M.J.M., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Schenk, M.F., Cordewener, J.H.G., America, A.H.P., van 't Westende, W.P.C., Smulders, M.J.M., and Gilissen, L.J.W.J.
- Abstract
Background - Bet v 1 is an important cause of hay fever in northern Europe. Bet v 1 isoforms from the European white birch (Betula pendula) have been investigated extensively, but the allergenic potency of other birch species is unknown. The presence of Bet v 1 and closely related PR-10 genes in the genome was established by amplification and sequencing of alleles from eight birch species that represent the four subgenera within the genus Betula. Q-TOF LC-MSE was applied to identify which PR-10/Bet v 1 genes are actually expressed in pollen and to determine the relative abundances of individual isoforms in the pollen proteome. Results - All examined birch species contained several PR-10 genes. In total, 134 unique sequences were recovered. Sequences were attributed to different genes or pseudogenes that were, in turn, ordered into seven subfamilies. Five subfamilies were common to all birch species. Genes of two subfamilies were expressed in pollen, while each birch species expressed a mixture of isoforms with at least four different isoforms. Isoforms that were similar to isoforms with a high IgE-reactivity (Bet v 1a =PR-10.01A01) were abundant in all species except B. lenta, while the hypoallergenic isoform Bet v 1d (=PR-10.01B01) was only found in B. pendula and its closest relatives. Conclusions - Q-TOF LC-MSE allows efficient screening of Bet v 1 isoforms by determining the presence and relative abundance of these isoforms in pollen. B. pendula contains a Bet v 1-mixture in which isoforms with a high and low IgE-reactivity are both abundant. With the possible exception of B. lenta, isoforms identical or very similar to those with a high IgE-reactivity were found in the pollen proteome of all examined birch species. Consequently, these species are also predicted to be allergenic with regard to Bet v 1 related allergies
- Published
- 2009
36. Birch pollen allergy: molecular characterization and hypoallergenic products
- Author
Jacobsen, Evert, Frewer, Lynn, Smulders, Rene, Gilissen, Luud, Schenk, M.F., Jacobsen, Evert, Frewer, Lynn, Smulders, Rene, Gilissen, Luud, and Schenk, M.F.
- Published
- 2008
37. The influence of perceived benefits on acceptance of GM applications for allergy prevention
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Fischer, A.R.H., Frewer, L.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Jacobsen, E., Smulders, M.J.M., Schenk, M.F., Fischer, A.R.H., Frewer, L.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Jacobsen, E., and Smulders, M.J.M.
- Abstract
Allergic diseases, such as hay fever and food allergy, affect an increasing part of the population in Westernized countries and have a negative impact on the patient's quality of life. Allergy prevention measures that focus on reducing the allergenic load are currently developed, and these may include the use of genetic modification of allergenic plants. Such developments should take societal concerns about genetic modification into account. We examined the attitude of allergic and non-allergic respondents towards applications of genetic modification for allergy prevention in one food allergy application (apple) and two hay fever applications (birch, grass). Attitude towards genetic modification was described in terms of 'benefits' and 'rejection factors.' We found that respondents suffering from self-reported allergy perceived greater benefits associated with the birch application as compared to non-sufferers. The perceived benefits increased with an increasing impact of allergic complaints on quality of life. No differences were found between sufferers and non-sufferers for the food allergy application. The impact of perceived benefits on acceptance was larger than that of rejection factors. This supports the idea that acceptance of genetic modification is primarily a function of perceived personal benefit. Novel genetically modified products that are perceived to be beneficial by some consumers may consequently experience an increased consumer acceptance
- Published
- 2008
38. Phylogenetic relationships in Betula (Betulaceae) based on AFLP markers
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Thienpont, C.N., Koopman, W.J.M., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Smulders, M.J.M., Schenk, M.F., Thienpont, C.N., Koopman, W.J.M., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., and Smulders, M.J.M.
- Abstract
The genus Betula comprises various species in boreal and temperate climate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. The taxonomy of Betula is controversial and complicated by parallel evolution of morphological traits, polyploidization events, and extensive hybridization and introgression among species. Multilocus molecular data from AFLPs were used to provide phylogenetic information. A large number of polymorphic markers (321 variable bands) were produced in 107 Betula accessions from 23 species and 11 hybrids. The AFLP results were largely congruent with the results from previously examined nuclear DNA markers. Four distinct subgenera were identified within the genus Betula. These subgenera were partly in disagreement with the traditional (but disputed) division of the genus. In addition, the results indicated several groups of conspecific taxa. The majority of the species fell within subgenus Betula and shared a high degree of similarity with B. pendula. All hybrids were associated with this group, and the AFLP data contained signals on putative parents for some of the interspecific hybrids. Subgenus Chamaebetula and part of the Neurobetula species should be merged with Betula. The subgenera Betulenta, Betulaster, and the remaining part of Neurobetula are distinct and well supported. Although our results indicate that four major taxonomic groups can be recognized within the genus Betula, the relationship between them remains unclear. This may be due to the occurrence of hybridization and introgression, which would have a homogenizing effect on the relationships between species. Naturally occurring Betula species of hybrid origin may explain the low bootstrap values within the Betula clade.
- Published
- 2008
39. Triticinae alpha-gliadin storage protein pseudogene, partial sequence
- Author
van Herpen, T.W.J.M., Goryunova-Svetlana, V., van der Schoot, J., Mitreva, M., Salentijn, E.M.J., Vorst, O.F.J., Schenk, M.F., van Veelen, P., de Koning, F., van Soest, L.J.M., Vosman, B.J., Bosch, H.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Smulders, M.J.M., van Herpen, T.W.J.M., Goryunova-Svetlana, V., van der Schoot, J., Mitreva, M., Salentijn, E.M.J., Vorst, O.F.J., Schenk, M.F., van Veelen, P., de Koning, F., van Soest, L.J.M., Vosman, B.J., Bosch, H.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., and Smulders, M.J.M.
- Published
- 2006
40. Alpha-gliadin genes from the A, B, and D genomes of wheat contain different sets of celiac disease epitopes
- Author
van Herpen, T.W.J.M., Goryunova-Svetlana, V., van der Schoot, J., Mitreva, M., Salentijn, E.M.J., Vorst, O.F.J., Schenk, M.F., van Veelen, P., de Koning, F., van Soest, L.J.M., Vosman, B.J., Bosch, H.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Smulders, M.J.M., van Herpen, T.W.J.M., Goryunova-Svetlana, V., van der Schoot, J., Mitreva, M., Salentijn, E.M.J., Vorst, O.F.J., Schenk, M.F., van Veelen, P., de Koning, F., van Soest, L.J.M., Vosman, B.J., Bosch, H.J., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., and Smulders, M.J.M.
- Abstract
Background - Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) is an important staple food. However, wheat gluten proteins cause celiac disease (CD) in 0.5 to 1% of the general population. Among these proteins, the a-gliadins contain several peptides that are associated to the disease. Results - We obtained 230 distinct a-gliadin gene sequences from severaldiploid wheat species representing the ancestral A, B, and D genomes of the hexaploid bread wheat. The large majority of these sequences (87%) contained an internal stop codon. All a-gliadin sequences could be distinguished according to the genome of origin on the basis of sequence similarity, of the average length of the polyglutamine repeats, and of the differences in the presence of four peptides that have been identified as T cell stimulatory epitopes in CD patients through binding to HLA-DQ2/8. By sequence similarity, a-gliadins from the public database of hexaploid T. aestivum could be assigned directly to chromosome 6A, 6B, or 6D. T. monococcum (A genome) sequences, as well as those from chromosome 6A of bread wheat, almost invariably contained epitope glia-a9 and glia-a20, but never the intact epitopes glia-a and glia-a2. A number of sequences from T. speltoides, as well as a number of sequences fromchromosome 6B of bread wheat, did not contain any of the four T cell epitopes screened for. The sequences from T. tauschii (D genome), as well as those from chromosome 6D of bread wheat, were found to contain all of these T cell epitopes in variable combinations per gene. The differences in epitope composition resulted mainly from point mutations. These substitutions appeared to be genome specific. Conclusion - Our analysis shows that a-gliadin sequences from the three genomes of bread wheat form distinct groups. The four known T cell stimulatory epitopes are distributed non-randomly across the sequences, indicating that the three genomes contribute differently to epitope content. A systematic analysis of all known epitopes in g
- Published
- 2006
41. Seven different genes encode a diverse mixture of isoforms of Bet v 1, the major birch pollen allergen
- Author
Schenk, M.F., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Esselink, G.D., Smulders, M.J.M., Schenk, M.F., Gilissen, L.J.W.J., Esselink, G.D., and Smulders, M.J.M.
- Abstract
Background: Pollen of the European white birch (Betula pendula, syn. B. verrucosa) is an important cause of hay fever. The main allergen is Bet v 1, member of the pathogenesis-related class 10 (PR-10) multigene family. To establish the number of PR-10/Bet v 1 genes and the isoform diversity within a single tree, PCR amplification, cloning and sequencing of PR-10 genes was performed on two diploid B. pendula cultivars and one interspecific tetraploid Betula hybrid. Sequences were attributed to putative genes based on sequence identity and intron length. Information on transcription was derived by comparison with homologous cDNA sequences available in GenBank/EMBL/DDJB. PCR-cloning of multigene families is accompanied by a high risk for the occurrence of PCR recombination artifacts. We screened for and excluded these artifacts, and also detected putative artifact sequences among database sequences. Results: Forty-four different PR-10 sequences were recovered from B. pendula and assigned to thirteen putative genes. Sequence homology suggests that three genes were transcribed in somatic tissue and seven genes in pollen. The transcription of three other genes remains unknown. In total, fourteen different Bet v 1-type isoforms were identified in the three cultivars, of which nine isoforms were entirely new. Isoforms with high and low IgE-reactivity are encoded by different genes and one birch pollen grain has the genetic background to produce a mixture of isoforms with varying IgE-reactivity. Allergen diversity is even higher in the interspecific tetraploid hybrid, consistent with the presence of two genomes. Conclusions: Isoforms of the major birch allergen Bet v 1 are encoded by multiple genes, and we propose to name them accordingly. The present characterization of the Bet v 1 genes provides a framework for the screening of specific Bet v 1 genes among other B. pendula cultivars or Betula species, and for future breeding for trees with a reduced allergenicity. Investig
- Published
- 2006
42. Impact of Urbanization on the Proteome of Birch Pollen and Its Chemotactic Activity on Human Granulocytes
- Author
Bryce, M., primary, Drews, O., additional, Schenk, M.F., additional, Menzel, A., additional, Estrella, N., additional, Weichenmeier, I., additional, Smulders, M.J.M., additional, Buters, J., additional, Ring, J., additional, Görg, A., additional, Behrendt, H., additional, and Traidl-Hoffmann, C., additional
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
van der Maas, M.P., primary and Schenk, M.F., additional
- Published
- 2009
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44. 20 - Consumers, communication and food allergy
- Author
van Putten, M.C., Schenk, M.F., Gremmen, B., and Frewer, L.J.
- Published
- 2007
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