21 results on '"Savastano, Iris"'
Search Results
2. Citizen Cocreation in Tourist and Cultural Events
- Author
Corte, Valentina Della, primary, Sepe, Fabiana, additional, Storlazzi, Alessandra, additional, and Savastano, Iris, additional
- Published
- 2018
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3. Smart Cities and Destination Management: Impacts and Opportunities for Tourism Competitiveness
- Author
DELLA CORTE, VALENTINA, D'ANDREA, CHIARA, SAVASTANO, IRIS, ZAMPARELLI, GIUSEPPINA, DELLA CORTE, Valentina, D'Andrea, Chiara, Savastano, Iri, and Zamparelli, Giuseppina
- Published
- 2017
4. Smart Cities and Destination Management: Impacts and Opportunities for Tourism Competitiveness
- Author
Corte, Valentina, primary, D’Andrea, Chiara, additional, Savastano, Iris, additional, and Zamparelli, Pina, additional
- Published
- 2017
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5. What does value co-creation really mean? Exploring the cases of cultural firms
- Author
- Published
- 2013
6. Exploring new marketing opportunities: crowdsourcing and its role in strategic and marketing choices
- Author
DELLA CORTE, VALENTINA, DEL GAUDIO, GIOVANNA, IAVAZZI, ALESSANDRA, SAVASTANO, IRIS, Marketing Trends Association, DELLA CORTE, Valentina, DEL GAUDIO, Giovanna, Iavazzi, Alessandra, and Savastano, Iris
- Subjects
marketing choices ,crowdsourcing ,value co-creation - Abstract
This paper examines the role of marketing strategies in a perspective of stronger customers involvements highlighting its evolution according to both theoretical and empirical contents. Starting from the assumption that customers are not merely targets of strategic activities, the paper underlines the active role of customer as well as the community in design and implementation of marketing policies both at induced and organic level. This statement comes from the higher consumer confidence in the use of web 2.0 tools and their value-added services. Particularly, the current research analyzes how firm’s relations with other can create value through crowdsourcing activities.
- Published
- 2013
7. Marketing evolution: the role of crowdsourcing in strategic and marketing choices
- Author
- Subjects
"marketing" ,"Crowdsourcing" ,"RBT" ,"SDL" ,"destination marketing" - Abstract
This paper aims at examining the evolution of marketing strategies in a perspective of stronger customers involvements. Customers are not merely targets of strategic activities but play an active role in design and implementation of marketing policies both at induced and organic level. This statement comes from the higher consumer confidence in the use of web 2.0 tools and their value-added services. Particularly, the current research would analyze a specific aspect of firm-consumer-firm connection: crowd-sourcing. This paper employs a case study analysis in order to deeply understand which are the implications of the customer role in the crowd-sourcing initiatives. In particular, considering the specific tourism context, the research aims at exploring to what extent the crowd-sourcing initiatives influence the marketing activities both at induced and organic level. The research uses two approaches: the Service Dominant Logic (SDL) and the Resource-Based Theory (RBT). In order to empirically investigate the crowdsourcing activities, this paper explores the reason why Turismo Emilia Romagna chooses to apply to the crowd; how it involves the community and what are the firm’s resources and competences in developing crowd-sourcing activities.
- Published
- 2012
8. Cruise ports and cruise firms: the role of strategic alliances and governance choices
- Author
DELLA CORTE, VALENTINA, SAVASTANO, IRIS, Morvillo A., DELLA CORTE, Valentina, and Savastano, Iris
- Subjects
strategic alliances ,port management ,cruise management - Abstract
The paper seeks to deepen the argument on the development of marinas in the cruise business, focusing on the growing interest that the cruise operators have now toward decisions that require strategic alliances and agreements with those who manage the cruise port and, even more generally, to the entire supply chain, to create a unique cruise product, the result of multiple products, whose value is sharing of the same resources that the various parties can achieve. The choice of this topic has been dictated by the development and interest that is having the cruise industry that, for dynamism and prospects, is causing deep changes in the whole scenario in the world tourism industry. The cruise industry, in fact, is increasingly becoming an industry that attracts huge investments, and different actors, every day, seem to have a growing interest in decisions concerning new forms of productive organization and working arrangements for the implementation of innovative strategic choices. The cruise industry appears as a sector in constant evolution, characterized by strong processes of change, both in terms of choice in demand and in organizationofthe offer, representing an industry constantly seeking at its own dynamic equilibrium. On this line, there are several Italian and foreign ports that have directed their investments to both structural and organizational changes, revising their strategies and implementing the development of new strategic plans together with the main national and international cruise operators.
- Published
- 2012
9. Le produzioni d’eccellenza come fattore d’attrattiva territoriale nel contesto globale
- Author
- Subjects
fattori d'attrattiva territoriale ,produzioni d'eccellenza ,made in Naple - Abstract
Il presente articolo intende analizzare le modalità di valorizzazione e promozione delle produzioni d’eccellenza, attraverso una logica inter-settoriale, basata sull’intreccio tra le produzioni tipiche di qualità di un territorio e il comparto del turismo di lusso. Per meglio spiegare tale progetto di ricerca, il paper è stato sviluppato seguendo quelle che hanno rappresentato le principali fasi di analisi: l’introduzione all’argomento di ricerca e i quesiti della ricerca; la metodologia e i modelli teorici proposti; l’analisi della domanda (sul piano quantitativo e qualitativo) di prodotti di lusso e l’analisi dell’offerta; l’analisi delle aziende coinvolte nel progetto e, infine, le proposte operative da valutare per l’incremento delle produzioni d’eccellenza del made in Naples, anche in termini di flussi turistici verso la provincia di Napoli.
- Published
- 2012
10. Productions of excellence as territory attraction’s factors
- Author
DELLA CORTE, VALENTINA, SAVASTANO, IRIS, Gummesson E., Mele C., Polese F., DELLA CORTE, Valentina, and Savastano, Iris
- Subjects
"Luxury" ,"attractive factors" ,"networking" - Abstract
The paper evaluates the potential development of a territory’s productions of excellence, which have to express territory’s identity and have to represent a call for luxury’s tourism. Enterprises of luxury’s products seem not to be affected by the global crisis as they keep having niche consumers and they invest in quality and innovation. The research intends: to analyze the concept of luxury from a request and offer’s point of view; to verify the operative proposals to realize specific luxury tourism chain; to evaluate this kind of productions as attractive factors to increase territory tourism’s flows in the areas where companies are placed, considering consumers as co-producers. The draft starts from the literature of the luxury’s concept, considered either in the S-D Logic (Vargo, Della Corte, Mele) and in the RBT. This method brings to a complex overview of a more difficult value creation process, produced by the link of several actors who cooperate to have a systemic offer of a territory productions of excellence. The potential researches intend to verify: hp1) Which is the running and perspective role of the luxury customer? hp2) which is the luxury production’s configuration? hp3) are there systemic features to evaluate/enforce territorial productions of excellence? The empiric research has been made through the analysis of the main production field of excellence in Naples area, elaborating several companies examples and territory study.
- Published
- 2011
11. Service innovation in management and valorization of cultural heritages
- Author
DELLA CORTE, VALENTINA, STORLAZZI, ALESSANDRA, SAVASTANO, IRIS, 12th QMOD and Toulon-Verona Conference, DELLA CORTE, Valentina, Storlazzi, Alessandra, and Savastano, Iris
- Subjects
management ,innovation ,heritage - Abstract
In front of globalization, in countries characterized by a variety of heritage resources, it is necessary to attract visitors flows through innovative solutions and formulas, able to relay sensations, emotions and experiences to add to cultural content. The aim of this article is to study innovation in cultural service, with specific attention to archeological sites. The chosen methodology regards the application of the main issues of strategic management, with particular reference to resource-based theory, to cultural heritage (more specifically archaeological) sites’ management. The adopted method consists of a longitudinal case studies’ analysis, based on data searching, analysis of the different marketing tools, interviews to managers, in order to verify the type and efficiency of the organization and the degree of innovation in its different aspects. The analysis is conducted on some cases in Mediterranean area and more specifically in Italy (Hercolaneum), Giordania (Petra) and Israel (Masada). These sites have been chosen for several reasons: - they are notorious at an International level; - they have significant visitors’ flows; - they are interesting examples of different offer’s proposals. Moreover, the theme of cultural heritage management, tools and cutting edge techniques applicable to organizations and territory evaluation through cultural activities is proposed. In fact, territory is the first partner, a source of event management for client who, taking part to it, becomes him/herself a value creator. Starting from archaeological ruins for example, virtual museums located near ruins aim at enriching local offer, at making visitors able to travel in the past, passing through homes, landscapes and history before visiting the real ruins themselves. Technological and innovative offer must be able to match the demand of specific advanced services, a demand which is interested in both functionalities and imaginary, creativity, and contents. Archeological sites have been examined in their International context, in order to evaluate the innovative process in cultural and tourist offer, with reference not only to visitor’s decision process but mainly to the phase of service delivery (in terms of quality and consequent customer satisfaction). The paper provides the first results of a wider research project. However, it gives some first relevant hints on the possible directions to follow in order to innovate cultural service, with specific attention to archeological sites. It does not represent a simple attempt to apply a managerial optic in service construction and delivery but is rather expression of an interdisciplinary approach, also consulting scholars in culture and archeology, trying to enrich the contents of managerial approach.
- Published
- 2009
12. Tourism Ports’ Management. An analysis on some International case studies
- Author
DELLA CORTE, VALENTINA, SAVASTANO, IRIS, Morvillo A., Petrillo C.S., DELLA CORTE, Valentina, and Savastano, Iris
- Subjects
The article examines new strategic paths for tourism ports according to a managerial approach. In particular, the topic is analyzed basing on strategic management theory. The specificity of tourist ports as units of analysis refers to the fact that they are not simple firms but complex entities, towards which different enterprises operating in cruising sector interact. Some important theoretical results are reached, applying resource-based theory and there is also empirical evidence through a longitudinal approach case study, according to which three cases are examined: Naples, Venice and Barcelona.
- Published
- 2007
13. Caso 5 - Il caso della Penisola Sorrentina
- Author
- Subjects
Sistema Turistico Locale ,Penisola Sorrentina ,Management - Abstract
Il testo affronta il problema dei sistemi turistici locali (STL), altrimenti definiti sistemi locali di offerta turitica (SLOT). Questa configurazione amministrativa, inserita nella legge quadro sul turismo del 2001, è stata recepita da talune regioni ma senza un'impostazione omogenea e condivisa. In tale direzione, attraverso l'approfondimento di diversi casi aziendali, si è giunti ad un confronto rispetto al quale si è potuti pervenire a delle conclusioni di indirizzo su di una metodologia manageriale che consenta l'individuazione dei sistemi turistici, l'esame e l'applicazione dei modelli di gestione e di governo più appropriati. Nell'àmbito del volume, il caso della Penisola Sorrentina è risultato estremamente interessante, in quanto si tratta di una realtà in cui esiste un'imprenditorialità diffusa, dove sono stati avviati dei primi tentativi di collaborazione inter-aziendale, ma occorre un processo innovativo nell'approccio manageriale e nello sviluppo di una vera e propria logica sistemica di co-progettazione e co-marketing tra imprese ed attori locali. In tale direzione, si è rilevata la coatituzione di una fondazione sul territorio, che dovrebbe rappresentare il soggetto pivot volto a governare il processo. L'analisi del caso è avvenuta mediante la somministrazione di un questionario ad un campione di imprese locali, rappresentative dei diversi anelli della filiera turistica.
- Published
- 2007
14. Cultural firms management: a new overlapping perspective between resource-based theory and service-dominant logic
- Author
- Subjects
resouce-based theory ,cultural firms ,service-dominant logic - Published
- 2012
15. Resource-based theory and service-dominant logic: a newcombined approach to revisit the strategies ofcultural firms in the global era
- Author
- Subjects
"resource-based theory" ,"co-producer" ,"strategic management" ,"innovative approach" ,"co-creator" ,"cultural firms" ,"service-dominant logic" - Abstract
The aim of this article is to analyze cultural firms’ evolution, in terms of strategic management, in a global era. As regards the methods, we propose a methodological approach based on the combination of Resource Based Theory and Service Dominant Logic, according to which “customers do not buy goods or services: they buy offerings which render services which create value”. According to this perspective, cultural firms need to manage the strategic interaction between internal/external resources (territorial factors and firm specific resources) and internal/external networks (including customers and trade actors). In this process, the customer becomes a strategic resource: he/she is involved in cultural activities (i.e. edu-tainment) and becomes value co-producer and co-creator. In this optic, cultural activities have to be connected to the territory, in order to be real attractive factors, connected with local identity. This can be the new horizon for cultural firms to become competitive on the global market.
- Published
- 2012
16. Lo sviluppo della portualità turistica nel business delle crociere: alleanze ed accordi strategici
- Author
Savastano, Iris
- Published
- 2008
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17. Il caso della città di Napoli
- Author
SCIARELLI, MAURO, SAVASTANO, IRIS, PIRAS A., SCIARELLI S. A CURA DI, Sciarelli, Mauro, Savastano, Iri, and Piras, A.
- Published
- 2007
18. Resource-based Theory and Service-dominant Logic: A New Combined Approach to Revisit the Strategies of Cultural Firms in the Global Era
- Author
Della Corte, Valentina, primary, Cascella, Clelia, additional, and Savastano, Iris, additional
- Published
- 2012
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19. Service innovation in cultural heritages management and valorization.
- Author
Corte, Valentina Della, Savastano, Iris, and Storlazzi, Alessandra
- Abstract
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study service innovation applied to archaeological sites' management, in terms of enrichment of primary cultural product with auxiliary products (cultural activities). Design/methodology/approach – The research design is based on the application of the main issues in strategic management, with particular reference to resource-based theory and service-dominant logic, to cultural archaeological sites' management. The empirical part concerns a case study analysis conducted on some cases in the Mediterranean area: Hercolaneum (Italy), Masada (Israel) and Petra (Giordania). Findings – By the cases' study, it comes out a clear awareness of the need to bring innovative forms to archaeological sites' management, both through the use of information and communication technology techniques and to the enrichment of "integrated and complex" offers that go far beyond the archaeological core product. Research limitations/implications – The analysis provides a foundation for further development in the field of service innovation applied to archaeological sites' management. The paper proposes an analytical model and a positioning matrix, according to some variables, that could be applied to other cases for a more relevant analysis. Practical implications – The paper provides policy makers, private and public actors a possible approach for developing and applying strategic management concepts to cultural offer in an innovative way. Originality/value – The paper gives some first important hints to innovate cultural service in archaeological sites. It is not just an attempt to apply a managerial optic in this business: an interdisciplinary approach is adopted, even consulting scholars in culture and archeology, trying to enrich the contents of managerial approach. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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20. Cultural firms, from artwork containers to event locations. Critics and perspectives
- Author
DELLA CORTE, VALENTINA, SAVASTANO, IRIS, Cascella C., DELLA CORTE, Valentina, Cascella, C., and Savastano, Iris
- Subjects
cultural firm ,cultural activities ,Service Dominant Logic ,Resource-based Theory - Abstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the cultural firms evolution, in terms of strategic management, in a global era. As regards the methods, we propose a methodological approach based on the combination of Resource Based Theory and Service Dominant Logic, according to which “customers do not buy goods or services: they buy offerings which render services which create value” (Gummeson, 1995, 250). According to this perspective, cultural firms have to favour interaction of internal/external resources (territorial factors and firm specific resources) with the internal/external network (including customers and trade actors). In this process, customer becomes a strategic resource: he/she is involved in cultural activities (i.e. edu-tainment) and becomes value co-producer and co-creator. Those cultural activities have to be connected to territory, here conceived as important instruments of competitive advantage in international competition.
21. Service innovation in cultural heritages management and valorization
- Author
Alessandra Storlazzi, Valentina Della Corte, Iris Savastano, DELLA CORTE, Valentina, Storlazzi, Alessandra, and Savastano, Iris
- Subjects
Knowledge management ,business.industry ,"Innovation management" ,Environmental resource management ,Innovation management ,Resource (project management) ,Information and Communications Technology ,Political science ,Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) ,Cultural heritage management ,Strategic management ,"cultural heritages" ,Product (category theory) ,Service innovation ,Study analysis ,business - Abstract
In front of globalization, in countries characterized by a variety of heritage resources, it is necessary to attract visitors flows through innovative solutions and formulas, able to relay sensations, emotions and experiences to add to cultural content. The aim of this article is to study innovation in cultural service, with specific attention to archeological sites. The chosen methodology regards the application of the main issues of strategic management, with particular reference to resource-based theory, to cultural heritage (more specifically archaeological) sites’ management. The adopted method consists of a longitudinal case studies’ analysis, based on data searching, analysis of the different marketing tools, interviews to managers, in order to verify the type and efficiency of the organization and the degree of innovation in its different aspects. The analysis is conducted on some cases in Mediterranean area and more specifically in Italy (Hercolaneum), Giordania (Petra) and Israel (Masada). These sites have been chosen for several reasons: - they are notorious at an International level; - they have significant visitors’ flows; - they are interesting examples of different offer’s proposals. Moreover, the theme of cultural heritage management, tools and cutting edge techniques applicable to organizations and territory evaluation through cultural activities is proposed. In fact, territory is the first partner, a source of event management for client who, taking part to it, becomes him/herself a value creator. Starting from archaeological ruins for example, virtual museums located near ruins aim at enriching local offer, at making visitors able to travel in the past, passing through homes, landscapes and history before visiting the real ruins themselves. Technological and innovative offer must be able to match the demand of specific advanced services, a demand which is interested in both functionalities and imaginary, creativity, and contents. Archeological sites have been examined in their International context, in order to evaluate the innovative process in cultural and tourist offer, with reference not only to visitor’s decision process but mainly to the phase of service delivery (in terms of quality and consequent customer satisfaction). The paper provides the first results of a wider research project. However, it gives some first relevant hints on the possible directions to follow in order to innovate cultural service, with specific attention to archeological sites. It does not represent a simple attempt to apply a managerial optic in service construction and delivery but is rather expression of an interdisciplinary approach, also consulting scholars in culture and archeology, trying to enrich the contents of managerial approach.
- Published
- 2009
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