The importance of the gut microbiome in the management of various physiological activities including healthy growth and performance of fish and shellfish is now widely considered and being studied in detail for potential applications in aquaculture farming and the future growth of the fish industry. The gut microbiome in all animals including fish is associated with a number of beneficial functions for the host, such as stimulating optimal gastrointestinal development, producing and supplying vitamins to the host, and improving the host's nutrient uptake by providing additional enzymatic activities. Besides nutrient uptake, the gut microbiome is involved in strengthening the immune system and maintaining mucosal tolerance, enhancing the host's resilience against infectious diseases, and the production of anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory compounds. Because of its significant role, the gut microbiome is very often considered an “extra organ,” as it plays a key role in intestinal development and regulation of other physiological functions. Recent studies suggest that the gut microbiome is involved in energy homeostasis by regulating feeding, digestive and metabolic processes, as well as the immune response. Consequently, deciphering gut microbiome dynamics in cultured fish and shellfish species will play an indispensable role in promoting animal health and aquaculture productivity. It is mentioned that the microbiome community available in the gut tract, particularly in the intestine acts as an innovative source of natural product discovery. The microbial communities that are associated with several marine organisms are the source of natural products with a diverse array of biological activities and as of today, more than 1000 new compounds have been reported from such microbial species. Exploration of such new ingredients from microbial species would create more opportunities for the development of the bio-pharma/aquaculture industries. Considering the important role of the microbiome in the whole life span of fish and shellfish, it is necessary to understand the interaction process between the host and microbial community. However, information pertaining to host-microbiome interaction, particularly at the cellular level, gene expression, metabolic pathways, and immunomodulation mechanisms, the available literature is scanty. It has been reported that there are three ways of interaction involving the host-microbe-environment operates to maintain homeostasis in the fish and shellfish gut i.e. host intrinsic factors, the environment that shapes the gut microbiome composition, and the core microbial community present in the gut system itself has equal influence on the host biology. In the present review, efforts have been made to collect comprehensive information on various aspects of host-microbiome interaction, particularly on the immune system and health maintenance, management of diseases, nutrient uptake, digestion and absorption, gene expression, and metabolism in fish and shellfish.