Excerpts from the Preface: The nutritional and health status of the elderly population is becoming an ever increasing concern of health professionals. Two major factors have prompted this interest in the elderly: (1) a predicted increase in the number of elderly persons from 12 percent of the total population in 1980 to over 20 percent by 2030; and (2) the increase in life expectancy to over 70 years. Because a larger number of people are living longer, it is important to study the various factors that affect their quality of life. Aging, nutrition, and health form a triad that influences the well-being of individuals throughout the life cycle. Malnutrition of the elderly population is becoming more prevalent and is an area that needs more study. Some of the factors contributing to malnutrition in the elderly include physical condition, economic status, mental health, educational level, and social isolation. The purpose of this bibliography is to provide nutrition professionals, health care providers, and organizations involved with individuals over 60 years of age a listing of resources that would be helpful to them in their work. Items intended for those concerned primarily with research, medical therapeutics, and theoretical concepts of the aging process were not included. The focus is primarily on nutrition in the United States, although some foreign materials were selected; only English-language materials were considered., Prepared by The MAXIMA Corporation Under Contract no. 53-3198-2-21 for The Food and Nutrition Information Center, National Agricultural Library. Includes a title index and an author index.