536 results on '"SPANISH philology"'
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- Author
Yeray González Plasencia, Itziar Molina Sangüesa, Gerd Wotjak, Yeray González Plasencia, Itziar Molina Sangüesa, and Gerd Wotjak
- Subjects
- Essays, Spanish philology
- Abstract
Las contribuciones que se recopilan en este volumen son una muestra de la variada y vasta producción científica desarrollada en la actualidad por un buen número de investigadores adscritos al Departamento de Lengua Española de la Universidad de Salamanca. En él se recogen, desde múltiples enfoques y perspectivas, investigaciones sobre análisis del discurso y comunicación, dialectología, gramática, lexicografía, sociolingüística, enseñanza de primeras y segundas lenguas, traducción, lenguas en contacto, teoría de la literatura y humanidades digitales.
- Published
- 2023
3. La tradicionalidad discursiva y la lingüística de corpus. Conceptos y aplicaciones
- Author
Cornillie, Bert, Mazzola, Giulia, Thegel, Miriam (eds.), Cornillie, Bert, Mazzola, Giulia, and Thegel, Miriam (eds.)
- Subjects
- Spanish language, Spanish philology
- Abstract
Este volumen temático tiene como objetivo presentar los nuevos avances en el área de las tradiciones discursivas y examina críticamente su compatibilidad con la lingüística de corpus cuantitativa. Las contribuciones plantean cuestiones fundamentales sobre el delicado equilibrio entre las generalizaciones que proceden de los métodos cuantitativos y la naturaleza inherentemente cualitativa de la tradicionalidad discursiva. El libro está dividido en dos partes: una sección sobre temas teóricos y conceptuales y otra que presenta estudios de casos que unen los métodos cuantitativos con el concepto de tradiciones discursivas. Abarca, asimismo, una amplia gama de enfoques, desde la lingüística variacionista, la lingüística de contacto y la filosofía del lenguaje, hasta la fraseología histórica, la construccionalización y la lingüística computacional, reflejando la riqueza de la investigación actual de lingüística hispánica y cubriendo varias épocas de la historia del español. En el posfacio, Johannes Kabatek, voz influyente en el campo de las tradiciones discursivas, cierra el trabajo con sus reflexiones finales sobre el impacto de los avances presentados a lo largo del volumen en la lingüística (hispánica) actual.
- Published
- 2023
4. El papel del aprendizaje informal de español lengua extranjera (ELE) en la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes de Filología Hispánica: el ejemplo de películas y series hispanohablantes.
- Author
- Subjects
SPANISH language ,LANGUAGE & languages ,NONFORMAL education ,CLASSROOM environment ,SPANISH films ,PHILOLOGY - Abstract
Copyright of Estudios Hispánicos is the property of Wroclaw University Press and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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5. Introduction: The Hidden Adult in Children’s Literature
- Author
Jan Marten Ivo Klaver
- Subjects
linguistica ,glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,anglistics ,anglistic philology ,spanish philology ,french philology ,anglistica ,iberistica ,francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2021
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6. Hispanic Linguistics : Current Issues and New Directions
- Author
Alfonso Morales-Front, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow, Cristina Sanz, Alfonso Morales-Front, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow, and Cristina Sanz
- Subjects
- Spanish language, Spanish philology
- Abstract
This volume addresses a wide range of phenomena including intonation, restructuring, clitic climbing, aspectual structure, subject focus marking, code-switching, lenition, loanwords, and heritage learning that are central in Hispanic linguistics today. The authors approach these issues from a variety of recent theoretical approaches and innovative methodologies and make important contributions to our current understanding of language acquisition, theoretical and descriptive linguistics, and language contact. This collection of articles is a testimony to the breadth and degree of specialization of the scholarly interest in the field. The selection of refereed chapters included in this volume were originally presented at the 20th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS) hosted at Georgetown University, 2016. The book should be read with interest by scholars and graduate students hoping to gain insight into the issues currently debated in Hispanic Linguistics.
- Published
- 2020
7. Lingüística hispánica teórica y aplicada. Estudios léxico-gramaticales didácticos y traductológicos. Manufactura Hispánica Lodziense 10
- Author
Witold Sobczak, Wiaczesław Nowikow, Antonio M. López González, Marta Pawlikowska, Marek Baran, Witold Sobczak, Wiaczesław Nowikow, Antonio M. López González, Marta Pawlikowska, and Marek Baran
- Subjects
- Spanish philology
- Abstract
El presente volumen es fruto de la colaboración y del intercambio de experiencias de hispanistas de diversos países que comparten un mismo interés por promover la investigación en los ámbitos de la lingüística, la metodología de la enseñanza de ELE y la traductología. El tomo incluye 32 trabajos de 34 auto- res de universidades de Alemania, Bulgaria, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Marruecos, México y Polonia. La mayoría de los estudios (23) está dedicada a diferentes temas de lingüística descriptiva, mientras que en los demás trabajos se examinan cuestiones glotodidácticas (5) y traductológicas (4).
- Published
- 2020
8. El orden de las palabras. Orígenes de la filología moderna en España
- Author
Pedrazuela Fuentes, Mario and Pedrazuela Fuentes, Mario
- Subjects
- Spanish language--Etymology, Spanish philology
- Abstract
En las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y principios del XX se produjo en España un importante crecimiento cultural y científico en lo que se conoce como la Edad de Plata de la cultura española. Ese cambio se sustentó en una transformación de la enseñanza, que integró a sus planes de estudio los avances que se venían produciendo en el campo de la ciencia, tanto en las naturales como en las humanísticas. En este libro se describe cómo España se incorporó a los métodos científicos en los estudios lingüísticos, basados en el comparativismo, el darwinismo y el positivismo, y cómo estas doctrinas influyeron en la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura en la secundaria y en la universidad. Auspiciado por el nacionalismo romántico, el estudio de las lenguas experimentó un notable desarrollo, construyendo un objeto de estudio propio, con unas normas internas que permitían conocer su formación y su evolución. Gracias a estos cambios, se pasó de instruir a jóvenes que dominaban la retórica y la poética con la que construir bellos discursos para ascender en la escala social decimonónica, bien como políticos, abogados o eclesiásticos, a educar la sensibilidad, la apreciación de la belleza, la construcción del discurso y la capacidad crítica.
- Published
- 2020
9. Estilística de corpus: nuevos enfoques en el análisis de textos literario
- Author
Guadalupe Nieto Caballero, Pablo Ruano San Segundo, Guadalupe Nieto Caballero, and Pablo Ruano San Segundo
- Subjects
- Literature--Research--Methodology, Text data mining, Computational linguistics, Spanish philology
- Abstract
En este libro se ofrece una introducción a la estilística de corpus, una disciplina que combina algunos de los presupuestos teóricos y metodológicos de la lingüística de corpus y la estilística tradicional para analizar textos literarios. El libro se divide en dos partes. En la primera, se abordan conceptos y aspectos de tipo teórico para definir y contextualizar la estilística de corpus en el marco de las Humanidades Digitales en el ámbito hispánico. En la segunda, de tipo práctico, se ofrecen análisis concretos llevados a cabo sobre la figura de Galdós. Estos giran en torno al estudio de su producción narrativa, de la comparación de esta con la de Dickens y de su labor como traductor. El objetivo del libro es demostrar el potencial y la validez de la estilística de corpus en el análisis de textos en lengua española, pues se trata de un área todavía escasa de estudios que adopten este tipo de enfoques.
- Published
- 2020
10. Current Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
- Author
Diego Pascual y Cabo, Idoia Elola, Diego Pascual y Cabo, and Idoia Elola
- Subjects
- Spanish language, Spanish philology, Portuguese language, Portuguese philology
- Abstract
Current Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics is a 15-chapter compilation written by both established and emerging scholars representing a wide array of theoretical, methodological, and empirical perspectives. Each chapter presents original and significant findings, contextualizes them within the broader empirical work, and identifies directions for future research on a variety of subfields of study such as phonetics/phonology studies, formal acquisition theory, second and heritage language acquisition, language variation, and linguistic landscapes. Given its scope and significance, this volume will be of relevance to not only academics and researchers of all theoretical stripes, but also to a more general audience new to the field of Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics.
- Published
- 2020
11. Tres siglos de cartas de lectores en la prensa española : Estudio discursivo histórico
- Author
Yanes, Elena Carmona and Yanes, Elena Carmona
- Subjects
- Spanish philology, Spanish language--Discourse analysis
- Abstract
La aparición del periodismo digital ha producido importantes cambios en los cauces y los modos de expresión pública de la prensa. Es un momento de renovación del medio y de los géneros periodísticos, el que el interés de los historiadores de la lengua por estos textos comienza a incrementarse, uniéndose al ya habitualmente prestado por los analistas del discurso. En este contexto, proponemos un estudio sobre la historia discursiva de las cartas de lectores o cartas al director, cuyos orígenes se remontan al siglo XVIII. La formación del género, los modelos de los que se nutre, las transformaciones experimentadas a lo largo de sus casi tres siglos de existencia son algunas de las cuestiones que aborda este estudio, que se centra en los rasgos lingüísticos relacionados con la variación hablado/escrito.
- Published
- 2019
12. Biblioteca de Babel
- Subjects
philology ,linguistics ,literature ,spanish literature ,spanish philology ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2021
13. Estudios en Memoria de Franz Bopp y Ferdinand de Saussure
- Author
Ana Díaz Galán, Marcial Morera, Ana Díaz Galán, and Marcial Morera
- Subjects
- Language and languages, Linguistics, Spanish philology
- Abstract
Con la presente miscelánea de trabajos quiere el Instituto Universitario de Lingüística Andrés Bello, que rinde en su nombre homenaje al más grande de los gramáticos de la lengua española, traer a la memoria a dos de los lingüistas más influyentes de todos los tiempos: al fundador de la lingüística comparada, el alemán Franz Bopp, en el bicentenario de la publicación de su «Conjugationssystem» (1816), y al fundador de la lingüística moderna, el ginebrino Ferdinand de Saussure, en el centenario de la publicación de su «Cours» (1916). Partiendo de los conceptos y distinciones metodológicas establecidos por estos tres autores y sus continuadores han elaborado los investigadores de nuestro centro los diversos trabajos de temática gramatical, lexicológica, lexicográfica, onomástica, etimológica, dialectológica, de lingüística textual, de planificación lingüística, de didáctica de la lengua, etc., que se recogen en este volumen.
- Published
- 2017
14. Le tecnologie come motore di innovazione e sinergia con il territorio
- Author
Elisa Bricco, Anna Giaufret, Laura Sanfelici, and Simone Torsani
- Subjects
Linguistica ,Glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,Linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,Anglistics ,Anglistic philology ,Spanish philology ,French philology ,Anglistica ,Iberistica ,Francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The first part this article presents the history of CLAT of the University of Genova since its creation in 2012, showing how internationalization and innovation have always been the focuses of the three types of services it provides: language courses, services for the university itself and services for society’s language needs. In particular, the article illustrates the structure and methodology of CLIL courses for schoolteachers, the CLAT adaptive tests, and a specifically conceived learning environment and platform for online courses. It then proceeds to describe a few projects and experiences involving collaboration with social actors, such as the FAMI project, which aims at the promotion of heritage language for second and third generation schoolchildren of non-Italian origin (mainly South American Spanish speakers).
- Published
- 2019
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15. Language Centres, Online Authentic Materials and Learners’ Needs: Improving Autonomy and Discovery in Language Learning
- Author
Cesare Zanca
- Subjects
Linguistica ,Glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,Linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,Anglistics ,Anglistic philology ,Spanish philology ,French philology ,Anglistica ,Iberistica ,Francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Unlike a few decades ago, using our phones, tablets, phablets or computers, all sorts of foreign language authentic materials are now easily available and accessible outside our language centres. Nevertheless, learners might find it difficult to select what is more effective for their learning process and be daunted by some complex features of naturally occurring language. This paper draws on previous studies and personal teaching experience to suggest that, in order to fully exploit these resources, language centres should aim at helping learners increase their ability in dealing with online authentic materials inside and outside the centre’s premises. In this perspective, they might consider the introduction of a relatively new approach based on corpora and online resources to enhance the learner’s autonomy and confidence when dealing with online authentic and unfiltered materials in a foreign language.
- Published
- 2019
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16. Relazioni e recensioni
- Author
- Subjects
Linguistica ,Glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,Linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,Anglistics ,Anglistic philology ,Spanish philology ,French philology ,Anglistica ,Iberistica ,Francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2019
17. I CLA per una moderna glottodidattica: nuovi approcci, strategie innovative e best practice
- Author
Enrica Rossi
- Subjects
Linguistica ,Glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,Linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,Anglistics ,Anglistic philology ,Spanish philology ,French philology ,Anglistica ,Iberistica ,Francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2019
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18. The Semantic Pejoration of 'Macho'
- Author
Adriana Rosalina Galván Torres
- Subjects
Macho ,Mock Spanish ,Spanish Philology ,Mexico ,Corpus Linguistics ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
This paper scrutinizes the path of the semantic extension of the originally neutral Spanish term macho‘male animal’ to the pejorative ‘animal-like man’. Semantic pejoration belongs to one of the techniques that Hill (1995b) identifies when describing Mock Spanish, a type of racist discourse used by monolingual English speakers when using single Spanish words. My objective was to identify if the origin of this pejoration and its subsequent proliferation had some relation to Mock Spanish. Methodologically, this is conducted by means of a lexical research of diachronic corpora in Spanish and English. I trace the origin of macho as an exclusively Spanish and neutral term to an international word with a pejorative connotation. My analysis leads me to conclude that the semantic shift of macho, at least in its written form, developed in both sides of the Mexican-American border in the first half of the XX century. Macho as an ‘animal-like man’ acquires a negative meaning northwards and a positive southwards. The latter during the Nationalist uproars of the Mexican Revolution.
- Published
- 2021
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19. Estudios Humanísticos. Filología
- Subjects
literature ,linguistics ,language ,cultural studies ,comparative literature ,spanish philology ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2021
20. A proposito di alcuni scrittori dell’Alto Adige e non: Joseph Zoderer, Sabine Gruber, Francesca Melandri
- Author
Luca Renzi
- Subjects
Linguistica ,Glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,Linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,Anglistics ,Anglistic philology ,Spanish philology ,French philology ,Anglistica ,Iberistica ,Francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
These three writers, in many ways emblematic of South Tyrolean literature, present, albeit with differences, a unifying element: an identity crisis, an uncertain collocation between two different linguistic cultural communities. This background is expressed in different ways in the three works, which also offer, as a second central theme, a process of intimate emancipation in their individual destinies of one, or rather more, female figures. The interweaving of individual destinies and politics of either the recent history of South Tyrol or that of the tumultuous past of wars makes the respective ‘stories’ emblematic of this difficult region. The many facets offered present various elements of analysis, but in their novelty these works are born from a tradition of continuous dialogue with its ‘contiguous’ literatures, primarily with the Central European and the Italian tradition, which is precisely the third characterizing element of border cultures.
- Published
- 2019
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21. Dialogo intorno alle immagini di Bruno Mangiaterra
- Author
Andrea Carnevali
- Subjects
Linguistica ,Glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,Linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,Anglistics ,Anglistic philology ,Spanish philology ,French philology ,Anglistica ,Iberistica ,Francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The oeuvre of Bruno Mangiaterra focuses almost entirely on the problem of the signification of abstract objects. By privileging words, the artist manages to attribute new values to the work of art. Research on the visual texts of the artist brings out a certain interest on the part of the painter for linguistic culture, although he never worked out a real methodical approach to the art of writing. Since his production of paintings and installation art has been enhanced over time by verbal statements, his works have become visual texts.
- Published
- 2019
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22. Brevi riflessioni sull’uso della letteratura nella didattica della lingua araba
- Author
Angela Daiana Langone
- Subjects
Linguistica ,Glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,Linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,Anglistics ,Anglistic philology ,Spanish philology ,French philology ,Anglistica ,Iberistica ,Francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
This paper aims at investigating the role of Arabic Literature in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, from the first manuals and grammars to the new tools, from the grammar-translation method to the digital storytelling approach. The situation of Arabic language teaching in Italy is compared to the methods used in the rest of Europe, notably in France where there is a long tradition in teaching Arabic. The debate also focuses on which literary texts, which literary periods (Classical or Contemporary Arabic Literature), which genres, and which authors are best suited to improving the linguistic skills of the learners. Finally, the paper deals with the question of diglossia and dialects in Arabic teaching as L2.
- Published
- 2019
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23. Edad de Oro
- Subjects
spanish philology ,cultural studies ,literature ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2020
24. Revista de Investigación Lingüística
- Subjects
spanish linguistics ,spanish philology ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 - Published
- 2020
25. Nota sugli Autori
- Author
- Subjects
Linguistica ,Glottodidattica ,linguistica diacronica ,linguistica sincronica ,studi linguistici ,Linguistics ,language studies ,language learning ,Anglistics ,Anglistic philology ,Spanish philology ,French philology ,Anglistica ,Iberistica ,Francesistica ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2019
26. Manuscritos e incunables en el entorno de los Reyes Católicos: el cancionero EM6.
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This work studies the external data and the internal ones of the cancionero EM6, which is an important novelty, having received very little codicological attention. This is the text of the so-called philology. This is, however, the starting point for a methodology that combines historiographical techniques with philological ones: the so-called material philology. Thus, the different sections of this cancionero are analyzed with ecdotic and philological criteria, from which the following is concluded: a) The textual stage of the Coplas de la vita Christi is immediately before its printed version and should be singled out in front of the testimony of the cancionero SA4a; b) the works that are copied next have differences of order, of duplicity and of mutilations with respect to the print form by Centenera in 1483, but they are undoubtedly a codex descriptus of this; c) it is delimited and confirms the materiality of the three printed sewn after Íñigo de Mendoza's cancionero, whose dating coincides with the period of Isabel as queen of Portugal; d) it is determined that, like the three printed forms incorporated into this manuscript, the copy of the Repertorio de los tiempos comes from the incunabulum printed by Fadrique de Basilea in 1493 and not the one produced by Juan de Burgos in 1495. As a main conclusion, this cancionero is framed in the environment of the Catholic Monarchs and is attributed to Martín de Mendieta, a chamber man of the queen and of the Princess Isabel, from whom he keeps part of her personal books a few years after her death. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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27. Los «Apuntes para un curso de filología latina» de Canalejas en la filología española de la Restauración.
- Author
Perdomo-Batista, Miguel Á.
- Subjects
Copyright of Cuadernos de Filología Clásica: Estudios Latinos is the property of Universidad Complutense de Madrid and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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28. Estudios de filología y lingueística españolas : Nuevas voces en la disciplina
- Author
Rodríguez Molina, Javier, Pato, Enrique, Rodríguez Molina, Javier, and Pato, Enrique
- Subjects
- Spanish language, Spanish philology
- Abstract
Los trabajos que agrupa este volumen cubren las áreas de la filología y la lingüística españolas, desde un punto de vista tanto histórico como actual. En concreto, se presentan nuevas aportaciones a la morfología, como la variación interna a que da lugar el sufijo -torio, sobre todo para derivar nombres de lugar y eventivos con el rasgo semántico [+ durativo], y a la sintaxis, con el estudio del desplazamiento de las formas subjuntivas por las indicativas en el castellano rural del norte peninsular. Los trabajos de carácter histórico se centran en los distintos procedimientos sintácticos, externos e internos, para expresar la posesión alienable e inalienable en español, la aparición y difusión de la construcción elativa formada por un adjetivo precedido de muy y modificado por el sufijo -ísimo y la desaparición del auxiliar avemos, avedes a favor de hemos, habéis en los tiempos compuestos. En la última parte se revisa la obra de Alfonso X el Sabio. Así, se descubre la existencia de rasgos lingüísticos comunes y diferenciales en el paradigma de pronombres átonos de tercera persona en la General estoria y se estudia la tradición latina de la Biblia Vulgata, de la que proceden los libros bíblicos de la cuarta parte de la General estoria, y su edición crítica.
- Published
- 2012
29. Enseñanza de las preposiciones 'a', 'de', 'en', 'por' y 'para' mediante su significado
- Author
Frago Cañellas, Jordina, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Doctoral Programme in Language Studies, Helsingin yliopisto, humanistinen tiedekunta, Kielentutkimuksen tohtoriohjelma, Helsingfors universitet, humanistiska fakulteten, Doktorandprogrammet i språkforskning, Castañeda Castro, Alejandro, Sanromán Vilas, Begoña, and Pavón Lucero, María Victoria
- Subjects
spanish Philology ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Lectiones praecursoriae ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Lectio praecursoria leída en la defensa de la tesis doctoral Enseñanza de las preposiciones a, de, en por y para mediante su significado en la Universidad de Helsinki, Facultad de Letras, el 25 de septiembre de 2021. El oponente fue el Dr. Alejandro Castañeda Castro (Universidad de Granada) y la presidenta del tribunal, la Dra. Eeva Sippola (Universidad de Helsinki). La tesis está disponible en https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/333991., Lectio praecursoria read at the doctoral dissertation defense Enseñanza de las preposiciones a, de, en por y para mediante su significado at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, on September 25, 2021. Dr. Alejandro Castañeda Castro (University of Granada) acted as the opponent and Dr. Eeva Sippola (University of Helsinki) acted as the Custos. The dissertation is https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/333991.
- Published
- 2022
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30. Filólogas europeias em paralelo: Carolina Michaëlis e María Goyri
- Author
Asensio Jiménez, Nicolás and Araújo, Teresa
- Subjects
Romanceiro ,Iberian Studies ,Romancero ,María Goyri ,Philology ,Portuguese Philology ,Feminism ,Carolina Michaëlis de Vasconcelos ,Spanish Philology - Abstract
Anexam-se as imagens dos painéis expositivos que compõem a mostra «Filólogas europeias em paralelo: Carolina Michaëlis e María Goyri», realizada no Colégio Almada Negreiros da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, de 22 de maio a 2 de junho de 2023. Esta exposição tem como objetivo dar a conhecer as vidas e o trabalho de duas importantes filólogas europeias:CarolinaMichaëlis de Vasconcelos (1851-1925) e María Goyri (1873-1954). Embora tenham desenvolvido as respetivas carreiras em Portugal e Espanha, focando-se principalmente a primeira no estudo da língua e da literaturaportuguesase a segunda no estudo da língua e literaturaespanholas, tiveram numerosos pontos em comum.A exposição está direcionada principalmente a estudantes universitários e investigadores de línguas e literaturas, mas também ao público em geral interessado em humanidades. A exposição faz parte do projeto «The Golden Age of the Romancero: Echoes of Traditional Ballads in Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Literature (GOLDEN-Rom)», financiado pela Comissão Europeia através do programa de contratos Marie Sklodowska-Curie. Foi organizada pelo Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição e pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, com a colaboração da Fundação Ramón Menéndez Pidal. A coordenação, os textos, a seleção de imagens e o design gráfico são da responsabilidade doDoutorNicolás Asensio Jiménez, com a orientação científica daDoutoraTeresa Araújo. A tradução do texto foi realizada por André Miguel da Palma Pires. A impressão foi feita pela SEXTACOR Soluções Gráficas Lda. Agradece-se a colaboração nas questões logísticas de Anabela Gonçalves, Carolina Vilardouro, Catarina Bernardo, Paula Anjos e GraçaCarrilho. --- Se adjuntan las imágenes de los paneles expositivos que integran la muestra «Filólogas europeas en paralelo: Carolina Michaëlis y María Goyri», celebrada en el Colégio Almada Negreiros de la Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas de la Universidade Nova de Lisboa, del 22 de mayo al 2 de junio de 2023. Esta exposición tiene como objetivo dar a conocer las vidas y el trabajo de dos importantes filólogas europeas: Carolinha Michaëlis de Vasconcelos (1851-1925) y María Goyri (1873-1954). Aunque desarrollaron sus respectivas carreras en Portugal y España, enfocándose principalmente la primera en el estudio de la lengua y la literatura portuguesa y la segunda en el estudio de la lengua y la literatura española, tuvieron numerosos puntos en común. La exposición está dirigida principalmente a estudiantes universitarios e investigadores de lenguas y literaturas, pero también al público en general interesado en humanidades. La exposición forma parte del proyecto «The Golden Age of the Romancero: Echoes of Traditional Ballads in Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Literature (GOLDEN-Rom)», financiado por la Comisión Europea a través del programa de contratos Marie Sklodowska Curie. Fue organizada por el Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição y la Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas de la Universidade Nova de Lisboa, con la colaboración de la Fundação Ramón Menéndez Pidal. La coordinación, los textos, la selección de imágenes y el diseño gráfico son responsabilidad del Dr. Nicolás Asensio Jiménez, con la orientación científica de la Dra. Teresa Araújo. La traducción del texto fue realizada por André Miguel da Palma Pires. La impresión fue realizada por SEXTACOR Soluções Gráficas Lda. Se agradece la colaboración en cuestiones logísticas de Anabela Gonçalves, Carolina Vilardouro, Catarina Bernardo, Paula Anjos y Graça Carrillo. --- The images of the exhibition panels that make up the exhibition "European Philologists in Parallel: Carolina Michaëlis and María Goyri" are attached. The exhibition took place at Colégio Almada Negreiros, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova University of Lisbon, from May 22nd to June 2nd, 2023. This exhibition aims to showcase the lives and work of two important European philologists: Carolinha Michaëlis de Vasconcelos (1851-1925) and María Goyri (1873-1954). Although they pursued their respective careers in Portugal and Spain, with the former primarily focusing on the study of Portuguese language and literature, and the latter on the study of Spanish language and literature, they shared numerous points in common. The exhibition is primarily directed at university students and researchers of languages and literatures, but also welcomes the general public with an interest in humanities. The exhibition is part of the project "The Golden Age of the Romancero: Echoes of Traditional Ballads in Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Literature (GOLDEN-Rom)," funded by the European Commission through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie contracts program. It was organized by the Institute of Literary Studies and Tradition and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Nova University of Lisbon, in collaboration with the Ramón Menéndez Pidal Foundation. The coordination, texts, image selection, and graphic design were carried out under the responsibility of Dr. Nicolás Asensio Jiménez, with scientific guidance from Dr. Teresa Araújo. The translation of the text was performed by André Miguel da Palma Pires. Printing was done by SEXTACOR Graphic Solutions Ltd. Special thanks are extended to Anabela Gonçalves, Carolina Vilardouro, Catarina Bernardo, Paula Anjos, and Graça Carrillo for their logistical assistance.
- Published
- 2023
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31. Die Wirkung des offiziellen Diskurses auf die Alltagssprache in Kuba
- Author
Cornelius Griep and Cornelius Griep
- Subjects
- Language and history, Sociolinguistics--Cuba, Spanish language--Cuba, Spanish philology
- Abstract
Mit Hilfe einer diskursanalytischen Methode wird der offizielle Diskurs in Kuba und seine erhebliche Wirkung auf die Alltagssprache und -kultur untersucht. Ausdrucksmittel der Affinität zum offiziellen Diskurs werden von solchen des Nonkonformismus unterschieden. Bestandteile der Analyse sind alltagstypische Sprechweisen, kognitiv-sprachliche Muster, kulturelle Praktiken und Kommunikationsstrukturen. Das interdisziplinäre Herangehen ermöglicht auch die Aufdeckung soziokultureller Merkmale und Identitätsstrukturen, was zu einem ganzheitlichen Verständnis der kubanischen Idiosynkrasie beiträgt. Deren kulturelle Manifestationen werden in einen Zusammenhang mit der derzeitigen Sprachsituation auf der Insel gestellt. Die Multimediapräsentation auf der beiliegenden CD-ROM enthält die Datenbasis der Analyse, u. a. den Dokumentarfilm Rincón (Käufer der E-Book-Version erhalten die Multimedia-Datei auf Anfrage).
- Published
- 2011
32. Creneida
- Subjects
hispanic literature ,spanish philology ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Published
- 2018
33. Orillas. Rivista d'Ispanistica
- Subjects
history of tranlsations ,literacy criticism ,spanish literature ,hispanoamerican literature ,spanish philology ,spanish linguistics ,Language and Literature ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Published
- 2018
34. El romancero tradicional
- Author
Asensio Jiménez, Nicolás and Araújo, Teresa
- Subjects
Medieval Literature ,Romancero ,Spanish Literature ,Oral Tradition ,Spanish Philology ,Oral Poetry - Abstract
Workshop sobre «El romancero tradicional» impartido para estudiantes de bachillerato en el Instituto EspañolGiner de los Ríos de Lisboael 17 de noviembre de 2022. Se adjunta la presentación.
- Published
- 2022
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35. Dámaso Alonso escribe a Luis Rosales. Edición y análisis de doce cartas.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Bulletin Hispanique is the property of Universite de Bordeaux III (Michel de Montaigne), Institut Hispanique and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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36. Revista de Filología Española
- Subjects
spanish philology ,spanish literature and literary theory ,spanish language and linguistics ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Published
- 2017
37. Lenguas en diálogo :$bEl iberorromance y su diversidad lingüística y literaria : Ensayos en homenaje a Georg Bossong /$cHans-Jürgen Döhla, Raquel Montero Muñoz, Francisco Báez de Aguilar (eds.)
- Author
Hans-Jürgen Döhla, Raquel Montero Muñoz, Francisco Báez de Aguilar (eds.) and Hans-Jürgen Döhla, Raquel Montero Muñoz, Francisco Báez de Aguilar (eds.)
- Subjects
- Spanish philology, Comparative linguistics, Languages in contact
- Published
- 2008
38. Algunas enmiendas al texto del Libro de Alexandre.
- Author
de Borja Marcos Alvarez, Francisco
- Subjects
Copyright of Vox Romanica: Annales Helvetici Explorandis Linguis Romanicis Destinati is the property of Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH & Co.KG and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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39. Los «Apuntes para un curso de filología latina» de Canalejas en la filología española de la Restauración
- Author
Miguel A. Perdomo-Batista
- Subjects
Latin literature ,Philology ,Philosophy ,filología española ,Context (language use) ,Historiography ,Canalejas ,Spanish literature ,Spanish philology ,Restauración ,Humanities ,Literatura Latina - Abstract
espanolEn este trabajo me propongo examinar los “Apuntes para un curso de literatura latina” publicados por Jose Canalejas Mendez entre 1874 y 1876. El analisis mostrara como la obra se inserta en la tradicion de la centuria anterior, pero es capaz tambien de superarla para conformar una sintesis particular en el contexto en que se esta conformando, tambien, la escuela de filologia espanola. En este sentido, debe recordarse que la Historiografia de la Literatura Latina nace unida a la de la Literatura Espanola. Desde el punto de vista metodologico, se formulan algunas propuestas para el analisis de los textos con los que se construye la Historiografia de la Literatura Latina. EnglishIn this work I propose to examine the “Apuntes para un curso de literatura latina” published by Jose Canalejas Mendez between 1874 and 1876. The analysis will show how the work is inserted in the tradition of the previous century, but it is also capable of surpassing it to conform a particular synthesis in the context in which the school of Spanish philology is also being formed. In this sense, it should be remembered that the Historiography of Latin Literature is born together with that of Spanish Literature. From the methodological point of view, some proposals are formulated for the analysis of the texts with which the Historiography of Latin Literature is constructed.
- Published
- 2020
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40. Raimundo Lida, filólogo y humanista peregrino
- Author
Clara E. Lida and Fernando Lida-García
- Subjects
Filología hispánica ,Raimundo Lida ,Facultad de Filosofía y Letras ,El Colegio de México ,Cultura argentina e hispanoamericana ,Spanish Philology ,Argentine - Hispano-American Culture ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
En la década del 20, Argentina recibió la influencia de los estudios filológicos modernos desarrollados en España por Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1869-1968), en cuya estela se inscribe la fundación del Instituto de Filología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. En el entorno de su director desde 1927, Amado Alonso (1896-1952), se destacó el joven universitario Raimundo Lida (1908-1979), quien además de la actividad académica, sostuvo una estrecha vinculación con la vida cultural y literaria argentina, sus revistas e instituciones. Más tarde, su recorrido intelectual y personal por otros países -México y Estados Unidos-, lo prestigiaron en todos los ámbitos de las letras hispánicas. Este artículo reseña la biografía intelectual de un actor privilegiado, no sólo inserto en la cultura argentina sino también en la española e hispanoamericana, la anglosajona y la europea. Para situar el itinerario humanístico de Raimundo Lida, examinaremos también el complejo contexto de su época, desde la primera década del siglo pasado hasta la segunda posguerra mundial. Sólo abordaremos brevemente sus años en la Universidad de Harvard, desde 1953 hasta su muerte en 1979, para mostrar su vínculo continuo con la cultura de la cual siempre se sintió parte.In the decade of 1920 Argentina received the influence of modern philological studies developed in Spain by Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1860-1968). The creation of the Institute of Philological Studies at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras at the University of Buenos Aires was a product of that influence. From its beginning, the young university student Raimundo Lida (1908-1979) distinguished himself as one of the promising figure of the field. In addition to his academic activity, Lida maintained close ties with the cultural and literary life of Argentina, its magazines and institutions. Later, with his international journeys, especially in Mexico and United States, he gained prestige and recognition in every field of Hispanic letters. This article summarizes the intellectual biography of a privileged actor, not just a member of Argentine culture but also Spanish, Hispano-American, Anglo-Saxon and European. To locate the humanistic itinerary of Raimundo Lida, we will examine also the complex context of his time since the first decade of the xx century to the Second World War. We will only briefly discuss his years at the University of Harvard, since 1953 until his death in 1979, in order to illuminate his relationship with the culture he always felt as his own.
- Published
- 2009
41. Amado Alonso en la Argentina. Una historia global del Instituto de Filología (1927-1946).
- Author
Valender, James
- Subjects
SPANISH philology ,NONFICTION - Published
- 2022
42. Optimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology.
- Author
MARTÍNEZ-GIL, Fernando and Sonia COLINA (eds.) and MARTÍNEZ-GIL, Fernando and Sonia COLINA (eds.)
- Subjects
- Spanish philology
- Published
- 2006
43. Tiro abreviado y otras minucias filológicas
- Author
Navarro Durán, Rosa, 1947
- Subjects
Blecua, José Manuel (Blecua Teijeiro) ,Quevedo, Francisco de, 1580-1645 ,Crítica textual ,Textual criticism ,Filologia castellana ,Spanish philology - Published
- 2021
44. A General Methodology for the Translation of Behavioral Terms into Vernacular Languages.
- Author
Virues-Ortega, Javier, Martin, Neil, Schnerch, Gabriel, García, Jesús, and Mellichamp, Fae
- Subjects
- *
NATIVE language , *TERMS & phrases , *BEHAVIOR analysts , *ENGLISH as a foreign language , *SPANISH philology , *NEW words - Abstract
As the field of behavior analysis expands internationally, the need for comprehensive and systematic glossaries of behavioral terms in the vernacular languages of professionals and clients becomes crucial. We created a Spanish-language glossary of behavior-analytic terms by developing and employing a systematic set of decision-making rules for the inclusion of terms. We then submitted the preliminary translation to a multi-national advisory committee to evaluate the transnational acceptability of the glossary. This method led to a translated corpus of over 1200 behavioral terms. The end products of this work included the following: (a) a Spanish-language glossary of behavior analytic terms that are publicly available over the Internet through the Behavior Analyst Certification Board and (b) a set of translation guidelines summarized here that may be useful for the development of glossaries of behavioral terms into other vernacular languages. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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45. Spanish Philology and the Arab Past: A CASE STUDY.
- Author
Hamilton, Michelle M.
- Subjects
SPANISH philology ,MEDIEVAL historiography ,VISIGOTHIC writing ,MANUSCRIPTS ,COPYISTS - Abstract
This article studies how modern philologists have reconstructed a now lost ninth-century Arabic chronicle, the so-called Chronicle of al-Razi, through the account found in fifteenth-century Castilian chronicles of the defeat of the last Visigothic king of Iberia, Rodrigo. In addition to exploring the construction of a textual history that is populated by a series of phantasmal Iberian translators, manuscripts, and copyists, the creation of a modern Castilian edition of this lost Arabic chronicle speaks to the ideological basis and desires of modern, national philology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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46. 'Macho': The singularity of a mock Spanish item
- Author
Adriana Rosalina Galván Torres
- Subjects
History ,American English ,Mock Spanish ,General Medicine ,Pejorative ,Term (logic) ,Linguistics ,Extension (metaphysics) ,Semantic change ,Corpus linguistics ,Macho ,Connotation (semiotics) ,Corpus Linguistics ,Mexico ,Spanish Philology - Abstract
This paper scrutinizes the path of the semantic extension of the originally neutral Spanish term macho ‘male animal’ to the pejorative ‘animal-like man’. Semantic pejoration belongs to one of the techniques that Hill (1995b) identifies when describing Mock Spanish, a type of racist discourse used by monolingual English speakers when using single Spanish words. Prototypically, the author of the semantic change from a positive or neutral to a negative connotation of a Spanish term is the monolingual speaker of American English. This seems not to be the case with respect to macho. In the same theoretical vein as Mock Spanish, many voices attribute the semantic pejoration of macho to the US-English discourse. The objective of this paper is to identify the origin of this pejoration. Methodologically, this is conducted by means of a lexical search of the oldest pejorated macho items in Spanish, and the semantic content of the first macho borrowings in English. For this purpose, I consulted different sources, like diachronic corpora, etymological dictionaries and specialized references on the macho concept for Spanish as well as English. My analysis leads me to conclude that the semantic shift of macho, at least in its written form, developed in both sides of the Mexican-American border at the beginning of the XX century.
- Published
- 2021
47. The «Notes for a Latin Philology Course» of Canalejas in the Spanish Philology of the Restoration
- Author
Perdomo-Batista, Miguel Á. and Perdomo-Batista, Miguel Á.
- Abstract
In this work I propose to examine the "Apuntes para un curso de literatura latina" published by José Canalejas Méndez between 1874 and 1876. The analysis will show how the work is inserted in the tradition of the previous century, but it is also capable of surpassing it to conform a particular synthesis in the context in which the school of Spanish philology is also being formed. In this sense, it should be remembered that the Historiography of Latin Literature is born together with that of Spanish Literature. From the methodological point of view, some proposals are formulated for the analysis of the texts with which the Historiography of Latin Literature is constructed., En este trabajo me propongo examinar los “Apuntes para un curso de literatura latina” publicados por José Canalejas Méndez entre 1874 y 1876. El análisis mostrará cómo la obra se inserta en la tradición de la centuria anterior, pero es capaz también de superarla para conformar una síntesis particular en el contexto en que se está conformando, también, la escuela de filología española. En este sentido, debe recordarse que la Historiografía de la Literatura Latina nace unida a la de la Literatura Española. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se formulan algunas propuestas para el análisis de los textos con los que se construye la Historiografía de la Literatura Latina.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Bernaschina, Vicente
- Subjects
SPANISH philology ,PSYCHOLINGUISTICS ,SOCIOLINGUISTICS ,LITERARY criticism ,LATIN American literature - Abstract
Copyright of Universum is the property of Instituto de Estudios Humanisticos Juan Ignacio Molina, Universidad de Talca and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
49. La Independencia y la estandarización de la lengua hispanoamericana: una mirada desde sus textos.
- Author
Riquelme, Raïssa Kordiç
- Subjects
- *
LINGUISTIC analysis , *SPANISH Americans (Latin America) , *SPANISH philology ,LATIN American wars of independence, 1806-1830 - Abstract
The independentist movements from xix century in Hispano-America paradoxically allowed to consolidate the peninsular language model, from which zones without viceroyalty had taken distance, during the colonial years. Samples from a semimarginal zone's features are shown, as well as those features that were lost or displaced with the spread and organization of the national public education. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
50. Interferencias de otras lenguas observadas en estudiantes polacos de filología española.
- Author
Palka, Ewa
- Subjects
- *
SPANISH philology , *EDUCATION policy , *NATIVE language , *LANGUAGE & languages - Abstract
Although a lot has been written about the interference of other languages different from the mother tongue in learning a new foreign language, the observation of the signs of this phenomenon in a specific group of students may still lead to interesting conclusions. A study on other languages interference performed in 2011 regarding students attending the 1st course of Spanish Philology at the Jagiellonian University, has revealed an important change in the characteristics of this group of learners in comparison to the one analysed in 2003. The evolution may be attributed to the change in the political situation of the country in the international arena and also to the politics of education in Poland. Besides, it has been proved that for the correct interpretation of the data, it is essential to take into consideration the whole context of the study, i.e. not only the languages learned before, but also those studied simultaneously. Another key factor is the number of languages known by the investigator himself. The samples of interference gathered during the study can be discussed in order to find the possible ways to prevent this phenomenon before it occurs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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