48 results on '"S. wf"'
Search Results
2. Lymph-borne CD8α+ dendritic cells are uniquely able to cross-prime CD8+ T cells with antigen acquired from intestinal epithelial cells
- Author
Cerovic, V., Houston, S.A., Westlund, J., Utriainen, L., Davison, E.S., Scott, C.L., Bain, C.C., Joeris, T., Agace, W.W., Kroczek, R.A., Mowat, A.M., Yrlid, U., and Milling, S WF
- Published
- 2015
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3. Intracortical haematogenous osteomyelitis
- Author
Jowett, A JL, Middleton, S WF, Quaye, M C, Chesterfield, H, Lasrado, I, and Witham, F M
- Published
- 2014
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4. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Vos T. a, Abajobir A. A. d, Abbafati C. h, Abbas K. M. i, Abate K. H., Abd-Allah F. j, Abdulle A. M. k, Abebo T. A. l, Abera S. F. m, r Aboyans, V. s Abu-Raddad, L. J. t Ackerman, I. N. u Adamu, A. A. x Adetokunboh, O. z Afarideh, M. cl, Afshin A. a, Agarwal, S. K. aa, Aggarwal, R. ab, Agrawal, A. ac, ad Agrawal, S. ag, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A. ah, Ahmadieh, H. aj, am Ahmed, M. B. an, Aichour, A. N. ap, I. aq, M. T. E. ar, Aiyar S. a, Akinyemi, R. O. as, at Akseer, N. au, Al Lami, F. H. ay, Alahdab, F. az, ba Al-Aly, Z. bb, Alam, K. bc, bg bi, N. bj, Alam T. a, Alasfoor, D. bk, Alene, K. A. bl, bo Ali, R. bw, Alizadeh-Navaei, R. bx, Alkerwi, A. by, Alla, F. bz, Allebeck, P. dh, Allen C. a, Al-Maskari, F. ca, Al-Raddadi, R. cb, Alsharif, U. cd, Alsowaidi, S. ca, Altirkawi, K. A. ce, Amare, A. T. cf, ch Amini, E. cj, ck Ammar, W. cz, Amoako, Y. A. da, Andersen, H. H. db, Antonio, C. A. T. dd, Anwari, P. de, Ärnlöv, J. df, dj Artaman, A. dk, Aryal, K. K. dl, dm Asayesh, H. dn, Asgedom S. W. q, Assadi, R. do, Atey T. M. q, Atnafu, N. T. dp, Atre, S. R. dq, ds Avila-Burgos, L. dt, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A. du, dv Awasthi, A. dw, Ayala Quintanilla, B. P. dx, Ba Saleem, H. O. dz, Bacha, U. ea, Badawi, A. aw, eb Balakrishnan, K. ec, Banerjee, A. ed, Bannick M. S. a, Barac, A. eg, Barber R. M. a, Barker-Collo, S. L. ei, Bärnighausen, T. ej, el em, Barquera, S. dt, Barregard, L. en, Barrero, L. H. eo, Basu, S. ep, Battista, B. eq, Battle, K. E. bq, Baune, B. T. cf, Bazargan-Hejazi, S. er, es Beardsley, J. et, Bedi, N. eu, Beghi, E. ev, Béjot, Y. ew, Bekele, B. B. bm, ex Bell, M. L. ey, Bennett, D. A. bs, Bensenor, I. M. fb, Benson J. a, Berhane, A. fc, Berhe D. F. n, fe Bernabé, E. fi, Betsu B. D. q, Beuran, M. fj, fk Beyene, A. S. fl, Bhala, N. fn, fo Bhansali, A. fp, Bhatt, S. fq, Bhutta, Z. A. au, fu Biadgilign, S. fv, Bienhoff K. a, Bikbov, B. fw, Birungi, C. ef, Biryukov S. a, Bisanzio, D. bt, Bizuayehu, H. M. fy, Boneya, D. J. fx, Boufous, S. fz, Bourne, R. R. A. gd, Brazinova, A. ge, Brugha, T. S. gf, Buchbinder R. u, gg Bulto, L. N. B. fm, Bumgarner B. R. a, Butt, Z. A. gh, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E. br, Car, M. ft, gi Carabin, H. gj, Carapetis, J. R. gk, Cárdenas, R. gl, Carpenter, D. O. gm, Carrero, J. J. dg, Carter A. a, Carvalho, F. gn, Casey D. C. a, Caso, V. gr, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A. gs, gt Castle, C. D. a Catalá-López, F. gu, gv Chang, H. -Y. gw, gx Chang, J. -C. gy, Charlson F. J. a, d gz, Chen, H. ha, Chibalabala, M. hb, Chibueze, C. E. hc, Chisumpa, V. H. hd, he Chitheer, A. A. hf, Christopher, D. J. hg, Ciobanu, L. G. cf, Cirillo, M. hh, Colombara D. a, Cooper, C. bu, hi hj, Cortesi, P. A. hk, Criqui, M. H. hm, Crump, J. A. hn, Dadi, A. F. bn, hp Dalal, K. hq, Dandona L. a, ag Dandona, R. a ag, Das Neves, J. go, Davitoiu, D. V. fj, De Courten, B. w, De Leo, D. hr, Degenhardt L. a, ga Deiparine, S. a Dellavalle, R. P. hs, Deribe, K. ht, Des Jarlais, D. C. hw, hx Dey, S. ae, Dharmaratne, S. D. hy, Dhillon, P. K. ag, Dicker D. a, Ding, E. L. ej, Djalalinia, S. hz, H. P. ia, Dorsey, E. R. ib, Dos Santos, K. P. B. ic, Douwes-Schultz D. a, Doyle, K. E. bp, id Driscoll, T. R. bh, Dubey, M. ie, Duncan, B. B. if, ig El-Khatib, Z. Z. dh, ih Ellerstrand, J. d Enayati, A. ii, Endries, A. Y. ij, Ermakov, S. P. ik, il Erskine, H. E. a d, gz Eshrati, B. im, in Eskandarieh, S. io, Esteghamati, A. cl, Estep K. a, Fanuel, F. B. B. ip, iq Farinha, C. S. E. S. ir, is Faro, A. it, Farzadfar, F. ck, Fazeli, M. S. eq, Feigin, V. L. iu, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M. df, Fernandes, J. C. iv, Ferrari A. J. a, Feyissa, T. R. iw, Filip, I. ix, Fischer, F. iy, Fitzmaurice C. a, b iz, Flaxman A. D. a, Flor, L. S. ja, jb Foigt, N. jc, Foreman K. J. a, Franklin, R. C. jd, Fullman N. a, Fürst, T. fq, je jg, Furtado, J. M. jh, Futran N. D. c, Gakidou E. a, Ganji, M. cy, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L. ji, jj Gebre, T. jk, Gebrehiwot, T. T. ao, Geleto, A. fm, jl Gemechu, B. L. jm, Gesesew, H. A. ao, hp Gething, P. W. bv, Ghajar, A. cm, Gibney, K. B. jn, Gill, P. S. jo, Gillum, R. F. jp, Ginawi, I. A. M. jq, Giref, A. Z. hv, Gishu, M. D. fm, jr Giussani, G. ev, Godwin W. W. a, Gold A. L. a, Goldberg E. M. a, Gona, P. N. js, Goodridge, A. jt, Gopalani, S. V. ju, Goto, A. jv, Goulart, A. C. ez, jw Griswold, M. a Gugnani, H. C. jx, Gupta, R. jy, R. jz, T. ka, kb Gupta, V. kc, Hafezi-Nejad, N. cl, Hailu, A. D. hu, kf Hailu, G. B. q kg, Hamadeh, R. R. kh, Hamidi, S. ki, Handal, A. J. kj, Hankey, G. J. kk, kl km, Hao, Y. kn, Harb, H. L. cz, Hareri, H. A. hv, Haro, J. M. ko, Harvey J. a, Hassanvand, M. S. cn, Havmoeller, R. di, Hawley C. a, Hay, R. J. br, fi kp, Hay S. I. a, Henry N. J. a, Heredia-Pi, I. B. dt, Heydarpour, P. co, Hoek, H. W. ff, kq Hoffman, H. J. ks, Horita, N. ku, Hosgood, H. D. kb, Hostiuc, S. fj, Hotez, P. J. kv, Hoy, D. G. kw, Htet, A. S. dm, kx Hu, G. ky, Huang, H. kz, Huynh C. a, Iburg, K. M. lb, Igumbor, E. U. lc, ld Ikeda, C. a Irvine, C. M. S. a Jacobsen, K. H. le, Jahanmehr, N. ak, Jakovljevic M. B. a, lf Jassal, S. K. hl, Javanbakht, M. lg, Jayaraman, S. P. lh, Jeemon, P. af, li Jensen, P. N. c Jha, V. bw, lj Jiang, G. lk, John, D. ll, Johnson C. O. a, Johnson S. C. a, Jonas, J. B. lm, Jürisson, M. ln, Kabir, Z. lo, Kadel, R. lp, Kahsay A. q, Kamal, R. lq, Kan, H. ls, Karam, N. E. lt, Karch, A. lu, lv Karema, C. K. jf, lw Kasaeian, cp Kassa, G. M. fy, Kassaw, N. A. hv, Kassebaum N. J. a, lx Kastor, A. ie, Katikireddi, S. V. ly, Kaul, A. lz, Kawakami, N. ma, Keiyoro, P. N. mb, mc Kengne, A. P. me, mg rz, Keren, A. mh, Khader, Y. S. mi, Khalil I. A. a, Khan, E. A. mj, Khang, Y. -H. mk, ml Khosravi, A. ck, mm Khubchandani, J. mn, Kieling, C. if, mo Kim, D. mp, Kim P. a, Kim, Y. J. mq, Kimokoti, R. W. mr, Kinfu, Y. ms, Kisa, A. mt, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A. mv, Kivimaki, M. ee, mw Knudsen, A. K. kd, mz Kokubo, Y. nb, Kolte, D. nc, Kopec, J. A. nd, Kosen, S. ne, Koul, P. A. nf, Koyanagi, A. ng, Kravchenko, M. nh, Krishnaswami, S. ni, Krohn K. J. a, Kuate Defo, B. nj, Kucuk Bicer, B. nk, Kumar, G. A. ag, P. ie, S. nl, Kyu H. H. a, Lal, D. K. ag, Lalloo R. e, Lambert, N. nm, Lan, Q. nn, Larsson, A. no, Lavados, P. M. np, Leasher, J. L. nq, Lee, J. -T. ns, P. H. nt, Leigh, J. bi, Leshargie, C. T. fy, Leung J. c, d Leung, R. nu, Levi, M. nv, Y. nw, Y. nx, Li Kappe, D. a Liang, X. ny, Liben, M. L. oa, Lim S. S. a, Linn, S. ob, Liu A. a, Liu P. Y. a, Liu, S. nx, Y. oc, Lodha, R. aa, Logroscino, G. od, London, S. J. oe, Looker, K. J. of, Lopez, A. D. bd, Lorkowski, S. og, oh Lotufo, P. A. fb, Low, N. oi, Lozano R. a, dt Lucas, T. C. D. br, Macarayan, E. R. K. ek, Magdy Abd El Razek, H. ok, M. ol, Mahdavi, M. cq, om Majdan, M. on, Majdzadeh, R. cr, oo Majeed, A. fr, Malekzadeh, R. cs, Malhotra, Malta, D. C. op, Mamun, A. A. oq, Manguerra H. a, Manhertz T. a, Mantilla A. d, Mantovani LG, Mapoma, C. C. hd, Marczak L. B. a, Martinez-Raga, J. he, ot Martins-Melo, F. R. ou, Martopullo I. a, März, W. ov, ow Mathur, M. R. ag, ef Mazidi, M. ox, McAlinden, C. oy, oz McGaughey, M. a McGrath, J. J. f la, McKee, M. pa, McNellan C. a, Mehata, S. pb, Mehndiratta, M. M. pc, Mekonnen, T. C. pd, Memiah, P. pe, Memish, Z. A. pf, pg Mendoza, W. ph, Mengistie, M. A. ao, Mengistu D. T. o, Mensah, G. A. kt, Meretoja, A. be, pi Meretoja, T. J. my, pj Mezgebe, H. B. q Micha, R. pk, Millear A. a, Miller, T. R. pm, pn Mills, E. J. po, Mirarefin M. a, pp Mirrakhimov, E. M. pq, pr Misganaw, A. a Mishra, S. R. g ps, Mitchell, P. B. gc, Mohammad, K. A. pt, pu Mohammadi, A. pv, Mohammed K. E. o, Mohammed, S. em, pw Mohanty, S. K. ie, Mokdad A. H. a, Mollenkopf S. K. a, Monasta, L. py, Hernandez, J. M. dt, Montico, M. py, Moradi-Lakeh, M. qa, Moraga, P. qd, Mori, R. qe, Morozoff C. a, Morrison S. D. c, Moses M. a, Mountjoy-Venning C. a, Mruts, K. B. fd, Mueller, U. O. qh, Muller K. a, Murdoch, M. E. qi, Murthy, G. V. S. ae, pa Musa, K. I. qj, Nachega J. B. z, qk ql, Nagel, G. qm, Naghavi M. a, Naheed, A. qn, Naidoo, K. S. qq, Naldi, L. qr, Nangia, V. qs, Natarajan, G. qt, Negasa, D. E. fm, Negoi, I. fj, fk Negoi, R. I. fj, Newton, C. R. qu, Ngunjiri, J. W. qv, Nguyen, C. T. ia, Nguyen G. a, Nguyen M. a, Q. L. ia, T. H. ia, Nichols E. a, Ningrum, D. N. A. qw, qx Nolte, S. cc, qy Nong, V. M. ia, Norrving, B. ai, Noubiap, J. J. N. mg, ra O'Donnell, M. J. rb, Ogbo, F. A. rc, I. -H. re, Okoro, A. rf, Oladimeji, O. rg, Olagunju, A. T. cg, rh ri, T. O. rj, rl Olsen, H. E. a Olusanya, B. O. rm, Olusanya, J. O. rm, Ong K. a, Opio, J. N. rn, Oren, E. ro, Ortiz, A. rp, Osgood-Zimmerman A. a, Osman, M. rq, uc Owolabi, M. O. rr, rs Pa, M. rt, Pacella, R. E. ru, Pana, A. rv, Panda, B. K. ie, Papachristou, C. rw, Park, E. -K. rx, Parry C. D. y, ry Parsaeian, M. ck, ct Patten, S. B. sa, Patton, G. C. bf, Paulson K. a, Pearce, N. pa, Pereira, D. M. sc, Perico, N. fw, Pesudovs, K. hp, Peterson, C. B. dc, Petzold, M. sd, se Phillips, M. R. oc, sf Pigott, D. M. a Pillay, J. D. sg, Pinho C. a, Plass, D. sh, Pletcher M. A. a, Popova, S. ax, Poulton, R. G. ho, Pourmalek, F. nd, Prabhakaran, D. li, Prasad, N. si, N. M. sj, sk Purcell, C. a Qorbani, M. sl, Quansah, R. sm, sn Rabiee, R. H. S. dh, Radfar, A. so, Rafay, A. sp, sq Rahimi, K. bw, Rahimi-Movaghar, A. cu, V. cv, Rahman, M. sr, M. H. U. ie, Rai, R. K. ss, Rajsic, S. st, Ram, U. ie, Ranabhat, C. L. su, sv Rankin, Z. a Rao, P. V. sw, sx Rao, P. C. a Rawaf, S. ft, Ray S. E. a, Reiner R. C. a, Reinig N. a, Reitsma M. B. a, Remuzzi, G. fw, sy sz, Renzaho, A. M. N. rd, Resnikoff, S. gb, Rezaei, S. ta, Ribeiro, A. L. dd, tb Ronfani, Roshandel, G. cs, tc Roth, G. A. a Roy, A. aa, Rubagotti, E. td, Ruhago, G. M. te, Saadat, S. cv, Sadat N. a, Safdarian, M. cv, Safi, S. al, Safiri, S. tf, Sagar, Sahathevan, R. tg, th Salama, J. a Salomon, J. A. ej, Salvi, S. S. ti, Samy, A. M. tj, Sanabria, J. R. tk, tl Santomauro, D. a d, gz Santos, I. S. fa, Santos, J. V. gp, Santric Milicevic, M. M. eh, Sartorius, B. md, qo Satpathy, M. tn, Sawhney, M. tk, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I. if, Schneider, I. J. C. to, Schöttker, B. tp, tq Schwebel, D. C. tr, Schwendicke, F. ts, Seedat S. z, Sepanlou, S. G. cs, Servan-Mori, E. E. dt, Setegn, T. ci, Shackelford K. A. a, Shaheen, A. tt, Shaikh, M. A. tu, Shamsipour, M. cw, Shariful Islam, S. M. qn, tv Sharma, J. tw, Sharma, R. tx, She, J. lr, Shi, P. pl, Shields C. a, Shigematsu, M. ty, tz Shinohara, Y. ua, Shiri, R. mx, Shirkoohi, R. cx, Shirude S. a, Shishani, K. ub, Shrime, M. G. uc, Sibai, A. M. ud, Sigfusdottir, I. D. ue, Silva, D. A. S. uf, J. P. gq, Silveira, D. G. A. ug, Singh, J. A. tr, N. P. uh, Sinha, D. N. ui, uj Skiadaresi, E. uk, ul Skirbekk, V. kr, na Slepak, E. L. a Sligar, A. a Smith, D. L. a Smith, M. a Sobaih, B. H. A. ce, um Sobngwi, E. un, uo Sorensen, R. J. D. a Sousa, T. C. M. up, Sposato, L. A. rk, Sreeramareddy, C. T. uq, Srinivasan V. a, Stanaway J. D. a, Stathopoulou, V. ur, Steel, N. us, ut Stein, D. J. mf, uu Stein, M. B. hm, Steiner C. a, Steiner, T. J. fs, uv Steinke, S. uw, Stokes, M. A. qz, Stovner, L. J. uv, ux Strub, B. a Subart, M. a Sufiyan, M. B. px, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R. uy, Sunguya, B. F. te, Sur P. J. a, Swaminathan, S. uz, Sykes, B. L. va, Sylte D. O. a, Tabarés-Seisdedos, R. gu, Taffere G. R. p, Takala, J. S. vb, vc Tandon, N. aa, Tavakkoli, M. vd, Taveira, N. ve, vf Taylor, H. R. bg, Tehrani-Banihashemi, A. pz, qb Tekelab, T. iw, Temam Shifa, G. hv, ij Terkawi, A. S. vg, vh vi, Tesfaye D. J. l, Tesssema, B. bn, Thamsuwan O. a, Thomas K. E. a, Thrift A. G. v, Tiruye, T. Y. fy, Tobe-Gai, R. vk, Tollanes, M. C. kf, vl Tonelli, M. sb, Topor-Madry, R. mu, vm Tortajada, M. os, vn Touvier, M. vo, Tran, B. X. dr, vp Tripathi, S. Troeger, C. a Truelsen, T. vq, Tsoi D. a, Tuem K. B. q, Tuzcu, E. M. vj, Tyrovolas, S. vr, Ukwaja, K. N. vs, Undurraga, E. A. vt, Uneke, C. J. vu, Updike R. a, Uthman, O. A. vv, Uzochukwu, B. S. C. vw, Van Boven, J. F. M. fg, Varughese, S. hg, Vasankari, T. vx, Venkatesh, S. vy, Venketasubramanian, N. vz, Vidavalur, R. wa, Violante, F. S. wb, Vladimirov, S. K. wc, Vlassov, V. V. wd, Vollset S. E. a, ke mz, Wadilo, F. iq, Wakayo, T. ao, Wang, Y. -P. we, Weaver M. a, Weichenthal, S. wf, Weiderpass, E. dg, wg wh, wi Weintraub, R. G. bg, wj wk, Werdecker, A. qf, Westerman, R. qg, wl Whiteford, H. A. a d, gz Wijeratne, T. bg, wm Wiysonge, C. S. z wn, Wolfe, C. D. A. fh, wo Woodbrook, R. a Woolf, A. D. wp, Workicho, A. ao, Wulf Hanson, S. a Xavier, D. wr, G. ws, Yadgir S. a, Yaghoubi, M. qc, wt Yakob, B. qp, Yan, L. L. wu, Yano, Y. wv, P. nx, Yimam, H. H. dp, Yip, P. ww, wx Yonemoto, N. wy, Yoon, S. -J. nr, Yotebieng, M. wz, xa Younis, M. Z. xb, Zaidi, Z. xc, Zaki, M. E. S. xd, Zegeye, E. A. qq, xe Zenebe, Z. M. q Zhang, X. xf, xg Zhou, M. a nx, Zipkin B. a, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J. xg, Murray C. J. L. a, Cell biology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Vos, T, Abajobir, A, Abbafati, C, Abbas, K, Abate, K, Abd-Allah, F, Abdulle, A, Abebo, T, Abera, S, R, A, Abu-Raddad, V, Ackerman, L, Adamu, I, Adetokunboh, A, Afarideh, O, M., C, Afshin, A, Agarwal, S. K., A, Aggarwal, R., A, Agrawal, A., A, Ad, A, S., A, Ahmad, K, Ahmadieh, H., A, Am, A, M. B., A, Aichour, A. N., A, I., A, M. T. E., A, Aiyar, S, Akinyemi, R. O., A, At, A, N., A, Av, Al, L, F. H., A, Alahdab, F., A, Ba, A, Z., B, Alam, K., B, Bg, B, N., B, Alam, T, Alasfoor, D., B, Alene, K. A., B, Bo, A, R., B, Alizadeh-Navaei, Alkerwi, A., B, Alla, F., B, Allebeck, P., D, Allen, C, Al-Maskari, F., C, Al-Raddadi, R., C, Alsharif, U., C, Alsowaidi, S., C, Altirkawi, K. A., C, Amare, A. T., C, Ch, A, E., C, Ck, A, W., C, Amoako, Y. A., D, Andersen, H. H., D, Antonio, C. A. T., D, Anwari, Ärnlöv, J., D, Dj, A, A., D, Aryal, K. K., D, Dm, A, H., D, Asgedom, S, Assadi, R., D, Atey, T, Atnafu, N. T., D, Atre, S. R., D, Ds, A, L., D, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A., D, Dv, A, Ayala, Q, B. P., D, Dy, Ba, S, H. O., D, Bacha, U., E, Badawi, Eb, B, K., E, Banerjee, A., E, Bannick, M, Barac, Barber, R, Barker-Collo, S. L., E, Bärnighausen, T., E, El, E, Barquera, S., D, Barregard, L., E, Barrero, L. H., E, Basu, S., E, Battista, B., E, Battle, K. E., B, Baune, B. T., C, Bazargan-Hejazi, Es, B, J., E, Bedi, N., E, Beghi, E., E, Béjot, Y., E, Bekele, B. B., B, Ex, B, M. L., E, Bennett, D. A., B, Bensenor, I. M., F, Benson, J, Berhane, A., F, Berhe, D, Fe, B, E., F, Betsu, B, Beuran, M., F, Fk, B, A. S., F, Bhala, N., F, Fo, B, Bhatt, S., F, Bhutta, Z. A., A, Fu, B, Bienhoff, K, Bikbov, B., F, Birungi, C., E, Biryukov, S, Bisanzio, Bizuayehu, H. M., F, Boneya, D. J., F, Boufous, Bourne, R. R. A., G, Brazinova, A., G, Brugha, T. S., G, Buchbinder, R, Gg, B, L. N. B., F, Bumgarner, B, Butt, Z. A., G, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E., B, Car, Gi, C, H., G, Carapetis, J. R., G, Cárdenas, R., G, Carpenter, D. O., G, Carrero, J. J., D, Carter, A, Carvalho, F., G, Casey, D, Caso, V., G, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., G, Gt, C, Catalá-López, C, Gv, C, H. -Y., G, Gx, C, J. -C., G, Charlson, F, D, G, Chen, H., H, Chibalabala, M., H, Chibueze, C. E., H, Chisumpa, V. H., H, He, C, A. A., H, Christopher, D. J., H, Ciobanu, L. G., C, Cirillo, Colombara, D, Cooper, C., B, Hi, H, Cortesi, P. A., H, Criqui, M. H., H, Crump, J. A., H, Dadi, A. F., B, Hp, D, K., H, Dandona, L, Ag, D, R. a., A, Das, N, J., G, Davitoiu, D. V., F, De, C, B., W, De, L, D., H, Degenhardt, L, Ga, D, Dellavalle, S, R. P., H, Deribe, Hu, Des, J, D. C., H, Hx, D, Dharmaratne, S. D., H, Dhillon, P. K., A, Dicker, D, Ding, E. L., E, Djalalinia, S., H, Do, H. P., I, Dorsey, E. R., I, Dos, S, K. P. B., I, Douwes-Schultz, D, Doyle, Id, D, T. R., B, Dubey, M., I, Duncan, B. B., I, Ig, E, Z. Z., D, Ih, E, Enayati, J, A., I, Endries, A. Y., I, Ermakov, S. P., I, Il, E, H. E. a., D, Gz, E, B., I, In, E, S., I, Esteghamati, A., C, Estep, K, Fanuel, F. B. B., I, Iq, F, C. S. E. S., I, Is, F, Farzadfar, Fazeli, M. S., E, Feigin, V. L., I, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M., D, Fernandes, J. C., I, Ferrari, A, Feyissa, T. R., I, Filip, I., I, Fischer, F., I, Fitzmaurice, C, B, I, Flaxman, A, Flor, L. S., J, Jb, F, N., J, Foreman, K, Franklin, R. C., J, Fullman, N, Fürst, T., F, Je, J, Furtado, J. M., J, Futran, N, Gakidou, E, Ganji, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., J, Jj, G, T., J, Gebrehiwot, T. T., A, Geleto, Jl, G, B. L., J, Gesesew, H. A., A, Hp, G, P. W., B, Ghajar, Gibney, K. B., J, Gill, P. S., J, Gillum, R. F., J, Ginawi, I. A. M., J, Giref, A. Z., H, Gishu, M. D., F, Jr, G, G., E, Godwin, W, Gold, A, Goldberg, E, Gona, P. N., J, Goodridge, A., J, Gopalani, S. V., J, Goto, Goulart, A. C., E, Jw, G, Gugnani, M, H. C., J, Gupta, R., J, T., K, Kb, G, V., K, Hafezi-Nejad, N., C, Hailu, A. D., H, Kf, H, G. B. q., K, Hamadeh, R. R., K, Hamidi, S., K, Handal, A. J., K, Hankey, G. J., K, Kl, K, Hao, Y., K, Harb, H. L., C, Hareri, H. A., H, Haro, J. M., K, Harvey, J, Hassanvand, M. S., C, Havmoeller, Hawley, C, Hay, R. J., B, Fi, K, Hay, S, Henry, N, Heredia-Pi, I. B., D, Heydarpour, P., C, Hoek, H. W., F, Kq, H, H. J., K, Horita, N., K, Hosgood, H. D., K, Hostiuc, Hotez, P. J., K, Hoy, D. G., K, Htet, A. S., D, Kx, H, G., K, Huang, H., K, Huynh, C, Iburg, K. M., L, Igumbor, E. U., L, Ld, I, Irvine, C, Jacobsen, C, K. H., L, Jahanmehr, Jakovljevic, M, Lf, J, S. K., H, Javanbakht, M., L, Jayaraman, S. P., L, Jeemon, P., A, Li, J, Jha, P, V., B, Lj, J, G., L, John, D., L, Johnson, C, Johnson, S, Jonas, J. B., L, Jürisson, Kabir, Z., L, Kadel, R., L, Kahsay, A, Kamal, Kan, H., L, Karam, N. E., L, Karch, A., L, Lv, K, C. K., J, Lw, K, Cp, K, G. M., F, Kassaw, N. A., H, Kassebaum, N, Lx, K, Katikireddi, S. V., L, Kaul, Kawakami, N., M, Keiyoro, P. N., M, Mc, K, A. P., M, Mg, R, Keren, A., M, Khader, Y. S., M, Khalil, I, Khan, E. A., M, Khang, Y. -H., M, Ml, K, Mm, K, J., M, Kieling, C., I, Mo, K, D., M, Kim, P, Kim, Y. J., M, Kimokoti, R. W., M, Kinfu, Y., M, Kisa, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A., M, Kivimaki, M., E, Mw, K, A. K., K, Mz, K, Y., N, Kolte, D., N, Kopec, J. A., N, Kosen, S., N, Koul, P. A., N, Koyanagi, A., N, Kravchenko, M., N, Krishnaswami, Krohn, K, Kuate, D, B., N, Kucuk, B, Kumar, G. A., A, P., I, Kyu, H, Lal, D. K., A, Lalloo, R, Lambert, N., N, Lan, Q., N, Larsson, Lavados, P. M., N, Leasher, J. L., N, Lee, J. -T., N, P. H., N, Leigh, J., B, Leshargie, C. T., F, Leung, J, D, L, R., N, Levi, Li, Nz, Li, K, Liang, D, X., N, Liben, M. L., O, Lim, S, Linn, S., O, Liu, A, Liu, P, Liu, Y., O, Lodha, Logroscino, G., O, London, S. J., O, Looker, K. J., O, Lopez, A. D., B, Lorkowski, Oh, L, P. A., F, Low, N., O, Lozano, R, Dt, L, T. C. D., B, Macarayan, E. R. K., E, Oj, Magdy Abd El, R, H., O, M., O, Mahdavi, Om, M, Majdzadeh, Oo, M, Malekzadeh, Malhotra, Malta, D. C., O, Mamun, A. A., O, Manguerra, H, Manhertz, T, Mantilla, A, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C. C., H, Marczak, L, Martinez-Raga, J., H, Ot, M, F. R., O, Martopullo, I, März, W., O, Ow, M, M. R., A, Ef, M, Mcalinden, C., O, Oz, M, Mcgrath, M, J. J. f., L, Mckee, M., P, Mcnellan, C, Mehata, S., P, Mehndiratta, M. M., P, Mekonnen, T. C., P, Memiah, P., P, Memish, Z. A., P, Pg, M, W., P, Mengistie, M. A., A, Mengistu, D, Mensah, G. A., K, Meretoja, Pi, M, T. J., M, Pj, M, Micha, H, R., P, Millear, A, Miller, T. R., P, Pn, M, E. J., P, Mirarefin, M, Pp, M, E. M., P, Pr, M, Mishra, A, S. R. g., P, Mitchell, P. B., G, Mohammad, K. A., P, Pu, M, A., P, Mohammed, K, Mohammed, Pw, M, S. K., I, Mokdad, A, Mollenkopf, S, Monasta, L., P, Hernandez, J. M., D, Montico, Moradi-Lakeh, M., Q, Moraga, P., Q, Mori, R., Q, Morozoff, C, Morrison, S, Moses, M, Mountjoy-Venning, C, Mruts, K. B., F, Mueller, U. O., Q, Muller, K, Murdoch, M. E., Q, Murthy, G. V. S., A, Pa, M, K. I., Q, Nachega, J, Qk, Q, Nagel, G., Q, Naghavi, M, Naheed, A., Q, Naidoo, K. S., Q, Naldi, L., Q, Nangia, V., Q, Natarajan, Negasa, D. E., F, Negoi, I., F, Fk, N, R. I., F, Newton, C. R., Q, Ngunjiri, J. W., Q, Nguyen, C. T., I, Nguyen, G, Nguyen, M, Q. L., I, T. H., I, Nichols, E, Ningrum, D. N. A., Q, Qx, N, Qy, N, V. M., I, Norrving, B., A, Noubiap, J. J. N., M, Ra, O, M. J., R, Ogbo, F. A., R, Oh, I. -H., R, Okoro, A., R, Oladimeji, O., R, Olagunju, Rh, R, T. O., R, Rl, O, Olusanya, H, B. O., R, Olusanya, J. O., R, Ong, K, Opio, J. N., R, Oren, E., R, Ortiz, Osgood-Zimmerman, A, Osman, M., R, Uc, O, M. O., R, Rs, P, Pacella, R. E., R, Pana, Panda, B. K., I, Papachristou, C., R, Park, E. -K., R, Parry, C, Ry, P, Ct, P, S. B., S, Patton, G. C., B, Paulson, K, Pearce, N., P, Pereira, D. M., S, Perico, Pesudovs, Peterson, C. B., D, Petzold, M., S, Se, P, M. R., O, Sf, P, Pillay, D, J. D., S, Pinho, C, Plass, D., S, Pletcher, M, Popova, Poulton, R. G., H, Pourmalek, F., N, Prabhakaran, Prasad, N., S, N. M., S, Sk, P, Qorbani, C, Quansah, R., S, Sn, R, R. H. S., D, Radfar, A., S, Rafay, Sq, R, Rahimi-Movaghar, V., C, Rahman, M. H. U., I, Rai, R. K., S, Rajsic, S., S, Ram, U., I, Ranabhat, C. L., S, Sv, R, Rao, Z, P. V., S, Sx, R, Rawaf, P, Ray, S, Reiner, R, Reinig, N, Reitsma, M, Remuzzi, G., F, Sy, S, Renzaho, A. M. N., R, Resnikoff, S., G, Rezaei, S., T, Ribeiro, A. L., D, Tb, R, Roshandel, G., C, Tc, R, Roy, G, Rubagotti, E., T, Ruhago, G. M., T, Saadat, Sadat, N, Safdarian, Safi, Safiri, Sagar, Sahathevan, R., T, Th, S, Salomon, J, J. A., E, Salvi, S. S., T, Samy, A. M., T, Sanabria, J. R., T, Tl, S, D, D, Gz, S, I. S., F, Santos, J. V., G, Tm, Santric, M, M. M., E, Sartorius, B., M, Qo, S, M., T, Sawhney, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I., I, Schneider, I. J. C., T, Schöttker, B., T, Tq, S, D. C., T, Schwendicke, F., T, Seedat, S, Sepanlou, S. G., C, Servan-Mori, E. E., D, Setegn, T., C, Shackelford, K, Shaheen, A., T, Shaikh, M. A., T, Shamsipour, Shariful, I, S. M., Q, Tv, S, J., T, Sharma, She, J., L, Shi, Shields, C, Shigematsu, Tz, S, Y., U, Shiri, R., M, Shirkoohi, Shirude, S, Shishani, K., U, Shrime, M. G., U, Sibai, A. M., U, Sigfusdottir, I. D., U, Silva, D. A. S., U, J. P., G, Silveira, D. G. A., U, Singh, J. A., T, N. P., U, Sinha, D. N., U, Uj, S, E., U, Ul, S, Na, S, Sligar, E, Smith, A, Smith, D, Sobaih, M, B. H. A., C, Um, S, Uo, S, Sousa, R, T. C. M., U, Sposato, L. A., R, Sreeramareddy, C. T., U, Srinivasan, V, Stanaway, J, Stathopoulou, V., U, Steel, N., U, Ut, S, D. J., M, Uu, S, M. B., H, Steiner, C, Steiner, T. J., F, Uv, S, S., U, Stokes, M. A., Q, Stovner, L. J., U, Ux, S, Subart, B, Sufiyan, M, M. B., P, Suliankatchi, A, R., U, Sunguya, B. F., T, Sur, P, Swaminathan, Sykes, B. L., V, Sylte, D, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Taffere, G, Takala, J. S., V, Vc, T, Tavakkoli, M., V, Taveira, N., V, Vf, T, H. R., B, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Qb, T, T., I, Jl, Temam, S, G., H, Ij, T, A. S., V, Vh, V, Tesfaye, D, Tesssema, B., B, Thamsuwan, O, Thomas, K, Thrift, A, Tiruye, T. Y., F, Tobe-Gai, R., V, Tollanes, M. C., K, Vl, T, Topor-Madry, Vm, T, Vn, T, Tran, B. X., D, Vp, T, Truelsen, C, T., V, Tsoi, D, Tuem, K, Tuzcu, E. M., V, Tyrovolas, S., V, Ukwaja, K. N., V, Undurraga, E. A., V, Uneke, C. J., V, Updike, R, Uthman, O. A., V, Uzochukwu, B. S. C., V, Van, B, J. F. M., F, Varughese, Vasankari, Venkatesh, Venketasubramanian, Vidavalur, R., W, Violante, F. S., W, Vladimirov, S. K., W, Vlassov, V. V., W, Vollset, S, Ke, M, Wadilo, Wakayo, T., A, Wang, Y. -P., W, Weaver, M, Weichenthal, S., W, Weiderpass, E., D, Wg, W, Wi, W, R. G., B, Wj, W, Werdecker, Westerman, Wl, W, H. A. a., D, Gz, W, T., B, Wm, W, C. S. z., W, Wolfe, C. D. A., F, Wo, W, Woolf, R, A. D., W, Workicho, Wq, Wulf, H, Xavier, S, D., W, Xu, G., W, Yadgir, S, Yaghoubi, Wt, Y, B., Q, Yan, L. L., W, Yano, Y., W, Ye, P., N, Yimam, Yip, P., W, Wx, Y, N., W, Yoon, S. -J., N, Yotebieng, M., W, Xa, Y, M. Z., X, Zaidi, Z., X, Zaki, M. E. S., X, Zegeye, E. A., Q, Xe, Z, Zhang, Z, X., X, Xg, Z, M. a., N, Zipkin, B, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J., X, Murray, C, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Vos, Theo, Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M., Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abd-Allah, Foad, Abdulle, Abdishakur M., Abebo, Teshome Abuka, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Abu-Raddad, Laith J., Ackerman, Ilana N., Adamu, Abdu Abdullahi, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afarideh, Mohsen, Afshin, Ashkan, Agarwal, Sanjay Kumar, Aggarwal, Rakesh, Agrawal, Anurag, Agrawal, Sutapa, Ahmad Kiadaliri, Aliasghar, Ahmadieh, Hamid, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aiyar, Sneha, Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola, Akseer, Nadia, Al Lami, Faris Hasan, Alahdab, Fare, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alasfoor, Deena, Alene, Kefyalew Addi, Ali, Raghib, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Françoi, Allebeck, Peter, Allen, Christine, Al-Maskari, Fatma, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Alsowaidi, Shirina, Altirkawi, Khalid A., Amare, Azmeraw T., Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Andersen, Hjalte H., Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Anwari, Palwasha, Ärnlöv, Johan, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon W., Assadi, Reza, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Atnafu, Niguse Tadele, Atre, Sachin R., Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina, Ba Saleem, Huda Omer, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Banerjee, Amitava, Bannick, Marlena S., Barac, Aleksandra, Barber, Ryan M., Barker-Collo, Suzanne L., Bärnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lar, Barrero, Lope H., Basu, Sanjay, Battista, Bob, Battle, Katherine E., Baune, Bernhard T., Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Beardsley, Justin, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Béjot, Yannick, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L., Bennett, Derrick A., Bensenor, Isabela M., Benson, Jennifer, Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabé, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhala, Neeraj, Bhansali, Anil, Bhatt, Samir, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A., Biadgilign, Sibhatu, Bienhoff, Kelly, Bikbov, Bori, Birungi, Charle, Biryukov, Stan, Bisanzio, Donal, Bizuayehu, Habtamu Mellie, Boneya, Dube Jara, Boufous, Soufiane, Bourne, Rupert R.A., Brazinova, Alexandra, Brugha, Traolach S., Buchbinder, Rachelle, Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair R., Butt, Zahid A., Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cameron, Ewan, Car, Mate, Carabin, Hélène, Carapetis, Jonathan R., Cárdenas, Rosario, Carpenter, David O., Carrero, Juan Jesu, Carter, Austin, Carvalho, Felix, Casey, Daniel C., Caso, Valeria, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A., Castle, Chris D., Catalá-López, Ferrán, Chang, Hsing-Yi, Chang, Jung-Chen, Charlson, Fiona J., Chen, Honglei, Chibalabala, Mirriam, Chibueze, Chioma Ezinne, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A., Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda, Ciobanu, Liliana G., Cirillo, Massimo, Colombara, Danny, Cooper, Cyru, Cortesi, Paolo Angelo, Criqui, Michael H., Crump, John A., Dadi, Abel Fekadu, Dalal, Koustuv, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Das Neves, José, Davitoiu, Dragos V., De Courten, Barbora, De Leo, Diego, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P., Deribe, Kebede, Des Jarlais, Don C., Dey, Subhojit, Dharmaratne, Samath D., Dhillon, Preet Kaur, Dicker, Daniel, Ding, Eric L., Djalalinia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Dorsey, E. Ray, Dos Santos, Kadine Priscila Bender, Douwes-Schultz, Dirk, Doyle, Kerrie E., Driscoll, Tim R., Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Ellerstrand, Jerisha, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Erskine, Holly E., Eshrati, Babak, Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Fanuel, Fanuel Belayneh Bekele, Farinha, Carla Sofia E. Sa, Faro, André, Farzadfar, Farshad, Fazeli, Mir Sohail, Feigin, Valery L., Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, João C., Ferrari, Alize J., Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D., Flor, Luisa Sorio, Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J., Franklin, Richard C., Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thoma, Furtado, Joao M., Futran, Neal D., Gakidou, Emmanuela, Ganji, Morsaleh, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L., Gebre, Teshome, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Geleto, Ayele, Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W., Ghajar, Alireza, Gibney, Katherine B., Gill, Paramjit Singh, Gillum, Richard F., Ginawi, Ibrahim Abdelmageem Mohamed, Giref, Ababi Zergay, Gishu, Melkamu Dedefo, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W., Gold, Audra L., Goldberg, Ellen M., Gona, Philimon N., Goodridge, Amador, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Goto, Atsushi, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Griswold, Max, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Gupta, Rahul, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Alemayehu Desalegne, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hamidi, Samer, Handal, Alexis J., Hankey, Graeme J., Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L., Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Haro, Josep Maria, Harvey, Jame, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmu, Hawley, Caitlin, Hay, Roderick J., Hay, Simon I., Henry, Nathaniel J., Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Heydarpour, Pouria, Hoek, Hans W., Hoffman, Howard J., Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H. Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J., Hoy, Damian G., Htet, Aung Soe, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, Hsiang, Huynh, Chantal, Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Igumbor, Ehimario Uche, Ikeda, Chad, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Jacobsen, Kathryn H., Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B., Jassal, Simerjot K., Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayaraman, Sudha P., Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jensen, Paul N., Jha, Vivekanand, Jiang, Guohong, John, Denny, Johnson, Catherine O., Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B., Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Kan, Haidong, Karam, Nadim E., Karch, André, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassa, Getachew Mullu, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J., Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kaul, Anil, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Keren, Andre, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A., Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Pauline, Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohanne, Kisa, Adnan, Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna A., Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kolte, Dhaval, Kopec, Jacek A., Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krishnaswami, Sanjay, Krohn, Kristopher J., Kuate Defo, Barthelemy, Kucuk Bicer, Burcu, Kumar, G. Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kumar, Sanjiv, Kyu, Hmwe H., Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lambert, Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Larsson, Ander, Lavados, Pablo M., Leasher, Janet L., Lee, Jong-Tae, Lee, Paul H., Leigh, Jame, Leshargie, Cheru Tesema, Leung, Janni, Leung, Ricky, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yichong, Li, Yongmei, Li Kappe, Darya, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S., Linn, Shai, Liu, Angela, Liu, Patrick Y., Liu, Shiwei, Liu, Yang, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, London, Stephanie J., Looker, Katharine J., Lopez, Alan D., Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A., Low, Nicola, Lozano, Rafael, Lucas, Timothy C.D., Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan, Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Mahdavi, Mahdi, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mamun, Abdullah A., Manguerra, Helena, Manhertz, Treh, Mantilla, Ana, Mantovani, Lorenzo G., Mapoma, Chabila C., Marczak, Laurie B., Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Martopullo, Ira, März, Winfried, Mathur, Manu Raj, Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGaughey, Madeline, McGrath, John J., McKee, Martin, McNellan, Claire, Mehata, Suresh, Mehndiratta, Man Mohan, Mekonnen, Tefera Chane, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A., Mendoza, Walter, Mengistie, Mubarek Abera, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Mensah, George A., Meretoja, Atte, Meretoja, Tuomo J., Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R., Mills, Edward J., Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M., Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mitchell, Philip B., Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Kedir Endri, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mohanty, Sanjay K., Mokdad, Ali H., Mollenkopf, Sarah K., Monasta, Lorenzo, Hernandez, Julio Montañez, Montico, Marcella, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Mori, Rintaro, Morozoff, Chloe, Morrison, Shane D., Moses, Mark, Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Mueller, Ulrich O., Muller, Kate, Murdoch, Michele E., Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B., Nagel, Gabriele, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Naidoo, Kovin S., Naldi, Luigi, Nangia, Vinay, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negasa, Dumessa Edessa, Negoi, Ionut, Negoi, Ruxandra Irina, Newton, Charles R., Ngunjiri, Josephine Wanjiku, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Grant, Nguyen, Minh, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nolte, Sandra, Nong, Vuong Minh, Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N., O'Donnell, Martin J., Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olagunju, Tinuke Oluwasefunmi, Olsen, Helen E., Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Ong, Kanyin, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron, Osman, Majdi, Owolabi, Mayowa O., Pa, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E., Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Parry, Charles D., Parsaeian, Mahboubeh, Patten, Scott B., Patton, George C., Paulson, Katherine, Pearce, Neil, Pereira, David M., Perico, Norberto, Pesudovs, Konrad, Peterson, Carrie Beth, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Pigott, David M., Pillay, Julian David, Pinho, Christine, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A., Popova, Svetlana, Poulton, Richie G., Pourmalek, Farshad, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj, Prasad, Narayan, Prasad, Noela M., Purcell, Carrie, Qorbani, Mostafa, Quansah, Reginald, Rabiee, Rynaz H.S., Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi, Kazem, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rankin, Zane, Rao, Paturi Vishnupriya, Rao, Puja C., Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E., Reiner, Robert C., Reinig, Nikola, Reitsma, Marissa B., Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M.N., Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Ribeiro, Antonio L., Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A., Roy, Ambuj, Rubagotti, Enrico, Ruhago, George Mugambage, Saadat, Soheil, Sadat, Nafi, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Salama, Joseph, Salomon, Joshua A., Salvi, Sundeep Santosh, Samy, Abdallah M., Sanabria, Juan R., Santomauro, Damian, Santos, Itamar S., Santos, João Vasco, Santric Milicevic, Milena M., Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Schmidt, Maria Inê, Schneider, Ione J.C., Schöttker, Ben, Schwebel, David C., Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Servan-Mori, Edson E., Setegn, Tesfaye, Shackelford, Katya Anne, Shaheen, Amira, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shariful Islam, Sheikh Mohammed, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Shi, Peilin, Shields, Chloe, Shigematsu, Mika, Shinohara, Yukito, Shiri, Rahman, Shirkoohi, Reza, Shirude, Shreya, Shishani, Kawkab, Shrime, Mark G., Sibai, Abla Mehio, Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silva, Diego Augusto Santo, Silva, João Pedro, Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alve, Singh, Jasvinder A., Singh, Narinder Pal, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Skirbekk, Vegard, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Sligar, Amber, Smith, David L., Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H.A., Sobngwi, Eugene, Sorensen, Reed J.D., Sousa, Tatiane Cristina Morae, Sposato, Luciano A., Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Srinivasan, Vinay, Stanaway, Jeffrey D., Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nichola, Stein, Dan J., Stein, Murray B., Steiner, Caitlyn, Steiner, Timothy J., Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Stovner, Lars Jacob, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, Rizwan, Sunguya, Bruno F., Sur, Patrick J., Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L., Sylte, Dillon O., Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Taffere, Getachew Redae, Takala, Jukka S., Tandon, Nikhil, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Taylor, Hugh R., Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Tekelab, Tesfalidet, Temam Shifa, Girma, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesfaye, Dawit Jember, Tesssema, Belay, Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Thomas, Katie E., Thrift, Amanda G., Tiruye, Tenaw Yimer, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tollanes, Mette C., Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Tortajada, Miguel, Touvier, Mathilde, Tran, Bach Xuan, Tripathi, Suryakant, Troeger, Christopher, Truelsen, Thoma, Tsoi, Derrick, Tuem, Kald Beshir, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tyrovolas, Stefano, Ukwaja, Kingsley N., Undurraga, Eduardo A., Uneke, Chigozie Jesse, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A., Uzochukwu, Benjamin S. Chudi, Van Boven, Job F.M., Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Venkatesh, S., Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Vidavalur, Ramesh, Violante, Francesco S., Vladimirov, Sergey K., Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Wadilo, Fiseha, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weaver, Marcia, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G., Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whiteford, Harvey A., Wijeratne, Tissa, Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Wolfe, Charles D.A., Woodbrook, Rachel, Woolf, Anthony D., Workicho, Abdulhalik, Wulf Hanson, Sarah, Xavier, Deni, Xu, Gelin, Yadgir, Simon, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yan, Lijing L., Yano, Yuichiro, Ye, Pengpeng, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z., Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zegeye, Elias Asfaw, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zhang, Xueying, Zhou, Maigeng, Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna, and Murray, Christopher J.L.
- Subjects
Dánarmein ,People with disabilities ,Heilsufar ,Dánartíðni ,Langlífi ,Age disdtribution ,Diseases ,Socioeconomic factors ,Population aging ,Bakverkir ,Heilbrigðisstefna ,Population growth ,Psychology ,Women ,Low back pain ,Mortality ,Health Estimates Reporting ,Public health systems ,medicine (all) ,Konur ,Tölfræði ,Heilsugæsla ,Aldraðir ,Sjúkdómar ,Global burden of disease/statistics and numerical data ,Wounds and injuries ,Health care ,Fatlaðir ,Respiratory infections ,Men ,Þjóðir ,Staðtölur ,Öndunarfærasjúkdómar ,Heilbrigðisþjónusta ,Health policy ,Lýðfræði ,Sálfræði ,World health ,Áverkar ,Karlar ,Health service ,Dental caries ,Félagshagfræði ,Mannfjöldi ,Older people ,Fólksfjölgun ,Cause of death/trends ,Heilbrigðiskerfi ,Tannskemmdir - Abstract
Background As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Methods We estimated prevalence and incidence for 328 diseases and injuries and 2982 sequelae, their non-fatal consequences. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death rates for each condition. For some causes, we used alternative modelling strategies if incidence or prevalence needed to be derived from other data. YLDs were estimated as the product of prevalence and a disability weight for all mutually exclusive sequelae, corrected for comorbidity and aggregated to cause level. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. GBD 2016 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER). Findings Globally, low back pain, migraine, age-related and other hearing loss, iron-deficiency anaemia, and major depressive disorder were the five leading causes of YLDs in 2016, contributing 57.6 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 40.8-75.9 million [7.2%, 6.0-8.3]), 45.1 million (29.0-62.8 million [5.6%, 4.0-7.2]), 36.3 million (25.3-50.9 million [4.5%, 3.8-5.3]), 34.7 million (23.0-49.6 million [4.3%, 3.5-5.2]), and 34.1 million (23.5-46.0 million [4.2%, 3.2-5.3]) of total YLDs, respectively. Age-standardised rates of YLDs for all causes combined decreased between 1990 and 2016 by 2.7% (95% UI 2.3-3.1). Despite mostly stagnant age-standardised rates, the absolute number of YLDs from non-communicable diseases has been growing rapidly across all SDI quintiles, partly because of population growth, but also the ageing of populations. The largest absolute increases in total numbers of YLDs globally were between the ages of 40 and 69 years. Age-standardised YLD rates for all conditions combined were 10.4% (95% UI 9.0-11.8) higher in women than in men. Iron-deficiency anaemia, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, major depressive disorder, anxiety, and all musculoskeletal disorders apart from gout were the main conditions contributing to higher YLD rates in women. Men had higher age-standardised rates of substance use disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and all injuries apart from sexual violence. Globally, we noted much less geographical variation in disability than has been documented for premature mortality. In 2016, there was a less than two times difference in age-standardised YLD rates for all causes between the location with the lowest rate (China, 9201 YLDs per 100 000, 95% UI 6862-11943) and highest rate (Yemen, 14 774 YLDs per 100 000, 11 018-19 228). Interpretation The decrease in death rates since 1990 for most causes has not been matched by a similar decline in age-standardised YLD rates. For many large causes, YLD rates have either been stagnant or have increased for some causes, such as diabetes. As populations are ageing, and the prevalence of disabling disease generally increases steeply with age, health systems will face increasing demand for services that are generally costlier than the interventions that have led to declines in mortality in childhood or for the major causes of mortality in adults. Up-todate information about the trends of disease and how this varies between countries is essential to plan for an adequate health-system response., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health.
- Published
- 2017
5. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Vos T., A, Abajobir A. A., D, Abbafati C., H, Abbas K. M., I, Abate, K, Abd-Allah F., J, Abdulle A. M., K, Abebo T. A., L, Abera S. F., M, R, A, V., S, L. J., T, I. N., U, A. A., X, O., Z, M., C, Afshin A., A, Agarwal, S. K., A, Aggarwal, R., A, Agrawal, A., A, Ad, A, S., A, Ahmad, K, Ahmadieh, H., A, Am, A, M. B., A, Aichour, A. N., A, I., A, M. T. E., A, Aiyar S., A, Akinyemi, R. O., A, At, A, N., A, Av, Al, L, F. H., A, Alahdab, F., A, Ba, A, Z., B, Alam, K., B, Bg, B, N., B, Alam T., A, Alasfoor, D., B, Alene, K. A., B, Bo, A, R., B, Alizadeh-Navaei, Alkerwi, A., B, Alla, F., B, Allebeck, P., D, Allen C., A, Al-Maskari, F., C, Al-Raddadi, R., C, Alsharif, U., C, Alsowaidi, S., C, Altirkawi, K. A., C, Amare, A. T., C, Ch, A, E., C, Ck, A, W., C, Amoako, Y. A., D, Andersen, H. H., D, Antonio, C. A. T., D, Anwari, Ärnlöv, J., D, Dj, A, A., D, Aryal, K. K., D, Dm, A, H., D, Asgedom S. W., Q, Assadi, R., D, Atey T. M., Q, Atnafu, N. T., D, Atre, S. R., D, Ds, A, L., D, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A., D, Dv, A, Ayala, Q, B. P., D, Dy, Ba, S, H. O., D, Bacha, U., E, Badawi, Eb, B, K., E, Banerjee, A., E, Bannick M. S., A, Barac, Barber R. M., A, Barker-Collo, S. L., E, Bärnighausen, T., E, El, E, Barquera, S., D, Barregard, L., E, Barrero, L. H., E, Basu, S., E, Battista, B., E, Battle, K. E., B, Baune, B. T., C, Bazargan-Hejazi, Es, B, J., E, Bedi, N., E, Beghi, E., E, Béjot, Y., E, Bekele, B. B., B, Ex, B, M. L., E, Bennett, D. A., B, Bensenor, I. M., F, Benson J., A, Berhane, A., F, Berhe D. F., N, Fe, B, E., F, Betsu B. D., Q, Beuran, M., F, Fk, B, A. S., F, Bhala, N., F, Fo, B, Bhatt, S., F, Bhutta, Z. A., A, Fu, B, Bienhoff K., A, Bikbov, B., F, Birungi, C., E, Biryukov S., A, Bisanzio, Bizuayehu, H. M., F, Boneya, D. J., F, Boufous, Bourne, R. R. A., G, Brazinova, A., G, Brugha, T. S., G, Buchbinder R., U, Gg, B, L. N. B., F, Bumgarner B. R., A, Butt, Z. A., G, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E., B, Car, Gi, C, H., G, Carapetis, J. R., G, Cárdenas, R., G, Carpenter, D. O., G, Carrero, J. J., D, Carter A., A, Carvalho, F., G, Casey D. C., A, Caso, V., G, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., G, Gt, C, C. D., A, Gv, C, H. -Y., G, Gx, C, J. -C., G, Charlson F. J., A, D, G, Chen, H., H, Chibalabala, M., H, Chibueze, C. E., H, Chisumpa, V. H., H, He, C, A. A., H, Christopher, D. J., H, Ciobanu, L. G., C, Cirillo, Colombara D., A, Cooper, C., B, Hi, H, Cortesi, P. A., H, Criqui, M. H., H, Crump, J. A., H, Dadi, A. F., B, Hp, D, K., H, Dandona L., A, Ag, D, Das, N, J., G, Davitoiu, D. V., F, De, C, B., W, De, L, D., H, Degenhardt L., A, Ga, D, R. P., H, Deribe, Hu, Des, J, D. C., H, Hx, D, Dharmaratne, S. D., H, Dhillon, P. K., A, Dicker D., A, Ding, E. L., E, Djalalinia, S., H, Do, H. P., I, Dorsey, E. R., I, Dos, S, K. P. B., I, Douwes-Schultz D., A, Doyle, Id, D, T. R., B, Dubey, M., I, Duncan, B. B., I, Ig, E, Z. Z., D, Ih, E, A., I, Endries, A. Y., I, Ermakov, S. P., I, Il, E, H. E., A, Gz, E, B., I, In, E, S., I, Esteghamati, A., C, Estep K., A, Fanuel, F. B. B., I, Iq, F, C. S. E. S., I, Is, F, Farzadfar, Fazeli, M. S., E, Feigin, V. L., I, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M., D, Fernandes, J. C., I, Ferrari A. J., A, Feyissa, T. R., I, Filip, I., I, Fischer, F., I, Fitzmaurice C., A, B, I, Flaxman A. D., A, Flor, L. S., J, Jb, F, N., J, Foreman K. J., A, Franklin, R. C., J, Fullman N., A, Fürst, T., F, Je, J, Furtado, J. M., J, Futran N. D., C, Gakidou E., A, Ganji, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., J, Jj, G, T., J, Gebrehiwot, T. T., A, Geleto, Jl, G, B. L., J, Gesesew, H. A., A, Hp, G, P. W., B, Ghajar, Gibney, K. B., J, Gill, P. S., J, Gillum, R. F., J, Ginawi, I. A. M., J, Giref, A. Z., H, Gishu, M. D., F, Jr, G, G., E, Godwin W. W., A, Gold A. L., A, Goldberg E. M., A, Gona, P. N., J, Goodridge, A., J, Gopalani, S. V., J, Goto, Goulart, A. C., E, Jw, G, M., A, H. C., J, Gupta, R., J, T., K, Kb, G, V., K, Hafezi-Nejad, N., C, Hailu, A. D., H, Kf, H, G. B., Q, Hamadeh, R. R., K, Hamidi, S., K, Handal, A. J., K, Hankey, G. J., K, Kl, K, Hao, Y., K, Harb, H. L., C, Hareri, H. A., H, Haro, J. M., K, Harvey J., A, Hassanvand, M. S., C, Havmoeller, Hawley C., A, Hay, R. J., B, Fi, K, Hay S. I., A, Henry N. J., A, Heredia-Pi, I. B., D, Heydarpour, P., C, Hoek, H. W., F, Kq, H, H. J., K, Horita, N., K, Hosgood, H. D., K, Hostiuc, Hotez, P. J., K, Hoy, D. G., K, Htet, A. S., D, Kx, H, G., K, Huang, H., K, Huynh C., A, Iburg, K. M., L, Igumbor, E. U., L, Ld, I, C., A, C. M. S., A, K. H., L, Jahanmehr, Jakovljevic M. B., A, Lf, J, S. K., H, Javanbakht, M., L, Jayaraman, S. P., L, Jeemon, P., A, Li, J, P. N., C, V., B, Lj, J, G., L, John, D., L, Johnson C. O., A, Johnson S. C., A, Jonas, J. B., L, Jürisson, Kabir, Z., L, Kadel, R., L, Kahsay A., Q, Kamal, Kan, H., L, Karam, N. E., L, Karch, A., L, Lv, K, C. K., J, Lw, K, Cp, K, G. M., F, Kassaw, N. A., H, Kassebaum N. J., A, Lx, K, Katikireddi, S. V., L, Kaul, Kawakami, N., M, Keiyoro, P. N., M, Mc, K, A. P., M, Mg, R, Keren, A., M, Khader, Y. S., M, Khalil I. A., A, Khan, E. A., M, Khang, Y. -H., M, Ml, K, Mm, K, J., M, Kieling, C., I, Mo, K, D., M, Kim P., A, Kim, Y. J., M, Kimokoti, R. W., M, Kinfu, Y., M, Kisa, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A., M, Kivimaki, M., E, Mw, K, A. K., K, Mz, K, Y., N, Kolte, D., N, Kopec, J. A., N, Kosen, S., N, Koul, P. A., N, Koyanagi, A., N, Kravchenko, M., N, Krishnaswami, Krohn K. J., A, Kuate, D, B., N, Kucuk, B, Kumar, G. A., A, P., I, Kyu H. H., A, Lal, D. K., A, Lalloo R., E, Lambert, N., N, Lan, Q., N, Larsson, Lavados, P. M., N, Leasher, J. L., N, Lee, J. -T., N, P. H., N, Leigh, J., B, Leshargie, C. T., F, Leung J., C, D, L, R., N, Levi, Li, Nz, Li, K, D., A, X., N, Liben, M. L., O, Lim S. S., A, Linn, S., O, Liu A., A, Liu P. Y., A, Liu, Y., O, Lodha, Logroscino, G., O, London, S. J., O, Looker, K. J., O, Lopez, A. D., B, Lorkowski, Oh, L, P. A., F, Low, N., O, Lozano R., A, Dt, L, T. C. D., B, Macarayan, E. R. K., E, Oj, Magdy Abd El, R, H., O, M., O, Mahdavi, Om, M, Majdzadeh, Oo, M, Malekzadeh, Malhotra, Malta, D. C., O, Mamun, A. A., O, Manguerra H., A, Manhertz T., A, Mantilla A., D, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C. C., H, Marczak L. B., A, Martinez-Raga, J., H, Ot, M, F. R., O, Martopullo I., A, März, W., O, Ow, M, M. R., A, Ef, M, Mcalinden, C., O, Oz, M, J. J., F, Mckee, M., P, McNellan C., A, Mehata, S., P, Mehndiratta, M. M., P, Mekonnen, T. C., P, Memiah, P., P, Memish, Z. A., P, Pg, M, W., P, Mengistie, M. A., A, Mengistu D. T., O, Mensah, G. A., K, Meretoja, Pi, M, T. J., M, Pj, M, H. B., Q, R., P, Millear A., A, Miller, T. R., P, Pn, M, E. J., P, Mirarefin M., A, Pp, M, E. M., P, Pr, M, S. R., G, Mitchell, P. B., G, Mohammad, K. A., P, Pu, M, A., P, Mohammed K. E., O, Mohammed, Pw, M, S. K., I, Mokdad A. H., A, Mollenkopf S. K., A, Monasta, L., P, Hernandez, J. M., D, Montico, Moradi-Lakeh, M., Q, Moraga, P., Q, Mori, R., Q, Morozoff C., A, Morrison S. D., C, Moses M., A, Mountjoy-Venning C., A, Mruts, K. B., F, Mueller, U. O., Q, Muller K., A, Murdoch, M. E., Q, Murthy, G. V. S., A, Pa, M, K. I., Q, Nachega J. B., Z, Qk, Q, Nagel, G., Q, Naghavi M., A, Naheed, A., Q, Naidoo, K. S., Q, Naldi, L., Q, Nangia, V., Q, Natarajan, Negasa, D. E., F, Negoi, I., F, Fk, N, R. I., F, Newton, C. R., Q, Ngunjiri, J. W., Q, Nguyen, C. T., I, Nguyen G., A, Nguyen M., A, Q. L., I, T. H., I, Nichols E., A, Ningrum, D. N. A., Q, Qx, N, Qy, N, V. M., I, Norrving, B., A, Noubiap, J. J. N., M, Ra, O, M. J., R, Ogbo, F. A., R, Oh, I. -H., R, Okoro, A., R, Oladimeji, O., R, Olagunju, Rh, R, T. O., R, Rl, O, B. O., R, Olusanya, J. O., R, Ong K., A, Opio, J. N., R, Oren, E., R, Ortiz, Osgood-Zimmerman A., A, Osman, M., R, Uc, O, M. O., R, Rs, P, Pacella, R. E., R, Pana, Panda, B. K., I, Papachristou, C., R, Park, E. -K., R, Parry C. D., Y, Ry, P, Ct, P, S. B., S, Patton, G. C., B, Paulson K., A, Pearce, N., P, Pereira, D. M., S, Perico, Pesudovs, Peterson, C. B., D, Petzold, M., S, Se, P, M. R., O, Sf, P, D. M., A, J. D., S, Pinho C., A, Plass, D., S, Pletcher M. A., A, Popova, Poulton, R. G., H, Pourmalek, F., N, Prabhakaran, Prasad, N., S, N. M., S, Sk, P, Quansah, R., S, Sn, R, R. H. S., D, Radfar, A., S, Rafay, Sq, R, Rahimi-Movaghar, V., C, Rahman, M. H. U., I, Rai, R. K., S, Rajsic, S., S, Ram, U., I, Ranabhat, C. L., S, Sv, R, Z., A, P. V., S, Sx, R, P. C., A, Ray S. E., A, Reiner R. C., A, Reinig N., A, Reitsma M. B., A, Remuzzi, G., F, Sy, S, Renzaho, A. M. N., R, Resnikoff, S., G, Rezaei, S., T, Ribeiro, A. L., D, Tb, R, Roshandel, G., C, Tc, R, Rubagotti, E., T, Ruhago, G. M., T, Saadat, Sadat N., A, Safdarian, Safi, Safiri, Sagar, Sahathevan, R., T, Th, S, J., A, J. A., E, Salvi, S. S., T, Samy, A. M., T, Sanabria, J. R., T, Tl, S, Gz, S, I. S., F, Santos, J. V., G, Tm, Santric, M, M. M., E, Sartorius, B., M, Qo, S, M., T, Sawhney, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I., I, Schneider, I. J. C., T, Schöttker, B., T, Tq, S, D. C., T, Schwendicke, F., T, Seedat S., Z, Sepanlou, S. G., C, Servan-Mori, E. E., D, Setegn, T., C, Shackelford K. A., A, Shaheen, A., T, Shaikh, M. A., T, Shamsipour, Shariful, I, S. M., Q, Tv, S, J., T, Sharma, She, J., L, Shi, Shields C., A, Shigematsu, Tz, S, Y., U, Shiri, R., M, Shirkoohi, Shirude S., A, Shishani, K., U, Shrime, M. G., U, Sibai, A. M., U, Sigfusdottir, I. D., U, Silva, D. A. S., U, J. P., G, Silveira, D. G. A., U, Singh, J. A., T, N. P., U, Sinha, D. N., U, Uj, S, E., U, Ul, S, Na, S, E. L., A, D. L., A, B. H. A., C, Um, S, Uo, S, R. J. D., A, T. C. M., U, Sposato, L. A., R, Sreeramareddy, C. T., U, Srinivasan V., A, Stanaway J. D., A, Stathopoulou, V., U, Steel, N., U, Ut, S, D. J., M, Uu, S, M. B., H, Steiner C., A, Steiner, T. J., F, Uv, S, S., U, Stokes, M. A., Q, Stovner, L. J., U, Ux, S, M. B., P, Suliankatchi, A, R., U, Sunguya, B. F., T, Sur P. J., A, Swaminathan, Sykes, B. L., V, Sylte D. O., A, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Taffere G. R., P, Takala, J. S., V, Vc, T, Tavakkoli, M., V, Taveira, N., V, Vf, T, H. R., B, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Qb, T, T., I, Jl, Temam, S, G., H, Ij, T, A. S., V, Vh, V, Tesfaye D. J., L, Tesssema, B., B, Thamsuwan O., A, Thomas K. E., A, Thrift A. G., V, Tiruye, T. Y., F, Tobe-Gai, R., V, Tollanes, M. C., K, Vl, T, Topor-Madry, Vm, T, Vn, T, Tran, B. X., D, Vp, T, T., V, Tsoi D., A, Tuem K. B., Q, Tuzcu, E. M., V, Tyrovolas, S., V, Ukwaja, K. N., V, Undurraga, E. A., V, Uneke, C. J., V, Updike R., A, Uthman, O. A., V, Uzochukwu, B. S. C., V, Van, B, J. F. M., F, Varughese, Vasankari, Venkatesh, Venketasubramanian, Vidavalur, R., W, Violante, F. S., W, Vladimirov, S. K., W, Vlassov, V. V., W, Vollset S. E., A, Ke, M, Wadilo, Wakayo, T., A, Wang, Y. -P., W, Weaver M., A, Weichenthal, S., W, Weiderpass, E., D, Wg, W, Wi, W, R. G., B, Wj, W, Werdecker, Westerman, Wl, W, Gz, W, T., B, Wm, W, C. S., Z, Wolfe, C. D. A., F, Wo, W, A. D., W, Workicho, Wq, Wulf, H, D., W, Xu, G., W, Yadgir S., A, Yaghoubi, Wt, Y, B., Q, Yan, L. L., W, Yano, Y., W, Ye, P., N, Yimam, Yip, P., W, Wx, Y, N., W, Yoon, S. -J., N, Yotebieng, M., W, Xa, Y, M. Z., X, Zaidi, Z., X, Zaki, M. E. S., X, Zegeye, E. A., Q, Xe, Z, Z. M., Q, X., X, Xg, Z, Zipkin B., A, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J., X, Murray C. J. L., A, Vos T. a, Abajobir A. A. d, Abbafati C. h, Abbas K. M. i, Abate K. H., Abd-Allah F. j, Abdulle A. M. k, Abebo T. A. l, Abera S. F. m, r Aboyans, V. s Abu-Raddad, L. J. t Ackerman, I. N. u Adamu, A. A. x Adetokunboh, O. z Afarideh, M. cl, Afshin A. a, S. K. aa, R. ab, A. ac, ad Agrawal, S. ag, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A. ah, H. aj, am Ahmed, M. B. an, A. N. ap, I. aq, M. T. E. ar, Aiyar S. a, R. O. as, at Akseer, N. au, av, Al Lami, F. H. ay, F. az, ba Al-Aly, Z. bb, K. bc, bg bi, N. bj, Alam T. a, D. bk, K. A. bl, bo Ali, R. bw, R. bx, A. by, F. bz, P. dh, Allen C. a, F. ca, R. cb, U. cd, S. ca, K. A. ce, A. T. cf, ch Amini, E. cj, ck Ammar, W. cz, Y. A. da, H. H. db, C. A. T. dd, P. de, J. df, dj Artaman, A. dk, K. K. dl, dm Asayesh, H. dn, Asgedom S. W. q, R. do, Atey T. M. q, N. T. dp, S. R. dq, ds Avila-Burgos, L. dt, E. F. G. A. du, dv Awasthi, A. dw, Ayala Quintanilla, B. P. dx, dy, Ba Saleem, H. O. dz, U. ea, A. aw, eb Balakrishnan, K. ec, A. ed, Bannick M. S. a, A. eg, Barber R. M. a, S. L. ei, T. ej, el em, S. dt, L. en, L. H. eo, S. ep, B. eq, K. E. bq, B. T. cf, S. er, es Beardsley, J. et, N. eu, E. ev, Y. ew, B. B. bm, ex Bell, M. L. ey, D. A. bs, I. M. fb, Benson J. a, A. fc, Berhe D. F. n, fe Bernabé, E. fi, Betsu B. D. q, M. fj, fk Beyene, A. S. fl, N. fn, fo Bhansali, A. fp, S. fq, Z. A. au, fu Biadgilign, S. fv, Bienhoff K. a, B. fw, C. ef, Biryukov S. a, D. bt, H. M. fy, D. J. fx, S. fz, R. R. A. gd, A. ge, T. S. gf, Buchbinder R. u, gg Bulto, L. N. B. fm, Bumgarner B. R. a, Z. A. gh, E. br, M. ft, gi Carabin, H. gj, J. R. gk, R. gl, D. O. gm, J. J. dg, Carter A. a, F. gn, Casey D. C. a, V. gr, C. A. gs, gt Castle, C. D. a Catalá-López, F. gu, gv Chang, H. -Y. gw, gx Chang, J. -C. gy, Charlson F. J. a, d gz, H. ha, M. hb, C. E. hc, V. H. hd, he Chitheer, A. A. hf, D. J. hg, L. G. cf, M. hh, Colombara D. a, C. bu, hi hj, P. A. hk, M. H. hm, J. A. hn, A. F. bn, hp Dalal, K. hq, Dandona L. a, ag Dandona, R. a ag, Das Neves, J. go, D. V. fj, De Courten, B. w, De Leo, D. hr, Degenhardt L. a, ga Deiparine, S. a Dellavalle, R. P. hs, K. ht, hu, Des Jarlais, D. C. hw, hx Dey, S. ae, S. D. hy, P. K. ag, Dicker D. a, E. L. ej, S. hz, H. P. ia, E. R. ib, Dos Santos, K. P. B. ic, Douwes-Schultz D. a, K. E. bp, id Driscoll, T. R. bh, M. ie, B. B. if, ig El-Khatib, Z. Z. dh, ih Ellerstrand, J. d Enayati, A. ii, A. Y. ij, S. P. ik, il Erskine, H. E. a d, gz Eshrati, B. im, in Eskandarieh, S. io, A. cl, Estep K. a, F. B. B. ip, iq Farinha, C. S. E. S. ir, is Faro, A. it, F. ck, M. S. eq, V. L. iu, S. -M. df, J. C. iv, Ferrari A. J. a, T. R. iw, I. ix, F. iy, Fitzmaurice C. a, b iz, Flaxman A. D. a, L. S. ja, jb Foigt, N. jc, Foreman K. J. a, R. C. jd, Fullman N. a, T. fq, je jg, J. M. jh, Futran N. D. c, Gakidou E. a, M. cy, A. L. ji, jj Gebre, T. jk, T. T. ao, A. fm, jl Gemechu, B. L. jm, H. A. ao, hp Gething, P. W. bv, A. cm, K. B. jn, P. S. jo, R. F. jp, I. A. M. jq, A. Z. hv, M. D. fm, jr Giussani, G. ev, Godwin W. W. a, Gold A. L. a, Goldberg E. M. a, P. N. js, A. jt, S. V. ju, A. jv, A. C. ez, jw Griswold, M. a Gugnani, H. C. jx, R. jy, R. jz, T. ka, kb Gupta, V. kc, N. cl, A. D. hu, kf Hailu, G. B. q kg, R. R. kh, S. ki, A. J. kj, G. J. kk, kl km, Y. kn, H. L. cz, H. A. hv, J. M. ko, Harvey J. a, M. S. cn, R. di, Hawley C. a, R. J. br, fi kp, Hay S. I. a, Henry N. J. a, I. B. dt, P. co, H. W. ff, kq Hoffman, H. J. ks, N. ku, H. D. kb, S. fj, P. J. kv, D. G. kw, A. S. dm, kx Hu, G. ky, H. kz, Huynh C. a, K. M. lb, E. U. lc, ld Ikeda, C. a Irvine, C. M. S. a Jacobsen, K. H. le, N. ak, Jakovljevic M. B. a, lf Jassal, S. K. hl, M. lg, S. P. lh, P. af, li Jensen, P. N. c Jha, V. bw, lj Jiang, G. lk, D. ll, Johnson C. O. a, Johnson S. C. a, J. B. lm, M. ln, Z. lo, R. lp, Kahsay A. q, R. lq, H. ls, N. E. lt, A. lu, lv Karema, C. K. jf, lw Kasaeian, cp Kassa, G. M. fy, N. A. hv, Kassebaum N. J. a, lx Kastor, A. ie, S. V. ly, A. lz, N. ma, P. N. mb, mc Kengne, A. P. me, mg rz, A. mh, Y. S. mi, Khalil I. A. a, E. A. mj, Y. -H. mk, ml Khosravi, A. ck, mm Khubchandani, J. mn, C. if, mo Kim, D. mp, Kim P. a, Y. J. mq, R. W. mr, Y. ms, A. mt, K. A. mv, M. ee, mw Knudsen, A. K. kd, mz Kokubo, Y. nb, D. nc, J. A. nd, S. ne, P. A. nf, A. ng, M. nh, S. ni, Krohn K. J. a, Kuate Defo, B. nj, Kucuk Bicer, B. nk, G. A. ag, P. ie, S. nl, Kyu H. H. a, D. K. ag, Lalloo R. e, N. nm, Q. nn, A. no, P. M. np, J. L. nq, J. -T. ns, P. H. nt, J. bi, C. T. fy, Leung J. c, d Leung, R. nu, M. nv, Y. nw, Y. nx, nz, Li Kappe, D. a Liang, X. ny, M. L. oa, Lim S. S. a, S. ob, Liu A. a, Liu P. Y. a, S. nx, Y. oc, R. aa, G. od, S. J. oe, K. J. of, A. D. bd, S. og, oh Lotufo, P. A. fb, N. oi, Lozano R. a, dt Lucas, T. C. D. br, E. R. K. ek, oj, Magdy Abd El Razek, H. ok, M. ol, M. cq, om Majdan, M. on, R. cr, oo Majeed, A. fr, R. cs, D. C. op, A. A. oq, Manguerra H. a, Manhertz T. a, Mantilla A. d, Mantovani LG, C. C. hd, Marczak L. B. a, J. he, ot Martins-Melo, F. R. ou, Martopullo I. a, W. ov, ow Mathur, M. R. ag, ef Mazidi, M. ox, McAlinden, C. oy, oz McGaughey, M. a McGrath, J. J. f la, McKee, M. pa, McNellan C. a, S. pb, M. M. pc, T. C. pd, P. pe, Z. A. pf, pg Mendoza, W. ph, M. A. ao, Mengistu D. T. o, G. A. kt, A. be, pi Meretoja, T. J. my, pj Mezgebe, H. B. q Micha, R. pk, Millear A. a, T. R. pm, pn Mills, E. J. po, Mirarefin M. a, pp Mirrakhimov, E. M. pq, pr Misganaw, A. a Mishra, S. R. g ps, P. B. gc, K. A. pt, pu Mohammadi, A. pv, Mohammed K. E. o, S. em, pw Mohanty, S. K. ie, Mokdad A. H. a, Mollenkopf S. K. a, L. py, J. M. dt, M. py, M. qa, P. qd, R. qe, Morozoff C. a, Morrison S. D. c, Moses M. a, Mountjoy-Venning C. a, K. B. fd, U. O. qh, Muller K. a, M. E. qi, G. V. S. ae, pa Musa, K. I. qj, Nachega J. B. z, qk ql, G. qm, Naghavi M. a, A. qn, K. S. qq, L. qr, V. qs, G. qt, D. E. fm, I. fj, fk Negoi, R. I. fj, C. R. qu, J. W. qv, C. T. ia, Nguyen G. a, Nguyen M. a, Q. L. ia, T. H. ia, Nichols E. a, D. N. A. qw, qx Nolte, S. cc, qy Nong, V. M. ia, B. ai, J. J. N. mg, ra O'Donnell, M. J. rb, F. A. rc, I. -H. re, A. rf, O. rg, A. T. cg, rh ri, T. O. rj, rl Olsen, H. E. a Olusanya, B. O. rm, J. O. rm, Ong K. a, J. N. rn, E. ro, A. rp, Osgood-Zimmerman A. a, M. rq, uc Owolabi, M. O. rr, rs Pa, M. rt, R. E. ru, A. rv, B. K. ie, C. rw, E. -K. rx, Parry C. D. y, ry Parsaeian, M. ck, ct Patten, S. B. sa, G. C. bf, Paulson K. a, N. pa, D. M. sc, N. fw, K. hp, C. B. dc, M. sd, se Phillips, M. R. oc, sf Pigott, D. M. a Pillay, J. D. sg, Pinho C. a, D. sh, Pletcher M. A. a, S. ax, R. G. ho, F. nd, D. li, N. si, N. M. sj, sk Purcell, C. a Qorbani, M. sl, R. sm, sn Rabiee, R. H. S. dh, A. so, A. sp, sq Rahimi, K. bw, A. cu, V. cv, M. sr, M. H. U. ie, R. K. ss, S. st, U. ie, C. L. su, sv Rankin, Z. a Rao, P. V. sw, sx Rao, P. C. a Rawaf, S. ft, Ray S. E. a, Reiner R. C. a, Reinig N. a, Reitsma M. B. a, G. fw, sy sz, A. M. N. rd, S. gb, S. ta, A. L. dd, tb Ronfani, G. cs, tc Roth, G. A. a Roy, A. aa, E. td, G. M. te, S. cv, Sadat N. a, M. cv, S. al, S. tf, R. tg, th Salama, J. a Salomon, J. A. ej, S. S. ti, A. M. tj, J. R. tk, tl Santomauro, D. a d, gz Santos, I. S. fa, J. V. gp, tm, Santric Milicevic, M. M. eh, B. md, qo Satpathy, M. tn, M. tk, M. I. if, I. J. C. to, B. tp, tq Schwebel, D. C. tr, F. ts, Seedat S. z, S. G. cs, E. E. dt, T. ci, Shackelford K. A. a, A. tt, M. A. tu, M. cw, Shariful Islam, S. M. qn, tv Sharma, J. tw, R. tx, J. lr, P. pl, Shields C. a, M. ty, tz Shinohara, Y. ua, R. mx, R. cx, Shirude S. a, K. ub, M. G. uc, A. M. ud, I. D. ue, D. A. S. uf, J. P. gq, D. G. A. ug, J. A. tr, N. P. uh, D. N. ui, uj Skiadaresi, E. uk, ul Skirbekk, V. kr, na Slepak, E. L. a Sligar, A. a Smith, D. L. a Smith, M. a Sobaih, B. H. A. ce, um Sobngwi, E. un, uo Sorensen, R. J. D. a Sousa, T. C. M. up, L. A. rk, C. T. uq, Srinivasan V. a, Stanaway J. D. a, V. ur, N. us, ut Stein, D. J. mf, uu Stein, M. B. hm, Steiner C. a, T. J. fs, uv Steinke, S. uw, M. A. qz, L. J. uv, ux Strub, B. a Subart, M. a Sufiyan, M. B. px, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R. uy, B. F. te, Sur P. J. a, S. uz, B. L. va, Sylte D. O. a, R. gu, Taffere G. R. p, J. S. vb, vc Tandon, N. aa, M. vd, N. ve, vf Taylor, H. R. bg, A. pz, qb Tekelab, T. iw, jl, Temam Shifa, G. hv, ij Terkawi, A. S. vg, vh vi, Tesfaye D. J. l, B. bn, Thamsuwan O. a, Thomas K. E. a, Thrift A. G. v, T. Y. fy, R. vk, M. C. kf, vl Tonelli, M. sb, R. mu, vm Tortajada, M. os, vn Touvier, M. vo, B. X. dr, vp Tripathi, S. Troeger, C. a Truelsen, T. vq, Tsoi D. a, Tuem K. B. q, E. M. vj, S. vr, K. N. vs, E. A. vt, C. J. vu, Updike R. a, O. A. vv, B. S. C. vw, Van Boven, J. F. M. fg, S. hg, T. vx, S. vy, N. vz, R. wa, F. S. wb, S. K. wc, V. V. wd, Vollset S. E. a, ke mz, F. iq, T. ao, Y. -P. we, Weaver M. a, S. wf, E. dg, wg wh, wi Weintraub, R. G. bg, wj wk, A. qf, R. qg, wl Whiteford, H. A. a d, gz Wijeratne, T. bg, wm Wiysonge, C. S. z wn, C. D. A. fh, wo Woodbrook, R. a Woolf, A. D. wp, A. ao, wq, Wulf Hanson, S. a Xavier, D. wr, G. ws, Yadgir S. a, M. qc, wt Yakob, B. qp, L. L. wu, Y. wv, P. nx, H. H. dp, P. ww, wx Yonemoto, N. wy, S. -J. nr, M. wz, xa Younis, M. Z. xb, Z. xc, M. E. S. xd, E. A. qq, xe Zenebe, Z. M. q Zhang, X. xf, xg Zhou, M. a nx, Zipkin B. a, L. J. xg, Murray C. J. L. a, Vos T., A, Abajobir A. A., D, Abbafati C., H, Abbas K. M., I, Abate, K, Abd-Allah F., J, Abdulle A. M., K, Abebo T. A., L, Abera S. F., M, R, A, V., S, L. J., T, I. N., U, A. A., X, O., Z, M., C, Afshin A., A, Agarwal, S. K., A, Aggarwal, R., A, Agrawal, A., A, Ad, A, S., A, Ahmad, K, Ahmadieh, H., A, Am, A, M. B., A, Aichour, A. N., A, I., A, M. T. E., A, Aiyar S., A, Akinyemi, R. O., A, At, A, N., A, Av, Al, L, F. H., A, Alahdab, F., A, Ba, A, Z., B, Alam, K., B, Bg, B, N., B, Alam T., A, Alasfoor, D., B, Alene, K. A., B, Bo, A, R., B, Alizadeh-Navaei, Alkerwi, A., B, Alla, F., B, Allebeck, P., D, Allen C., A, Al-Maskari, F., C, Al-Raddadi, R., C, Alsharif, U., C, Alsowaidi, S., C, Altirkawi, K. A., C, Amare, A. T., C, Ch, A, E., C, Ck, A, W., C, Amoako, Y. A., D, Andersen, H. H., D, Antonio, C. A. T., D, Anwari, Ärnlöv, J., D, Dj, A, A., D, Aryal, K. K., D, Dm, A, H., D, Asgedom S. W., Q, Assadi, R., D, Atey T. M., Q, Atnafu, N. T., D, Atre, S. R., D, Ds, A, L., D, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A., D, Dv, A, Ayala, Q, B. P., D, Dy, Ba, S, H. O., D, Bacha, U., E, Badawi, Eb, B, K., E, Banerjee, A., E, Bannick M. S., A, Barac, Barber R. M., A, Barker-Collo, S. L., E, Bärnighausen, T., E, El, E, Barquera, S., D, Barregard, L., E, Barrero, L. H., E, Basu, S., E, Battista, B., E, Battle, K. E., B, Baune, B. T., C, Bazargan-Hejazi, Es, B, J., E, Bedi, N., E, Beghi, E., E, Béjot, Y., E, Bekele, B. B., B, Ex, B, M. L., E, Bennett, D. A., B, Bensenor, I. M., F, Benson J., A, Berhane, A., F, Berhe D. F., N, Fe, B, E., F, Betsu B. D., Q, Beuran, M., F, Fk, B, A. S., F, Bhala, N., F, Fo, B, Bhatt, S., F, Bhutta, Z. A., A, Fu, B, Bienhoff K., A, Bikbov, B., F, Birungi, C., E, Biryukov S., A, Bisanzio, Bizuayehu, H. M., F, Boneya, D. J., F, Boufous, Bourne, R. R. A., G, Brazinova, A., G, Brugha, T. S., G, Buchbinder R., U, Gg, B, L. N. B., F, Bumgarner B. R., A, Butt, Z. A., G, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E., B, Car, Gi, C, H., G, Carapetis, J. R., G, Cárdenas, R., G, Carpenter, D. O., G, Carrero, J. J., D, Carter A., A, Carvalho, F., G, Casey D. C., A, Caso, V., G, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., G, Gt, C, C. D., A, Gv, C, H. -Y., G, Gx, C, J. -C., G, Charlson F. J., A, D, G, Chen, H., H, Chibalabala, M., H, Chibueze, C. E., H, Chisumpa, V. H., H, He, C, A. A., H, Christopher, D. J., H, Ciobanu, L. G., C, Cirillo, Colombara D., A, Cooper, C., B, Hi, H, Cortesi, P. A., H, Criqui, M. H., H, Crump, J. A., H, Dadi, A. F., B, Hp, D, K., H, Dandona L., A, Ag, D, Das, N, J., G, Davitoiu, D. V., F, De, C, B., W, De, L, D., H, Degenhardt L., A, Ga, D, R. P., H, Deribe, Hu, Des, J, D. C., H, Hx, D, Dharmaratne, S. D., H, Dhillon, P. K., A, Dicker D., A, Ding, E. L., E, Djalalinia, S., H, Do, H. P., I, Dorsey, E. R., I, Dos, S, K. P. B., I, Douwes-Schultz D., A, Doyle, Id, D, T. R., B, Dubey, M., I, Duncan, B. B., I, Ig, E, Z. Z., D, Ih, E, A., I, Endries, A. Y., I, Ermakov, S. P., I, Il, E, H. E., A, Gz, E, B., I, In, E, S., I, Esteghamati, A., C, Estep K., A, Fanuel, F. B. B., I, Iq, F, C. S. E. S., I, Is, F, Farzadfar, Fazeli, M. S., E, Feigin, V. L., I, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M., D, Fernandes, J. C., I, Ferrari A. J., A, Feyissa, T. R., I, Filip, I., I, Fischer, F., I, Fitzmaurice C., A, B, I, Flaxman A. D., A, Flor, L. S., J, Jb, F, N., J, Foreman K. J., A, Franklin, R. C., J, Fullman N., A, Fürst, T., F, Je, J, Furtado, J. M., J, Futran N. D., C, Gakidou E., A, Ganji, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., J, Jj, G, T., J, Gebrehiwot, T. T., A, Geleto, Jl, G, B. L., J, Gesesew, H. A., A, Hp, G, P. W., B, Ghajar, Gibney, K. B., J, Gill, P. S., J, Gillum, R. F., J, Ginawi, I. A. M., J, Giref, A. Z., H, Gishu, M. D., F, Jr, G, G., E, Godwin W. W., A, Gold A. L., A, Goldberg E. M., A, Gona, P. N., J, Goodridge, A., J, Gopalani, S. V., J, Goto, Goulart, A. C., E, Jw, G, M., A, H. C., J, Gupta, R., J, T., K, Kb, G, V., K, Hafezi-Nejad, N., C, Hailu, A. D., H, Kf, H, G. B., Q, Hamadeh, R. R., K, Hamidi, S., K, Handal, A. J., K, Hankey, G. J., K, Kl, K, Hao, Y., K, Harb, H. L., C, Hareri, H. A., H, Haro, J. M., K, Harvey J., A, Hassanvand, M. S., C, Havmoeller, Hawley C., A, Hay, R. J., B, Fi, K, Hay S. I., A, Henry N. J., A, Heredia-Pi, I. B., D, Heydarpour, P., C, Hoek, H. W., F, Kq, H, H. J., K, Horita, N., K, Hosgood, H. D., K, Hostiuc, Hotez, P. J., K, Hoy, D. G., K, Htet, A. S., D, Kx, H, G., K, Huang, H., K, Huynh C., A, Iburg, K. M., L, Igumbor, E. U., L, Ld, I, C., A, C. M. S., A, K. H., L, Jahanmehr, Jakovljevic M. B., A, Lf, J, S. K., H, Javanbakht, M., L, Jayaraman, S. P., L, Jeemon, P., A, Li, J, P. N., C, V., B, Lj, J, G., L, John, D., L, Johnson C. O., A, Johnson S. C., A, Jonas, J. B., L, Jürisson, Kabir, Z., L, Kadel, R., L, Kahsay A., Q, Kamal, Kan, H., L, Karam, N. E., L, Karch, A., L, Lv, K, C. K., J, Lw, K, Cp, K, G. M., F, Kassaw, N. A., H, Kassebaum N. J., A, Lx, K, Katikireddi, S. V., L, Kaul, Kawakami, N., M, Keiyoro, P. N., M, Mc, K, A. P., M, Mg, R, Keren, A., M, Khader, Y. S., M, Khalil I. A., A, Khan, E. A., M, Khang, Y. -H., M, Ml, K, Mm, K, J., M, Kieling, C., I, Mo, K, D., M, Kim P., A, Kim, Y. J., M, Kimokoti, R. W., M, Kinfu, Y., M, Kisa, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A., M, Kivimaki, M., E, Mw, K, A. K., K, Mz, K, Y., N, Kolte, D., N, Kopec, J. A., N, Kosen, S., N, Koul, P. A., N, Koyanagi, A., N, Kravchenko, M., N, Krishnaswami, Krohn K. J., A, Kuate, D, B., N, Kucuk, B, Kumar, G. A., A, P., I, Kyu H. H., A, Lal, D. K., A, Lalloo R., E, Lambert, N., N, Lan, Q., N, Larsson, Lavados, P. M., N, Leasher, J. L., N, Lee, J. -T., N, P. H., N, Leigh, J., B, Leshargie, C. T., F, Leung J., C, D, L, R., N, Levi, Li, Nz, Li, K, D., A, X., N, Liben, M. L., O, Lim S. S., A, Linn, S., O, Liu A., A, Liu P. Y., A, Liu, Y., O, Lodha, Logroscino, G., O, London, S. J., O, Looker, K. J., O, Lopez, A. D., B, Lorkowski, Oh, L, P. A., F, Low, N., O, Lozano R., A, Dt, L, T. C. D., B, Macarayan, E. R. K., E, Oj, Magdy Abd El, R, H., O, M., O, Mahdavi, Om, M, Majdzadeh, Oo, M, Malekzadeh, Malhotra, Malta, D. C., O, Mamun, A. A., O, Manguerra H., A, Manhertz T., A, Mantilla A., D, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C. C., H, Marczak L. B., A, Martinez-Raga, J., H, Ot, M, F. R., O, Martopullo I., A, März, W., O, Ow, M, M. R., A, Ef, M, Mcalinden, C., O, Oz, M, J. J., F, Mckee, M., P, McNellan C., A, Mehata, S., P, Mehndiratta, M. M., P, Mekonnen, T. C., P, Memiah, P., P, Memish, Z. A., P, Pg, M, W., P, Mengistie, M. A., A, Mengistu D. T., O, Mensah, G. A., K, Meretoja, Pi, M, T. J., M, Pj, M, H. B., Q, R., P, Millear A., A, Miller, T. R., P, Pn, M, E. J., P, Mirarefin M., A, Pp, M, E. M., P, Pr, M, S. R., G, Mitchell, P. B., G, Mohammad, K. A., P, Pu, M, A., P, Mohammed K. E., O, Mohammed, Pw, M, S. K., I, Mokdad A. H., A, Mollenkopf S. K., A, Monasta, L., P, Hernandez, J. M., D, Montico, Moradi-Lakeh, M., Q, Moraga, P., Q, Mori, R., Q, Morozoff C., A, Morrison S. D., C, Moses M., A, Mountjoy-Venning C., A, Mruts, K. B., F, Mueller, U. O., Q, Muller K., A, Murdoch, M. E., Q, Murthy, G. V. S., A, Pa, M, K. I., Q, Nachega J. B., Z, Qk, Q, Nagel, G., Q, Naghavi M., A, Naheed, A., Q, Naidoo, K. S., Q, Naldi, L., Q, Nangia, V., Q, Natarajan, Negasa, D. E., F, Negoi, I., F, Fk, N, R. I., F, Newton, C. R., Q, Ngunjiri, J. W., Q, Nguyen, C. T., I, Nguyen G., A, Nguyen M., A, Q. L., I, T. H., I, Nichols E., A, Ningrum, D. N. A., Q, Qx, N, Qy, N, V. M., I, Norrving, B., A, Noubiap, J. J. N., M, Ra, O, M. J., R, Ogbo, F. A., R, Oh, I. -H., R, Okoro, A., R, Oladimeji, O., R, Olagunju, Rh, R, T. O., R, Rl, O, B. O., R, Olusanya, J. O., R, Ong K., A, Opio, J. N., R, Oren, E., R, Ortiz, Osgood-Zimmerman A., A, Osman, M., R, Uc, O, M. O., R, Rs, P, Pacella, R. E., R, Pana, Panda, B. K., I, Papachristou, C., R, Park, E. -K., R, Parry C. D., Y, Ry, P, Ct, P, S. B., S, Patton, G. C., B, Paulson K., A, Pearce, N., P, Pereira, D. M., S, Perico, Pesudovs, Peterson, C. B., D, Petzold, M., S, Se, P, M. R., O, Sf, P, D. M., A, J. D., S, Pinho C., A, Plass, D., S, Pletcher M. A., A, Popova, Poulton, R. G., H, Pourmalek, F., N, Prabhakaran, Prasad, N., S, N. M., S, Sk, P, Quansah, R., S, Sn, R, R. H. S., D, Radfar, A., S, Rafay, Sq, R, Rahimi-Movaghar, V., C, Rahman, M. H. U., I, Rai, R. K., S, Rajsic, S., S, Ram, U., I, Ranabhat, C. L., S, Sv, R, Z., A, P. V., S, Sx, R, P. C., A, Ray S. E., A, Reiner R. C., A, Reinig N., A, Reitsma M. B., A, Remuzzi, G., F, Sy, S, Renzaho, A. M. N., R, Resnikoff, S., G, Rezaei, S., T, Ribeiro, A. L., D, Tb, R, Roshandel, G., C, Tc, R, Rubagotti, E., T, Ruhago, G. M., T, Saadat, Sadat N., A, Safdarian, Safi, Safiri, Sagar, Sahathevan, R., T, Th, S, J., A, J. A., E, Salvi, S. S., T, Samy, A. M., T, Sanabria, J. R., T, Tl, S, Gz, S, I. S., F, Santos, J. V., G, Tm, Santric, M, M. M., E, Sartorius, B., M, Qo, S, M., T, Sawhney, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I., I, Schneider, I. J. C., T, Schöttker, B., T, Tq, S, D. C., T, Schwendicke, F., T, Seedat S., Z, Sepanlou, S. G., C, Servan-Mori, E. E., D, Setegn, T., C, Shackelford K. A., A, Shaheen, A., T, Shaikh, M. A., T, Shamsipour, Shariful, I, S. M., Q, Tv, S, J., T, Sharma, She, J., L, Shi, Shields C., A, Shigematsu, Tz, S, Y., U, Shiri, R., M, Shirkoohi, Shirude S., A, Shishani, K., U, Shrime, M. G., U, Sibai, A. M., U, Sigfusdottir, I. D., U, Silva, D. A. S., U, J. P., G, Silveira, D. G. A., U, Singh, J. A., T, N. P., U, Sinha, D. N., U, Uj, S, E., U, Ul, S, Na, S, E. L., A, D. L., A, B. H. A., C, Um, S, Uo, S, R. J. D., A, T. C. M., U, Sposato, L. A., R, Sreeramareddy, C. T., U, Srinivasan V., A, Stanaway J. D., A, Stathopoulou, V., U, Steel, N., U, Ut, S, D. J., M, Uu, S, M. B., H, Steiner C., A, Steiner, T. J., F, Uv, S, S., U, Stokes, M. A., Q, Stovner, L. J., U, Ux, S, M. B., P, Suliankatchi, A, R., U, Sunguya, B. F., T, Sur P. J., A, Swaminathan, Sykes, B. L., V, Sylte D. O., A, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Taffere G. R., P, Takala, J. S., V, Vc, T, Tavakkoli, M., V, Taveira, N., V, Vf, T, H. R., B, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Qb, T, T., I, Jl, Temam, S, G., H, Ij, T, A. S., V, Vh, V, Tesfaye D. J., L, Tesssema, B., B, Thamsuwan O., A, Thomas K. E., A, Thrift A. G., V, Tiruye, T. Y., F, Tobe-Gai, R., V, Tollanes, M. C., K, Vl, T, Topor-Madry, Vm, T, Vn, T, Tran, B. X., D, Vp, T, T., V, Tsoi D., A, Tuem K. B., Q, Tuzcu, E. M., V, Tyrovolas, S., V, Ukwaja, K. N., V, Undurraga, E. A., V, Uneke, C. J., V, Updike R., A, Uthman, O. A., V, Uzochukwu, B. S. C., V, Van, B, J. F. M., F, Varughese, Vasankari, Venkatesh, Venketasubramanian, Vidavalur, R., W, Violante, F. S., W, Vladimirov, S. K., W, Vlassov, V. V., W, Vollset S. E., A, Ke, M, Wadilo, Wakayo, T., A, Wang, Y. -P., W, Weaver M., A, Weichenthal, S., W, Weiderpass, E., D, Wg, W, Wi, W, R. G., B, Wj, W, Werdecker, Westerman, Wl, W, Gz, W, T., B, Wm, W, C. S., Z, Wolfe, C. D. A., F, Wo, W, A. D., W, Workicho, Wq, Wulf, H, D., W, Xu, G., W, Yadgir S., A, Yaghoubi, Wt, Y, B., Q, Yan, L. L., W, Yano, Y., W, Ye, P., N, Yimam, Yip, P., W, Wx, Y, N., W, Yoon, S. -J., N, Yotebieng, M., W, Xa, Y, M. Z., X, Zaidi, Z., X, Zaki, M. E. S., X, Zegeye, E. A., Q, Xe, Z, Z. M., Q, X., X, Xg, Z, Zipkin B., A, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J., X, Murray C. J. L., A, Vos T. a, Abajobir A. A. d, Abbafati C. h, Abbas K. M. i, Abate K. H., Abd-Allah F. j, Abdulle A. M. k, Abebo T. A. l, Abera S. F. m, r Aboyans, V. s Abu-Raddad, L. J. t Ackerman, I. N. u Adamu, A. A. x Adetokunboh, O. z Afarideh, M. cl, Afshin A. a, S. K. aa, R. ab, A. ac, ad Agrawal, S. ag, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A. ah, H. aj, am Ahmed, M. B. an, A. N. ap, I. aq, M. T. E. ar, Aiyar S. a, R. O. as, at Akseer, N. au, av, Al Lami, F. H. ay, F. az, ba Al-Aly, Z. bb, K. bc, bg bi, N. bj, Alam T. a, D. bk, K. A. bl, bo Ali, R. bw, R. bx, A. by, F. bz, P. dh, Allen C. a, F. ca, R. cb, U. cd, S. ca, K. A. ce, A. T. cf, ch Amini, E. cj, ck Ammar, W. cz, Y. A. da, H. H. db, C. A. T. dd, P. de, J. df, dj Artaman, A. dk, K. K. dl, dm Asayesh, H. dn, Asgedom S. W. q, R. do, Atey T. M. q, N. T. dp, S. R. dq, ds Avila-Burgos, L. dt, E. F. G. A. du, dv Awasthi, A. dw, Ayala Quintanilla, B. P. dx, dy, Ba Saleem, H. O. dz, U. ea, A. aw, eb Balakrishnan, K. ec, A. ed, Bannick M. S. a, A. eg, Barber R. M. a, S. L. ei, T. ej, el em, S. dt, L. en, L. H. eo, S. ep, B. eq, K. E. bq, B. T. cf, S. er, es Beardsley, J. et, N. eu, E. ev, Y. ew, B. B. bm, ex Bell, M. L. ey, D. A. bs, I. M. fb, Benson J. a, A. fc, Berhe D. F. n, fe Bernabé, E. fi, Betsu B. D. q, M. fj, fk Beyene, A. S. fl, N. fn, fo Bhansali, A. fp, S. fq, Z. A. au, fu Biadgilign, S. fv, Bienhoff K. a, B. fw, C. ef, Biryukov S. a, D. bt, H. M. fy, D. J. fx, S. fz, R. R. A. gd, A. ge, T. S. gf, Buchbinder R. u, gg Bulto, L. N. B. fm, Bumgarner B. R. a, Z. A. gh, E. br, M. ft, gi Carabin, H. gj, J. R. gk, R. gl, D. O. gm, J. J. dg, Carter A. a, F. gn, Casey D. C. a, V. gr, C. A. gs, gt Castle, C. D. a Catalá-López, F. gu, gv Chang, H. -Y. gw, gx Chang, J. -C. gy, Charlson F. J. a, d gz, H. ha, M. hb, C. E. hc, V. H. hd, he Chitheer, A. A. hf, D. J. hg, L. G. cf, M. hh, Colombara D. a, C. bu, hi hj, P. A. hk, M. H. hm, J. A. hn, A. F. bn, hp Dalal, K. hq, Dandona L. a, ag Dandona, R. a ag, Das Neves, J. go, D. V. fj, De Courten, B. w, De Leo, D. hr, Degenhardt L. a, ga Deiparine, S. a Dellavalle, R. P. hs, K. ht, hu, Des Jarlais, D. C. hw, hx Dey, S. ae, S. D. hy, P. K. ag, Dicker D. a, E. L. ej, S. hz, H. P. ia, E. R. ib, Dos Santos, K. P. B. ic, Douwes-Schultz D. a, K. E. bp, id Driscoll, T. R. bh, M. ie, B. B. if, ig El-Khatib, Z. Z. dh, ih Ellerstrand, J. d Enayati, A. ii, A. Y. ij, S. P. ik, il Erskine, H. E. a d, gz Eshrati, B. im, in Eskandarieh, S. io, A. cl, Estep K. a, F. B. B. ip, iq Farinha, C. S. E. S. ir, is Faro, A. it, F. ck, M. S. eq, V. L. iu, S. -M. df, J. C. iv, Ferrari A. J. a, T. R. iw, I. ix, F. iy, Fitzmaurice C. a, b iz, Flaxman A. D. a, L. S. ja, jb Foigt, N. jc, Foreman K. J. a, R. C. jd, Fullman N. a, T. fq, je jg, J. M. jh, Futran N. D. c, Gakidou E. a, M. cy, A. L. ji, jj Gebre, T. jk, T. T. ao, A. fm, jl Gemechu, B. L. jm, H. A. ao, hp Gething, P. W. bv, A. cm, K. B. jn, P. S. jo, R. F. jp, I. A. M. jq, A. Z. hv, M. D. fm, jr Giussani, G. ev, Godwin W. W. a, Gold A. L. a, Goldberg E. M. a, P. N. js, A. jt, S. V. ju, A. jv, A. C. ez, jw Griswold, M. a Gugnani, H. C. jx, R. jy, R. jz, T. ka, kb Gupta, V. kc, N. cl, A. D. hu, kf Hailu, G. B. q kg, R. R. kh, S. ki, A. J. kj, G. J. kk, kl km, Y. kn, H. L. cz, H. A. hv, J. M. ko, Harvey J. a, M. S. cn, R. di, Hawley C. a, R. J. br, fi kp, Hay S. I. a, Henry N. J. a, I. B. dt, P. co, H. W. ff, kq Hoffman, H. J. ks, N. ku, H. D. kb, S. fj, P. J. kv, D. G. kw, A. S. dm, kx Hu, G. ky, H. kz, Huynh C. a, K. M. lb, E. U. lc, ld Ikeda, C. a Irvine, C. M. S. a Jacobsen, K. H. le, N. ak, Jakovljevic M. B. a, lf Jassal, S. K. hl, M. lg, S. P. lh, P. af, li Jensen, P. N. c Jha, V. bw, lj Jiang, G. lk, D. ll, Johnson C. O. a, Johnson S. C. a, J. B. lm, M. ln, Z. lo, R. lp, Kahsay A. q, R. lq, H. ls, N. E. lt, A. lu, lv Karema, C. K. jf, lw Kasaeian, cp Kassa, G. M. fy, N. A. hv, Kassebaum N. J. a, lx Kastor, A. ie, S. V. ly, A. lz, N. ma, P. N. mb, mc Kengne, A. P. me, mg rz, A. mh, Y. S. mi, Khalil I. A. a, E. A. mj, Y. -H. mk, ml Khosravi, A. ck, mm Khubchandani, J. mn, C. if, mo Kim, D. mp, Kim P. a, Y. J. mq, R. W. mr, Y. ms, A. mt, K. A. mv, M. ee, mw Knudsen, A. K. kd, mz Kokubo, Y. nb, D. nc, J. A. nd, S. ne, P. A. nf, A. ng, M. nh, S. ni, Krohn K. J. a, Kuate Defo, B. nj, Kucuk Bicer, B. nk, G. A. ag, P. ie, S. nl, Kyu H. H. a, D. K. ag, Lalloo R. e, N. nm, Q. nn, A. no, P. M. np, J. L. nq, J. -T. ns, P. H. nt, J. bi, C. T. fy, Leung J. c, d Leung, R. nu, M. nv, Y. nw, Y. nx, nz, Li Kappe, D. a Liang, X. ny, M. L. oa, Lim S. S. a, S. ob, Liu A. a, Liu P. Y. a, S. nx, Y. oc, R. aa, G. od, S. J. oe, K. J. of, A. D. bd, S. og, oh Lotufo, P. A. fb, N. oi, Lozano R. a, dt Lucas, T. C. D. br, E. R. K. ek, oj, Magdy Abd El Razek, H. ok, M. ol, M. cq, om Majdan, M. on, R. cr, oo Majeed, A. fr, R. cs, D. C. op, A. A. oq, Manguerra H. a, Manhertz T. a, Mantilla A. d, Mantovani LG, C. C. hd, Marczak L. B. a, J. he, ot Martins-Melo, F. R. ou, Martopullo I. a, W. ov, ow Mathur, M. R. ag, ef Mazidi, M. ox, McAlinden, C. oy, oz McGaughey, M. a McGrath, J. J. f la, McKee, M. pa, McNellan C. a, S. pb, M. M. pc, T. C. pd, P. pe, Z. A. pf, pg Mendoza, W. ph, M. A. ao, Mengistu D. T. o, G. A. kt, A. be, pi Meretoja, T. J. my, pj Mezgebe, H. B. q Micha, R. pk, Millear A. a, T. R. pm, pn Mills, E. J. po, Mirarefin M. a, pp Mirrakhimov, E. M. pq, pr Misganaw, A. a Mishra, S. R. g ps, P. B. gc, K. A. pt, pu Mohammadi, A. pv, Mohammed K. E. o, S. em, pw Mohanty, S. K. ie, Mokdad A. H. a, Mollenkopf S. K. a, L. py, J. M. dt, M. py, M. qa, P. qd, R. qe, Morozoff C. a, Morrison S. D. c, Moses M. a, Mountjoy-Venning C. a, K. B. fd, U. O. qh, Muller K. a, M. E. qi, G. V. S. ae, pa Musa, K. I. qj, Nachega J. B. z, qk ql, G. qm, Naghavi M. a, A. qn, K. S. qq, L. qr, V. qs, G. qt, D. E. fm, I. fj, fk Negoi, R. I. fj, C. R. qu, J. W. qv, C. T. ia, Nguyen G. a, Nguyen M. a, Q. L. ia, T. H. ia, Nichols E. a, D. N. A. qw, qx Nolte, S. cc, qy Nong, V. M. ia, B. ai, J. J. N. mg, ra O'Donnell, M. J. rb, F. A. rc, I. -H. re, A. rf, O. rg, A. T. cg, rh ri, T. O. rj, rl Olsen, H. E. a Olusanya, B. O. rm, J. O. rm, Ong K. a, J. N. rn, E. ro, A. rp, Osgood-Zimmerman A. a, M. rq, uc Owolabi, M. O. rr, rs Pa, M. rt, R. E. ru, A. rv, B. K. ie, C. rw, E. -K. rx, Parry C. D. y, ry Parsaeian, M. ck, ct Patten, S. B. sa, G. C. bf, Paulson K. a, N. pa, D. M. sc, N. fw, K. hp, C. B. dc, M. sd, se Phillips, M. R. oc, sf Pigott, D. M. a Pillay, J. D. sg, Pinho C. a, D. sh, Pletcher M. A. a, S. ax, R. G. ho, F. nd, D. li, N. si, N. M. sj, sk Purcell, C. a Qorbani, M. sl, R. sm, sn Rabiee, R. H. S. dh, A. so, A. sp, sq Rahimi, K. bw, A. cu, V. cv, M. sr, M. H. U. ie, R. K. ss, S. st, U. ie, C. L. su, sv Rankin, Z. a Rao, P. V. sw, sx Rao, P. C. a Rawaf, S. ft, Ray S. E. a, Reiner R. C. a, Reinig N. a, Reitsma M. B. a, G. fw, sy sz, A. M. N. rd, S. gb, S. ta, A. L. dd, tb Ronfani, G. cs, tc Roth, G. A. a Roy, A. aa, E. td, G. M. te, S. cv, Sadat N. a, M. cv, S. al, S. tf, R. tg, th Salama, J. a Salomon, J. A. ej, S. S. ti, A. M. tj, J. R. tk, tl Santomauro, D. a d, gz Santos, I. S. fa, J. V. gp, tm, Santric Milicevic, M. M. eh, B. md, qo Satpathy, M. tn, M. tk, M. I. if, I. J. C. to, B. tp, tq Schwebel, D. C. tr, F. ts, Seedat S. z, S. G. cs, E. E. dt, T. ci, Shackelford K. A. a, A. tt, M. A. tu, M. cw, Shariful Islam, S. M. qn, tv Sharma, J. tw, R. tx, J. lr, P. pl, Shields C. a, M. ty, tz Shinohara, Y. ua, R. mx, R. cx, Shirude S. a, K. ub, M. G. uc, A. M. ud, I. D. ue, D. A. S. uf, J. P. gq, D. G. A. ug, J. A. tr, N. P. uh, D. N. ui, uj Skiadaresi, E. uk, ul Skirbekk, V. kr, na Slepak, E. L. a Sligar, A. a Smith, D. L. a Smith, M. a Sobaih, B. H. A. ce, um Sobngwi, E. un, uo Sorensen, R. J. D. a Sousa, T. C. M. up, L. A. rk, C. T. uq, Srinivasan V. a, Stanaway J. D. a, V. ur, N. us, ut Stein, D. J. mf, uu Stein, M. B. hm, Steiner C. a, T. J. fs, uv Steinke, S. uw, M. A. qz, L. J. uv, ux Strub, B. a Subart, M. a Sufiyan, M. B. px, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R. uy, B. F. te, Sur P. J. a, S. uz, B. L. va, Sylte D. O. a, R. gu, Taffere G. R. p, J. S. vb, vc Tandon, N. aa, M. vd, N. ve, vf Taylor, H. R. bg, A. pz, qb Tekelab, T. iw, jl, Temam Shifa, G. hv, ij Terkawi, A. S. vg, vh vi, Tesfaye D. J. l, B. bn, Thamsuwan O. a, Thomas K. E. a, Thrift A. G. v, T. Y. fy, R. vk, M. C. kf, vl Tonelli, M. sb, R. mu, vm Tortajada, M. os, vn Touvier, M. vo, B. X. dr, vp Tripathi, S. Troeger, C. a Truelsen, T. vq, Tsoi D. a, Tuem K. B. q, E. M. vj, S. vr, K. N. vs, E. A. vt, C. J. vu, Updike R. a, O. A. vv, B. S. C. vw, Van Boven, J. F. M. fg, S. hg, T. vx, S. vy, N. vz, R. wa, F. S. wb, S. K. wc, V. V. wd, Vollset S. E. a, ke mz, F. iq, T. ao, Y. -P. we, Weaver M. a, S. wf, E. dg, wg wh, wi Weintraub, R. G. bg, wj wk, A. qf, R. qg, wl Whiteford, H. A. a d, gz Wijeratne, T. bg, wm Wiysonge, C. S. z wn, C. D. A. fh, wo Woodbrook, R. a Woolf, A. D. wp, A. ao, wq, Wulf Hanson, S. a Xavier, D. wr, G. ws, Yadgir S. a, M. qc, wt Yakob, B. qp, L. L. wu, Y. wv, P. nx, H. H. dp, P. ww, wx Yonemoto, N. wy, S. -J. nr, M. wz, xa Younis, M. Z. xb, Z. xc, M. E. S. xd, E. A. qq, xe Zenebe, Z. M. q Zhang, X. xf, xg Zhou, M. a nx, Zipkin B. a, L. J. xg, and Murray C. J. L. a
- Abstract
Background As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Methods We estimated prevalence and incidence for 328 diseases and injuries and 2982 sequelae, their non-fatal consequences. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death rates for each condition. For some causes, we used alternative modelling strategies if incidence or prevalence needed to be derived from other data. YLDs were estimated as the product of prevalence and a disability weight for all mutually exclusive sequelae, corrected for comorbidity and aggregated to cause level. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. GBD 2016 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER). Findings Globally, low back pain, migraine, age-related and other hearing loss, iron-deficiency anaemia, and major depressive disorder were the five leading causes of YLDs in 2016, contributing 57·6 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 40·8-75·9 million [7·2%, 6·0-8·3]), 45·1 million (29·0-62·8 million [5·6%, 4·0-7·2]), 36·3 million (25·3-50·9 million [4·5%, 3·8-5·3]), 34·7 million (23·0-49·6 million [4·3%, 3·5-5·2]), and 34·1 million (23·5-46·0 million [4·2%, 3·2-5·3]) of total YLDs, respectively. Age-standardised rates of YLDs for all causes combined decreased between 1990 and 2016 by 2·7% (95% UI 2·3-3·1). Despite mostly stagnant age-standardised rates, the absolute number of YLDs from non-c, Background As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Methods We estimated prevalence and incidence for 328 diseases and injuries and 2982 sequelae, their non-fatal consequences. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death rates for each condition. For some causes, we used alternative modelling strategies if incidence or prevalence needed to be derived from other data. YLDs were estimated as the product of prevalence and a disability weight for all mutually exclusive sequelae, corrected for comorbidity and aggregated to cause level. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. GBD 2016 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER). Findings Globally, low back pain, migraine, age-related and other hearing loss, iron-deficiency anaemia, and major depressive disorder were the five leading causes of YLDs in 2016, contributing 57·6 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 40·8-75·9 million [7·2%, 6·0-8·3]), 45·1 million (29·0-62·8 million [5·6%, 4·0-7·2]), 36·3 million (25·3-50·9 million [4·5%, 3·8-5·3]), 34·7 million (23·0-49·6 million [4·3%, 3·5-5·2]), and 34·1 million (23·5-46·0 million [4·2%, 3·2-5·3]) of total YLDs, respectively. Age-standardised rates of YLDs for all causes combined decreased between 1990 and 2016 by 2·7% (95% UI 2·3-3·1). Despite mostly stagnant age-standardised rates, the absolute number of YLDs from non-c
- Published
- 2017
6. CCR2+CD103− intestinal dendritic cells develop from DC-committed precursors and induce interleukin-17 production by T cells.
- Author
Scott, C L, Bain, C C, Wright, P B, Milling, S WF, Mowat, A M, Sichien, D, Guilliams, M, Lambrecht, B N, Kotarsky, K, Persson, E K, Luda, K, and Agace, W W
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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7. Lymph-borne CD8α+ dendritic cells are uniquely able to cross-prime CD8+ T cells with antigen acquired from intestinal epithelial cells.
- Author
Cerovic, V, Houston, S A, Westlund, J, Utriainen, L, Davison, E S, Scott, C L, Bain, C C, Joeris, T, Agace, W W, Kroczek, R A, Mowat, A M, Yrlid, U, and Milling, S WF
- Published
- 2015
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8. An automated algorithm for the determination of oil absorption strategy of magnetic nanoparticles from SEM images.
- Author
S M D and S WF
- Abstract
In recent years, the magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MNPs) are employed as efficient absorbents for oil removal from water. In this research, the particle size (diameter) obtained from Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of MNPs, before and after oil-absorption, are utilized to determine the oil-absorption capacity. However, the manual evaluation of the particle size and particle size distribution (PSD) are highly time-consuming and needs expertised people for accurate analysis. Hence, an image processing algorithm is employed for the determination of particle size and PSD from the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images. The key objective revolves with the preparation of the Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene anchored Magnetic Nanoparticles (MAPP-a-MNPs) to absorb crude oil from the marine water. The shape, size, and size distribution of MAPP-a-MNPs were assessed by both manual and automated analysis. For this purpose, expertise people help with the manual analysis and Threshold Adaptive-Canny Edge Detection (TA-CED) and Accumulator Updated-Circular Hough Transform (AU-CHT) method is employed for automated analysis. All the automated process were conducted in MATLAB and the measurements were taken for both before and after the oil absorption images. These measurements aid us to determine the quantity of oil absorbed by MAPP-a-MNPs. The results demonstrates excellent oil removal capacity of MAPP-a-MNPs., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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9. Leg Raise in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Heart Arrest
- Published
- 2016
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10. Prostate cancer screening in Brazil: should it be done or not?
- Author
Busato WF Jr and Almeida GL
- Subjects
- Brazil, Early Detection of Cancer, Humans, Male, Neoplasm Grading, Prognosis, Prostate-Specific Antigen, Prostatic Neoplasms prevention & control, Mass Screening, Prostatic Neoplasms diagnosis, Prostatic Neoplasms therapy
- Abstract
The use of PSA in the screening, detection and prognosis of prostate cancer (PCa) has revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder with an increase in detection rates and PCa organ-confined. Despite these benefits and ease of implementation, tracking PCa remains a matter of great controversy. We conducted a literature review and demographic and epidemiological data in Brazil feeling to assess the current state of screening and whether there is justification for population programs. the diferences are valued between developed and underdeveloped countries as the incidence, mortality, screening and access to health. an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of screening is made as well as a critical analysis of existing studies on screening and some recommendations on a rational screening., Competing Interests: Conflicts of Interest: None declared., (Copyright® by the International Brazilian Journal of Urology.)
- Published
- 2016
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11. Misuse of anaesthetic gases.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Anesthetics, Inhalation, Drug Misuse, Ether, Hydrocarbons, Fluorinated, Nitrous Oxide
- Published
- 2016
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12. External validation of EORTC risk scores to predict recurrence after transurethral resection of brazilian patients with non -muscle invasive bladder cancer stages Ta and T1.
- Author
Almeida GL, Busato WF Jr, Ribas CM, Ribas JM Filho, and De Cobelli O
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Brazil, Disease Progression, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Grading, Neoplasm Invasiveness, Neoplasm Staging, Predictive Value of Tests, Prospective Studies, Reproducibility of Results, Risk Factors, Time Factors, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local pathology, Risk Assessment methods, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms pathology, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
Validate the EORTC risk tables in Brazilian patients with NMIBC., Methods: 205 patients were analyzed. The 6 parameters analyzed were: histologic grading, pathologic stage, size and number of tumors, previous recurrence rate and concomitant CIS. The time for first recurrence (TFR), risk score and probability of re¬currence were calculated and compared to the probabilities obtained from EORTC risk tables. C-index was calculated and accuracy of EORTC tables was analyzed., Results: pTa was presented in 91 (44.4%) patients and pT1 in 114 (55.6%). Ninety-seven (47.3%) patients had solitary tumor, and 108 (52.7%) multiple tumors. One hundred and three (50.2%) patients had tumors smaller than 3 cm and 102 (40.8%) had bigger than 3 cm. Concomitant CIS was observed in 21 (10.2%) patients. Low grade was presented in 95 (46.3%) patients, and high grade in 110 (53.7%). Intravesical therapy was utilized in 105 (56.1%) patients. Recurrence was observed in 117 (57.1%) patients and the mean TFR was 14,2 ± 7,3 months. C-index was 0,72 for 1 year and 0,7 for 5 years. The re¬currence risk was 28,8% in 1 year and 57,1% in 5 years, independently of the scoring risk. In our population, the EORTC risk tables overestimated the risk of recurrence in 1 year and underestimated in 5 years., Conclusion: The validation of the EORTC risk tables in Brazilian patients with NMIBC was satisfactory and should be stimulated to predict recurrence, although these may overestimated the risk of recurrence in 1 year and underestimated in 5 years., Competing Interests: Conflicts of Interest: None declared., (Copyright® by the International Brazilian Journal of Urology.)
- Published
- 2016
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13. Fasciculations after succinylcholine and arterial oxygen tensions.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Apnea, Humans, Oxygen, Rocuronium, Fasciculation, Succinylcholine
- Published
- 2016
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14. Was Button gassed?
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Anesthetics, Inhalation, Chloroform, Crime
- Published
- 2016
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15. EORTC Risk Model to Predict Progression in Patients With Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: Is It Safe to Use in Clinical Practice?
- Author
Busato Júnior WF, Almeida GL, Ribas CA, Ribas Filho JM, and De Cobelli O
- Subjects
- Aged, Brazil, Disease Progression, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Proportional Hazards Models, Risk Assessment, Survival Analysis, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local epidemiology, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
Purpose: To evaluate the validation of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) risk tables to predict progression in Brazilian patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC)., Patients and Methods: Two hundred five consecutively and prospectively selected patients with NMIBC who underwent transurethral resection were analyzed during 12 years. Six parameters were analyzed: tumor grade, size, and number, pT stage, previous recurrence rate, and carcinoma-in-situ. Time to progression, risk score, and progression probabilities were calculated and compared to probabilities obtained from the EORTC model. The C index was calculated, and accuracy was analyzed for external validation., Results: A total of 152 patients had complete follow-up data, 36 died, and 17 were lost to follow-up. One hundred thirty-seven patients had primary tumors and 68 had recurrent tumors. Progression to muscle-invasive disease occurred in 42 patients (20.5%). Significant characteristics related to progression were male gender, pT1 stage, lesion size ≥ 3 cm, high grade of disease, and no combined intravesical therapy. Mean time to progression was 26.9 months; the 1-year progression rate was 3.4% and the 5-year rate was 19.1%. The C index was 0.86 at 1 year and 0.78 at 5 years. For calibration, 1- and 5-year progression rates were lower than the values predicted by EORTC risk tables, mainly in high-risk groups. Although the EORTC model overestimated the short- and long-term risk of progression, an overlapping of the confidence intervals between both populations was detected., Conclusion: The EORTC model successfully stratified progression risks in a Brazilian cohort, although it overestimated progression rates. This scoring system is useful in predicting progression of NMIBC; however, updating new risk markers is essential to improve risk classification and prediction of progression., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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16. Preventing out-of-hospital asthma deaths.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Asthma mortality, Cameroon epidemiology, Child, Fatal Outcome, Hospital Mortality, Humans, Male, Anti-Asthmatic Agents therapeutic use, Asthma prevention & control
- Published
- 2015
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17. Does PSA reduction after antibiotic therapy permits postpone prostate biopsy in asymptomatic men with PSA levels between 4 and 10 ng/mL?
- Author
Busato WF, Almeida GL, Geraldo J, and Busato FS
- Subjects
- Aged, Biopsy, Digital Rectal Examination, Early Detection of Cancer, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Predictive Value of Tests, Prospective Studies, Prostate-Specific Antigen drug effects, Reference Values, Treatment Outcome, Anti-Bacterial Agents therapeutic use, Ciprofloxacin therapeutic use, Prostate pathology, Prostate-Specific Antigen blood, Prostatic Neoplasms pathology, Prostatitis drug therapy
- Abstract
Purpose: We investigated the effect of antibiotics on PSA in asymptomatic patients with mild PSA elevation., Materials and Methods: We prospectively evaluated, in a non-randomized design, 106 asymptomatic patients with PSA of 4-10 ng/mL, with a negative digital rectal examination and with no urinary tract infection evidence for 2 years. Patients were divided into two groups: those treated with antibiotics for 3 weeks (G1) and those who were not treated (G2). PSA was taken six weeks after and prostate biopsy was performed in all patients., Results: PCa was diagnosed in 25 of 106 patients (23.6%): 16 (25.0%) in G1 and 9 (21.4%) in G2 (p>0.05). PSA normalization was experienced in 24.5%. In G1, PSA returned to <4 ng/mL in 15 (23.4%) patients compared to 11 (26%) patients in G2. In the patients with a positive biopsy, no significant variation was noted in PSA, fPSA, %fPSA and DPSA after antibiotic treatment. A significantly lower cancer detection rate was noted with decreased PSA, fPSA, and DPSA after antibiotic use. A PSA reduction rate of ≥ 10% occurred in 58.5%, and this was similar in both G1 and G2 groups. The sensibility, specificity and accuracy of PSA reduction of ≥ 10% were 31%, 23% and 25%, respectively., Conclusion: Empirical antibiotic therapy in asymptomatic male patients is not related to PSA reduction. The greater than 10% PSA reduction after antibiotic in this population cannot postpone prostate biopsy.
- Published
- 2015
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18. Totally laparoscopic repair of primary obstructive megaureter with pyeloplasty, complete excisional tailoring and nonrefluxing ureteral reimplantation.
- Author
Almeida GL, Busato WF, and de Cobelli O
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Humans, Male, Urologic Surgical Procedures methods, Kidney Pelvis surgery, Laparoscopy, Ureter surgery, Ureteral Obstruction surgery
- Abstract
Objective: To describe a new surgical technique of the first case of totally laparoscopic repair of primary obstructive congenital megaureter with pyeloplasty, intracorporeal excisional tailoring of the ureter and nonrefluxing ureteroneocystostomy., Methods: A 15-year-old male presented with obstructive megaureter. The standard three-port transperitoneal pyeloplasty technique and an additional 5-mm port for dynamic traction were used. Pelvic and ureteral dissection, pyeloplasty, intracorporeal excisional ureteral tailoring and nonrefluxing ureteroneocystostomy were all completed laparoscopically. A double-J stent was used to calibrate the ureter., Results: Operative time was 240 min. No intra and postoperative complications were observed, and there was discharge on postoperative day 2. The patient was pain-free and without urinary tract infection during the 4-month period after surgery. Follow up revealed complete resolution of the ureteral obstruction and adequate pelvic and ureteral caliber., Conclusion: Laparoscopic pyeloplasty, intracorporeal excisional tailoring, and non-refluxing reimplantation are safe and effective for the treatment of obstructive congenital megaureter. The totally laparoscopic approach is reproducible and provides low morbidity with inherent cosmetic advantages., (Copyright © 2012 AEU. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2014
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19. A morphological algorithm for measuring angle of airway branches in lung CT images.
- Author
Heydarian M, Noseworthy MD, Kamath MV, Boylan C, and Poehlman WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Phantoms, Imaging, Reproducibility of Results, Algorithms, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted methods, Lung diagnostic imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed methods
- Abstract
Accurate measurement of human airway lumen bifurcation angle in the bronchial tree may be an important parameter for evidence of pulmonary diseases. Here, we describe a new method for recognizing and following airway bifurcation over numerous contiguous CT images. Based on morphological properties of airways and specific changes to airway properties while digitally navigating through the bifurcation, our method is able to track airways through several levels of bifurcation. Then, based on the center of the lumen area, determined by the level set segmentation algorithm, we estimate the centerline of each branch and calculate the angle between two bifurcating branches. By applying this method to an airway imaging phantom, we obtained accurate results in a short computational time. This new approach provides a rapid, automated, and accurate lung airway angle measurement and may prove useful to radiologists who use CT images for pulmonary disease assessment.
- Published
- 2014
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20. A Multi-Step Algorithm for Measuring Airway Luminal Diameter and Wall Thickness in Lung CT Images.
- Author
Heydarian M, Noseworthy MD, Kamath MV, Boylan C, and Poehlman WF
- Subjects
- Asthma diagnostic imaging, Humans, Phantoms, Imaging, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive diagnostic imaging, Algorithms, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted methods, Lung diagnostic imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed methods
- Abstract
Accurate measurements of airway diameter and wall thickness are important parameters in understanding numerous pulmonary diseases. Here, we describe an automated method of measuring small airway luminal diameter and wall thickness over numerous contiguous computed tomography (CT) images. Using CT lung images from 22 patients and an airway phantom, a seeded region-growing algorithm was first applied to identify the lumen of the airway. The result was applied as an initial region for boundary determination using the level set method. Once found, subsequent algorithmic expansion of the luminal border was used to calculate airway wall thickness. This algorithm automatically evaluates neighboring slices of the airway and measures the airway luminal diameter and wall thickness. This approach also detects airway bifurcations. Our new procedure provides rapid, automated, accurate, and clinically important lung airway measurements that would be useful to radiologists who use CT images for pulmonary disease assessment.
- Published
- 2014
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21. Inhaled and intravenous treatment in acute severe and life-threatening asthma.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Administration, Inhalation, Anesthetics, Inhalation administration & dosage, Humans, Injections, Intravenous, Nebulizers and Vaporizers, Positive-Pressure Respiration, Anti-Asthmatic Agents administration & dosage, Anti-Asthmatic Agents therapeutic use, Asthma drug therapy
- Abstract
Management of life-threatening acute severe asthma in children and adults may require anaesthetic and intensive care. The inhaled route for drug delivery is not appropriate when only small respiratory gas volumes are shifted; the i.v. route may be associated with greater side-effects. Magnesium sulphate i.v. has a place in acute asthma management because it is a mild bronchodilator, and has a stabilizing effect on the atria which may attenuate tachycardia occurring after inhaled and i.v. salbutamol. If intubation and ventilation are required, a reduction in bronchoconstriction by any means before and during these procedures should reduce morbidity. This narrative review aims to show strengths and weakness of the evidence, present controversies, and forward opinions of the author. The review contains a practical guide to the setting up, use and efficiency of nebulizers, metered dose inhalers, and spacers (chambers). It also presents a commonsense approach to the management of severe asthmatics in whom delay in bronchodilatation would cause clinical deterioration. When self-inhaled agents have had no effect, i.v. drugs may help avoid intubation and ventilation. The review includes suggestions for the use of inhaled anaesthetics, anaesthetic induction, and brief notes on subsequent ventilation of the lungs.
- Published
- 2013
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22. Development and characterization of DNA microsatellite primers for buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.f.).
- Author
Menezes EV, Souto WF, Ciampi AY, Azevedo VC, Valério HM, and Pimenta MA
- Subjects
- Alleles, Genetic Loci genetics, Heterozygote, Nucleotide Motifs genetics, Polymorphism, Genetic, Repetitive Sequences, Nucleic Acid genetics, Arecaceae genetics, DNA Primers metabolism, DNA, Plant genetics, Microsatellite Repeats genetics
- Abstract
Mauritia flexuosa L. (Arecaceae) is a palm tree species known as buriti that occurs in the Cerrado biome. It is characteristic of the vereda, a typical ecosystem of central Brazil. In this phytophysiognomy, M. flexuosa and other groups of arboreal-herbaceous species develop in open fields with very humid soils. M. flexuosa can be found in forest borders and is a palm tree with a wide distribution in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guyana Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia). The main objectives of this study were to develop simple sequence repeat marker-enriched libraries and to characterize these loci in buriti palm to facilitate future population studies. A total of 40 sequences derived from the microsatellite-enriched libraries were selected for primer design. The optimization results showed that 9 primer pairs could successfully amplify polymorphic target fragments of the expected sizes. The data also show that the described primers can be used in population genetic studies in M. flexuosa to obtain information that will inform conservation and management strategies.
- Published
- 2012
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23. Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the bladder: histologic and clinical features of 9 cases.
- Author
Busato WF Jr, Almeida GL, and Ogata DC
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive pathology, Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive therapy, Risk Factors, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms pathology, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms therapy, Young Adult, Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive diagnosis, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms diagnosis
- Published
- 2011
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24. A wake up test?
- Author
Olusanya O and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Anesthesiology methods
- Published
- 2011
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25. Intravenous magnesium sulphate prevents intravenous salbutamol tachycardia in asthma.
- Author
Sellers WF, Ahmad I, Bathke PS, Brown CJ, Fernandez T, and Barker A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adrenergic beta-2 Receptor Agonists therapeutic use, Bronchodilator Agents adverse effects, Child, Preschool, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Albuterol adverse effects, Anti-Arrhythmia Agents therapeutic use, Asthma drug therapy, Magnesium Sulfate therapeutic use, Tachycardia prevention & control
- Published
- 2010
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26. Percutaneous endocystolysis, a safe and minimally invasive treatment for renal cysts: a 13-year experience.
- Author
Busato WF Jr and Bettega LB
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Demography, Female, Fluoroscopy, Humans, Kidney Diseases, Cystic diagnostic imaging, Male, Middle Aged, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Ultrasonography, Urologic Surgical Procedures adverse effects, Young Adult, Kidney Diseases, Cystic surgery, Urologic Surgical Procedures methods
- Abstract
Background and Purpose: Renal cysts are the most common form of renal mass with a prevalence of 35% in people older than 50 years. Several techniques are used to manage symptomatics cysts, from sclerotherapy to open surgery. We present a safe and minimally invasive therapeutic alternative: Percutaneous endocystolysis (PE)., Patients and Methods: Between 1995 and 2008, 32 patients were treated for large symptomatic Bosniak type I and II renal cysts with the PE technique. Percutaneous access was obtained by direct puncture guided by fluoroscopy or ultrasonography, percutaneous dilation, and placement of a 28F Amplatz sheath; then a 26F resectoscope with a rollerball electrode was introduced into the interior of the cyst and the whole internal surface was inspected and cauterized. After cauterization, a 20F Foley catheter was placed inside the cyst. Patients were discharged the next day, and the catheter was removed in the outpatient facility after 7 to 10 postoperative days. The variables of age, cyst volume, operative time, and length of hospital stay were statistically analyzed using the Pearson linear correlation coefficient., Results: Clinical follow-up ranged from 4 to 162 months (mean 76 mos). Percutaneous access to the cyst was obtained by blind puncture in 7 (21.8%) patients, aided by fluoroscopy in 12 (37.5%) patients, and guided by ultrasonography in 13 (40.7%) patients. Clinical improvement was observed in all patients with a success rate of 100%. The length of hospital stay was 21.7 ± 8.5 hours (range 9-48 h). The operative time was 41.8 ± 19.7 minutes (range 12-94 min). There was a low complication rate associated with the transparenchymatous PE procedure., Conclusion: PE is a safe, minimally invasive, and effective technique for the management of large symptomatic renal cysts and is associated with high success rates and low complication rates in long-term follow-up.
- Published
- 2010
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27. Finding the charts.
- Author
Shanmugasundaram P and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- England, Forms and Records Control organization & administration, Humans, Spinal Injuries surgery, Anesthesiology organization & administration, Medical Records
- Published
- 2010
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28. Can exercise shape your brain? Cortical differences associated with judo practice.
- Author
Jacini WF, Cannonieri GC, Fernandes PT, Bonilha L, Cendes F, and Li LM
- Subjects
- Adult, Case-Control Studies, Exercise psychology, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Martial Arts psychology, Young Adult, Brain physiology, Exercise physiology, Martial Arts physiology, Neuronal Plasticity physiology
- Abstract
Experimental animal studies have shown that physical exercise, associated with planning and execution of complex movements, are related to changes in brain structure. In humans, changes in cortical tissue density in relation to physical activity are yet to be fully determined and quantified. We investigated differences on gray matter volume in judo players by using voxel-based morphometry. Comparison between a group of eight internationally competitive judo players and a group of 18 healthy controls showed a significantly higher gray matter tissue density in brain areas of judo players.
- Published
- 2009
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29. Raise the alarm.
- Author
Campbell SF and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Equipment Safety standards, European Union, Humans, Hypoxia prevention & control, Intraoperative Complications prevention & control, Anesthesia, Closed-Circuit instrumentation, Oxygen Inhalation Therapy instrumentation
- Published
- 2009
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30. Vasectomy reversal: a seven-year experience.
- Author
Busato WF Jr
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Birth Rate, Brazil, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Rate, Retrospective Studies, Sperm Count, Sperm Motility, Spermatogenesis, Time Factors, Treatment Outcome, Young Adult, Vasovasostomy adverse effects
- Abstract
Introduction: Since the demand for vasectomy reversal is increasing and many populations in Brazil and other countries show distinct characteristics, this study was carried out as an effort to determine factors and characteristics associated with the success rate of reversal in a population in Southern Brazil., Patients and Methods: We reviewed 29 cases of vasectomy reversal performed over a 7-year period using the single-layer technique under microscopic magnification., Results: Mean patency, pregnancy, and birth rates were 75, 41.7 and 29%, respectively. The patency and pregnancy rates were 92.3 and 38.5%, respectively, for time intervals since vasectomy <10 years and 63.6 and 45.4%, respectively, for intervals >10 years. Patency and pregnancy rates were 87.5 and 50%, respectively, for patients who had their vasectomy performed by a urologist, and 50 and 25%, respectively, for those who had their vasectomy performed by a generalist surgeon (p < 0.05)., Conclusions: High patency and pregnancy rates are associated with time intervals since vasectomy of <10 years and vasectomies performed by urologists. There was no significant difference in the anastomosis time between the first 12 procedures and the next 12 procedures., (Copyright 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel.)
- Published
- 2009
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31. Genetic diversity of Brazilian natural populations of Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), the major cotton pest in the New World.
- Author
Martins WF, Ayres CF, and Lucena WA
- Subjects
- Animals, Brazil, Genetic Variation, Isoenzymes genetics, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique, Weevils enzymology, Weevils genetics
- Abstract
Twenty-five RAPD loci and 6 isozyme loci were studied to characterize the genetic variability of natural populations of Anthonomus grandis from two agroecosystems of Brazil. The random-amplified polymorphic DNA data disclosed a polymorphism that varied from 52 to 84% and a heterozygosity of 0.189 to 0.347. The index of genetic differentiation (GST) among the six populations was 0.258. The analysis of isozymes showed a polymorphism and a heterozygosity ranging from 25 to 100% and 0.174 to 0.277, respectively. The genetic differentiation (FST) among the populations obtained by isozyme data was 0.544. It was possible to observe rare alleles in the populations from the Northeast region. The markers examined allowed us to distinguish populations from large-scale, intensive farming region (cotton belts) versus populations from areas of small-scale farming
- Published
- 2007
32. Carbon dioxide in laryngeal mask airway cuffs.
- Author
Mües J and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Postoperative Period, Carbon Dioxide analysis, Laryngeal Masks
- Published
- 2004
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33. Use of a gum elastic bougie in the oesophagus to guide the ProSeal LMA.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Intubation, Intratracheal methods, Laryngoscopy, Laryngeal Masks
- Published
- 2004
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34. A response to 'Difficult Airway Society guidelines for management of the unanticipated difficult intubation', Henderson JJ, Popat MT, Latto IP and Pearce AC, Anaesthesia 2004; 59: 675-94.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Anesthesia, General, Clinical Competence, Humans, Intubation, Intratracheal methods, Practice Guidelines as Topic
- Published
- 2004
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35. Prevention and management of laryngospasm.
- Author
Ahmad I and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Animals, Cats, Humans, Hypercapnia complications, Laryngismus therapy, Intubation, Intratracheal adverse effects, Laryngismus prevention & control
- Published
- 2004
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36. ProSeal LMA aids orogastric tube insertion with a tracheal tube in place.
- Author
Taylor EL, Ahmad I, and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Intubation, Intratracheal, Intubation, Gastrointestinal methods, Laryngeal Masks
- Published
- 2004
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37. A response to 'Bougie trauma--it is still possible', Prabhu A, Pradham P, Sanaka R and Bilolikar A, Anaesthesia 2003; 58: 811-12.
- Author
Armstrong P and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Humans, Intubation, Intratracheal adverse effects, Lung Injury
- Published
- 2004
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38. Intravenous magnesium sulphate and salbutamol for asthma.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Acute Disease, Drug Therapy, Combination, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Albuterol therapeutic use, Asthma drug therapy, Bronchodilator Agents therapeutic use, Magnesium Sulfate therapeutic use
- Published
- 2004
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39. Don't pre-oxygenate with a 3-metre Bain circuit.
- Author
Sellers WF and Dykes S
- Subjects
- Air Pressure, Humans, Respiration, Anesthesia, Closed-Circuit instrumentation, Oxygen Inhalation Therapy methods
- Published
- 2003
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40. Rapidly repeated intravenous boluses of salbutamol for acute severe asthma.
- Author
Sellers WF and Messahel B
- Subjects
- Acute Disease, Adolescent, Adrenergic beta-Agonists therapeutic use, Albuterol therapeutic use, Bronchodilator Agents therapeutic use, Child, Child, Preschool, Drug Administration Schedule, Female, Humans, Infant, Infusions, Intravenous, Male, Adrenergic beta-Agonists administration & dosage, Albuterol administration & dosage, Asthma drug therapy, Bronchodilator Agents administration & dosage
- Abstract
We describe the use of intravenous boluses of salbutamol given rapidly (over 1-2 min) in children (5 microg x kg-1) and young adults (250 microg) with acute severe asthma who were not improving with doses of nebulised salbutamol. Intravenous boluses were repeated within a short time until improvement was seen. Two of the seven patients required tracheal intubation and ventilation.
- Published
- 2003
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41. Updating Wee's oesophageal detector.
- Author
Sellers WF and Holesworth SP
- Subjects
- Equipment Design, Humans, Esophagus, Foreign Bodies diagnosis, Intubation, Intratracheal instrumentation
- Published
- 2003
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42. Finding a use for the lumen in the Portex Tracheal Tube Guide.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Disposable Equipment, Humans, Oxygen administration & dosage, Intubation, Intratracheal instrumentation
- Published
- 2003
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43. Post dural puncture headache.
- Author
Clark MJ and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Diffusion of Innovation, Humans, Needles, Headache etiology, Spinal Puncture adverse effects
- Published
- 2003
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44. Better skin incision for Seldinger dilator insertion.
- Author
Nalwaya P and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Dilatation methods, Humans, Catheterization, Central Venous methods, Dermatologic Surgical Procedures
- Published
- 2002
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45. Gum elastic bougies.
- Author
Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Adult, Equipment Design, Humans, Intubation, Intratracheal instrumentation
- Published
- 2002
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46. Arterial line insertion.
- Author
Dollman M and Sellers WF
- Subjects
- Arteries, Humans, Syringes, Catheterization, Peripheral methods
- Published
- 2002
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47. [Vitamin B12 content of blood during folic acid therapy of untreated patients with pernicious anemia].
- Author
- Subjects
- Anemia, Anemia, Pernicious therapy, Folic Acid therapeutic use, Hematinics, Vitamin B 12 blood
- Published
- 1958
48. The effect of pteroylglutamic acid administration on the serum vitamin B12 concentration in pernicious anemia in relapse.
- Author
- Subjects
- Humans, Anemia, Anemia, Pernicious blood, Chronic Disease, Corrinoids, Folic Acid pharmacology, Hematinics, Recurrence, Vitamin B 12 blood
- Published
- 1958
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