Examining existing experimental results for shallow rigid foundations subjected to vertical centric load (N), accompanied or not with a bending moment (M), two main non-linear mechanisms governing the cyclic response of the soil-foundation system can be distinguished: foundation uplift and soil yielding. A soil-foundation failure limit, is defined as a domain of resistance in the two dimensional (2D) load space (N, M) inside of which lie all the admissible combinations of loads; these latter correspond to a pure elastic, non-linear elastic or plastic behavior of the soil-foundation system, while the points lying on the failure limit correspond to a combination of loads leading to a failure of the soil-foundation system. In this study, the proposed resistance domain is constructed analytically based on mechanics. Original elastic limit, uplift initiation limit and iso-uplift limits are constructed inside this domain. These limits give a prediction of the mechanisms activated for each combination of loads applied to the foundation. A comparison of the proposed failure limit with experimental tests existing in the literature shows interesting results. Also, the developed uplift initiation limit and iso-uplift curves are confronted with others already proposed in the literature and widely used due to the absence of other alternatives, and remarkable differences are noted, showing evident errors in the past proposals and relevant accuracy for those given in the present work., {"references":["K. Terzaghi, \"Theoretical soil mechanics\", J. Willey, New York, 1943.","J.Brinch-Hansen, \"A revised and extended formula for bearing\ncapacity\", Danish geotechnical institute,Copenhagen, Bulletin No.28,\npp. 5-11, 1970.","R. Butterfield, J. Ticof, \"The use of physical models in design\n(discussion)\", Proceedings, 7th European Conference on Soil Mechanics\nand Foundation Engineering, Brighton, UK, Vol.4, pp. 259-261, 1979.","R. Butterfield, \"A simple analysis of load capacity of rigid footings on\ngranular media\", Journée de Géotechnique, pp. 128-134, 1980.","N. Gerolymos, G. Gazetas, \"Development of Winkler model for static\nand dynamic response of caisson foundations with soil and interface\nnonlinearities\", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.26, pp.\n363-376, 2006a.","C. Crémer, A. Pecker, L. Davenne, \"Cyclic macroelement for soilstructure\ninteraction: material and geometrical nonlinearities\",\nInternational Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in\nGeomechanics, Vol.25, pp. 1257-1284, 2001.","R. Butterfield, G. Gottardi, \"A complete three-dimensional failure\nenvelope for shallow footings on sand\", Géotechnique, Vol.44, No.4, pp.\n181, 1994.","J. Ticof, \"Surface footings on sand under general planar loads\", PhD\nThesis, University of Southampton, UK, 1977.","L. Montrasio, R. Nova, \"Un modello di calcolo degli assestamenti di\nfondazioni superficiali sottoposte all'azione di carichi eccentrici ed\ninclinati\", Atti del convegno su \"Deformazioni dei terreni ed interazione\nterreno-struttura in condizioni di esercizio\", Monselice, Vol.2, pp. 141-\n152, 1998b.\n[10] G. Gottardi, \"Modellazione del comportamento di fondazioni\nsuperficiali su sabbia soggette a diverse condizioni di carico\", Ph.D.\nThesis, University of Padova, Italy, 1992.\n[11] R. Nova, L. Montrasio, \"Settlements of shallow foundations on sand:\nGeometric effects\", Geotechnique, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 49‐60, 1997.\n[12] G. Gottardi, G. T. Houlsby, \"Model tests of circular footings on sand\nsubjected to combined laods\", Department of Engineering Science,\nOxford University, Oxford, OUEL 2071/95, 1995.\n[13] R. Bovolenta, F. Schiaffino, R. Berardi, \"Sulla valutazione della stabilità\ndi fondazioni superficiali sottoposte a condizioni generali di carico\",\nFondazioni superficiali e profonde, 5th National conference of\ngeotechnical engineering researchers, Bari, 2006.\n[14] B.W. Byrne, G.T. Houlsby, \"Observations of footing behavior on loose\ncarbonate sands\", Géotechnique Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 463-466, 2001.\n[15] L. Govoni, S. Gouvernec, G. Gottardi,, \"Centrifuge modelling of\ncircular shallow foundations on sand\", International Journal of Physical\nModelling in Geotechnics, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 35–46, 2010.\n[16] G. Gottardi, R. Butterfield, \"On the bearing capacity of surface footings\non sand under general planar load\", Soils and Foundations, Vol. 33,\nNo.3, pp. 68–79, 1993.\n[17] L. Zdravkovic, , P.M. Ng, D.M. Potts, \"Bearing capacity of surface\nfoundations on sand subjected to combined loading\", Numerical\nmethods in geotechnical engineering, Mestat ed.,Presses de\nl'ENPC/LCPC, Paris, pp. 323-330, 2002."]}