12 results on '"S. Jednorog"'
Search Results
2. EFD-C(13)05/10 Fusion Yield measurements on JET and their Calibration
- Author
D.B. Syme, S. Popovichev, S. Conroy, I. Lengar, L. Snoj, C. Sowden, L. Giacomelli, G. Hermon, P. Allan, P. Macheta, D. Plummer, J. Stephens, P. Batistoni, R. Prokopowicz, S. Jednorog, M.R. Abhangi, R. Makwana, and JET EFDA contributors
- Abstract
The power output of fusion experiments and fusion reactor-like devices is measured in terms of the neutron yields which relate directly to the fusion yield. In this paper we describe the devices and methods used to make the new in-situ calibration of JET in April 2013 and its early results. The target accuracy of this calibration was 10%, just as in the earlier JET calibration and as required for ITER, where a precise neutron yield measurement is important, e.g. for tritium accountancy. We discuss the constraints and early decisions which defined the main calibration approach, e.g. the choice of source type and the deployment method. We describe the physics, source issues, safety and engineering aspects required to calibrate directly the Fission Chambers and the Activation System which carry the JET neutron calibration. In particular a direct calibration of the Activation system was planned for the first time in JET. We used the existing JET remote-handling system to deploy the 252Cf source and developed the compatible tooling and systems necessary to ensure safe and efficient deployment in these cases. The scientific programme has sought to better understand the limitations of the calibration, to optimize the measurements and other provisions, to provide corrections for perturbing factors (e.g. presence of the remote-handling boom and other non-standard torus conditions) and to ensure personnel safety and safe working conditions. Much of this work has been based on an extensive programme of Monte-Carlo calculations which e.g. revealed a potential contribution to the neutron yield via a direct line of sight through the ports which presents individually depending on the details of the port geometry.
- Published
- 2013
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3. Fast-Neutron Source Based on Plasma-Focus Device
- Author
M. Scholz, B. Bienkowska, M. Chernyshova, V. A. Gribkov, S. Jednorog, Z. Kalinowska, L. Karpinski, M. Paduch, R. Prokopowicz, A. Szydlowski, Hans-Jürgen Hartfuss, Michel Dudeck, Jozef Musielok, and Marek J. Sadowski
- Subjects
Nuclear physics ,Physics ,Neutron transport ,Dense plasma focus ,Neutron source ,Neutron ,Plasma diagnostics ,Neutron radiation ,Fusion power ,Neutron temperature ,Computational physics - Abstract
This paper describes investigations of neutrons produced by small plasma focus device PF-6 operating in the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland. Main parameters of neutron radiation have been measured by scintillation probe, and by activation technique. Current derivative probe has also been applied to measure dI/dt signal. Simultaneously neutron transport calculations have been carried out by Monte Carlo method. Finally, experimental measurements and numerical calculations have allowed concluding that plasma focus devices can be useful pulse neutron sources for different applications.
- Published
- 2008
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4. Overview of JET results
- Author
F. Romanelli, F. Laxaback, I. Abel, V. Afanesyev, G. Agarici, K. M. Aggarwal, M. Airila, R. Akers, T.h. Alarcon, A. Alexeev, A. Alfier, P. Allan, S. Almaviva, A. Alonso, M. Alonso, B. Alper, H. Altmann, D. Alves, V. Amosov, G. Anda, F. Andersson, E. Andersson Sund́en, V. Andreev, Y. Andrew, M. Angelone, M. Anghel, A. Anghel, C. Angioni, G. Apruzzese, N. Arcis, P. Arena, A. Argouarch, M. Ariola, A. Armitano, R. Armstrong, G. Arnoux, S. Arshad, G. Artaserse, J. F. Artaud, A. Ash, E. Asp, O. Asunta, C. V. Atanasiu, G. Atkins, M. D. Axton, C. Ayres, A. Baciero, V. Bailescu, B. Baiocchi, R. A. Baker, I. Balboa, C. Balorin, N. Balshaw, J. W. Banks, Y. F. Baranov, D. Barbier, I. L. Barlow, M. A. Barnard, R. Barnsley, L. Barrena, L. Barrera, M. Baruzzo, V. Basiuk, G. Bateman, P. Batistoni, N. Baumgarten, L. Baylor, B. Bazylev, P. S. Beaumont, K. Beausang, M. B́ecoulet, N. Bekris, M. Beldishevski, A. C. Bell, F. Belli, M. Bellinger, P. S. A. Belo, ́.E. Belonohy, P. E. Bennett, N. A. Benterman, G. Berger By, H. Bergsåker, H. Berk, J. Bernardo, B. Bertrand, M. N. A. Beurskens, B. Bieg, B. Bienkowska, T. Biewer, T. M. Biewer, M. Bigi, R. Bilato, J. Bird, J. Bizarro, T. R. Blackman, P. Blanchard, E. Blanco, J. Blum, V. Bobkov, A. Boboc, D. Boilson, I. Bolshakova, T. Bolzonella, L. Boncagni, G. Bonheure, X. Bonnin, D. Borba, A. Borthwick, A. Botrugno, C. Boulbe, F. Bouquey, C. Bourdelle, K. v. Bovert, M. Bowden, T. Boyce, H. J. Boyer, A. Bozhenkov, R. J. Brade, J. M. A. Bradshaw, J. Braet, V. Braic, G. C. Braithwaite, C. Brault, H. Braune, B. Breizman, S. Bremond, P. D. Brennan, A. Brett, J. Breue, S. Brezinsek, M. D. J. Bright, F. Briscoe, M. Brix, M. Brombin, B. C. Brown, D. P. D. Brown, A. Bruschi, J. Brzozowski, J. Bucalossi, M. A. Buckley, T. Budd, R. Budny, R. V. Budny, P. Bunting, P. Buratti, G. Burcea, P. R. Butcher, R. J. Buttery, R. Caç̃ao, G. Calabr`o, C. P. Callaghan, J. P. Caminade, P. G. Camp, D. C. Campling, J. Canik, B. Cannas, A. J. Capel, P. J. Card, A. Cardinali, T. Carlstrom, P. Carman, D. Carralero, L. Carraro, T. Carter, B. B. Carvalho, P. Carvalho, A. Casati, C. Castaldo, J. Caughman, R. Cavazzana, M. Cavinato, M. Cecconello, F. E. Cecil, A. Cenedese, C. Centioli, R. Cesario, C. D. Challis, M. Chandler, C. Chang, A. Chankin, I. T. Chapman, D. J. Child, P. Chiru, G. Chitarin, I. Chugonov, I. Chugunov, D. Ciric, F. Clairet, R. H. Clarke, R. Clay, M. Clever, J. P. Coad, P. A. Coates, V. Cocilovo, S. Coda, R. Coelho, J. Coenen, I. Coffey, L. Colas, M. Cole, S. Collins, S. Combs, J. Compan, J. E. Conboy, S. Conroy, N. Cook, S. P. Cook, D. Coombs, S. R. Cooper, Y. Corre, G. Corrigan, S. Cortes, D. Coster, G. F. Counsell, X. Courtois, M. Cox, T. Craciunescu, S. Cramp, F. Crisanti, O. Croft, K. Crombe, B. J. Crowley, N. Cruz, L. Cupido, M. Curuia, R. A. Cusack, A. Czarnecka, S. Dalley, E. T. Daly, A. Dalziel, D. Darrow, O. David, N. Davies, J. J. Davis, I. E. Day, C. Day, R. De Angelis, G. deArcas, M. 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Terrington, D. Testa, J. M. Theis, J. D. Thomas, P. D. Thomas, P. R. Thomas, V. K. Thompson, H. Thomsen, C. Thomser, A. Thyagaraja, P. A. Tigwell, I. Tiseanu, R. Tivey, J. M. Todd, T. N. Todd, M. Z. Tokar, S. Tosti, P. Trabuc, J. M. Travere, W. Treutterer, P. Trimble, A. Trkov, E. Trukhina, M. Tsalas, H. Tsige Tamirat, E. Tsitrone, D. Tskhakaya jun, O. Tudisco, S. Tugarinov, M. M. Turner, G. Turri, S. G. J. Tyrrell, N. Umeda, B. Unterberg, H. Urano, A. J. Urquhart, I. Uytdenhouwen, A. Vaccaro, A. P. Vadgama, G. Vagliasindi, D. Valcarcel, M. Valisa, J. Vallory, M. Valovic, D. Van Eester, B. van Milligen, G. J. van Rooij, C. A. F. Varandas, S. Vartanian, V. Vdovin, J. Vega, G. Verdoolaege, J. M. Verger, L. Vermare, C. Verona, T.h. Versloot, M. Vervier, J. Vicente, S. Villari, E. Villedieu, F. Villone, J. E. Vince, G. J. Vine, B. Viola, E. Vitale, R. Vitelli, M. Vlad, I. Voitsekhovitch, M. Vrancken, K. Vulliez, C. W. F. Waldon, M. Walker, M. J. Walsh, J. Waterhouse, M. L. Watkins, M. J. Watson, T. Wauters, M. W. Way, C. R. Webb, J. Weiland, H. Weisen, M. Weiszflog, R. Wenninger, A. T. West, J. M. Weulersse, B. Weyssow, M. R. Wheatley, A. D. Whiteford, A. M. Whitehead, A. G. Whitehurst, A. M. Widdowson, R. C. Wieggers, C. Wiegmann, S. Wiesen, A. Wilson, D. Wilson, D. J. Wilson, H. R. Wilson, M. Wischmeier, D. M. Witts, R. C. Wolf, J. Wolowski, P. Woscov, G. M. Wright, J. Wright, G. S. Xu, V. Yavorskij, V. Yerashok, J. Yorkshades, C. Young, D. Young, I. D. Young, X. Yuhong, L. Zabeo, A. Zabolotsky, L. Zaccarian, R. Zagorski, F. S. Zaitsev, S. Zajac, L. Zakharov, R. Zanino, V. Zaroschi, K. D. Zastrow, I. Zatz, B. Zefran, W. Zeidner, M. Zerbini, T. Zhang, Y. Zhu, E. Zilli, O. Zimmermann, V. Zoita, S. Zoletnik, W. Zwingman, JET EFDA Contributors, ALBANESE, Raffaele, AMBROSINO, GIUSEPPE, BELLIZIO, TERESA, CARANNANTE, GIUSEPPE, COCCORESE, VINCENZO, DE TOMMASI, GIANMARIA, MIANO, GIOVANNI, PIRONTI, ALFREDO, QUERCIA, ANTONIO, RUBINACCI, GUGLIELMO, J., Pamela, EMILIA R., Solano, AND JET EFDA, Contributor, J. M., Adam, G., Agarici, M., Agarici, H., Akhter, Albanese, Raffaele, Romanelli, F., Laxaback, F., Abel, I., Afanesyev, V., Agarici, G., Aggarwal, K. M., Airila, M., Akers, R., Alarcon, T. h., Alexeev, A., Alfier, A., Allan, P., Almaviva, S., Alonso, A., Alonso, M., Alper, B., Altmann, H., Alves, D., Ambrosino, Giuseppe, Amosov, V., Anda, G., Andersson, F., Andersson Sund́en, E., Andreev, V., Andrew, Y., Angelone, M., Anghel, M., Anghel, A., Angioni, C., Apruzzese, G., Arcis, N., Arena, P., Argouarch, A., Ariola, M., Armitano, A., Armstrong, R., Arnoux, G., Arshad, S., Artaserse, G., Artaud, J. F., Ash, A., Asp, E., Asunta, O., Atanasiu, C. V., Atkins, G., Axton, M. D., Ayres, C., Baciero, A., Bailescu, V., Baiocchi, B., Baker, R. A., Balboa, I., Balorin, C., Balshaw, N., Banks, J. W., Baranov, Y. F., Barbier, D., Barlow, I. L., Barnard, M. A., Barnsley, R., Barrena, L., Barrera, L., Baruzzo, M., Basiuk, V., Bateman, G., Batistoni, P., Baumgarten, N., Baylor, L., Bazylev, B., Beaumont, P. S., Beausang, K., B́ecoulet, M., Bekris, N., Beldishevski, M., Bell, A. C., Belli, F., Bellinger, M., Bellizio, Teresa, Belo, P. S. A., Belonohy, ́. E., Bennett, P. E., Benterman, N. A., Berger By, G., Bergsåker, H., Berk, H., Bernardo, J., Bertrand, B., Beurskens, M. N. A., Bieg, B., Bienkowska, B., Biewer, T., Biewer, T. M., Bigi, M., Bilato, R., Bird, J., Bizarro, J., Blackman, T. R., Blanchard, P., Blanco, E., Blum, J., Bobkov, V., Boboc, A., Boilson, D., Bolshakova, I., Bolzonella, T., Boncagni, L., Bonheure, G., Bonnin, X., Borba, D., Borthwick, A., Botrugno, A., Boulbe, C., Bouquey, F., Bourdelle, C., Bovert, K. v., Bowden, M., Boyce, T., Boyer, H. J., Bozhenkov, A., Brade, R. J., Bradshaw, J. M. A., Braet, J., Braic, V., Braithwaite, G. C., Brault, C., Braune, H., Breizman, B., Bremond, S., Brennan, P. D., Brett, A., Breue, J., Brezinsek, S., Bright, M. D. J., Briscoe, F., Brix, M., Brombin, M., Brown, B. C., Brown, D. P. D., Bruschi, A., Brzozowski, J., Bucalossi, J., Buckley, M. A., Budd, T., Budny, R., Budny, R. V., Bunting, P., Buratti, P., Burcea, G., Butcher, P. R., Buttery, R. J., Caç̃ao, R., Calabr`o, G., Callaghan, C. P., Caminade, J. P., Camp, P. G., Campling, D. C., Canik, J., Cannas, B., Capel, A. J., Carannante, Giuseppe, Card, P. J., Cardinali, A., Carlstrom, T., Carman, P., Carralero, D., Carraro, L., Carter, T., Carvalho, B. B., Carvalho, P., Casati, A., Castaldo, C., Caughman, J., Cavazzana, R., Cavinato, M., Cecconello, M., Cecil, F. E., Cenedese, A., Centioli, C., Cesario, R., Challis, C. D., Chandler, M., Chang, C., Chankin, A., Chapman, I. T., Child, D. J., Chiru, P., Chitarin, G., Chugonov, I., Chugunov, I., Ciric, D., Clairet, F., Clarke, R. H., Clay, R., Clever, M., Coad, J. P., Coates, P. A., Coccorese, Vincenzo, Cocilovo, V., Coda, S., Coelho, R., Coenen, J., Coffey, I., Colas, L., Cole, M., Collins, S., Combs, S., Compan, J., Conboy, J. E., Conroy, S., Cook, N., Cook, S. P., Coombs, D., Cooper, S. R., Corre, Y., Corrigan, G., Cortes, S., Coster, D., Counsell, G. F., Courtois, X., Cox, M., Craciunescu, T., Cramp, S., Crisanti, F., Croft, O., Crombe, K., Crowley, B. J., Cruz, N., Cupido, L., Curuia, M., Cusack, R. A., Czarnecka, A., Dalley, S., Daly, E. T., Dalziel, A., Darrow, D., David, O., Davies, N., Davis, J. J., Day, I. E., Day, C., De Angelis, R., Dearcas, G., de Baar, M. R., Delacal, E., de la Luna, E., de Pablos, J. L., De Temmerman, G., DE TOMMASI, Gianmaria, de Vries, P. C., Degli Agostini, F., Delabie, E., del Castillo Negrete, D., Delpech, L., Denisov, G., Denyer, A. J., Denyer, R. F., Devaux, S., Devynck, P., Di Matteo, L., Dipace, L., Dirken, P. J., Dnestrovskiy, A., Dodt, D., Dominiczak, K., Dorling, S. E., Douai, D., Down, A. P., Doyle, P. T., Drake, J. R., Dreischuh, T., Drozdov, V., Dumortier, P., Dunai, D., Duran, I., Durodíe, F., Dylst, K., Eaton, R., Edlington, T., Edwards, A. M., Edwards, D. T., Edwards, P. K., Eich, T. h., Ekedahl, A., Elevant, T., Elfimov, A., Ellingboe, B., Elsmore, C. G., Emmoth, B., Ericsson, G., Eriksson, L. G., Eriksson, A., Esposito, B., Esser, H. G., Estrada, T., Evangelidis, E. A., Evans, G. E., Ewart, G. D., Ewers, D. T., Falchetto, G., Falie, D., Fanthome, J. G. A., Farina, D., Farthing, J. W., Fasoli, A., Faugeras, B., Fedorczak, N., Felton, R. C., Fenzi, C., Fernandes, H., Ferreira, J. A., Ferreira, J., Ferron, J., Fessey, J. A., Figini, L., Figueiredo, A., Figueiredo, J., Finburg, P., Finken, K. H., Fischer, U., Fitzgerald, N., Flanagan, J., Fleming, C., Fonseca, A., Forbes, A. D., Ford, O., Formisano, A., Fraboulet, D., Francis, R. J., Frassinetti, L., Fresa, R., Friconneau, J. P., Frigione, D., Fuchs, J. C., Fullard, K., Fundamenski, W., Furno Palumbo, M., Gafert, J., Ǵal, K., Galṽao, R., Garavaglia, S., Garbet, X., Garcia, J., Gar cia Munoz, M., Gardner, W., Garibaldi, P., Garnier, D., Garzotti, L., Gatu Johnson, M., Gaudio, P., Gauthier, E., Gaze, J. W., Gear, D. F., Gedney, J., Gee, S. J., Gelfusa, M., Genangeli, E., Gerasimov, S., Geraud, A., Gerbaud, T., Gherendi, M., Ghirelli, N., Giacalone, J. C., Giacomelli, L., Gibson, C. S., Gil, C., Gilligan, S. J., Gimblett, C. G., Gin, D., Giovannozzi, E., Giroud, C., Giruzzi, G., Glowacz, S., Godwin, J., Goff, J. K., Gohil, P., Goloborod’Ko, V., Gonçalves, B., Goniche, M., Gonzales, S., Gonźalezde Vicente, S. M., Goodyear, A., Gorelenkov, N., Gorini, G., Goulding, R., Graham, B., Graham, D., Graham, M. E., Granucci, G., Graves, J., Green, N. R., Greuner, H., Grigore, E., Griph, F. S., Grisolia, C., Gros, G., Grossetti, G., Groth, M., Gr̈unhagen, S., Gryaznevich, M. P., Guirlet, R., Gulejova, B., Gunn, J., Gupta, A., Guzdar, P., Hacek, P., Hackett, L. J., Hacquin, S., Haist, B., Hakola, A., Hall, S. J., Hallworthcook, S. P., Hamilton, D. T., Han, H., Handley, R. C., Harding, S., Harling, J. D. W., Harting, D., Harvey, M. J., Haupt, T. D. V., Havlickova, E., Hawkes, N. C., Hawryluk, R., Hay, J. H., Hayashi, N., Haydon, P. W., Hayward, I. R., Hazel, S., Heesterman, P. J. L., Heidbrink, W., Heikkinen, J., Hellesen, C., Hellsten, T., Hemming, O. N., Hender, T. C., Henderson, M., Hennig, C., Hennion, V., Hidalgo, C., Higashijima, S., Hill, J. W., Hill, M., Hill, K., Hillairet, J., Hillis, D., Hirai, T., Hitchin, M., Hobirk, J., Hogan, C., Hogben, C. H. A., Hogeweij, G. M. D., Hollingham, I. C., Holyaka, R., Homfray, D. A., Honeyands, G., Hong, S. H., Hopf, C., Horn, B. A., Horton, A. R., Horton, L. D., Hotchin, S. P., Hough, M. R., Houlberg, W., Howell, D. F., Hron, M., Huber, A., Huddleston, T. M., Hudson, Z., Hughes, M., Ḧuhnerbein, M., Hume, C. C., Hunt, A. J., Hunter, C. L., Hutchinson, T. S., Huygen, S., Huysmans, G., Hyn̈onen, V., Ide, S., Igreja, R., Illescas, C., Imbeaux, F., Ivanova, D., Ivings, E., Jachmich, S., Jackson, G., Jacquet, P., Jakubowska, K., Jakubowski, M., James, P. V., Jaspers, R. J. E., Jednorog, S., Jenkins, I., Jennison, M. A. C., Jeskins, C., Jin Kwon, O., Joffrin, E., Johnson, M. F., Johnson, R., Johnson, T., Jolovic, D., Jonauskas, V., Jones, E. M., Jones, G., Jones, H. D., Jones, T. T. C., Jouvet, M., Juṕen, C., Kachtchouk, I., Kaczmarczyk, J., Kallenbach, A., K̈allne, J., Kalupin, D., Ḱalvin, S., Kamelander, G., Kamendje, R., Kappatou, A., Karttunen, S., Kasparek, W., Katramados, I., Kaufmann, M., Kaveney, G., Kaye, A. S., Kear, M. J., Keeling, D. L., Kelliher, D., Kempenaars, M., Khilar, P., Kidd, N. G., Kiisk, M., Kim, K. M., King, R. F., Kinna, D. J., Kiptily, V., Kirnev, G., Kirneva, N., Kirov, K., Kirschner, A., Kisielius, R., Kislov, D., Kiss, G., Kiviniemi, T., Kizane, G., Klein, A., Klix, A., Knaup, M., Kneuper, K., Kneupner, H., Knight, P. J., Knipe, S. J., Kocan, M., K̈ochl, F., Kocsis, G., Konz, C., Koppitz, T., Korotkov, A., Koslowski, H. R., Kotov, V., Kovari, M. D., Kovarik, K., Kramer, G., Krasilnikov, A., Krasilnikov, V., Kraus, S., Kreter, A., Krieger, K., Kritz, A., Krivchenkov, Y., Kruezi, U., Krychowiak, M., Krylov, S., Ksiazek, I., Kubic, M., Kuhn, S., K̈uhnlein, W., Kurki Suonio, T., Kurowski, A., Kuteev, B., Kuyanov, A., La Haye, R., Laan, M., Labate, C., Lachichi, A., Lam, N., Lang, P., Large, M. T., Lassiwe, I., Last, J. R., Lawson, K. D., Laxåback, M., Layne, R. A., Lazzaro, E., Leguern, F., Leblanc, B., Leggate, H. J., Lehnen, M., Leigheb, M., Lengar, I., Lennholm, M., Lerche, E., Lescure, C. N., Li, Y., Li Puma, A., Liang, Y., Likonen, J., Lin, Y., Linke, J., Linstead, S. A., Lipshultz, B., Litaudon, X., Litvak, A. G., Liu, Y., Loarer, T., Loarte, A., Lobel, R. C., Lomas, P. J., Long, F. D., L̈onnroth, J., Looker, D. J., Lopez, J., Lotte, P. h., Loughlin, M. J., Loving, A. B., Lowry, C., Luce, T., Lucock, R. M. A., Lukanitsa, A., Lungu, A. M., Lungu, C. P., Lyssoivan, A., Macheta, P., Mackenzie, A. S., Macrae, M., Maddaluno, G., Maddison, G. P., Madsen, J., Maget, P., Maggi, C., Maier, H., Mailloux, J., Makowski, M., Manning, C. J., Mansfield, M., Manso, M. E., Mantica, P., Mantsinen, M., Maraschek, M., Marchetto, C., Marchitti, M. A., Mardenfeld, M., Marechal, J. L., Marinelli, M., Marinoni, A., Marinucci, M., M̈arki, J., Marocco, D., Marren, C. A., Martin, D., Martin, D. L., Martin, G., Martin, Y., Mart́ın Soĺıs, J. R., Masaki, K., Masiello, A., Maslov, M., Maszl, C., Matilal, A., Mattei, M., Matthews, G. F., Maviglia, F., May, C. R., Mayer, M., Mayoral, M. L., Mazon, D., Mazzotta, C., Mazzucato, E., Mccarthy, P., Mcclements, K. G., Mccormick, K., Mccullen, P. A., Mccune, D., Mcdonald, D. C., Mcgregor, R., Mckivitt, J. P., Meakins, A., Medina, F., Meigs, A. G., Menard, M., Meneses, L., Menmuir, S., Merrigan, I. R., Mertens, P. h., Messiaen, A., Meyer, H., Miano, Giovanni, Miele, M., Migliucci, P., Miller, A. G., Mills, S. F., Milnes, J. J., Min Kim, K., Mindham, T., Mirizzi, F., Mirones, E., Mironov, M., Mitteau, R., Mlynar, J., Mollard, P., Monakhov, I., Monier Garbet, P., Mooney, R., Moradi, S., Moreau, D., Moreau, P. h., Moreira, L., Morgan, A., Morgan, P. D., Morlock, C., Moro, A., Morris, A. W., Mort, G. L., Mrozek, C., Mueck, A., M̈uller, H. W., Murakami, M., Murari, A., Mustata, I., Nabais, F., Nardon, E., Nash, G., Naulin, V., Nave, M. F. F., Nazikian, R., Nedzelski, I., Negus, C. R., Neilson, J. D., Neto, A., Neu, R., Neubauer, O., Newbert, G. J., Newman, M., Nicholls, K. J., Nicolai, A., Nicolas, L., Nieckchen, P., Nielsen, P., Nielsen, A. H., Nielsen, S. K., Nielson, G., Nieto, J., Nightingale, M. P. S., Noble, C., Nocente, M., Nora, M., Nordman, H., Norman, M., Noterdaeme, J. M., Nowak, S., Nunes, I., Ognissanto, F., O’Gorman, T., Olariu, S., Oleynikov, A., O’Mullane, M., Ongena, J., Orsitto, F., Oswuigwe, O. I., Ottaviani, M., Oyama, N., Pacella, D., Paget, K., Palazzo, S., Pamela, J., Pamela, S., Panek, R., Pangione, L., Panin, A., Panis, T. h., Pankin, A., Pantea, A., Parail, V., Parisot, T. h., Parkin, A., Parsloe, A., Parsons, B. T., Pasqualotto, R., Pastor, P., Paterson, R., Paul, M. K., Peach, D., Pearce, R. J. H., Pearson, B. J., Pearson, I. J., Pedrick, L. C., Pedrosa, M. A., Pegourie, B., Pereira, R., Perelli Cippo, E., Pereverzev, G., Perevezentsev, A., Perezvonthun, C. h., Pericoli Ridolfini, V., Perona, A., Perrot, Y., Peruzzo, S., Peschanyy, S., Petravich, G., Petrizzi, L., Petrov, V., Petrzilka, V., Philipps, V., Piazza, G., Piccolo, F., Pietropaolo, A., Pillon, M., Pinches, S. D., Pinna, T., Pintsuk, G., Piovesan, P., Pironti, Alfredo, Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Plaum, B., Plyusnin, V., Polasik, M., Poli, F. M., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O., Poncet, L., Pool, P. J., Popovichev, S., Porcelli, F., Porfiri, M. T., Portafaix, C., Pospieszczyk, A., Possnert, G., Prestopino, G., Prior, P., Prokopowicz, R., Proverbio, I., Pugno, R., Puiatti, M. E., Purahoo, K., Pustovitov, V., P̈utterich, T. h., P̈uttmann Kneupner, D., Quercia, Antonio, Rachlew, E., Rademaker, R., Rafiq, T., Rainford, M. S. J., Ramogida, G., Rantam̈aki, K., Rapp, J., Rasmussen, J. J., Ratt́a, G., Ravera, G., Reich, M., Reichle, R., Reiser, D., Reiss, R., Reiter, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Rewoldt, G., Ribeiro, T. T., Riccardo, V., Richards, D., Rigollet, F., Rimini, F. G., Rios, L., Riva, M., Roberts, J. E. C., Robins, R. J., Robinson, D. S., Robinson, S. A., Robson, D. W., Roche, H., R̈odig, M., Rodionov, N., Rohde, V., Rolfe, A., Romanelli, M., Romano, A., Romero, J., Ronchi, E., Rosanvallon, S., Roux, C. h., Rowe, S., Rubel, M., Rubinacci, Guglielmo, Ruchko, L., Ruiz, M., Ruset, C., Russell, M., Ruth, A., Ryc, L., Rydzy, A., Ryter, F., Rzadkiewicz, J., Saarelma, S., Sabathier, F., Sabot, R., Sadakov, S., Sagar, P., Saibene, G., Saille, A., Saint Laurent, F., Salmi, A., Salomaa, R., Salzedas, F., Samm, U., Sanchez, P., Sanders, S., Sanders, S. G., Sandford, G., Sandland, K., Sandquist, P., Sands, D. E. G., Santala, M. I. K., Sartori, F., Sartori, R., Sauter, O., Savelyev, A., Savtchkov, A., Scales, S. C., Scarabosio, A., Schaefer, N., Schlatter, C. h., Schmidt, V., Schmidt, A., Schmitz, O., Schmuck, S., Schneider, M., Scholz, M., Scḧopf, K., Schweer, B., Schweinzer, J., Scott, B., Seki, M., Semeraro, L., Semerok, A., Sergienko, G., Serra, F., Sertoli, M., Shannon, M. M. J., Sharapov, S. E., Shaw, S. R., Shevelev, A., Sievering, R., Silva, C. A., Simmons, P. A., Simonetto, A., Simpson, D., Sipila, S., Sips, A. C. C., Sirinelli, A., Sj̈ostrand, H., Skopintsev, D., K. S. l. a. b. k. o. w. s. k. a., Smith, P. G., Snipes, J., Snoj, L., Snyder, S., Soare, S., Solano, E. R., Soldatov, S., Soleto, A., Solomon, W., Soltane, C., Sonato, P., Sopplesa, A., Sorrentino, A., Sousa, J., Sowden, C. B. C., Sozzi, C., Sp̈ah, P., Spelzini, T., Spence, J., Spineanu, F., Spuig, P., Sẗabler, A., Stagg, R. D., Stamp, M. F., Stancalie, V., Stangeby, P., Stan Sion, C., Starkey, D. E., Stead, M. J., Stephen, A. V., Stevens, A. L., Stober, J., Stokes, R. B., Stork, D., Stoyanov, D., Strachan, J., Strand, P., Stransky, M., Strauss, D., Strintzi, D., Studholme, W., Suna, Y., Subba, F., Summers, H. P., Sun, Y., Surdu Bob, C., Surrey, E., Sutton, D. J., Svensson, J., Swain, D., Syme, B. D., Symonds, I. D., Szepesi, T., Szydlowski, A., Tabares, F., Takalo, V., Takenaga, H., Tala, T., Talbot, A. R., Taliercio, C., Tame, C., Tardini, G., Tardocchi, M., Taroni, L., Telesca, G., Terra, A., Terrington, A. O., Testa, D., Theis, J. M., Thomas, J. D., Thomas, P. D., Thomas, P. R., Thompson, V. K., Thomsen, H., Thomser, C., Thyagaraja, A., Tigwell, P. A., Tiseanu, I., Tivey, R., Todd, J. M., Todd, T. N., Tokar, M. Z., Tosti, S., Trabuc, P., Travere, J. M., Treutterer, W., Trimble, P., Trkov, A., Trukhina, E., Tsalas, M., Tsige Tamirat, H., Tsitrone, E., Tskhakaya jun, D., Tudisco, O., Tugarinov, S., Turner, M. M., Turri, G., Tyrrell, S. G. J., Umeda, N., Unterberg, B., Urano, H., Urquhart, A. J., Uytdenhouwen, I., Vaccaro, A., Vadgama, A. P., Vagliasindi, G., Valcarcel, D., Valisa, M., Vallory, J., Valovic, M., Van Eester, D., van Milligen, B., van Rooij, G. J., Varandas, C. A. F., Vartanian, S., Vdovin, V., Vega, J., Verdoolaege, G., Verger, J. M., Vermare, L., Verona, C., Versloot, T. h., Vervier, M., Vicente, J., Villari, S., Villedieu, E., Villone, F., Vince, J. E., Vine, G. J., Viola, B., Vitale, E., Vitelli, R., Vlad, M., Voitsekhovitch, I., Vrancken, M., Vulliez, K., Waldon, C. W. F., Walker, M., Walsh, M. J., Waterhouse, J., Watkins, M. L., Watson, M. J., Wauters, T., Way, M. W., Webb, C. R., Weiland, J., Weisen, H., Weiszflog, M., Wenninger, R., West, A. T., Weulersse, J. M., Weyssow, B., Wheatley, M. R., Whiteford, A. D., Whitehead, A. M., Whitehurst, A. G., Widdowson, A. M., Wieggers, R. C., Wiegmann, C., Wiesen, S., Wilson, A., Wilson, D., Wilson, D. J., Wilson, H. R., Wischmeier, M., Witts, D. M., Wolf, R. C., Wolowski, J., Woscov, P., Wright, G. M., Wright, J., G. S., Xu, Yavorskij, V., Yerashok, V., Yorkshades, J., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I. D., Yuhong, X., Zabeo, L., Zabolotsky, A., Zaccarian, L., Zagorski, R., Zaitsev, F. S., Zajac, S., Zakharov, L., Zanino, R., Zaroschi, V., Zastrow, K. D., Zatz, I., Zefran, B., Zeidner, W., Zerbini, M., Zhang, T., Zhu, Y., Zilli, E., Zimmermann, O., Zoita, V., Zoletnik, S., Zwingman, W., JET EFDA Contributors, Romanelli, F, Laxaback, M, Abel, I, Afanesyev, V, Agarici, G, Aggarwal, K, Airila, M, Akers, R, Alarcon, T, Albanese, R, Alexeev, A, Alfier, A, Allan, P, Almaviva, S, Alonso, A, Alonso, M, Alper, B, Altmann, H, Alves, D, Ambrosino, G, Amosov, V, Anda, G, Andersson, F, Andersson Sunden, E, Andreev, V, Andrew, Y, Angelone, M, Anghel, M, Anghel, A, Angioni, C, Apruzzese, G, Arcis, N, Arena, P, Argouarch, A, Ariola, M, Armitano, A, Armstrong, R, Arnoux, G, Arshad, S, Artaserse, G, Artaud, J, Ash, A, Asp, E, Asunta, O, Atanasiu, C, Atkins, G, Axton, M, Ayres, C, Baciero, A, Bailescu, V, Baiocchi, B, Baker, R, Balboa, I, Balorin, C, Balshaw, N, Banks, J, Baranov, Y, Barbier, D, Barlow, I, Barnard, M, Barnsley, R, Barrena, L, Barrera, L, Baruzzo, M, Basiuk, V, Bateman, G, Batiston, P, Baumgarten, N, Baylor, L, Bazylev, B, Beaumont, P, Beausang, K, Becoulet, M, Bekris, N, Beldishevski, M, Bell, A, Belli, F, Bellinger, M, Bellizio, T, Belo, P, Belonohy, E, Bennett, P, Benterman, N, Berger By, G, Bergsaker, H, Berk, H, Bernardo, J, Bertrand, B, Beurskens, M, Bieg, B, Bienkowska, B, Biewer, T, Bigi, M, Bilato, R, Bird, J, Bizarro, J, Blackman, T, Blanchard, P, Blanco, E, Blum, J, Bobkov, V, Boboc, A, Boilson, D, Bolshakova, I, Bolzonella, T, Boncagni, L, Bonheure, G, Bonnin, X, Borba, D, Borthwick, A, Botrugno, A, Boulbe, C, Bouquey, F, Bourdelle, C, Bovert, K, Bowden, M, Boyce, T, Boyer, H, Bozhenkov, A, Brade, R, Bradshaw, J, Braet, J, Braic, V, Braithwaite, G, Brault, C, Braune, H, Breizman, B, Bremond, S, Brennan, P, Brett, A, Breue, J, Brezinsek, S, Bright, M, Briscoe, F, Brix, M, Brombin, M, Brown, B, Brown, D, Bruschi, A, Brzozowski, J, Bucalossi, J, Buckley, M, Budd, T, Budny, R, Bunting, P, Buratti, P, Burcea, G, Butcher, P, Buttery, R, Cacao, R, Calabro, G, Callaghan, C, Caminade, J, Camp, P, Campling, D, Canik, J, Cannas, B, Capel, A, Carannante, G, Card, P, Cardinali, A, Carlstrom, T, Carman, P, Carralero, D, Carraro, L, Carter, T, Carvalho, B, Carvalho, P, Casati, A, Castaldo, C, Caughman, J, Cavazzana, R, Cavinato, M, Cecconello, M, Cecil, F, Cenedese, A, Centioli, C, Cesario, R, Challis, C, Chandler, M, Chang, C, Chankin, A, Chapman, I, Child, D, Chiru, P, Chitarin, G, Chugonov, I, Ciric, D, Clairet, F, Clarke, R, Clay, R, Clever, M, Coad, J, Coates, P, Coccorese, V, Cocilovo, V, Coda, S, Coelho, R, Coenen, J, Coffey, I, Colas, L, Cole, M, Collins, S, Combs, S, Compan, J, Conboy, J, Conroy, S, Cook, N, Cook, S, Coombs, D, Cooper, S, Corre, Y, Corrigan, G, Cortes, S, Coster, D, Counsell, G, Courtois, X, Cox, M, Craciunescu, T, Cramp, S, Crisanti, F, Croft, O, Crombe, K, Crowley, B, Cruz, N, Cupido, L, Curuia, M, Cusack, R, Czarnecka, A, Dalley, S, Daly, E, Dalziel, A, Darrow, D, David, O, Davies, N, Davis, J, Day, I, Day, C, De Angelis, R, de Arcas, G, de Baar, M, de la Cal, E, de la Luna, E, de Pablos, J, De Temmerman, G, De Tommasi, G, de Vries, P, Degli Agostini, F, Delabie, E, del Castillo Negrete, D, Delpech, L, Denisov, G, Denyer, A, Denyer, R, Devaux, S, Devynck, P, Di Matteo, L, Di Pace, L, Dirken, P, Dnestrovskiy, A, Dodt, D, Dominiczak, K, Dorling, S, Douai, D, Down, A, Doyle, P, Drake, J, Dreischuh, T, Drozdov, V, Dumortier, P, Dunai, D, Duran, I, Durodie, F, Dylst, K, Eaton, R, Edlington, T, Edwards, A, Edwards, D, Edwards, P, Eich, T, Ekedahl, A, Elevant, T, Elfimov, A, Ellingboe, B, Elsmore, C, Emmoth, B, Ericsson, G, Eriksson, L, Eriksson, A, Esposito, B, Esser, H, Estrada, T, Evangelidis, E, Evans, G, Ewart, G, Ewers, D, Falchetto, G, Falie, D, Fanthome, J, Farina, D, Farthing, J, Fasoli, A, Faugeras, B, Fedorczak, N, Felton, R, Fenzi, C, Fernandes, H, Ferreira, J, Ferron, J, Fessey, J, Figini, L, Figueiredo, A, Figueiredo, J, Finburg, P, Finken, K, Fischer, U, Fitzgerald, N, Flanagan, J, Fleming, C, Fonseca, A, Forbes, A, Ford, O, Formisano, A, Fraboulet, D, Francis, R, Frassinetti, L, Fresa, R, Friconneau, J, Frigione, D, Fuchs, J, Fullard, K, Fundamenski, W, Furno Palumbo, M, Gafert, J, Gal, K, Galvao, R, Garavaglia, S, Garbet, X, Garcia, J, Garcia Munoz, M, Gardner, W, Garibaldi, P, Garnier, D, Garzotti, L, Gatu Johnson, M, Gaudio, P, Gauthier, E, Gaze, J, Gear, D, Gedney, J, Gee, S, Gelfusa, M, Genangeli, E, Gerasimov, S, Geraud, A, Gerbaud, T, Gherendi, M, Ghirelli, N, Giacalone, J, Giacomelli, L, Gibson, C, Gil, C, Gilligan, S, Gimblett, C, Gin, D, Giovannozzi, E, Giroud, C, Giruzzi, G, Glowacz, S, Godwin, J, Goff, J, Gohil, P, Goloborod'Ko, V, Goncalves, B, Goniche, M, Gonzales, S, Gonzales de Vicente, S, Goodyear, A, Gorelenkov, N, Gorini, G, Goulding, R, Graham, B, Graham, D, Graham, M, Granucci, G, Graves, J, Green, N, Greuner, H, Grigore, E, Griph, F, Grisolia, C, Gros, G, Grossetti, G, Groth, M, Gruenhagen, S, Gryaznevich, M, Guirlet, R, Gulejova, B, Gunn, J, Gupta, A, Guzdar, P, Hacek, P, Hackett, L, Hacquin, S, Haist, B, Hakola, A, Hall, S, Hallworth Cook, S, Hamilton, D, Han, H, Handley, R, Harding, S, Harling, J, Harting, D, Harvey, M, Haupt, T, Havlickova, E, Hawkes, N, Hawryluk, R, Hay, J, Hayashi, N, Haydon, P, Hayward, I, Hazel, S, Heesterman, P, Heidbrink, W, Heikkinen, J, Hellesen, C, Hellsten, T, Hemming, O, Hender, T, Henderson, M, Hennig, C, Hennion, V, Hidalgo, C, Higashijima, S, Hill, J, Hill, M, Hill, K, Hillairet, J, Hillis, D, Hirai, T, Hitchin, M, Hobirk, J, Hogan, C, Hogben, C, Hogeweij, G, Hollingham, I, Holyaka, R, Homfray, D, Honeyands, G, Hong, S, Hopf, C, Horn, B, Horton, A, Horton, L, Hotchin, S, Hough, M, Houlberg, W, Howell, D, Hron, M, Huber, A, Huddleston, T, Hudson, Z, Hughes, M, Huehnerbein, M, Hume, C, Hunt, A, Hunter, C, Hutchinson, T, Huygen, S, Huysmans, G, Hynoenen, V, Ide, S, Igreja, R, Illescas, C, Imbeaux, F, Ivanova, D, Ivings, E, Jachmich, S, Jackson, G, Jacquet, P, Jakubowska, K, Jakubowski, M, James, P, Jaspers, R, Jednorog, S, Jenkins, I, Jennison, M, Jeskins, C, Jin Kwon, O, Joffrin, E, Johnson, M, Johnson, R, Johnson, T, Jolovic, D, Jonauskas, V, Jones, E, Jones, G, Jones, H, Jones, T, Jouvet, M, Jupen, C, Kachtchouk, I, Kaczmarczyk, J, Kallenbach, A, Kaellne, J, Kalupin, D, Kalvin, S, Kamelander, G, Kamendje, R, Kappatou, A, Karttunen, S, Kasparek, W, Katramados, I, Kaufmann, M, Kaveney, G, Kaye, A, Kear, M, Keeling, D, Kelliher, D, Kempenaars, M, Khilar, P, Kidd, N, Kiisk, M, Kim, K, King, R, Kinna, D, Kiptily, V, Kirnev, G, Kirneva, N, Kirov, K, Kirschner, A, Kisielius, R, Kislov, D, Kiss, G, Kiviniemi, T, Kizane, G, Klein, A, Klix, A, Knaup, M, Kneuper, K, Kneupner, H, Knight, P, Knipe, S, Kocan, M, Koechl, F, Kocsis, G, Konz, C, Koppitz, T, Korotkov, A, Koslowski, H, Kotov, V, Kovari, M, Kovarik, K, Kramer, G, Krasilnikov, A, Krasilnikov, V, Kraus, S, Kreter, A, Krieger, K, Kritz, A, Krivchenkov, Y, Kruezi, U, Krychowiak, M, Krylov, S, Ksiazek, I, Kubic, M, Kuhn, S, Kuehnlein, W, Kurki Suonio, T, Kurowski, A, Kuteev, B, Kuyanov, A, La Haye, R, Laan, M, Labate, C, Lachichi, A, Lam, N, Lang, P, Large, M, Lassiwe, I, Last, J, Lawson, K, Layne, R, Lazzaro, E, Le Guern, F, Leblanc, B, Leggate, H, Lehnen, M, Leigheb, M, Lengar, I, Lennholm, M, Lerche, E, Lescure, C, Li, Y, Li Puma, A, Liang, Y, Likonen, J, Lin, Y, Linke, J, Linstead, S, Lipshultz, B, Litaudon, X, Litvak, A, Liu, Y, Loarer, T, Loarte, A, Lobel, R, Lomas, P, Long, F, Loennroth, J, Looker, D, Lopez, J, Lotte, P, Loughlin, M, Loving, A, Lowry, C, Luce, T, Lucock, R, Lukanitsa, A, Lungu, A, Lungu, C, Lyssoivan, A, Macheta, P, Mackenzie, A, Macrae, M, Maddaluno, G, Maddison, G, Madsen, J, Maget, P, Maggi, C, Maier, H, Mailloux, J, Makowski, M, Manning, C, Mansfield, M, Manso, M, Mantica, P, Mantsinen, M, Maraschek, M, Marchetto, C, Marchitti, M, Mardenfeld, M, Marechal, J, Marinelli, M, Marinoni, A, Marinucci, M, Maerki, J, Marocco, D, Marren, C, Martin, D, Martin, G, Martin, Y, Martin Solis, J, Masaki, K, Masiello, A, Maslov, M, Maszl, C, Matilal, A, Mattei, M, Matthews, G, Maviglia, F, May, C, Mayer, M, Mayoral, M, Mazon, D, Mazzotta, C, Mazzucato, E, Mccarthy, P, Mcclements, K, Mccormick, K, Mccullen, P, Mccune, D, Mcdonald, D, Mcgregor, R, Mckivitt, J, Meakins, A, Medina, F, Meigs, A, Menard, M, Meneses, L, Menmuir, S, Merrigan, I, Mertens, P, Messiaen, A, Meyer, H, Miano, G, Miele, M, Migliucci, P, Miller, A, Mills, S, Milnes, J, Min Kim, K, Mindham, T, Mirizzi, F, Mirones, E, Mironov, M, Mitteau, R, Mlynar, J, Mollard, P, Monakhov, I, Monier Garbet, P, Mooney, R, Moradi, S, Moreau, D, Moreau, P, Moreira, L, Morgan, A, Morgan, P, Morlock, C, Moro, A, Morris, A, Mort, G, Mrozek, C, Mueck, A, Mueller, H, Murakami, M, Murari, A, Mustata, I, Nabais, F, Nardon, E, Nash, G, Naulin, V, Nave, M, Nazikian, R, Nedzelski, I, Negus, C, Neilson, J, Neto, A, Neu, R, Neubauer, O, Newbert, G, Newman, M, Nicholls, K, Nicolai, A, Nicolas, L, Nieckchen, P, Nielsen, P, Nielsen, A, Nielsen, S, Nielson, G, Nieto, J, Nightingale, M, Noble, C, Nocente, M, Nora, M, Nordman, H, Norman, M, Noterdaeme, J, Nowak, S, Nunes, I, Ognissanto, F, O'Gorman, T, Olariu, S, Oleynikov, A, O'Mullane, M, Ongena, J, Orsitto, F, Oswuigwe, O, Ottaviani, M, Oyama, N, Pacella, D, Paget, K, Palazzo, S, Pamela, J, Pamela, S, Panek, R, Pangione, L, Panin, A, Panis, T, Pankin, A, Pantea, A, Parail, V, Parisot, T, Parkin, A, Parsloe, A, Parsons, B, Pasqualotto, R, Pastor, P, Paterson, R, Paul, M, Peach, D, Pearce, R, Pearson, B, Pearson, I, Pedrick, L, Pedrosa, M, Pegourie, B, Pereira, R, Perelli Cippo, E, Pereverzev, G, Perevezentsev, A, Perez von Thun, C, Pericoli Ridolfini, V, Perona, A, Perrot, Y, Peruzzo, S, Peschanyy, S, Petravich, G, Petrizzi, L, Petrov, V, Petrzilka, V, Philipps, V, Piazza, G, Piccolo, F, Pietropaolo, A, Pillon, M, Pinches, S, Pinna, T, Pintsuk, G, Piovesan, P, Pironti, A, Pisano, F, Pitts, R, Plaum, B, Plyusnin, V, Polasik, M, Poli, F, Pomaro, N, Pompilian, O, Poncet, L, Pool, P, Popovichev, S, Porcelli, F, Porfiri, M, Portafaix, C, Pospieszczyk, A, Possnert, G, Prestopino, G, Prior, P, Prokopowicz, R, Proverbio, L, Pugno, R, Puiatti, M, Purahoo, K, Pustovitov, V, Puetterich, T, Puettmann Kneupner, D, Quercia, A, Rachlew, E, Rademaker, R, Rafiq, T, Rainford, M, Ramogida, G, Rantamaeki, K, Rapp, J, Rasmussen, J, Ratta, G, Ravera, G, Reich, M, Reichle, R, Reiser, D, Reiss, R, Reiter, D, Rendell, D, Reux, C, Rewoldt, G, Ribeiro, T, Riccardo, V, Richards, D, Rigollet, F, Rimini, F, Rios, L, Riva, M, Roberts, J, Robins, R, Robinson, D, Robinson, S, Robson, D, Roche, H, Roedig, M, Rodionov, N, Rohde, V, Rolfe, A, Romanelli, M, Romano, A, Romero, J, Ronchi, E, Rosanvallon, S, Roux, C, Rowe, S, Rubel, M, Rubinacci, G, Ruchko, L, Ruiz, M, Ruset, C, Russell, M, Ruth, A, Ryc, L, Rydzy, A, Ryter, F, Rzadkiewicz, J, Saarelma, S, Sabathier, F, Sabot, R, Sadakov, S, Sagar, P, Saibene, G, Saille, A, Saint Laurent, F, Salmi, A, Salomaa, R, Salzedas, F, Samm, U, Sanchez, P, Sanders, S, Sandford, G, Sandland, K, Sandquist, P, Sands, D, Santala, M, Sartori, F, Sartori, R, Sauter, O, Savelyev, A, Savtchkov, A, Scales, S, Scarabosio, A, Schaefer, N, Schlatter, C, Schmidt, V, Schmidt, A, Schmitz, O, Schmuck, S, Schneider, M, Scholz, M, Schoepf, K, Schweer, B, Schweinzer, J, Scott, B, Seki, M, Semeraro, L, Semerok, A, Sergienko, G, Serra, F, Sertoli, M, Shannon, M, Sharapov, S, Shaw, S, Shevelev, A, Sievering, R, Silva, C, Simmons, P, Simonetto, A, Simpson, D, Sipila, S, Sips, A, Sirinelli, A, Sjoestrand, H, Skopintsev, D, Slabkowska, K, Smith, P, Snipes, J, Snoj, L, Snyder, S, Soare, S, Solano, E, Soldatov, S, Soleto, A, Solomon, W, Soltane, C, Sonato, P, Sopplesa, A, Sorrentino, A, Sousa, J, Sowden, C, Sozzi, C, Spaeh, P, Spelzini, T, Spence, J, Spineanu, F, Spuig, P, Staebler, A, Stagg, R, Stamp, M, Stancalie, V, Stangeby, P, Stan Sion, C, Starkey, D, Stead, M, Stephen, A, Stevens, A, Stober, J, Stokes, R, Stork, D, Stoyanov, D, Strachan, J, Strand, P, Stransky, M, Strauss, D, Strintzi, D, Studholme, W, Su Na, Y, Subba, F, Summers, H, Sun, Y, Surdu Bob, C, Surrey, E, Sutton, D, Svensson, J, Swain, D, Syme, B, Symonds, I, Szepesi, T, Szydlowski, A, Tabares, F, Takalo, V, Takenaga, H, Tala, T, Talbot, A, Taliercio, C, Tame, C, Tardini, G, Tardocchi, M, Taroni, L, Telesca, G, Terra, A, Terrington, A, Testa, D, Theis, J, Thomas, J, Thomas, P, Thompson, V, Thomsen, H, Thomser, C, Thyagaraja, A, Tigwell, P, Tiseanu, I, Tivey, R, Todd, J, Todd, T, Tokar, M, Tosti, S, Trabuc, P, Travere, J, Treutterer, W, Trimble, P, Trkov, A, Trukhina, E, Tsalas, M, Tsige Tamirat, H, Tsitrone, E, Tskhakaya, D, Tudisco, O, Tugarinov, S, Turner, M, Turri, G, Tyrrell, S, Umeda, N, Unterberg, B, Urano, H, Urquhart, A, Uytdenhouwen, I, Vaccaro, A, Vadgama, A, Vagliasindi, G, Valcarcel, D, Valisa, M, Vallory, J, Valovic, M, Van Eester, D, van Milligen, B, van Rooij, G, Varandas, C, Vartanian, S, Vdovin, V, Vega, J, Verdoolaege, G, Verger, J, Vermare, L, Verona, C, Versloot, T, Vervier, M, Vicente, J, Villari, S, Villedieu, E, Villone, F, Vince, J, Vine, G, Viola, B, Vitale, E, Vitelli, R, Vlad, M, Voitsekhovitch, I, Vrancken, M, Vulliez, K, Waldon, C, Walker, M, Walsh, M, Waterhouse, J, Watkins, M, Watson, M, Wauters, T, Way, M, Webb, C, Weiland, J, Weisen, H, Weiszflog, M, Wenninger, R, West, A, Weulersse, J, Weyssow, B, Wheatley, M, Whiteford, A, Whitehead, A, Whitehurst, A, Widdowson, A, Wieggers, R, Wiegmann, C, Wiesen, S, Wilson, A, Wilson, D, Wilson, H, Wischmeier, M, Witts, D, Wolf, R, Wolowski, J, Woscov, P, Wright, G, Wright, J, Xu, G, Yavorskij, V, Yerashok, V, Yorkshades, J, Young, C, Young, D, Young, I, Yuhong, X, Zabeo, L, Zabolotsky, A, Zaccarian, L, Zagorski, R, Zaitsev, F, Zajac, S, Zakharov, L, Zanino, R, Zaroschi, V, Zastrow, K, Zatz, I, Zefran, B, Zeidner, W, Zerbini, M, Zhang, T, Zhu, Y, Zilli, E, Zimmermann, O, Zoita, V, Zoletnik, S, Zwingman, W, Correction Romanelli, F, Albanese, R., Ambrosino, G., Andersson Sundén, E., Bécoulet, M., Bellizio, T., Belonohy, É., Bovert, K. V., Cação, R., Calabró, G., Carannante, G., Coccorese, V., De Arcas, G., De Baar, M. R., De La Cal, E., De La Luna, E., De Pablos, J. L., De Tommasi, G., De Vries, P. C., Del Castillo Negrete, D., Di Pace, L., Durodié, F., Formisano, Alessandro, Gál, K., Galvão, R., Garcia Munoz, M., Goloborod'Ko, V., Gonçalves, B., González De Vicente, S. M., Grünhagen, S., Hallworth Cook, S. P., Hühnerbein, M., Hynönen, V., Jupén, C., Källne, J., Kálvin, S., Köchl, F., Kühnlein, W., Le Guern, F., Lönnroth, J., Märki, J., Martín Solís, J. R., Mattei, Massimiliano, Miano, G., Müller, H. W., O'Gorman, T., O'Mullane, M., Perez Von Thun, C. h., Pironti, A., Pütterich, T. h., Püttmann Kneupner, D., Quercia, A., Rantamäki, K., Rattá, G., Rödig, M., Rubinacci, G., Schöpf, K., Sjöstrand, H., Slabkowska, K., Späh, P., Stäbler, A., Su Na, Y., Tskhakaya Jun, D., Van Milligen, B., Van Rooij, G. J., Xu, G. S., Faculdade de Engenharia, Kamendjea, R., Alarcon, Th., Andersson-Sundén, E., Andrew, P. L., Argouach, A., Balbao, I., Berger-By, G., Bergkvist, T., Coutois, X., David, E., De-Angelis, R., Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., De-Tommasi, G., Deveaux, S., Eich, Th., Erents, S. K., Gatu-Johnson, M., Holmström, K., Kurki-Suonio, T., Lauro Taroni, L., Laxaback, M., Liu, Y. Q., Llewellyn Smith, C., Maviglia, A., Mertens, Ph., Monier-Garbet, P., Moreau, Ph., Norris, C., Noterdaeme, J. -M., Paméla, J., Panis, Th., Parisot, Th., Perez Von Thun, C., Perez Von Thun, Ch., Pericoli-Ridolfini, V., Phillips, V., Pütterich, Th., Püttmann-Kneupner, D., Roux, Ch., Saint-Laurent, F., Schlatter, Ch., Sundelin, P., Surdu-Bob, C., Hompson, V. K., Tsige-Tamirat, H., Tskhakaya, D., Uytdenhoven, I., Versloot, Th., Villedieux, E., Walden, A. D., Paméla, J, and Jet, C
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,52.55.Fa Tokamaks, spherical tokamak ,Materials science ,Tokamak ,Physics and Astronomy (all) ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Física [Ciências exactas e naturais] ,Cyclotron ,law.invention ,Bootstrap current ,Physical sciences [Natural sciences] ,law ,Physics::Plasma Physics ,ITER ,divertor ,FIS/03 - FISICA DELLA MATERIA ,Nuclear and High Energy Physic ,Jet (fluid) ,Safety factor ,Divertor ,52.50.Qt Plasma heating by radio-frequency field ,Settore FIS/01 - Fisica Sperimentale ,magnetic confinement ,Magnetic confinement fusion ,Física ,52.55.Rk Power exhaust ,JET, overview ,Settore FIS/07 - Fisica Applicata(Beni Culturali, Ambientali, Biol.e Medicin) ,Computational physics ,Physical sciences ,ICR, ICP, helicons ,___ ,JET ,Beta (plasma physics) ,Atomic physics ,tokamaks - Abstract
Since the last IAEA conference, the scientific programme of JET has focused on the qualification of the integrated operating scenarios for ITER and on physics issues essential for the consolidation of design choices and the efficient exploitation of ITER. Particular attention has been given to the characterization of the edge plasma, pedestal energy and edge localized modes (ELMs), and their impact on plasma facing components (PFCs). Various ELM mitigation techniques have been assessed for all ITER operating scenarios using active methods such as resonant magnetic field perturbation, rapid variation of the radial field and pellet pacing. In particular, the amplitude and frequency of type I ELMs have been actively controlled over a wide parameter range (q(95) = 3-4.8, beta(N)
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5. 14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors—phase 2: in-vessel calibration.
- Author
P. Batistoni, S. Popovichev, Z. Ghani, A. Cufar, L. Giacomelli, P. Hawkins, K. Keogh, S. Jednorog, E. Laszynska, S. Loreti, A. Peacock, M. Pillon, R. Price, A. Reed, D. Rigamonti, J. Stephens, J. Bielecki, S. Conroy, J. Dankowski, and V. Krasilnikov
- Subjects
NEUTRON counters ,NEUTRON generators ,NEUTRON emission ,COMPUTER simulation - Abstract
A new DT campaign (DTE2) is planned at JET in 2020 to minimize the risks of ITER operations. In view of DT operations, a calibration of the JET neutron monitors at 14 MeV neutron energy has been performed using a well calibrated 14 MeV neutron generator (NG) deployed, together with its power supply and control unit, inside the vacuum vessel by the JET remote handling system. The NG was equipped with two calibrated diamond detectors, which continuously monitored its neutron emission rate during the calibration, and activation foils which provided the time integrated yield. Cables embedded in the remote handling boom were used to power the neutron generator, the active detectors and pre-amplifier, and to transport the detectors’ signal. The monitoring activation foils were retrieved at the end of each day for decay γ-ray counting, and replaced by fresh ones. About 76 hours of irradiation, in 9 days, were needed with the neutron generator in 73 different poloidal and toroidal positions in order to calibrate the two neutron yield measuring systems available at JET, the
235 U fission chambers (KN1) and the inner activation system (KN2). The NG neutron emission rates provided by the monitoring detectors were in agreement within 3%. Neutronics calculations have been performed using MCNP code and a detailed model of JET to derive the response of the JET neutron detectors to DT plasma neutrons starting from the response to the NG neutrons, and taking into account the anisotropy of the neutron generator and all the calibration circumstances. These calculations have made use of a very detailed and validated geometrical description of the neutron generator and of the modified MNCP neutron source subroutine producing neutron energy-angle distribution for the neutrons emitted by the NG. The KN1 calibration factor for a DT plasma has been determined with ±4.2% experimental uncertainty. Corrections due to NG and remote handling effects and the plasma volume effect have been calculated by simulation modelling. The related additional uncertainties are difficult to estimate, however the results of the previous calibration in 2013 have demonstrated that such uncertainties due to modelling are globally ⩽ ±3%. It has been found that the difference between KN1 response to DD neutrons and that to DT neutrons is within the uncertainties in the derived responses. KN2 has been calibrated using the93 Nb(n,2n)92m Nb and27 Al(n,a)24 Na activation reactions (energy thresholds 10 MeV and 5 MeV, respectively). The total uncertainty on the calibration factors is ±6% for93 Nb(n,2n)92m Nb and ±8%27 Al(n,a)24 Na (1σ). The calibration factors of the two independent systems KN1 and KN2 will be validated during DT operations. The experience gained and the lessons learnt are presented and discussed in particular with regard to the 14 MeV neutron calibrations in ITER. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2018
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6. Activation of ITER materials in JET: nuclear characterisation experiments for the long-term irradiation station.
- Author
L.w. Packer, P. Batistoni, S.c. Bradnam, B. Colling, S. Conroy, Z. Ghani, M.r. Gilbert, S. Jednorog, E. Łaszyńska, D. Leichtle, I. Lengar, J.w. Mietelski, R. Misiak, C.r. Nobs, M. Pillon, S. Popovichev, V. Radulović, I.e. Stamatelatos, T. Vasilopoulou, and A. Wójcik-Gargula
- Subjects
NEUTRON irradiation ,NEUTRONS spectra ,DEUTERIUM spectra ,NUCLEAR reactions - Abstract
This paper details progress in experimental characterisation work at JET for the long-term irradiation station, conducted as part of a project to perform activation experiments using ITER materials. The aim is to take advantage of the significant 14 MeV neutron yield expected during JET operations to irradiate samples of materials that will be used in the manufacturing of ITER tokamak components, such as Nb
3 Sn, SS316L steels from a range of manufacturers, SS304B, Alloy 660, W, CuCrZr, OF–Cu, XM-19, Al bronze, NbTi and EUROFER. This paper presents an assessment of the nuclear environment at the relevant irradiation locations at JET, measured using a range of high purity dosimetry foils: Ti, Ni, Y, Fe, Co, Sc, and Ta, irradiated with fusion neutrons at JET over a period of 15 months. Experimental results are presented and compared to simulation predictions using a JET MCNP model coupled with the FISPACT-II inventory code. Comparisons are made for a total of 11 nuclear reactions using a range of nuclear data libraries in calculations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2018
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7. Neutron spectroscopy measurements of 14 MeV neutrons at unprecedented energy resolution and implications for deuterium–tritium fusion plasma diagnostics.
- Author
D Rigamonti, L Giacomelli, G Gorini, M Nocente, M Rebai, M Tardocchi, M Angelone, P Batistoni, A Cufar, Z Ghani, S Jednorog, A Klix, E Laszynska, S Loreti, M Pillon, S Popovichev, N Roberts, D Thomas, and Contributors, JET
- Subjects
NEUTRON spectroscopy ,DEUTERIUM compounds ,PLASMA diagnostics - Abstract
An accurate calibration of the JET neutron diagnostics with a 14 MeV neutron generator was performed in the first half of 2017 in order to provide a reliable measurement of the fusion power during the next JET deuterium–tritium (DT) campaign. In order to meet the target accuracy, the chosen neutron generator has been fully characterized at the Neutron Metrology Laboratory of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington, United Kingdom. The present paper describes the measurements of the neutron energy spectra obtained using a high-resolution single-crystal diamond detector (SCD). The measurements, together with a new neutron source routine ‘ad hoc’ developed for the MCNP code, allowed the complex features of the neutron energy spectra resulting from the mixed D/T beam ions interacting with the T/D target nuclei to be resolved for the first time. From the spectral analysis a quantitative estimation of the beam ion composition has been made. The unprecedented intrinsic energy resolution (<1% full width at half maximum (FWHM) at 14 MeV) of diamond detectors opens up new prospects for diagnosing DT plasmas, such as, for instance, the possibility to study non-classical slowing down of the beam ions by neutron spectroscopy on ITER. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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8. 14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors—phase 1: calibration and characterization of the neutron source.
- Author
P. Batistoni, S. Popovichev, A. Cufar, Z. Ghani, L. Giacomelli, S. Jednorog, A. Klix, S. Lilley, E. Laszynska, S. Loreti, L. Packer, A. Peacock, M. Pillon, R. Price, M. Rebai, D. Rigamonti, N. Roberts, M. Tardocchi, D. Thomas, and Contributors, Jet
- Subjects
CALIBRATION ,SPECTROMETERS ,NEUTRON counters ,FUSION reactors ,COMPUTED tomography - Abstract
In view of the planned DT operations at JET, a calibration of the JET neutron monitors at 14 MeV neutron energy is needed using a 14 MeV neutron generator deployed inside the vacuum vessel by the JET remote handling system. The target accuracy of this calibration is ±10% as also required by ITER, where a precise neutron yield measurement is important, e.g. for tritium accountancy. To achieve this accuracy, the 14 MeV neutron generator selected as the calibration source has been fully characterised and calibrated prior to the in-vessel calibration of the JET monitors. This paper describes the measurements performed using different types of neutron detectors, spectrometers, calibrated long counters and activation foils which allowed us to obtain the neutron emission rate and the anisotropy of the neutron generator, i.e. the neutron flux and energy spectrum dependence on emission angle, and to derive the absolute emission rate in 4π sr. The use of high resolution diamond spectrometers made it possible to resolve the complex features of the neutron energy spectra resulting from the mixed D/T beam ions reacting with the D/T nuclei present in the neutron generator target. As the neutron generator is not a stable neutron source, several monitoring detectors were attached to it by means of an ad hoc mechanical structure to continuously monitor the neutron emission rate during the in-vessel calibration. These monitoring detectors, two diamond diodes and activation foils, have been calibrated in terms of neutrons/counts within ±5% total uncertainty. A neutron source routine has been developed, able to produce the neutron spectra resulting from all possible reactions occurring with the D/T ions in the beam impinging on the Ti D/T target. The neutron energy spectra calculated by combining the source routine with a MCNP model of the neutron generator have been validated by the measurements. These numerical tools will be key in analysing the results from the in-vessel calibration and to derive the response of the JET neutron detectors to DT plasma neutrons starting from the response to the generator neutrons, and taking into account all the calibration circumstances. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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9. Integrated absolute full energy peak efficiency: A measure of photon registration efficiency.
- Author
Jednorog S, Klis B, and Szewczak K
- Abstract
Integrated absolute full energy peak efficiency (IAFEPE) is a measure of photon registration efficiency using the γ-ray spectrometry method. We have derived appropriate formulas and theoretical explanations of IAFEPE for the first time. IAFEPE is a definite integral (Riemann integral) of the photon registration efficiency function within the detection energy range. IAFEPE, along with associated quantities such as mass integrated absolute full energy peak efficiency and surface integrated absolute full energy peak efficiency, allows for the quantitative validation of measurement conditions., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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10. Dependence of photon registration efficiency on LaBr 3 (Ce) detector orientation for in situ radionuclide monitoring.
- Author
Modzelewski L, Jednorog S, Woloszczuk K, Krajewski P, Mazur L, Klis B, Baranowska Z, Jakubowska A, Norenberg M, Kawalec A, and Skrzynski W
- Abstract
Knowledge of a radiation detector's numerical characteristics allows its energy efficiency to be calibrated theoretically for any measurement geometry. Here, energy efficiency calibration is discussed for oriented LaBr
3 (Ce) detectors used for in situ radiation monitoring. Vertical and horizontal detector orientations relative to the ground surface are compared using efficiency calibrations based on the detector's numerical characteristics and are equally effective. Quantitative assessment of the different measurement geometries was performed using a new analytical approach: integrated absolute full energy peak efficiency., (Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier Ltd.)- Published
- 2021
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11. Radiation hazards in PF-1000 plasma generator fusion research (part 3).
- Author
Szewczak K and Jednorog S
- Abstract
Plasma experiments conducted on the PF-1000 device generate the release of neutrons and ionizing radiation that are the source of immediate exposure to personnel. Neutron activation of materials in the research device and the surroundings is a source of ongoing radiation exposure to the same personnel. Having reported on personnel exposure from ionizing radiation and neutron activation, we now aim to characterize exposure from direct neutron emission generated by the device, and describe the process of ensuring measurement accuracy.
- Published
- 2016
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12. The application of selected radionuclides for monitoring of the D-D reactions produced by dense plasma-focus device.
- Author
Jednorog S, Szydlowski A, Bienkowska B, and Prokopowicz R
- Abstract
The dense plasma focus (DPF) device-DPF-1000U which is operated at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion is the largest that type plasma experiment in the world. The plasma that is formed in large plasma experiments is characterized by vast numbers of parameters. All of them need to be monitored. A neutron activation method occupies a high position among others plasma diagnostic methods. The above method is off-line, remote, and an integrated one. The plasma which has enough temperature to bring about nuclear fusion reactions is always a strong source of neutrons that leave the reactions area and take along energy and important information on plasma parameters and properties as well. Silver as activated material is used as an effective way of neutrons measurement, especially when they are emitted in the form of short pulses like as it happens from the plasma produced in Dense Plasma-Focus devices. Other elements such as beryllium and yttrium are newly introduced and currently tested at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion to use them in suitable activation neutron detectors. Some specially designed massive indium samples have been recently adopted for angular neutrons distribution measurements (vertical and horizontal) and have been used in the recent plasma experiment conducted on the DPF-1000U device. This choice was substantiated by relatively long half-lives of the neutron induced isotopes and the threshold character of the
115 In(n,n')115m In nuclear reaction.- Published
- 2014
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