Introduction: Despite the increasing interest in vitamin D functions, new cases of deficiency have been reported in sunny regions where optimal levels are expected. The aim of this study was to analyze 25-hydroxivitamin D levels in children younger than 2 years admitted for acute mild diseases in a tertiary hospital in Valencia and its relationship with factors that can be associated with its deficiency. Methods: This one year prospective and observational study was conducted on 169 children admitted for acute mild diseases. 25-Hydroxivitamin D levels were analyzed. A standardized physical examination and structured interviews to the parents were performed. Children were classified into two groups, according to 25-hydroxivitamin D levels (cut-off 30 ng/mL). Results: A total of 169 children were included, with a median age of 9 months, being more prevalent Caucasians (75.7%) and younger than one year old (79.3%). Almost one quarter (24.3%) of the children had 25-hydroxivitamin D levels 30 ng/mL were associated with vitamin D prophylaxis during the first year, in children of a Caucasian mother, and those who did not wear a hijab. No statistical differences were found in diet characteristics (P = .65). Prophylaxis was given to 47% of the breastfed children younger than one year. Conclusions: In Valencia, Spain, 25-hydroxivitamin D levels lower than 30 ng/mL were found in a quarter of the children younger than two years. Our results emphasize the importance of vitamin D prophylaxis during the first year of life, even in sunny Mediterranean regions. Resumen: Introducción: A pesar del creciente interés por las funciones de la vitamina D, siguen documentándose casos deficitarios en regiones soleadas donde se presuponen niveles adecuados. El objetivo del estudio es determinar los niveles de 25-hidroxivitamina D en menores de 2 años ingresados en un hospital terciario de Valencia por enfermedades agudas leves y su relación con factores que puedan estar asociados con su deficiencia. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo y descriptivo de un año de duración en niños, entre uno y 24 meses, ingresados por enfermedades agudas leves. Se han estudiado los niveles de 25-hidroxivitamina D, junto con una anamnesis y exploración clínica estructuradas. Se dividió la muestra en 2 grupos, dependiendo de los niveles de vitamina D (punto de corte 30 ng/ml). Resultados: Se estudiaron 169 niños, edad media de 9 meses, predominio etnia caucásica (75,7%) y menores de un año (79,3%). El 24,3% de los niños presentaba valores 30 ng/ml fueron: administración de profilaxis, ser hijo de madre caucásica y que no usara hiyab. No existieron diferencias en el tipo de lactancia recibida (p = 0,65). Solamente al 47% de los menores de un año amamantados se administró profilaxis. Conclusiones: En Valencia, a pesar de la radiación solar suficiente, un cuarto de los niños