Bursaphelenchus anamurius sp. n. isolated from wilted Turkish pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) wood isdescribed. The new species shares several characters with the hofmanni-group sensu Braasch (2001). It is characterisedby a body length of 633 (540-749) and 744 (638-867) for males and females,respectively, stout body (a = 29 in male and 27in female), stylet 14 long in both males and females, lateral field with three lines, length of postuterine branch one-third to one-half of the vulva to anusdistance, conoid female tail (c = 3.4) with a finely rounded or pointed terminus, very delicate andrelatively straight spicules 10 (9-11) m long with compact capitulum, broad, not distinctly offsetcondylus and strong rostrum with a more or less rounded tip lacking a cucullus, shovel-shaped bursaand the presence of seven caudal papillae. Bursaphelenchus anamurius sp. n. differs from other species of the hofmanni-group mainly by having smaller, unusually shaped spicules, shorter condylus andno cucullus. The new species can be differentiated from other Bursaphelenchus species morphologically and by means of ITS-RFLP patterns, particularly by digestion of the PCR product with RsaI, HaeIII, MspI, HinfI and AluI. © 2007 Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu, TÜBITAK S. Akbulut et al. extracted from a bee and from wood of P. nigra Arnold, P. sylvestris L. and P. pinaster Aiton. Bursaphelenchus ana- murius sp. n. was isolated from wood of P. brutia collected in Anamur-Mersin and Bergama- ? Izmir in 2005. This is the first report of an association of a Bursaphelenchus species with P. brutia in Turkey. In Greece, B. hellenicus Skar- moutsos, Braasch & Michalopoulou, 1998, B. leoni Bau- jard, 1980, B. sexdentati Rühm, 1960, and B. teratospic- ularis Kakuliya & Devdariani, 1965, were isolated from wood of P. brutia (Skarmoutsos et al. , 1998; Skarmoutsos & Skarmoutsos, 1999). Philis and Braasch (1996) found B. leoni in P. brutia in Cyprus. Further investigations are necessary to find its vector and to establish its biology and distribution. Acknowledgements This project (TOVAG-3271) was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). The authors kindly thank Prof. Marc J. Linit (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA) for his review of the manuscript. References A KBULUT , S., V IEIRA , P., R YSS , A., Y ÜKSEL , B., K ETEN , A., M OTA , M. & V ALADAS , V. (2006). Preliminary survey of the pinewood nematode in Turkey. EPPO Bulletin 36, 538- 542. A MBROGIONI , L. & P ALMISANO , A.M. (1998). Description of Bursaphelenchus tusciae sp. n. from Pinus pinea in Italy. Nematologia Mediterranea 26, 243-254. B AUJARD , P. (1980). Trois nouvelles espèces de Bursaphelen- chus (Nematoda: Tylenchida) et remarques sur le genre. Re- vue de Nématologie 3, 167-177. B IRLER , A.S. (1995). [Importance of industrial plantations for protection of forests.] Tema Publishing No. 8, Second Edition, ? 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