24 results on '"SÁNDOR, CS."'
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2. Collective Transport for Active Matter Run and Tumble Disk Systems on a Traveling Wave Substrate
- Author
Sándor, Cs., Libál, A., Reichhardt, C., and Reichhardt, C. J. Olson
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Soft Condensed Matter ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We numerically examine the transport of an assembly of active run-and-tumble disks interacting with a traveling wave substrate. We show that as a function of substrate strength, wave speed, disk activity, and disk density, a variety of dynamical phases arise that are correlated with the structure and net flux of disks. We find that there is a sharp transition into a state where the disks are only partially coupled to the substrate and form a phase separated cluster state. This transition is associated with a drop in the net disk flux and can occur as a function of the substrate speed, maximum substrate force, disk run time, and disk density. Since variation of the disk activity parameters produces different disk drift rates for a fixed traveling wave speed on the substrate, the system we consider could be used as an efficient method for active matter species separation. Within the cluster phase, we find that in some regimes the motion of the cluster center of mass is in the opposite direction to that of the traveling wave, while when the maximum substrate force is increased, the cluster drifts in the direction of the traveling wave. This suggests that swarming or clustering motion can serve as a method by which an active system can collectively move against an external drift., Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2016
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3. Dynamic Phases of Active Matter Systems with Quenched Disorder
- Author
Sándor, Cs., Libál, A., Reichhardt, C., and Reichhardt, C. J. Olson
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Soft Condensed Matter ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
Depinning and nonequilibrium transitions within sliding states in systems driven over quenched disorder arise across a wide spectrum of size scales ranging from atomic friction at the nanoscale, flux motion in type-II superconductors at the mesoscale, colloidal motion in disordered media at the microscale, and plate tectonics at geological length scales. Here we show that active matter or self-propelled particles interacting with quenched disorder under an external drive represents a new class of system that can also exhibit pinning-depinning phenomena, plastic flow phases, and nonequilibrium sliding transitions that are correlated with distinct morphologies and velocity-force curve signatures. When interactions with the substrate are strong, a homogeneous pinned liquid phase forms that depins plastically into a uniform disordered phase and then dynamically transitions first into a moving stripe coexisting with a pinned liquid and then into a moving phase separated state at higher drives. We numerically map the resulting dynamical phase diagrams as a function of external drive, substrate interaction strength, and self-propulsion correlation length. These phases can be observed for active matter moving through random disorder. Our results indicate that intrinsically nonequilibrium systems can exhibit additional nonequilibrium transitions when subjected to an external drive., Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
- Published
- 2016
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4. Dewetting and Spreading Transitions for Active Matter on Random Pinning Substrates
- Author
Sándor, Cs., Libál, A., Reichhardt, C., and Reichhardt, C. J. Olson
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Soft Condensed Matter ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We show that sterically interacting self-propelled disks in the presence of random pinning substrates exhibit transitions among a variety of different states. In particular, from a phase separated cluster state, the disks can spread out and homogeneously cover the substrate in what can be viewed as an example of an active matter wetting transition. We map the location of this transition as a function of activity, disk density, and substrate strength, and we also identify other phases including a cluster state, coexistence between a cluster and a labyrinth wetted phase, and a pinned liquid. These phases can be identified using the cluster size, which dips at the wetting-dewetting transition, and the fraction of sixfold coordinated particles, which drops when dewetting occurs., Comment: 5 pages, 5 png figures
- Published
- 2016
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5. Generalizations of some results about the regularity properties of an additive representation function
- Author
Kiss, S. Z. and Sándor, Cs.
- Published
- 2019
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6. On generalized Stanley sequences
- Author
Kiss, S. Z., Sándor, Cs., and Yang, Q.-H.
- Published
- 2018
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7. Géza : Gyevicsa nagyúr
- Author
Sándor Cs. Szabó and Sándor Cs. Szabó
- Abstract
Kilencszázötvenöt. A véres vereséggel és Bulcsú horka halálával végződő augsburgi csata után hazatérő Taksony vezér kétségbeesetten próbálja megerősíteni a nyugati gyepűt. Szerencsére I. Ottó nem támad a hétmagyarok úrságára, így Taksony lélegzetvételnyi időhöz jut.Sorai rendezése után az első dolga az, hogy a nemzetségek támogatását megszerezve erővel átveszi a meggyengült Fajsztól a nagyúri címet, és nekilát megszilárdítani hatalmát, felismerve, hogy az egységes német királyság, az új erőre kapó Bizánci Császárság és a keleten felemelkedő Rusz állam harapófogójában nincs már helye az addig folytatott törzsi-nemzetségi külpolitikának és megosztottságának.Taksony három utódra hagyhatja örökét: Tarkacsu leszármazottjára, a fiává fogadott Tar Szöréndre, illetve saját két fiára, Gyevicsára és Bélára. Tar Szöréndet mind származása, mind személye alkalmassá tenné a nagyúri címre… ám a mocsári láz egyszerre dönti le a lábáról Taksonyt és Tar Szöréndet, épp amikor megérkezik a Kijevi Rusz követsége, és valakinek a nagyúr helyébe kell lépnie. Mivel Béla még gyerek, ez a valaki nem lehet más, mint Gyevicsa…Cs. Szabó Sándor az Árpád-ház honfoglalás és államalapítás kori történetét feldolgozó, hatkötetes regényfolyamának utolsó, a történelmi kronológiát tekintve negyedik kötete Géza fejedelem és vele párhuzamosan felesége, az erdélyi Zombor gyula kisebbik lánya, Sarolt életét dolgozza fel. A szerző a két főszereplő alakjára koncentrálva rendkívül érzékletesen mutatja be a formálódó Magyar Királyság külpolitikai helyzetét, a belső hatalom központosításának fájdalmas folyamatát, a latin és bizánci kereszténység felvételének állomásait és ellentmondásait.
- Published
- 2024
8. Árpád fiai
- Author
Sándor Cs. Szabó and Sándor Cs. Szabó
- Abstract
A szerző legújabb regénye a honfoglalás utáni fél évszázad történetét dolgozza fel, amelyet a történelemkönyvek általában a „kalandozások korának” szoktak meghatározni. Azonban ahogyan az Árpád fiaiból is kiderül, ez az elnevezés meglehetősen leegyszerűsítő.A honfoglalást követően egy erős pusztai törzsszövetségre várt az új otthon teljes meghódítása és megőrzése a szinte minden irányból várható fenyegetésekkel szemben. Nyugaton a különböző német királyságok, a formálódó Német-római Birodalom csírái, keleten a besenyők, délen és délkeleten a bolgárok és a Keletrómai Birodalom válhatott évről évre, évtizedről évtizedre szövetségessé vagy ellenséggé.Árpád halála egyben a magyar törzsszövetség új rendjének, a vezéri hatalom vérségi alapon történő öröklésének első próbatétele is volt. A honfoglaló vezér fiai azonban kellő erővel, elszántsággal és tehetséggel léptek apjuk örökébe – és talán ennek köszönhető, hogy a magyar nép fennmaradt.Cs. Szabó Sándor regénye a korabeli forrásokat aprólékosan feldolgozva, rendkívül olvasmányos formában állít emléket államalapítónk, Géza fejedelem és az I. István korát megelőző sorsdöntő fél évszázadnak.
- Published
- 2023
9. Tíz lövő, tíz asszony
- Author
Sándor Cs. Szabó and Sándor Cs. Szabó
- Abstract
Valahol a távoli Itáliában, Szalárd vezér győztesen hazatérő seregétől leszakadva keresi a hazautat tíz lövő. Egy névtelen Duna menti kis szálláson várják őket asszonyaik, gyerekeik. A szokásoknak megfelelően a család feje, Tege vezeti a tizedet, míg felesége, Szente asszony felel az otthon maradottakért: asszonyokért, gyerekekért, a lövőséghez már túl öreg, vagy még túl fiatal férfiakért.A család mindkét fele halálos veszélybe kerül, az otthon maradókra erőszakkal rákényszeríti magát egy fekete kabar tized, a lövők pedig túlerőbe ütköznek, miközben igyekeznek utolérni a fősereget.És ahogyan az a legjobb családokban is megtörténhet, az irigység, a nagyravágyás nyomán a külső és belső ellentétek ugyanúgy veszélyeztetik mindkét közösség létét.Valaki megcsonkítja Szente asszony szellemfáját, rontást hozva a falura.Valaki csak azt lesi, mikor léphet az öreg Tege helyébe.Valakit máshoz húz a szíve, mint akit az élet neki rendelt, és nem tud ellenállni a kísértésnek.Valaki nem tér haza a harcból.Valakit nem vár már otthon az, akihez hazavágyott.
- Published
- 2023
10. Árpád
- Author
Sándor Cs. Szabó and Sándor Cs. Szabó
- Abstract
A IX. század második felében az Etelközben szállásoló hétmagyarok egyre több portyát indítanak a Havasokon (Kárpátokon) túli területekre. Kapcsolatba kerülnek a morva Szvatoplukkal, a nyémec Arnulf királlyal és a bolgár Simeon cárral. A törzsek egy része, főként a csodafiú szarvas erejét hordozó Kurszán vezette megyer és a turulforma madár erejét hordozó Álmos vezette tarján megerősödik, mások, mint a kér és a keszi meggyengülnek.Álmos nagyúrnak két fia születik Kurszán testvérétől, Madjarkától: Levente és Árpád. Az idősebb fivérben megtestesül mindaz, ami egy tarján törzsbéli harcost naggyá tesz: erős, a csatában bátor és szerencsés. Öccse, Árpád gyengébb, de megfontoltabb és nagyanyja, Emese benne érzi meg a turulforma madár erejét.Árpád már felnőtt férfi, amikor Kurszán a Havasok déli sóhegyeinek elfoglalására vezeti megyer színe-javát. Bátyja, Levente a bolgároktól elszenvedett vereség után eltűnik. Apja, Álmos északra vonul tarján harcosaival, hogy tárgyaljon vagy megharcoljon Kijív úr uraival. Ekkor érkezik a hír, hogy kelet felől a besenyők ismét áttörték a hétmagyar gyepűjét. Árpádra hárul a feladat, hogy az otthon maradt törzseket összefogja és harcba vagy biztonságba vezesse…Cs. Szabó Sándor egyedi hangvételű, lebilincselő regénye Kurszán, Levente és Árpád alakjára összpontosítva fest nagyívű, mégis aprólékos képet a honfoglaló magyarság történetének legmeghatározóbb eseményeiről, mindennapjairól és hitvilágáról.
- Published
- 2022
11. Álmos : A vér szerződése
- Author
Sándor Cs. Szabó and Sándor Cs. Szabó
- Abstract
A IX. század közepén a hét magyar törzs laza szövetségben él a Don és a Volga folyók között. Egy emberöltőnyi ideje őrzik a Kazár Birodalom nyugati és déli gyepűjét. Egy emberöltő azonban hosszú idő, a nemzetségek gyarapodnak, a törzsek közötti gyepűk egyre szűkülnek, új legelőkre, új földekre lenne szükség, azonban a kazár kagán nem engedi, hogy nyugatra terjeszkedjenek. Ugyanakkor észak felől a besenyők egyre nagyobb nyomást gyakorolnak a hétmagyar határaira.Az idős Levedit, a megyer törzs szent vezérét – ki a csodafiú szarvas erejét hordozza magában, ám életben maradt fiú utód nélkül közeledik élete végéhez – magához rendeli a kazár kagánbég. A vezért kánná emelve szorosabbra akarja fűzni a szövetséget a magyar törzsekkel; a szövetséget, amely már nemcsak viszonylagos biztonságot nyújt a magyaroknak, hanem korlátok közé is szorítja őket. Levedi elutazásával egy időben az ifjú Álmos, Ügyeknek, a tarján vezérének, és Emesének, a látóasszonynak a fia nyugat felé indul, hogy századával beszedje a folyó menti és erdőlakó népek béradóját. Mire hazatér, a magyar törzsek között vérharag tör ki és egymás ellen fordulnak. Emese, ki a turulforma madár áldását hordozza magán, sorsdöntő lépésre határozza el magát…Cs. Szabó Sándor egyedi hangvételű, lebilincselő regénye Levedi, Emese és Álmos alakjára összpontosítva fest nagy ívű, mégis aprólékos képet a honfoglaló magyarság történetének egyik legmeghatározóbb eseményéről, mindennapjairól és hitvilágáról.
- Published
- 2021
12. Koppány fiai
- Author
Sándor Cs. Szabó and Sándor Cs. Szabó
- Abstract
Magyarország, 997Koppány az ősi törvényt támogató seregek élén vereséget szenved Veszprém alatt Vajk seregétől, és maga is elesik a harcban. A csata előtt azonban rábízza az öreg Gecse bőre a nála nevelkedő Vászolyt, Béla nagyúr fiát, aki Vajkot követi az árpádfiak örökösödési sorában, illetve a felesége és az ágyasa méhében megfogant két, meg nem született gyermekét.Gecse Somogy mélyén rejtőzik el a két várandós asszonnyal és két hű szolgájával. Csurgón fogadják be őket, ott élik álnéven életüket. Mindkét asszony, a feleség és az ágyas is fiút hoz világra, Árpád vére tovább erősödik.Miközben az immár István néven, királyként uralkodó Vajk hatalma megszilárdul, Koppány fiai felcseperednek. A Somogyba érkező hírek szerint István megbecsüli azokat a főket, akik a pártjára térnek, ezért a lassan férfikorba lépő Vászoly csatlakozik az uralkodó udvartartásához.Koppány feleségének, Jóleánnak a fiára, Berzencére – akinek a létezéséről és kilétéről csak legszűkebb környezete tud – más utat rónak az égiek: a fekete magyarok ura, Ajtony seregébe áll, és részt vesz a korábban szövetséges bolgárok elleni hadjáratban. Az ágyas, Manga fia, elégedett a csurgói életével. Férfivá érve családot alapít, gyerekei születnek, megtanul a latinok betűivel írni. Egy napon azonban megjelenik nála az ősöreg tudományos, aki Vászoly után küldi…Cs. Szabó Sándor a nagy sikerű Koppány folytatásában egyedülálló módon mutatja be a megszilárduló keresztény magyar királyság mindennapjait. A fordulatokban gazdag, izgalmas történet szinte tapintható közelségbe hozza a XI. századi magyarság életének változásait, a keresztény kultúra térnyerését, a pusztáról hozott ősi szokások makacs továbbélését.
- Published
- 2020
13. Koppány : A lázadó vezér
- Author
Sándor Cs. Szabó and Sándor Cs. Szabó
- Abstract
Magyarország, 973Koppány, a hétmagyarok nagyurának unokaöccse és leendő utódja mindössze tizenegy éves, amikor a megkeresztelkedését követő napon apját, Tar Szöréndet, a nagyúr bátyját egy kisebb csetepatéban megölik. Koppány szinte gyerekként lép atyja örökébe: Somogy ura lesz, és az öreg táltos, Turda, illetve fiatal hadnagya, Ravasz támogatásával sajátítja el mindazt, amit egy árpád törzsbéli vezérnek tudnia kell háborúról és békéről, emberekről és szellemekről egyaránt.Tíz évvel később már hadat vezet Gyevicsa nagyúr parancsára Mölk ellen, majd apja és a nagyúr öccsének, Bélának a halála után rá hárul Béla fiának, a kis Vászolynak, a majd utána következő nagyúrnak nevelése is. Miközben Koppány férfivá érik, egyre több változás történik a magyar törzsek országában: a nyugati gyepűt német telepesek özönlik el, Gyevicsa nagyúr udvarában egyre több a latin pap és német lovag, fia, Vajk, bajor feleséget vesz maga mellé. Változik a világ, és nem mindenki szerint jobbra: sokan panaszkodnak, hogy „Gyevicsa nagyúr kemény a népeivel és lágy az idegenekkel”.És végül eljön a nap, amelyen a nagyúr megesketi a törzsek vezéreit, hogy az ősi szokással szembefordulva halála után nem a legidősebb árpádfit, Koppányt, hanem saját fiát, Vajkot választják majd a hétmagyarok nagyurának…Cs. Szabó Sándor a rendelkezésre álló történeti és néprajzi források felhasználásával egyedi hangvételű, ítélkezéstől és propagandától mentes regényben fest magával ragadó képet a magyar történelem talán legfontosabb évtizedeiről.
- Published
- 2019
14. Generalizations of some results about the regularity properties of an additive representation function
- Author
Kiss, S. Z., primary and Sándor, Cs., additional
- Published
- 2018
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15. Dewetting and spreading transitions for active matter on random pinning substrates
- Author
Sándor, Cs., primary, Libál, A., additional, Reichhardt, C., additional, and Olson Reichhardt, C. J., additional
- Published
- 2017
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16. Dynamic phases of active matter systems with quenched disorder
- Author
Sándor, Cs., primary, Libál, A., additional, Reichhardt, C., additional, and Olson Reichhardt, C. J., additional
- Published
- 2017
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17. Collective transport for active matter run-and-tumble disk systems on a traveling-wave substrate
- Author
Sándor, Cs., primary, Libál, A., additional, Reichhardt, C., additional, and Reichhardt, C. J. Olson, additional
- Published
- 2017
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18. Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
- Author
Alexander Radchenko, Andreas Schulz, and Sándor Cs Ő Sz
- Subjects
Species complex ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Zoology ,Identification key ,Hymenoptera ,Tetramorium ,Biodiversity ,Biology ,biology.organism_classification ,Taxon ,Botany ,Key (lock) ,Tetramorium caespitum ,Animalia ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Taxonomy (biology) ,Formicidae ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Taxonomy - Abstract
The taxonomic status of 10 species of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex is discussed, and several nomenclatural problems are clarified. Three new species, Tetramorium exile Cs_sz & Radchenko n. sp. , T. sanetrai Schulz & Cs_sz n. sp. , and T. anatolicum Cs_sz & Schulz n. sp. are described. Tetramorium caespitum var . sarkissiani Forel, 1911 n. syn., Tetramorium turcomanicum Santschi, 1921 n. syn., Tetramorium taurocaucasicum Arnoldi, 1968 n. syn. a re synonymized with Tetramorium chefketi Forel 1911; T. biskrensis kahenae Menozzi, 1934, n. syn. is synonymized with T. alternans Santschi, 1929; T. karakalense Dlussky & Zabelin, 1985, n. syn. is synonymized with Tetramorium sulcinode Santschi, 1927. Three taxa, T. sulcinode Santschi, 1927, T. rhodium Emery, 1922 and T. annectens Pisarski, 1969 are revived from synonymy. Lectotypes of T. chefketi Forel, 1911 and its junior synonym T. caespitum var. sarkissiani Forel, 1911, T. sulcinode Santschi, 1927, T. alternans Santschi, 1929 and its junior synonym T. biskrensis kahenae Menozzi, 1934 are designated. Gynes and males of T. sulcinode , T. annectens and T. alternans are described for the first time. An identification key to the workers and gynes of the Palaearctic species of the chefketi species complex is given. Seventy-one SEM photos and two tables with metric characters are provided for workers and gynes of all discussed species.
- Published
- 2007
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19. Tetramorium moravicum Kratochvil 1941
- Author
Sz, Sándor Cs Ő, Radchenko, Alexander, and Schulz, Andreas
- Subjects
Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
6. Tetramorium moravicum Kratochv��l, 1941 (figs 43���49) Tetramorium moravicum Kratochv��l, 1941: 86 (/, ��); also described as new in Kratochv��l 1944: 71 (/, ♂); TYPE MATE�� RIAL: PARATYPES ��� Tetramorium moravicum ��� [���] ��� 1941 ��� [/] ���Mohelno��� [now CZECH REPUBLIC] [/] ���l. Dr Kratochv��l��� [���] Paratypus [/] ��� Tetramorium ��� [/] ��� moravicum Kratochv. ��� (1 /, 2 ♂ / ZMMU); junior synonym of Tetramorium forte: Radchenko 1992 b: 51; revived from synonymy: Seifert 1996: 160, not Radchenko et al 1998: 110, Czechowski et al. 2002: 66, Radchenko et al. 2004: 77; Tetramorium rhenanum Schulz, 1996: 391 (/, ��, ♂) TYPE MATERIAL: HOLOTYPE and PARATYPES: Hessen, Rheinland, [GERMANY] 3km N. Lorchhausen, 35km W. Wiesbaden, 100 mH, 15.06. 1994. leg. Schulz (3 /, 1 �� / MHNG, 12 /, 3 ��, 2 ♂ / PCAS); junior synonym of T. moravicum Schlick��Steiner et al. 2005: 1; Redescription of worker (figs 46���49). Medium to large size, CS 833 [720, 953]. Whole body and appendages dark brown to black. Head nearly square, CL/CW 1.02 [0.97, 1.06], with very feebly convex sides, straight occipital margin and narrowly rounded occipital corners. Eyes small, EYE 0.170 [0.165, 0.183]. Frons moderately narrow, FR/CS 0.36 [0.34, 0.38], frontal lobes usually as wide as frons, rarely slightly wider, FL/FR 1.01 [1.0, 1.04]. Scape long, SL/CS 0.80 [0.77, 0.83], with well developed longitudinal dorsal carina basally, parallel costulae extending scape. Promesonotal dorsum slightly convex, metanotal groove deep. Propodeal teeth long. Petiolar node trapezoidal in profile, NOH/NOL 1.07 [0.90, 1.29], petiole relatively high, PEH/NOL 1.94 [1.72, 2.23]. General appearance coarsely rugoso��reticulate, ground surface microreticulate, dull. Head dorsum longitudinally rugose and microreticulate, occiput rugoso��reticulate. Alitrunk dorsum, mesopleuron and dorsum of petiolar node rugoso��reticulate, ground surface coarsely microreticulate, dorsum of postpetiole longitudinally rugulose and microreticulate. Polygonal striation continuous on 1 st gastral tergite (see fig. 8.). Ventral surface of head with several short and few moderately long, straight, or few ��C����shape setae arising posteriorly to buccal cavity (see fig. 5). Redescription of gyne (figs 43���45). Medium to large size, CS 1198 [1045, 1275]. Whole body and appendages dark brown to black. Head distinctly wider than long, CL/CW 0.88 [0.84, 0.92], with straight, subparallel sides, straight occipital margin and widely rounded occipital corners. Frons narrow, FR/CS 0.36 [0.34, 0.38], frontal lobes as wide as frons, FL/FR 1.0 [1.0, 1.02]. Scape moderately short, SL/CS 0.73 [0.71, 0.75], with well developed longitudinal dorsal carina basally, parallel costulae extending scape. Head as wide as scutum, MW/CS 1.07 [1.05, 1.13]. Propodeal teeth long. Dorsal crest of petiolar node convex, with well visible protuberance medially in frontal view; in profile petiolar node dorsum blunt. Petiole and postpetiole relatively narrow, WAIST 0.92 [0.86, 1.0]. General appearance coarsely rugose, ground surface microreticulate, dull. Head dorsum, occiput and sides rugoso��reticulate, ground surface microreticulate. Frons longitudinally rugose and microreticulate. Scutum longitudinally rugose, anteriorly smooth, scutellum more or less smooth, sides finely rugulose. Sides of alitrunk, ruguloso��reticulate and microreticulate, ventral part of katepisternum usually smooth and shiny. Dorsum of petiolar node and postpetiole coarsely reticulate; median protuberence of petiolar node smooth. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1 st gastral tergite, sometimes continuous basally. Ventral surface of head with several short and few moderately long, straight, or few C��shape setae arising posterior to buccal cavity. Redescription of male. Whole body and appendages black. Head with feebly convex sides, straight occipital margin and rounded occipital corners. Head narrower than scutum. Propodeal teeth very short, propodeum nearly rounded in profile. Dorsal crest of petiolar node blunt not emarginate in frontal wiew. Head, alitrunk and waist finely sculptured, partly shiny, the rest of ground surface microreticulate. Head finely reticulate ground surface microreticulate. Scutum finely rugulose, laterally and anteriorly smooth and shiny. Scutellum longitudinally rugulose, usually shiny medially. Sides of alitrunk finely rugose and microreticulate. Dorsum of petiolar node feebly reticulate and microreticulate, postpetiole generally smooth and shiny. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1 st gastral tergite. FIGURES 43���49. Tetramorium moravicum Kratochv��l, 1941.Gyne: alitrunk petiole and postpetiole, Fig. 43. dorsal view, Fig. 44. lateral view, FIGURE 45. head. Worker: Fig. 46. head. Alitrunk petiole and postpetiole, Fig. 47. dorsal view, Fig. 48. lateral view, Fig. 49. scape, dorsal view. Material examined (64 nest series including 374 workers, 28 gynes and 43 males). AUSTRIA ���Setzberg, 1,5km N. Spitz, Wachau, 48 �� 23 'N 15 �� 25 'E 300 mH, 0 5.05. 2001. nr. 251. & nr. 253. leg. Schulz (4 / / PCAS); BULGARIA��� Blagoierbad, 15.06. 1972. leg. Poldi (2 / / MSNM); Malko Trnovo, 25.05. 1958, leg. Pisarski (7 / / HNHM); FRANCE ���Breil��sur��Roya 6km N, Dep. Alpes Maritimes, vic. Maurioun, 450��� 700 mH, 17.07. 1994. leg. Schulz (3 / / MHNG, 20 /, 4 �� / PCAS); Camargue, Albaron, 15.06. 1974. leg. Poldi (2 /, 2 �� / MSNM), 20.06. 1974. leg. Poldi (2 W, 2 �� / MSNM); GEORGIA ���Nr. 3672. Kavkaz, Gumista, Suchumi, 21.11. 1963, leg Pisarski (6 /, 3 �� / HNHM, 6 /, 4 �� / MIZ); GERMANY ���Hessen, Mittleres Rheintal, oberhalb Lorchhausen, 250m, 18.IV. 2003, leg. A. Schulz, R. G��sten & M. Sanetra (3 / / HNHM, 6 / / PCAS); Kaiserstuhl, Badberg ��km w Steinbr., Bd.��Wtmbg., 320m, 13.IV. 2003, leg. A. Schulz, R. G��sten & M. Sanetra (3 / / HNHM, 6 / / PCAS); Kaiserstuhl, Schelingen, Bd.��Wtmbg., (S��dteil), 300��320m, 12.IV. 2003, leg. A. Schulz & R. G��sten (3 / / HNHM, 6 / / PCAS), (Nordteil), 320��340m, 13.IV. 2003, leg. A. Schulz, R. G��sten & M. Sanetra (3 / / HNHM, 6 /, 3 ��, 6 �� / PCAS); Mittleres Rheintal, obh. Bacharach��Steeg 200m Rheinland��Pfalz, 18.IV. 2003, leg. A. Schulz, R. G��sten & M. Sanetra (3 / / HNHM, 6 / / PCAS); Nahetal, 1km e Burg Layen, 120m, Rheinland��Pfalz, 14.IV. 2003, leg. G. Heller, A. Schulz & R. G��sten (3 / / HNHM, 6 / / PCAS); Nahetal, 2km SE Schlo��b��ckelheim, 150m, Rheinland��Pfalz, 14.IV. 2003, leg. G. Heller, A. Schulz & R. G��sten (3 / / HNHM, 10 /, 8 ��, 8 �� / PCAS); Nahetal, 2km w Norheim, 120m, Rheinland��Pfalz, 14.IV. 2003, leg. G. Heller, A. Schulz & R. G��sten (3 / / HNHM, 6 / / PCAS); GREECE ���Ossa Mt., 28.05. 1989, nr.GR001. leg. R. Sciaky (6 / / HNHM); Parnon, 4km WSW. Kastanitsa, 37 �� 17 'N 22 �� 40 'E, Peleponnes, Prov. Arkadia, 1200��1400 mH, 22.04. 2000. nr.03��� 19. leg. A. Schulz (4 / / PCAS); Mani, 20 km SW Githeo, 36 �� 40 ' N 22 �� 24 'E, Peleponnes, Prov. Lakonia, 50 mH, 23.04. 2000. nr.04�� 31. leg. A. Schulz (1 ��, 5 / / PCAS); Peloponesos Aetos, 27.06. 1986. leg. Sabbadini (4 / / MSNM); Pilion, vic. Chania, Prov. Magniss��a, 1000��� 1400 mH, 14.05. 1996. nr. 11��213., nr. 11���214. & nr. 11���215. leg. A. Schulz, K. Vock (12 / / PCAS); Smolikos Mt., N.slope, 28.05. 1989, nr.GR003. leg. R. Sciaky (2 / / HNHM); HUNGARY ���M��traf��red, Szent��Iv��ny, 0 2.05. 1937. leg. M��cz��r (8 / / HNHM);. S��sharty��n, 24.04. 1999. nr.04. leg. B��lint (1 / / HNHM); ITALY ��� Casola, 670m Appennines, Parmense, 0 9.1991. leg. Grasso (4 / / MSNM); Em.Rom (Re) Cinquecerri, 24.04. 1978. leg. Ferri (4 / / MSNM); Forti di Genova, 15.04. 1993. leg. Poldi (3 / / MSNM); Mts. Subasio, (PG) 0 5.06. 1993. leg. Platania (2 /, 1 �� / MSNM); Novafeltria, Emilia, 21.09. 1951, leg. E.C.M.Yarrow (11 / / NHM); Piemonte, Cuneo prov., Valdieri env. 800 mH, 16.06. 1988, leg. Rigato (8 /, 1 ��, 1 �� / NHM); Sulmona, AQ, 0 5.02. 1962. leg. Poldi (2 / / MSNM); Umbria, Spoleto Protte [?], 0 1.04. 1989. leg. Poldi (5 / / MSNM); Valdieri (CN) 800���850m, 0 3.07. 1989. leg. Rigato (2 /, 1 �� / MSNM); ROMANIA ���Kolozsv��r (Cluj Napoca), Sz��naf��vek, Transylvania, 0 7.08. 2003. no.AA087. leg. Mark�� (10 / / HNHM); Kolozsv��r, Sz��naf��vek, Transylvania, 17.09. 2003. leg. Mark�� (5 / / HNHM); SERBIA��MONTENEGRO ���Brezoviza, Mts. Sar, Kosovo, 900���1200 mH, 23.05. 1971, nr. 16. leg Papp & Horvatovich (6 / / HNHM); Nis. Jugo nr. 384, 18.1984. leg. Poldi (1 / / MSNM); Peč Pečka, Banja, Kosovo, 600 mH, 18.05. 1971. nr. 14. leg. Papp & Horvatovich (2 / / HNHM); Titograd, 10.06. 1972. leg. Poldi (2 /, 1 ��, 1 �� / MSNM); TURKEY ���Aydintepe, vil. G��m��shane 1200 mH, 0 1.07. 1975. nr. 10. leg. Osella (3 /, 3 ��, 1 �� / MSNM); Bitlis, 10km SW K��c��ksu 15km S Tatvan 1700 mH, Rasenfl��che an Bachlauf 16.06. 1993. nr. 1084. leg. Schulz (6 / / PCAS); Erzurum, 5km SW Aydogdu 20km SW G��le, 1400 mH, 26.06. 1993. nr. 1149. leg. Schulz (6 /, 1 ��/ PCAS); Erzurum, Sac Gecidi 40km SE Horasan, 2300 mH, Hochsteppe und Bachlauf, Wiese 22. 0 6. 1993. nr. 1114. leg. Schulz (6 / / PCAS); Kars, Dagpinar 25km SE Kars 1800 mH, Steppe mit Vulkangesteinen 23.06. 1993. nr. 1121. leg. Schulz (6 / / PCAS); Kars, nahe Posof, 1700 mH, an der Georgischen Grenze 25.06. 1993. nr. 1144. nr. 1145. nr. 1146. leg. Schulz (30 /, 6 ��, 5 �� / PCAS); Kars, zwischen Cildir und Camlicatak, ca 20��40km E Ardahan, 1800���2000 mH, 24.06. 1993. nr. 1125. leg. Schulz (3 / / PCAS); Rize, 20km NW Ovitdagi Gecidi 30km SE Rize 1000���1400 mH, Laubwald 50 % auf Sand 30.06. 1993. nr. 1199. leg. Schulz (6 / / PCAS); Van, 20 kmN��NW Catak 2300���2700 mH, Steppenvegetation 18.06. 1993. nr. 13��1098. leg. Schulz (5 / / PCAS); Van, 5km SE Dedeli 30km SE Patnos 1700 mH, Hochsteppe 20.06. 1993. nr. 1103. & nr. 1105. leg. Schulz (12 / / PCAS); Van, 8km E Budakli 40 km W Gevas, 2200 mH, feuchte Wiese und Steppe 17.06. 1993. nr. 1086., nr. 1088. & nr. 1090. leg. Schulz (29 /, 1 �� / PCAS); Van, Migaros, 15.08. 1987. leg. Pavesi (2 / / MSNM); UKRAINE ��� Manhup��Kale, Krim, SW Bachcysaraj, 300���500 mH, 12.08. 1995. nr.04��T 524. leg. M. Sanetra (6 / / PCAS); Simferopol, S��Krim, vic. Zalis���s���a. 300���500 mH, 13.08. 1995. nr.05��T 527. & nr.05��T 528. leg. leg. Sanetra (3 / / MHNG, 11 / / PCAS); Morphometrics: (108 workers and 12 gynes measured). Diagnosis. Workers of T. moravicum are distinguishable from most species of the chefketi species complex (except for T. rhodium and T. syriacum) by their usually finely costulate scapes bearing a well visible and long dorsal carina basally. The most distinctive features, to separate T. moravicum from T. rhodium workers, the shape of the petiole in profile (NOH/NOL, PEH/NOL, Table 1.), and the relative length of scape (SL/CS, Table 1.); the frontal width (FR/CS, Table 1.) gives appropriate discrimination of the workers of T. moravicum and T. syriacum. Gynes of T. moravicum differ from known gynes of other species of the chefketi species complex by the relatively wide scutum, MW/CS 1.07 [1.05, 1.13] and by the dorsal carina of the scape. For further combination of morphometric characters see Table 1���2. Distribution. Widespread in the western Palaearctic from S France to Caucasus. The westernmost known locality of this species is Camargue, France., Published as part of Sz, S��ndor Cs ��, Radchenko, Alexander & Schulz, Andreas, 2007, Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), pp. 1-38 in Zootaxa 1405 on pages 24-27, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.399638, {"references":["Kratochvil, J. (1941) in Nov. k? Sadil, Klic k urcov. ni mravencu stredini Evropy se zvl. stnim zretelem k mravenci zvirence Cech a Moravy. Entomologcke Prirucky (Entomologickych Listu v Brne), 4, 65 - 115.","Kratochvil, J. (1944) In: Kratochvil, J. Novak, V. i Snoflak, J. Mohelno. Soubor praci venovanyh studiu vyznamne pamatky prirodni. 5. Hymenoptera, Aculeata, Vespidae. Archiv Svazu na Ochranu Prirody a Domoviny na Morave, 6, 1 - 155.","Radchenko, A. G. (1992 b) Ants of the genus Tetramorium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the USSR fauna. Report 2. [in Russian] Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 71, 50 - 58.","Seifert, B. (1996) Ameisen, beobachten, bestimmen., Naturbuch Verlag, Augsburg, 352 pp.","Radchenko, A. G., Czechowski, W. & Czechowska, W. (1998) The genus Tetramorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Poland, A survey of species and a key for their identification. Annales Zoologici, 48, 107 - 118.","Czechowski, W., Radchenko, A. G. & Czechowska, W. (2002) The ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Poland. Warsaw, MIZ, 200 pp.","Radchenko, A. G., Czechowska, W., Czechowski, W. (2004): Mrowki - Formicidae. Klucze do Oznaczania Owadow Polski Czcsc XXIV, zeszyt. 63. Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne, Torun, 138 pp.","Schulz, A. (1996) Tetramorium rhenanum nov. spec. Vom \" Mittleren Rheintal \" in Deutschland (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Linzer Biologische Beitrage, 28, 391, 412.","Schlick-Steiner, B. C., Steiner, F. M., Sanetra, M., Heller, G., Stauffer, C., Christian, E. & Seifert, B. (2005) Queen size dimorphism in the ant Tetramorium moravicum (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Morphometric, molecular genetic and experimental evidence. Insectes Sociaux, 52, 1 - 8."]}
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20. Tetramorium sulcinode Santschi, 1927 Status, n. sp
- Author
Sz, Sándor Cs Ő, Radchenko, Alexander, and Schulz, Andreas
- Subjects
Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
9. Tetramorium sulcinode Santschi, 1927 Status revised (figs 61���67) Tetramorium caespitum var. sulcinode Santschi, 1927: 53 (/); TYPE MATERIAL: LECTOTYPE / and PARALECTO�� TYPE // designated below (3 / / NHMB); for the locality details see lectotype designation; junior synonym of Tetramorium turcomanicum: Radchenko, 1992 b: 52; Raised to species rank hereby. Tetramorium karakalense Dlussky & Zabelin, 1985: 229 (��, /, ��); TYPE MATERIAL: HOLOTYPE: ���Typ. SSR, okr. [vicinity] p.��� [poselok=village] [/] ���Kara��Kala 81���135 ��� [now TURKMENISTAN] [/] ���G. Dlusskij 3 v. 81.��� [Cyrillic letters] [���] Holotypus ��� Tetramorium karakalense ��� [/] ���Dlussky et Zabelin��� [Latin letters] (1 �� / ZMMU); PARATYPES: Kopet��Dag, ���g. [gora=mount] Gindere��� [/] ���ur. [urochishche] Karankidere��� 19.6. [/] C. Zabelin ��� 1981 ��� [Cyrillic letters] [���] ��� T. karakalense ��� [Latin letters] (2 /, 1 ��, 1 �� / ZMMU); Kopet��Dag ��� 31. V. ��� [/] ���n.tech. [lower flow] Najbirja [river]��� [/] S. Zabelin ��� 82 ��� [Cyrillic letters] [���] ��� T. karakalense ��� [Latin letters] (3 / / ZMMU); ���Kopetdag 13. [/] ���ur. Dashtoj VI.��� [/] G. Kuznetzov ��� 84 ��� [Cyrillic letters] [���] ��� T. karakalense ���[Latin letters] (3 / / ZMMU); New synonymy Redescription of worker (figs 64���67.). Medium size, CS 801 [773, 853]. Whole body and appendages black. Head slightly longer than broad, CL/CW 1.02 [0.98, 1.03], with very weakly convex or straight sides, feebly convex or straight occipital margin and rounded occipital corners. Eyes large, EYE 0.186 [0.180, 0.190]. Frons moderately narrow, FR/CS 0.37 [0.36, 0.38], frontal lobes as wide as frons, or slightly wider, FL/FR 1.01 [1.0, 1.02]. Scape moderately long, SL/CS 0.78 [0.76, 0.81], without dorsal carina basally, smooth and shiny. Promesonotal dorsum convex, metanotal groove very shallow or completely absent. Propodeal teeth short. Dorsal surface of petiole steeply rounded backward, NOH/NOL 1.14 [1.06, 1.21], petiole relatively high, PEH/NOL 1.99 [1.87, 2.07]. General appearance finely rugulose, ground surface usually smooth and shiny (except for head). Head dorsum and occiput longitudinally rugulose and microreticulate, and sides ruguloso��reticulate, ground surface microreticulate. Alitrunk dorsum longitudinally rugulose ground surface smooth. Mesopleuron longitudinally rugulose and microreticulate. Dorsum of petiolar node semi��circularly rugulose, ground surface smooth, dorsum of postpetiole longitudinally rugulose and finely microreticulate. Polygonal striation continuous on 1 st gastral tergite basally, disrupted posteriorly. Basal part of 1 st gastral tergite sometimes very feebly costulate (not microreticulate), extending to 80 ��m [0, 120] posteriorly. Ventral surface of head with a row of short setae and very long psammophore arising just posteriorly to buccal cavity (see fig. 3, 4.). Redescription of gyne (figs 61���63). Small size, CS 973 [940, 1018]. Whole body and appendages black. Head slightly wider than long, CL/CW 0.94 [0.92, 0.97], with feebly convex sides, straight occipital margin and rounded occipital corners. Frons moderately narrow, FR/CS 0.37 [0.36, 0.37], frontal lobes as wide as frons, FL/FR 1.0 [1.0, 1.0]. Scape moderately short, SL/CS 0.73 [0.72, 0.74], without dorsal carina basally, smooth and shiny. Head wider than scutum, MW/CS 0.93 [0.92, 0.94]. Propodeal teeth short. Dorsal crest of petiolar node straight in frontal view; in profile petiolar node dorsum blunt. Petiole and postpetiole relatively narrow, WAIST 0.81 [0.80, 0.84]. General appearance rugulose, ground surface feebly microreticulate, shiny. Frons and occiput longitudinally rugulose, ground surface feebly microreticulate, sides ruguloso��reticulate, ground surface microreticulate. Scutum longitudinally rugose (mainly medially), anteriorly and laterally smooth, scutellum more or less smooth medially, laterally finely rugulose. Sides of alitrunk ruguloso��reticulate and microreticulate, ventral part of katepisternum usually smooth and shiny. Dorsum of petiolar node reticulate, medially smooth, dorsum of postpetiole reticulate. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1 st gastral tergite, superficially microreticulate basally. Ventral surface of head with a row of short and several very long Cshaped setae arising just posteriorly to buccal cavity. Redescription of male. Whole body and appendages black. Head with convex sides, nearly semi��circular occipital margin and widely rounded occipital corners. Scutum wider than head. Propodeal teeth poorly developed. Dorsal crest of petiolar node with sharp edge, slightly emarginated in frontal view. Head, alitrunk and waist quite coarsely sculptured, ground surface microreticulate, dull. Head longitudinally rugulose, ground surface microreticulate. Scutum and scutellum longitudinally rugose. Sides of alitrunk with longitudinal rugae, katepisternum sometimes smooth and shiny ventrally. Dorsum of petiolar node coarsely reticulate, postpetiole longitudinally rugulose. First gastral tergite shiny. Material examined (4 nest series including 7 workers, 1 gyne and 3 males). AFGHANISTAN ���Oubeh, 12.06. 1962 nr.a. 1040. leg. K. Lindberg (3 /, 1 ��, 1 �� / MIZ); PAKISTAN��� Sirana (Sirani) nr. 158 d. leg. Anonymous (3 /, 2 �� / MIZ); TURKMENISTAN��� Ipaj��kala, n 71���117, 29.05. 1971 leg. Dlussky [paratype worker of Tetramorium feroxoide Dlussky & Zabelin, 1985] (1 / / ZMMU). Morphometerics: (16 workers and 3 gyne measured). Evidences for heterospecifity of T. sulcinode type series. The syntype series of Tetramorium caespitum var. sulcinode Santschi, 1927 consists of six workers on two pins. One pin with four workers labeled: [label with Latin letters] ���Ssemiretschie 14 /vii. 24 ��� [/] ���Ssukuluk, westlich��� [/] ���von Pishpek, NB.ii��� [/] ���N.Kusnetzow��� [���] Type. Another pin with two workers, collected at the same locality: [label with Cyrillic letters] ��Ssemiretschie. Ssukuluk�� [/] 14 ��vii�� 1924. ���N. Kusnetzov���. This locality (Ssemiretschie, Ssuskuluk; Pishpek, leg. Kusnetzov) is mentioned as the type locality of T. caespitum var. sulcinode in the original description (Santschi 1927: 53, 54). After the investigation of the types of T. caespitum var. indocile Santschi, 1927 (see below) we conclude that the type material of T. caespitum var. sulcinode consists of two species (three workers are sulcinode and three others indocile). The syntype workers, gynes and males of T. caespitum var. indocile are labeled as: TYPE [���] ���Ssemiretschie��� [/] ���Kisil��Kija���pass��� [/] ���Kusnetzov��� [���] T. caespitum v. indocile [/] Santschi det. 19 ��� 26 ��� [���] ��� Ssemiretschie��� [/] ���Kisil��Kija��Pass W A 14 ��� [/] ��� 15 ��vii�� 1924 N. Kusnetzov [the collector���s name on the label is hardly readable]��� (1 /, 1 ��, / NHMB); three further (syntype) series from the same locality were also investigated (4 /, 1 ��, 1 �� / NHMB); (6 / / NHMB); (6 / / NHMB); The taxonomic status of Tetramorium caespitum var. indocile Santschi will be discussed in a forthcoming publication, hereby we mention it as infraspecific name. Workers of T. sulcinode and T. caespitum indocile can be separated by a combination of features. Tetramorium sulcinode has the post��ocular region coarsely rugulose, with the integumental surface microreticulate and dull; the alitrunk dorsum and sides have parallel rugulae; the dorsum of petiolar node has semicircular rugulae with the integumental surface shiny; and the postpetiole is longitudinally rugose. Tetramorium caespitum indocile has the post��ocular region feebly rugulose or smooth with the integument shiny; the alitrunk dorsum and sides have sinuous rugulae; the dorsum of the petiolar node is smooth and shiny; and the postpetiole is feebly rugulose. Altogether nine T. sulcinode workers, including type series, were compared with the 16 syntype workers of T. caespitum indocile by using unstandardized Discriminant D(4) function: D(4) 0.084 SL �� 0.185 FL + 0.088 MW �� 0.085 PPW �� 14.038. Results of D(4) analysis: T. indocile D(4) = �� 3.998 �� 0.935 [�� 5.991, �� 1.478] (n= 16); T. sulcinode D(4) = + 3.998 �� 1.091 [+ 2.601, + 5.805] (n= 14); and T. sulcinode lectotype D(4) = 3.942 (pTetramorium sulcinode Santschi, 1927. In order to prevent further nomenclatural problems it is necessary to designate the lectotype of T. sulcin�� ode. Only one worker of the investigated type material is nearly intact, hence we designate this specimen, positioned on the distal end of the upper card, as the lectotype. The right antenna, the left funiculus and the right foreleg are missing. Lectotype is labeled as: [label with Latin letters] ���Ssemiretschie 14 /vii. 24 ��� [/] ���Ssukuluk, westlich��� [/] ���von Pithpek, NB.ii��� [/] ���N. Kusnetzow��� [���] Type. Morphometric data of the T. sulcinode lectotype: CL: 865; CW: 840; FR: 305; FL: 310; SL: 665; ML: 945; MW: 540; PEW: 280; PEH: 310; NOH: 170; NOL: 160; PEL: 185; PPW: 330; PPL: 195; PPH: 290; SPL: 105; SPSP: 120; EL: 185; EH: 130; ED: 195. Paralectotype worker on the same pin are positioned on the distal end of the lower card. Its head is missing, other parts are intact and have other features corresponding to the species characteristics. Two erroneously designated syntype specimens (D(4) =�� 4.074, pT. caespitum indocile; these are positioned on the proximal end of both, upper and lower, cards. We designated one worker from the second pin (see above) as the paralectotype of T. sulcinode, the other worker cannot be determined correctly due to its very poor condition. Diagnosis. Workers of T. sulcinode can be separated from related species (except for T. annectens) by well developed psammophore, relatively large eyes, (EYE, Table 1.). The most distinctive features to separate T. sulcinode from T. annectens, is the PEW/PPW index and the sculpture of petiolar node: semi��circular rugulose in T. sulcinode, reticulate in T. annectens. Workers of T. sulcinode mostly resemble T. anatolicum n. sp. by the fine, parallel body sculpture and the scape characters. These two species can also be separated by the absence/presence of the psammophore and by the non��overlapping relative size of the eyes (EYE, Table 1). Gynes of T. sulcinode are distinguishable by the well developed psammophore, short and smooth scape (SL/CS, Table 2.) without a dorsal carina basally, wide scutum (MW/CS, Table 2.) and relatively narrow petiole and postpetiole (WAIST, Table 2). Between T. sulcinode and T. annectens the relative petiole width (CS/ PEW, Table 2.) gives separation. For further combination of morphometric characters see Table 1���2. Distribution. The species is known from Turkmenistan, Afganistan and Pakistan., Published as part of Sz, S��ndor Cs ��, Radchenko, Alexander & Schulz, Andreas, 2007, Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), pp. 1-38 in Zootaxa 1405 on pages 31-34, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.399638, {"references":["Santschi, F. (1927) A propos du Tetramorium caespitum L. Folia Myrmecologica et Termitologica, 1, 53 - 58.","Radchenko, A. G. (1992 b) Ants of the genus Tetramorium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the USSR fauna. Report 2. [in Russian] Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 71, 50 - 58.","Dlussky, G. M. & Zabelin, S. I. (1985) [The ant fauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of R. Sumbar basin (south-west Kopetdag).] pp. 208 - 246 [in Russian]. In: Nechaevaya, N. T. (Ed.) Rastitel'nost i zhivotnyi mir Zaladnogo Kopetdaga. Ashkhabad, 277 pp."]}
- Published
- 2007
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21. Tetramorium chefketi Forel 1911
- Author
Sz, Sándor Cs Ő, Radchenko, Alexander, and Schulz, Andreas
- Subjects
Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
4. Tetramorium chefketi Forel, 1911 (figs 32���38) Tetramorium caespitum var. chefketi Forel, 1911: 332 (/); TYPE MATERIAL: LECTOTYPE / and PARALECTOTYPE // designated below, for the locality details see lectotype designation (3 / / MHNG); raised to species rank: Agosti & Collingwood 1987 a: 56; Senior synonymy fixed as the first reviser act hereby. (ICZN 1999. Art. 24.2.2.). Tetramorium caespitum var. sarkissiani Forel, 1911: 332. (/); TYPE MATERIAL: LECTOTYPE / and PARALECTO�� TYPE // designated below, for the locality details see lectotype designation (3 / / MHNG); junior synonymy fixed as the first reviser act hereby. (ICZN 1999. Art. 24.2.2.). New synonymy Tetramorium caespitum st. turcomanica Santschi 1921 a: 111 [mispelled as Tetramorium caespitum st. turcomana: Emery (Sic!)]; first available use of Tetramorium caespitum caespitum var. turcomanica Emery, 1909: 702 (/, ��); TYPE MATERIAL: SYNTYPES ���Dschilarik��� [now TURKMENISTAN] (1 /, 1 ��, / MSNG); raised to species rank: Tarbinsky 1976: 109; junior synonym of T. forte Forel: Dlussky et al. 1990: 202; not Radchenko 1992 b: 52. New synonymy Tetramorium taurocaucasicum Arnoldi, 1968: 1813 (/, ��, ♂); TYPE MATERIAL: HOLOTYPE /, [UKRAINE], ���Crimea, Gurzuf, 16.vi. 1948, K. Arnoldi��� [original label is in Russian] (ZMMU); PARATYPES, 14 /, 4 �� and 3 ♂ from the nest of the holotype, and from Yalta (Crimea), Tuapse, Novorossiysk (NW Caucasus, RUSSIA) and GEORGIA (/, ��, ♂ ZMMU); junior synonym of T. forte: Dlussky et al. 1990: 202, Atanasov & Dlussky 1992: 152, Radchenko 1992 b: 51. New synonymy Redescription of worker (figs 35���38). Medium to large size, CS 869 [740, 972]. Whole body and appendages dark brown to black. Head nearly square, CL/CW 1.01 [0.97, 1.04], with very feebly convex sides, straight occipital margin and rounded occipital corners. Eyes small, EYE 0.171 [0.165, 0.184]. Frons moderately narrow, FR/CS 0.37 [0.35, 0.39], frontal lobes usually wider, FL/FR 1.03 [1.0, 1.09]. Scape long, SL/CS 0.82 [0.78, 0.87], without longitudinal dorsal carina basally, smooth and shiny. Promesonotal dorsum slightly convex, metanotal groove rather deep. Propodeal teeth long. Petiolar node cubic in profile, NOH/NOL 0.86 [0.76, 0.97], petiole relatively low and long, and PEH/NOL 1.52 [1.37, 1.69]. General appearance coarsely rugose, ground surface microreticulate. Head dorsum longitudinally rugose and microreticulate, occiput and sides rugoso��reticulate, ground surface microreticulate. Alitrunk dorsum, mesopleuron and dorsum of petiolar node rugoso��reticulate, ground surface coarsely microreticulate, dorsum of postpetiole longitudinally rugulose and microreticulate. Polygonal striation continuous on 1 st gastral tergite (see fig. 8.). Ventral surface of head with several short and few longer straight setae, arising posterior to buccal cavity (see fig. 5.). Redescription of gyne (figs 32���34). Large size, CS 1121 [1060, 1180]. Whole body and appendages black. Head wider than long, CL/CW 0.92 [0.89, 0.95] with sides and occipital margin straight, and widely rounded occipital corners. Frons moderately narrow, FR/CS 0.38 [0.36, 0.40], frontal lobes as wide as frons, or slightly wider FL/FR 1.01 [1.0, 1.03]. Scape long, SL/CS 0.77, without longitudinal dorsal carina basally, smooth and shiny. Head wider than scutum, MW/CS 0.94 [0.88, 1.01]. Propodeal teeth long. Dorsal crest of petiolar node straight in frontal view; in profile, node with flattened dorsal surface. Petiole and postpetiole relatively narrow, WAIST 0.90 [0.86, 0.96]. General appearance coarsely rugose, ground surface microreticulate, dull. Head dorsum, occiput and sides rugoso��reticulate, ground surface microreticulate. Frons longitudinally rugose and microreticulate. Scutum and scutellum longitudinally rugose, scutellum more or less smooth medially. Sides of alitrunk, rugoso��reticulate and microreticulate, ventral part of katepisternum always rugulose, or microreticulate. Dorsum of petiolar node and postpetiole coarsely reticulate and microreticulate. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1 st gastral tergite, superficially microreticulate basally. Ventral surface of head with several short and few longer straight, or few C��shaped setae arising posterior to buccal cavity. Redescription of male. Whole body and appendages black. Head with convex sides, rounded occipital margin and widely rounded occipital corners. Head as wide as scutum. Propodeal teeth short, propodeum angulate in profile. Dorsal crest of petiolar node in frontal view with sharp, slightly emarginate, transversal edge. Head, alitrunk and waist coarsely sculptured, ground surface microreticulate, dull. Head rugoso��reticulate, ground surface microreticulate. Scutum and scutellum longitudinally rugose. Sides of alitrunk longitudinally rugose. Dorsum of petiolar node and postpetiole coarsely reticulate. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1 st gastral tergite. Lectotype designation of Tetramorium chefketi Forel, 1911. In order to avoid any further nomenclatural problems it is necessary to designate a lectotype. We investigated three syntype workers mounted on one pin, labeled as: ��� T. caespitum L.��� [/] ���Bou Youk D��r����� [/] ���Bosphore europ��en (Forel)��� [���] ��� v. chefketi Type For��� [���] ���v. T. chefketi For ��� [���] Typus [���] Coll. Forel. These data match the original description (Forel 1911: 332.). The lectotype is positioned on the distal end of the upper card (this is mentioned on the reverse side of lectotype label). The lectotype is in good condition, except that the left funiculus (excluding the first segment), the left foreleg and the tarsus of the right hind leg are missing. Morphometric data of the lectotype of T. chefketi Forel, 1911: CL: 990; CW: 990; FR: 370; FL: 385; SL: 810; ML: 1150; MW: 660; PEW: 360; PEH: 365; NOH: 220; NOL: 230; PEL: 225; PPW: 415; PPL: 230; PPH: 355; SPL: 135; SPSP: 230., Published as part of Sz, S��ndor Cs ��, Radchenko, Alexander & Schulz, Andreas, 2007, Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), pp. 1-38 in Zootaxa 1405 on pages 18-20, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.399638, {"references":["Forel, A. (1911) Fourmis nouvelles ou interessantes. Bulletin de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 47, 331 - 400.","Agosti, D. & Collingwood, C. A. (1987 a) A provisional list of the Balkan ants and a key to the worker caste. I. Synonymic list. Mitteilungen der Scweitzerischen Entomologische Gesselschaft, / Bulletin de la Soci e t e Entomologique Suisse, 60, 51 - 62.","Santschi, F. (1921 a) Notes sur les fourmis palearctiques. 2. Fourmis d'Asie Mineure recoltees par M. H. Gadeau de Kerville. Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, 21, 110 - 116.","Emery, C. (1909) Beitrage zur Monographie der Formiciden des Palaarktischen Faunengebietes (Hym.). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 9, 695 - 712.","Tarbinsky, Y. S. (1976) Murav'i Kirgizii [The ants of Kirghizia (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)] [in Russian]. Ilim, Frunze, 217 pp.","Dlussky, G. M., Soyunov, O. S. & Zabelin, S. I. (1990) [The ants of Turkmenistan.], [in Russian] Ilym, Ashkhabad, 273 pp.","Radchenko, A. G. (1992 b) Ants of the genus Tetramorium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the USSR fauna. Report 2. [in Russian] Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 71, 50 - 58.","Atanasov, N. & Dlussky, G. M. (1992) Fauna of Bulgaria. \". 22. Hymenoptera, Formicidae (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) [in Bulgarian] BAN, Sofia, 310 pp."]}
- Published
- 2007
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22. More than one species of Messor harvester ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Central Europe
- Author
Bálint Markó, Sándor Cs, Florian M. Steiner, Heino Konrad, Birgit C. Schlick-Steiner, Gerhard Heller, Christian Stauffer, Botond Sipos, Erhard Christian, and Beatrix Ferencz
- Subjects
Systematics ,cryptic species ,Species complex ,Genetic diversity ,biology ,Ecology ,Biodiversity ,Messor ,mitochondrial dna ,Hymenoptera ,Interspecific competition ,phylogeny ,biology.organism_classification ,formicidae ,QL1-991 ,Evolutionary biology ,Insect Science ,Harvester ant ,messor ,harvester ants ,molecular taxonomy ,systematics ,Zoology ,biodiversity - Abstract
It is commonly held that Central Europe harbours but a single harvester ant species, namely Messor structor. Recently dis- covered bionomic differences between two Central European populations, which may reflect interspecific variation, cast doubt on this assumption. In the present study we test alternative hypotheses - one versus two harvester ant species in Central Europe and adjacent regions - by investigating the genetic diversity of ants determined as M. structor or close to it ("M. cf. structor"). Sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene revealed two major lineages of different but partially overlapping geographic distributions, both occurring in Central Europe. The existence of a cryptic species within M. cf. structor is the most plausible interpretation, since the sequence divergence between the two major lineages equals those between M. capitatus, M. concolor and M. bouvieri. The phy- logenetic analyses revealed a distinct substructuring for both of the detected major lineages and the possible existence of additional cryptic species.
23. Association of plasma tryptophan concentration with periaqueductal gray matter functional connectivity in migraine patients.
- Author
Gecse K, Dobos D, Aranyi CS, Galambos A, Baksa D, Kocsel N, Szabó E, Pap D, Virág D, Ludányi K, Kökönyei G, Emri M, Bagdy G, and Juhasz G
- Subjects
- Anxiety, Case-Control Studies, Depression, Emotions, Female, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Migraine Disorders psychology, Pain Perception, Periaqueductal Gray diagnostic imaging, Tryptophan physiology, Migraine Disorders blood, Migraine Disorders physiopathology, Periaqueductal Gray physiopathology, Synaptic Transmission, Tryptophan blood
- Abstract
Altered periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) functional connectivity contributes to brain hyperexcitability in migraine. Although tryptophan modulates neurotransmission in PAG projections through its metabolic pathways, the effect of plasma tryptophan on PAG functional connectivity (PAG-FC) in migraine has not been investigated yet. In this study, using a matched case-control design PAG-FC was measured during a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging session in migraine without aura patients (n = 27) and healthy controls (n = 27), and its relationship with plasma tryptophan concentration (TRP) was assessed. In addition, correlations of PAG-FC with age at migraine onset, migraine frequency, trait-anxiety and depressive symptoms were tested and the effect of TRP on these correlations was explored. Our results demonstrated that migraineurs had higher TRP compared to controls. In addition, altered PAG-FC in regions responsible for fear-cascade and pain modulation correlated with TRP only in migraineurs. There was no significant correlation in controls. It suggests increased sensitivity to TRP in migraine patients compared to controls. Trait-anxiety and depressive symptoms correlated with PAG-FC in migraine patients, and these correlations were modulated by TRP in regions responsible for emotional aspects of pain processing, but TRP did not interfere with processes that contribute to migraine attack generation or attack frequency., (© 2022. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2022
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24. No evidence for the expression of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in otosclerotic stapes footplates.
- Author
Liktor B, Csomor P, Szász CS, Sziklai I, and Karosi T
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Otosclerosis pathology, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide genetics, RNA, Messenger metabolism, Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction methods, Stapes pathology, Stapes Surgery adverse effects, Young Adult, Otosclerosis genetics, Otosclerosis metabolism, Renin-Angiotensin System genetics, Stapes metabolism
- Abstract
Introduction: Recent studies have reported genetic associations between with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the several genes of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system in otosclerosis without the confirmation of RAA system expression in human stapes footplates. There are conflicting results. These results are conflicting because RAA system expression has been attributed exclusively to neural, vascular, and renal tissues, exclusively., Materials and Methods: Ankylotic stapes footplates (n = 20), cortical bone fragments (n = 10), and human kidney tissue specimens (n = 10) were processed to hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and RAA system-specific immunofluorescent assay (IFA), respectively., Results: Histologic diagnosis of otosclerosis was established in all ankylotic stapes footplates. Histologically active- (n = 13) and inactive (n = 7) foci of otosclerosis were consequently characterized by negative immunoreactions for renin, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin-II (AT-II), and angiotensin-II receptor (AT-IIR), consequently. In cortical bones, a considerable RAA system expression was observed confirmed in the perivascular bone marrow progenitor cells. Kidney specimens, applied as positive controls, showed intense RAA system-specific immunoreactions., Conclusion: Concerning current observations, the 4 studied members of RAA system that did not display active expression were not expressed at protein level in otosclerotic stapes footplates. This phenomenon was independent from the histologic activity of otosclerosis. Between these conditions, the etiologic role of RAA system is questionable in the pathogenesis of otosclerosis.
- Published
- 2013
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