33 results on '"Rutkovienė, Vida"'
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- 2006
6. Demand of organic products
- Author
Rutkovienė, Vida and Garliauskienė, Gerda
- Subjects
Organic products ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Demand ,Pasiūla ir paklausa. Tiekimas / Supply and demand ,Consumers ,Rinka. Rinkodara / Market. Marketing ,Vartotojai / Consumers ,Market - Abstract
Ekologiškų produktų gamybos ir rinkos apimtys didėja. Jų rinkos formavimuisi yra reikšmingi šių produktų vartotojų elgsenos tyrimai, todėl labai svarbu atlikti vartotojų motyvacijos ir elgsenos tyrimus ir išsiaiškinti, kuriais motyvais vadovaujasi vartotojai pirkdami ekologiškus maisto produktus, kokie rinkodaros veiksniai skatina ar stabdo vartotojo apsisprendimą pirkti šiuos produktus. Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti ekologiškų produktų paklausą ir ją lemiančius veiksnius. Nustatyta, kad ekologiški maisto produktai yra paklausūs: juos perka ar norėtų pirkti 73% respondentų. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė leidžia teigti, jog 67% respondentų ekologiškus maisto produktus labiausiai linkę pirkti prekybos centruose. Labiausiai perkami ekologiški produktai yra šie: daržovės (79%), uogos ir vaisiai (59%). Svarbus veiksnys, ribojantis ekologiškų produktų paklausą, yra jų kaina. 80% respondentų pasiryžę mokėti iki 25% daugiau už ekologišką nei įprastinį produktą. Nustatyta, kad svarbiausi ekologiškų maisto produktų pasirinkimo motyvai yra produktų saugumas, kokybė, geresnis skonis. Siekiant skatinti ekologiškų maisto produktų pirkimą ir vartojimą, reikia formuoti vartotojų nuomonę apie juos, nes nuomonė yra pagrindinis kriterijus, lemiantis apsisprendimą pirkti. Production and market of organic production is constantly growing. The organic food marketing is problematic given the lack of research on the consumers' attitudes. The research on the behaviour and attitudes of consumers, their motivation to buy organic food, and perception of organic food, factors that hamper or reduce the consumption of organic products is very important. The aim of his paper is to present recent results of the analysis of organic products' demand and factors that influence it. Organic products were found to be in demand: 73% of consumers declared willingness to buy organic products; 63% prefer to buy organic food in supermarkets. The most marketable organic products are vegetables (79%), berries and fruits (59%). The price level is perceived by the majority of respondents as the main barrier to increasing the market of organic food. 80% of respondents were ready to pay price premium up to 25% for organic food. Preferences of organic food, in the order of importance, are the safety of products, food quality, and taste. To stimulate purchase and consumption of organic food, the consumers’ opinion about these products should be formed because the attitude and opinion of consumers is the main criterion determining sales of organic products.
- Published
- 2007
7. Development of organic cereal market in Lithuania
- Author
Garliauskienė, Gerda and Rutkovienė, Vida
- Subjects
Kaina ,Supirkimas ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Organic farming ,Rinka. Rinkodara / Market. Marketing ,Price ,Ekologinė gamyba ,Market ,Purchase ,Ekologiški grūdai ,Organic cereals - Abstract
Javų auginimas yra vienas svarbiausių žemės ūkio verslų, tačiau Lietuvos mokslinėje literatūroje mažai nagrinėjami ekologiškų grūdų produktų gamybos ir rinkos ypatumai, kurie yra labai aktualūs. Palyginus ekologinės gamybos pasėlių struktūros pokyčius 2003-2006 m nustatyta, kad varpinių ir ankštinių javų pasėlių plotas ekologinės gamybos pasėlių struktūroje didėja Ekologinės gamybos javų auginimą skatina tinkamos klimatinės sąlygos, tiesioginės išmokos, geros produkcijos realizavimo sąlygos, ekologiškų grūdų paklausa. Pagal vidutinių ekologiškų grūdų supirkimo kainų 2003-2005 m. analizę nustatyta, kad ekologiškų grūdų vidutinės svertinės supirkimo kainos mažėja. Ekologiškų grūdų supirkimo kainos buvo didesnės nei įprastinių grūdų 19%. Palyginus ekologiškų grūdų produktų kainas tiriamuoju laikotarpiu, nustatytos ekologiškų grūdų produktų, kaip ir grūdų, kainų mažėjimo tendencijos. Pagal vartotojų apklausą ekologiški grūdų produktai užima ketvirtą vietą po vaisių ir daržovių bei pieno produktų paklausiausių ekologiškų produktų grupėje. Growing cereals is one of the main agricultural business. However, organic cereals, their products and market has rarely attracted academic interest in Lithuania. Their significant features are therefore analysed in this article. The certified area of organic production has been increasing along with the number of organic production farms in Lithuania Investigating the changes in organically produced crop structure in 2003-2006 shows that cereal and leguminous crop area is relatively increasing. The average price of organic cereals is decreasing according to the analysis of the prices in 2003-2005. The purchase price for the organic cereals used to be 19% higher than usual crops. The comparison of organic cereal prices in the analysed period has shown a noticeable tendency to decrease – not only for organic cereal products but also for the cereals. According to the consumer survey, organic cereal products are the fourth among the most demanded organic products, preceded by fruit and vegetables.
- Published
- 2007
8. Концентрация тяжёлых металлов в лесных почвах и во мхе возле автомагистрали Вильнюс–Каунас
- Author
Grigalavičienė, Ilona and Rutkovienė, Vida
- Subjects
Automobilių keliai--Lietuva ,Roads--Lithuania ,Bryophytes ,Soils--Heavy metal content ,Samanos ,Dirvožemiai--Sunkiųjų metalų kiekis - Abstract
Daugėjant Lietuvos keliuose transporto skaičiui, didėja oro bei pakelių dirvožemių ir augalų užterštumas. Vieni pavojingiausių ir ilgalaikį neigiamą poveikį pakelių aplinkai turinčių teršalų yra sunkieji metalai, kurie kaupiasi miško samanose. Samanos visas maisto medžiagas, taip pat ir teršalus, susiurbia tiesiog iš oro, todėl jos atspindi teršalų sankaupą atmosferoje. Oro taršos sunkiaisiais metalais įvertinimui buvo surinkti viršutinio dirvožemio sluoksnio (0–10 cm) ir paprastosios šilsamanės (Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt.) ėminiai šalia greitkelio Vilnius–Kaunas, skirtingais atstumais nuo važiuojamosios kelio dalies. Sunkiųjų metalų Pb, Cu ir Cd koncentracijos nustatytos atominiu absorbciniu spektrometru AANALYST 100, naudojant liepsnos ir grafitinės kiuvetės režimus. Atlikus tyrimus nustatyta, kad pakelės miško dirvožemio viršutiniame sluoksnyje ir paprastosiose šilsamanėse didžiausi sunkiųjų metalų kiekiai susikaupia 5–10 m atstumu nuo greitkelio Vilnius–Kaunas, tolstant nuo kelio (15–100 m) jų koncentracijos mažėja. Įvertinus tyrimų rezultatus galima teigti, kad miško dirvožemyje labiau kaupiasi Pb, o paprastosiose šilsamanėse – Cd ir Cu. A growing number of motor vehicles in Lithuania causes a higher air, soil and plants pollution by motor transport emissions. One of the most hazardous pollutants, which have negative impact on a roadside environment, are heavy metals. Mosses are bioorganisms that take up nutrient and also contaminants, directly from air, so they clearly reflect the atmospheric deposition. The atmospheric deposition of heavy metals was investigated by using soil and moss samples. Topsoil (0–10 cm) and moss Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. samples were collected along the highway Vilnius–Kaunas at different distances from the road. All samples were analyzed for Pb, Cd and Cu by atomic absorption spectrophotometry using flame or graphite furnace techniques. According to the results of the study the highest concentrations of heavy metals in the forest topsoil and mosses were found at a distance of 5–10 m from the road and moving further (15–100 m) their content tended to decrease with the distance from the highway. The results of this investigation showed that the soils near the highway had significant enrichment particularly in Pb while in mosses the concentrations of Cu and Cd is significantly higher than in the soil. В связи с увеличением числа транспортных средств на дорогах Литвы повышается загрязнение воздуха, придорожных почв и растений. Одними из наиболее опасных и долговременных негативных влияющих на окружающую среду веществ являются тяжёлые металлы. Мох все питательные вещества, в том числе и загрязняющие, поглащает непосредственно из воздуха, потому накопление загрязняющих веществ в воздухе на нем ясно отражается. С целью оценки атмосферного загрязнения, отобраны образцы верхнего слоя почвы (0–10 см) и мха Pleurozium shcreberi (Brid.) Mitt. вблизи автомагистрали Вильнюс–Каунас в различном отдалении от дорожного полотна. Определение тяжёлых металлов (Pb, Cu ,Cd) проводилось абсорбционным спектрофотометром в режиме пламени и графитной кюветы. После проведения исследований было установлено, что в верхнем слое лесной почвы и во мхе больше всего тяжёлые металлы накапливаются на расстоянии 5–10 м от автомагистрали, дальше (на расстоянии 15–100 м) их концентрация снижается. У автомагистрали в почве наиболее интенсивно накапливается Pb, а во мхе – Cu и Cd.
- Published
- 2006
9. Agrotechninių (ūkininkavimo) sistemų įtaka 'Elise' veislės obelų derliui, produkcijos kokybei ir dirvožemio sudėčiai
- Author
Nominaitis, Skirmantas, Rutkovienė, Vida Marija, and Viškelis, Pranas
- Subjects
Organic farming ,Apples--Crop yields ,Vaisiai--Cheminė sudėtis ,Fruit--Composition ,Ekologinis ūkininkavimas ,Obelys--Derlingumas ,Vaisiai--Kokybė ,Fruit--Quality - Abstract
Palyginamasis tyrimas darytas 2002–2005 metais Kauno kolegijos Kraštotvarkos fakulteto mokomajame sode, įveistame karbonatingame sekliai glėjiškame išplautžemyje. Tirta skirtingų agrotechninių sistemų įtaka obelų veislės ‘Elise’ derėjimo dinamikai ir derliui bei vaisių kokybei. Nustatyta, kad taikant skirtingo intensyvumo – įprastinę ir ekologinę – agrotechnines sistemas, ‘Elise’ obelų derlingumas iš esmės skyrėsi paskutiniaisiais tyrimo metais. Didesnis derlius gautas ekologinės gamybos variante. Ekologiškuose obuoliuose buvo daugiau vitamino C, geresnės buvo jų elektrocheminės savybės. Investigations were carried out in 2002–2005 in the Demonstration orchard of Land management faculty in Kaunas College. There was investigated an effect of different agro technical measures (organic and conventional farming) on yield of apple-tree ‘Elisa’ yield, production quality and composition of soil. It was established that during first two farming years, differences of apples yield between systems were not defined. On the third year of investigation yield of organic apple-trees has been higher than conventional. The results of production quality study showed, that amount of vitamin C was significantly greater in organic apples. Electrochemical properties were better in organic apples too.
- Published
- 2006
10. Oro taršą atspindintys paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) rodikliai ir jų priklausomybė nuo meteorologinių veiksnių
- Author
Kupčinskienė, Eugenija, Česonienė, Laima, Kliučius, Almantas, Lygis, Danius, Marozas, Vitas, Žekonienė, Vanda, Kustienė, Renė, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Petrauskas, Antanas, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Pūkis, Marius, Kupčinskienė, Eugenija, Česonienė, Laima, Kliučius, Almantas, Lygis, Danius, Marozas, Vitas, Žekonienė, Vanda, Kustienė, Renė, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Petrauskas, Antanas, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, and Pūkis, Marius
- Abstract
Magistro darbe tirti paprastosios pušies kamienų žievės parametrai ir kai kurių oro taršą atspindinčių rodiklių sąryšis su meteorologiniais veiksniais. Darbo objektas – paprastoji pušis, auganti akcinių bendrovių „Achema“, „Akmenės cementas“ ir „Mažeikių nafta“ apylinkėse. Darbo tikslai: ištirti pušų kamienų žievės pH ir savitąjį elektros laidumą nevienodu atstumu nuo gamyklų augančiuose medynuose; nustatyti, ar žievės rūgštingumas taršos zonose priklauso nuo klimato veiksnių ir įvertinti kai kurių oro taršą atspindinčių rodiklių, tirtų nuo praėjusio dešimtmečio, sąryšį su meteorologiniais veiksniais AB „Achema“ apylinkėse. Darbo metodai – žievės pH nustatytas matuokliu „IQ140“ su stiklo elektrodu ir plokščiu jutikliu, savitasis elektros laidumas – konduktometru „Cond 730”. Darbo rezultatai. Pušų kamienų žievės pH 2006 m. svyravo nuo 4,04 kontrolinėje vietoje iki 5,73 greta AB „Akmenės cementas“. Didėjant kritulių kiekiui šalia AB „Achema“ esančiuose jaunuolynuose ir pusamžiuose pušynuose žievės pH reikšmingai didėjo. Kylant oro temperatūrai AB „Achema“ apylinkėse augančiuose pusamžiuose medynuose žievės pH taip pat reikšmingai didėjo. Pušų kamienų žievės rūgštingumo matavimais aiškiausiai buvo įrodyta AB „Akmenės cementas“ tarša. Žievės savitasis elektros laidumas 2006 m. svyravo nuo 0,97 mS/cm kontrolinėje vietoje iki 2,88 mS/cm AB „Achema“ apylinkėse. Įvairiu atstumu nuo AB „Achema“ nutolusiuose jaunuolynuose bei pusamžiuose pušynuose 1995-2006 m. kylant oro temperatūrai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą], Parameters of the bark of Scots pine and dependence of some air pollution reflecting characteristics on meteorological factors were investigated. The subject of the research – Scots pine growing in the area of the nitrogen fertilizer factory, the cement factory and the oil refinery. The aims of the research: to investigate the pH and electrical conductivity of the bark of pine stems in the stands growing at different distances from the factories; to ascertain whether the acidity of bark depends on climatic factors in the surroundings of the works and to estimate the influence of meteorological factors on some air pollution reflecting indicators which were studied since the last decade in the transect of the nitrogen fertilizer factory. The methods of the research – the acidity of the bark was defined using the portable pH/mV/temperature meter „IQ140” and glass probe with flat tip, electrical conductivity was measured with the meter of conductivity „Cond 730”. The results of the research. The pH of the bark of the stems of pines varied from 4,04 in the background to 5,73 in the neighbourhood of the cement factory in 2006. The amount of precipitation and the pH of the bark increased simultaneously in the surroundings of the nitrogen fertilizer factory (in the groups of both young age and middle-aged stands). The pH of the bark increased simultaneously with the growing temperature of the air in the localities of the nitrogen fertilizer factory (in the group of middle-aged... [to full text]
- Published
- 2007
11. Pelikės uolaskėlės (Saxifraga hirculus L.) ekologinis įvertinimas Kurtuvėnų regioniniame parke
- Author
Mirinas, Slavomiras, Kupčinskienė, Eugenija, Marozas, Vitas, Žekonienė, Vanda, Kustienė, Renė, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Petrauskas, Antanas, Lygis, Danius, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Radiševičiūtė, Živilė, Mirinas, Slavomiras, Kupčinskienė, Eugenija, Marozas, Vitas, Žekonienė, Vanda, Kustienė, Renė, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Petrauskas, Antanas, Lygis, Danius, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, and Radiševičiūtė, Živilė
- Abstract
Radiševičiūtė Ž. Pelkinės uolaskėlės ekologinis įvertinimas Kurtuvėnų regioniniame parke: Ekologijos ir aplinkotyros specialybės miško ekologijos specializacijos magistro darbas / Vadovas doc. dr. S. Mirinas; LŽŪU. – K., 2007. – 50 p.: 26 pav., 7 lentelės. Bibliog.: 45 pavad. SANTRAUKA Magistro darbe tiriama pelkinės uolaskėlė ekologinė būklė Kurtuvėnų regioniniame parke. Tyrimo objektas – keturios pelkinės uolaskėlės augavietės esančios Kurtuvėnų regioniniame parke. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti pelkinės uolaskėlės būklę, gausumą, augaviečių biologinę įvairovę Kurtuvėnų regioniniame parke bei pasiūlyti priemones šio augalo būklei pagerinti. Darbo metodika – tiriamojo augalo kryptingai ieškota pagal jiems būdingas augavietes bei remiantis literatūros šaltiniais. Vertinant augalo būklę buvo naudotasi Botanikos instituto parengta retųjų, nykstančių ir invazinių augalų rūšių monitoringo metodika. Tiriant užimamas bendrijas, kiekvienos rūšies augalai buvo vertinami balais pagal Braun-Blanquet skalę. Darbo rezultatai. Pelkinė uolaskėlė- Saxifraga hirculus L. Kurtuvėnų regioniniame parke randama nedidelėmis grupėmis ir yra nykstanti kartu su biotopais. 2006 m. rastos keturios pelkinės uolaskėlės augavietės. Gausiausiai žydinčių individų rasta Smirdėlės pelkės teritorijoje (153 indv.). Mažiausiai žydinčių augalu rasta Svilės šaltinių salpos pelkėtoje pievoje (2 indv.). Pelkinės uolaskėlės populiacijos užimamose bendrijose dominuoja viksviniai augalai, pagrindinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą], Radiseviciute Z. Ecological evaluation of Saxifraga hirculus L. in regional park of Kurtuvenai: Master Theses for Specialty of Ecology and Environment Specialization of Forests Ecology/Supervisor Assoc. doc. Dr. S. Mirinas; LUA. – K., 2007. 50 p.: 26 pictures, 7 tables. Bibliogr. 45 sources. SUMMARY Master Theses analyze ecological evaluation of Saxifraga hirculus L. in regional park of Kurtuvenai. Object of work – four Saxifraga hirculus L. growing areas in regional park of Kurtuvenai. Purpose of work – evaluate status, amplitude and biological variety of growing areas of Saxifraga hirculus L. in regional park of Kurtuvenai and suggest means to improve status of this plant. Methodology of work – plant of study was purposefully searched in their natural growing areas and with reference to literature sources. Valuating status of plant rare, endangered and invasive plant sources monitoring methodology prepared by Institute of Botanic was used. Searching occupied communities plants of each species were ranked by Braun-Blanquet scale. Results of work Saxifraga hirculus L. in regional park of Kurtuvenai is founded by small groups and is endangered along with biotopes. In year 2006 were founded four growing areas of Saxifraga hirculus L. The largest place of flowering plants (153 individuals) was in territory of Smirdele swamp. Least place of flowering plants (2 individuals) was in territory of Sviles springs swampy grassland. In communities occupied by Saxifraga hirculus L... [to full text]
- Published
- 2007
12. Ekologiškų maisto produktų paklausą lemiantys veiksniai.
- Author
Rutkovienė, Vida and Garliauskienė, Gerda
- Subjects
SUPPLY & demand ,ORGANIC foods ,CONSUMER preferences ,CONSUMPTION (Economics) ,CONSUMER attitudes - Abstract
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- Published
- 2007
13. Antropogeninio poveikio įtaka Vidzgirio botaninio draustinio retiems augalams
- Author
Staniulytė, Erika, Mirinas, Slavomiras, Kutra, Saulius, Valenta, Vytautas, lygis, Dainius, Žekonienė, Vanda, Marozas, Vitas, Rutkovienė, Vida Marija, Kustienė, Renė, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Petrauskas, Antanas, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Reti augalai ,Draustinis ,Gausumas ,Conservation area ,Rare plants ,Amplitude - Abstract
Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro 57 puslapiai. Jame yra 8 lentelės, 31 paveikslėliai, 44 literatūros šaltiniai ir 13 priedų. Magistro darbe tiriama antropogeninio poveikio įtaka Vidzgirio botaninio draustinio retiems augalams. Darbo objektas- reti augalai augantys Vidzgirio botaninio draustinio teritorijoje. Darbo tikslas- įvertinti retų augalų dinamiką per pastaruosius metus ir ieškoti priemonių jų išlikimui. Darbo metodai- retų augalų gausumui nustatyti naudojomės Botanikos instituto parengta monitoringo metodika (Parengta Zigmanto Gudžinsko 2001 m. Botanikos institutas, Floros ir geobotanikos laboratorija). Aprašant augavietę kiekvienos rūšies augalų gausumas ir padengimas vertinami balais pagal Braun- Blanquet skalę . Atlikus tyrimus ir įvertinus retų augalų paplitimą nustatyta, kad 7 iš 11 rastų retų augalų auga antropogeninio poveikio zonoje Jų augavietės yra šalia upelio, piliakalnio ir mokomojo tako. Šios vietos yra gausiai lankomos. Reti augalai augantys Vidzgirio botaniniame draustinyje nukenčia nuo intensyvios rekreacijos, kirtimų, šiukšlių. Tyrimų metu nustatyta, kad sumažėjo tamsialapio skiautalūpio individų skaičius. Pagausėjo plačialapės klumpaitės individų skaičius. Rastos naujos retų augalų augavietės. Norint užtikrinti saugomų augalų augaviečių stabilumą, ypač vertinguose miško sklypuose reikia taikyti tokį patį ūkininkavimo režimą, kaip I grupės miškuose, visoje draustinio teritorijoje vengti bet kokių introdukuotų augalų rūšių sodinimo, sureguliuoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] Final master degree work of University, 57 pages, 31 figures, 8 tables, 36 references, 44 appendix. Master degree work cover the studies of antropogenic effect to the rare plants, which are growing in the botanical conservation area of Vidzgiris. The object of research- rare plants growing in conservation area of Vidzgiris. The aim of research- to evaluate dynamic over the recently years of rare plants and to seek measures for their survival. These methods were used while writing the work: for the identifying superfluity of rare plants the monitoring methods were applied prepared by the Botanical Institute (prepared by Zigmantas Gudžinskas 2001, Botanical Institute, in Flora and Geobotany laboratory). By using descriptive method it was evaluated the superfluity and coating of every sort of plant for populations association using Braun- Blanquet rates scale. After research and evaluating spread of rare plants instituted that 7 of 11 rare plants are growing in the zone of antropogenic effect. They growing places are near the stream, mound and educational path. Rare plants in the botanical conservation area of Vidzgiris are influencing by intensive recreation, deforestation, rubbish. At the time of research estimated that number of Epipactis atrorubens has decreased. Number of Cypripedium calceolus has increase. Were found new places were rare plants can grow. That to secure protected rare plants growing places is need to fit farming mode like in the I group forest... [to full text]
- Published
- 2007
14. Evaluation of the Trees Left for Biological Diversity in Clear Cutting in Prienai Forestry region
- Author
Žiobaitė, Dalia, Marozas, Vitas, Mirinas, Slavomiras, Valenta, Vytautas, Lygis, Dainius, Žekonienė, Vanda, Kustienė, Rene, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Rutkovienė, Vida Marija, Patrauskas, Antanas, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Medžių būklė ,Biological diversity ,Lajų defoliacija ,Medžiai palikti biologinei įvairovei ,Trees left for biological diversity ,Biologinė įvairovė ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Crown defoliation ,Medžių pažeidimai ,Conditions of trees ,Injuries of trees - Abstract
Magistro darbe tiriama paliktų biologinei įvairovei medžių Prienų miškų urėdijoje plyno kirtimo biržėse būklė. Darbo objektas – Prienų miškų urėdijos plyno kirtimo birž��s ir jose biologinei įvairovei palikti medžiai. Darbo tikslas – Įvertinti 2002-2006 matų laikotarpyje biologinei įvairovei paliktų medžių Prienų miškų urėdijos plyno kirtimo biržėse būklę. Darbo metodika – surinkta informacija apie Prienų miškų urėdijoje plynų kirtimų biržes ir jose biologinei įvairovei paliktus medžius. Iš kiekvienų 2002 – 2006 metais plynais kirtimais kirstų biržių buvo pasirinkta po 10 biržių. Pasirinktose plyno kirtimo biržėse buvo įvertinti biologinei įvairovei paliktų medžių būklė pagal šiuos rodiklius: medžių būklė, lajos defoliacija ir medžių pažeidimai. Darbo rezultatai – Nuo 2002 iki 2006 metų vidutinis paliktų medžių skaičius plyno kirtimo biržėse viename hektare išaugo 1,5 karto, bet jų vidutinis skersmuo sumažėjo. Vadinasi su kiekvienais metais buvo paliekama vis daugiau, bet smulkesnių medžių. Medžių lajų vertinimo duomenimis, medžių būklė yra nepatenkinama, o to priežastis gali būti staigus pavienių medžių augusių medyne atidengimas, dėl ko neprisiteikę augti atviroje vietoje medžiai nusilpo. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad apie ketvirtadalį medžių iš biologinei įvairovei paliktų medžių galima vertinti, kaip potencialų negyvos medienos šaltinį plynose biržėse. Artimoje ateityje šie medžiai pasitarnaus daugeliui miško ekosistemos organizmų egzistavimui. The master thesis presents evaluation of the condition of the trees, left fot biological diversity in clear cutting areas of Prienai forestry region. Object of the work – trees left for biological diversity in clear cutting areas of Prienai forestry region. Aim of the work – to evaluate the condition of the trees, left fot biological diversity in clear cutting areas of Prienai forestry region in the period of 2002-2006. Methods of the work – 10 clear cutting areas from each of smooth wood areas, felt in Prienai forestry region of the period of 2002-2006, were selected for investigation. Each of the left trees was estimated according to the following indicates: condition of trees, crow defoliation and injuries of trees Results of the work – In 2002-2006 period mean number of trees decreased, but mean diameter of trees increased. Almost ¼ of trees died in offer the first year. Left trees for biological diversity had higher defoliation of crowns.
- Published
- 2007
15. Auginimo technologijų įtaka 'Elise' obuolių kokybei
- Author
Sikorskytė, Aušra, Rutkovienė, Vida, Dulskienė, G., Pranckietis, V., and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Elektrocheminiai parametrai ,Quality of apple ,Obuolių kokybė ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Electrochemical characteristics ,Conventional production ,Ekologinė gamyba ,Įprastinė gamyba ,Organic farming production - Abstract
Sikorskytė A. Auginimo technologijų įtaka 'Elise' obuolių kokybei: Ekologijos specialybės agroekologijos specializacijos magistro darbas / Vadovė V. Rutkovienė; LŽŪU. – K., 2007 – 54 p.: 16 pav., 15 lentelių, 2 priedai. Bibliogr.: 63 pav. SANTRAUKA Magistratūros studijų baigiamajame darbe tiriama auginimo technologijų įtaka Elise obuolių kokybei. Darbo objektas – Malus genties augalo vienos Elise veislės vaisiai, brandinami obelų, kurios auga Kauno kolegijos Kraštotvarkos fakulteto mokomajame – pomologiniame sode (Mastaičiai, Kauno r.). Minėtos veislės obelys auginamos ekologinėmis ir įprastinėmis sąlygomis. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti auginimo technologijų įtaką Elise obuolių kokybei. Darbo metodai – eksperimentinis, atlikti elektrocheminiai ir cheminiai kokybės tyrimai, mokslinės literatūros ir tyrimo duomenų analizė. Darbo rezultatai. Įprastinėmis ir ekologinėmis sąlygomis augintų obuolių kokybė vertinta pagal elektrocheminius, fizinius ir cheminius parametrus. Nustatyta, kad gausesnį derlių subrandino įprastinėmis sąlygomis augančios obelys. Nustatyti koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp elektrocheminių ir fizinių parametrų: stiprūs atvirkštiniai ryšiai yra tarp vaisiaus skersmens (r =-0,88), masės (r =-0,77) ir elektrinio laidžio; atvirkštiniai koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp vaisiaus skersmens ir P vertės (r = -0,85) bei vidutinio stiprumo atvirkštiniai koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp vaisiaus masės ir P vertės (r = -0,67). Esminiai skirtumai nustatyti tarp cheminės sudėties (bendrojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] Sikorskytė A. Growing technologies influence on quality of apple ‘Elise’: the final work of Master’s Degree Studies of Agro ecology specialisation of Ecology speciality/ Supervisor V. Rutkovienė; LŽŪU. – K., 2007 – 54 pages: 16 pictures, 15 tables, 2 annexes, 63 literature sources. SUMMARY The final work of Master Degree Studies is based on the research of influence of growing technologies on quality of apple variety Elise. The object of the final work – As an object of the research fruits of one variety Elise of genus Malus plants were selected. Following plants are growing in the educational – phomological garden of Landscape faculty of college of Kaunas (Mastaičiai, Kaunas district). Apple trees of variety Elise are grown under organic and conventional conditions. The aim of the final work – to evaluate the influence of growing technologies on the quality of apple fruits Elise. Methods of the final work – experimental; electrochemical and chemical research of quality has been made; the analysis of science literature and data of research. Result of the final work. The quality of organic farming and conventionally grown apple fruits has been evaluated according to electrochemical, physical and chemical characteristics. Judging by the results obtained the yield from conventional apple trees has been bigger then those grown by the organic farming. The correlation between electrochemical and physical results has been obtained as follows: strong converse relations are among... [to full text]
- Published
- 2007
16. Vyžuonos upės ekologinė charakteristika
- Author
Kazlauskienė, Rasa, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Žekonienė, Vanda, Valenta, Vytautas, Česonienė, Laima, Petrauskas, A, Kutra, Saulius, Marozas, Vytautas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Kustienė, R, Lygis, Danius, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
wastewater treatment facilities ,Utena ,Vandens kokybės rodikliai ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,water quality indices ,Vyžuona - Abstract
Work object – Vyžuona river, which has 26 km lenght, is left affluent of Šventoji river, belongs to subbasin of Šventoji river and runs from northeast to southwest of Lithuania. Work aim – identify water quality and bounded with it live organisms of Vyžuona river. Work tasks – analyse physical-chemical water parameters of Vyžuona river, identify varietal composition of organisms, define and evaluate contamination of river objects. Work results – After the reasearch was made there was defined that Vyžuona river in Utena town (1 km from Krašuona river and Vieša river junction) belongs to average contaminated rivers category measuring by parameters of water quality: common nitrogen quantity 1.9 times exceeds permissible quotas, 68.6 % of common nitrogen is composed of nitrate nitrogen, BDS7 quantity 2,7 times exceeds the LDK, concentration of phosphates 2.3 times exceeded permissible quotas. Krašuona river and Vieša river runs trough private houses section, which has no central sewer and that is the reason why mentioned rivers are bearing domestic contaminants into Vyžuona river. According to 2004-2006 data below the outlet from drain mechanism of UAB „Utenos vandenys“ refinement system there was found concentration of phosphorus which averagely 1,75 times, common nitrogen 1,1 times and BDS7 1,7 times less in comparison with river part in centre of Utena town above UAB „Utenos vandenys“. That may be explained by UAB „Utenos vandeys“ affect, which drains large amount of enough... [to full text]
- Published
- 2006
17. Azoto junginių dinamika skirtinguose šachtinių šulinių vandens gyliuose
- Author
Tiškutė, Daiva, Žekonienė, Vanda, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Rutkovienė, Vida Marija, Lygis, Dainius, Petrauskas, Antanas, Kustienė, Renė, Kutra, Saulius, Marozas, Vitas, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Amoniakas ,Nitritai ,Nitrates ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Shallow wells ,Nitratai ,Groundwater ,Šachtiniai šuliniai ,Gruntinis vanduo ,Nitrites ,Ammonium - Abstract
Research report on the dynamics of nitric compounds in different water levels of shallow wells, located in Pypliai, Kaunas District, is given in the thesis. Subject of research – water quality indicators: nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-) and ammonium (NH3). Aim of research – to define variation of nitrates concentrations in different water levels of shallow wells. Methodology: analysis of scientific literature; chemical water quality analyzes methods: spectral and electrochemical methods; statistical analysis using EXCEL, STATISTICA programs. Results of research: the results of scientific research showed, that nitrates concentrations in deeper levels of shallow wells vary differently; the tendencies of these variations depend on seasons. Seasons make no impact to nitrites and ammonium concentrations in deeper levels of shallow wells. The following statistically relevant water indicators were determined to influence nitrate concentration in shallow well water: oxygen quantity and electrical conductivity. Nitrite concentrations are inversely proportional to oxygen amount. Ammonium concentrations depend on organic compound quantity. Statistically relevant links between nitrites and ammonium were estimated.
- Published
- 2006
18. Šiaurės Lietuvos karstinio regiono žemių agrarinės apkrovos tyrimas Apaščios upės baseinui
- Author
Vaizgėla, Mindaugas, Kustienė, Renata, Mirinas, Slabomiras, Lygis, Danius, Marozas, Vitas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Žekonienė, Vanda, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Agrarian load ,Ammonium nitrogen ,Karstinis regionas ,PH ,Agrarinė apkrova ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Biržų rajonas ,Basin of river Apaš ,Amonio azotas ,BDS7 - Abstract
Summary The agrarian loads in basin of river Apaščia Karst Region area of North Lithuania is described in this article. Meth-ods and results of research were disputed shortly. The research was done 2003-2005. It is searching, what kind of farming land forms dominate in basin of river Apaščia and farming land forms influence to quality of river‘s water.
- Published
- 2005
19. The nusture of fitomass gvantity in Svetus river basin
- Author
Marčiukonytė, Laima, Kustienė, Regina, Petrauskas, A., Lygis, Danius, Mirinas, S., Marozas, Vitas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Pekarskas, J., Žekonienė, Vanda, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Kultūrinės žolės ,Eatability ,Phytomass ,Piktžolės ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Newly formate community‘s ,Naujai besiformuojanti augalų bendrija ,Plant ,Fitomasė ,Ėdamumas ,weed - Abstract
Object of investigation – Svetus river basin. The purpose of reasearch – 1) to estimame the nurture of phytomass qantity in Svetus river basin, 2) to estimame formerly and newly formed plant community‘s botanic composition, it‘s change in diferent year seasons, and source of chage, 3) to estimame eatability do dominating grass, 4) to provide thr utilization of phytomass. The reasearch was carry out during the period 2003 – 2004. The method of reasearch – the phytomass was estimated by dry digging 50x50x20 monolith. The distance between two monolith –about 100 m., and it is about 30m from river centre. 24 monolith was digged every year (48 at all), which underground part of phytomass was taken from roots. The roots was washed, all plant parts was dryed and waighed (the weatherdry biomass was estimated). Over the period 2003-2004 the biggest amount of phytomass was in natural plant community (haying and grazing) – about 1503,5g/m2 (dry). In newly formed plant community, during 2 year period, the phytomass quantity was twice less than in formerly formed meadow plant community. The growing grass eatability in reasearched plant community was 6 points. The area of Svetus river basin – 36 ha. According two years informatikon, the increase of phytomass sutable for cattles was 118,98 t. The most sutable for second breedng.
- Published
- 2005
20. Dzūkijos nacionalinio parko Liškiavos botanikos sodas: retų ir nykstančių augalų rūšių natūralizacijos galimybės
- Author
Baranauskas, Alius, Žekonienė, Vanda, Kustienė, Rasa, Rutkovienė, Vida, Mirinas, Slavomiras, Marozas, Vitas, Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Lygis, Danius, Petrauskas, Antanas, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Botanical garden ,National park of Dzukija ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Dzukija ,National park ,Nykstančios augalų rūšys ,Liskiava ,Vanishing plant species ,Rare plant species ,Retosios rūšys ,Natūralizacija ,Liškiavos botaninis sodas ,Dzūkijos nacionalinis parkas ,Naturalization - Abstract
PAPER The possibilities of naturalization of rare and vanishing plants’ species are surveyed in master’s study The subject of research - The botanical gardens of Liskiava with the rare and vanishing plants’ species cultured and naturalized there. Objective of the research – Naturalized species of the plants: Turk’s-cap (Lilium martagon), medicinal angelica (Angelica archangelica), perennial satinflower (Lunaria rediviva), and ivy bedstraw (Hedera helix). Also the naturalization in site of rare plants is observed and estimated. Methods of study – Some studied plants were brought from their natural vegetation places, digging out it with the thickness of soil, some of then were sown from seeds: macro bloom finger-flower (Digitalis grandiflora), meadowy salvia (Salvia pratensis). The naturalization of these plants and capability to proliferate is also observed. Ecologist of Dzukija National park, Henrikas Gudavicius conduced to pursue the observation and researches, also rendered comprehensive information about the botanical gardens of Liskiava. Such possibilities of naturalization of rare and vanishing plants’ species were no studied in Lithuania. The conclusion could be done under the results of research: rare plants can be naturalized, just the proper place must be chosen and the observation is necessary during the first year. Keywords: National park of Dzukija, The botanical gardens of Liskiava, rare and vanishing plants’ species, naturalization.
- Published
- 2005
21. Švino kaupimasis skirtingose mėlynių (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) dalyse
- Author
Ulianskienė, Jūratė, Marozas, Vitas, Žekoninė, Vanda, Lygis, Danius, Rutkovienė, Vida, Gražulevičienė, Violeta, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Lead ,Automagistralė ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Transporto tarša ,Švinas ,Bilberry ,Highway ,Vaccinium myrtillus ,Transport pollution ,Mėlynės - Abstract
Subject of research: different parts – roots, stems, leaves, berries – of bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), growing near the A1 Vilnius – Kaunas – Klaipėda highway (the 94th kilometre, right side of the road). Objective of research: to determine the amount of lead in different parts of bilberries. Methodology: for research the samples of bilberries were picked near the A1 Vilnius – Kaunas – Klaipėda highway at the 15 – 20 km distance from Kaunas, at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 70 m distance from highway. For experiment – at 100 m distance from highway, bilberries were replanted in laboratory and were grown in the soils of different lead concentration four months. The soil was sprinkling with lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2) solution of different concentration. The samples of plants were desiccate. The mineralization of different part the plants was carried out, as well as the analysis of soil was made (pH, ratio of hygroscope humidity, concentration of lead in soil). The amounts of lead in plants and soil were determined by the method of atomic absorption spectrometer. Research carried out in accordance with legally approved methodologies. For the statistical evaluation of differences the ANOVA and STATISTICA has been applied. Results of research: by carrying out the research, the amount of lead in different parts of the plants was determined; the dependence of lead amount in different parts of the plant upon the lead amount in solution was analysed; it was evaluated the... [to full text]
- Published
- 2005
22. Dirvožemio makrofaunos (Liumbricidae) tyrimai Pietryčių Lietuvos lengvos granuliometrinės sudėties dirvožemiuose
- Author
Kutkevičiūtė, Renata, Žekonienė, Vanda, Kustienė, Regina, Mirinas, Slavomiras, Raškauskienė, Anželika, Marozas, Vitas, Petrauskas, Antanas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Lygis, Danius, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Dirvožemio makrofauna ,Agrofitocenozė ,The soil fauna ,Earthworms ,Sliekai ,Agrofitocenose - Abstract
In this master work was researched macrofloras dynamics variation during the period of vegetation in phyto association and in the soil. Research object: the part of research was accomplished in 2003 autumn by prof. hab. dr. V. Žekonienė in her executive stationary tests in Trakų Vokė. Another part was accomplished at the stationary ground in Modžiūnai fields also not far from the Merkis near Čižiūnai, and Lazdijai and Varėna regions in the light granulemetre composition of soil. Research objective: to value by the field researches the pervasion in the agrofitocenoze in the southeast part of Lithuania in the light composition of soil macrofauna, subject to cultured species of plants and hidrotermic mode in the soil fields. Research methods: the number of earthworms was counted by dig 0,5*0,5m2 and 0,3 m deep the monoliths of soil and by counting the earthworms. According to researches the number of worms depended on species of cultured plants, influence of forecrops and hidrotermic coefficient. The best preplants were perennial grass and winter rye. At the time of researches were found strong correlation links between hydrotermic modes and the number of earthworms. Keywords: earthworms, agrofitocenose, the soil fauna.
- Published
- 2005
23. Kalcio jonų įtaka kadmio jonų adsorbcijos-desorbcijos procesams skirtingos granuliometrinės sudėties dirvožemiuose
- Author
Muraškaitė, Vaiva, Rutkovienė, Vida, Žekonienė, Vanda, Brazauskienė, Dalia Marija, Mirinas, S., Kustienė, Regina, Sabienė, Nomeda, Lygis, Danius, Marozas, Vitas, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
PH ,Adsorbcija-desorbcija ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Adsorbtion-desorbtion ,Calcium ,Kadmis ,Kalcis ,Smėlio dirvožemis ,Sandy soil ,Clay soil ,Cadmium ,Molio dirvožemis - Abstract
In this master work the influence of calcium ions on the cadmium mobility in the sandy and clay soils was investigated. Work subject - samples of Orthieutric Fluvisol and Calcaric-Endohypogleyic Luvisol topsoils taken from arable lands in Balbieriskis distirict. Work objective - to investigate the influence of calcium ions on the cadmium adsorption-desorption processes in the model systems of different kind of soil-Cd(NO3)2-Ca(NO3)2 simulating pH, Cd2+ and Ca2+ amounts. Work methods - the investigated soil samples were agitated for 1 hour with Cd(NO3)2 and Ca(NO3)2 solutions of various concentrations. The solutions were made in the 0.03M NaNO3 for the constant ionic strength maintaining. The Cd amounts in the equilibrium solution after the adsorption were determined with atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). The Cd desorption was investigated in the samples after adsorption using 0.05M NH4-EDTA (pH 7) solution as extractant. The Cd amount in extract was determined with AAS. Work results - results of the research showed that in the clay soil were accumulated more mobile Cd ions under the influence of Ca ions than in the sandy soil. The clay soil adsorbed for 25 % less and desorbed for 77 % more mobile Cd ions than sandy soil. When soil contamination with Cd was increased from 8 till 40 mg/kg, the Cd adsorption increased about 17 % in both alkaline (pH 8) and acidic (pH 4) medium, while in the sandy soil it decreased about 7 % at pH 8 and increased about 3 % at pH 4. The... [to full text]
- Published
- 2005
24. Sunkiųjų metalų šalinimas iš nuotėkų dumblo elektrocheminiu būdu
- Author
Barišauskas, Giedrius, Lygis, Danius, Petrauskas, A., Paulauskas, V., Žekonienė, Vanda, Bartaševičienė, B., Kustienė, Regina, Mirinas, S., Marozas, Vitas, Rutkovienė, Vida, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
AAS -atominė absorbcinė spektrometrija ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Sewage Sludge ,DLK -didžiausia leidžiama koncentracija ,Elektrochemical method ,Elektrocheminis metodas ,SME – sunkieji metalai ,Heavy Metals Removal - Abstract
SUMMARY Heavy Metals Removal from Sewage Sludge using Electrochemical Method Giedrius Barišauskas Magister thesis, 50 pages, 14 figure, 7 tables, 85 references. Research object – municipal sewage sludge. Research subject – electrochemical removal of heavy metals from sewage sludge. Aim of this study – to investigate the efectiveness of electrochemical Pb, Cd and Cu removal from simulated heavy metal solutions and liquid organic wastes. Tasks – to analyze scientific literature as well as normative documents regulating quality parameters of organic wastes and their products used in agriculture in respect of heavy metals. To investigate variation of Pb, Cd and Cu concentrations in Kaunas and Raseiniai sewage sludge; to carry out laboratory experiments of Pb, Cd and Cu removal from model heavy metal solutions as well as sewage sludge, evaluating decrease of both mobile and total metal concentrations. Methods and instrumentation – following methods have been applied: chemical extraction (preparation of samples), gravitometric, ionometric, atomic absorption spectrophotometric. Results were evaluated using methods of statistical analysis. Results – in case of monocomponent simulated heavy metal solutions 60–90 efficiency have been reached after 10 hours of electrochemical treatment, while in multicomponent systems and natural liquid sludge the removal percentage appeared to be lower. Depending upon removal from sludge efficiency heavy metals ranked in the... [to full text]
- Published
- 2005
25. Changes of morphological and physiological parameters of the needles of Scots pine under influence of local pollution in Lithuania
- Author
Šedbaraitė, Jūratė, Petrauskas, A., Bartkevičius, Edmundas, Kupčinskienė, Eugenija, Žekonienė, Vanda, Mirinas, S., Kustienė, Regina, Rutkovienė, Vida, Marozas, Vitas, Lygis, Danius, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Fluctuating asymmetry ,fungi ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Industrial pollution ,wettability ,Spyglių morfologija ,Spygliuočiai ,Sudrėkstamumas ,Conifers ,Technogeninė tarša ,Spyglių fiziologija ,Needle morphology ,Vandens netekimas ,Needle physiology ,water loss ,Spyglių asimetrija - Abstract
SUMMARY In the research work for Master degree the variance of morphological-physiological characteristics of the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in the vicinity of local pollution sources of Lithuania were investigated. Subject of research: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing near the largest industrial pollution sources in Lithuania: a cement factory, a nitrogen fertilizer factory and an oil refinery. Goals of the research: to estimate morphological and physiological features of the needles sampled from the pines growing at different distances from the largest industrial pollution sources. Methodology: the needle morphological features were determined by evaluating needle fluctuating length asymmetry and needle fluctuating mass asymmetry. The needle surface quality was evaluated by measuring contact angles of the water droplets and following the dynamics of water loss from excised needles. Research results: Significant differences were documented between the pine stands located at different distances from the cement factory. The needle asymmetry and surface data of the pine stand near the cement factory showed that the cement dust had a negative effect on the needle development and structure. The pine stand growing in the vicinity of the cement factory was characterised by increased needle asymmetry, faster water loss from the excised needles and increased surface wettability. No morphological and physiological changes as caused by air... [to full text]
- Published
- 2005
26. Elninių žvėrių populiacijų valdymas ir jų įtaka miško atkūrimui Anykščių miškų urėdijos Mikierių girininkijoje
- Author
Kinderienė, Danutė, Marozas, Vitas, Lygis, Danius, Kustienė, Regina, Petrauskas, A., Rutkovienė, Vida, Mirinas, Slavomiras, Žekonienė, Vanda, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Sprouts ,Žėlinių apsauga ,Taurusis elnias ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Moose ,Effect on planting ,Poveikis želdiniams ir žėliniams ,Stirna ,Protection of planting ,briedis ,Danielius ,Fallow-deer ,Red deer ,Roe ,Želdinių - Abstract
Research object. Populations of cervine animals (moose, red deer, roes) and their living environment in Mikieriai Forestry of the Public Institution Anykščiai Forest Enterprise. Research aim. To study the populations of cervine animals, their living environment and effect of these animals on forest in Mikieriai Forestry of the Public Institution Anykščiai Forest Enterprise. Research methods. Logic analysis of literature and systemic selective accounting. Research results. Cervine animals living in the forests of the Forestry are moose (density 7 pcs./1000 ha), red deer (12 pcs./1000 ha), roes (31 pcs./1000 ha). Because of their effect on forest planting and sprouts the number of cervine animals should be reduced as they browse, break stems and peel bark. The use of cervine animals is low. Before breeding fallow-deer in the forests of the Forest the basic breed should be moose, secondary – roe, minor secondary – red deer. When the fallow-deer are bred, to which the forests of the Forestry are good to live in and belong to the category of middle areas, the basic breed in the forests of the Forestry should be moose, secondary – roe and fallow-deer, minor secondary (undesirable) – red deer. From possible effect of cervine animals the forest planting and sprouts are protected by fences and repellents and protected area makes up 4,8 – 6,2% of the total area of the forests. Many recommended stimulants in biosphere range are also favourable for the increase of hunting fauna. The... [to full text]
- Published
- 2005
27. Tytuvėnų regioninio parko saugomų teritorijų analizė
- Author
Stašaitis, Simonas, Lygis, Danius, Žekonienė, Vanda, Petrauskas, A., Kustienė, Regina, Mirinas, S., Rutkovienė, Vida, Marozas, Vitas, Žalkauskas, Remigijus, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Natural habitats ,NATURA 2000 ,Integracinės vertės koeficientas ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Integral value coefficient ,Gamtinės buveinės ,Kertinės miško buveinės ,Saugomos teritorijos ,woodland key habitats ,Protected areas - Abstract
Lately, after Lithuania’s admission to a big unit of countries - the European Union, one of the most important tasks while implementing negotiated EU membership commitments in on country in the establishment of NATURA 2000 the network of protected areas that is of the European significance. In the process of the establishment of the network the system of the protected areas is being changed, new protected areas NATURA 2000 are being created reservations, and biosphere polygons. While implementing the Lithuanian Republic strategy of biological variety protection and it’s plan of actions valuable woodland biotopes, woodland key habitats are distinguished. Namely here, in small woodland areas the biology variety is especially wide and the protection of such territories is a mattes of primary interest. To meet the requirements big change have taken place in the regional park of Tytuvėnai as well. Study object. Territory of the Tytuvėnai regional park. The aim of the study is to determine the territories of NATURA 2000 and the woodland key habitats, to evaluate them preliminarily, to determine the peculiarity of them distribution in the area, and to estimate the variation of the natural protected areas of the existing regional park of Tytuvėnai and in it’s draft version. Study methodology. In the analysis of the protected areas the data from the data basis of the Forest and Land Service organizations was used. To determine the territories of NATURA 2000 The Guide of the habitats... [to full text]
- Published
- 2005
28. The Assessment of Biological Diversity of Buda Forest District
- Author
Červokienė, Rugilė, Brazaitis, G., Marozas, V., Lygis, Danius, Petrauskas, A., Kustienė, Regina, Mirinas, S., Rutkovienė, Vida, Žekonienė, Vanda, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Biologinė įvairovė ,Biologinės įvairovės rodikliai ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Indexes of biological diversity ,Kertinės buveinės ,Key habitats - Abstract
Biological diversity - means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ekological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and ecosystems, as Biological Diversity Convention says. In this work was made analysis of forest data of State Forest Enterprise of Kaisiadorys, Buda forest district. Atention was paid to the forest elements that can promote biological diversity. The archive data of managment (1977,1987,1996,2003 years)of Buda forest district used for assessment. Stand species diversity was analyzed using Number of species, Diversity, Proportionality and Dominance indexes. Thestand diversity dynamics of the Buda forest district was analyzed accordind to these indexes. There also were analyzed Species of Data Red Book of Lithuania of forest district, reserves teritories and key habitat teritories of Buda forest district.That supported to mark 2 teritories of Great biodiversity and 8 hotspots of biological diversity on the map of analyzed forest district.
- Published
- 2005
29. Radioaktyvių izotopų kaupimosi Drūkšių ežero žuvų organizmuose įvertinimas
- Author
Talačka, Vaidas, Česonienė, Laima, Petrauskas, A., Kustienė, Regina, Rutkovienė, Vida, Marozas, V., Mirinas, S., Žekonienė, Vanda, Kutra, Saulius, Lygis, Danius, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Radioaktyvieji izotopai ,Strontium ( 90Sr) ,Ilgaamžiai technogeniniai radionuklidai ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Cesium ( 137Cs) ,Fish contamination ,Stroncis ( 90Sr) ,Radio-pollution ,Macrobiotic radioisotopes ,Radiologinė tarša ,Cezis ( 137Cs) ,Gamtinės kilmės radionuklidas - Abstract
It was being exploratored radiation pollution of fish living in water-cooling basin of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in master's work. The objectives of work. NPP water-cooling basin's fish. The purpose of work was to estimate fish (Rutilus rutilus ( L.), Abramis brama ( L.), Esox lucius ( L.) and Perca fluviatilis ( L.)) contamination degree with macrobiotic radioisotopes cesium ( 137Cs) and strontium ( 90Sr) of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant ( NPP) water cooling basin, to point up estimated radio-pollution concentrations dependence from fish capturing period of year, their (fish) varietal particularity, nutritional mode of fish life and compare with fish contamination by macrobiotic radioisotopes in other Lithuanian waters. Methods of work. Gama spectral analysis to estimate 137Cs levels in foodstaffs; 90Sr method estimation in foodstaffs and environmental samples by method of Tcherenkov radiation. The experiment was accomplished in the Laboratory of Environmental Protection – the subdivision of Ignalina NPP in 2004-2005. Samples of fish were delivered for the investigations by three times a year ( by 20 kg for every time (month); by 5 kg of different kind; totally 60 kg). It was being applied that method for statistical evaluation of secured data - calculable marks evaluation of secured results. All findings are on 95 % reliability level. The results of investigations showed, that larger specific activity of ( 137Cs) has been found in Esox lucius ( L.) and Perca... [to full text]
- Published
- 2005
30. Research and application of the intensification of activities of iron and manganese oxidizing bacteria's for drinking water treatment
- Author
Mažeikienė, Aušra, Burinskienė, Marija, Rimkus, Zenonas, Rutkovienė, Vida Marija, Baltrėnas, Pranas, Styro, Dmitrijus, Butkus, Donatas, Tumas, Rimvydas, and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering and Land Management ,Manganese ,Manganas ,Geležis ,Iron ,Drinking water ,Gelžbakterės ,Iron bacteria ,Geriamasis vanduo - Abstract
Iron and manganese – the main components in Lithuanian groundwater, not following requirements of norms regulate the water quality. Now the most advanced method for removal of the mentioned substances is non-reagent technologies, where the important role is the on biological oxidation. This work includes experimental examination of the hypothesis, affirming that bacteria’s, oxidising iron and manganese can grow in some Lithuanian water treatment and can increase the removal of iron and manganese substances from the water. The novelty is that the method of identification and cultivation of iron bacteria’s presented in the foreign scientific publications was improved and adapted to research of such micro-organisms existing in the quartz sand filter media in the Lithuanian equipment of water treatment plant. For the first time in Lithuania there was examined quantitative distribution of iron and manganese oxidising micro-organisms in the sand thin coating in filters of drinking water purification and were found regularity and dependency of iron bacteria’s activities on the main technological parameters in removal of iron and manganese substances from the water.
- Published
- 2005
31. Geležį ir manganą oksiduojančių bakterijų veiklos intensyvinimo geriamajam vandeniui ruošti tyrimas ir pritaikymas
- Author
Mažeikienė, Aušra, Butkus, Donatas, Baltrėnas, Pranas, Styro, Dmitrijus, Rutkovienė, Vida Marija, Burinskienė, Marija, Tumas, Rimvydas, Rimkus, Zenonas, and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering and Land Management ,Manganese ,Geležis ,Manganas ,Iron ,Drinking water ,Gelžbakterės ,Iron bacteria ,Geriamasis vanduo - Abstract
This work includes experimental examination of the hypothesis, affirming that bacteria’s, oxidising iron and manganese can grow in some Lithuanian water treatment and can increase the removal of iron and manganese substances from the water. The novelty is that the method of identification and cultivation of iron bacteria’s presented in the foreign scientific publications was improved and adapted to research of such micro-organisms existing in the quartz sand filter media in the Lithuanian equipment of water treatment plant. For the first time in Lithuania there was examined quantitative distribution of iron and manganese oxidising micro-organisms in the sand thin coating in filters of drinking water purification and were found regularity and dependency of iron bacteria’s activities on the main technological parameters in removal of iron and manganese substances from the water.
- Published
- 2005
32. The Influence of Abiotic Factors on Fish Distribution in Kaulakiai II (Kybartėliai) Water Rezervoir
- Author
Šukutis, Nerijus, Petrauskas, A., Žekonienė, Vanda, Valenta, Vytautas, Vasiliauskas, A., Rutkovienė, Vida, Bukelskis, Egidijus, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Hydro acoustic surveying ,Jusliniai rodikliai abiotic factor ,Žuvis ,Žuvų bendrija ,Fish ,Echolokacinis metodas ,Fish community ,Fish sensual indicators ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Abiotinis veiksnys - Abstract
The influence of abiotic factors on fish distribution in Kaulakiai II water reservoir is investigated in present master thesis. Object of research – fish communities of Kaulakiai II water reservoir, situated near Raseiniai. Aim of the research – to estimate the substantial abiotic factors and to evaluate their influence on fish distribution in Kaulakiai II water reservoir. To meet an aim these tasks were set: to estimate the most abundant fish species in reservoir; to estimate and map the structure of the bottom; to evaluate sensual indicators of alive fish during the experimental fishing; to value the quality of water in Kaulakiai II reservoir and to rate it according the standards applied for water quality in carp ponds; to detect peculiarities of fish distribution in water body and to exclude the substantial abiotic factors that have hold on fish distribution in Kaulakiai II (Kybartėliai) reservoir. Methods of research – logical literary analysis, hydro acoustic surveying, written quiz of local anglers, observational studies, mathematical modeling. Results: the Cyprinid fishes (11 species) were the most abundant in Kaulakiai II reservoir fish communities with overall 15 fish species resident. The bottom structure mainly was silt - 83,2 %, sand and oozy sand, respectively 4,6 and 12,2 %. Fish injures, parasites, diseases had no influence on fish distribution in Kaulakiai II reservoir during the research. Low oxygen concentrations were estimated at the bottom of reservoir... [to full text]
- Published
- 2004
33. Fitocenozės komponentų kitimas įvairaus amžiaus brukninių – mėlyninių pušynų pakraščiuose
- Author
Grigaitis, Vaidas, Petrauskas, Antanas, Kupčinskienė, Eugenija, Rutkovienė, Vida Marija, Kustienė, Renė, Mirinas, Slavomiras, Marozas, Vitas, Vasiliauskas, Albertas, Žekonienė, Vanda, and Lithuanian University of Agriculture
- Subjects
Projective cover ,Pakraščio efektas ,Ecology and Environmental Studies ,Fitocenozė ,Ecotone ,Ekotonas ,Clear - cut ,The edge effect ,Kirtimas ,Brandus medynas ,Forest community ,Projekcinis padengimas ,Mature stand - Abstract
Grigaitis V. 2004. The forest community dynamics in the edges of different age of Vaccinio - myrtillosa pine forests. The Master thesis / superwisor doc. dr. V. Marozas. LŽŪU, Akademija, 98 p.: iliustr. 52. SUMMARY The purpose of work: to study the appearing of the edge effect among cuttings and neighboring with them mature stands by performing clear - cuts in site in the red whortleberry - whortleberry pine forests; the meaningful influece of the edge effect for cuts and the correlation of forest community components of mature stands: for the sprouts of ligneous plants, moss and lichen, herbal plants, underbrush and understorey, the canopy cover in respect of time and space. The subject of work: Kačerginė forest district of Dubrava Forest Enterprise, the forest array of Zapyškis, pine forests of Vaccinio - myrtillosa site types. The total area of the forest district is 2414 ha, of which the forest array of Zapyškis covers 1568 ha. The object is in the Northeastern part of Middle Europe geographically, in regard to plant formation - in the Europe mixed up - forests zone, from the point of geomorphological view forest reserve belongs to East Europe west side part plaines. The methods of work: for the research in pine forests of Vaccinio - myrtillosa site types were sampled five clear - cut tracts of different cut age, neighboring with conditionally of the same age pine stands of Vaccinio - myrtillosa site types. In the each cut and mature stand group( in the couple)... [to full text]
- Published
- 2004
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