48 results on '"Ruso, Jelena"'
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2. Regional variations in digital transformation: the impact of industry 5.0 on business quality performance.
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Milošević, Isidora, Stojanović, Anđelka, Glogovac, Maja, Rakić, Ana, and Arsić, Sanela
- Subjects
DIGITAL transformation ,CONFIRMATORY factor analysis ,DIGITAL technology ,ORGANIZATIONAL performance ,SMALL business - Abstract
After criticism of the technological orientation of Industry 4.0, many authors began to highlight the importance of Industry 5.0, which considers human-oriented values. This opened space for a lot of research on how people perceive new technologies in this environment and their relationship with the new paradigm – Industry 5.0. The paper aims to examine the relationship between familiarity with Industry 5.0 and business quality performance in SMEs through the workers' perception of digitalisation (attitudes toward digitalisation, digitalisation usage behaviour, and digitalisation behavioural intentions). The results were obtained through a questionnaire conducted in six European countries divided into two groups according to familiarity with Industry 5.0 employing Multi-Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MGCFA). The findings implied the existence of significant relationships between familiarity with Industry 5.0 and quality performances through certain mediating variables. Additionally, a difference was established between the two groups of countries: High Familiarity Level and Low Familiarity Level. These conclusions benefit SMEs by facilitating change and technology adaptation. Positive perceptions drive the gradual adoption of digitalisation, boosting competitiveness through agility, innovation, and efficiency. The research offers insights for practitioners and policymakers to enhance SMEs' competitiveness in Industry 5.0. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Djuric, Mladen, Dimitrijević, Sara, and Milošević, Isidora
- Subjects
PSYCHOLOGY of students ,STRUCTURAL equation modeling ,PATH analysis (Statistics) ,TOTAL quality management ,PERSONNEL management - Abstract
The Total Quality Management (TQM) paradigm encompasses adapted and developed management techniques, emphasizing process management, leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, supply management, human resources management, and quality indicators. This research focuses on applying a TQM-based model to analyze relationships among TQM criteria in university student associations. Specifically, it explores students' perceptions of process approach-based thinking as a catalyst for organizational and quality indicators in these associations. The study, involving 700 respondents, utilized Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), incorporating confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. Key findings reveal that process management positively influences all TQM elements, while only leadership and human resources management directly impact quality indicators. The study's outcomes have the potential to enhance decision-making processes in universities and student associations, thereby improving academic and future business life quality. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Rakić, Ana, Arsić, Sanela, Milošević, Isidora, Ruso, Jelena, Rakić, Ana, Arsić, Sanela, and Milošević, Isidora
- Abstract
The pandemic resulted in lockdown measures worldwide, which forced humanity to seek online alternatives to almost every human activity, including the education system. This research aims to develop a new integrated model to determine the predictors of the quality of E-learning during the pandemic disruption. This paper provides the development of the traditional approach based on Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) into the prediction method based on the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This research was conducted on a sample comprising 1,254 students of the University of Belgrade. The results show that Authority initiative had the most important influence and significance in predicting the perception of the Quality of E-learning during the pandemic. At the same time, the Information Security predictor had the most negligible impact. The findings contribute to the raising the academic community and policy-makers awareness to the necessity of dealing with quality in E-education to a greater extent, especially in emergencies such as pandemics. The suggested combination of constructs that predict the Quality of E-learning has never been analysed in previous research by applying SEM-ANN methodology, which represents the additional contribution of this study.
- Published
- 2024
5. Implementation of standard ISO 9001 in local self-government – example of municipalities in Republic of Serbia
- Author
Dimitrijević, Sara, Ruso, Jelena, Rakić, Ana, Dimitrijević, Sara, Ruso, Jelena, and Rakić, Ana
- Abstract
In modern society, the functioning of a country relies heavily on the evolving activities and role of public administration. Implementing the ISO 9001 standard for Quality Management System demands significant effort and organizational capacity. This paper evaluates the implementation of ISO 9001 in local self-government institutions in Serbia, focusing on municipalities. It also examines the ISO 18091 standard, offering guidance for applying ISO 9001 in local government. Analysis was conducted using a questionnaire from ISO 18091's Annex A, enabling self-evaluation. Employees from various Serbian municipalities filled out the questionnaire, allowing local government authorities to assess performance across 39 indicators.
- Published
- 2024
6. Comparative analysis of ISO 3744 and ISO 5305 standards for UAS noise measurement
- Author
Donić, Marina, Ganić, Emir, Ruso, Jelena, Donić, Marina, Ganić, Emir, and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
The rapid development and expansion of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) necessitate stringent regulatory frameworks to mitigate their environmental and societal impacts, particularly noise pollution. This paper presents a comparative analysis of two key ISO standards—ISO 3744 and ISO 5305—used for measuring noise emissions from UAS. The study aims to explain the strengths, limitations, and applicability of each standard within the context of the unique acoustic challenges posed by UAS operations. ISO 3744, traditionally applied to various noise sources, provides a general framework for determining sound power levels based on sound pressure measurements. In contrast, the more recent ISO 5305 offers a specialized approach tailored specifically for UAS, taking into account the distinct acoustic profiles and operational contexts of UAS. Through a detailed examination, this paper highlights the differences in measurement methodologies and their respective capacities to address the unique noise characteristics of UAS. The findings underscore the importance of standardization in reducing noise pollution from UAS, which is crucial for minimizing their impact on both the environment and residential communities. The paper concludes with recommendations for the adoption and further refinement of these standards to better serve the needs of industry stakeholders and policymakers.
- Published
- 2024
7. Digital Platforms in Higher Education in Light of Industry 4.0
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, Ruso, Jelena, Rakić, Ana, Milošević, Isidora, Ruso, Jelena, and Rakić, Ana
- Abstract
The wheels of the Industrial Revolution propel the progression of society, while the societal transformation mirrors the imminent Industrial Revolution acknowledged within the contexts of Industry 4.0. Notably, the rapid progress of technological innovation has had a significant impact on various sectors, including the field of education. Consequently, contemporary universities are tasked with delivering a heightened level of service quality to align with evolving industrial trends, emphasizing human innovation and collaboration within shared digital environments. The introduction of digital platforms and distance learning represent key changes in how education is approached, providing the various tools and resources that support learning, teaching, research and administrative processes. Hence, this paper seeks to define a measuring instrument for quality variables in online higher education through factors such as tangibility, reliability, readiness, assurance of digital platforms, and empathy in their use. Examining the correlation between defined quality variables in higher education through the use of digital platforms will provide a clear insight into the direction and strength of the relationship that exists between quality variables, emphasizing their positive relationship. These findings provide a basis for constructing a framework to enhance the quality of digital platforms in the Industry 4.0 era, contributing to the foundational elements for developing Society 5.0.
- Published
- 2024
8. Značaj primene standarda za sistem menadžmenta životne sredine
- Author
Dimitrijević, Sara, Đurić, Mladen, Ruso, Jelena, Dimitrijević, Sara, Đurić, Mladen, and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
Od davnina do danas, svet je prošao kroz mnoge transformacije. Društvo i prirodno okruženje su se dramatično promenili u poslednjim decenijama. Vidljive su posledice kao što su porast temperature, manjak resursa i izumiranje pojedinih vrsta, kao rezultat neadekvatnog delovanja čoveka i organizacija prema životnoj sredini. Sve ovo pokazuje da je životna sredina ugrožena. Posledice ponašanja ljudi su postale naglašene i sve više raste svest o tome. O ovome govori i činjenica da se preduzimaju različite aktivnosti za zaštitu životne sredine, kako na globalnom, tako i na regionalnom i nacionalnom nivou. Razne svetske organizacije su preduzele akcije koje vode društvo ka cirkularnoj ekonomiji. Ovakva situacija dovela je do toga da su, poslednjih trideset godina uloženi veliki napori da se investicijama i inovacijama, smanji degradacija, sa jedne strane, a da se, sa druge strane efikasnije koriste obnovljivi izvori i ograniči upotreba neobnovljivih. Organizacije, u skladu sa tim, razumeju važnost očuvanja i zaštite životne sredine što dovodi do implementacije standarda za sisteme menadžmenta životne sredine. Ovaj rad upravo govori o značaju primene ovih standarda i o tome koje sve pozitivne strane organizacije imaju njihovom implementacijom. Obuhvaćeni su efekti primene zahteva standarda ISO 14001 – Sistemi menadžmenta životne sredine – Zahtevi sa uputstvom za korišćenje, i izlistani su drugi standardi koji se tiču društveno odgovornog poslovanja i očuvanja životne sredine, poput ISO 50001:2018, zatim ECOLOGO standardi, Energy star, Cradle to Cradle i slično. Svrha ovog rada je, da se pregledom literature i analizom različitih studija slučaja, ukaže na efekte primene ovih standarda u radu organizacija. Istraživanja su pokazala da je primena standarda imala pozitivan uticaj kako na poslovanje organizacije, tako i na očuvanje i uključivanje lokalne zajednice u kojima se nalaze ove organizacije.
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Milanović, Milica, Đurić, Mladen, Ruso, Jelena, Milanović, Milica, Đurić, Mladen, and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
In the context of the rapidly changing and complex automotive industry, the 8D methodology stands out as a vital tool for continuous process improvement through a systematic approach to problem-solving and quality management. This paper offers an exposition of the 8D methodology, a highly effective quality management tool for addressing internal and external problems, specifically focusing on its practical application in the automotive industry. By analysing real-world case studies, we demonstrate how this methodology is effectively applied in practice, outlining the steps involved in problem identification and resolution and the long-term benefits of its implementation. This paper underscores the critical role of quality in ongoing operations and the necessity for dedicated implementation and oversight of the quality management system to ensure long-term success in the automotive industry in Serbia.
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, primary, Ruso, Jelena, additional, and Rakić, Ana, additional
- Published
- 2024
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11. Analysis of applicability of tools and techniques in total quality management concepts
- Author
Glogovac, Maja, primary and Ruso, Jelena, additional
- Published
- 2023
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12. The Quality Indicators of E-learning: Business vs. Education/Pokazatelji kvalitete e-učenja: poslovanje naspram obrazovanja
- Author
Arsić, Sanela, primary, Ruso, Jelena, additional, Milošević, Isidora, additional, Rakić, Ana, additional, Glogovac, Maja, additional, and Filipović, Jovan, additional
- Published
- 2023
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13. Poboljšavanje kvaliteta zasnovano na optimizaciji i automatizaciji poslovnih procesa
- Author
Pantić, Marko, Đurić, Mladen, Ruso, Jelena, Pantić, Marko, Đurić, Mladen, and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
Kompanije koje isporučuju proizvode i usluge često nemaju jasnu sliku o procesima koji se odvijaju unutar njih. Takav pristup dovodi do ograničenja rasta kompanije, a mogućnost za pojavu neusaglašenosti znatno raste. Veliki broj organizacija funkcioniše bez bilo kakvog sektora, odeljenja ili zaposlenog koji se bavi procesima i sistemima menadžmenta u celini. Uzrok takve pojave jeste nerazvijena svest o procesnom menadžmentu i konceptu kvaliteta kao osnovnom delovanju u kompa-nijama. Stoga, u ovom radu biće izvršena analiza koja će prikazati uticaj optimizacije i automatiza-cije poslovnih procesa na poboljšavanje kvaliteta. Zatim, pregledom literature, biće generisan ope-rativni model gde će se utvrditi njegov uticaj na povećanje brzine poslovnih procesa i smanjenje varijacija, grešaka u procesu i troškova poslovanja.
- Published
- 2023
14. Analysis of applicability of tools and techniques in total quality management concepts
- Author
Glogovac, Maja, Ruso, Jelena, Glogovac, Maja, and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
The Total Quality Management (TQM) emerged as an evolution of the continuous improvement philosophy, emphasising quality as a fundamental aspect of the business to achieve higher organisational competitiveness. As business environments are characterized by dynamic changes, applying various TQM tools and techniques allows a leading edge in the market. Additionally, TQM tools and techniques serve entrepreneurs to improve the quality of their products or services, focusing on customer satisfaction, employee involvement, and continuous improvement. However, in the lack of knowledge and information, entrepreneurs are often unaware of the available methodologies. Hence, the paper shows, describes and systematises a set of tools and techniques available to all business people and their applicability to TQM concepts such as 8D and Six Sigma. The paper provides practical insights, information, and guidance for entrepreneurs and managers to improve the quality of their products or services, the efficiency of operations, and achieve long-term sustained success
- Published
- 2023
15. The Quality Indicators of E-learning: Business vs. Education
- Author
Arsić, Sanela, Ruso, Jelena, Milošević, Isidora, Rakić, Ana, Glogovac, Maja, Filipović, Jovan, Arsić, Sanela, Ruso, Jelena, Milošević, Isidora, Rakić, Ana, Glogovac, Maja, and Filipović, Jovan
- Abstract
Nowadays, the technological revolution brings significant changes in all spheres of society, including learning in both the business and education environments. Consequently, the quality and usefulness of e-learning systems are gaining importance in the contemporary competitive market. In order to enhance users’ satisfaction, organizations have to put more effort into identifying and understanding significant influential factors. This study strives to establish quality indicators as factors that affect e-learning user satisfaction by comparing business and education contexts. The results gathered through 1350 valid questionnaires are evaluated using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The conceptual model is developed and consists of six quality indicators: Individual Impact, Cooperation Quality, Information Quality, System Quality, Usefulness, and Satisfaction. By considering relationships between Information Quality and System Quality according to the Usefulness of e-learning, findings indicate important differences between education and business users’ perceptions. This research contributes to the dual observation of the expectations and attitudes of the observed groups of respondents.
- Published
- 2023
16. Students’ Behavioural Intention Regarding E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, Ruso, Jelena, Rakić, Ana, Arsić, Sanela, and Nikolić, Djordje
- Subjects
COVID-19 ,E-učenje ,Više obrazovanje ,Bihevioralna namjera učenika ,Modeliranje ,e-learning ,higher education ,students’ behavioural intention ,modelling - Abstract
Due to the appearance of COVID-19, the newly emerged situation has provoked numerous reactions in the field of education, both in the world and in Serbia. Prompted by this problem, the authors of this paper conducted a survey to determine students' behavioural intention, as well as their readiness to use e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. E-learning has integrated technology and education and has proven to be a powerful tool that enables the education system to respond to the challenges of modern society. In this research, an online questionnaire was distributed to the students of the University of Belgrade. To process the results, the SEM methodology was employed, which enabled the testing of the proposed hypotheses. The obtained results showed the students’ behavioural intention can be directly and indirectly predicted by the joint influence of the role of authority, innovative orientation, user-friendly learning, expected performance, and quality of e-learning. This knowledge enabled a comprehensive analysis that encompassed the e-learning experiences students gained during a state of emergency., Zbog pojave virusa COVID-19, novonastala situacija izazvala je brojne reakcije u obrazovanju, kako u svetu tako i u Srbiji. Potaknuti ovim problemom, autori ovog rada proveli su istraživanje kako bi utvrdili namjere ponašanja učenika, kao i njihovu spremnost na korištenje e-učenja tijekom COVID-19. E-učenje je integriralo tehnologiju i obrazovanje te se pokazalo kao moćan alat koji obrazovnom sustavu omogućuje da odgovori na izazove modernog društva. U ovom istraživanju studentima Sveučilišta u Beogradu podijeljen je online upitnik. Za obradu rezultata korištena je SEM metodologija koja je omogućila provjeru postavljenih hipoteza. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da se Bihevioralna namjera korištenja e-učenja može izravno i neizravno predvidjeti zajedničkim utjecajem uloge autoriteta, inovativne orijentacije, učenja prilagođeno korisniku, očekivanog učinka i kvalitete elektroničkog učenja. Ovo saznanje omogućilo je provođenje sveobuhvatne analize koja je obuhvatila iskustva učenika u e-učenju tijekom izvanrednog stanja.
- Published
- 2023
17. Business-Oriented Social Network as a Platform for Personal Promotion
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, primary, Arsić, Sanela, primary, Rakić, Ana, primary, and Ruso, Jelena, primary
- Published
- 2023
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18. Leadership for Quality 4.0 Improvement, Learning, and Innovation.
- Author
Glogovac, Maja, Ruso, Jelena, Arsić, Sanela, Rakić, Ana, and Milošević, Isidora
- Subjects
LEADERSHIP ,DIGITAL technology ,STRUCTURAL equation modeling ,INDUSTRY 4.0 ,PERFORMANCE management ,RESOURCE management - Abstract
In modern business, Industry 4.0 has brought in a technological transformation in which digital technologies provide improving quality in many aspects. Therefore, this research aims to explore the influence of leadership on quality achievements within Industry 4.0, connoting Quality 4.0. Accordingly, this research observes the mutual relations among all QMS elements encompassed in ISO 9004:2018 in the context of Quality 4.0. The developed research model consists of one independent variable: Leadership; and five dependent variables: Context and Identity; Resource Management; Process Management; Performance Management; Improvement, Learning, and Innovation. The survey is carried out through a questionnaire distributed among 345 companies of different types, ages, sizes, and industries. Gathered data are analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) to perceive relationships between the variables. Findings indicate a direct positive influence among all observed variables, except the influence of Process Management on Improvement, Learning, and Innovation as Quality 4.0 achievements. The findings could have significant implications on leaders' knowledge on investigating a roadmap to implement the well-based QMS to achieve sustainable results in Quality 4.0 improvement, learning, and innovation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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19. Leadership for Quality 4.0 Improvement, Learning, and Innovation
- Author
Glogovac, Maja, primary, Ruso, Jelena, additional, Arsić, Sanela, additional, Rakić, Ana, additional, and Milošević, Isidora, additional
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Proceedings of the International Congress on Process Engineering - Processing is the property of Union of Mechanical & Electrotechnical Engineers & Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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21. Why do academics need standards?
- Author
Mijatović, Ivana, Tošić, Biljana, Kićanović, Ana, Ruso, Jelena, Mijatović, Ivana, Tošić, Biljana, Kićanović, Ana, and Ruso, Jelena
- Published
- 2022
22. Uticaj socijalnih i monetarnih doznaka dijaspore na društvo i privredu matice - slučaj Srbije
- Author
Filipović, Jovan, Milosavljević, Zoran T., Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Milosavljević, Zoran T., and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
U radu se daje pregled socijalnih i monetarnih doznaka dijaspore i njihovih društvenih i ekonomskih uticaja. Pošto migracija nikada nije samo "odliv mišićne mase (odliv radne snage) već uvek u određenoj meri i "odliv mozgova", studija analizira moguće efekte međunarodne migracije visokokvalifikovane radne snage. Osim toga, sumirani su i analizirani prednosti i nedostaci priliva novčanih doznaka. Kao zemlja s velikom dijasporom u odnosu na ukupnu populaciju nacije, Srbija predstavlja bogatu studiju slučaja za proučavanje društvenih i ekonomskih uticaja socijalnih i monetarnih doznaka dijaspore., The paper provides an overview of both social and monetary diaspora remittances and their societal and economic impacts. Since migration is never a sole "muscle drain" (labor power drain), but always to a certain extent a "brain drain", the study analyzes possible effects of high-skilled international migration (highly-skilled diaspora). In addition, the pros and cons of monetary remittances are summarized and analyzed. Being among the countries with the largest Diasporas relative to the total nation's population, Serbia represents a rich case study for societal and economic impacts of social and monetary diaspora remittances.
- Published
- 2022
23. Leadership for Quality 4.0 Improvement, Learning, and Innovation
- Author
Glogovac, Maja, Ruso, Jelena, Arsić, Sanela, Rakić, Ana, Milošević, Isidora, Glogovac, Maja, Ruso, Jelena, Arsić, Sanela, Rakić, Ana, and Milošević, Isidora
- Abstract
In modern business, Industry 4.0 has brought in a technological transformation in which digital technologies provide improving quality in many aspects. Therefore, this research aims to explore the influence of leadership on quality achievements within Industry 4.0, connoting Quality 4.0. Accordingly, this research observes the mutual relations among all QMS elements encompassed in ISO 9004:2018 in the context of Quality 4.0. The developed research model consists of one independent variable: Leadership; and five dependent variables: Context and Identity; Resource Management; Process Management; Performance Management; Improvement, Learning, and Innovation. The survey is carried out through a questionnaire distributed among 345 companies of different types, ages, sizes, and industries. Gathered data are analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) to perceive relationships between the variables. Findings indicate a direct positive influence among all observed variables, except the influence of Process Management on Improvement, Learning, and Innovation as Quality 4.0 achievements. The findings could have significant implications on leaders' knowledge on investigating a roadmap to implement the well-based QMS to achieve sustainable results in Quality 4.0 improvement, learning, and innovation.
- Published
- 2022
24. Employee Fluctuation in Quality Management Profession: Exploiting Social Professional Network Data
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Glogovac, Maja, Filipović, Jovan, Jeremić, Veljko, Ruso, Jelena, Glogovac, Maja, Filipović, Jovan, and Jeremić, Veljko
- Abstract
Due to the lack of a significant volume of research on factors that affect employee fluctuation in the quality management profession, the paper is focused on exploring certain individual and organizational factors as possible influencers on quality management professionals' turnover. As a business and employment-oriented social networking service, LinkedIn was used to gain data on education, contacts, company ownership type, workplace type, and fluctuation behavior of 1014 quality management professionals. For statistical analysis, chi 2 contingency table, ANOVA with Tukey/Tamhane posthoc, and CHAID Decision Tree Analysis were employed. The results showed that employees' fluctuation depends on the degree of education, career development activities as well as the type of current examinee workplace. There is also an association between the type of company ownership and employee fluctuations. Further, the greater number of LinkedIn contacts was found to be related to more pronounced fluctuation. Since employees' fluctuation significantly influences company performance and competitiveness, the paper could provide valuable insight for managers to understand what could predict employees' fluctuation, which is especially important for knowledge-based contemporary organizations.
- Published
- 2022
25. Industrija 4.0 - ograničenje ili korist za uspeh?
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, Arsić, Sanela, Glogovac, Maja, Rakić, Ana, Ruso, Jelena, Milošević, Isidora, Arsić, Sanela, Glogovac, Maja, Rakić, Ana, and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
Četvrta industrijska revolucija je značajna pokretačka snaga koja uokviruje digitalne, društvene i ekonomske potrebe kompanija. Ovaj koncept značajno utiče na rezultate poslovanja povećavajući ekonomičnost, kvalitet i efektivnost. Međutim, studije o rezultatima učinka Industrije 4.0 u Srbiji su još uvek oskudne. Dostupna literatura se uglavnom bavi radovima koji posmatraju industriju 4.0 samo sa jedne tačke gledišta, najčešće pozitivnih ili negativnih efekata na poslovni uspeh. Uočen je jaz u literaturi koji bi bio popunjen posmatranjem Industrije 4.0 sa dva suprotna aspekta, pozitivnog ili negativnog. Da bi se prevazišao jaz u literaturi, ovaj rad ima za cilj da uoči da li se Industrija 4.0 doživljava kao olakšavajuća ili ograničavajuća za poslovni uspeh. Studija pruža objektivniji pristup posmatranju i donošenju odluka u prihvatanju Industrije 4.0. Da bi podržao ovaj doprinos, ovaj rad pruža dublju analizu faktora koji utiču na finansijske, operativne i strateške rezultate u vezi sa Industrijom 4.0. Razmatrani faktori su odnos prema digitalizaciji, ograničenja digitalizacije i očekivane koristi od digitalizacije. Rezultati prikupljeni kroz 134 validna upitnika su procenjeni korišćenjem modela strukturnih jednačina. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da su svi odnosi i uticaji potvrđeni osim uticaja internih ograničenja na rezultate učinka. Ovi nalazi su ohrabrujući za kompanije koje žele da pređu na Industriju 4.0., The fourth industrial revolution is a significant driving force framing companies' digital, social, and economic needs. This concept considerably influences the outcomes of businesses by increasing cost-effectiveness, quality, and effectiveness. However, studies on performance outcomes of Industry 4.0 in Serbia are still scarce. The available literature mainly deals with papers that observe Industry 4.0 from only one point of view, most often positive or negative effects on business success. A literature gap was observed that would fulfil the observed Industry 4.0 from two opposite aspects, positive or negative. To overcome the literature gap, this paper aims to observe if Industry 4.0 is perceived as facilitating or limiting for business success. The study provides a more objective approach to observing and decision-making in Industry 4.0 acceptance. To support this contribution, the paper provide a deeper analysis of the factors that impact the financial, operational, and strategic performance outcomes associated with Industry 4.0. Considered factors are attitude toward digitalization, limitations of digitalization, and expected benefits of digitalization. The results gathered through 134 valid questionnaires are evaluated using Structural Equation Model. These results show that all relationships and impacts are confirmed except the influence of internal limitations on performance outcomes. These findings are encouraging for companies wanting to transfer to Industry 4.0.
- Published
- 2022
26. An integrated SEM-ANN approach for predicting QMS achievements in Industry 4.0
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, Ruso, Jelena, Glogovac, Maja, Arsić, Sanela, Rakić, Ana, Milošević, Isidora, Ruso, Jelena, Glogovac, Maja, Arsić, Sanela, and Rakić, Ana
- Abstract
Industry 4.0 brings a revolution in using information and communication technologies within business activities. As such, Industry 4.0 enables important space for quality-related improvements but requires a sustained quality management system (QMS). The aim of this study is to predict the influence of ISO 9004:2018 QMS elements on Improvement, Learning, and Innovation achievements in Industry 4.0 using the SEM-ANN approach. The survey included 345 domestic and international companies of different types operating in Serbia. Conclusions demonstrate a direct positive influence between observed constructs (Leadership, Process Management, Resource Management, Performance Management) and Improvement, Learning, and Innovation. Only the Context and Identity of the organisation has a negative direction drawn from SEM analysis. Further, ANN verified SEM results, pointing out that all observed variables are seen as predictors of Improvement, Learning, and Innovation. The importance level corresponds to those elements' SEM ranking. The paper could provide a roadmap towards achieving sustainable results in quality improvement, learning, and innovation in Industry 4.0 era.
- Published
- 2022
27. ISO 9004 maturity model for quality in industry 4.0
- Author
Glogovac, Maja, Ruso, Jelena, Maričić, Milica, Glogovac, Maja, Ruso, Jelena, and Maričić, Milica
- Abstract
It is believed that Industry 4.0., as an integration of business and technologies, can significantly improve companies' process performances and their innovation. However, most companies are not aware or not capable of assessing their Industry 4.0 maturity level. Since many considerations on Industry 4.0 successfulness include elements of the quality management system, ISO 9004:2018 guidance for achieving sustained success is considered in this paper as a possible basis for assessment of maturity level of quality in Industry 4.0, framed as Quality 4.0. The questionnaire with a sample size of 335 companies is used to explore the topic. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Structural equation modelling (SEM) were used to verify the ISO 9004:2018 model potential to be used for assessing Quality 4.0 maturity level. Results show that the Context of an organisation positively impacts the Identity of an organisation and Leadership. Therewithal, the Identity of an organisation is recognised to be a positive influencing predictor of Leadership that is proved to be a positive predictor of Process management and Resource management. Furthermore, Resource management is proved to have a positive impact on Performance analysis and evaluation as well on Improvement, learning and innovation construct. The findings indicate the model is usable in the context of Quality 4.0. Such a model could be utilised as a basis for developing a sustainable Quality 4.0 system roadmap.
- Published
- 2022
28. Industry 4.0: Limitation or benefit for success?
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, primary, Arsić, Sanela, additional, Glogovac, Maja, additional, Rakić, Ana, additional, and Ruso, Jelena, additional
- Published
- 2022
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29. An integrated SEM-ANN approach for predicting QMS achievements in Industry 4.0
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, primary, Ruso, Jelena, additional, Glogovac, Maja, additional, Arsić, Sanela, additional, and Rakić, Ana, additional
- Published
- 2021
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30. Employee Fluctuation in Quality Management Profession: Exploiting Social Professional Network Data
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, primary, Glogovac, Maja, additional, Filipović, Jovan, additional, and Jeremić, Veljko, additional
- Published
- 2021
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31. Quality perception and willingness to pay: The case of red wine with health-beneficial effects
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Maričić, Milica, Spasojevic-Brkić, Vesna, Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Maričić, Milica, and Spasojevic-Brkić, Vesna
- Abstract
This paper attempts to identify consumers' preferences toward red wine quality cues and willingness to pay (WTP) for wine with health-beneficial effects, thus clarifying the complex process of purchasing habits and patterns. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings from a case study conducted in Serbia show that consumer health-effect consciousness and household income are significant predictors of their WTP. On the other hand, health-conscious consumers are more inclined to intrinsic quality cues, while those who are willing to pay a higher price for a bottle of red wine are prone to extrinsic wine quality cues.
- Published
- 2021
32. Quality perception and willingness to pay: The case of red wine with health-beneficial effects
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, primary, Filipovic, Jovan, additional, Maricic, Milica, additional, and Spasojevic Brkic, Vesna, additional
- Published
- 2021
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33. ISO 9004 maturity model for quality in industry 4.0
- Author
Glogovac, Maja, primary, Ruso, Jelena, additional, and Maricic, Milica, additional
- Published
- 2020
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34. Поимање квалитета и стандарда од стране твораца и политика у Србији
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Miladinović, Slobodan M., and Stojiljković, Zoran
- Subjects
Europe ,закони ,Србија ,policy-making ,harmonization ,креирање политика ,Европа ,хармонизација ,Quality infrastructure ,Инфраструктура квалитета ,legislative ,Serbia - Abstract
У циљу израде заједничке платформе за проучавање процеса креирања политика у одређеним областима, развијен је теоријски оквир за компаративну анализу у земљама Централне и Источне Европе, пре и након приступања Европској Унији (ЕУ). Заснован на резултатима опсежног прегледа литературе, овакав оквир је послужио као корисно средство за примену, сажимајући генерализовано знање и искуство у одређеним областима као што је инфраструктура квалитета. Компаративна анализа је изнедрила три кључна закључка. Прво, креирање политика у земљама Централне и Источне Европе снажно утиче на постојеће политике и законодавство ЕУ. Друго, процеси преузимања легислативе захтевају специфичан ниво посвећености, искуства, знања и стручности твораца политика. На крају, временски притисак за брзо усвајање закона представља још једно ограничење за ефективно креирања политика. Неуспех у правилном разумевању ових пропозиција, може имати бројне ненамерне и веома утицајне последице. Такви исходи у постпријемном периоду у литератури се препознају као "површна европеизација", "свет мртвог слова" или "Потемкинова хармонизација", који се одликују формалним правилима с једне, и неформалним праксама с друге стране. Иако су заједнички проблеми транспозиције законодавства ЕУ у земљама Централне и Источне Европе широко проучавани, наше знање је још увек ограничено на то како творци јавних политика поимају инфраструктуру квалитета у Србији током процеса приступања ЕУ. Како би дошли до одговора на постављено питање, у дисертацији је коришћена триангулација - методологија у којој се укрштају следеће методе и технике: а) компаративна анализа, б) анализа стенографских бележака и в) упитник. In order to build a common platform for studying policy making in some particular fields in the EU pre - and post – accession CEE countries we developed a framework for a comparative analysis of policy-making in these countries. This framework, based on the results of an extensive literature research, has served as a valuable tool to apply, in this way, created generalized knowledge and experience to some particular areas, such as quality infrastructure. The framework rests on three key propositions concerning policy-making in the EU pre - and post - accession CEE countries. These are that policy-making in these countries is strongly influenced by the existing EU policies and legislation; that these processes require a specific level of dedication, experience, knowledge and expertise of the policy-makers and that time pressure is a constraint to successful policy-making projects. Failure to properly understand these propositions can have a number of unintended and highly impactful consequences. Such outcomes in the postaccession period are recognized as ‘shallow Europeanization’, ‘world of dead letter’ or ‘Potemkin harmonization’, which are characterized by formal rules on the one hand, and informal practices on the other. Although the common problems of the transposition of EU legislation in CEE countries are widely studied, our knowledge is still limited about how public policy-makers perceive quality infrastructure issues in Serbia during the EU preaccession process. Aiming to start filling this gap, we employ a triangulation methodology, including a) comparative analysis; b) content analysis of parliamentary speeches and c) questionnaire to come up with the same answer to a single theoretical question. During the survey, special focus was placed on harmonization of Serbian quality infrastructure legislation with that of the EU. The results show that policy-makers are not fully familiar with NQI concepts and that they use them in an inadequate way, often solely for marketing purposes.
- Published
- 2019
35. How do Public Policy-makers Perceive National Quality Infrastructure? The Case of Serbia as an EU Pre-accession Country
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Ruso, Jelena, and Filipović, Jovan
- Abstract
In this article, we develop a framework for a comparative analysis of policy-making in the EU pre- and post-accession CEE countries (CEECs) in order to create generalized knowledge in some particular areas, such as quality infrastructure (QI). In order to find how public policy-makers perceive QI, we employ a triangulation methodology. The results show that policy-makers are not fully familiar with national QI concepts and seldom rely on experts' opinion. Moreover, QI legislation is uncritically transferred from the EU.
- Published
- 2020
36. How do Public Policy-makers Perceive National Quality Infrastructure? The Case of Serbia as an EU Pre-accession Country
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, primary and Filipovic, Jovan, additional
- Published
- 2019
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37. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Filipović, Jovan, Miladinović, Slobodan M., Stojiljković, Zoran, Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Miladinović, Slobodan M., Stojiljković, Zoran, and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
In order to build a common platform for studying policy making in some particular fields in the EU pre - and post – accession CEE countries we developed a framework for a comparative analysis of policy-making in these countries. This framework, based on the results of an extensive literature research, has served as a valuable tool to apply, in this way, created generalized knowledge and experience to some particular areas, such as quality infrastructure. The framework rests on three key propositions concerning policy-making in the EU pre - and post - accession CEE countries. These are that policy-making in these countries is strongly influenced by the existing EU policies and legislation; that these processes require a specific level of dedication, experience, knowledge and expertise of the policy-makers and that time pressure is a constraint to successful policy-making projects. Failure to properly understand these propositions can have a number of unintended and highly impactful consequences. Such outcomes in the postaccession period are recognized as ‘shallow Europeanization’, ‘world of dead letter’ or ‘Potemkin harmonization’, which are characterized by formal rules on the one hand, and informal practices on the other. Although the common problems of the transposition of EU legislation in CEE countries are widely studied, our knowledge is still limited about how public policy-makers perceive quality infrastructure issues in Serbia during the EU preaccession process. Aiming to start filling this gap, we employ a triangulation methodology, including a) comparative analysis; b) content analysis of parliamentary speeches and c) questionnaire to come up with the same answer to a single theoretical question. During the survey, special focus was placed on harmonization of Serbian quality infrastructure legislation with that of the EU. The results show that policy-makers are not fully familiar with NQI concepts and that they use them in an inadequate way, often solely f
- Published
- 2019
38. Do international standards influence the development of smart regions and cities?
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Horvat, Ana, Maričić, Milica, Ruso, Jelena, Horvat, Ana, and Maričić, Milica
- Abstract
The growth of city population has consequences on the sustainability and development of smart regions. International standards can provide good practices in wide areas related to environmental, security and social aspects that contribute to the achievement of economic and sustainable growth, well-being, and safe environment. The aim of this study is to explore if there is an association between the level of smart cities in different regions and the number of certificates that could initiate further development of smart and sustainable cities. We analysed standards that support the development of sustainable and smart cities from different countries and explored their influence on the level of smart and sustainable cities. To measure the performance of cities we used the UN-habitat City Prosperity Initiative (CPI) and its six dimensions: Productivity, Infrastructure Development, Quality of Life, Equity and Social Inclusion, Environmental Sustainability, and Urban Governance and Legislation. To analyse the influence of international standards on smart regions and cities initiative we conducted SEM analysis. The results of the research have proved that there is a significant difference between the level of smart cities in different regions and the number of certificates that could initiate further development of smart and sustainable cities. Additionally, a positive impact of international standards on the development of smart regions and cities is confirmed. We believe that the presented approach might provide additional insights into the factors which impact the development of smart regions and cities and initiate further studies on the topic.
- Published
- 2019
39. Poimanje kvaliteta i standarda od strane tvoraca i politika u Srbiji
- Author
Filipović, Jovan, Miladinović, Slobodan, Stojiljković, Zoran, Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Miladinović, Slobodan, Stojiljković, Zoran, and Ruso, Jelena
- Abstract
U cilju izrade zajedničke platforme za proučavanje procesa kreiranja politika u određenim oblastima, razvijen je teorijski okvir za komparativnu analizu u zemljama Centralne i Istočne Evrope, pre i nakon pristupanja Evropskoj Uniji (EU). Zasnovan na rezultatima opsežnog pregleda literature, ovakav okvir je poslužio kao korisno sredstvo za primenu, sažimajući generalizovano znanje i iskustvo u određenim oblastima kao što je infrastruktura kvaliteta. Komparativna analiza je iznedrila tri ključna zaključka. Prvo, kreiranje politika u zemljama Centralne i Istočne Evrope snažno utiče na postojeće politike i zakonodavstvo EU. Drugo, procesi preuzimanja legislative zahtevaju specifičan nivo posvećenosti, iskustva, znanja i stručnosti tvoraca politika. Na kraju, vremenski pritisak za brzo usvajanje zakona predstavlja još jedno ograničenje za efektivno kreiranja politika. Neuspeh u pravilnom razumevanju ovih propozicija, može imati brojne nenamerne i veoma uticajne posledice. Takvi ishodi u postprijemnom periodu u literaturi se prepoznaju kao "površna evropeizacija", "svet mrtvog slova" ili "Potemkinova harmonizacija", koji se odlikuju formalnim pravilima s jedne, i neformalnim praksama s druge strane. Iako su zajednički problemi transpozicije zakonodavstva EU u zemljama Centralne i Istočne Evrope široko proučavani, naše znanje je još uvek ograničeno na to kako tvorci javnih politika poimaju infrastrukturu kvaliteta u Srbiji tokom procesa pristupanja EU. Kako bi došli do odgovora na postavljeno pitanje, u disertaciji je korišćena triangulacija - metodologija u kojoj se ukrštaju sledeće metode i tehnike: a) komparativna analiza, b) analiza stenografskih beležaka i v) upitnik., In order to build a common platform for studying policy making in some particular fields in the EU pre - and post – accession CEE countries we developed a framework for a comparative analysis of policy-making in these countries. This framework, based on the results of an extensive literature research, has served as a valuable tool to apply, in this way, created generalized knowledge and experience to some particular areas, such as quality infrastructure. The framework rests on three key propositions concerning policy-making in the EU pre - and post - accession CEE countries. These are that policy-making in these countries is strongly influenced by the existing EU policies and legislation; that these processes require a specific level of dedication, experience, knowledge and expertise of the policy-makers and that time pressure is a constraint to successful policy-making projects. Failure to properly understand these propositions can have a number of unintended and highly impactful consequences. Such outcomes in the postaccession period are recognized as ‘shallow Europeanization’, ‘world of dead letter’ or ‘Potemkin harmonization’, which are characterized by formal rules on the one hand, and informal practices on the other. Although the common problems of the transposition of EU legislation in CEE countries are widely studied, our knowledge is still limited about how public policy-makers perceive quality infrastructure issues in Serbia during the EU preaccession process. Aiming to start filling this gap, we employ a triangulation methodology, including a) comparative analysis; b) content analysis of parliamentary speeches and c) questionnaire to come up with the same answer to a single theoretical question. During the survey, special focus was placed on harmonization of Serbian quality infrastructure legislation with that of the EU. The results show that policy-makers are not fully familiar with NQI concepts and that they use them in an inadequate way, often solely f
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Rakic, Ana, Ruso, Jelena, Glogovac, Maja, and Filipovic, Jovan
- Subjects
WORKS councils ,COMMITTEES ,WORK structure ,MINERAL industries ,STANDARDIZATION - Abstract
Quality infrastructure (QI) is composed of an institutional complex that encompasses services of metrology, standardization, certification, accreditations, and conformity assessment. When it comes to standardization, standards are adopted, prepared, and translated by technical committees. This paper strives to analyze the work of members of committees at the Institute for Standardization of Serbia to show the structure of QI experts considering their position, type, size, and innovativeness of their organizations and number and length of engagement in the committees including it's a category. The results showed that most members of the committees work in large organizations, in executive positions, and see their organizations as innovative. The dominant activity of the organizations in which the respondents work belongs to the electricity and mining industry. Most experts are engaged in only one commission for a period of up to 3 years or more than 10 years, respectively. When it comes to certain committees, one of the most numerous is CASCO (Conformity Assessment Committee). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Milošević, Isidora, Ruso, Jelena, Arsić, Sanela, Rakić, Ana, and Stojanović, Anđelka
- Subjects
INDUSTRY 4.0 ,VERTICAL integration ,DIGITAL technology ,SYSTEM integration ,THREE-dimensional printing ,TECHNOLOGICAL progress - Abstract
The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is heavily influencing companies by transforming the contemporary economy and society. Industry 4.0 integrates the cyber and physical worlds by utilizing technology. Consequently, Industry 4.0 is a socio and technical related system to achieve industrial expansion with continuous digital transformation. The paper aims to investigate advanced technologies included in Industry 4.0 that have a high potential to significantly develop the digital economy in European countries and Serbia. For purposes of this paper the secondary source of data was gathered, such as Big data, 3D printings and robotics, Cloud computing services, and Horizontal and vertical integration systems. Analyzed data depicts that European countries and Serbia have made different progress in the employment of technology based on the fourth industrial revolution, where Serbian enterprises are making technological progress with a lot of delays, as well as in the other developing countries. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
42. The Serbian quality infrastructure as viewed by the quality managers
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Ranković, Biljana, Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, and Ranković, Biljana
- Abstract
Globalization of the modern society as well as the increased consumer awareness have led to the situation where every country in the world has growing needs for a reliable Quality Infrastructure (QI). In this context, the paper highlights the importance of the development of Quality Infrastructure in Serbia in terms of institutional connectivity and legal regulation within the country. Operationally, the paper aims at examining the quality managers’ opinions about current situation of QI in Serbia, with the special emphasis on the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) issues. Additionally, the article presents all governmental and other relevant organizations that may contribute to the development of QI model in Serbia as well as in the whole region, in economical, business and governmental surroundings. The results indicate that although NQI institutions are well established and regulated by the legislation of Republic of Serbia, there is still a room for improvement.
- Published
- 2017
43. The role of higher education in national quality infrastructure policy-making
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, Pejović, Gordana, Ruso, Jelena, Filipović, Jovan, and Pejović, Gordana
- Abstract
The aim of the paper is to raise awareness of the importance of the policy makers’ knowledge and expertise about quality infrastructure (QI) for the successful policy-making. This article, which addresses the role of higher education in Serbian quality infrastructure policy-making, is an analysis of QI related contents of higher education institution curriculum. The target institutions are public faculties from whose official websites the data were collected. Depending on the keywords, the analysis was performed in order to classify the faculties into three categories. After reviewing the 307 subject titles and descriptions of undergraduate courses, the results show that the concepts of QI are widely recognized as an important and popular topic. The analysis of the QI adoption and diffusion indicates that although some of the faculties might be ‘leaders’ in a particular dimension, they still do not necessarily fall into the ‘leader’ category.
- Published
- 2017
44. The Serbian quality infrastructure as viewed by the quality managers
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, primary, Filipovic, Jovan, additional, and Rankovic, Biljana, additional
- Published
- 2017
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45. Self-evaluation as a part of the infrastracture for e-learning
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Krsmanović, Maja, Horvat, Ana, Ruso, Jelena, Krsmanović, Maja, and Horvat, Ana
- Abstract
The increasing availability of Internet has emerged a great interest of the educational community in developing Web-based assessment and self-assessment tools, to support not only distance learning, but also to improve learning in traditional class. Self-evaluation that provides feedback facilitates the active involvement of students in the learning process and help students to gradually improve their knowledge on each subject. This paper presents an introduction to student assessment used with the aim to support and improve e-learning. Aim of this paper, through a literature review and best practices, introduce and prove the usefulness of self-assessment as a tool for e-learning in higher education. Web-based dynamic assessment and web-based self-assessment tool explains the ease of use, features and role of administrators, instructors and students as participants in W-PARES.
- Published
- 2013
46. Samovrednovanje visokoškolskih ustanova
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Stojanović, Vera, Ruso, Jelena, and Stojanović, Vera
- Abstract
Potreba za reformisanjem obrazovnog sistema su porasle a odgovori i rezultati se nalaze pred jakim izazovom. Obradom i analizom stručne literature definisan je sadržaj koji opisuje i tačnije govori o tome šta je samovrednovanje visokoškolskih ustanova, tretiran je odnos samovrednovanja i adreditacije u visokoobrazovanim institucijama, kao proces i značaj prednosti samovrednovanja. Bolonjski proces potencira unapređivanje kvaliteta visokoobrazovnih institucija i njihovih nastavnih procesa. Jedan od načina kontrole kvaliteta i usmerenih poboljšanja jeste primena samovrednovanja na kome insistira i novi Zakon o visokom obrazovanju. Rezultati samovrednovanja predstavljaju okosnicu i jedan od ključnih kriterijuma procesa akreditacije univerziteta i fakulteta na našim prostorima. Sam proces samovrednovanja možemo shvatiti kao sistemsko preispitivanje aktivnosti institucije koji može ukazati na slabosti i propuste kao i greške u njenim procesima., The need to reform the education system and the responses were increased and the results are the strong challenge. Processing and analyzing the literature is defined by the content that accurately describes and talks about what a self-evaluation of higher education institutions, treated the relationship of self-evaluation and adreditacije in higher education institutions, as the process and importance of the benefits of self-evaluation. Bologna process emphasizes improving the quality of higher education institutions and their educational process. One way of addressing quality control and improvement is the application of self-evaluation in which insists the new Law on Higher Education. Results of self-evaluation are the backbone of one of the key criteria of the accreditation process of universities and colleges on our spaces. Process of self-evaluation can be understood as a systematic review of the activities of institutions that can demonstrate the weaknesses and failures and errors in its process.
- Published
- 2012
47. Occupational health and safety using data mining
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Stojanović, Vera, Ruso, Jelena, and Stojanović, Vera
- Abstract
Large amounts of the data gathered in organizations through business operations won't have utility value unless they are used in a proper way. With growing amount of data, the issue of their storage, processing and analysis is becoming more complex. The proper data usage and analysis should provide guidance, solutions and the basis for predictions with the objective of improving and initiating future smart decisions based on the acquired results. Data mining is the tool which exactly enables discovering of emerging patterns and important business information. This work presents the example of Data Mining implementation in the field of workplace health, safety and welfare at HIP-Petrohemija, in Pančevo, as well as various approaches of data analysis and processing by various authors in this field.
- Published
- 2012
48. The interpretation and implementation of SRPS ISO/IEC 17021 standards
- Author
Ruso, Jelena, Stojanović, Vera, Ruso, Jelena, and Stojanović, Vera
- Published
- 2012
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