61 results on '"Rusnak S"'
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2. (035) Feasibility and Acceptability of a Virtual Group Mindfulness-based Therapy for Women with Lifelong Anorgasmia: A Pilot Study
- Author
Marino, J, primary, Kingsberg, S, additional, Segall, T, additional, Rusnak, S, additional, and Dusek, J, additional
- Published
- 2023
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Sysoeva, I. V., Ilyina-Stognienko, V. Yu., Cheremnykh, G. I., Kornienko, S. V., and Rusnak, S. V.
- Abstract
Sysoeva I. V., Ilyina-Stognienko V. Yu., Cheremnykh G. I., Kornienko S. V., Rusnak S. V. POST-RESUSCITATION SYNDROME. FEATURES OF PATIENTS’ MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT TACTICS = ПОСТРЕАНІМАЦІЙНИЙ ХВОРОБА. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ВЕДЕННЯ ПАЦІЄНТІВ І ТАКТИКИ ЛІКУВАННЯ. Вісник морської медицини / 2022;4(97):31 - 38. ISSN 2707-1324 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7569955 УДК 616-036.882-08-06-07 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7569955 POST-RESUSCITATION SYNDROME. FEATURES OF PATIENTS’ MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT TACTICS Sysoeva I. V., Ilyina-Stognienko V. Yu., Cheremnykh G. I., Kornienko S. V., Rusnak S. V. Odessa National Medical University; Survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is 29-40%. Post-resuscitation disease occurs in the first hours after CPR and lasts 7-10 days. The prognosis depends on how quickly CPR is started from the moment of circulatory arrest and how well it is performed. An important role in the development of postresuscitation disease is played by disturbances in peripheral blood circulation, immune status, metabolism, and the development of DVZ - syndrome. All complications are closely related to the long-term absence of blood circulation and its significant weakening in the post-resuscitation period. In the remote period of recovery, emotional disorders, cognitive disorders, fatigue, etc. are noted. Emotional problems are observed 3-6 months after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 15-30% of cases. In 40 - 50% of patients after a successful SRL there are long-term disorders of memory, attention, speed of information processing and performance of analytical functions. The recovery period occurs within three months. Manifestations of depression are observed in 13-32% of patients up to 3-6 months, and later they decrease to 5-15% and last for 12 months. Symptoms of post-traumatic stress persist in approximately 25% of patients. Aggression or apathy, emotional lability are also observed. Fatigue with minimal physical exertion remains at 50% throughout the year. The main task in the treatment of post-resuscitation syndrome is to maintain an adequate level of brain perfusion. Key words: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, post-resuscitation disease. ПОСТРЕАНІМАЦІЙНИЙ ХВОРОБА. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ВЕДЕННЯ ПАЦІЄНТІВ І ТАКТИКИ ЛІКУВАННЯ І. В. Сисоєва, В. Ю. Ільїна-Стогнієнко, Г. І. Черемних, С. В. Корнієнко, С. В. Руснак Одеський національний медичний університет Виживання після застосування серцево - легеневої реанімації (СЛР) становить 29 - 40%. Постреанімаційна хвороба настає в перші години після СЛР та триває 7 - 10 днів. Прогноз залежить від того, як швидко розпочато СЛР з моменту зупинки кровообігу та наскільки якісно вона виконується. Важливу роль у розвитку постреанімаційної хвороби відіграють порушення периферичного кровообігу, імунного статусу, обміну речовин, розвиток ДВЗ - синдрому. Всі ускладнення тісно пов'язані з тривалою відсутністю кровообігу і значним його ослабленням в постреанімаційному періоді. У віддаленому періоді одужання відзначаються емоційні розлади, когнітивні порушення, втома та інше. Емоційні проблеми спостерігаються через 3-6 місяців після серцево-легеневої реанімації у 15 - 30% випадків. У 40 - 50% пацієнтів після вдалої СРЛ мають місце тривалі порушення пам'яті, уваги, швидкості обробки інформації і виконання аналітичних функцій. Відновлювальний період настає протягом трьох місяців. Прояви депресії спостерігаються у 13-32% пацієнтів до 3 - 6 місяців, а надалі вони зменшуються до 5 - 15% і тривають на протязі 12 місяців. Симптоми посттравматичного стресу зберігаються приблизно у 25% хворих. Також спостерігаються агресія або апатія, емоційна лабільність. Втома при мінімальному фізичному навантаженні зберігається у 50% напротязі року. Основне завдання при лікуванні постреанімаційного синдрому - підтримувати адекватний рівень перфузії мозку. Ключові слова: серцево - легеневої реанімації, постреанімаційна хвороба.  
- Published
- 2022
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4. Dynamics of pathophysiology changes in the hemostasis system at the main stages of breast cancer treatment = Динаміка патофізіологічних змін системи гемостазу на основних етапах лікування раку молочної залози
- Author
Polyasnyi, V. O., Savytskyi, I. V., Kazarnovskyi, M. O., Rusnak S., V., and Moskalenko O., M.
- Abstract
Polyasnyi V.O., Savytskyi I.V., Kazarnovskyi M.O., Rusnak S.V., Moskalenko O.M. Dynamics of pathophysiology changes in the hemostasis system at the main stages of breast cancer treatment = Динаміка патофізіологічних змін системи гемостазу на основних етапах лікування раку молочної залози \\ Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини / Actual problems of transport medicine / 2022;3(69):50-57. ISSN 1818-9385 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7188213 http://aptm.org.ua УДК 618.19–006.6–07 + 618.19–006.6: 615.28: 616–005.6–08–039.71 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7188213 ООР DYNAMICS OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY CHANGES IN THE HEMOSTASIS SYSTEM AT THE MAIN STAGES OF BREAST CANCER TREATMENT Polyasnyi V.O., Savytskyi I.V., Kazarnovskyi M.O., Rusnak S.V., Moskalenko O.M. NCP “Odessa Regional Oncology Center” OOR It has been shown that patients with breast cancer have hemostasis disorders with hypercoagulation phenomena. During the treatment of breast cancer by the main methods, hemostasis system disorders occur. The role of vascular endothelium in the mechanisms of hemostasis system disorders is insufficiently studied, and there is no data in the literature regarding the leading mechanism of hemostasis disorders in breast cancer and at the stages of treatment. Indicators that allow predicting violations of hemostasis in the postoperative period and at the stages of chemotherapy and radiation therapy have not been determined, and there is no pathogenetic justification for ways to improve the prevention of violations in patients with breast cancer. These problems need to be solved immediately. Key words: breast cancer, vascular endothelium, hypercoagulation ДИНАМІКА ПАТОФІЗІОЛОГІЧНИХ ЗМІН СИСТЕМИ ГЕМОСТАЗУ НА ОСНОВНИХ ЕТАПАХ ЛІКУВАННЯ РАКУ МОЛОЧНОЇ ЗАЛОЗИ Полясний В.О., Савицький І.В., Казарновський М.О., Руснак С.В., Москаленко О.М. НКП «Одеський обласний онкологічний диспансер» ООР Показано, що у хворих на рак молочної залози спостерігаються порушення гемостазу з явищами гіперкоагуляції. При лікуванні раку молочної залози основними методами виникають порушення системи гемостазу. Недостатньо вивчена роль ендотелію судин у механізмах порушень системи гемостазу, а в літературі відсутні дані щодо провідного механізму порушень гемостазу при раку молочної залози та на етапах лікування. Не визначені показники, що дозволяють прогнозувати порушення гемостазу в післяопераційний період та на етапах хіміотерапії та променевої терапії, не має патогенетичного обґрунтування шляхів покращення профілактики порушень у хворих на рак молочної залози. Ці проблеми потребують негайного вирішення. Ключові слова: рак молочної залози, ендотелій судин, гіперкоагуляція ДИНАМИКА ПАТОФИЗИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИЗМЕНЕНИЙ СИСТЕМЫ ГЕМОСТАЗА НА ОСНОВНЫХ ЭТАПАХ ЛЕЧЕНИЯ РАКА МОЛОЧНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ Полясный В.А., Савицкий И.В., Казарновский М.А., Руснак С.В., Москаленко А.М. НКП «Одесский областной онкологический диспансер» ООР Показано, что у больных раком молочной железы наблюдаются нарушения гемостаза с явлениями гиперкоагуляции. При лечении рака молочной железы основными методами возникают нарушения гемостаза. Недостаточно изучена роль эндотелия сосудов в механизмах нарушений системы гемостаза, а в литературе отсутствуют данные о ведущем механизме нарушений гемостаза при раке молочной железы и на этапах лечения. Не определены показатели, позволяющие прогнозировать нарушения гемостаза в послеоперационный период и на этапах химиотерапии и лучевой терапии, нет патогенетического обоснования путей улучшения профилактики нарушений у больных раком молочной железы. Эти проблемы нуждаются в немедленном решении. Ключевые слова: рак молочной железы, эндотелий сосудов, гиперкоагуляция
- Published
- 2022
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5. Objectivity of verification of the size of blood loss through determination of the quantity of the Willenbrand factor on the background of formula methods = Об'єктивність верифікації розміру крововтрати через встановлення кількості фактора Bіленбранда на фоні формульних методів
- Author
Rusnak, S. V., Savytskyi, I. V., Talalaev, K. O., and Kazarnovskyi, M. O.
- Abstract
Rusnak S. V., Savytskyi I. V., Talalaev K. O., Kazarnovskyi M. O. Objectivity of verification of the size of blood loss through determination of the quantity of the Willenbrand factor on the background of formula methods = Об'єктивність верифікації розміру крововтрати через встановлення кількості фактора Bіленбранда на фоні формульних методів. Вісник морської медицини / 2022;3(96):109-116. ISSN 2707-1324 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7317945 УДК 616-005.1-06:616.151.5]-07 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7317945 С. В. Руснак1, І. В. Савицький1, К. О. Талалаєв2, М. О. Казарновський3 ОБ'ЄКТИВНІСТЬ ВЕРИФІКАЦІЇ РОЗМІРУ КРОВОВТРАТИ ЧЕРЕЗ ВСТАНОВЛЕННЯ КІЛЬКОСТІ ФАКТОРА ВІЛЕНБРАНДА НА ФОНІ ФОРМУЛЬНИХ МЕТОДІВ 1Український науково-дослідний інститут медицини транспорту 2Одеський національний медичний університет 3Одеський обласний онкологічний диспансер Summary. Rusnak S. V., Savytskyi I. V., Talalaev K. O., Kazarnovskyi M. O. OBJECTIVITY OF VERIFICATION OF THE SIZE OF BLOOD LOSS THROUGH DETERMINATION OF THE QUANTITY OF THE WILLENBRAND FACTOR ON THE BACKGROUND OF FORMULA METHODS. – State Enterprise “ Ukrainian Research Institute for Medicine of Transport”, Odessa; Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Oncological Dyspensary; e-mail: badiuk_ns@ukr.net. The relevance of the problem is marked by the increase in the prevalence of bleeding in the incidence structure of nosological units in various specialties and the rapid globalization of the problem. Examinations were conducted in experimental and clinical conditions. In the study, traumatic amputation of the lower limb was simulated according to the classic (n=43) and original model (n=35). In clinical conditions, patients with gastrointestinal bleeding (n=34) and women who gave birth by emergency cesarean section (n=33) were studied. The scientific novelty of the study is that the hemodynamic and hematological components of the pathogenetic process during acute bleeding were studied for the first time in an experimental classical model. All features of the functioning of compensatory and pathological processes in the body due to the mentioned indicators of homeostasis are shown. It was clearly observed that with a blood deficiency of 15% of the BCC, pathological reactions begin to predominate over compensatory ones. In the course of experimental studies, an original model of traumatic amputation of the lower limbs was proposed. The model meets modern requirements for conducting experimental research, and also maximally reflects the pathogenesis of all stages of hemorrhagic shock and blood loss. Another factor is the ability to immediately monitor the combination of hemorrhagic and traumatic shock. This is what brings the experiment closer to real clinical conditions. In the future, the model may be used to introduce new methods of diagnosis and treatment in patients with traumatic injuries amputation of the lower limb and with pathological conditions, complications based on hemorrhagic and traumatic shock. In clinical conditions, for the first time, detailed hematological and hemodynamic changes were described at all stages of treatment of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding who were treated with a conservative method of hemostasis. Subsequently, all indicators of the main formula methods that are included in the diagnostic program and treatment of such patients were described in detail. As in the first case, the situation regarding operative delivery at all stages was analyzed. Also, for the first time, pathogenetic changes in the main homeostasis indicators at all stages of surgical intervention are described. The paper proposes a method of diagnosing the amount of blood loss in acute hemorrhages. The method has a Spearman correlation index in relation to the amount of actual blood loss of 0.69. An original experimental model of traumatic amputation of the lower limb is proposed. For the first time, the method of determining the amount of blood loss was substantiated, tested and implemented. Key words: blood loss, hemorrhagic shock, traumatic amputation of the lower limb, Willebrand factor. Реферат. Руснак С. В., Савицький І. В., Талалаєв К. О., Казарновський М. О. ОБ'ЄКТИВНІСТЬ ВЕРИФІКАЦІЇ РОЗМІРУ КРОВОВТРАТИ ЧЕРЕЗ ВСТАНОВЛЕННЯ КІЛЬКОСТІ ФАКТОРА ВІЛЕНБРАНДА НА ФОНІ ФОРМУЛЬНИХ МЕТОДІВ. Актуальність проблеми відзначається зростанням поширеності кровотеч в структурі захворюваності нозологічних одиниць в різних спеціальностях та швидка глобалізація проблеми. Обстеження проводили в експериментальних та клінічних умовах. В досліді було змодельовано травматичну ампутацію нижньої кінцівки за класичною (n=43) та оригінальною моделлю (n=35). В клінічних умовах досліджували пацієнтів з шлунково-кишковою кровотечею (n=34) та породіллі які родорозроджені шляхом ургентного кесаревого розтину (n=33). Наукова новизна дослідження полягає в тому, що вперше було вивчено гемодинамічні та гематологічні складові патогенетичного процесу під час гострої кровотечі в експериментальній класичній моделі. Показані всі особливості функціонування компенсаторних та патологічних процесів в організмі через згадані показники гомеостазу. Чітко було прослідковано факт, що при дефіциті крові у розмірі 15 % від ОЦК різко починають переважати патологічні реакції над компенсаторними. В ході експериментальних досліджень було запропоновано оригінальну модель травматичної ампутації нижніх кінцівок. Модель відповідає сучасним вимогам проведення експериментальних досліджень, а також максимально відображає патогенез всіх стадій геморагічного шоку та крововтрати. Ще одним фактором є можливість одразу прослідковувати поєднання геморагічного та травматичного шоку. Саме це наближує дослід до реальних клінічних умов. В подальшому модель можливо буде використовувати для впровадження нових методів діагностики та лікування у хворих з травматичною ампутацією нижньої кінцівки та з патологічними станами, ускладненнями, в основі яких є геморагічний та травматичний шок. В клінічних умовах вперше були описані детальні гематологічні та гемодинамічні зміни на всіх етапах лікування хворих зі шлунково-кишковою кровотечею яким застосовувався консервативний метод гемостазу. В подальшому були детально описані всі показники основних формульних методів які сьогодні входять в діагностичну програму та лікування таких хворих. Так само як і в першому випадку було проаналізовано ситуацію стосовно оперативного родорозродження на всіх етапах. Також вперше описані патогенетичні зміни основних гомеостазіологічних показників на всіх етапах оперативного втручання. В роботі запропонований метод діагностики розміру крововтрати при гострих крововтечах. Метод має кореляційний індекс по Спірмену у відношенні до розміру фактичної крововтрати 0,69. Запропонована оригінальна експериментальна модель травматичної ампутації нижньої кінцівки. Вперше обґрунтовано, апробовано і впроваджено метод визначення розміру крововтрати. Ключові слова: крововтрата, геморагічний шок, травматична ампутація нижньої кінцівки, фактор Віллебранда.  
- Published
- 2022
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6. Visual programming: an educational experience
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Rusnak, S., Schauer, H., Vaduva, A., Tinsley, J. David, editor, and van Weert, Tom J., editor
- Published
- 1995
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7. Endothelial dysfunction in patients after COVID-19
- Author
Gozhenko, A., primary, Kuznetsova, H., additional, Pavlega, O., additional, Ilyina-Stognienko, V., additional, Rusnak, S., additional, and Zukow, W., additional
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Vastyanov, R. S., Savitsky, I. V., Dzygal, A. F., Rusnak, S. V., Kravchenko, L. T., Nagovitsyn, A. P., and Kugel, V. I.
- Abstract
Vastyanov R. S.1, Savitsky I. V.1, Dzygal A. F.1, Rusnak S. V.1,2, Kravchenko L. T.3, Nagovitsyn A. P.4, Kugel V. I.1 DYNAMICS OF HEMODYNAMIC AND HEMATOLOGICAL INDICATORS DURING URGENT OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGICAL SURGICAL INTERVENTION. Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини / Actual problems of transport medicine / 2020;3(61):85-92. ISSN 1818-9385 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4081793 http://aptm.org.ua УДК 618.1-089 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4081793 ДИНАМІКА ГЕМОДИНАМІЧНИХ ТА ГЕМАТОЛОГІЧНИХ ПОКАЗНИКІВ ПРИ УРГЕНТНИХ ОПЕРАТИВНИХ ВТРУЧАННЯХ Вастьянов Р. С.1, Савицький І. В.1, Дзигал О. Ф.1, Руснак С. В.1,2, Кравченко Л. Т.3, Наговіцин О. П.4, Кугель В. І.1 1 Одеський національний медичний університет, Одеса, Україна 2 Студентська поліклініка Одеської міської ради, Одеса, Україна 3 Перенатальний центр Одеської області, Одеса, Україна 4 Українська військово-медична академія, Київ, Україна ДИНАМИКА ГЕМОДИНАМИЧЕСКИХ И ГЕМАТОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ ПРИ УРГЕНТНЫХ АКУШЕРСКИХ И ГИНЕКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ОПЕРАТИВНЫХ ВМЕШАТЕЛЬСТВАХ Вастьянов Р. С.1, Савицкий И. В. 1, Дзыгал А. Ф.1, Руснак С. В.1,2, Кравченко Л. Т.3, Наговицын А. П. 4, Кугель В. И.1 1 Одесский национальный медицинский университет, Одесса, Украина 2 Студенческая поликлиника Одесского городского совета, Одесса, Украина 3 Перенатальний центр Одесской области, Одесса, Украина 4 Украинская военно-медицинская академия, Киев, Украина DYNAMICS OF HEMODYNAMIC AND HEMATOLOGICAL INDICATORS DURING URGENT OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGICAL SURGICAL INTERVENTION Vastyanov R. S.1, Savitsky I. V.1, Dzygal A. F.1, Rusnak S. V.1,2, Kravchenko L. T.3, Nagovitsyn A. P.4, Kugel V. I.1 1 Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine 2 Student polyclinic of the Odessa City Council, Odessa, Ukraine 3 Prenatal center of Odessa region, Odessa, Ukraine 4 Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kiev, Ukraine Summary The problem of bleeding at different stages of treatment remains relevant for the provision of surgical care. Various authors provide numerous diagnostic methods, which are based on hemodynamic and hematological pathogenetic changes in the body. We conducted a study of 2 groups of patients: 1 - with acute gynecological pathology, 2 - women in labor after a cesarean section in urgent order. The study analyzed the main hemodynamic and hematological parameters at the stages: before the operating room, after the laparotomy, after the surgical treatment and the late postoperative period. A comparative analysis of the data obtained was also carried out. With urgent gynecological surgical interventions, pathophysiological changes in hemodynamic and hematological parameters take place. The most pronounced hemoglobin index was from 114.2 ± 16.1 g/l to 97.4 ± 9.9 g/l. With urgent operative delivery, hemodynamic and hematological parameters also have a pathogenetic reaction. The most pronounced of them are ESR from 30.8 ± 10.4 mm/h to 33.3 ± 10.7 mm/h. Despite the presence of an active source of bleeding in gynecological patients, their hemodynamic parameters are more stable than in women in labor. Hematological indicators, in the form of cellular composition, also differ more in women in labor than in gynecological patients. Key words: hemodynamic, hematological parameters, urgent obstetric and gynecological surgical interventions  
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Savytskyi, І. V., Vast`yanov, R. S., Rusnak, S. V., Dzygal, O. F., and Nahovitsyn, O. P.
- Abstract
Savytskyi І. V., Vast`yanov R. S., Rusnak S. V., Dzygal O. F., Nahovitsyn O. P. VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR AS DIAGNOSTIC MARKER OF BLOOD LOSS AT THE ROAD TRAFFIC INJURIES = ФАКТОР ВІЛЛЕБРАНДА ЯК ДІАГНОСТИЧНИЙ МАРКЕР КРОВОВТРАТ ПРИ ДОРОЖНЬО-ТРАНСПОРТНОМУ ТРАВМАТИЗМІ. ВІСНИК МОРСЬКОЇ МЕДИЦИНИ. 2020;2(87):26-30. ISSN 0049-6804. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3976552 http://www.herald.com.ua УДК 616-005.1-08: 616-092.9 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3976552 ФАКТОР ВІЛЛЕБРАНДА ЯК ДІАГНОСТИЧНИЙ МАРКЕР КРОВОВТРАТ ПРИ ДОРОЖНЬО-ТРАНСПОРТНОМУ ТРАВМАТИЗМІ І. В. Савицький, Р. С. Вастьянов, С. В. Руснак, О. Ф. Дзигал, О. П. Наговіцин Одеський національний медичний університет, Україна Summary. Savytskyi І. V., Vast`yanov R. S., Rusnak S. V., Dzygal O. F., Nahovitsyn O. P. VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR AS DIAGNOSTIC MARKER OF BLOOD LOSS AT THE ROAD TRAFFIC INJURIES. - Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine; e-mail: farmakod@ukr.net. Road traffic injuries today are a topical issue both from medical and social point of view. Ukraine ranks first among European countries by level of mortality in road traffic accidents with lethality of 22,1%. The objective: to develop diagnostic method of blood loss volume estimation under road traffic injuries. We measured the activity of von Willenbrand factor (WF) in blood plasma to determine the volume of blood loss. Activity of the bleeding was uneven, main part of blood loss was observed during 0 - 27 s. Total volume of bleeding was 4.82 (77.7%) ml at this interval, in the next interval ( 28 - 300 s), the activity of the bleeding decreased to 1.38 (28.3%) ml. At the first stage of bleeding to 77.7%, the blood volume (BV) deficiency increased to 25.3%, and WF up to 59.8%. In the second stage, with a loss of 28,3%, the deficit increases by 7.2%, and the level of plasma WF increased to 11.1%. In general, the BV deficiency reached 32.5%, while WF was 70.9%. That is, the difference between hemodynamic and coagulation mechanisms was set at 38.4%. At the peak of the blood loss the difference was 34.5%. Correlation coefficient of WF, blood loss volume and BV deficit is 0.69. Key words: Road traffic injuries, blood loss, von Willebrand factor. Реферат. Савицкий И. В., Вастьянов Р. С., Руснак С. В., Дзыгал А. Ф., Наговицын А. П. ФАКТОР ВИЛЛЕБРАНДА КАК ДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКИЙ МАРКЕР КРОВОПОТЕРЬ ПРИ ДОРОЖНО-ТРАНСПОРТНОМ ТРАВМАТИЗМЕ. Дорожно-транспортный травматизм является актуальной медико - социальной проблемой. Украина занимает первое место среди европейских стран по уровню летальности при ДТП. Цель работы: предложить метод диагностики объема кровопотери при дорожно-транспортном травматизме. Для установления объема кровопотери мы определяли активность фактора Виленбранда (ФВ) в плазме крови. Активность кровотечения была не равномерной, основная часть кровопотери наблюдалась в промежутке 0 - 27 с. Общий размеркровотечения составлял на этом промежутке 4,82 (77,7%) мл, на следующем промежутке (28 - 300 с), активность кровотечения упала до уровня - 1,38 (28,3%) мл. На первой волне кровотечения (до 77,7%), дефицит ОЦК увеличивается до 25,3%, уровень ФВ – до 59,8%; на второй стадии при кровопотере 8,3% дефицит увеличивается на 7,2%, а ФВ плазмі сосотавляет 11,1%. При сравнении процентных изменений в целом дефицит ОЦК составляет 32.5%, а активность ФВ - 70,9%, т. е. разница между гемодинамическими и коагуляционного механизмами составляет 38,4%. На пике кровотечения она составляла 34,5%. Коэффициент корреляции ФВ, кровопотери и дефицита ОЦК составляет 0,69. Ключевые слова: Дорожно-транспортный травматизм, диагностика, кровопотеря, фактор Виленбранда.
- Published
- 2020
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10. Management of vitreous floaters: an international survey the European Vitreo Retinal Society Floaters study report
- Author
Zeydanli, E. O., Parolini, B., Ozdek, S., Bopp, S., Adelman, R. A., Kuhn, F., Gini, G., Sallam, A. B., Aksakal, N., Ellabban, A. A., Chhablani, J., Fiser, I., Brazda, F., Bedrich, P., Kanovsky, R., Koch, P., Unsal, E., Matonti, F., Aristodemou, P., Boon, C. J. F., Szijarto, Z., Estacy, G., Kusserow, C., Turco, I., Badat, I., Brix, A., Lucke, K., Schuler, A., Ducournau, D., Veith, M., Primavera, V., Noci, N. D., Hamon, F., Uy, R., Soyeur, R., Fourmaux, E., Demosthenos, C., Becquet, F., Berrod, J. -P., Hubert, I., Rusnak, S., Neves, P., Martins, D., Tosi, G. M., Glacet-Bernard, A., Mochi, B., Aroca, P. R., Lafontaine, P. -O., Lytvynchuk, L., Saeed, M., Gunda, M., Gremillion, C., Ophthalmology, and Amsterdam Neuroscience - Complex Trait Genetics
- Subjects
genetic structures ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Vitrectomy ,Credentialing ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Postoperative Complications ,Continuing medical education ,Study report ,Informed consent ,Health care ,medicine ,Humans ,Accreditation ,Retrospective Studies ,business.industry ,Article CME ,Retinal Detachment ,Cataract surgery ,Retinal Perforations ,eye diseases ,Vitreous Body ,Ophthalmology ,030221 ophthalmology & optometry ,Optometry ,sense organs ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Medscape, LLC and Springer Nature. Medscape, LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. 1.0 Release date: Expiration date: 19 April 2020 Post-test link: https://medscape.org/eye/posttest924758 Sobha Sivaprasad, MD, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Served as an advisor or consultant for: Allergan, Inc.; Bayer AG; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Heidelberg Pharma GmbH; Optos; Roche. Served as a speaker or a member of a speakers bureau for: Allergan, Inc.; Bayer AG; Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; Optos. Received grants for clinical research from: Allergan, Inc.; Bayer AG; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; Optos. EOZ, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. BP, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. SO, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. SB, MD, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: served as a speaker or a member of a speakers bureau for: Allergan, Inc.; Bayer AG; Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. RAA, MD, MPH, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. FK, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. GG, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. AS, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. NA, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. Laurie Barclay, MD, Freelance writer and reviewer, Medscape, LLC, and has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic floaters. Forty-eight vitreoretinal surgeons from 16 countries provided information on 581 eyes who underwent vitrectomy for floaters in this retrospective survey study conducted by European VitreoRetinal Society. Percentage symptomatic improvement, incidence of retinal tears/detachment and post-vitrectomy cataract surgery, and the factors associated with satisfaction and complications were investigated. Ninety-two percent were satisfied with the results, with 86.3% reporting complete resolution of daily-life symptoms. Overall satisfaction was lower in patients with smaller vitreous opacities at presentation (OR:0.4). Iatrogenic retinal breaks occurred in 29 eyes (5%). Core vitrectomy and cut rates of 1500–4000 or >4000 cuts/min were associated with lower risk of retinal breaks than complete vitrectomy (OR:0.05) and cut rates 1500 cuts/min are favoured. Proper patient selection and informed consent are the most important aspects of surgery.
- Published
- 2020
11. Phase equilibria in Cd0.80Mn0.20Te solid solutions
- Author
Matviy, A. V., primary, Kopach, V. V., additional, Rusnak, S. M., additional, Kopach, O. V., additional, Shcherbak, L. P., additional, and Fochuk, P. M., additional
- Published
- 2021
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12. An international collaborative evaluation of central serous chorioretinopathy: different therapeutic approaches and review of literature. The European Vitreoretinal Society central serous chorioretinopathy study
- Author
Romano, M. R., Parolini, B., Allegrini, D., Mickalewska, Z., Adelman, R., Bonovas, S., Bopp, S., Citirik, M., Tekin, K., Fiser, I., Boon, C. J. F., Van, D., Donvito, G., Gungel, H., Ozdogan Erkul, S., Unsal, E., Osmanbasoglu, O., Dincer, N., Ercalik, N. Y., Yenerel, N. M., Amar, J. -P., Ennemoser, A., Besozzi, G., Sallam, A. A. B., Ellabban, A. A., Chang, W., Eandi, C. M., Demir, M., Lee, J., Pak, K., Arrevola, L., Sloka, A., Morawski, K., Kulig - Stochmal, A., Romanowska - Dixon, B., Striebe, N. -A., Feltgen, N., Hoerauf, H., Inan, U. U., Tanev, I., Dyrda, A., Schuler, A., Lucke, K., Brix, A., Pape, S., Kusserow-Napp, C., Loo, P. A., Kanra, A. Y., Ardagil Akcakaya, A., Ari Yaylali, S., Bae, S. H., Kim, H. K., Kim, S. J., Han, J. R., Nam, W. H., Odrobina, D., Lavaque, E., Bertelli, E., Coser, S., Ziemssen, F., Forlini, M., Benatti, C., Cavallini, G. M., Stefanickova, J., Berrod, J. -P., Saksonov, S., Lytvinchuk, L., Moussa, M., Stefaniotou, M., Christodoulou, E., Zayed, M. A., Oz, O., Tassinari, P., Koch, P., Declercq, C., Johnston, R., Rusnak, S., Penas, S., Ozdek, S., Ucgul, Y., Cisiecki, S., Dziegielewski, K., Klimczak, D., Michalewska, Z., Michalewski, J., Nawrocka, Z., Nawrocki, J., Ornafel, K., Pikulski, Z., Maciej, M., Acar, N., Elshafei, M. M., Hamon, F., Soyeur, R., Badat, I., Brousseau, B., Hermouet, E., Peiretti, E., Lee, J. -H., Ferreira, N., Yoon, H. -S., Alkhars, W. I., Dudani, A., Minu, R., Telang, O., Morepatil, V. G., Furtado, M. J., Y. -J., Jo, Piccolino, F. C., Finzi, A., Ophthalmology, and Amsterdam Neuroscience - Complex Trait Genetics
- Subjects
Pars plana ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Visual acuity ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Vitrectomy ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,PDT ,Ophthalmology ,medicine ,central serous chorioretinopathy ,First episode ,Aspirin ,Univariate analysis ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,Fluorescein angiography ,eye diseases ,laser ,Serous fluid ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,030221 ophthalmology & optometry ,medicine.symptom ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Purpose: To study and compare the efficacy of different therapeutic options for the treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). Methods: This is a nonrandomized, international multicentre study on 1719 patients (1861 eyes) diagnosed with CSCR, from 63 centres (24 countries). Reported data included different methods of treatment and both results of diagnostic examinations [fluorescein angiography and/or optical coherent tomography (OCT)] and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) before and after therapy. The duration of observation had a mean of 11 months but was extended in a minority of cases up to 7 years. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the different therapeutic options of CSCR in terms of both visual (BCVA) and anatomic (OCT) improvement. Results: One thousand seven hundred nineteen patients (1861 eyes) diagnosed with CSCR were included. Treatments performed were nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops, laser photocoagulation, micropulse diode laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy (PDT; Standard PDT, Reduced-dose PDT, Reduced-fluence PDT), intravitreal (IVT) antivascular endothelial growth factor injection (VEGF), observation and other treatments. The list of the OTHERS included both combinations of the main proposed treatments or a variety of other treatments such as eplerenone, spironolactone, acetazolamide, beta-blockers, anti-anxiety drugs, aspirin, folic acid, methotrexate, statins, vitis vinifera extract medication and pars plana vitrectomy. The majority of the patients were men with a prevalence of 77%. The odds ratio (OR) showed a partial or complete resolution of fluid on OCT with any treatment as compared with observation. In univariate analysis, the anatomical result (improvement in subretinal fluid using OCT at 1 month) was favoured by age 500 μm (p = 0.03). The OR for obtaining partial or complete resolution showed that anti-VEGF and eyedrops were not statistically significant; whereas PDT (8.5), thermal laser (11.3) and micropulse laser (8.9) lead to better anatomical results with less variability. In univariate analysis, the functional result at 1 month was favoured by first episode (p = 0.04), height of subretinal fluid >500 μm (p
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Talalayev, K. O., Vastyanov, R. S., Goydyk, V. S., and Rusnak, S. V.
- Abstract
Talalayev K. O., Vastyanov R. S., Goydyk V. S., Rusnak S. V. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC OF EPIDEMIC SITUATION ON VIRAL HEPATITIS B AND C IN THE BLACK SEA REGION, UKRAINE AND EUROPE DURING THE PERIOD 2013-2017. ВІСНИК МОРСЬКОЇ МЕДИЦИНИ. 2019;3(84):13-21. ISSN 0049-6804. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3465922 http://www.herald.com.ua УДК 616.36-002.12-036.22-042.2(4+477.7)”2013/2017” DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3465922 COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC OF EPIDEMIC SITUATION ON VIRAL HEPATITIS B AND C IN THE BLACK SEA REGION, UKRAINE AND EUROPE DURING THE PERIOD 2013-2017 Talalayev K. O., Vastyanov R. S., Goydyk V. S., Rusnak S. V. Odessa National Medical University, Odessa; е-mail: ktalalayev@yahoo.com. Summary. The problem of viral hepatitis B and C (HBV, HCV) remains not only a medical problem, but also a social one both in Ukraine and in the world as a whole. Geographically, Ukraine is located in an endemic focus of viral hepatitis. According to world statistics, in 2016 the incidence rates in Eastern Europe reached the levels of 1-1.5% of the adult population. The objective: 1. To analyze the epidemic situation of HBV and HCV in the Black Sea region, Ukraine and in Europe during 2013 - 2017. 2. Identify the main epidemic factors. A retrospective analysis of the data of the Centre for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine information provided as part of a demonstration project for treatment of viral hepatitis C among vulnerable groups is being implemented with the support of EQUIP and the US Agency for International Development; information and analytical guides: “Hepatitis B in Ukraine: epidemiological characteristics and burden assessment (based on the analysis of data from various sources)” and “Hepatitis C in Ukraine: epidemiological characteristics and burden assessment (based on the analysis of data from different sources)”. The epidemiological indicators until 2017 of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control are also taken into account to assess the pan-European situation. We have selected the most prominent indicators of the epidemic situation: incidence, prevalence and mortality. In our opinion, poorly controlled sources of infection are the main epidemic factor for the adverse circulation of HBV and HCV, which is facilitated by the economic situation and geographical features in the Black Sea region. Key words: viral hepatitis B, viral hepatitis C, epidemic situation, Black Sea region, Ukraine, Europe.
- Published
- 2019
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14. International Practice Patterns for the Management of Acute Postsurgical and Postintravitreal Injection Endophthalmitis: European Vitreo-Retinal Society Endophthalmitis Study Report 1
- Author
Soliman, M. K., Gini, G., Kuhn, F., Iros, M., Parolini, B., Ozdek, S., Michalewska, Z., Bopp, S., Adelman, R. A., Sallam, A. B., Kardaszewska, A., M'Bongo Zindamoyen, A. N., Banker, A., Serhiienko, A., Loo, A., Meireles, A., Aydin, B., Luebke, B., Ozmen, C., Odrobina, D., Bertelli, E., Unsal, E., Kenneth, F., Becquet, F., Hamon, F., Pellegrini, G., Tosi, G. M., Donvito, G., Khaqan, H., Badat, I., Fiser, I., Michalewski, J., Francois Le Rouic, J., Nawrocki, J., Zarallo-Gallardo, J., Lee, J. H., Boninska, K., Nowomiejska, K., Dziegielewski, K., Arrevola, L., Lytvynchuk, L., Elshafei, M., Pietras-Trzpiel, M., Detjen, M., Iglicki, M., Badino, M., Angelina, M., Gavura, M., Hasanreisoglu, M., Karadas, M., Atienza, N., Acar, N., Okonkwo, O., Miesbauer, P., Malgorzata, P. -T., Velez-Montoya, R., Robert, R., Frisina, R., Soyeur, R., Rejdak, R., Giannini, R., Mittal, S., Saidkasimova, S., Abdulsalam, S., Cisiecki, S., Rusnak, S., Teoh, S., Teixeira, S., Altan, T., Schrader, W., Kapran, Z., Aktas, Z., and Szijarto, Z.
- Subjects
Male ,Endophthalmitis ,Incidence ,Eye Infections ,Bacterial ,Disease Management ,Angiogenesis Inhibitors ,Cataract Extraction ,Aged ,Anti-Bacterial Agents ,Antibiotic Prophylaxis ,Europe ,Eye Infections, Bacterial ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Humans ,Intravitreal Injections ,Middle Aged ,Ophthalmology ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,Retrospective Studies ,Societies, Medical ,Surgical Wound Infection ,Vitrectomy ,Medical ,Societies - Published
- 2019
15. Kinetic parameters of Cd0.85-xMnxZn0.15Te (x = 0.05-0.20) alloys melting and crystallization processes
- Author
Rusnak, S. M., primary, Matviy, A. V., additional, Kopach, V. V., additional, Kopach, O. V., additional, Shcherbak, L. P., additional, and Fochuk, P. M., additional
- Published
- 2019
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16. Assessment of Calcium and Vitamin D Intake in an Outpatient Gastroenterology and Hepatology Clinic
- Author
Roberts, K., primary, Heitman, K., additional, Rusnak, S., additional, and Nahikian-Nelms, M., additional
- Published
- 2018
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17. Dietetic Education: The Value of an Experiential Workshop Using Patient Simulation in Teaching Assessment of Malnutrition
- Author
Estes-Doetsch, H., primary, Rusnak, S., additional, Gilmore, D., additional, Gregory, J., additional, Ritchey, K., additional, and Nahikian-Nelms, M., additional
- Published
- 2018
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18. Contribution to cloud computing security architecture
- Author
Drozdova, M., primary, Rusnak, S., additional, Segec, P., additional, Uramova, J., additional, and Moravcik, M., additional
- Published
- 2017
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19. An Assessment of Diet Quality and Health Related Quality of Life of Homeless Young Adults
- Author
Starr, R., primary, Kane, K., additional, Deering, S., additional, Rusnak, S., additional, and Hatsu, I., additional
- Published
- 2017
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20. The Disconnect between Cancer Prevention Recommendations and Dietary Practices by Obesity Status
- Author
Spees, C., primary, Hohol, E., additional, Rusnak, S., additional, Clinton, S., additional, Residorf, E., additional, and Taylor, C., additional
- Published
- 2013
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21. Atopic Asthma and Allergy in Hawaii, 1966 vs 2006: Increased Sensitization to Indoor Allergens.
- Author
Tam, E, primary, Sakai, J, additional, Rusnak, S, additional, Fern, B, additional, Yoshida, M, additional, and Kuo, P, additional
- Published
- 2009
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22. Diminished leukocyte cyclic AMP responses to adrenergic stimulation after therapeutic administration of beta-adrenergic agonists
- Author
Morris, H., primary, Rusnak, S., additional, Selner, J., additional, and Barnes, J, additional
- Published
- 1978
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23. Mindfulness matters in the classroom: A pilot study of a university-wide classroom-based brief mindfulness program.
- Author
Honsky J, Edguer MN, Click ER, Rusnak S, Burgess Van Aken B, Salerno MA, and Berg KA
- Abstract
Objective: The aims of this pilot study were: first, to assess the impact of a brief classroom-based mindfulness program on students' reported levels of mindfulness, well-being, and stress; and, second, to understand students' experiences of participating in the program. Participants: Students at a private midwestern research-intensive university, 133 (16%) students completed either the study's pretest or post-test survey. Methods: The study had an observational design using pre- and post-test survey responses from students taking courses from faculty who were trained to facilitate brief classroom-based mindfulness activities. Results: Students who participated in the semester-long program reported reduced levels of stress and increased mindfulness. Qualitative data indicate that students found the program to be beneficial. Conclusions: Brief classroom-based mindfulness activities led by faculty may have benefits for students in higher education settings. More research is recommended to better understand the impact of mindfulness in the classroom on students and faculty.
- Published
- 2023
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24. Seasonal Variations in Ocular Axial Length Increase among Children in the Czech Republic.
- Author
Hecova L, Rusnak S, Salcman V, and Cendelin J
- Abstract
In recent decades, the prevalence of myopia has increased worldwide as well as in European countries, and it has become an important medical and socioeconomic problem. Our prospective single-center study analysed the changes in ocular axial length (AXL) in a population of Central European schoolchildren from 2016 to 2019. The study included 528 eyes of 264 children with a mean age of 12.2 years at the beginning of the study. Visual acuity, ocular AXL, anterior chamber depth, and the questionnaire were examined at 6-month intervals (in spring and autumn, following the winter and summer periods, respectively). The average ocular AXL was 23.329 mm (median: 23.315 mm) at the beginning of the study and 23.525 mm (median: 23.505 mm) at the end of the study. The change in ocular AXL per month was significantly higher ( p < 0.0001) during the winter period (average: 0.013 mm, median: 0.011 mm) than during the summer period (average: -0.001 mm, median: 0.000 mm). We observed a significantly higher increase in ocular AXL in a Caucasian population during the winter period (with lower daylight exposure) than the summer period., Competing Interests: All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest., (Copyright © 2023 Lenka Hecova et al.)
- Published
- 2023
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25. Frameworks and Technology for Triangulation of Feedback to Support Learning.
- Author
Tornwall J and Rusnak S
- Subjects
- Humans, Feedback, Clinical Competence, Technology
- Abstract
Nurse educators and students are partners in co-creation of a classroom culture of assessment for learning rather than assessment of learning. Three essential sources of feedback-instructor feedback, peer feedback, and self-reflection-contribute to development of metacognitive skills necessary for nursing practice. Triangulation of feedback from multiple sources develops skills in peer evaluation, professional accountability, emotional regulation, and lifelong learning. Feedback processes are supported by creative use of learning technologies such as learning management systems, survey tools, videography using institutional equipment or students' personal devices, social annotation strategies and applications, and audience response systems., Competing Interests: Disclosure The authors have nothing to disclose., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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26. Cervical lymphocele: A rare complication following salvage surgery for ocular adnexal apocrine adenocarcinoma. A case report and review of the literature.
- Author
Hauer L, Gencur J, Posta P, Kasl Z, Rusnak S, Skalova A, Chalupova M, Liska J, and Merglova V
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Neck Dissection adverse effects, Neck Dissection methods, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, Adenocarcinoma pathology, Adenocarcinoma surgery, Breast Neoplasms surgery, Lymphocele etiology, Lymphocele surgery
- Abstract
Background: An ocular adnexal apocrine adenocarcinoma (OAAA) is an extremely rare, but potentially aggressive and life-threatening tumor with ill-defined management based only on recommendations from a limited number of reported cases. The development of cervical lymphocele following neck dissection is a very rare complication, but one with well established methods for prevention and treatment. Here we describe a previously unreported case of salvage surgery including neck dissection for OAAA in addition to an emergence of cervical lymphocele. A literature review of current knowledge on both pathological conditions is included., Methods and Results: A 58-year-old man suffering from OAAA, previously treated with multiple eye-sparing excisions and adjuvant proton therapy, underwent salvage surgery for locoregional recurrence of the tumor. A partial orbitectomy with orbital exenteration, primary reconstruction and left-sided neck dissection was performed. The procedure was complicated by a cervical lymphocele resolved after the surgical therapy. The patient remained disease-free during the one-year follow-up., Conclusion: OAAA is a locally aggressive tumor with potential to local or distant metastatic spread. Whole-body staging, regular clinico-radiological follow-up and stage-dependent therapy with surgery as the first-choice treatment is required. A cervical lymphocele as a complication of especially left-sided neck dissection is managed with a conservative or surgical therapy according to the level of lymph leakage, extent and localization of lesions, presence of local or systemic disorders and the period from primary surgery.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Development of a Community Coalition to Influence Nutrition and Physical Activity in Early Childhood Education.
- Author
Slining MM, Fair M, Penkert LP, Wills S, Smyers J, Korn AR, Rusnak S, and Knobel S
- Subjects
- Child, Preschool, Community-Based Participatory Research, Diet, Healthy, Exercise, Humans, Surveys and Questionnaires, Pediatric Obesity prevention & control
- Abstract
Background: Recognizing insufficient support for healthy eating and physical activity in early childhood education centers in Greenville, South Carolina, a group of stakeholders formed a workgroup as an organizing structure. Members developed and implemented a 2-year community-based participatory research initiative aimed at nutrition and physical activity policy, systems and environment change in 10 early childhood education centers., Objectives: This article 1) describes engagement efforts and partnerships leading to formation of the workgroup and initiative, 2) presents data on Workgroup members' knowledge and engagement, and 3) shares lessons learned., Methods: Workgroup member knowledge and engagement related to obesity prevention was measured at two time points during the ECE initiative using the "Stakeholder-driven Community Diffusion Survey.", Lessons Learned: Knowledge and engagement scores increased over the measurement period. Scores for engagement were higher than scores for knowledge at both time points. There was a substantial increase in perceived leadership and stewardship, knowledge of intervention factors and how to intervene sustainably, and understanding of local resources and roles. An important strength was stakeholder buy-in and ownership of planning and implementation processes.
- Published
- 2022
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28. Improvement in student-led debriefing analysis after simulation-based team training using a revised teamwork assessment tool.
- Author
Paige JT, Kerdolff KE, Rogers CL, Garbee DD, Yu Q, Cao W, Rusnak S, and Bonanno LS
- Subjects
- Clinical Competence, Education, Medical organization & administration, Education, Nursing organization & administration, Humans, Interprofessional Relations, Simulation Training, Students, Medical, Students, Nursing, Operating Rooms organization & administration, Patient Care Team organization & administration
- Abstract
Background: Team debriefing is an important teamwork development intervention for improving team outputs in healthcare. Debriefing is a key component of experiential team training teamwork development interventions such as simulation-based training. Improving the quality of debriefing of healthcare teams, therefore, has multiple benefits. We investigated whether the quality of student-led debriefing improved using a shortened guide., Methods: Senior medical students, nurse anesthesia students, and senior undergraduate nursing students participated in student operating room team training at a health sciences center in the southeastern United States. Student teams participated in a dual-scenario simulation-based training session with immediate after-action debriefings after each scenario. In 2018, student teams conducted the second debriefing using as a guide the teamwork assessment scale, an 11-item, 3-subscale, 6-point Likert-type instrument. In 2019, they used a shortened, revised, 5-item version of the teamwork assessment scale, the quick teamwork assessment scale. Trained observers rated the quality of the student-led debriefings using the Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing, an 8-item, 5-point instrument. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the teamwork assessment scale-guided and the quick teamwork assessment scale-guided mean item debriefing scores., Results: Two observers rated 3 student-led team debriefings using the teamwork assessment scales as a guide in 2018, and 6 such debriefings happened using the quick teamwork assessment scale as a guide in 2019. For each debriefing, observer scores were averaged for each Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing item; these mean scores were then averaged with other mean scores for each year. The use of the quick teamwork assessment scale resulted in a statistically significant higher mean score for the Analysis Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing item compared with the use of the teamwork assessment scale (4.92 [standard deviation 0.20] versus 3.83 [standard deviation 0.76], P = .023)., Conclusion: The use of a shortened teamwork assessment instrument as a debriefing guide for student teams in student operating room team training was more effective in analysis of actions than the original, longer tool. Next steps include determining the efficacy of the quick teamwork assessment scale in an actual clinical setting., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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29. Quality of stereoscopic vision in Czech U18 top level athletes and nonathletes.
- Author
Salcman V, Rusnak S, and Sobotova M
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aptitude, Athletic Performance, Czech Republic, Female, Humans, Male, Visual Acuity, Athletes, Depth Perception
- Abstract
Background: The peak sports performance of elite athletes is the result of talent and long-term, systematic training. Only minor differences among athletes determine the results in sport today. In selected sports events, stereoscopic vision has a fundamental influence on the executed sports performance., Methods: The quality of stereopsis was determined in 2 groups of top-level athletes at the age of 16-18 years (21 pole vaulters and high jumpers and 25 swimmers) and in a control group of 25 nonathletes in the same age category. Two measured parameters (results and time in the stereopsis test) were compared among the studied groups. To determine the quality of stereopsis, the "Fly-S Stereo Acuity Test with LEA Symbols" field stereoacuity test was used., Results: The average level of stereopsis in the pole vaulters and high jumpers reached the value of 9.9 (max. 10), and the average time needed for performing the stereopsis test was 11.6 seconds. The group of swimmers and control group showed worse results in both measured parameters (the average level of stereopsis: 9.4, resp. 9.1, the average test time: 30.0 seconds, resp. 36.1 seconds). A significant difference between the group of pole vaulters and high jumpers and swimmers was confirmed in both monitored parameters. No significant differences were found between the group of swimmers and nonathletes., Conclusions: On the basis of the stereopsis test results, we can say that top-level pole vaulters and high jumpers have a high quality of stereopsis and very fast identification and decision-making abilities in spatial orientation.
- Published
- 2021
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30. Loop-on-suture-guided insertion for easier capsular tension ring insertion and residual cortex removal.
- Author
Cendelin J and Rusnak S
- Subjects
- Humans, Lens Implantation, Intraocular, Prostheses and Implants, Sutures, Cataract Extraction, Lens Capsule, Crystalline surgery, Phacoemulsification
- Abstract
The capsular tension ring (CTR) is a useful aid in cataract surgery involving zonular impairment. In standard implantation with tweezers or injectors, there is limited control of the leading eyelet, and this can cause excessive stress on the zonular fibers and lead to damage of the capsular bag. Several techniques have been investigated with the aim of reducing these risks. In this study, a simple new modification of the suture-guided CTR technique is described. Adding a loop to the suture can facilitate manipulation during implantation and removal of cortex residues at the end of cataract extraction.
- Published
- 2020
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31. Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography Analysis of Clear Corneal Incision: Effect of the Lateral Stromal Hydration.
- Author
Cendelin J, Rusnak S, and Hecova L
- Abstract
Methods: The cohort included 65 clear corneal incisions of 49 patients who underwent cataract surgery. Corneal incisions were recorded using a Leica Proveo 8 microscope with an intraoperative OCT EnFocus™ device continuously during the surgery. Corneal incision morphology before and after lateral stromal hydration was analysed., Results: Good adaptation of the corneal incision before hydration was present in 39 cases (60%), in 16 cases (24.6%), the prominence of posterior lip was present, and, in 10 cases (15.4%), the posterior lip tongue was inverted/retracted into the incision. In 38 cases (58.5%), hydration had no effect on the incision architecture; most often, it was primarily a well-adapted corneal incision (46.2%), less often an incision with posterior lip prominence (10.8%), or tongue inversion into the incision (1.6%) prior to hydration. Hydration worsened the incision architecture in 14 cases (21.5%); most often, it induced/worsened posterior lip prominence (15.4%), less often posterior lip retraction (1.6%), tongue inversion into the incision (1.6%), gap development in the peripheral part of the corneal incision (1.6%), or incomplete opening of the corneal incision (1.6%). In 13 cases (20%), hydration improved the incision architecture, especially in cases with inverted or retracted posterior lip tongue (12.3%), less often in cases with posterior lip prominence (7.7%)., Conclusion: Lateral stromal hydration seldom affects the condition of the corneal incision. Still, it can cause both deterioration and improvement of the corneal incision architecture. Intraoperative OCT provides real-time monitoring of corneal incision morphology during hydration procedure., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflicts of interest., (Copyright © 2020 Jiri Cendelin et al.)
- Published
- 2020
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32. Beyond Screen Time: A Synergistic Approach to a More Comprehensive Assessment of Family Media Exposure During Early Childhood.
- Author
Barr R, Kirkorian H, Radesky J, Coyne S, Nichols D, Blanchfield O, Rusnak S, Stockdale L, Ribner A, Durnez J, Epstein M, Heimann M, Koch FS, Sundqvist A, Birberg-Thornberg U, Konrad C, Slussareff M, Bus A, Bellagamba F, and Fitzpatrick C
- Abstract
Digital media availability has surged over the past decade. Because of a lack of comprehensive measurement tools, this rapid growth in access to digital media is accompanied by a scarcity of research examining the family media context and sociocognitive outcomes. There is also little cross-cultural research in families with young children. Modern media are mobile, interactive, and often short in duration, making them difficult to remember when caregivers respond to surveys about media use. The Comprehensive Assessment of Family Media Exposure (CAFE) Consortium has developed a novel tool to measure household media use through a web-based questionnaire, time-use diary, and passive-sensing app installed on family mobile devices. The goal of developing a comprehensive assessment of family media exposure was to take into account the contextual factors of media use and improve upon the limitations of existing self-report measures, while creating a consistent, scalable, and cost-effective tool. The CAFE tool captures the content and context of early media exposure and addresses the limitations of prior media measurement approaches. Preliminary data collected using this measure have been integrated into a shared visualization platform. In this perspective article, we take a tools-of-the-trade approach (Oakes, 2010) to describe four challenges associated with measuring household media exposure in families with young children: measuring attitudes and practices; capturing content and context; measuring short bursts of mobile device usage; and integrating data to capture the complexity of household media usage. We illustrate how each of these challenges can be addressed with preliminary data collected with the CAFE tool and visualized on our dashboard. We conclude with future directions including plans to test reliability, validity, and generalizability of these measures., (Copyright © 2020 Barr, Kirkorian, Radesky, Coyne, Nichols, Blanchfield, Rusnak, Stockdale, Ribner, Durnez, Epstein, Heimann, Koch, Sundqvist, Birberg-Thornberg, Konrad, Slussareff, Bus, Bellagamba and Fitzpatrick.)
- Published
- 2020
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33. Surgical therapy for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in osteoporotic patients treated with antiresorptive agents.
- Author
Hauer L, Jambura J, Hrusak D, Chalupova M, Posta P, Rusnak S, and Vyskocil V
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw diagnosis, Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw etiology, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw surgery, Bone Density Conservation Agents adverse effects, Diphosphonates adverse effects, Orthognathic Surgical Procedures, Osteoporosis drug therapy
- Abstract
Background: Medication - related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a rare but serious complication of antiresorptive and/or antiangiogenic therapy. It mainly affects oncological patients, however, it can occur in patients with metabolic bone diseases, although this is less frequent. These lesions not only significantly impair the quality of life but can also have impact on the treatment of any underlying disease. In some rare cases MRONJ can be life-threatening. There is still no ideal consensus for treatment, though surgical therapy has been mostly preferred in recent years., Materials and Methods: A monocentric retrospective evaluation of surgical therapy of MRONJ in osteoporotic patients, treated in the time period 3/2014-3/2018 using the uniform department-specific protocol., Results: 26 osteoporotic patients with 32 MRONJ lesions of stage 1 (9%), stage 2 (75%) and stage 3 (16%) were treated surgically. The maxilla: mandibula ratio was 1:2.2, in 19% of patients there was multiple jaw involvement. 69.2% of patients had received bisphosphonates, 15.4% denosumab and 15.4% had a history of both types of antiresorptive treatment. Complete healing was observed in all patients, in 9% of cases by secondary intention in the mean period of 6 weeks. The mean follow-up was 20.5 months., Conclusion: The presented protocol for surgical therapy was effective in the management of all MRONJ stages in the osteoporotic patients described here. The surgery is indicated as an early treatment to prevent complications and the progression of the lesions. It leads to improvement in quality of life and option to resume antiresorptive therapy if interrupted.
- Published
- 2020
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34. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Nutrition Informatics.
- Author
Rusnak S and Charney P
- Subjects
- Academies and Institutes, Clinical Competence, Dietetics methods, Humans, Informatics methods, Dietetics standards, Informatics standards, Nutrition Therapy standards, Nutritionists standards
- Abstract
It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that nutrition informatics is a rapidly evolving area of practice for registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered; and that the knowledge and skills inherent to nutrition informatics permeate all areas of the dietetics profession. Further, nutrition and dietetics practitioners must continually learn and update their informatics knowledge and skills to remain at the forefront of nutrition practice. Nutrition informatics is the intersection of information, nutrition, and technology. However, informatics is not just using technology to do work. The essence of nutrition informatics is to manage nutrition data in combination with standards, processes, and technology to improve knowledge and practice that ultimately lead to improved quality of health care and work efficiency. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered, are already experts in using evidence to practice in all areas of nutrition and dietetics. To remain at the forefront of technological innovation, the profession must actively participate in the development of standards, processes, and technologies for providing nutrition care., (Copyright © 2019 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2019
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35. Therapeutic Potential of Engineered Extracellular Vesicles.
- Author
Mentkowski KI, Snitzer JD, Rusnak S, and Lang JK
- Subjects
- Apoptosis, Biocompatible Materials, Biomimetics, Drug Delivery Systems, Humans, Terminology as Topic, Therapeutics, Tissue Distribution, Cell Engineering, Extracellular Vesicles
- Abstract
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) comprise a heterogeneous group of small membrane vesicles, including exosomes, which play a critical role in intracellular communication and regulation of numerous physiological processes in health and disease. Naturally released from virtually all cells, these vesicles contain an array of nucleic acids, lipids and proteins which they transfer to target cells within their local milieu and systemically. They have been proposed as a means of "cell-free, cell therapy" for cancer, immune disorders, and more recently cardiovascular disease. In addition, their unique properties of stability, biocompatibility, and low immunogenicity have prompted research into their potential as therapeutic delivery agents for drugs and small molecules. In this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of extracellular vesicle biology as well as engineering strategies in play to improve their therapeutic potential.
- Published
- 2018
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36. Myopia Progression Risk: Seasonal and Lifestyle Variations in Axial Length Growth in Czech Children.
- Author
Rusnak S, Salcman V, Hecova L, and Kasl Z
- Abstract
The growth in the prevalence of myopia leads to the growth of socioeconomic stress in society. It is important to detect any potential risk factors leading to myopia onset and progression. Among the potential risk factors, the lack of natural daylight exposure and the lack of the physical activity together with excess of near-work activities in children are the most prevalent. In the study, the axial length growth depending on the season and the type of behaviour was measured. The assessment was performed in 12-year-old children, 398 eyes of whom were included and measured during the winter and summer period. The children were categorized by the amount of time spent on near-work, physical, and outdoor activity. Results . Statistically significantly higher ( p < 0.0001) axial length growth was observed during the winter period. Statistically significantly ( p < 0.0001) more frequently, the eyeball growth has been proved during the winter season. According to the way of spending leisure time, no statistically significant difference was reported within the individual subgroups in the development of the eyeball length during the observed period. However, statistically significant differences were ascertained in the eyeball initial length within various groups. Conclusion . The lack of daylight exposure may lead to myopia progression.
- Published
- 2018
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37. Level of Implementation of the Institute of Medicine Recommended Core Competencies among Dietetics Education Programs.
- Author
Turner P, Eliot K, Kent S, Rusnak S, and Landers P
- Subjects
- Accreditation, Humans, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, U.S., Health and Medicine Division, United States, Clinical Competence standards, Curriculum, Dietetics education
- Published
- 2017
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38. Informatics Initiatives at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
- Author
Molinar LS, Childers AF, Hoggle L, Kent S, Porter H, and Rusnak S
- Subjects
- Databases, Factual, Humans, Nutrition Surveys, Nutritional Sciences education, Nutritionists, Terminology as Topic, Academies and Institutes, Dietetics, Informatics
- Published
- 2017
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39. The impact of memory load and perceptual cues on puzzle learning by 24-month olds.
- Author
Barr R, Moser A, Rusnak S, Zimmermann L, Dickerson K, Lee H, and Gerhardstein P
- Subjects
- Child, Preschool, Female, Humans, Male, Sex Factors, Child Development physiology, Learning physiology, Memory, Short-Term physiology, Pattern Recognition, Visual physiology, Psychomotor Performance physiology
- Abstract
Early childhood is characterized by memory capacity limitations and rapid perceptual and motor development [Rovee-Collier (1996). Infant Behavior & Development, 19, 385-400]. The present study examined 2-year olds' reproduction of a sliding action to complete an abstract fish puzzle under different levels of memory load and perceptual feature support. Experimental groups were compared to baseline controls to assess spontaneous rates of production of the target actions; baseline production was low across all experiments. Memory load was manipulated in Exp. 1 by adding pieces to the puzzle, increasing sequence length from 2 to 3 items, and to 3 items plus a distractor. Although memory load did not influence how toddlers learned to manipulate the puzzle pieces, it did influence toddlers' achievement of the goal-constructing the fish. Overall, girls were better at constructing the puzzle than boys. In Exp. 2, the perceptual features of the puzzle were altered by changing shape boundaries to create a two-piece horizontally cut puzzle (displaying bilateral symmetry), and by adding a semantically supportive context to the vertically cut puzzle (iconic). Toddlers were able to achieve the goal of building the fish equally well across the 2-item puzzle types (bilateral symmetry, vertical, iconic), but how they learned to manipulate the puzzle pieces varied as a function of the perceptual features. Here, as in Exp. 1, girls showed a different pattern of performance from the boys. This study demonstrates that changes in memory capacity and perceptual processing influence both goal-directed imitation learning and motoric performance., (© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)
- Published
- 2016
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40. Nutritional profile of older adults with chronic venous leg ulcers: a pilot study.
- Author
McDaniel JC, Kemmner KG, and Rusnak S
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Body Mass Index, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Pilot Projects, Leg Ulcer epidemiology, Leg Ulcer physiopathology, Nutritional Status physiology
- Abstract
The purpose of this cross-sectional descriptive pilot study was to describe daily intake of select nutrients important for efficient wound healing and general health in a sample of older adults (64.25 ± 9.49 years of age) with chronic venous leg ulcers (CVLUs; N = 12), compared to recommended dietary allowances (RDA). Anthropometric data were also collected. Compared to RDA, participants on average consumed lower vitamin C (60.03 ± 49.73 mg/d) and higher sodium (3197.07 ± 1455.04 mg/d), sugar (181.21 ± 115.45 g/d), and saturated fat (33.75 ± 1.06 g/d). They also demonstrated a relatively high plasma n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio, a biomarker of inflammation (11.25 ± 1.99). The mean body mass index indicated extreme obesity (41.48 ± 11.47). A multidisciplinary treatment approach that includes routine dietary assessments followed by tailored dietary interventions may improve wound healing and long-term health outcomes in this population., (Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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41. The Measurement of Intraocular Biomarkers in Various Stages of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Using Multiplex xMAP Technology.
- Author
Rusnak S, Vrzalova J, Sobotova M, Hecova L, Ricarova R, and Topolcan O
- Abstract
Purpose. To determine the intraocular levels of growth factors and cytokines in patients with various degrees of severity of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) using multiplex xMAP technology. Methods. A prospective cohort study of 61 eyes from 56 patients who were divided into 3 groups based on the severity of PDR. Patients in group number 1 are those who presented PDR with no need of repeated surgical intervention; patients in group number 2 had repeated vitreous bleeding; and patients in group number 3 had refractory neovascular glaucoma. The concentrations of proangiogenic, antiangiogenic, inflammatory, and neurotrophic factors were measured in intraocular fluid. The results were also compared with levels of factors measured in 50 eyes from 50 patients prior to senile cataract surgery (control group). Results. Patients with refractory neovascular glaucoma (the highest clinical severity group) had higher levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6) (median1 37.19; median3 384.74; P = .00096), transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ-1) (median1 49.00; median3 414.40; P = .0017), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (median1 211.62; median3 352.82; P = .0454) compared with other PDR patients. Conclusions. Results of our study imply that levels of IL-6, TGFβ-1, and VEGF correlate with the severity of PDR.
- Published
- 2015
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42. Defining the seriousness of proliferative vitreoretinopathy by aspiration of cytokines from the anterior chamber.
- Author
Rusnak S, Vrzalova J, Hecová L, Kozova M, Topolcan O, and Ricarova R
- Subjects
- Aged, Biopsy, Needle, Chemokine CCL2 metabolism, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Retinal Detachment complications, Vitreoretinopathy, Proliferative complications, Anterior Chamber metabolism, Anterior Chamber pathology, Cytokines metabolism, Vitreoretinopathy, Proliferative metabolism, Vitreoretinopathy, Proliferative pathology
- Abstract
Aim: Proliferative vitreoretinopathy is the major cause of retinal detachment surgery failure. Our prospective cohort study of 27 eyes aimed to determine intraocular levels of growth factors and cytokines in patients with retinal detachment with various degrees of severity of proliferative vitreoretinopathy using multiplex xMAP(®) Technology., Patients & Methods: The concentrations of 12 proangiogenic, antiangiogenic, inflammatory and neurotrophic factors were measured from 0.05-ml samples of intraocular fluid using multiplex xMAP Technology. The results were compared with levels of various factors, which were measured in samples from the control group of 31 eyes prior to senile cataract surgery., Results: The concentration of the MCP-1 cytokine was found to be higher in eyes with retinal detachment compared with the control group. The concentration of VEGF was found to be higher in eyes with retinal detachment complicated with proliferative vitreoretinopathy compared with the uncomplicated retinal detachment group and the control group., Conclusion: MCP-1 and VEGF may participate in pathogenesis of retinal detachment and proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Biomarkers in disease detection and management have become important tools in modern clinical medicine, and their application to retinal disease should be no exception.
- Published
- 2013
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43. Telecommunications and the future of allergy.
- Author
Rusnak SL
- Subjects
- Allergy and Immunology education, Computer Communication Networks, Humans, Allergy and Immunology trends, Telecommunications
- Published
- 1994
44. Computer tools that crack the rules.
- Author
Rusnak SL
- Subjects
- Documentation, Medicare organization & administration, Relative Value Scales, United States, Word Processing, Medical Records Systems, Computerized standards, Practice Management, Medical organization & administration
- Published
- 1993
45. Computer enhancement of the quality of medical practice.
- Author
Rusnak SL
- Subjects
- Humans, Medical Informatics Computing, Professional Practice
- Published
- 1990
46. Comparative effects of ephedrine on adrenergic responsiveness in normal and asthmatic subjects.
- Author
Morris HG, Rusnak SA, Selner JC, Barzens K, and Barnes J
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Blood Glucose analysis, Cyclic AMP blood, Ephedrine pharmacology, Humans, Hydrocortisone analysis, Leukocytes analysis, Male, Respiratory Function Tests, Asthma drug therapy, Ephedrine therapeutic use, Sympathomimetics
- Published
- 1978
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47. Adrenergic desensitization in leukocytes of normal and asthmatic subjects.
- Author
Morris HG, Rusnak SA, Selner JC, Barzens K, and Barnes J
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Asthma drug therapy, Ephedrine therapeutic use, Epinephrine pharmacology, Humans, Leukocytes metabolism, Asthma blood, Cyclic AMP blood, Ephedrine pharmacology, Leukocytes drug effects
- Abstract
Cyclic AMP was measured in leukocytes of normal and asthmatic subjects before and after one week of treatment with equal amounts of ephedrine. During the control and placebo periods, the measurements of cyclic AMP in leukocytes of asthmatic subjects were similar to those of normal individuals. After one week of treatment with ephedrine, both groups exhibited suppression of the leukocyte cyclic AMP response to adrenergic stimulation in vitro: however, the suppression of response was significantly greater in asthmatic subjects (p less than .u1). Subcutaneous administration of epinephrine was followed by further suppression of the leukocyte cyclic AMP response to in vitro stimulation which was similar in both groups during all treatment periods. The results indicate that in vivo exposure to adrenergic medications is followed by desensitization of the leukocyte responses to subsequent adrenergic stimulation in vitro. After administration of small doses of medication, the severity and/or duration of desensitization is significantly greater in asthmatic leukocytes.
- Published
- 1977
48. Remission of relapsed leukaemia during a graft-versus-host reaction. A "graft-versus-leukaemia reaction" in man?
- Author
Odom LF, August CS, Githens JH, Humbert JR, Morse H, Peakman D, Sharma B, Rusnak SL, and Johnson FB
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Child, Cytotoxicity, Immunologic, Humans, In Vitro Techniques, Kidney pathology, Kidney Neoplasms pathology, Leukemia, Lymphoid immunology, Leukemia, Lymphoid pathology, Lymphocytes immunology, Male, Neoplasm Metastasis, Postoperative Complications pathology, Recurrence, Remission, Spontaneous, Transplantation, Isogeneic, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Graft vs Host Reaction, Leukemia, Lymphoid therapy
- Abstract
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemic in two boys relapsed after engraftment of marrow from siblings identical at HLA A, B, and D loci but went into remission during subsequent graft-versus-host reactions without specific anti-leukaemia therapy. Later leukaemic relapse was primarily in extramedullary sites, with little or no involvement of bone-marrow, liver, or spleen. Cytogenetic studies in both cases showed that the relapsed leukaemic blasts were those of the recipients while marrow cells and blood lymphocytes detected during marrow remission originated from the female donors. Blood lymphocytes from one of the recepients kiled. 51Cr-labelled autologous lymphoblast. The prolonged bone-marrow remission in the face of active and even massive extramedullary leukaemia suggests a graft-versus-leukaemia reaction in these two patients.
- Published
- 1978
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49. Concurrent administration of flunisolide nasal solution with beclomethasone dipropionate bronchial aerosol in patients with both rhinitis and asthma.
- Author
Rusnak SL
- Subjects
- Adult, Aerosols, Asthma complications, Candida albicans isolation & purification, Female, Fluocinolone Acetonide therapeutic use, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Pharynx microbiology, Rhinitis, Allergic, Perennial complications, Asthma drug therapy, Beclomethasone therapeutic use, Fluocinolone Acetonide analogs & derivatives, Rhinitis, Allergic, Perennial drug therapy
- Abstract
Twenty patients with asthma controlled by oral inhalations of beclomethasone dipropionate (400 micrograms/day) were treated for concurrent rhinitis by the addition of flunisolide nasal solution (300 micrograms/day) and its placebo for three weeks each in a randomized, double-blind, crossover trial. Flunisolide produced a statistically significant benefit for each symptom parameter: sneezing (p = 0.013), runny nose (p = 0.027), stuffy nose (p = 0.005 and over-all severity (p = 0.005). More concomitant rhinitis medication was used during placebo treatment (p = 0.069). Seventy percent of the patients had "total" or "substantial" control of nasal symptoms with flunisolide vs. 45% with placebo (p less than 0.01). Eighty percent felt that flunisolide was either the only active drug or the more active (p less than 0.01). Three morning plasma cortisol determinations during the last week of each treatment period showed no drug-related effect. No nasal cultures were positive for Candida; the incidence of positive pharyngeal; cultures did not vary significantly. Adverse reactions consisted primarily of nasal burning and stinging; none was serious. In this group of twenty patients using inhalations of beclomethasone dipropionate for asthma, accompanying perennial rhinitis was substantially controlled by 300 micrograms of flunisolide nasal solution per day without significant additive effect on plasma cortisol levels or the incidence of overgrowth of Candida.
- Published
- 1981
50. Leukocyte cyclic adenosine monophosphate in asthmatic children. Effects of adrenergic therapy.
- Author
Morris HG, Rusnak SA, and Barzens K
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Asthma blood, Child, Clinical Trials as Topic, Double-Blind Method, Ephedrine pharmacology, Ethanolamines pharmacology, Female, Humans, Leukocytes metabolism, Male, Placebos, Adrenergic beta-Agonists pharmacology, Asthma drug therapy, Cyclic AMP blood, Leukocytes drug effects
- Abstract
Blood specimens for measurement of leukocyte cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) were obtained at weekly intervals from asthmatic children who were participating in a double-blind, crossover study to compare the effects of two adrenergic agents and a placebo. When patients were treated with the placebo, the basal measurements and the cyclic AMP responses of leukocytes to in vitro stimulation with epinephrine (10(-4) M) were similar to those of normal subjects but within one week after initiation of treatment with an adrenergic bronchodilator, leukocyte cyclic AMP responses to adrenergic stimulation in vitro decreased and remained low during the remainder of the treatment period. Within one week after discontinuation of adrenergic therapy, leukocyte cyclic AMP responses returned to the control level. Our results indicate that the alterations in leukocyte cyclic AMP metabolism which have been observed previously in asthmatic patients may result from medications used for treatment of asthma.
- Published
- 1977
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