I. INTRODUCTION The experimental literature on voluntary public goods provision shows that groups attain better outcomes than implied by economic models based on individuals maximizing own-monetary earnings. At the same time, however, groups uniformly fail to achieve optimal outcomes, suggesting that incentives to free ride are important. Moreover, when the decision situation is repeated, the group outcome often deteriorates with repetition, suggesting that, in many settings, a group's ability to overcome free-rider incentives may be transitory as explained in Andreoni and Miller (1993), Croson (1998), Isaac, Walker, and Williams (1994). In this paper we report an experiment examining the impact of introducing opportunities for individuals to reward or sanction other group members after observing their decisions. This institutional change is motivated by the observation that such opportunities are commonplace in field settings. In many group or team situations, individuals observe the actions of others, and individuals often have rich opportunities for reacting to others' behavior in ways that may impose costs or benefits on both parties. There is abundant anecdotal evidence that individuals sanction those who engage in selfish activities at the expense of other group members. For example, people who violate social norms are often ostracized. Similarly, there is strong anecdotal evidence that people are prepared to make sacrifices to help others on a quid pro quo basis. (1) Recent experiments with simple proposer-responder games also demonstrate that responders are willing to depart from own-earnings maximization by rewarding more generous proposers or sanctioning less generous proposers as seen in Andreoni, Harbaugh, and Vesterlund (2003) and Offerman (2002). Given this evidence, it is quite plausible that individuals will sanction or reward other group members based upon their contributions to a public good in a laboratory setting. In turn, the possibility of receiving such sanctions or rewards may affect contributions. Such contributions could be viewed as a response to the threat of negative reciprocation, in the case of sanctions, or the expectation of positive reciprocation, in the case of rewards. Our experiment directly compares the effectiveness of such negative and positive reciprocation in maintaining contributions to public goods. (2) In our experiment, groups of four subjects make contribution decisions in a sequence of ten public goods games without opportunities to reward or sanction. These subjects then play an additional ten games in which a second stage is added at the end of each game. Depending on treatment, in the second stage, subjects are given an opportunity to reward, sanction, or both reward and sanction other group members on the basis of their contribution decisions. When neither rewards nor sanctions are available, our results mirror those of previous experiments: contributions and earnings steadily diminish with repetition. In the other treatments, the introductions of opportunities to reward and/or sanction initially increase contributions. However, in the reward treatment, contributions subsequently decrease to a level below that observed in the absence of opportunities to reward. Thus, the opportunity to reward by itself is insufficient to sustain contributions. In contrast, we find that sanctioning sustains public goods provision at a level above that observed in the absence of sanctioning opportunities, and so sanctioning appears to be a more effective mechanism for sustaining contributions. However, opportunities to sanction initially result in a loss of efficiency as the direct costs associated with sanctioning outweigh the effect of increased contributions. Only in later rounds, where it appears that the mere threat of being sanctioned sustains contributions, does the opportunity to sanction enhance group performance. Our treatment allowing both sanctions and rewards suggests a synergistic relationship between the two, insofar as this treatment generates the highest contributions and earnings. …