302 results on '"Risikoverhalten"'
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2. Europäische Studie zu Cyberkriminalität von Jugendlichen 2021: Implikationen für Strategie und Praxis der Polizeiarbeit.
- Author
Davidson, Julia, Aiken, Mary, Phillips, Kirsty, Farr, Ruby, Höchtl, Agnes, Schneider, Philip, and Nitsch, Holger
- Subjects
YOUNG adults ,DIGITAL technology ,POLICE ,CRIMINALS - Abstract
Copyright of Polizei & Wissenschaft is the property of Verlag fur Polizeiwissenschaft and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
3. Aktive Phase – Woche 5
- Author
Anastopoulos, Arthur D., Langberg, Joshua M., Besecker, Laura Hennis, Eddy, Laura D., Anastopoulos, Arthur D., Langberg, Joshua M., Besecker, Laura Hennis, and Eddy, Laura D.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Erfahrungen mit Naturkatastrophen: Wie dies Risikoaversion und Vertrauen beeinflußt
- Author
Fiala, Oliver and Fiala, Oliver
- Published
- 2022
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5. Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit im Jugendalter
- Author
Heinen, Andreas, Samuel, Robin, Vögele, Claus, and Willems, Helmut
- Subjects
psychische Gesundheit ,wellbeing ,Health ,Risikoverhalten ,Jugendarbeit ,Cybermobbing - Abstract
Dieser Open-Access-Band bietet eine Übersicht disziplinärer Zugänge und aktueller empirischer Befunde zum Wohlbefinden und gesundheitsrelevanten Verhalten von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Internationale Perspektiven renommierter Experten sowie Beiträge von Akteuren aus verschiedenen Praxisfeldern in Luxemburg ergänzen die Sammlung. Sie machen diesen Band zu einem unverzichtbaren Werk nicht nur für Wissenschaftler, sondern auch für Fachpersonen aus der Praxis mit einem Interesse am Thema Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit junger Menschen.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Sich selbst verletzen
- Author
Benzel, Susanne, Deinet, Ulrich, editor, Sturzenhecker, Benedikt, editor, von Schwanenflügel, Larissa, editor, and Schwerthelm, Moritz, editor
- Published
- 2021
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7. Risikoverhalten und Delinquenz
- Author
Schmidt, Julia, Sturzbecher, Dietmar, Sturzbecher, Dietmar, editor, Bredow, Bianca, editor, and Büttner, Mareike, editor
- Published
- 2019
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8. Gesundheit – Krankheit – Sucht
- Author
Sting, Stephan and Böllert, Karin, editor
- Published
- 2018
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9. Primär- und Sekundärprävention von Hautkrebs in ländlichen Regionen: Querschnittstudie im Bayerischen Wald.
- Author
Ziehfreund, Stefanie, Krause, Julia, Rotter, Markus, Biedermann, Tilo, and Zink, Alexander
- Abstract
Copyright of Der Hautarzt is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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10. Männer sterben früher, Frauen leiden mehr: Vom epidemiologischen Paradox zum Genderbewusstsein in der Psychotherapie
- Author
Berger, Uwe
- Published
- 2022
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11. Persönlichkeit und Risikoverhalten im Kontext von Extremsport
- Author
Wild, Christoph and Wild, Christoph
- Abstract
In dieser Studie wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen definierten Persönlichkeitsprofilen und dem Risikoverhalten von Individuen, welche die entsprechenden Profile aufweisen, im Kon-text von Extremsport untersucht. Die Stichprobe von N = 268 Studienteilnehmenden wurde dafür anhand der Intensität ihrer sportlichen Aktivität in die drei Gruppen Extremsporttrei-bende, Normalsporttreibende und Geringsporttreibende aufgeteilt. Die Einteilung der Persön-lichkeitsprofile erfolgte anhand der Klassifikation von Torgersen (1995). Diese legt acht Per-sönlichkeitsprofile fest, welche anhand der Ausprägung der Big-Five-Faktoren Neurotizis-mus, Extraversion und Gewissenhaftigkeit bestimmt werden. Es konnte ein vermehrtes Vor-kommen des Persönlichkeitstypen Hedonist (Hoch in Extraversion, niedrig in Neurotizismus und Gewissenhaftigkeit) und ein vermindertes Vorkommen des Persönlichkeitstypen Unsi-cherer (Hoch in Neurotizismus, niedrig in Extraversion und Gewissenhaftigkeit) in der Grup-pe der Extremsporttreibenden festgestellt werden. Ebenso konnte ein vermehrtes Vorkom-men des Typus Grübler (Hoch in Neurotizismus und Gewissenhaftigkeit, niedrig in Extraver-sion) in der Gruppe der Geringsporttreibenden festgestellt werden. In vorherigen Studien zu dieser Fragestellung publizierte Ergebnisse konnten nicht repliziert werden. Eine Limitation der Studie war, dass die drei Teilstichproben in Bezug auf das Geschlecht nicht gematched waren, für den Faktor Geschlecht jedoch ein Einfluss auf die Ausprägung auf bestimmten Persönlichkeitseigenschaften feststellbar war. Die Ergebnisse der Studie bestätigten jedoch eine Vielzahl an Befunden zum Zusammenhang einzelner Persönlichkeitsfaktoren mit dem Betreiben von Extremsport und leisten somit einen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis von motivationalen Faktoren, die zu Extremsportverhalten führen., In this study, the relationship between defined personality profiles and the risk behavior of individuals who exhibit the corresponding profiles was investigated in the context of extreme sports. The sample of N = 268 study participants was divided into three groups based on the intensity of their sporting activity: extreme sportspersons, normal sportspersons and low sportspersons. The classification of the personality profiles was based on the classification of Torgersen (1995), which defines eight personality profiles, determined on the basis of the expression of the Big Five factors neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness. An in-creased occurrence of the Hedonist personality type (high extraversion, low neuroticism and conscientiousness) and a decreased occurrence of the Insecure personality type (high neuro-ticism, low extraversion and conscientiousness) were found in the extreme sports group. Si-milarly, an increased occurrence of the brooding type (high in neuroticism and conscienti-ousness, low in extraversion) was found in the group of low sports participants. Results pub-lished in previous studies on this issue could not be replicated. A limitation of the study was that the three subsamples were not matched with respect to gender, but for the gender factor an influence on the expression on certain personality traits was detectable. However, the re-sults of the study confirmed a large number of findings on the correlation of individual per-sonality factors with the practice of extreme sports and thus contribute to a better under-standing of motivational factors that lead to extreme sports behavior., Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers, Masterarbeit Universität Innsbruck 2023
- Published
- 2023
12. Gebräunte Haut als Schönheitsideal
- Author
Tatiana Görig, Sven Schneider, and Katharina Diehl
- Subjects
Bräunungsverhalten ,Risikoverhalten ,Solarium ,Hautkrebs ,Sonnenbrand ,UV-Strahlung ,General Works - Abstract
In den westlichen Industrienationen gilt gebräunte Haut allgemein als schön und erstrebenswert. Psychologische Studien zeigen, dass Jugendliche und Erwachsene sich häufig natürlicher und künstlicher ultravioletten (UV-) Strahlung (etwa Sonnenbaden oder Solariennutzung) aussetzen, um ihre Attraktivität zu steigern. Ein solches Schönheitsideal birgt jedoch zahlreiche dermatologische und onkologische Risiken (z. B. vorzeitige Hautalterung, Hautkrebs). Im Rahmen des bundesweit repräsentativen Nationalen Krebshilfe-Monitorings (NCAM) wurden im Jahr 2017 3.000 Personen zu den sogenannten attraktivitätsbezogenen Motiven des Bräunungsverhaltens (ABM) befragt. Es zeigte sich, dass ABM eher für Befragte zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren, Befragte mit Migrationshintergrund, Befragte mit mittlerem Bildungsniveau und für Befragte ohne festen Partner relevant waren. Zudem zeigte sich, dass Personen, die sich mit dem Ziel der Attraktivitätssteigerung bräunen, eine geringere Risikowahrnehmung für natürliche und künstliche UV-Strahlung besitzen, aber gleichzeitig ein risikoreicheres Bräunungsverhalten zeigen: Sie bräunen sich häufiger im Solarium und in der Sonne und berichten dabei häufiger von einem Sonnenbrand. Damit haben diese Personen ein erhöhtes Risiko, Hautkrebs zu entwickeln. Diese Ergebnisse sind von Bedeutung für zukünftige Präventionsmaßnahmen. So sollten Präventionskampagnen auch einen Schwerpunkt auf die Reduzierung der positiven Bewertung einer gebräunten Haut und damit auf die Veränderung westlicher Schönheitsideale legen.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Multipler Substanzmissbrauch als Variante von Hochrisikoverhalten im Jugendalter.
- Author
Ortner, Nora, Bock, Astrid, Fuchs, Martin, Haid-Stecher, Nina, and Sevecke, Kathrin
- Published
- 2020
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14. Internet‐Challenges: Lehrkräfte sollten sie kennen.
- Author
Prechtl, Markus
- Subjects
- *
Summary Teenagers present and pursue substance‐based challenges on YouTube. The article informs about the popular testimonials Chili Challenge, Cinnamon Challenge, Deo Challenge, Banana‐and‐Sprite Challenge, Vodka Eyeballing etc., about their health hazards, as far as reliable findings are available, and their frequency on YouTube. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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15. Ist Alkohol out? Ergebnisse der Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)-Studie.
- Author
Moor, Irene, Heilmann, Kristina, Hinrichs, Richard, and Richter, Matthias
- Subjects
Alkohol zählt zu den beliebtesten psychoaktiven Substanzen. Die Risiken von Alkoholkonsum sind insbesondere für Heranwachsende nicht zu unterschätzen. Die nationalen wie internationalen Befunde der HBSC-Studie zum Alkoholkonsum unter Heranwachsenden verzeichnen zwar einen Rückgang für die letzten Jahre, dennoch sind die Prävalenzen nach wie vor hoch. Präventionsmaßnahmen, die das Erstkonsumalter hinausschieben und einen kontrollierten Umgang mit Alkohol fördern, sind weiterhin erforderlich. Alcohol is one of the most popular psychoactive substances. The risks of alcohol consumption should not be underestimated, especially for adolescents. The national and international findings of the HBSC study regarding alcohol consumption among adolescents show a decline in the last few years, nevertheless the prevalence is still high. Preventive policies that postpone the age of first consumption and promote a controlled handling of alcohol are further required. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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16. Prävalenz und Prädiktoren für Rauschtrinken - Querschnittsbefragung repräsentativ für Niedersachsen.
- Author
Donath, Carolin, Sack, Carolin M., Pendergrass, Anna, Weiss, Maren, and Baier, Dirk
- Abstract
Aims: The goal of the study was the investigation of prevalence and predictors for heavy episodic drinking in the population of at least 16-year-olds in Lower Saxony. Methods: A cross-sectional representative study with N = 5,711 participants was carried out 2014 by the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN). Heavy episodic drinking was defined as five drinks per drinking opportunity at least once in the last 30 days. Next to descriptive statistics a binary-logistic regression analysis with heavy episodic drinking (yes/no) as dependent variable was carried out. Results: The prevalence of heavy episodic drinking was 28 percent in the whole sample significant declining at rising age. Males, persons not living in large cities and participants without migration background were signifi cantly more often involved. Tobacco and cannabis consumption, gambling, trait-agreeableness and risk-seeking behavior, regular social activities and social integration were identified as risk factors. Participation in cultural activities and being Muslim was negatively associated with heavy episodic drinking. Conclusion: Next to sociodemographic predictors also factors like spare-time activities were identified as predictors. This would open up the chance for implementing low-threshold preventive measures in the sense of shaping the environment. Behavioral prevention should focus on the simultaneous consumption of other substances associated with a higher risk for heavy episodic drinking. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Sallen, Jeffrey
- Abstract
Copyright of Zeitschrift für sportpädagogische Forschung (ZsF) is the property of Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
18. Männlichkeit und Sucht: Blinder Fleck in Prävention und Versorgung?
- Author
Altgeld, Thomas
- Subjects
RISK-taking behavior ,CONSUMER behavior ,MASCULINITY ,THERAPEUTICS ,GENDER role - Abstract
Obwohl große geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei Risiko- und Konsumverhalten, Prävalenzen von Suchterkrankungen und der Inanspruchnahme von Behandlungsangeboten bekannt sind, gibt es kaum männerspezifische Suchttherapie- oder Präventionsangebote. Dabei zeigen Männer bei fast allen Suchtformen mehr Auffälligkeiten als Frauen. Der Zusammenhang von Rollenerwartungen, Männlichkeitskonzepten und Sucht bietet gute Ansatzpunkte für erfolgreiche männerspezifische Behandlungs- und Präventionskonzepte. Although significant gender-based differences in risk and consumer behaviors, prevalence of addiction and the use of treatment options are well known, very few gender-specific therapy or primary prevention strategies have been developed until now. The male population shows a higher incidence for almost all forms of addiction. The correlation between role expectations, concepts of masculinity and substance consumption is a key point for successful male-specific therapy and prevention concepts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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19. Time Attitude Profiles and Risky Behaviors Among Adolescents in the United States and Germany
- Author
Mello, Zena R., Buhl, Monika, Andretta, James R., and Worrell, Frank C.
- Subjects
Social Psychology ,Zeit ,Sociology of the Youth, Sociology of Childhood ,risk behavior ,Jugendlicher ,time perspective ,time attitudes ,Latent Profile Analysis ,Zeitperspektive ,Zeiteinstellungen ,riskantes Verhalten ,latente Profilanalyse ,Federal Republic of Germany ,United States of America ,Jugendsoziologie, Soziologie der Kindheit ,Sociology & anthropology ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Risikoverhalten ,ddc:150 ,Psychologie ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,adolescent ,Psychology ,ddc:301 ,Sozialpsychologie ,USA ,time - Abstract
We used a person-centered approach to examine associations among time attitude profiles - positive and negative feelings about the past, present, and future - and risky behaviors. Participants were adolescents from the U.S. and Germany. The U.S. sample included 742 participants (MAge = 15.71; 53.6% female). The German sample included 610 participants (MAge = 14.75; 51.4% female). Latent profile analyses supported three more adaptive (Positive, Balanced, and Optimists) and two less adaptive (Ambivalent, Extremely Past Negative) time attitude profiles in both samples. In the U.S., adolescents in the Positive profile reported fewer risky behaviors than their counterparts. In Germany, adolescents in the Extremely Past Negatives profile reported more risky behaviors than their counterparts. Findings support the investigation of time attitudes as a meaningful correlate of risky behaviors in adolescents and across cultures. Um Zusammenhänge zwischen Zeiteinstellungsprofilen - positive und negative Gefühle in Bezug auf die Vergangenheit, die Gegenwart und die Zukunft - und riskanten Verhaltensweisen zu untersuchen, haben wir einen personenzentrierten Ansatz gewählt. Die Stichprobe bestand aus Jugendlichen aus den USA und aus Deutschland. Die U.S.-Stichprobe umfasste 742 Teilnehmende (MAlter = 15,71; 53,6 % weiblich). Die deutsche Stichprobe umfasste 610 Teilnehmende (MAlter = 14,75; 51,4 % weiblich). Latente Profilanalysen verweisen in beiden Stichproben auf drei adaptivere (Positive, Ausgeglichene und Optimistische) und zwei weniger adaptive (Ambivalente, Extrem-Vergangenheits-Negativ-Orientierte) Einstellungsprofile. In den USA berichteten Jugendliche mit positiven Profilen von weniger riskanten Verhaltensweisen im Vergleich zu ihren Gleichaltrigen. In Deutschland berichteten Jugendliche im Profil der Extrem-Vergangenheits-Negativ-Orientierten von riskanteren Verhaltensweisen als ihre Gleichaltrigen. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die Nutzung von Einstellungsprofilen im Kontext der Zeitperspektiven als sinnvolles Korrelat riskanter Verhaltensweisen bei Jugendlichen und über verschiedene Kulturen hinweg.
- Published
- 2022
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20. Der Einfluss des Social-Media-Trends 'Fitspo' auf die Risikowahrnehmung von Jugendlichen in Hinblick auf Ernährung und Körperbewusstsein
- Author
Winter, Anja
- Subjects
Fitspo ,Risikoverhalten ,risk perception ,social media ,risk behavior ,fitspo ,Jugendliche ,Social Media ,Risikowahrnehmung ,young people - Abstract
Mittlerweile verwenden fast alle Jugendlichen Social Media wie Instagram, Face- book und TikTok. Auf den Plattformen wird sich interaktiv über Inhalte ausgetauscht, Inhalte werden kommentiert oder nur passiv aufgenommen. Durch die Zeit, die auf den sozialen Medien verbracht wird, entstehen immer wieder Trends mit großer Auswirkung. So entstand 2010 der Fitnesstrend Fitspo (Abkürzung für Fitness-In- spiration). Diesem werden bis heute gefährliche Auswirkungen wie exzessives Trai- ning, Essstörungen, ein verzerrtes Realitätsempfinden und die Ausprägung in den Untertrend Thinspo (Abkürzung für Thin-Inspiration), also das absichtliche Abma- gern, nachgesagt. Aufgrund der über 70 Millionen Beiträge des Fitspo-Trends auf Instagram und dass Instagram die in Österreich am meisten genutzte Plattform von Jugendlichen ist, beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit der Frage, inwiefern die Risiko- wahrnehmung von Jugendlichen in Bezug auf Ernährung und Körperbewusstsein durch den Fitspo-Trend beeinflusst wird. Mithilfe von sechs leitfadengestützten In- terviews mit Jugendlichen zwischen 15 und 18 konnte eine Beeinflussung der Risi- kowahrnehmung durch den Trend festgestellt werden. Die Jugendlichen sind sich der auf Social Media präsentierten Scheinwelt sehr bewusst und gehen mit den Ri- siken des Trends besser um, je zufriedener sie mit sich selbst sind. Almost all young people nowadays use social media such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. On the platforms, content is exchanged interactively, content can be commented on or only passively consumed. Due to the large amount of time spent on social media, trends with a major impact keep emerging. This is how the fitness trend Fitspo (abbreviation for fitness inspiration) came about in 2010. To this day, this is said to have dangerous effects such as excessive training, eating disorders, a distorted sense of reality and the manifestation in the subtrend Thinspo (abbrevi- ation for thin inspiration), which promotes intentional weight loss. Due to the more than 70 million posts of the Fitspo trend on Instagram and the fact that Instagram is the most used platform by young people, this paper deals with the question of how the Fitspo trend influences the risk perception of young people regarding nutrition and body awareness. With the help of six guided interviews with young people be- tween the ages of 15 and 18, an influence on risk perception by the trend could be determined. Young people are very aware of the illusory world presented on social media and deal better with the risks of the trend the happier they are with them- selves.
- Published
- 2023
21. Tourists’ risk perception towards Kashmir valley: An analysis using Tourism Risk Index
- Author
Chaudhary, Manjula and Ul Islam, Naser
- Subjects
Tourism Risk Index ,Südasien ,India ,Kashmir Valley ,Tourismus ,security ,perception ,South Asia ,Freizeitforschung, Freizeitsoziologie ,risk perception ,ddc:330 ,G32 ,Indien ,Wahrnehmung ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,risk measurement ,risk behavior ,Sicherheit ,D81 ,Risikoverhalten ,Z32 ,Leisure Research ,tourism ,ddc:300 - Abstract
Purpose: This research aims to present a Tourism Risk Index (TRI) for risk analysis at tourism destinations that can act as a usable tool to accurately capture the perception of risk by tourists. Methods: The TRI for this study is developed in Kashmir valley (India). The development of index began with the assumption that general perceptions echoed through mass media and word of mouth about the lack of security in the Kashmir valley are correct. It was followed by a survey of 370 tourists visiting the valley about common types of risks identified through the literature on tourism. Results: The results are not along expected lines rather suggest that visiting tourists perceive Kashmir valley as safe. The findings show that Kashmir valley is perceived overall as less risky on all components, and in descending order, these ranks as personal safety, natural risk, cultural risk, and human-induced risk. Implications: Destination managers would have promoted Kashmir valley with a different level of confidence if this insight would have been available to them, and the possibility of its positive effect on the perception of tourists not visiting the valley cannot be ruled out. The index can be used to consistently track the tourism risks of Kashmir or any other destination by inclusions of new risks as they crop up from time to time., SUBMITTED: AUG 2022, REVISION SUBMITTED: OCT 2022, 2nd REVISION SUBMITTED: JAN 2023, 3rd REVISION SUBMITTED: MAR 2023, ACCEPTED: APR 2023, REFEREED ANONYMOUSLY, PUBLISHED ONLINE: 10 JUNE 2023
- Published
- 2023
22. Structural validation of three German versions of behavioral and motivational scales in high-risk sports.
- Author
Frühauf, Anika, Hardy, Will A. S., Roberts, Ross, Niedermeier, Martin, and Kopp, Martin
- Abstract
The aim of the present research was to validate German language versions of three inventories in high-risk sports to facilitate future research in the significant population of German speaking high-risk sports participants. We translated the Sensation Seeking, Emotion Regulation and Agency Scale (SEAS), the Risk-Taking Inventory and the Accidents and Close Calls in Sport Inventory into German, then tested the hypothesized factor structures with 719 high-risk sport participants from the European Alps using Bayesian structural equation modelling (BSEM). The final models were all good fits to the data, had good internal consistency and displayed adequate discriminant validity. All inventories displayed the same factor structure as in the English inventories bar the G‑SEAS After inventory in which a three-factor model fitted better than a two-factor model. Possible reasons for this difference include differences in the sample population, translation bias, or cross-cultural differences; however it seems likely that the nuanced approach of BSEM allowed this study to disentangle emotion regulation transfer from agency transfer after participating in high-risk sport where previous attempts using other methods have failed to. This will allow future research in high-risk sport to be conducted beyond English speaking populations and more significantly, facilitate the investigation of differences between the transfer effects of agency and emotion regulation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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23. Identität - Eine Illusion? Selbstentwicklung in der Adoleszenz.
- Author
Resch, Franz and Sevecke, Kathrin
- Abstract
Copyright of Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie is the property of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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24. Measuring and comparing planning cultures: risk, trust and co-operative attitudes in experimental games
- Author
Li, Keyang, Dethier, Perrine, Eika, Anders, Samsura, D. Ary A., Krabben, Erwin van der, Nordahl, Berit, Halleux, Jean-Marie, Li, Keyang, Dethier, Perrine, Eika, Anders, Samsura, D. Ary A., Krabben, Erwin van der, Nordahl, Berit, and Halleux, Jean-Marie
- Abstract
Cultural impacts in planning increasingly receive attention from both academics and practitioners around Europe. However, comparative planning cultures studies face the challenges of lacking systematic comparison and empirical evidence, especially at the micro level of planning actors’ behaviour in interaction. This article aims to fill these gaps by (1) operationalizing the concept of planning culture; and (2) measuring and comparing it. We base our operationalization on the culturized planning model (Knieling, J., & Othengrafen, F. (Eds.). (2009). Planning cultures in Europe: Decoding cultural phenomena in urban and regional planning. Farnham: Ashgate). We complement its explanatory power by building a link between planning culture and planning outcome through attitudes of planning actors. This article focuses on three attitudes: risk, trust and co-operation. To measure and compare these attitudes, we adopt three experimental economic games and conduct an experiment with public and private planning practitioners in three European countries: Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway. Both cross-country and public-private differences in these attitudes are tested in the experiment. Our experimental findings suggest that Dutch planning actors value risk aversion and trust; Norwegian planning actors value cooperation; while (French-speaking) Belgian planning actors do not value these variables that much.
- Published
- 2022
25. Einfluss eines Expertenrates auf das Risikoverhalten von Wandergruppen
- Author
Raffeiner, Simon and Raffeiner, Simon
- Abstract
Bergwandern gilt nach wie vor als die beliebteste aller Bergsportarten. Allerdings geraten in den Alpen immer wieder Wanderer in Notlagen oder verunglücken tödlich. Diese Studie versucht die Hintergründe für das Risikoverhalten von Wanderern zu erforschen. Dazu wird der Einfluss eines Expertenrates in der Form eines Wander.reports und der Einfluss des Risikofaktors Gruppe auf Wanderer untersucht. Ein Laborexperiment mit einem 2 x 3 Between-subjects Design wurde durchgeführt, um das Verhalten der Wanderer in sechs verschiedenen Szenarien zu analysieren. Insgesamt 210 Teilnehmer/Innen füllten den Online-Fragebogen aus. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein Expertenrat in der Form eines Wander.reports zu einem geringeren Risikoverhalten führen kann. Der Faktor Gruppe musste leider von der Analyse ausgeschlossen werden. Darüber hinaus konnten die Risikowahrnehmung, Erfahrung, Risk Seeking, Alter, Geschlecht und Familienstand als Risikofaktoren beim Wandern identifiziert werden. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen wird empfohlen, einen Wander.report zu implementieren und Ratschläge von Experten zu nutzen, um diesen Bergsport sicherer zu machen., Mountain hiking is still considered the most popular of all mountain sports. However, hikers in the Alps get into emergency situations or have fatal accidents again and again. This study attempts to explore the background of the risk behavior of hikers. For this purpose, the influence of expert advice in the form of a Wander.report and the influence of the risk factor group on hikers are investigated. A laboratory experiment with a 2 x 3 between-subjects design was conducted to analyze hiker behavior in six different scenarios. A total of 210 participants completed the online questionnaire. The results show that expert advice in the form of a Wander.report can lead to lower risk behavior. Unfortunately, the factor group had to be excluded from the analysis. Furthermore, risk perception, experience, risk seeking, age, gender, and marital status could be identified as risk factors in hiking. Based on the findings, it is recommended to implement a Wander.report and to use expert advice to make this mountain sport safer., Simon Raffeiner, Masterarbeit Universität Innsbruck 2022
- Published
- 2022
26. Frauen im Risikosport : eine qualitative Analyse zum Risikoverhalten von Müttern im Alpinklettern
- Author
Bartolomei, Claudia and Bartolomei, Claudia
- Abstract
verfasst von: Claudia Bartolomei, B.Sc., in englischer Sprache, Masterarbeit Universität Innsbruck 2022
- Published
- 2022
27. Die Ambulanz für Risikoverhalten und Selbstschädigung (AtR!Sk) - ein Pionierkonzept der ambulanten Früherkennung und Frühintervention von Borderline- Persönlichkeitsstörungen.
- Author
Kaess, Michael, Ghinea, Denisa, Fischer-Waldschmidt, Gloria, and Resch, Franz
- Abstract
Copyright of Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie is the property of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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28. Nationwide Analysis on Intentional Indoor and Outdoor Tanning: Prevalence and Correlates
- Author
Katharina Diehl, Eckhard W. Breitbart, Rüdiger Greinert, Joel Hillhouse, Jerod L. Stapleton, and Tatiana Görig
- Subjects
Male ,Skin Neoplasms ,Ultraviolet Rays ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Sociology & anthropology ,health behavior ,Mikrozensus ,Medical Sociology ,Prevalence ,Humans ,cancer ,microcensus ,ddc:610 ,Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules ,Krebs ,Sunbathing ,risk behavior ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,determinants ,tanning beds ,sunbeds ,sunbathing ,intentional tanning ,outdoor tanning ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Determinanten ,Risikoverhalten ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Gesundheitsverhalten ,ddc:301 ,Medizinsoziologie - Abstract
Outdoor and indoor tanning are considered as risk factors for the development of skin cancer. The aims of this nationwide representative study were to quantify both behaviors in a sample with a wide age range, to identify those showing both behaviors and to explore and compare determinants of both behaviors. We used data from the fifth wave (2019) of the National Cancer Aid Monitoring (NCAM). We surveyed the representative sample including 4000 individuals, aged 16–65 years, living in Germany. Data were collected through telephone interviews. In addition to descriptive statistics, we used logistic regression analyses to identify determinants. The one-year-prevalence of tanning bed use was 7.5%, while 31.9% tanned (very) often intentionally outdoors in at least one situation (weekdays, holidays, and weekends). A total of 3.2% reported both risk behaviors. Regression analyses revealed that tanning bed use is associated with employment, an increased number of naevi, and lack of risk awareness. Intentional outdoor tanning was associated with male sex, younger age, past tobacco use, and low risk awareness of UV radiation. Our findings suggest that only a minority of subjects showed both risk behaviors. This implies that individuals seem to perform either one behavior or the other. In addition, the associated determinants differed between both behaviors, implying that specific preventive measures tailored to address to each tanning behavior are needed.
- Published
- 2022
29. Influencia de la familiness en la relación de la heterogeneidad familiar y la postura innovadora de la empresa familiar
- Author
María Isabel De la Garza Ramos and Ricardo Arista Zavala
- Subjects
family ,Economics ,risk behavior ,family business ,familiness ,innovative posture ,Management Science ,Wirtschaft ,enterprise ,tradition ,Unternehmen ,continuity ,innovation ,Management ,Lateinamerika ,Risikoverhalten ,Latin America ,Mexiko ,Familie ,ddc:330 ,Heterogenität ,heterogeneity ,Kontinuität ,Mexico - Abstract
Se explora el efecto de la familiness en la relación de la heterogeneidad familiar y la postura innovadora de la empresa familiar en cinco negocios de la capital de San Luis Potosí, México, mediante el método de caso. Usando la tipología de Rondi y colaboradores, se encuentra que la familiness llega a aumentar la proclividad de operar bajo un comportamiento estratégico determinado. En específico, se halla un perfil re-enactor en las cinco entidades, esto es, una baja inclinación al riesgo y un alto apego a la tradición con enfoque al logro de la continuidad en el largo plazo. La familiness se define como aquellos recursos y capacidades resultantes de la interacción familiar y empresarial. The objective of the present work was to explore its effect on the relationship between family heterogeneity and the family business innovation posture in five businesses in the capital of San Luis Potosí, Mexico using the case method. Using the typology of Rondi and collaborators, it was found that familiness increases the proclivity to operate under a specific strategic behavior. Specifically, a re-enactor profile was found in the five entities, that is, a low inclination to risk and a high adherence to tradition with a focus on achieving continuity in the long term. Familiness, defined as those resources and capacities resulting from family and business interaction, is a recently used concept.
- Published
- 2022
30. Investigation of destination image mediating effect on tourists’ risk assessment, behavioural intentions and satisfaction
- Author
Yağmur, Yenal and Aksu, Akın
- Subjects
Turkey ,Tourismus ,M3 ,Türkei ,Freizeitforschung, Freizeitsoziologie ,C91 ,ddc:330 ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Antalya ,travel ,Halal tourism ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,risk behavior ,satisfaction ,Zufriedenheit ,perceived risk ,Risikoverhalten ,destination image ,metacognition ,Leisure Research ,tourism ,ddc:300 ,L83 ,Reise - Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to establish a model for the risk assessments of tourists and to determine whether destination image has a mediating effect in the relationship between perceived risk, behavioural intentions, and satisfaction. Methods: The study has a quantitative research design in which data were collected through questionnaires. To ensure the construct validity of the proposed model, first, confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses were performed, and then the structural equation modelling technique was used. Amos 22 and SPSS 22.0 programs were used for the analysis of the data. Results: As a result of research analysis, it has been found that cognitive image had a partial mediating role between the behavioural intentions and satisfaction the tourists (between perceived risk and satisfaction) whereas affective image had no mediating impact between the tourists’ perceived risks, behavioural intentions, and satisfaction. Implications: This study has some theoretical and practical contributions. Considering that the halal tourism literature is a very new concept, it is thought that a model proposal for the field will contribute to the deepening and development of the literature on the one hand and will provide important concrete data to hotel managers and destination policy makers on the other hand., SUBMITTED: NOV 2021, REVISION SUBMITTED: FEB 2022, ACCEPTED: APR 2022, REFEREED ANONYMOUSLY, PUBLISHED ONLINE: 30 MAY 2022
- Published
- 2022
31. Change in alcohol consumption and binge drinking in university students during the early COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Annina Zysset, Thomas Volken, Simone Amendola, Agnes von Wyl, and Julia Dratva
- Subjects
Male ,Binge drinking ,Anxiety ,epidemic ,Corona ,Covid-19 ,Corona-Virus ,risky health behavior ,binge drinking ,emerging adulthood ,lockdown ,ZIS 35 ,Cohort Studies ,ddc:150 ,health behavior ,Psychology ,Prospective Studies ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Health Policy ,risk behavior ,containment policy ,Risky health behavior ,anxiety ,Eindämmungspolitik ,Risikoverhalten ,305: Personengruppen (Alter, Herkunft, Geschlecht, Einkommen) ,Gesundheitsverhalten ,ddc:300 ,young adult ,Female ,Gesundheitspolitik ,Student ,Sozialpsychologie ,Alcohol ,mental health ,contagious disease ,Adult ,student ,Social Psychology ,Alcohol Drinking ,Universities ,alcohol consumption ,Angst ,616.8: Neurologie und Krankheiten des Nervensystems ,Epidemie ,Young Adult ,Emerging adulthood ,Alkoholkonsum ,psychische Gesundheit ,Lockdown ,Humans ,Students ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Pandemics ,junger Erwachsener ,Pandemie ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,COVID-19 ,Studierendengesundheit ,Psychologie ,Communicable Disease Control ,Infektionskrankheit - Abstract
ObjectivesYoung adults have been overly affected by the containment measures against COVID-19 and, consequently, worsening in mental health and change in health behavior have been reported. Because the life phase of emerging adulthood is crucial for developing health behaviors, this study aims to examine increase in alcohol consumption, single and multiple binge drinking, and associated factors in students during lockdown and post-lockdown periods.MethodsA prospective open cohort study design with nine survey time points between April 2020 and June 2021 was conducted. The present study uses pooled data from the first survey T0 (3 April to 14 April) and follow-ups at T1 (30 April to 11 May 2020) and T2 (28 May to 8 June 2020). Students from all faculties of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) (N = 12'431) were invited. Of the 1,300 students who participated at baseline and in at least one follow-up, 1,278 (98.3%) completed the questionnaires, final net sample size was 947. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) models were used to investigate the factors associated with increases in alcohol consumption based on number of occasions/last 30 days; drinks/week, and binge drinking at T0, and respective changes at T1 and T2 (increases, decreases, no change).ResultsOverall, 20% of Swiss university students reported an increased alcohol consumption and 26% engaged in binge drinking. Number of drinks at baseline was associated with a higher probability of increased alcohol consumption, as well as engaging in single and multiple binge drinking events. Higher anxiety scores were associated with a higher probability to increase the alcohol consumption and engaging at least once in binge drinking. Additional factors associated with any binge drinking were male gender, younger age and not living with parents. Higher perceived social support was only associated with engaging in heavy binge drinking.ConclusionsA substantial number of students developed a more risky health behavior regarding alcohol consumption. It is important to identify at risk students and design target prevention including factors such as age, gender and social norms. Further, health behavior and determinants of health behaviors of students should be carefully monitored during the further course of the pandemic.
- Published
- 2022
32. Young people's risk perception through social media using the example of violence at demonstrations
- Author
Gollent, Mario
- Subjects
Risikoverhalten ,risk perception ,demonstration ,social media ,risk behaviour ,Generation Z ,Risikowahrnehmung - Abstract
Jugendliche der Generation Z (geboren zwischen 1995 bis 2009) sind mit moderner Technik und Social Media aufgewachsen. Social Media sind interaktiv; Nutzer*innen haben die Möglichkeit, innerhalb kürzester Zeit Inhalte zu bewerten, zu kommentieren und / oder sich mit anderen darüber zu unterhalten. Nicht umsonst deklariert ein Großteil der Jugendlichen und junger Erwachsenen Social Media als wichtigste Nachrichtenquelle. Durch die tägliche Nutzung von Social Media sehen junge Menschen viele Beiträge zu diversen Themen, welche über Social Media weltweit verbreitet werden. Globale Bewegungen wie Fridays for Future oder Black Lives Matter sorgen online für viel Aufmerksamkeit in der jungen Generation, wodurch Demonstrationen weltweit organisiert werden und nicht mehr wegzudenken sind. Das Versammlungsrecht ist eines der Grundrechte einer natürlichen Person, bei dem der Staat nur verhältnismäßig eingreifen darf, sobald es sich um eine nicht angemeldete Demonstration handelt oder Gefahr für die öffentliche Sicherheit, Ordnung und Sittlichkeit, sowie für die Rechte und Freiheiten Dritter besteht. In den Sozialen Medien werden Ereignisse auf Demonstrationen – darunter auch Gewaltausschreitungen – geschildert und in der vorliegenden Arbeit demzufolge untersucht, inwiefern Social-Media-Nachrichten über Gewaltausschreitungen bei Demonstrationen die Risikowahrnehmung von jungen Menschen der Generation Z in Wien und Umgebung? Mithilfe einer Fokusgruppen-Diskussion (10 Jugendliche der Generation Z) konnte die Beeinflussung der Risikowahrnehmung Jugendlicher durch Social Media in vielerlei Hinsicht festgestellt werden. Beiträge von Gewaltausschreitungen bei Demonstrationen auf Social Media, welche teilweise aus dem Kontext gerissen wurden und Falschinformationen sorgen dafür, dass Jugendliche das Risiko „Gewalt auf einer Demonstration“ höher einschätzen. Young people of Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2009) have grown up with modern technology and social media. Social media are interactive; users have the opportunity to rate content, comment on it, and/or talk to others about it within a very short time. It is not without reason that a large proportion of teenagers and young adults declare social media to be their most important source of news. Through the daily use of social media, young people see many contributions on various topics, which are disseminated worldwide via social media. Global movements such as Fridays for Future or Black Lives Matter attract a lot of attention online among the young generation, as a result of which demonstrations are organized worldwide and have become indispensable. The right of assembly is one of the fundamental rights of a natural person, where the state may only intervene proportionately as soon as it is an unregistered demonstration or there is a danger to public safety, order and morality, as well as to the rights and freedoms of third parties. In the social media, events at demonstrations - including violent riots - are portrayed, and this study therefore examines the extent to which social media messages about violent riots at demonstrations influence the risk perception of young people of Generation Z in Vienna and the surrounding area. With the help of a focus group discussion (10 young people of Generation Z), the influence of social media on young people's risk perception could be determined in many ways. Posts of violence at demonstrations on social media, some of which were taken out of context, and misinformation ensure that young people rate the risk of "violence at a demonstration" higher.
- Published
- 2022
33. Strength of preference and decisions under risk
- Author
Alós-Ferrer, Carlos, Garagnani, Michele, University of Zurich, and Alos-Ferrer, Carlos
- Subjects
1402 Accounting ,finance ,accounting ,strength of preference ,2002 Economics and Econometrics ,Skalierung ,330 Economics ,D81 ,ECON Department of Economics ,decision errors ,Risikoverhalten ,10007 Department of Economics ,2003 Finance ,Stochastic choice ,Entscheidungsfindung ,ddc:330 ,D91 ,risk attitude ,stochastic choice ,D01 ,Nutzenfunktion ,Economics and econometrics - Abstract
Influential economic approaches as random utility models assume a monotonic relation between choice frequencies and “strength of preference,” in line with widespread evidence from the cognitive sciences, which also document an inverse relation to response times. However, for economic decisions under risk, these effects are largely untested, because models used to fit data assume them. Further, the dimension underlying strength of preference remains unclear in economics, with candidates including payoff-irrelevant numerical magnitudes. We provide a systematic, out-of-sample empirical validation of these relations (both for choices and response times) relying on both a new experimental design and simulations.
- Published
- 2022
34. Der Zusammenhang von elterlichem Monitoring mit Verhaltensauffälligkeiten sowie Risikoverhalten in einer adoleszenten schulischen Stichprobe.
- Author
Trick, Sarah, Jantzer, Vanessa, Haffner, Johann, Parzer, Peter, and Resch, Franz
- Abstract
Copyright of Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie is the property of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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35. Ernährung, Bewegung und Substanzkonsum von Kindern und Jugendlichen.
- Author
Krause, Laura, Anding, Christine, and Kamtsiuris, Panagiotis
- Abstract
Copyright of Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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36. Bilder von Krankheit und Gesundheit: Das Beispiel Aids
- Author
Peter-Paul Bänziger
- Subjects
Immunsystem ,Risikoverhalten ,ddc:150 ,Angst ,ddc:300 ,Seuche ,ddc:610 ,Epidemie ,Liebe ,Medikalisierung ,Diskriminierung ,Risikogruppe ,Geschlechtskrankheiten - Abstract
Images of Health and Disease: the Example of HIV/AIDS. There are two phases in the history of HIV/AIDS in the 1980s and 1990s. In the first of them, which lasted until the mid-1980s, HIV/AIDS was constructed as a disease of the (sexual) other. The second phase began around 1985 when the focus of AIDS prevention programs gradually shifted from „risk groups“ to „risk behavior“. This transformation came along with a reframing of the sexually active individual as self-reliant and socially responsible. Furthermore, the emergence of the risk discourse was accompanied by an iconography of a healthy and athletic „prevention body“. In the 1990s it increasingly replaced the emaciated „AIDS body“ that had dominated in the early years.
- Published
- 2021
37. Gesundheit von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Luxemburg - Bericht zur luxemburgischen HBSC-Befragung 2018
- Author
Heinz, Andreas, Kern, Matthias Robert, van Duin, Claire, Catunda, Carolina, Willems, Helmut Erich, Heinz, Andreas, Kern, Matthias Robert, van Duin, Claire, Catunda, Carolina, and Willems, Helmut Erich
- Abstract
Der Bericht gibt Auskunft über Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden der Schüler im Jahr 2018 in ihrem sozialen Kontext. Darüber hinaus informiert er, wie sich die entsprechenden Indikatoren von 2006—2018 in Luxemburg entwickelt haben. Verbesserungen gab es vor allem beim Gesundheitsverhalten — die Schüler rauchen und trinken weniger, sie putzen sich häufiger die Zähne und essen mehr Obst und Gemüse. Verschlechterungen betreffen die mentale Gesundheit: Die Schüler haben häufiger psychosomatische Beschwerden und sie fühlen sich häufiger von der Schularbeit gestresst. Des Weiteren sind die Schüler häufiger übergewichtig und sie sind seltener körperlich aktiv. Der Bericht zeigt auch, dass Gesundheitsrisiken mit soziodemografischen Merkmalen zusammenhängen, wie u. a. dem Geschlecht, dem Alter, dem Wohlstand und dem Migrationshintergrund. So verhalten sich Mädchen zwar häufig gesundheitsbewusster als Jungen, aber dennoch schätzen sie ihren Gesundheitszustand schlechter ein und sie haben mehr Stress und sie sind häufiger von multiplen psychosomatischen Beschwerden betroffen. Aus Clusteranalysen geht hervor, dass es typische Konstellationen von Gesundheitsverhaltensweisen gibt, die zudem mit soziodemografischen Merkmalen sowie Übergewicht, Stress und der Lebenszufriedenheit zusammenhängen.
- Published
- 2021
38. Debatte: Wieviel Risiko ist gut für uns? Eine Debatte über das Risiko und seinen Platz in unserer Gesellschaft
- Author
Simon, Felix, Beug, Sebastian, Simon, Felix, and Beug, Sebastian
- Abstract
Das Risiko nimmt heutzutage eine geradezu paradoxe Stellung ein. Während die einen versuchen, die Risiken des Alltags mithilfe von Versicherungen, Vorsorge und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren, setzen sich die anderen diesen bewusst aus – zum Beispiel, um sich selbst zu verwirklichen, Veränderungen zu bewirken, Hilfe zu leisten oder einfach nur, um den Kick zu spüren. Doch wie viel Risiko brauchen wir wirklich?
- Published
- 2021
39. 360° fragt: Leben wir heute risikoreicher als früher?
- Author
Renn, Ortwin, Weichselgartner, Jürgen, Wiedemann, Peter M., Heinemann, Simone, Rao, Ursula, Renn, Ortwin, Weichselgartner, Jürgen, Wiedemann, Peter M., Heinemann, Simone, and Rao, Ursula
- Published
- 2021
40. Investigating selection bias of online surveys on coronavirus-related behavioral outcomes
- Author
Schaurer, Ines, Weiß, Bernd, Schaurer, Ines, and Weiß, Bernd
- Abstract
The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has stimulated numerous online surveys that are mainly based on online convenience samples or commercial online access panels where participants select themselves. The results are, nevertheless, often generalized to the general population. In our paper we investigate the potential bias that is introduced by respondents' self-selection. The analysis is based on survey data of the "GESIS Panel Special Survey on the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak in Germany", together with background information of the GESIS Panel. Our analyses show indication of a nonignorable amount of selection bias for measures of personality traits among online survey respondents. This provides some evidence that participating in an online survey and complying with measures that can minimize the risk of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus are confounded. Hence, generalizing these results to the general population bears the risk of over or underestimating the share of the population that complies with specific measures.
- Published
- 2021
41. COVID-19 and public transport: insights from Belgium (Brussels), Estonia (Tallinn), Germany (Berlin, Dresden, Munich), and Sweden (Stockholm)
- Author
Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde e.V. (IfL), Finbom, Marcus, Kębłowski, Wojciech, Sgibnev, Wladimir, Sträuli, Louise, Timko, Peter, Tuvikene, Tauri, Weicker, Tonio, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde e.V. (IfL), Finbom, Marcus, Kębłowski, Wojciech, Sgibnev, Wladimir, Sträuli, Louise, Timko, Peter, Tuvikene, Tauri, and Weicker, Tonio
- Published
- 2021
42. Einfluss von Social Media auf das Sport- und Risikoverhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen : eine qualitative Studie am Beispiel eines bekannten Mountainbikers und Youtubers
- Author
Loinger, Martin and Loinger, Martin
- Abstract
Einleitung: Die Nutzung von Social Media ist heute nicht mehr aus der Lebenswelt vieler Jugendlicher wegzudenken. Gerade im Sport ergeben sich dabei neue Möglichkeiten Menschen zu motivieren und an Risikosportarten, wie dem Mountainbiken teilzuhaben. Vorbilder sorgen, ungeachtet von Gefahren und Risiken, mit spektakulären Videos für eine wachsende Popularität der Sportart. In der Wissenschaft sind die Auswirkungen von Social Media auf das Sport- und Risikoverhalten der Kinder und Jugendlichen jedoch kaum erforscht. Zielsetzung: Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Einflüsse von Social Media auf das Sport- und Risikoverhalten bei Nachwuchs-Mountainbikern herauszuarbeiten, deren Nutzungsverhalten zu erheben und die Vorbildfunktion von einem bekannten Mountainbiker und Youtuber zu bearbeiten. Methode: Als Untersuchungsmethode wurde ein Leitfadeninterview genutzt, wobei acht Jugendliche und acht Expert*Innen aus Tiroler Mountaibikevereinen zu ihren Motiven, Risikoverhalten und Social Media Aktivitäten befragt wurden. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte anschließend mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring. YouTuber und Mountainbiker Fabio Wibmer wurde dabei als Beispiel für die Untersuchung ausgewählt. Ergebnisse: Die Bedeutung von Social Media für den Mountainbikesport wurde sichtbar und zeigte, dass Fabio Wibmer laut den Befragten eine nicht unwesentliche Rolle für den Anstieg der Popularität einnimmt. Die Auswirkungen darin zeigte sich vor allem in der Motivation zum Sport, die durch den Medienkonsum positiv beeinflusst wird. Einflüsse auf das Risikoverhalten wurden in den Daten kaum festgestellt, unabhängig von Social Media geht das größte Verletzungsrisiko von Selbstüberschätzung und mangelnder Fahrtechnik aus. Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Trendsportarten wie Mountainbiken laut den Expert*Innen durch Influencer*innen wie Fabio Wibmer wachsen und die Motivation zum Sport erhöhen können. Gründe für eine erhöhte Risikobereitschaft gingen, laut den Be, Background: The use of social media has become an indispensable part of many young people’s lives. Sport offers new opportunities to motivate people and participate in high-risk sports such as mountain biking. Role models like Fabio Wibmer ensure, with spectacular videos, that the sport’s popularity is growing, regardless of the dangers and risks. In previous studies, the effects of social media on the sports and risk behavior of children and adolescents have hardly been researched. Objective: The aim of this study was to work out the influences of social media on young mountain bikers, to analyze their usage behavior and the role model function of a popular mountainbiker and youtuber. Method: A semi-structured interview was used as research method, in which eight adolescents (11-15 years old) and eight experts from Tyrolean mountainbike clubs were interviewed about their motives, risk behavior and social media acitivties. The data was analyzed using the qualitative content analysis according to Mayring. Results: The importance of social media for mountain biking became visible and showed that Fabio Wibmer played a significant role for increasing the popularity of the sport. The effects of social media showed increased motivation to exercise, which was positively influenced by media consumption of the interviewed adolescents. Impact of social media on risk behavior could hardly be found in the data, the greatest risk of injury results in overestimating and inadequate technique. Conclusion: This study points out the positive effects of social media in context of sports behavior and shows that trend sports benefit from influencers like Fabio Wibmer and are able to motivate many people to sports. The highest risk of injuries in mountain biking comes from a lack of technique and group dynamics. Further studies are necessary to analyze the subject of this study and differentiate between the effects of social media. Embedding mountain biking in physical education shows a, eingereicht von Martin Loinger, BEd, in englischer Sprache, Masterarbeit Universität Innsbruck 2021
- Published
- 2021
43. Vitamin-D-Mangel bei Kindern- und Jugendlichen in Deutschland (Teil 1).
- Author
Bergmann, K.E., Bergmann, R.L., Richter, R., Henrich, W., and Weichert, A.
- Abstract
Copyright of Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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44. Herausforderungen in der Betreuung von Jugendlichen mit Typ-1-Diabetes.
- Author
Fröhlich-Reiterer, E.
- Abstract
Copyright of Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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45. COVID-19 and public transport: insights from Belgium (Brussels), Estonia (Tallinn), Germany (Berlin, Dresden, Munich), and Sweden (Stockholm)
- Author
Finbom, Marcus, Kębłowski, Wojciech, Sgibnev, Wladimir, Sträuli, Louise, Timko, Peter, Tuvikene, Tauri, Weicker, Tonio, and Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde e.V. (IfL)
- Subjects
contagious disease ,Estonia ,Raumplanung und Regionalforschung ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr ,Epidemie ,Mobilität ,public space ,Sociology & anthropology ,epidemic ,öffentlicher Raum ,Belgium ,Risiko ,Estland ,Sociology of Traffic ,ddc:710 ,risk ,Landscaping and area planning ,public transport ,Sweden ,Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung ,Belgien ,traffic behavior ,risk behavior ,Area Development Planning, Regional Research ,Verkehrssoziologie ,choice of means of transport ,Verkehrsverhalten ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,mobility ,Risikoverhalten ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Verkehrsmittelwahl ,ddc:301 ,Infektionskrankheit ,COVID-19 ,öffentlicher Transport ,Pandemie ,Brüssel ,Tallinn ,Berlin ,Dresden ,München ,Stockholm ,Schweden - Published
- 2021
46. Suicide in the psychiatric Setting - Assessment instruments and nursing interventions to assess suicidal tendencies
- Author
Stichenwirth, Nina
- Subjects
Suicide/ suicidality ,Suizid/ Suizidalität ,Interventionen/ Präventionen ,Risk behaviour ,Assessment-Instrumente ,Risikoverhalten ,Psychiatrisches Setting ,Care/ Nursing ,Psychiatric Setting ,Interventions/ Preventions ,Pflege ,Assessment Instruments - Abstract
Heutzutage sind Psychiatrische Erkrankungen für die Mehrheit der Selbstmorde und Selbstmordversuche verantwortlich. Depressionen, Substanzkonsum und Psychosen sind dabei die wichtigsten Risikofaktoren, aber auch Angst-, Persönlichkeits-, Ess- und Trauma Störungen, sowie organische psychische Störungen tragen im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung erheblich zu unnatürlichen Todesursachen bei. Die Zahlen sind mindestens zehn-mal so hoch wie die der allgemeinen Bevölkerung. Der gemeldete Anteil der beendeten Selbstmorde liegt im psychiatrischen Setting zwischen 60% und 98% aller Selbstmorde. Wir leben in einer Welt in der Selbstmord ein großes gesellschaftliches und gesundheitliches Problem darstellt. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, dass Suizidales Risikoverhalten im psychiatrischen Setting schnell erkannt wird, um diesem mit gezielten Interventionen entgegenwirken zu können. (Bachmann, 2018) Nowadays, psychiatric disorders are responsible for the majority of suicides and suicide attempts. Depression, substance use and psychoses are the most important risk factors but also fear-, personality-, eating-, and trauma disorders, as well as organic mental disorders contribute significantly to unnatural causes of death compared to the general population. The numbers are at least ten times higher than those of the general population. The reported proportion of completed suicides in psychiatric settings is between 60% and 98% of all suicides. We live in a world where suicide is a major social, and health problem. For this reason it is important that suicidal risk behavior in the psychiatric setting is quickly recognized so it can be counteracted with targeted interventions. (Bachmann, 2018)
- Published
- 2021
47. The risk-taking channel of monetary policy : a survey of the literature
- Author
Springinsfeld, Johannes Helmut and Springinsfeld, Johannes Helmut
- Abstract
The financial crisis of 2007/2008 has brought to the forefront that monetary policy affects financial stability in ways not envisioned before. As a result, research that discusses the so-called risk-taking channel of monetary policy has grown substantially over the years. Research focuses on the various channels through which monetary policy translates into more risk-taking, and how certain characteristics of financial intermediaries, as well as other macro variables, amplify or otherwise affect risk-taking in the banking sector. Furthermore, research looks at ways central banks and supervisors can mitigate these effects. The purpose of this work is to give an overview of the current state of research in this area., Johannes Helmut Springinsfeld, Universität Innsbruck, Diplomarbeit, 2020, (VLID)5114060
- Published
- 2020
48. Lawinenairbags & Risikoverhalten
- Author
Haegeli, Pascal, Rupf, Reto, Karlen, Barbara, Haegeli, Pascal, Rupf, Reto, and Karlen, Barbara
- Abstract
Lawinenairbags verringern bei Lawinenabgängen die Gefahr von Totalverschüttungen von involvierten Trägerinnen und Trägern. Es ist deshalb nicht erstaunlich, dass immer mehr Tourenskifahrer oder Freeriderinnen Lawinenairbags mit sich führen. Aber könnten Lawinenairbags die Nutzenden nicht auch zu risikoreicherem Verhalten verleiten?
- Published
- 2020
49. Which travel risks are more salient for destination choice? An examination of the tourist’s decision-making process
- Author
Karl, Marion, Muskat, Birgit, Ritchie, Brent W., Karl, Marion, Muskat, Birgit, and Ritchie, Brent W.
- Abstract
The paper examines which travel risks are more salient for tourists' destination choice. We develop and test an integrated travel decision risk typology with survey data from 835 potential tourists. Specifically, we explore the interplay of risk types, tourist attributes and destination characteristics. We examine if travel risks linked to nature, health, terrorism, criminality, political instability are more salient for tourists' destination choice - and how risk perceptions influence tourist’s in the key stages of the decision-making process. Results offer an important baseline for future studies in the post-COVID-19 phase. First, our integrated travel decision risk typology distinguishes between sociodemographic, psychological and travel-related factors. We show that past travel experience shapes risk perceptions and impacts tourists' future destination choice. Second, we reveal that natural disasters are not the key barrier in the early decision-making stage of the destination choice process. Third, we identify tourist segments that are resilient to certain risks. We conclude with implications for the tourism practice with recommendations on how to manage travel risk and decision-making behaviours in the (post-)COVID-19 phase.
- Published
- 2020
50. The effect of shared investing strategy on trust in artificial intelligence
- Author
Yokoi, Ryosuke, Nakayachi, Kazuya, Yokoi, Ryosuke, and Nakayachi, Kazuya
- Abstract
This study examined the determinants of trust in artificial intelligence (AI) in the area of asset management. Many studies of risk perception have found that value similarity determines trust in risk managers. Some studies have demonstrated that value similarity also influences trust in AI. AI is currently employed in a diverse range of domains, including asset management. However, little is known about the factors that influence trust in asset management-related AI. We developed an investment game and examined whether shared investing strategy with an AI advisor increased the participants’ trust in the AI. In this study, questionnaire data were analyzed (n=101), and it was revealed that shared investing strategy had no significant effect on the participants’ trust in AI. In addition, it had no effect on behavioral trust. Perceived ability had significantly positive effects on both subjective and behavioral trust. This paper also discusses the empirical implications of the findings.
- Published
- 2020
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