42 results on '"Right of Association"'
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2. Right of association and new business entry: country-level evidence from the market sector.
- Author
Patel, Pankaj C. and Rietveld, Cornelius A.
- Subjects
FREEDOM of association ,SMALL business ,TRADE associations ,LABOR market ,WAGES - Abstract
Labor market institutions (LMIs) could enable new firm entry by lowering burdens to attracting and retaining human capital or restrict new firm entry by increasing concerns of additional demands on ventures facing liabilities of newness and smallness. In this study, we focus on the LMI of the right of association, and whether its relationship with new business entry depends on the vertical ordering of bargaining (represented in the centralization of collective bargaining) or the horizontal synchronization of wage-setting (represented in the coordination of wage-setting). In a panel of 44 countries covering the period 2005–2019, we find that the right of association in the market sector is positively associated with new business entry; however, with increasing centralization of collective bargaining, the association becomes negative. Coordination of wage-setting does not significantly affect the relationship between the right of association and new business entry. The results are robust to accounting for both serial correlation and cross-sectional correlation in the panel regressions and carry implications for policymakers regarding the effects of LMIs on new business creation. Plain English Summary: Does the right of association influence new business entry? Labor market institutions (LMIs) in a country could be a double-edged sword for new businesses: LMIs can lower human capital competition among smaller and larger firms, but may also increase financial burdens on young and small firms in meeting higher wages and benefits. We find that the right of association in the market sector is positively associated with new business entry; however, with increasing centralization of collective bargaining, the association becomes negative. Coordination of wage-setting does not significantly affect the relationship between the right of association and new business entry. Thus, the principal implication of this study is that labor market institutions may be ex-ante considerations in new firm entry decisions, and the right of association in combination with strong centralization of collective bargaining may jointly lower new business entry. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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3. Using Law as an Instrument of Domination and Violating the Right of Assembly: The Story behind the Palestinian NGOs' Quest for Independence.
- Author
Dodeen, Mahmoud M.
- Subjects
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PALESTINIANS , *FREEDOM of association , *NONGOVERNMENTAL organizations , *LEGISLATIVE power , *EXECUTIVE power - Abstract
This article explores the position of the successive executive powers that have ruled over the occupied Palestinian territory toward the right of association, analyzing the regulations and practical measures they introduced. The governance of these authorities was undemocratic, resulting in abuses of legislative power with a view to constraining the right to assembly and to dominating NGO s, starting with incorporation and ending with dissolution. Despite an ongoing struggle for operational independence, NGO s have been under the control of the Palestinian ruling political parties in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip since 2007. Throughout this period, elected formal oversight bodies have been lacking. While Fatah monopolizes government of the West Bank, Hamas takes exclusive possession of the administration of the Gaza Strip; each party has fought against the NGO s aligned with its rival. The ruling regimes have also exploited shortfalls and gaps in some regulations in order to undermine and weaken the role of NGO s in issues of public concern. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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4. France, Economics in (Before 1870)
- Author
Béraud, Alain, Steiner, Philippe, and Macmillan Publishers Ltd
- Published
- 2018
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5. Inadmisibilitatea anumitor inițiative legislative.
- Author
ŢIPLE, Vasile
- Subjects
Copyright of Bucharest University Annals - Law Series is the property of CH Beck Publishing House and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Barceló i Serramalera, Mercè
- Subjects
LEGAL judgments ,FREEDOM of association ,CIVIL rights ,APPELLATE courts ,CONSTITUTIONAL courts ,SEDITION - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Catalana de Dret Públic is the property of Revista Catalana de Dret Public and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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7. Intervención sindical en la conformación de partidos políticos: reconstrucción del estándar para acreditar su injerencia
- Author
Olvera Fuentes, Alejandro and Olvera Fuentes, Alejandro
- Abstract
The Mexican Electoral Court of the Federal Judiciary issued three sentences in which it analyzed whether or not there was intervention by unions in the formation of political organizations that aspired to become political parties. Without developing a tool to elucidate such issue, the Electoral Court issued three sentences in which it analyzed whether or not there was intervention by the unions in the formation of political organizations that aspired to become political parties. Without developing a tool to clarify this issue, the court specialized in electoral matters used contradictory criteria to demonstrate in one case that there was interference by a union, while in the other two cases such action wasn’t proven. For this reason, this study proposes the study of the constitutional prohibition that union organizations form political parties, as well as the legal right that is protected, such as the right of association in electoral political matters. Developed this, we propose the reconstruction of a norm that allows to protect the protected legal right and that accredits the union intervention in the conformation of the political forces., El Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación emitió tres sentencias en las cuales analizó si existía o no intervención de sindicatos en la conformación de las organizaciones políticas que aspiraban a convertirse en partidos políticos. Sin desarrollar una herramienta para dilucidar tal cuestión, utilizó criterios diferenciados para demostrar, en un caso, que sí hubo injerencia de un sindicato, mientras que en los otros dos asuntos no tuvo por acreditada tal acción. Por ende, en este análisis se plantea el estudio de la prohibición constitucional a las organizaciones gremiales de constituir partidos políticos, así como del bien jurídico que se protege: el derecho de asociación en materia político-electoral. Una vez desarrollado lo anterior, se propone la reconstrucción de un estándar que permita proteger el bien jurídico tutelado y acredite la intervención gremial en la conformación de fuerzas políticas.
- Published
- 2022
8. Licencias deportivas y menores: el derecho de retención y su (in)compatibilidad con el régimen de protección jurídica del menor.
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- Abstract
The right of retention of football clubs over minors has been traditionally sorrounded by a strong polemic from the legal point of view. This is explained as a result of the debate on the legal nature of the federative license, which, although it is an administrative authorization, the sports sector has also tended to perceive it as a private contract. If we add to the fact that the regulations of the Football Federations only allows the clubs to process the cancellation of the license, we are faced with a scheme made in such a way that the minor player will always need the agreement of the club to disassociate from it. This approach, however, shakes the foundations of the legal framework for the protection of minors in convergence with the right of association. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
9. La autonomía asociativa de partidos políticos y sindicatos. Un análisis comparado.
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- Abstract
Copyright of Ius et Praxis (07172877) is the property of Universidad de Talca and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
María Soledad de la Fuente Núñez de Castro
- Subjects
hermandad ,minor ,right of association ,brotherhood ,General Engineering ,natural ability ,menor ,derecho de asociación ,capacidad natural - Abstract
La capacidad natural del menor acorde a su desarrollo volitivo e intelectivo es una cuestión sobre la que no cabe controversia alguna. Esta capacidad natural, llegada a una determinada edad biológica, le permite el ejercicio por sí solo de ciertos derechos. El derecho de asociación es uno de ellos como derecho fundamental que es, de carácter personalísimo, legitimándolo para la creación de asociaciones infantiles, juveniles y aquellas otras que si bien de carácter general, la normativa lo habilita para ello. Una asociación pública de fieles es la consecuencia del ejercicio de este derecho de asociación, si bien mediatizado por la jerarquía eclesiástica, bajo los postulados del Derecho Canónico. En esta labor reguladora parecería que del Derecho Civil queda relegado. Sin embargo, el estudio comparado de ambas regulaciones, sus convergencias y diferencias, constituye una pieza fundamental para equilibrar en estos órdenes jurídicos la relación entre ambos. No obstante, la intervención de un menor en una hermandad no se limita a su posible función creadora de la misma. Su pertenencia a una ya existente le atribuye derechos y deberes con consecuencias en el ámbito jurídico.
- Published
- 2020
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11. Pensiones de Jubilación a la luz del Acto Legislativo 01 de 2005.
- Author
Castellanos Ávila, Luis Eduardo
- Abstract
Copyright of Iustitia is the property of Universidad Santo Tomas, Bucaramanga and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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12. La mayor representatividad sindical en España.
- Author
Cialti, Pierre-Henri
- Abstract
Copyright of Justicia (0124-7441) is the property of Universidad Simon Bolivar and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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13. Reglementări internaționale în materia dreptului de asociere.
- Author
MINOIU, Valentin
- Abstract
Copyright of Pandectele Române is the property of Wolters Kluwer Romania and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
14. The right to associate in the publicē service
- Author
Jānis Upmanis, Kitija Bite, Juridiskā fakultāte, and Faculty of Law
- Subjects
right of association ,valsts dienests ,public service ,arodbiedrības brīvība ,trade unions freedom ,tiesības apvienoties - Abstract
Tiesību zinātne Tiesību zinātne Law Science Law Science Maģistra darba tēma ir „Tiesības uz apvienošanās brīvību valsts dienestā”. Latvijas Republikas Satversme garantē tiesības apvienoties biedrībās, politiskās partijās un citās sabiedriskās organizācijās, tai skaitā arodbiedrībās. Cik lielā mērā šīs tiesības tiek attiecinātas uz valsts dienestā esošajām personām, valsts ir tiesīga noteikt ar likumu un ierobežot atsevišķu valsts dienestu tiesības apvienoties. Militārā dienesta likuma 15. panta pirmās daļas 1. punktā tiek noteikts aizliegums karavīriem apvienoties arodbiedrībās, kas karavīriem rada mazāku tiesību aizsardzību nekā citiem valsts dienestiem, pārkāpjot tiesības apvienoties savu interešu aizsardzībai. Maģistra darba mērķis ir, analizējot Latvijas Republikas tiesisko regulējumu, kurā ir noteiktas valsts dienestu amatpersonu tiesības un ierobežojumi apvienoties, identificēt regulējumā nepilnības un rast priekšlikumus to novēršanai. Maģistra darbā tiek izvirzīta hipotēze - ja militārā dienestā esošajām amatpersonām atļaus tiesības apvienoties arodbiedrībās, tad tiks izveidota vienlīdzīga situācija valsts dienestos strādājošajiem. Līdz ar to darbā tiek izpētītas tiesības apvienoties valsts dienestā, biedrošanās brīvība, arodbiedrību brīvība, valsts dienestu veidi un to atšķirības, valsts dienestu amatpersonu regulējumi apvienoties un kādi grozījumi būtu veicami normatīvajos aktos, lai izveidotu vienotu tiesisku regulējumu un vienādu attieksmi, nepieļaujot diskrimināciju. Darbā tiek salīdzināti četru valsts dienestu amatpersonu tiesības apvienoties: valsts civildienesta, amatpersonu ar speciālajām dienesta pakāpēm, militārā dienesta un tiesu varas institūcijas. Maģistra darba struktūra izveidota atbilstoši darbā izvirzītajam mērķim un uzdevumiem. Maģistra darbs sadalīts trīs nodaļās un vairākās apakšnodaļās, svarīgākos secinājumus un atziņas apkopojot nobeigumā. Darbs sastāv no 74 lapām. Maģistra darbā izmantoti Latvijas un starptautiskie normatīvie akti, zinātniskā literatūra, kā arī tiesu prakse. Atslēgvārdi: tiesības apvienoties, arodbiedrības brīvība, valsts dienests. The topic of the master's works is "The right to freedom of association in the public service". The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia guarantees the right to unite in associations, political parties and other public organizations, including trade unions. To what extent these rights are extended to persons in the public service, the state has the right to determine by law and restrict the right of certain public services to unite. Section 15, Paragraph one, Clause 1 of the Military Service Law prohibits soldiers from uniting in trade unions, which provides soldiers with less protection of rights than other state services in violation of the right of association to protect their interests. The aim of the master's work is to analyze the legal regulation of the Republic of Latvia, which determines the rights and restrictions of public service officials to unite, identifying the shortcomings of the regulation and finding proposals for their elimination. A hypothesis is put forward in the master's work - if the officials in the military service will be allowed the right to unite, then an equal situation will be created for those working in the public services. Consequently, the right to unite in the public service, freedom of association, freedom of trade unions, types of public services, their differences, regulations of public service officials to unite and what amendments should be made to regulatory enactments in order to create a unified legal framework and equal treatment without discrimination are studied. The master's work compares four rights of public services to unite: public service, officials with special service ranks, military service and judicial authorities. The structure of the master's work has been created in accordance with the aim and tasks set in the thesis. The master's work is divided into three chapters and several subsections, summarizing the most important conclusions and findings. The work consists of 74 pages. Latvian and international normative acts, scientific literature, as well as court practice have been used in the master's work. Keywords: right of association, trade unions freedom, public service.
- Published
- 2021
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- Abstract
The author analyzes the condition of existence of common property for granting legal personality to an owners' association in the light of the provisions included in the Law No 230/2007, starting from a solution of the judicial practice, reaching to the conclusion that the establishment of an association can not take place unless there is a common property of all members of the association. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
16. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
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- Abstract
Although the state determines the salaries of its employees with mandatory legal and regulatory provisions, it has progressively lost its ability to act individually in this area. This option is either optional for the comparison between civil service salaries an other sectors wages in order to achieve the justice necessary to maintain social security, which is done only through collective bargaining based on the participation of the public sector. All active parts, or is to public officials who use their collective rights, namely the right of association and the right to strike, which were formed for them and remain the most effective way to achieve the goals benefits., Bien que l’état détermine les salaires de ses employés avec des dispositions légales et réglementaires impératives, il a progressivement perdu sa capacité d’agir individuellement dans ce domaine. Cette option est soit facultative pour la comparaison entre les salaires de la fonction publique et les salaires du d’ autre secteurs, afin de réaliser la justice nécessaire au maintien de la sécurité sociale, ce qui se fait uniquement par la négociation collective basée sur la participation de toutes les parties actives, ou est d’intervenir dans les négociations en tant que parties clé et efficace sous la pression d’agents publics qui utilisent leurs droits collectifs, à savoir de droit d’association et le droit de grève, lesquels ont été formés pour eux et restent le moyen le plus efficace d’atteindre les avantages.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
- Subjects
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JURISPRUDENCE , *ACTIONS & defenses (Law) , *LABOR unions , *LEGISLATIVE bills , *HUMAN rights , *STATUTORY interpretation - Abstract
The new legislation and jurisprudence appeared in the period 2007-2013 on the right of association have allowed reconfigure this fundamental right and define its roles in the Spanish constitutional system. On the basis of the dignity and the free development of the personality, this paper analyzes the status of the right of association and its ten roles since the political transition to today: it role in the constitutional value system, in the jurisprudential basis of the rights of individuals, the right of association as common regulatory of other rights (particularly, political parties, trade unions and foundations), the right of association and its instrumental function for other rights, the autonomic laws of association, and its roles in the European integration and in the institutional representation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
18. The Redundant Free Exercise Clause?
- Author
Tushnet, M.
- Abstract
What does a principle of free exercise of religion add to constitutional protections of freedom of expression and of expressive association? This Article identifies the rather large coverage the latter provisions offer, and identifies the rather limited circumstances in which a principle of free exercise of religion is independently important. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
- Author
- Subjects
FREEDOM of association ,LABOR unions ,CONSTITUTIONS ,CONTINUITY ,DISCONTINUITY (Philosophy) - Abstract
Copyright of Revista de Derecho UNED is the property of Editorial UNED and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
20. Las asociaciones de fieles: su regulación en la legislación canónica particular española.
- Author
- Subjects
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ECUMENICAL associations (Catholic Church) , *CATHOLIC associations , *CHRISTIANS , *CHURCH societies , *RELIGIOUS societies , *RELIGIOUS adherents , *CONFRATERNITIES , *BROTHERHOODS , *FREEDOM of association (Canon law) , *CANON law , *SOCIETIES - Abstract
A significant number of associations of the faithful have been established in Spanish dioceses, and play an important part in the life and structure of the Church. Many of these are national or diocesan associations, established as public or private legal persons by the Episcopal Conference or the local Bishop in accordance with the Code of Canon Law and particular canonical regulation. Given that it adapts the regulation of the Code to the needs of each diocese, setting out criteria with regard to the procedure by which associations of the faithful are established, their juridical status and the role of ecclesiastical authority in their regard, such particular law is of great significance. However, it is difficult to come by knowledge of this particular law, especially at a diocesan level. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of particular law relating to associations of the faithful in Spain. The rules defined by the Spanish Episcopal Conference are analyzed, with particular reference to the important 1986 Instruction on the matter. The extensive diocesan rules for associations of the faithful are also compiled in this paper, presenting the main features and the complications to which such regulation may give rise. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
21. Personal Autonomy as Institutional Form – Focus on Europe Against the Background of Article 27 of the ICCPR.
- Author
Suksi, Markku
- Subjects
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AUTONOMY (Psychology) , *FREEDOM of association , *MINORITIES , *MEMBERSHIP in associations, institutions, etc. , *NONGOVERNMENTAL organizations , *CIVIL rights - Abstract
For an attempt to establish an institutional content for personal autonomy, it is submitted that the reference to ‘community’ in Article 27 of the CCPR implies a certain form of organization. Persons who belong to minorities shall have the complete freedom to organize themselves in associations of various kinds in order to pursue common aims. The notion of ‘association’ includes, on the top of regular membership associations, a broader spectrum of private law entities, but the main point is that there shall be a freedom for a minority in the creation of non-governmental organizations, leading to personal autonomy as an organizational form. It is hence not necessarily so that all forms of autonomy are created on the basis of special legislation, endowing the autonomous character for the minority institution from top-down. A bottom-up creation of minority institutions can actually involve a right to personal autonomy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
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22. Declaración de ilegalidad por indebida presentación del derecho de huelga en cese de actividades decretado a la Asociación Colombiana de Aviadores Civiles en el 2017
- Author
Acuña Gómez, Nathaly Julieth and Acevedo Suárez, Aurymayerly
- Subjects
Right of Association ,Derecho de Asociación ,Huelga ,Derecho al Trabajo ,Declaración de Ilegalidad ,Right to Work ,Actividad Sindical ,Strike ,Declaration of Illegality ,Trade Union Activity - Abstract
140 p, This thesis sought to establish the arguments on which an improper presentation of the right to strike can be founded through union activity, in order to declare an illegality in the cessation of its activities, taking as a reference the strike carried out in 2017 by the Colombian Association of Civil Aviators against the employer Aerovías del Continente Americano SA (Avianca S.A.). To analyze the case, the conceptualization and characteristics of the right to strike were reviewed. Then, it was reviewed how the strike is legislated in Colombia determining restrictions, prohibitions and requirements demanded at the time of exercising it. Finally, he showed the right to strike internationally: how it is legislated and how it has been received by countries. From a qualitative methodological perspective, a review was made of the requirements necessary to carry out a strike using the interview as an instrument. The results, taken through a survey, show that citizens know the right to strike, but apparently this action is sometimes violated in Colombia, said constitutional right is recognized as a mechanism used by Colombian workers to claim a right . Through expressions such as actions such as disagreement or displeasure it is shown that the strike allows the working class to complain about ill-treatment. This right is seen as the mechanism that allows the suspension of work to claim for a better labor treatment and by which employers' defaults can be claimed., La presente tesis buscó establecer los argumentos en que puede fundarse una indebida presentación al derecho de la huelga a través de la actividad sindical, para así declarar una ilegalidad en el cese de sus actividades, teniendo como referencia la huelga ejercida en 2017 por la Asociación Colombiana de Aviadores Civiles contra la empleadora Aerovías del Continente Americano S.A. (Avianca S.A.). Para analizar el caso, se revisó la conceptualización y características del derecho a la huelga. Luego, se revisó cómo es legislada la huelga en Colombia determinando restricciones, prohibiciones y requisitos exigidos al momento de ejercerla. Por último, se mostró al derecho a la huelga a nivel internacional: cómo es legislado y cómo ha sido acogido por los países. Desde una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa se realizó una revisión a los requisitos necesarios para llevar a cabo una huelga usando como instrumento la entrevista. Los resultados, tomados por medio de una encuesta, asoman que los ciudadanos conocen el derecho a la huelga, pero al parecer esta acción a veces es vulnerada en Colombia, dicho derecho constitucional es reconocido como un mecanismo usado por los trabajadores colombianos para reclamar un derecho. Por medio de expresiones como o acciones como inconformidad o desagrado se muestra que la huelga le permite a la clase trabajadora quejarse por malos tratos. Se ve este derecho como el mecanismo que permite la suspensiónd e las labores para reclamar por un mejor trato laboral y por el cual se puede reclamar los incumplimientos de los empleadores., Pregrado, Abogado(a), I. Conceptualización de la huelga 1 1.1. La huelga en la doctrina y en la jurisprudencia 2 1.1.1. Conclusiones 14 1.2. El derecho de la libre asociación y el derecho del trabajo 16 1.2.1. Conclusiones 26 II. Constitucionalización y marco jurídico del derecho a la huelga 29 2.1. Fundamento de la carta magna y marco legal sobre el derecho a la huelga 30 2.1.1. Conclusiones 38 2.2. Prohibiciones o restricciones del derecho a la huelga 40 2.2.1. Conclusiones 45 2.3. Declaratoria de legalidad o ilegalidad de la huelga 58 2.3.1. Conclusiones 64 III. La huelga en el ámbito internacional 67 3.1. Conclusiones 80 IV. El ejercicio del derecho a la huelga por parte de la asociación colombiana de aviadores civiles 83 4.1 Recapitulación de la sentencia SL20094-2017 93 4.2. Postura crítica a la sentencia SL20094-2017 96 Resultados 102 Conclusiones 111 Anexos 114 Referencias bibliográficas 124, Ej. 1
- Published
- 2019
23. Instrumentos jurídico-canónicos para la vigilancia de las entidades eclesiales en las iglesias particulares
- Author
López Segovia, Carlos and López Segovia, Carlos
- Abstract
As complex as the Catholic Church’s structure is and as diverse as its entities are, it is necessary for ecclesiastical competent authorities such as the diocesan bishop to have tools which legally and objectively allow them to access information about the entities related to Particular Churchs, in line with their government duties. Drawing on the qualifying criteria of the variety of entities, this paper aims to define the parameters and the content of the monitoring organism in its widest and most narrow sense, so as to eventually suggest tools that can be necessary for the diocesan bishop to exercise this right and duty as the ecclesiastical competent authority., De la complejidad estructural de la Iglesia Católica y la vasta diversidad de sus entidades se deduce la necesidad de que los sujetos de la autoridad eclesiástica competente, entre ellos el Obispo diocesano, dispongan de instrumentos que les permitan acceder, de una forma lícita y objetiva y para el ejercicio de sus funciones de gobierno, a la información concerniente a las entidades que actúan en el territorio de las Iglesias particulares. Partiendo de los criterios clasificatorios de la diversidad de entidades, en este artículo se intenta delimitar los parámetros y contenido del instituto de la vigilancia, en su sentido amplio y estricto, para terminar realizando una propuesta de instrumentos que pueden servir al ejercicio de este derecho-deber por parte del Obispo diocesano como sujeto de autoridad eclesiástica competente.
- Published
- 2019
24. The Voluntary Groups Requirement: Rehabilitating the Right of Association
- Author
Inazu, John D., author
- Published
- 2016
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25. Retirement Pensions in the light of Legislative Act 01 of 2005
- Author
Castellanos Ávila, Luis Eduardo
- Subjects
Legislative Act 01 of 2005 ,right of association ,collective negotiation ,constitutional block ,OIT conventions ,retirement pension ,progressive principle ,collective bargaining agreement ,freedom of enterprise and private property ,Acto Legislativo 01 de 2005 ,derecho de asociación sindical ,negociación colectiva ,bloque constitucionalidad ,convenios OIT ,pensión de jubilación ,principio de progresividad ,convención colectiva ,libertad de empresa y propiedad privada - Abstract
The present research project presents an application of an analytical methodology that studies constitutionally the central theme, whose aim is to try to demonstrate how the aforementioned Legislative Act No. 01 of 2005 modifies article 48 of the Political Constitution, in addition to opposing provisions that Enshrines the same Political Charter in relation to the right of trade union association and collective bargaining for the restriction that was established when exercising the right to collective bargaining, article 55 of the Constitution Which is essentially rooted in the fundamental right of trade union association, enshrined in Article 39 of the Constitution, ignoring the provisions of the International Labor Conventions, particularly Convention 87 and 98 (ILO). Constitutional doctrine as an integral part of the so-called Constitutionality Block, pursuant to paragraph 2 of article 93 of the Political Constitution, a feature reinforced by what is determined in paragraph 4 of article 53 Political Constitution. In the same way, the constitutional amendment by which Article 48 of the Political Constitution was reformed, clearly shows how the right to private property and freedom of enterprise is not known by prohibiting collective bargaining between individuals, colliding with the established In article 58 of the Political Constitution and the provisions of article 333 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to property and recognition of rights acquired under the law, as well as the right to freedom of enterprise under a social function Determined. In the analysis of the work, it was determined that the exclusion to the restriction of collective bargaining established by Legislative Act No. 01 of 2005 in pension matters constitutes a constitutional antinomy, which seriously damages the mechanism of concertation through collective bargaining, That workers have to agree and improve the minimum conditions of work foreseen in the legal regulations. El proyecto de investigación presenta una aplicación de una metodología analítica que estudia constitucionalmente el tema central, que tiene como objeto el procurar demostrar cómo el referido Acto Legislativo No. 01 del 2005 modificatorio del artículo 48 de la Constitución Política, además de contrariar disposiciones que consagra la misma Carta Política, en materia del derecho de asociación sindical y negociación colectiva por la restricción que se estableció al ejercicio del derecho a la negociación colectiva, artículo 55 de la C.P., derecho este cuyo arraigo en esencia tiene origen en el derecho fundamental de la asociación sindical, consagrado en el artículo 39 de la Constitución Política, desconociendo lo señalado en los Convenios Internacionales del Trabajo, particularmente el Convenio 87 y 98 (OIT), disposiciones calificadas por la doctrina constitucional como parte integral del denominado Bloque de Constitucionalidad, en virtud del inciso 2° del artículo 93 de la Constitución Política, característica reforzada por lo determinado en el inciso 4° del artículo 53 de la Constitución Política. De la misma manera, la enmienda constitucional por la cual se reformó el artículo 48 de la Constitución Política deja ver ostensiblemente cómo se desconoce el derecho a la propiedad privada y a la libertad de empresa al prohibir la negociación colectiva entre particulares, chocando de contera con lo establecido en el artículo 58 de la Constitución Política y lo dispuesto en el artículo 333 constitucional, que garantiza el derecho a la propiedad y el reconocimiento a los derechos adquiridos conforme a la ley, al igual que el derecho a la libertad de empresa bajo una función social determinada.El análisis del trabajo determinó que la exclusión a la restricción de la negociación colectiva que estableció el Acto Legislativo No. 01 de 2005 en materia pensional configura una antinomia constitucional, que lesiona en forma grave el mecanismo de concertación por medio de la negociación colectiva, que tienen los trabajadores para acordar y mejorar las condiciones mínimas del trabajo previstas en la normativa legal.
- Published
- 2018
26. Las asociaciones de fieles: su regulación en la legislación canónica particular española
- Author
Peña-García, C. (Carmen)
- Subjects
Diócesis españolas ,Particu- lar Ecclesiastical Legislation ,Religious studies ,General Medicine ,Estatutos ,Cofradías ,Statutes ,Normativa particular ,Right of Association ,Derecho de asociación ,Spanish Dioceses ,Hermandades ,Lay Brotherhoods ,ay Confraternities ,Law - Abstract
En las diócesis españolas trabaja un número considerable de asociaciones de fieles, que constituyen un elemento importante de la vida y estructura de la Iglesia. Muchas de ellas son asociaciones de ámbito nacional o de derecho diocesano, constituidas como personas jurídicas públicas o privadas por la Conferencia Episcopal o por el Obispo diocesano, en base al derecho común del Código y al propio derecho particular que regula esta materia. Es- ta normativa particular tiene gran importancia, pues adapta la regulación codicial a las necesidades de ca- da diócesis, determinando cuestiones como los requisitos exigibles y el procedimiento para constituir una asociación de fieles, el estatuto jurídico de la misma, el modo de ejercer el Obispo su vigilancia sobre la asociación, etc. Sin embargo, no es fácil conocer este derecho particular, especialmente, la normativa diocesana. El presente estudio pretende salir al paso de esta dificultad, haciendo una exposición de conjunto del derecho particular canónico español: con este fin, se analiza en primer lugar la normativa dictada por la Conferencia Episcopal Española, con especial referencia a la importante Instrucción de 1986; asimismo, se recopila y analiza la abundante normativa diocesana que regula las asociaciones de fieles, presentando su contenido fundamental y apuntando algunas cuestiones problemáticas de dicha regulación. A significant number of associations of the faithful have been established in Spanish dioceses, and play an important part in the life and structure of the Church. Many of these are national or diocesan associations, established as public or private legal persons by the Episcopal Conference or the local Bishop in accordance with the Code of Canon Law and particular canonical regulation. Given that it adapts the regulation of the Code to the needs of each diocese, setting out criteria with regard to the procedure by which associations of the faithful are established, their juridical status and the role of ecclesiastical authority in their regard, such particular law is of great significance. However, it is difficult to come by knowledge of this particular law, especially at a diocesan level. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of particular law relating to associations of the faithful in Spain. The rules defined by the Spanish Episcopal Conference are analyzed, with particular reference to the important 1986 Instruction on the matter. The extensive diocesan rules for associations of the faithful are also compiled in this paper, presenting the main features and the complications to which such regulation may give rise.
- Published
- 2015
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27. Hacia una concepción católica de la sociedad civil
- Author
Mauricio Correa
- Subjects
state ,intermediate groups ,Derecho de asociación ,market ,mercado ,civil society ,Right of association ,grupos intermedios ,Estado - Abstract
La expresión "sociedad civil" es utilizada de manera abundante en el magisterio social pontificio para significar la comunidad política o el Estado. Sin embargo, en documentos recientes de la Iglesia, así como en la enseñanza social de Benedicto XVI, la sociedad civil sirve para indicar una esfera social relativamente autónoma respecto del Estado y también del mercado. El autor advierte en este artículo sobre un posible problema en la justificación doctrinal de este nuevo significado de la sociedad civil y seguidamente expone algunos elementos que explican esta transformación semántica a la luz del magisterio de León XIII, Juan Pablo II y el mismo Benedicto XVI. The term "civil society" is used abundantly in the papal social teaching to mean the political community or the state. However, in recent documents of the Church and the social teaching of Benedict XVI, civil society serves to indicate a relatively autonomous social sphere from the state and the market. The author notes in this article about a possible problem in the doctrinal justification for this new meaning of civil society and then presents some elements that explain this semantic processing in the light of the teaching of Leo XIII, John Paul II and Benedict XVI himself.
- Published
- 2015
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28. La mayor representatividad sindical en España*
- Author
Pierre-Henri Cialti
- Subjects
Geography ,Pluralism ,Representation and workers ,Democratization ,Representatividad y trabajadores ,Cartography ,Humanities ,Derecho de asociación sindical ,Pluralismo ,Right of association ,International labor organization - Abstract
El derecho de asociacion sindical en Espana y en Colombia se orienta hacia la defensa y reconocimiento del libre ejercicio de los derechos que individuos, miembros de entidades e instituciones de sectores publico o privado tienen de participar activamente en las decisiones estatales y gubernamentales, garantizando asi la materializacion de los intereses colectivos y la salvaguarda de los principios constitucionales, la legitimacion en el actuar, la division de poderes y la democratizacion, conforme los lineamientos nacionales e internacionales como la Organizacion Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). Abstract The right to in Spain and Colombia is directed to the defense and recognition of the free exercise of rights of individuals, members of organizations and institutions in the public or private sector, to actively participate in government decisions and their rulers. Moreover, it’s secure the realization collective interests’ and defense constitutional principles, legitimacy in the act, the division of powers and democratization, in accordance with national and international legislation as the International Labor Organization (ILO).
- Published
- 2016
29. Les inflexions de la politique de défense française en 2015
- Author
Latour, Xavier, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche en Droit Administratif, Constitutionnel, Financier et Fiscal (CERDACFF), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), and COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)
- Subjects
Daech (ISIS) ,statut général des militaires ,right of association ,liberté d’association ,terrorism ,dissuasion ,Politique de défense ,military general status ,Defence Policy ,Daech ,[SHS.SCIPO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Political science ,budget ,terrorisme - Abstract
International audience; In spite of the decided orientations by the White Paper about the defence and the national security and also by the 2013 law of military programming, the french president was constrained (or forced) to modify several aspects of the French defence Policy.The terrorist threat and the judges put pressure on him to do so.It led to new budget choices and important modifications of the law to be applied to the military (or armed forces); Malgré les orientations fixées par le Livre blanc sur la défense et la sécurité nationale, et la loi de programmation militaire de 2013, le Président de la République a été contraint d’infléchir plusieurs aspects de la politique de défense de la France. Il l’a fait, notamment, sous la pression de la menace terroriste et des juges. Cela a conduit à de nouveaux choix budgétaires et à des modifications substantielles du droit applicable aux militaires.
- Published
- 2016
30. La extinción judicial de los partidos políticos inactivos: una inadvertida novedad de la Ley Orgánica 3/2015, de 30 de marzo
- Author
Pons Portella, Miquel and Pons Portella, Miquel
- Abstract
El procedimiento para la declaración judicial de extinción de los partidos políticos que se encuentren en situación de inactividad es una de las muchas novedades introducidas por la Ley Orgánica 3/3015, de 30 de marzo, de Control de la Actividad Económico-financiera de los Partidos Políticos, en el texto de la Ley Orgánica 6/2002, de 27 de junio, de Partidos Políticos. Se trata de un mecanismo de «depuración» del Registro de Partidos Políticos cuyo conocimiento se atribuye a la jurisdicción contenciosa-administrativa con el objetivo de garantizar plenamente el derecho fundamental de asociación. En las siguientes páginas, se aborda el estudio de esta nueva institución, tanto materialmente como procedimentalmente, poniendo especial énfasis en aquellos aspectos de la nueva regulación cuya aplicación práctica puede plantear mayores interrogantes., The procedure for the judicial declaration of extinction of political parties in a situation of inactivity is one of the many innovations introduced by the Ley Orgánica 3/2015, of March 30th, on control of the economic and financial activity of Political Parties, to the text of Ley Orgánica 6/2002, of June 27th, on Political Parties. It is a mechanism of “cleansing” the Register of Political Parties whose knowledge is attributed to the contentious-administrative jurisdiction in order to fully guarantee the fundamental right of association. This review deals with the study of the new institution, both materially and procedurally, with particular emphasis on those aspects of the new regulation which may pose greater practical application questions.
- Published
- 2017
31. Convenio 141 de la OIT: desarrollo del derecho de asociación y libertad sindical, ¿ratificación redundante o necesaria para los trabajadores rurales colombianos?
- Author
García Gutiérrez, Diego Germán and Estrada Álvarez, Jairo Hernando
- Subjects
Convenio No. 141 y recomendación No. 149 de la OIT ,Farmers ,Farmer's union ,Derecho de asociación ,330 - Economía ,Libertad sindical ,340 - Derecho ,Right of association ,Agricultural workers ,Freedom of association ,360 - Problemas y servicios sociales ,asociaciones ,Campesinos ,Trabajadores rurales ,Sindicatos agrarios ,Conventions No 141 and rural workers' organization recommendation No 149 of the ILO ,300 - Ciencias sociales - Abstract
Este análisis aborda el debate sobre los campesinos ‒llamados indistintamente trabajadores rurales‒, y su trabajo, específicamente en relación con los derechos que tienen a agruparse en organizaciones sindicales o similares, en busca de mejorar sus condiciones de vida, y sobre la obligación, particularmente del gobierno colombiano, de apoyar el ejercicio de tales garantías. De esta manera, el estudio gira en torno al convenio 141 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), como valioso instrumento jurídico para el efectivo desarrollo de esos derechos de los campesinos en nuestro país. (texto tomado de la fuente) This analysis addresses the debate between farmers- indistinctly called agricultural workers-, and their labour, especially regarding their right to join syndicates or associations, as means for improving their living conditions; also, the obligation, particularly of the Colombian Government, to support the exercise of those guarantees. Thus, this study deals with the Act No 141 (Employment Security Act) of the ILO (International Labour Organization), as a valuable legal instrument to assure the exercise of the rights farmers have in our country. Maestría
- Published
- 2014
32. Las funciones del derecho de asociación en el régimen constitucional español
- Author
Fernández Alles, José Joaquín
- Subjects
Derecho de asociación ,Integración ,Constitutional jurisprudence ,Derecho ,Jurisprudencia constitucional ,Integration ,Derechos humanos ,Human rights ,Régimen constitucional español ,Spanish constitutional regime ,Right of association - Abstract
Las novedades legislativas y jurisprudenciales surgidas en el periodo 2007- 2013 sobre el derecho de asociación han permitido reconfigurar este derecho fundamental y, como consecuencia de ello, definir las funciones que desempeña en el régimen constitucional español: su función definitoria del régimen constitucional y su sistema de valores, la función del derecho de asociación en la fundamentación jurisprudencial de los derechos de las personas, la función normativa general del derecho de asociación como régimen común de otros derechos (particularmente, partidos políticos, sindicatos y fundaciones), su función instrumental como garantía subsidiaria de otros derechos, la función integradora del derecho de asociación de los extranjeros, el derecho autonómico sobre asociaciones, la función de integración supranacional y su función de representación institucional. The new legislation and jurisprudence appeared in the period 2007-2013 on the right of association have allowed reconfigure this fundamental right and define its roles in the Spanish constitutional system. On the basis of the dignity and the free development of the personality, this paper analyzes the status of the right of association and its ten roles since the political transition to today: it role in the constitutional value system, in the jurisprudential basis of the rights of individuals, the right of association as common regulatory of other rights (particularly, political parties, trade unions and foundations), the right of association and its instrumental function for other rights, the autonomic laws of association, and its roles in the European integration and in the institutional representation.
- Published
- 2014
33. The roles of the right of association in the Spanish constitutional regime
- Author
Fernández Alles, José Joaquín
- Subjects
Derecho de asociación ,Integración ,Constitutional jurisprudence ,Derecho ,Jurisprudencia constitucional ,Integration ,Derechos humanos ,Human rights ,Régimen constitucional español ,Spanish constitutional regime ,Right of association - Abstract
Las novedades legislativas y jurisprudenciales surgidas en el periodo 2007- 2013 sobre el derecho de asociación han permitido reconfigurar este derecho fundamental y, como consecuencia de ello, definir las funciones que desempeña en el régimen constitucional español: su función definitoria del régimen constitucional y su sistema de valores, la función del derecho de asociación en la fundamentación jurisprudencial de los derechos de las personas, la función normativa general del derecho de asociación como régimen común de otros derechos (particularmente, partidos políticos, sindicatos y fundaciones), su función instrumental como garantía subsidiaria de otros derechos, la función integradora del derecho de asociación de los extranjeros, el derecho autonómico sobre asociaciones, la función de integración supranacional y su función de representación institucional. The new legislation and jurisprudence appeared in the period 2007-2013 on the right of association have allowed reconfigure this fundamental right and define its roles in the Spanish constitutional system. On the basis of the dignity and the free development of the personality, this paper analyzes the status of the right of association and its ten roles since the political transition to today: it role in the constitutional value system, in the jurisprudential basis of the rights of individuals, the right of association as common regulatory of other rights (particularly, political parties, trade unions and foundations), the right of association and its instrumental function for other rights, the autonomic laws of association, and its roles in the European integration and in the institutional representation.
- Published
- 2014
34. Vjernička društva - pravo vjernika na udruživanje u Zakoniku iz 1983
- Author
Klara Ćavar
- Subjects
pravo na udruživanje ,vjernička društva ,Crkva ,vjernici laici ,Drugi vatikanski koncil ,Zakonik kanonskog prava ,right of association ,the association of believers ,the Church ,the lay faithful ,the Second Vatican Council ,Code of Canon Law - Abstract
Članak se bavi razvojem prava vjernika na udruživanje u Crkvi i na poseban način promatra ovo pravo u kanonskoj normativi važećeg Zakonika. Crkva je od prvih stoljeća postojanja prihvaćala različite oblike udruživanja, ali tek od Drugog vatikanskog koncila priznaje se formalno pravo na udruživanje. U članku je prikazan i koncilski nauk o ulozi i mjestu vjernika laika u Crkvi, s obzirom na to da se koncilski govor o pravu na udruživanje odnosi prvenstveno na laike. Neophodno je bilo pozabaviti se i dekretom o apostolatu laika Apostolicam actuositatem u kojem se ističe da udruženi apostolat izvrsno odgovara ljudskom i kršćanskom položaju vjernika i definira udruženi apostolat kao znak zajedništva i jedinstva u Kristu. Zakonske odredbe o vjerničkim društvima, sadržane u kanonima 298-329, imaju veliku važnost jer ističu pravo svakog vjernika da se slobodno udruži radi posebnih ciljeva ili kako bi rastao u kršćanskom pozivu. Zakonik, inspiriran saborskim naukom, donosi odredbe koje jamče potpuno priznavanje prava vjernika na udruživanje i reguliraju na fleksibilan način različite oblike i vrste vjerničkih društava., The article deals with the development of rights of believers to freedom of association in the Church and in a special way observes this right in the canonical norms of the valid Legal Code. The Church of the earliest centuries of existence accepted various forms of associations, but only since the Second Vatican Council formally recognized the right of association. The article presents the conciliar teaching on the role and place of the laity in the Church, considering that Council's speech on the right to association refers primarily to the laity. It was necessary to address the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity Apostolicamactuositatem which states that joined apostolate hones human and Christian position faithful and defines joint apostolate as a sign of communion and unity in Christ. Legal provisions on the believers associations, contained in the canons 298-329, are of great importance because they point out the right of every believer to freedom of association for specific goals or to grow in the Christian vocation. The Code, inspired by the teachings of the council, makes provisions guaranteeing the full recognition of the rights of believers to freedom of association and regulate in a flexible manner different forms and types of believers association.
- Published
- 2014
35. Comentario al artículo 8 (Libertad de asociación) de la Ley de Extranjería
- Author
Esteban De La Rosa, Fernando
- Subjects
Extranjeros ,Derecho de asociación ,Foreigners ,Right of association - Abstract
El capítulo analiza la extensión que se hace a los extranjeros del derecho de asociación tras la ley orgánica 2/2009, de 11 de diciembre, que ha adaptado el sistema español a las decisiones del Tribunal Constitucional 236/2007, de 7 de noviembre, y 259/2007, de 19 de diciembre. The chapter analyzes the extension of the right of association to foreigners following Act2/2009, of December 11, which has adapted the Spanish system to the decisions of Constitutional Court 236/2007, of November 7th, and 259 / 2007, of December 19th.
- Published
- 2012
36. Asociación, Constitución, ley: sobre el contenido constitucional del derecho de asociación
- Author
Gómez-Montoro, Á.J. (Ángel José)
- Subjects
Right of Association ,Constitutional Law ,Derecho de asociación ,Constitutional Rights ,Derecho constitucional ,Derecho::Sistema constitucional y judicial [Materias Investigacion] ,Derechos fundamentales - Published
- 2004
37. Veinticinco años de derecho de asociación
- Author
Gómez-Montoro, Á.J. (Ángel José)
- Subjects
Right of Association ,Constitutional Law ,Derecho de asociación ,Constitutional Rights ,Derecho constitucional ,Derecho::Sistema constitucional y judicial [Materias Investigacion] ,Derechos fundamentales - Published
- 2004
38. El derecho de asociación en la historia constitucional española, con particular referencia a las leyes de 1887 y 1964
- Author
Pelayo Olmedo, José Daniel and Pelayo Olmedo, José Daniel
- Abstract
This paper will focus on the right of association as it has been regulated in the Spanish legal system. Our study will span the history of this fundamental right since it was first included in a Constitution in 1869 up to the legal system in force before the current, post-1978 Constitution legislation. We will analyze how its legal status has evolved, studying in particular the requeriments established for the exercise of this right and the reasons behind changes in legislation. Our research closes with an assessment of the evolution of the right of association and its legal treatment., En este trabajo se trata de analizar la regulación jurídica que el Estado español ha concedido al derecho de asociación desde que se recogió por primera vez en la Constitución de 1869 hasta el régimen inmediatamente anterior al actual. En él se trata de exponer cuál ha sido la evolución que ha sufrido su tratamiento jurídico, cuáles son los elementos que se han ido integrando en las diferentes normas promulgadas, los requisitos que se han ido fijando y cuáles son las razones por las que se producen esas modificaciones. Para finalizar, se expone brevemente la valoración que le supone al autor.
- Published
- 2007
39. Las asociaciones de fieles: su regulación en la legislación canónica particular española
- Author
Peña-García, C. (Carmen)
- Subjects
- Derecho de asociación, Cofradías, Hermandades, Diócesis españolas, Normativa particular, Estatutos, Right of Association, ay Confraternities, Lay Brotherhoods, Spanish Dioceses, Particu- lar Ecclesiastical Legislation, Statutes
- Abstract
En las diócesis españolas trabaja un número considerable de asociaciones de fieles, que constituyen un elemento importante de la vida y estructura de la Iglesia. Muchas de ellas son asociaciones de ámbito nacional o de derecho diocesano, constituidas como personas jurídicas públicas o privadas por la Conferencia Episcopal o por el Obispo diocesano, en base al derecho común del Código y al propio derecho particular que regula esta materia. Es- ta normativa particular tiene gran importancia, pues adapta la regulación codicial a las necesidades de ca- da diócesis, determinando cuestiones como los requisitos exigibles y el procedimiento para constituir una asociación de fieles, el estatuto jurídico de la misma, el modo de ejercer el Obispo su vigilancia sobre la asociación, etc. Sin embargo, no es fácil conocer este derecho particular, especialmente, la normativa diocesana. El presente estudio pretende salir al paso de esta dificultad, haciendo una exposición de conjunto del derecho particular canónico español: con este fin, se analiza en primer lugar la normativa dictada por la Conferencia Episcopal Española, con especial referencia a la importante Instrucción de 1986; asimismo, se recopila y analiza la abundante normativa diocesana que regula las asociaciones de fieles, presentando su contenido fundamental y apuntando algunas cuestiones problemáticas de dicha regulación.
- Published
- 2010
40. Juridical-canonical tools for monitoring ecclesiastic entities in particular churchs
- Author
- Subjects
5601 Derecho Canónico ,Surveillance ,Derecho de asociación ,Ecclesiastical criteria ,Religious entities ,Iglesia Católica ,Criterios de eclesialidad ,Right of association ,Fundaciones ,Vigilancia ,5101.10 Religión ,Entidades religiosas ,Catholic Church ,Foundations ,Régimen eclesiástico - Abstract
De la complejidad estructural de la Iglesia Católica y la vasta diversidad de sus entidades se deduce la necesidad de que los sujetos de la autoridad eclesiástica competente, entre ellos el Obispo diocesano, dispongan de instrumentos que les permitan acceder, de una forma lícita y objetiva y para el ejercicio de sus funciones de gobierno, a la información concerniente a las entidades que actúan en el territorio de las Iglesias particulares. Partiendo de los criterios clasificatorios de la diversidad de entidades, en este artículo se intenta delimitar los parámetros y contenido del instituto de la vigilancia, en su sentido amplio y estricto, para terminar realizando una propuesta de instrumentos que pueden servir al ejercicio de este derecho-deber por parte del Obispo diocesano como sujeto de autoridad eclesiástica competente. As complex as the Catholic Church’s structure is and as diverse as its entities are, it is necessary for ecclesiastical competent authorities such as the diocesan bishop to have tools which legally and objectively allow them to access information about the entities related to Particular Churchs, in line with their government duties. Drawing on the qualifying criteria of the variety of entities, this paper aims to define the parameters and the content of the monitoring organism in its widest and most narrow sense, so as to eventually suggest tools that can be necessary for the diocesan bishop to exercise this right and duty as the ecclesiastical competent authority. Derecho canónico
41. The judicial extinction of inactive political parties: an unnoticed novelty of the ley orgánica 3/2015, of March 30th
- Author
Pons Portella, Miquel and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
- Subjects
jurisdicció contenciosa-administrativa ,dret d'associació ,contentious-administrative jurisdiction ,political parties ,partits polítics ,jurisdicción contenciosa-administrativa ,right of association ,Partidos políticos ,registration of political parties ,registro de partidos políticos ,registre de partits polítics ,derecho de asociación - Abstract
The procedure for the judicial declaration of extinction of political parties in a situation of inactivity is one of the many innovations introduced by the Ley Orgánica 3/2015, of March 30th, on control of the economic and financial activity of Political Parties, to the text of Ley Orgánica 6/2002, of June 27th, on Political Parties. It is a mechanism of cleansing the Register of Political Parties whose knowledge is attributed to the contentious-administrative jurisdiction in order to fully guarantee the fundamental right of association. This review deals with the study of the new institution, both materially and procedurally, with particular emphasis on those aspects of the new regulation which may pose greater practical application questions. El procedimiento para la declaración judicial de extinción de los partidos políticos que se encuentren en situación de inactividad es una de las muchas novedades introducidas por la Ley Orgánica 3/3015, de 30 de marzo, de Control de la Actividad Económico-financiera de los Partidos Políticos, en el texto de la Ley Orgánica 6/2002, de 27 de junio, de Partidos Políticos. Se trata de un mecanismo de «depuración» del Registro de Partidos Políticos cuyo conocimiento se atribuye a la jurisdicción contenciosa-administrativa con el objetivo de garantizar plenamente el derecho fundamental de asociación. En las siguientes páginas, se aborda el estudio de esta nueva institución, tanto materialmente como procedimentalmente, poniendo especial énfasis en aquellos aspectos de la nueva regulación cuya aplicación práctica puede plantear mayores interrogantes.
42. LA EXTINCIÓN JUDICIAL DE LOS PARTIDOS POLÍTICOS INACTIVOS: UNA INADVERTIDA NOVEDAD DE LA LEY ORGÁNICA 3/2015, DE 30 DE MARZO / The judicial extinction of inactive political parties: An unnoticed novelty of the Ley Orgánica 3/2015, of March 30 th
- Author
- Published
- 2017
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