522 results on '"Resch T"'
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2. The Sac Evolution Imaging Follow-Up after EVAR: an international expert opinion-based Delphi consensus study
- Author
Tinelli, G, D'Oria, M, Sica, S, Mani, K, Rancic, Z, Resch, T, Beccia, F, Azizzadeh, A, Da Volta Ferreira, M, Gargiulo, M, Lepidi, S, Tshomba, Y, Oderich, G, Haulon, S, Beck, A, Hertault, A, Savlania, A, Froio, A, Giaquinta, A, Zimmermann, A, Psyllas, A, Wanhainen, A, Marchetti, A, Queiroz, A, Kahlberg, A, Reyes-Valdivia, A, Schanzer, A, Tambyraja, A, Freyrie, A, Lorido, A, Millon, A, Ippoliti, A, Abai, B, Mees, B, Reutersberg, B, Maurel, B, Michel, B, Wahlgren, C, Cavazzini, C, Setacci, C, Lee, C, Ferrer, C, Bicknell, C, Raphael, C, Clair, D, Dawson, D, Arnaoutakis, D, Bockler, D, Kotelis, D, Mujagic, E, Chisci, E, Cieri, E, Gallitto, E, Marone, E, Ducasse, E, Verzini, F, Pecoraro, F, Serracino-Inglott, F, Benedetto, F, Speziale, F, Stilo, F, Alvarez-Marcos, F, Pagliariccio, G, Piffaretti, G, Lanza, G, Philipp, G, Geenberg, G, Jung, G, Melissano, G, Veraldi, G, Parlani, G, Faggioli, G, de Donato, G, Simonte, G, Colacchio, G, De Caridi, G, Pratesi, G, Spinella, G, Torsello, G, Leong Tan, G, Magee, G, Verhagen, H, Andrew, H, Koleilat, I, Ohman, J, de Vries, J, Budtz-Lilly, J, Black, J, Eldrup-Jorgensen, J, Hockley, J, Bath, J, Sobocinski, J, van Herwaarden, J, Reinhard, K, Orion, K, Amankwah, K, Bertoglio, L, di Marzo, L, Garriboli, L, Rizzo, L, Hakimi, M, Sheahan, M, Khashram, M, Schermerhorn, M, Lescan, M, Conrad, M, Davies, M, Czerny, M, Orrico, M, Eagleton, M, Smeds, M, Taurino, M, Wohlauer, M, Sharafuddin, M, Anna-Leonie, M, Reijnen, M, Antonello, M, Piazza, M, Settembre, N, Mouawad, N, Tsilimparis, N, Dias, N, Martinelli, O, Frigatti, P, Sirignano, P, Chong, P, Bevis, P, Dimuzio, P, Henke, P, Duppers, P, Holt, P, Helmio, P, Vriens, P, Pulli, R, Bellosta, R, Micheli, R, Veeraswamy, R, Cuff, R, Chiappa, R, Gattuso, R, Pini, R, Dalman, R, Milner, R, Scali, S, Bahia, S, Laukontaus, S, Trimarchi, S, Fernandez-Alonso, S, Deglise, S, Bellmunt-Montoya, S, Hofer, S, Yusuf, S, Ronchey, S, Bartoli, S, Bonvini, S, Camparini, S, Fazzini, S, Pirrelli, S, Horer, T, Bisdas, T, Vasudevan, T, Lattmann, T, Wyss, T, Maldonado, T, Pfammatter, T, Kolbel, T, Jakimowicz, T, Donati, T, Tracci, M, Bracale, U, Tolva, V, Riambau, V, Palazzo, V, Makaloski, V, Von Allmen, R, Dorigo, W, Mansour, W, Van den Eynde, W, Tinelli G., D'Oria M., Sica S., Mani K., Rancic Z., Resch T. A., Beccia F., Azizzadeh A., Da Volta Ferreira M. M., Gargiulo M., Lepidi S., Tshomba Y., Oderich G. S., Haulon S., Beck A. W., Hertault A., Savlania A., Froio A., Giaquinta A., Zimmermann A., Psyllas A., Wanhainen A., Marchetti A. A., Queiroz A. B., Kahlberg A., Reyes-Valdivia A., Schanzer A., Tambyraja A., Freyrie A., Lorido A., Millon A., Ippoliti A., Abai B., Mees B., Reutersberg B., Maurel B., Michel B., Wahlgren C. M., Cavazzini C., Setacci C., Lee C. J., Ferrer C., Bicknell C., Raphael C., Clair D., Dawson D. L., Arnaoutakis D. J., Bockler D., Kotelis D., Mujagic E., Chisci E., Cieri E., Gallitto E., Marone E. M., Ducasse E., Verzini F., Pecoraro F., Serracino-Inglott F., Benedetto F., Speziale F., Stilo F., Alvarez-Marcos F., Pagliariccio G., Piffaretti G., Lanza G., Philipp G., Geenberg G., Jung G., Melissano G., Veraldi G. F., Parlani G., Faggioli G., de Donato G., Simonte G., Colacchio G., De Caridi G., Pratesi G., Spinella G., Torsello G., Leong Tan G. W., Magee G. A., Verhagen H., Andrew H., Koleilat I., Ohman J. W., de Vries J. P. P. M., Budtz-Lilly J., Black J., Eldrup-Jorgensen J., Hockley J., Bath J., Sobocinski J., van Herwaarden J. A., Reinhard K., Orion K. C., Amankwah K., Bertoglio L., di Marzo L., Garriboli L., Rizzo L., Hakimi M., Sheahan M., Khashram M., Schermerhorn M., Lescan M., Conrad M., Davies M. G., Czerny M., Orrico M., Eagleton M. J., Smeds M. R., Taurino M., Wohlauer M., Sharafuddin M. J., Anna-Leonie M., Reijnen M., Antonello M., Piazza M., Settembre N., Mouawad N. J., Tsilimparis N., Dias N., Martinelli O., Frigatti P., Sirignano P., Chong P., Bevis P., DiMuzio P., Henke P., Duppers P., Holt P., Helmio P., Vriens P., Pulli R., Bellosta R., Micheli R., Veeraswamy R., Cuff R., Chiappa R., Gattuso R., Pini R., Dalman R. L., Milner R., Scali S. T., Bahia S., Laukontaus S., Trimarchi S., Fernandez-Alonso S., Deglise S., Bellmunt-Montoya S., Hofer S., Yusuf S. W., Ronchey S., Bartoli S., Bonvini S., Camparini S., Fazzini S., Pirrelli S., Horer T., Bisdas T., Vasudevan T., Lattmann T., Wyss T. R., Maldonado T., Pfammatter T., Kolbel T., Jakimowicz T., Donati T., Tracci M., Bracale U. M., Tolva V. S., Riambau V., Palazzo V., Makaloski V., Von Allmen R. S., Dorigo W., Mansour W., Van den Eynde W., Tinelli, G, D'Oria, M, Sica, S, Mani, K, Rancic, Z, Resch, T, Beccia, F, Azizzadeh, A, Da Volta Ferreira, M, Gargiulo, M, Lepidi, S, Tshomba, Y, Oderich, G, Haulon, S, Beck, A, Hertault, A, Savlania, A, Froio, A, Giaquinta, A, Zimmermann, A, Psyllas, A, Wanhainen, A, Marchetti, A, Queiroz, A, Kahlberg, A, Reyes-Valdivia, A, Schanzer, A, Tambyraja, A, Freyrie, A, Lorido, A, Millon, A, Ippoliti, A, Abai, B, Mees, B, Reutersberg, B, Maurel, B, Michel, B, Wahlgren, C, Cavazzini, C, Setacci, C, Lee, C, Ferrer, C, Bicknell, C, Raphael, C, Clair, D, Dawson, D, Arnaoutakis, D, Bockler, D, Kotelis, D, Mujagic, E, Chisci, E, Cieri, E, Gallitto, E, Marone, E, Ducasse, E, Verzini, F, Pecoraro, F, Serracino-Inglott, F, Benedetto, F, Speziale, F, Stilo, F, Alvarez-Marcos, F, Pagliariccio, G, Piffaretti, G, Lanza, G, Philipp, G, Geenberg, G, Jung, G, Melissano, G, Veraldi, G, Parlani, G, Faggioli, G, de Donato, G, Simonte, G, Colacchio, G, De Caridi, G, Pratesi, G, Spinella, G, Torsello, G, Leong Tan, G, Magee, G, Verhagen, H, Andrew, H, Koleilat, I, Ohman, J, de Vries, J, Budtz-Lilly, J, Black, J, Eldrup-Jorgensen, J, Hockley, J, Bath, J, Sobocinski, J, van Herwaarden, J, Reinhard, K, Orion, K, Amankwah, K, Bertoglio, L, di Marzo, L, Garriboli, L, Rizzo, L, Hakimi, M, Sheahan, M, Khashram, M, Schermerhorn, M, Lescan, M, Conrad, M, Davies, M, Czerny, M, Orrico, M, Eagleton, M, Smeds, M, Taurino, M, Wohlauer, M, Sharafuddin, M, Anna-Leonie, M, Reijnen, M, Antonello, M, Piazza, M, Settembre, N, Mouawad, N, Tsilimparis, N, Dias, N, Martinelli, O, Frigatti, P, Sirignano, P, Chong, P, Bevis, P, Dimuzio, P, Henke, P, Duppers, P, Holt, P, Helmio, P, Vriens, P, Pulli, R, Bellosta, R, Micheli, R, Veeraswamy, R, Cuff, R, Chiappa, R, Gattuso, R, Pini, R, Dalman, R, Milner, R, Scali, S, Bahia, S, Laukontaus, S, Trimarchi, S, Fernandez-Alonso, S, Deglise, S, Bellmunt-Montoya, S, Hofer, S, Yusuf, S, Ronchey, S, Bartoli, S, Bonvini, S, Camparini, S, Fazzini, S, Pirrelli, S, Horer, T, Bisdas, T, Vasudevan, T, Lattmann, T, Wyss, T, Maldonado, T, Pfammatter, T, Kolbel, T, Jakimowicz, T, Donati, T, Tracci, M, Bracale, U, Tolva, V, Riambau, V, Palazzo, V, Makaloski, V, Von Allmen, R, Dorigo, W, Mansour, W, Van den Eynde, W, Tinelli G., D'Oria M., Sica S., Mani K., Rancic Z., Resch T. A., Beccia F., Azizzadeh A., Da Volta Ferreira M. M., Gargiulo M., Lepidi S., Tshomba Y., Oderich G. S., Haulon S., Beck A. W., Hertault A., Savlania A., Froio A., Giaquinta A., Zimmermann A., Psyllas A., Wanhainen A., Marchetti A. A., Queiroz A. B., Kahlberg A., Reyes-Valdivia A., Schanzer A., Tambyraja A., Freyrie A., Lorido A., Millon A., Ippoliti A., Abai B., Mees B., Reutersberg B., Maurel B., Michel B., Wahlgren C. M., Cavazzini C., Setacci C., Lee C. J., Ferrer C., Bicknell C., Raphael C., Clair D., Dawson D. L., Arnaoutakis D. J., Bockler D., Kotelis D., Mujagic E., Chisci E., Cieri E., Gallitto E., Marone E. M., Ducasse E., Verzini F., Pecoraro F., Serracino-Inglott F., Benedetto F., Speziale F., Stilo F., Alvarez-Marcos F., Pagliariccio G., Piffaretti G., Lanza G., Philipp G., Geenberg G., Jung G., Melissano G., Veraldi G. F., Parlani G., Faggioli G., de Donato G., Simonte G., Colacchio G., De Caridi G., Pratesi G., Spinella G., Torsello G., Leong Tan G. W., Magee G. A., Verhagen H., Andrew H., Koleilat I., Ohman J. W., de Vries J. P. P. M., Budtz-Lilly J., Black J., Eldrup-Jorgensen J., Hockley J., Bath J., Sobocinski J., van Herwaarden J. A., Reinhard K., Orion K. C., Amankwah K., Bertoglio L., di Marzo L., Garriboli L., Rizzo L., Hakimi M., Sheahan M., Khashram M., Schermerhorn M., Lescan M., Conrad M., Davies M. G., Czerny M., Orrico M., Eagleton M. J., Smeds M. R., Taurino M., Wohlauer M., Sharafuddin M. J., Anna-Leonie M., Reijnen M., Antonello M., Piazza M., Settembre N., Mouawad N. J., Tsilimparis N., Dias N., Martinelli O., Frigatti P., Sirignano P., Chong P., Bevis P., DiMuzio P., Henke P., Duppers P., Holt P., Helmio P., Vriens P., Pulli R., Bellosta R., Micheli R., Veeraswamy R., Cuff R., Chiappa R., Gattuso R., Pini R., Dalman R. L., Milner R., Scali S. T., Bahia S., Laukontaus S., Trimarchi S., Fernandez-Alonso S., Deglise S., Bellmunt-Montoya S., Hofer S., Yusuf S. W., Ronchey S., Bartoli S., Bonvini S., Camparini S., Fazzini S., Pirrelli S., Horer T., Bisdas T., Vasudevan T., Lattmann T., Wyss T. R., Maldonado T., Pfammatter T., Kolbel T., Jakimowicz T., Donati T., Tracci M., Bracale U. M., Tolva V. S., Riambau V., Palazzo V., Makaloski V., Von Allmen R. S., Dorigo W., Mansour W., and Van den Eynde W.
- Abstract
Objective: Management of follow-up protocols after endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) varies significantly between centers and is not standardized according to sac regression. By designing an international expert-based Delphi consensus, the study aimed to create recommendations on follow-up after EVAR according to sac evolution. Methods: Eight facilitators created appropriate statements regarding the study topic that were voted, using a 4-point Likert scale, by a selected panel of international experts using a three-round modified Delphi consensus process. Based on the experts' responses, only those statements reaching a grade A (full agreement ≥75%) or B (overall agreement ≥80% and full disagreement <5%) were included in the final document. Results: One-hundred and seventy-four participants were included in the final analysis, and each voted the initial 29 statements related to the definition of sac regression (Q1-Q9), EVAR follow-up (Q10-Q14), and the assessment and role of sac regression during follow-up (Q15-Q29). At the end of the process, 2 statements (6.9%) were rejected, 9 statements (31%) received a grade B consensus strength, and 18 (62.1%) reached a grade A consensus strength. Of 27 final statements, 15 (55.6%) were classified as grade I, whereas 12 (44.4%) were classified as grade II. Experts agreed that sac regression should be considered an important indicator of EVAR success and always be assessed during follow-up after EVAR. Conclusions: Based on the elevated strength and high consistency of this international expert-based Delphi consensus, most of the statements might guide the current clinical management of follow-up after EVAR according to the sac regression. Future studies are needed to clarify debated issues.
- Published
- 2024
3. The Microbiology of Infective Native Aortic Aneurysms in a Population-Based Setting
- Author
Resch, T., Hultgren, R., Wahlgren, C.M., Roos, H., Öjersjö, A., Lindström, D., Vaccarino, R., Arvidsson, B., Bilos, L., Pirouzram, A., Arnerlöv, C., Simo, G., Svensson, M., Magnusson, J., Åstrand, H., Palm, M., Holsti, M., Mellander, S., Korman, D., Djavani-Gidlund, K., Huss, M., Bertszel, A., Docter, M., Drott, C., Nelzén, O., Wetterling, T., Chu, M., Gilgen, N-P., Gillgren, P., Sörelius, Karl, Wanhainen, Anders, Furebring, Mia, and Mani, Kevin
- Published
- 2022
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4. Assessment of the Clinical Impact of a Liver-Specific, BCAA-Enriched Diet in Major Liver Surgery
- Author
Krapf, J., Schuhbeck, A., Wendel, T., Fritz, J., Scholl-Bürgi, S., Bösmüller, C., Oberhuber, R., Margreiter, C., Maglione, M., Stättner, S., Messner, F., Berchtold, V., Braunwarth, E., Primavesi, F., Cardini, B., Resch, T., Karall, D., Öfner, D., Margreiter, R., and Schneeberger, S.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Multicenter Analysis of Endovascular Aortic Arch In Situ Stent-Graft Fenestrations for Aortic Arch Pathologies
- Author
Kopp, R., Pfister, K., Kasprzak, P.M., Kobuch, R., Schmid, C., Katada, Y., Kondo, S., Sonesson, B., Resch, T., Hongo, N., Tse, L.W., Crawford, S., Forbes, T.L., Tsilimparis, N., Kölbel, T., Debus, E.S., Panneton, J.M., Ongstad, S.B., Miller, D.F., Guo, W., Xiong, J., Kopp, Reinhard, Katada, Yoshiaki, Kondo, Shunichi, Sonesson, Björn, Hongo, Norio, Tse, Leonard, Tsilimparis, Nikolaos, Crawford, Sean, Panneton, Jean M., Kölbel, Tilo, Xiong, Jiang, Guo, Wei, and Kasprzak, Piotr M.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Endoconduits with “Pave and Crack” Technique Avoid Open Ilio-femoral Conduits with Sustainable Mid-term Results
- Author
Asciutto, G., Aronici, M., Resch, T., Sonesson, B., Kristmundsson, T., and Dias, N.V.
- Published
- 2017
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7. Assessment of Competence in EVAR Procedures: A Novel Rating Scale Developed by the Delphi Technique
- Author
Aho, P., Back, M., Bicknell, C., Björses, K., Brunkwall, J., Dake, M., Dias, N., Dorenberg, E., Duvnjak, S., Falkenberg, M., Formgren, J., Holst, J., Kristmundsson, T., Langfeldt, S., Lindgren, H., Mafi, H., Malina, M., Mani, K., Modarai, B., Morgan, R., Nyman, N., Pärsson, H., Rasmussen, J., Resch, T., Shames, M., Van Den Berg, J.C., Van Herzeele, I., Verhagen, H., Verhoeven, E., Venermo, M., Vermassen, F., Wanhainen, A., Strøm, M., Lönn, L., Bech, B., Schroeder, T.V., and Konge, L.
- Published
- 2017
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8. Outcome After Ruptured AAA Repair in Octo- and Nonagenarians in Sweden 1994–2014
- Author
Sonesson, B., Björses, K., Dias, N., Rylance, R., Mani, K., Wanhainen, A., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2017
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9. The Long-term Durability of Intra-operatively Placed Palmaz Stents for the Treatment of Type Ia Endoleaks After EVAR of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Author
Abdulrasak, M., Resch, T., Sonesson, B., Holst, J., Kristmundsson, T., and Dias, N.V.
- Published
- 2017
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10. Integrating interventional oncology in the treatment of liver tumors
- Author
Putzer, D., Schullian, P., Braunwarth, E., Fodor, M., Primavesi, F., Cardini, B., Resch, T., Oberhuber, R., Maglione, M., Margreiter, C., Schneeberger, S., Stättner, S., Öfner-Velano, D., Jaschke, W., and Bale, R. J.
- Published
- 2018
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11. Focused Update on Patients Treated with the Nellix EndoVascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) System from the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Author
Boyle, J.R., primary, Tsilimparis, N., additional, Van Herzeele, I., additional, Wanhainen, A., additional, Bastos Gonçalves, F., additional, Bellmunt, S., additional, Berard, X., additional, D’Oria, M., additional, Fernandez, C., additional, Karkos, C., additional, Kazimierczak, A., additional, Koelemay, M., additional, Kölbel, T., additional, Mani, K., additional, Melissano, G., additional, Powell, J., additional, Trimarchi, S., additional, Antoniou, G., additional, Coscas, R., additional, Dias, N., additional, Kolh, P., additional, Lepidi, S., additional, Mees, B., additional, Resch, T., additional, Ricco, J.B., additional, Tulamo, R., additional, Twine, C., additional, and Björck, M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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12. Infective Native Aortic Aneurysms: A Delphi Consensus Document on Terminology, Definition, Classification, Diagnosis, and Reporting Standards
- Author
Sörelius, K., primary, Wyss, T.R., additional, Adam, D., additional, Beck, A.W., additional, Berard, X., additional, Budtz-Lilly, J., additional, Chakfé, N., additional, Clough, R., additional, Czerny, M., additional, D’Oria, M., additional, Dang, M., additional, di Summa, P.G., additional, Eldrup, N., additional, Fourneau, I., additional, Heinola, I., additional, Hosaka, A., additional, Hsu, R.-B., additional, Huang, Y.-K., additional, Jutidamrongphan, W., additional, Kan, C.-D., additional, Kölbel, T., additional, Lau, C., additional, Lawaetz, M., additional, Mani, K., additional, Moulakakis, K., additional, Oderich, G.S., additional, Resch, T., additional, Schmidli, J., additional, Sedivy, P., additional, Shirasu, T., additional, Suwannanon, R., additional, Szeberin, Z., additional, Touma, J., additional, van den Berg, J.C., additional, Veger, H., additional, Wanhainen, A., additional, and Weiss, S., additional
- Published
- 2023
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13. Editor's Choice – Focused Update on Patients Treated with the Nellix EndoVascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) System from the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Author
Boyle, Jonathan R., primary, Tsilimparis, Nikolaos, additional, Van Herzeele, Isabelle, additional, Wanhainen, Anders, additional, Bastos Gonçalves, F., additional, Bellmunt, S., additional, Berard, X., additional, D’Oria, M., additional, Fernandez, C., additional, Karkos, C., additional, Kazimierczak, A., additional, Koelemay, M., additional, Kölbel, T., additional, Mani, K., additional, Melissano, G., additional, Powell, J., additional, Trimarchi, S., additional, Antoniou, G., additional, Coscas, R., additional, Dias, N., additional, Kolh, P., additional, Lepidi, S., additional, Mees, B., additional, Resch, T., additional, Ricco, J.B., additional, Tulamo, R., additional, Twine, C., additional, and Björck, M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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14. Pedelecs - eine unterschätzte Gefahr für die Golden Ager Generation?
- Author
Hartz, F, Zehnder, P, Resch, T, Hartmann, V, Wurm, M, Kirchhoff, C, Biberthaler, P, Zyskowski, M, Hartz, F, Zehnder, P, Resch, T, Hartmann, V, Wurm, M, Kirchhoff, C, Biberthaler, P, and Zyskowski, M
- Published
- 2023
15. Mid-term Outcomes of Renal Branches Versus Renal Fenestrations for Thoraco-abdominal Aneurysm Repair
- Author
Martin-Gonzalez, T., Mastracci, T., Carrell, T., Constantinou, J., Dias, N., Katsargyris, A., Modarai, B., Resch, T., Verhoeven, E., and Haulon, S.
- Published
- 2016
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16. Editor's Choice – Effect of Branch Stent Choice on Branch-related Outcomes in Complex Aortic Repair
- Author
Mastracci, T.M., Carrell, T., Constantinou, J., Dias, N., Martin-Gonzalez, T., Katsargyris, A., Modarai, B., Resch, T., Verhoeven, E.L.G., Burnell, M., and Haulon, S.
- Published
- 2016
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17. Laser Generated In situ Fenestrations in Dacron Stent Grafts
- Author
Sonesson, B., Dias, N., Resch, T., Kristmundsson, T., and Holst, J.
- Published
- 2016
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18. Utility of Intra-operative Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endovascular Treatment of Aorto-iliac Occlusive Disease
- Author
Törnqvist, P., Dias, N., Sonesson, B., Kristmundsson, T., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2016
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19. Clinically-relevant Postpancreatectomy Acute Pancreatitis after Pancreatoduodenectomy: A Single-center Retrospective Study
- Author
Bellotti, R., primary, Pably, D., additional, Hofert-Morell, D., additional, Cardini, B., additional, Oberhuber, R., additional, Braunwarth, E.M., additional, Margreiter, C., additional, Resch, T., additional, Öfner, D., additional, Schneeberger, S., additional, and Maglione, M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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20. Treatment With Tetrahydrobiopterin Overcomes Brain Death–Associated Injury in a Murine Model of Pancreas Transplantation
- Author
Oberhuber, R., Ritschl, P., Fabritius, C., Nguyen, A.-V., Hermann, M., Obrist, P., Werner, E.R., Maglione, M., Flörchinger, B., Ebner, S., Resch, T., Pratschke, J., and Kotsch, K.
- Published
- 2015
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21. Editor's Choice – Durability of Endovascular Repair in Blunt Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Injury: Long-Term Outcome from Four Tertiary Referral Centers
- Author
Steuer, J., Björck, M., Sonesson, B., Resch, T., Dias, N., Hultgren, R., Tunesi, R., Wanhainen, A., Lachat, M., and Pfammatter, T.
- Published
- 2015
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22. Intra-operative Cone Beam Computed Tomography can Help Avoid Reinterventions and Reduce CT Follow up after Infrarenal EVAR
- Author
Törnqvist, P., Dias, N., Sonesson, B., Kristmundsson, T., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2015
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23. Short-term Outcome of Spinal Cord Ischemia after Endovascular Repair of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- Author
Dias, N.V., Sonesson, B., Kristmundsson, T., Holm, H., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2015
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24. Endovascular Technique for Arterial Shunting to Prevent Intraoperative Ischemia
- Author
Österberg, K., Falkenberg, M., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2014
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25. Evaluating the feasibility of contrast-enhanced ultrasound for detecting after preemptive coiling endoleaks in endovascular aortic aneurysm repair: A pilot study
- Author
Panagrosso, M., Ghulam, Q., Duvnjak, S., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2024
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26. Radiation Safety Performance is More than Simply Measuring Doses!
- Author
Doyen B., Maurel B., Hertault A., Vlerick P., Mastracci T., Van Herzeele I., Bech B., Bertoglio L., Bicknell C., Bockler D., Brodmann M., Brountzos E., Carrell T., Cohnert T., De Vries J. P., Dick F., Ferraresi R., Goueffic Y., Haulon S., Karkos C., Koncar I., Lammer J., Martin Z., McWilliams R., Melissano G., Muller-Hulsbeck S., Nienaber C., Resch T., Riambau V., Williams R., Szeberin Z., Teijink J., Van Den Berg J., van Herwaarden J., Vermassen F., Verzini F., Wanhainen A., RS: CAPHRI - R5 - Optimising Patient Care, Epidemiologie, Robotics and image-guided minimally-invasive surgery (ROBOTICS), Doyen, B., Maurel, B., Hertault, A., Vlerick, P., Mastracci, T., Van Herzeele, I., Bech, B., Bertoglio, L., Bicknell, C., Bockler, D., Brodmann, M., Brountzos, E., Carrell, T., Cohnert, T., De Vries, J. P., Dick, F., Ferraresi, R., Goueffic, Y., Haulon, S., Karkos, C., Koncar, I., Lammer, J., Martin, Z., Mcwilliams, R., Melissano, G., Muller-Hulsbeck, S., Nienaber, C., Resch, T., Riambau, V., Williams, R., Szeberin, Z., Teijink, J., Van Den Berg, J., van Herwaarden, J., Vermassen, F., Verzini, F., and Wanhainen, A.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Consensus ,education ,Radiology, Interventional ,Rating scale ,Radiation Dosage ,PATIENT ,Education ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,Likert scale ,03 medical and health sciences ,Patient safety ,0302 clinical medicine ,Cronbach's alpha ,Radiologists ,Safety behaviors ,medicine ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Medical physics ,EXPOSURE ,PROTECTION ,Radiation Injuries ,Personal protective equipment ,OSATS ,Reliability (statistics) ,Endovascular ,Radiation safety behavior ,DELPHI ,OBJECTIVE STRUCTURED ASSESSMENT ,business.industry ,ANEURYSM REPAIR ,Reproducibility of Results ,EDUCATION ,Intra-rater reliability ,ENDOVASCULAR PROCEDURES ,REDUCTION ,Clinical Competence ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Purpose Radiation safety performance is often evaluated using dose parameters measured by personal dosimeters and/or the C-arm, which provide limited information about teams' actual radiation safety behaviors. This study aimed to develop a rating scale to evaluate team radiation safety behaviors more accurately and investigate its reliability. Materials and Methods A modified Delphi consensus was organized involving European vascular surgeons (VS), interventional radiologists, and interventional cardiologists. Initial items and anchors were drafted a priori and rated using five-point Likert scales. Participants could suggest additional items or adjustments. Consensus was defined as >= 80% agreement (rating >= 4) with Cronbach's alpha >= .80. Two VS with expertise in radiation safety evaluated 15 video-recorded endovascular repairs of infrarenal aortic aneurysms (EVAR) to assess usability, inter and intrarater reliability. Results Thirty-one of 46 invited specialists completed three rating rounds to generate the final rating scale. Five items underwent major adjustments. In the final round, consensus was achieved for all items (alpha = .804; agreement > 87%): 'Pre-procedural planning', 'Preparation in angiosuite/operating room', 'Shielding equipment', 'Personal protective equipment', 'Position of operator/team', 'Radiation usage awareness', 'C-arm handling', 'Adjusting image quality', 'Additional dose reducing functions', 'Communication/leadership', and 'Overall radiation performance and ALARA principle'. All EVARs were rated, yielding excellent Cronbach's alpha (.877) with acceptable interrater and excellent intrarater reliability (ICC = .782; ICC = .963, respectively). Conclusion A reliable framework was developed to assess radiation safety behaviors in endovascular practice and provide teams with formative feedback. The final scale is provided in this publication.
- Published
- 2020
27. Immature Pollen as a Target for Gene Targeting
- Author
Resch, T., Ankele, E., Badur, R., Reiss, B., Herberle-Bors, E., Touraev, A., Touraev, Alisher, editor, Forster, Brain P., editor, and Jain, S. Mohan, editor
- Published
- 2009
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28. A Novel and Reversible Male Sterility System Using Targeted Inactivation of Glutamine Synthetase and Doubled Haploidy
- Author
Ribarits, A., Mamun, A. N. K., Li, S., Resch, T., Fiers, M., Heberle-Bors, E., Liu, C. -M., Touraev, A., Touraev, Alisher, editor, Forster, Brain P., editor, and Jain, S. Mohan, editor
- Published
- 2009
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29. European Society for Vascular Surgery Clinical Practice Guideline Development Scheme: An Overview of Evidence Quality Assessment Methods, Evidence to Decision Frameworks, and Reporting Standards in Guideline Development
- Author
Antoniou, G.A., primary, Bastos Gonçalves, F., additional, Björck, M., additional, Chakfé, N., additional, Coscas, R., additional, Dias, N.V., additional, Dick, F., additional, Kakkos, S.K., additional, Mees, B.M.E., additional, Resch, T., additional, Trimarchi, S., additional, Tulamo, R., additional, Twine, C.P., additional, Vermassen, F., additional, Wanhainen, A., additional, and Kolh, P., additional
- Published
- 2022
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30. Endograft Repair of Complicated Acute Type B Aortic Dissections
- Author
Sobocinski, J., Dias, N.V., Berger, L., Midulla, M., Hertault, A., Sonesson, B., Resch, T., and Haulon, S.
- Published
- 2013
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31. The Microbiology of Infective Native Aortic Aneurysms in a Population-Based Setting
- Author
Sorelius, Karl, Wanhainen, Anders, Furebring, Mia, Mani, Kevin, Resch, T., Hultgren, R., Wahlgren, C. M., Roos, H., Ojersjo, A., Lindström, David, Vaccarino, R., Arvidsson, B., Bilos, L., Pirouzram, A., Arnerlov, C., Simo, G., Svensson, M., Magnusson, J., Astrand, H., Palm, M., Holsti, M., Mellander, S., Korman, D., Djavani-Gidlund, K., Huss, M., Bertszel, A., Docter, M., Drott, C., Nelzen, O., Wetterling, T., Chu, M., Gilgen, N-P, Gillgren, P., Sorelius, Karl, Wanhainen, Anders, Furebring, Mia, Mani, Kevin, Resch, T., Hultgren, R., Wahlgren, C. M., Roos, H., Ojersjo, A., Lindström, David, Vaccarino, R., Arvidsson, B., Bilos, L., Pirouzram, A., Arnerlov, C., Simo, G., Svensson, M., Magnusson, J., Astrand, H., Palm, M., Holsti, M., Mellander, S., Korman, D., Djavani-Gidlund, K., Huss, M., Bertszel, A., Docter, M., Drott, C., Nelzen, O., Wetterling, T., Chu, M., Gilgen, N-P, and Gillgren, P.
- Abstract
Objective: The aim was to describe the microbiology of surgically treated infective native (mycotic) aortic aneurysms (INAAs), and associated survival and development of infection-related complications (IRCs). Methods: Data were pooled from 2 nationwide studies on surgically treated patients with INAAs in Sweden, between 1994 - 2016. Patients were grouped and analyzed according to culture results: 1) Staphylococcus aureus, 2) Streptococcus species (sp.), 3) Salmonella sp., 4) Enterococcus sp., 5) Gram-negative intestinal bacteria, 6) Other sp. (all other species found in culture), and 7) Negative cultures. Results: A sum of 182 patients were included, mean age 71 years (standard deviation; SD: 8.9). The median follow-up was 50.3 months (range 0 - 360). 128 (70.3%) patients had positive blood and/or tissue culture; Staphylococcus aureus n = 38 (20.9%), Streptococcus sp. n = 37 (20.3%), Salmonella sp. n = 19 (10.4%), Enterococcus sp. n = 16 (8.8%), Gram-negative intestinal bacteria n = 6, (3.3%), Other sp. n = 12 (6.6%) and Negative cultures n = 54 (29.7%). The estimated survival for the largest groups at 2-years after surgery was: Staphylococcus aureus 62% (95% Confidence interval 53.9 - 70.1), Streptococcus sp. 74.7% (67.4 - 82.0), Salmonella sp. 73.7% (63.6 - 83.8), Enterococcus sp. 61.9% (49.6 - 74.2), and Negative cultures 89.8% (85.5 - 94.1), P =.051. There were 37 IRCs (20.3%), and 19 (51.4%) were fatal, the frequency was insignificant between the groups. The majority of IRCs, 30/37 (81%), developed during the first postoperative year. Conclusion: In this assessment of microbiological findings of INAAs in Sweden, 50% of the pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp., or Salmonella sp.. The overall 20%-frequency of IRCs, and its association with high mortality, motivates long-term antibiotic treatment regardless of microbial findings.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Long-term Outcomes after FEVAR for Juxtarenal Aortic Aneurysm
- Author
Sveinsson, M, Sonesson, B, Kristmundsson, T, Dias, N, Resch, T, Sveinsson, M, Sonesson, B, Kristmundsson, T, Dias, N, and Resch, T
- Abstract
OBJECTIVE: Fenestrated endovascular aortic repair (FEVAR) for juxtarenal aortic aneurysm (jAAA) disease is safe and effective with good short- and mid-term outcomes. Durability issues focus mainly on proximal and distal seal as well as target vessel (TV) instability, and long-term data is scarce. In previous publications we have reported short-term outcomes after FEVAR while comparing early- and late-experience patient groups, as well as long-term results for the early cohort. In this series we provide long-term outcome in the late experience cohort treated with FEVAR in Vascular Center Malmö.METHODS: Consecutive patients treated in Vascular Center Malmö with FEVAR for jAAA between 2007 and 2011 were included. Data was collected retrospectively from medical- and imaging records. Follow up consisted of a clinical examination 1 month post-operatively, and computed tomography angiography combined with plain abdominal X-ray at 1 and 12 months, and annually thereafter. Primary endpoints were TV instability, reinterventions and survival. Changes in aneurysm diameter and renal function as well as endoleaks were also analyzed.RESULTS: 94 patients were treated. Median follow-up time was 89 (range 0-152) months. 280 fenestrations or scallops were employed of which 205 were stented. Technical success was 89.4%. Primary TV patency was 94% ± 1 % at 1year, 90% ± 2% at 3 years and 89% ± 2% at 5 years. 37 (39.4%) patients needed a total of 70 reinterventions and mean time to first reintervention was 21 ± 3.97 months. 5 (5.3%) patients died of aneurysm related causes and overall survival was 95.7% ± 2.1% at 1 year, 87.1% ± 3.5% at 3 years and 71.0 ± 4.7% at 5 years. A stable or decreasing aortic diameter after treatment was seen in 91% of cases. Mean glomerular filtration rate (GFR) fell from 59.2 ± 14.9 ml/min/1.73m2 pre-operatively to 50.0 ± 18.6 ml/min/1.73 m2 at end of follow-up.CONCLUSION: Long-term results after treatment of jAAA with FEVAR remain good
- Published
- 2022
33. Vereinfachte Simulation von Klebeverbindungen an Hybridstrukturen durch Einsatz von Metamodellen – Effiziente Absicherung der Produkteigenschaften in frühen Phasen
- Author
Witzgall, C., primary, Wartzack, S., additional, Merklein, A., additional, Resch, T., additional, Starost, S., additional, Kellermeyer, M., additional, Vogt, J., additional, Most, T., additional, and Will, J., additional
- Published
- 2016
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34. The Microbiology of Infective Native Aortic Aneurysms in a Population-Based Setting
- Author
Sörelius, Karl, primary, Wanhainen, Anders, additional, Furebring, Mia, additional, Mani, Kevin, additional, Resch, T., additional, Hultgren, R., additional, Wahlgren, C.M., additional, Roos, H., additional, Öjersjö, A., additional, Lindström, D., additional, Vaccarino, R., additional, Arvidsson, B., additional, Bilos, L., additional, Pirouzram, A., additional, Arnerlöv, C., additional, Simo, G., additional, Svensson, M., additional, Magnusson, J., additional, Åstrand, H., additional, Palm, M., additional, Holsti, M., additional, Mellander, S., additional, Korman, D., additional, Djavani-Gidlund, K., additional, Huss, M., additional, Bertszel, A., additional, Docter, M., additional, Drott, C., additional, Nelzén, O., additional, Wetterling, T., additional, Chu, M., additional, Gilgen, N-P., additional, and Gillgren, P., additional
- Published
- 2022
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35. Anatomical–coloproctological skills lab
- Author
Aigner, F., Resch, T., Oberhuber, R., Kronberger, I., Hörmann, R., Fritsch, H., Pratschke, J., and Oberwalder, M.
- Published
- 2014
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36. Intra-aneurysm Sac Pressure in Patients with Unchanged AAA Diameter after EVAR
- Author
Dias, N.V., Ivancev, K., Kölbel, T., Resch, T., Malina, M., and Sonesson, B.
- Published
- 2010
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37. CT Angiography Followed by Endovascular Intervention for Acute Superior Mesenteric Artery Occlusion does not Increase Risk of Contrast-Induced Renal Failure
- Author
Acosta, S., Björnsson, S., Ekberg, O., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2010
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38. Delphi Study to Reach International Consensus Among Vascular Surgeons on Major Arterial Vascular Surgical Complications
- Author
de Mik, S. M. L., Stubenrouch, F. E., Legemate, D. A., Balm, R., Ubbink, D. T., Becquemin, J. P., Blankensteijn, J. D., de Borst, G. J., Capoccia, L., Clair, D. G., Cronenwett, J. L., Davies, A. H., Elsman, B. H. P., Farber, M. A., Forbes, T. L., Goverde, P. C. J. M., van Herzeele, I., Hinchliffe, R. J., Jacobs, D. L., Jongkind, V., Liapis, C. D., Lönn, L., Montero-Baker, M., Moore, W. S., Naylor, A. R., Overbeck, K., Resch, T. A., Ronchey, S., Sakalihasan, N., Sarac, T. P., Setacci, C., Sillesen, H., Veith, F. J., Verhagen, H. J., Verzini, F., Wiersema, A. M., Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Immunology, Surgery, ACS - Microcirculation, ACS - Diabetes & metabolism, ACS - Atherosclerosis & ischemic syndromes, Graduate School, APH - Personalized Medicine, and APH - Quality of Care
- Subjects
Postoperative Complications/epidemiology ,Carotid Artery Diseases ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Consensus ,Delphi Technique ,Peripheral Arterial Disease/surgery ,SOCIETY ,Aged ,Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal ,Female ,Humans ,Middle Aged ,Peripheral Arterial Disease ,Postoperative Complications ,Vascular Surgical Procedures ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Informed consent ,Carotid artery disease ,Medicine and Health Sciences ,medicine ,Abdominal ,Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal/surgery ,cardiovascular diseases ,Carotid Artery Diseases/surgery ,Stroke ,business.industry ,General surgery ,Vascular surgery ,medicine.disease ,Abdominal aortic aneurysm ,Aortic Aneurysm ,Cardiac surgery ,Cardiothoracic surgery ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Vascular Surgical Procedures/adverse effects ,REPORTING STANDARDS ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Surgery ,business ,Abdominal surgery - Abstract
BACKGROUND: The complications discussed with patients by surgeons prior to surgery vary, because no consensus on major complications exists. Such consensus may improve informed consent and shared decision-making. This study aimed to achieve consensus among vascular surgeons on which complications are considered 'major' and which 'minor,' following surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), carotid artery disease (CAD) and peripheral artery disease (PAD).METHODS: Complications following vascular surgery were extracted from Cochrane reviews, national guidelines, and reporting standards. Vascular surgeons from Europe and North America rated complications as major or minor on five-point Likert scales via an electronic Delphi method. Consensus was reached if ≥ 80% of participants scored 1 or 2 (minor) or 4 or 5 (major).RESULTS: Participants reached consensus on 9-12 major and 6-10 minor complications per disease. Myocardial infarction, stroke, renal failure and allergic reactions were considered to be major complications of all three diseases. All other major complications were treatment specific or dependent on disease severity, e.g., spinal cord ischemia, rupture following AAA repair, stroke for CAD or deep wound infection for PAD.CONCLUSION: Vascular surgeons reached international consensus on major and minor complications following AAA, CAD and PAD treatment. This consensus may be helpful in harmonizing the information patients receive and improving standardization of the informed consent procedure. Since major complications differed between diseases, consensus on disease-specific complications to be discussed with patients is necessary.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Ritschl, P., Ashraf, M. I., Oberhuber, R., Fabritius, C., Resch, T., Ebner, S., Sauter, M., Klingel, K., Pratschke, J., and Kotsch, K.
- Published
- 2015
40. Short-term Outcome of Spinal Cord Ischemia after Endovascular Repair of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- Author
Dias, N. V., Sonesson, B., Kristmundsson, T., Holm, H., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2015
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41. Is There a Benefit of Frequent CT Follow-up After EVAR?
- Author
Dias, N.V., Riva, L., Ivancev, K., Resch, T., Sonesson, B., and Malina, M.
- Published
- 2009
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42. Early and Intermediate Outcome of Emergency Endovascular Aneurysm Repair of Ruptured Infrarenal Aortic Aneurysm: A Single-Centre Experience of 90 Consecutive Patients
- Author
Holst, J., Resch, T., Ivancev, K., Björses, K., Dias, N., Lindblad, B., Mathiessen, S., Sonesson, B., and Malina, M.
- Published
- 2009
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43. Fatal arterial complications following ultrasound-guided attempt of internal jugular vein catheterization
- Author
Pikwer, A., Krantz, P., Resch, T., and Acosta, S.
- Published
- 2013
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44. PERFORM: An epidemiological, prospective cohort study for patients with HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer treated 1st-line with an endocrine-based palbociclib combination therapy in real world in Germany and Austria
- Author
Lux, MP, additional, Resch, T, additional, Fuxius, S, additional, Gabrysiak, T, additional, Amann, E, additional, Buncke, J, additional, Frank, M, additional, Runkel, ED, additional, and Thill, M, additional
- Published
- 2021
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45. Promising effects of simulation-based education on stress-level and team performance during real-life endovascular aortic repair
- Author
Skov, R, Lawaetz, J, Konge, L, Westerlin, L, Aasvang, E, Vogt, K, Ohrlander, T, Sillesen, H, Resch, T, Eiberg, J, Skov, R, Lawaetz, J, Konge, L, Westerlin, L, Aasvang, E, Vogt, K, Ohrlander, T, Sillesen, H, Resch, T, and Eiberg, J
- Published
- 2021
46. Second asymptomatic carotid surgery trial (ACST-2): a randomised comparison of carotid artery stenting versus carotid endarterectomy
- Author
Halliday, A., Bulbulia, R., Bonati, L. H., Chester, J., Cradduck-Bamford, A., Peto, R., Pan, H., Potter, J., Henning Eckstein, H., Farrell, B., Flather, M., Mansfield, A., Mihaylova, B., Rahimi, K., Simpson, D., Thomas, D., Sandercock, P., Gray, R., Molyneux, A., Shearman, C. P., Rothwell, P., Belli, A., Herrington, W., Judge, P., Leopold, P., Mafham, M., Gough, M., Cao, P., Macdonald, S., Bari, V., Berry, C., Bradshaw, S., Brudlo, W., Clarke, A., Cox, R., Fathers, S., Gaba, K., Gray, M., Hayter, E., Holliday, C., Kurien, R., Lay, M., le Conte, S., Mcmanus, J., Madgwick, Z., Morris, D., Munday, A., Pickworth, S., Ostasz, W., Poorthuis, M., Richards, S., Teixeira, L., Tochlin, S., Tully, L., Wallis, C., Willet, M., Young, A., Casana, R., Malloggi, C., Odero, A., Silani, V., Parati, G., Malchiodi, G., Malferrari, G., Strozzi, F., Tusini, N., Vecchiati, E., Coppi, G., Lauricella, A., Moratto, R., Silingardi, R., Veronesi, J., Zini, A., Ferrero, E., Ferri, M., Gaggiano, A., Labate, C., Nessi, F., Psacharopulo, D., Viazzo, A., Malacrida, G., Mazzaccaro, D., Meola, G., Modafferi, A., Nano, G., Occhiuto, M. T., Righini, P., Stegher, S., Chiarandini, S., Griselli, F., Lepidi, S., Pozzi Mucelli, F., Naccarato, M., D'Oria, M., Ziani, B., Stella, A., Dieng, M., Faggioli, G., Gargiulo, M., Palermo, S., Pini, R., Puddu, G. M., Vacirca, A., Angiletta, D., Desantis, C., Marinazzo, D., Mastrangelo, G., Regina, G., Pulli, R., Bianchi, P., Cireni, L., Coppi, E., Pizzirusso, R., Scalise, F., Sorropago, G., Tolva, V., Caso, V., Cieri, E., Derango, P., Farchioni, L., Isernia, G., Lenti, M., Parlani, G. B., Pupo, G., Pula, G., Simonte, G., Verzini, F., Carimati, F., Delodovici, M. L., Fontana, F., Piffaretti, G., Tozzi, M., Civilini, E., Poletto, G., Reimers, B., Praquin, B., Ronchey, S., Capoccia, L., Mansour, W., Sbarigia, E., Speziale, F., Sirignano, P., Toni, D., Galeotti, R., Gasbarro, V., Mascoli, F., Rocca, T., Tsolaki, E., Bernardini, G., Demarco, E., Giaquinta, A., Patti, F., Veroux, M., Veroux, P., Virgilio, C., Mangialardi, N., Orrico, M., Di Lazzaro, V., Montelione, N., Spinelli, F., Stilo, F., Cernetti, C., Irsara, S., Maccarrone, G., Tonello, D., Visona, A., Zalunardo, B., Chisci, E., Michelagnoli, S., Troisi, N., Masato, M., Dei Negri, M., Pacchioni, A., Sacca, S., Amatucci, G., Cannizzaro, A., Accrocca, F., Ambrogi, C., Barbazza, R., Marcucci, G., Siani, A., Bajardi, G., Savettieri, G., Argentieri, A., Corbetta, R., Quaretti, P., Thyrion, F. Z., Cappelli, A., Benevento, D., De Donato, G., Mele, M. A., Palasciano, G., Pieragalli, D., Rossi, A., Setacci, C., Setacci, F., Palombo, D., Perfumo, M. C., Martelli, E., Paolucci, A., Trimarchi, S., Grassi, V., Grimaldi, L., La Rosa, G., Mirabella, D., Scialabba, M., Sichel, L., D'Angelo, C. L., Fadda, G. F., Kasemi, H., Marino, M., Burzotta, Francesco, Codispoti, F. A., Ferrante, A., Tinelli, Giovanni, Tshomba, Yamume, Vincenzoni, Claudio, Amis, D., Anderson, D., Catterson, M., Clarke, M., Davis, M., Dixit, A., Dyker, A., Ford, G., Jackson, R., Kappadath, S., Lambert, D., Lees, T., Louw, S., Mccaslin, J., Parr, N., Robson, R., Stansby, G., Wales, L., Wealleans, V., Wilson, L., Wyatt, M., Baht, H., Balogun, I., Burger, I., Cosier, T., Cowie, L., Gunathilagan, G., Hargroves, D., Insall, R., Jones, S., Rudenko, H., Schumacher, N., Senaratne, J., Thomas, G., Thomson, A., Webb, T., Brown, E., Esisi, B., Mehrzad, A., Macsweeney, S., Mcconachie, N., Southam, A., Sunman, W., Abdul-Hamiq, A., Bryce, J., Chetter, I., Ettles, D., Lakshminarayan, R., Mitchelson, K., Rhymes, C., Robinson, G., Scott, P., Vickers, A., Ashleigh, R., Butterfield, S., Gamble, E., Ghosh, J., Mccollum, C. N., Welch, M., Welsh, S., Wolowczyk, L., Donnelly, M., D'Souza, S., Egun, A. A., Gregary, B., Joseph, T., Kelly, C., Punekar, S., Rahi, M. A., Raj, S., Seriki, D., Thomson, G., Brown, J., Durairajan, R., Grunwald, I., Guyler, P., Harman, P., Jakeways, M., Khuoge, C., Kundu, A., Loganathan, T., Menon, N., Prabakaran, R. O., Sinha, D., Thompson, V., Tysoe, S., Briley, D., Darby, C., Hands, L., Howard, D., Kuker, W., Schulz, U., Teal, R., Barer, D., Brown, A., Crawford, S., Dunlop, P., Krishnamurthy, R., Majmudar, N., Mitchell, D., Myint, M. P., O'Brien, R., O'Connell, J., Sattar, N., Vetrivel, S., Beard, J., Cleveland, T., Gaines, P., Humphreys, J., Jenkins, A., King, C., Kusuma, D., Lindert, R., Lonsdale, R., Nair, R., Nawaz, S., Okhuoya, F., Turner, D., Venables, G., Dorman, P., Hughes, A., Jones, D., Mendelow, D., Rodgers, H., Raudoniitis, A., Enevoldson, P., Nahser, H., O'Brien, I., Torella, F., Watling, D., White, R., Brown, P., Dutta, D., Emerson, L., Hilltout, P., Kulkarni, S., Morrison, J., Poskitt, K., Slim, F., Smith, S., Tyler, A., Waldron, J., Whyman, M., Bajoriene, M., Baker, L., Colston, A., Eliot-Jones, B., Gramizadeh, G., Lewis-Clarke, C., Mccafferty, L., Oliver, D., Palmer, D., Patil, A., Pegler, S., Ramadurai, G., Roberts, A., Sargent, T., Siddegowda, S., Singh-Ranger, R., Williams, A., Williams, L., Windebank, S., Zuromskis, T., Alwis, L., Angus, J., Asokanathan, A., Fornolles, C., Hardy, D., Hunte, S., Justin, F., Phiri, D., Mitabouana-Kibou, M., Sekaran, L., Sethuraman, S., Tate, M. L., Akyea-Mensah, J., Ball, S., Chrisopoulou, A., Keene, E., Phair, A., Rogers, S., Smyth, J. V., Bicknell, C., Chataway, J., Cheshire, N., Clifton, A., Eley, C., Gibbs, R., Hamady, M., Hazel, B., James, A., Jenkins, M., Khanom, N., Lacey, A., Mireskandari, M., O'Reilly, J., Pereira, A., Sachs, T., Wolfe, J., Davey, P., Rogers, G., Smith, G., Tervit, G., Nichol, I., Parry, A., Young, G., Ashley, S., Barwell, J., Dix, F., Nor, A. M., Parry, C., Birt, A., Davies, P., George, J., Graham, A., Jonker, L., Kelsall, N., Potts, C., Wilson, T., Crinnion, J., Cuenoud, L., Aleksic, N., Babic, S., Ilijevski, N., Radak, Sagic, D., Tanaskovic, S., Colic, M., Cvetic, V., Davidovic, L., Jovanovic, D. R., Koncar, I., Mutavdzic, P., Sladojevic, M., Tomic, I., Debus, E. S., Grzyska, U., Otto, D., Thomalla, G., Barlinn, J., Gerber, J., Haase, K., Hartmann, C., Ludwig, S., Putz, V., Reeps, C., Schmidt, C., Weiss, N., Werth, S., Winzer, S., Gemper, J., Gunther, A., Heiling, B., Jochmann, E., Karvouniari, P., Klingner, C., Mayer, T., Schubert, J., Schulze-Hartung, F., Zanow, J., Bausback, Y., Borger, F., Botsios, S., Branzan, D., Braunlich, S., Holzer, H., Lenzer, J., Piorkowski, C., Richter, N., Schuster, J., Scheinert, D., Schmidt, A., Staab, H., Ulrich, M., Werner, M., Berger, H., Biro, G., Eckstein, H. -H., Kallmayer, M., Kreiser, K., Zimmermann, A., Berekoven, B., Frerker, K., Gordon, V., Torsello, G., Arnold, S., Dienel, C., Storck, M., Biermaier, B., Gissler, H. M., Klotzsch, C., Pfeiffer, T., Schneider, R., Sohl, L., Wennrich, M., Alonso, A., Keese, M., Groden, C., Coster, A., Engelhardt, A., Ratusinski, C. -M., Berg, B., Delle, M., Formgren, J., Gillgren, P., Jarl, L., Kall, T. B., Konrad, P., Nyman, N., Skioldebrand, C., Steuer, J., Takolander, R., Malmstedt, J., Acosta, S., Bjorses, K., Brandt, K., Dias, N., Gottsater, A., Holst, J., Kristmundsson, T., Kuhme, T., Kolbel, T., Lindblad, B., Lindh, M., Malina, M., Ohrlander, T., Resch, T., Ronnle, V., Sonesson, B., Warvsten, M., Zdanowski, Z., Campbell, E., Kjellin, P., Lindgren, H., Nyberg, J., Petersen, B., Plate, G., Parsson, H., Qvarfordt, P., Ignatenko, P., Karpenko, A., Starodubtsev, V., Chernyavsky, M. A., Golovkova, M. S., Komakha, B. B., Zherdev, N. N., Belyasnik, A., Chechulov, P., Kandyba, D., Stepanishchev, I., Csobay-Novak, C., Dosa, E., Entz, L., Nemes, B., Szeberin, Z., Barzo, P., Bodosi, M., Fako, E., Fulop, B., Nemeth, T., Pazdernyik, S., Skoba, K., Voros, E., Chatzinikou, E., Giannoukas, A., Karathanos, C., Koutsias, S., Kouvelos, G., Matsagkas, M., Ralli, S., Rountas, C., Rousas, N., Spanos, K., Brountzos, E., Kakisis, J. D., Lazaris, A., Moulakakis, K. G., Stefanis, L., Tsivgoulis, G., Vasdekis, S., Antonopoulos, C. N., Bellenis, I., Maras, D., Polydorou, A., Polydorou, V., Tavernarakis, A., Ioannou, N., Terzoudi, M., Lazarides, M., Mantatzis, M., Vadikolias, K., Dzieciuchowicz, L., Gabriel, M., Krasinski, Z., Oszkinis, G., Pukacki, F., Slowinski, M., Stanisic, M. -G., Staniszewski, R., Tomczak, J., Zielinski, M., Myrcha, P., Rozanski, D., Drelichowski, S., Iwanowski, W., Koncewicz, K., Bialek, P., Biejat, Z., Czepel, W., Czlonkowska, A., Dowzenko, A., Jedrzejewska, J., Kobayashi, A., Leszczynski, J., Malek, A., Polanski, J., Proczka, R., Skorski, M., Szostek, M., Andziak, P., Dratwicki, M., Gil, R., Nowicki, M., Pniewski, J., Rzezak, J., Seweryniak, P., Dabek, P., Juszynski, M., Madycki, G., Pacewski, B., Raciborski, W., Slowinski, P., Staszkiewicz, W., Bombic, M., Chlouba, V., Fiedler, J., Hes, K., Kostal, P., Sova, J., Kriz, Z., Privara, M., Reif, M., Staffa, R., Vlachovsky, R., Vojtisek, B., Hrbac, T., Kuliha, M., Prochazka, V., Roubec, M., Skoloudik, D., Netuka, D., Steklacova, A., Benes III, V., Buchvald, P., Endrych, L., Sercl, M., Campos, W., Casella, I. B., de Luccia, N., Estenssoro, A. E. V., Presti, C., Puech-Leao, P., Neves, C. R. B., da Silva, E. S., Sitrangulo, C. J., Monteiro, J. A. T., Tinone, G., Bellini Dalio, M., Joviliano, E. E., Pontes Neto, O. M., Serra Ribeiro, M., Cras, P., Hendriks, J. M. H., Hoppenbrouwers, M., Lauwers, P., Loos, C., Yperzeele, L., Geenens, M., Hemelsoet, D., van Herzeele, I., Vermassen, F., Astarci, P., Hammer, F., Lacroix, V., Peeters, A., Verhelst, R., Cirelli, S., Dormal, P., Grimonprez, A., Lambrecht, B., Lerut, P., Thues, E., De Koster, G., Desiron, Q., Maertens de Noordhout, A., Malmendier, D., Massoz, M., Saad, G., Bosiers, M., Callaert, J., Deloose, K., Blanco Canibano, E., Garcia Fresnillo, B., Guerra Requena, M., Morata Barrado, P. C., Muela Mendez, M., Yusta Izquierdo, A., Aparici Robles, F., Blanes Orti, P., Garcia Dominguez, L., Martinez Lopez, R., Miralles Hernandez, M., Tembl Ferrairo, J. I., Chamorro, A., Macho, J., Obach, V., Riambau, V., San Roman, L., Ahlhelm, F. J., Blackham, K., Engelter, S., Eugster, T., Gensicke, H., Gurke, L., Lyrer, P., Mariani, L., Maurer, M., Mujagic, E., Muller, M., Psychogios, M., Stierli, P., Stippich, C., Traenka, C., Wolff, T., Wagner, B., Wiegert, M. M., Clarke, S., Diepers, M., Grochenig, E., Gruber, P., Isaak, A., Kahles, T., Marti, R., Nedeltchev, K., Remonda, L., Tissira, N., Valenca Falcao, M., de Borst, G. J., Lo, R. H., Moll, F. L., Toorop, R., van der Worp, B. H., Vonken, E. J., Kappelle, J. L., Jahrome, O., Vos, F., Schuiling, W., van Overhagen, H., Keunen, R. W. M., Knippenberg, B., Wever, J. J., Lardenoije, J. W., Reijnen, M., Smeets, L., van Sterkenburg, S., Fraedrich, G., Gizewski, E., Gruber, I., Knoflach, M., Kiechl, S., Rantner, B., Abdulamit, T., Bergeron, P., Padovani, R., Trastour, J. -C., Cardon, J. -M., Le Gallou-Wittenberg, A., Allaire, E., Becquemin, J. -P., Cochennec-Paliwoda, F., Desgranges, P., Hosseini, H., Kobeiter, H., Marzelle, J., Almekhlafi, M. A., Bal, S., Barber, P. A., Coutts, S. B., Demchuk, A. M., Eesa, M., Gillies, M., Goyal, M., Hill, M. D., Hudon, M. E., Jambula, A., Kenney, C., Klein, G., Mcclelland, M., Mitha, A., Menon, B. K., Morrish, W. F., Peters, S., Ryckborst, K. J., Samis, G., Save, S., Smith, E. E., Stys, P., Subramaniam, S., Sutherland, G. R., Watson, T., Wong, J. H., Zimmel, L., Flis, V., Matela, J., Miksic, K., Milotic, F., Mrdja, B., Stirn, B., Tetickovic, E., Gasparini, M., Grad, A., Kompara, I., Milosevic, Z., Palmiste, V., Toomsoo, T., Aidashova, B., Kospanov, N., Lyssenko, R., Mussagaliev, D., Beyar, R., Hoffman, A., Karram, T., Kerner, A., Nikolsky, E., Nitecki, S., Andonova, S., Bachvarov, C., Petrov, V., Cvjetko, I., Vidjak, V., Haluzan, D., Petrunic, M., Liu, B., Liu, C. -W., Bartko, D., Beno, P., Rusnak, F., Zelenak, K., Ezura, M., Inoue, T., Kimura, N., Kondo, R., Matsumoto, Y., Shimizu, H., Endo, H., Furui, E., Bakke, S., Krohg-Sorensen, K., Nome, T., Skjelland, M., Tennoe, B., Albuquerque e Castro, J., Alves, G., Bastos Goncalves, F., de Aragao Morais, J., Garcia, A. C., Valentim, H., Vasconcelos, L., Belcastro, F., Cura, F., Zaefferer, P., Abd-Allah, F., Eldessoki, M. H., Heshmat Kassem, H., Soliman Gharieb, H., Colgan, M. P., Haider, S. N., Harbison, J., Madhavan, P., Moore, D., Shanik, G., Kazan, V., Nazzal, M., Ramsey-Williams, V., Burzotta F. (ORCID:0000-0002-6569-9401), Tinelli G. (ORCID:0000-0002-2212-3226), Tshomba Y. (ORCID:0000-0001-7304-7553), Vincenzoni C., Halliday, A., Bulbulia, R., Bonati, L. H., Chester, J., Cradduck-Bamford, A., Peto, R., Pan, H., Potter, J., Henning Eckstein, H., Farrell, B., Flather, M., Mansfield, A., Mihaylova, B., Rahimi, K., Simpson, D., Thomas, D., Sandercock, P., Gray, R., Molyneux, A., Shearman, C. P., Rothwell, P., Belli, A., Herrington, W., Judge, P., Leopold, P., Mafham, M., Gough, M., Cao, P., Macdonald, S., Bari, V., Berry, C., Bradshaw, S., Brudlo, W., Clarke, A., Cox, R., Fathers, S., Gaba, K., Gray, M., Hayter, E., Holliday, C., Kurien, R., Lay, M., le Conte, S., Mcmanus, J., Madgwick, Z., Morris, D., Munday, A., Pickworth, S., Ostasz, W., Poorthuis, M., Richards, S., Teixeira, L., Tochlin, S., Tully, L., Wallis, C., Willet, M., Young, A., Casana, R., Malloggi, C., Odero, A., Silani, V., Parati, G., Malchiodi, G., Malferrari, G., Strozzi, F., Tusini, N., Vecchiati, E., Coppi, G., Lauricella, A., Moratto, R., Silingardi, R., Veronesi, J., Zini, A., Ferrero, E., Ferri, M., Gaggiano, A., Labate, C., Nessi, F., Psacharopulo, D., Viazzo, A., Malacrida, G., Mazzaccaro, D., Meola, G., Modafferi, A., Nano, G., Occhiuto, M. T., Righini, P., Stegher, S., Chiarandini, S., Griselli, F., Lepidi, S., Pozzi Mucelli, F., Naccarato, M., D'Oria, M., Ziani, B., Stella, A., Dieng, M., Faggioli, G., Gargiulo, M., Palermo, S., Pini, R., Puddu, G. M., Vacirca, A., Angiletta, D., Desantis, C., Marinazzo, D., Mastrangelo, G., Regina, G., Pulli, R., Bianchi, P., Cireni, L., Coppi, E., Pizzirusso, R., Scalise, F., Sorropago, G., Tolva, V., Caso, V., Cieri, E., Derango, P., Farchioni, L., Isernia, G., Lenti, M., Parlani, G. B., Pupo, G., Pula, G., Simonte, G., Verzini, F., Carimati, F., Delodovici, M. L., Fontana, F., Piffaretti, G., Tozzi, M., Civilini, E., Poletto, G., Reimers, B., Praquin, B., Ronchey, S., Capoccia, L., Mansour, W., Sbarigia, E., Speziale, F., Sirignano, P., Toni, D., Galeotti, R., Gasbarro, V., Mascoli, F., Rocca, T., Tsolaki, E., Bernardini, G., Demarco, E., Giaquinta, A., Patti, F., Veroux, M., Veroux, P., Virgilio, C., Mangialardi, N., Orrico, M., Di Lazzaro, V., Montelione, N., Spinelli, F., Stilo, F., Cernetti, C., Irsara, S., Maccarrone, G., Tonello, D., Visona, A., Zalunardo, B., Chisci, E., Michelagnoli, S., Troisi, N., Masato, M., Dei Negri, M., Pacchioni, A., Sacca, S., Amatucci, G., Cannizzaro, A., Accrocca, F., Ambrogi, C., Barbazza, R., Marcucci, G., Siani, A., Bajardi, G., Savettieri, G., Argentieri, A., Corbetta, R., Quaretti, P., Thyrion, F. Z., Cappelli, A., Benevento, D., De Donato, G., Mele, M. A., Palasciano, G., Pieragalli, D., Rossi, A., Setacci, C., Setacci, F., Palombo, D., Perfumo, M. C., Martelli, E., Paolucci, A., Trimarchi, S., Grassi, V., Grimaldi, L., La Rosa, G., Mirabella, D., Scialabba, M., Sichel, L., D'Angelo, C. L., Fadda, G. F., Kasemi, H., Marino, M., Burzotta, Francesco, Codispoti, F. A., Ferrante, A., Tinelli, Giovanni, Tshomba, Yamume, Vincenzoni, Claudio, Amis, D., Anderson, D., Catterson, M., Clarke, M., Davis, M., Dixit, A., Dyker, A., Ford, G., Jackson, R., Kappadath, S., Lambert, D., Lees, T., Louw, S., Mccaslin, J., Parr, N., Robson, R., Stansby, G., Wales, L., Wealleans, V., Wilson, L., Wyatt, M., Baht, H., Balogun, I., Burger, I., Cosier, T., Cowie, L., Gunathilagan, G., Hargroves, D., Insall, R., Jones, S., Rudenko, H., Schumacher, N., Senaratne, J., Thomas, G., Thomson, A., Webb, T., Brown, E., Esisi, B., Mehrzad, A., Macsweeney, S., Mcconachie, N., Southam, A., Sunman, W., Abdul-Hamiq, A., Bryce, J., Chetter, I., Ettles, D., Lakshminarayan, R., Mitchelson, K., Rhymes, C., Robinson, G., Scott, P., Vickers, A., Ashleigh, R., Butterfield, S., Gamble, E., Ghosh, J., Mccollum, C. N., Welch, M., Welsh, S., Wolowczyk, L., Donnelly, M., D'Souza, S., Egun, A. A., Gregary, B., Joseph, T., Kelly, C., Punekar, S., Rahi, M. A., Raj, S., Seriki, D., Thomson, G., Brown, J., Durairajan, R., Grunwald, I., Guyler, P., Harman, P., Jakeways, M., Khuoge, C., Kundu, A., Loganathan, T., Menon, N., Prabakaran, R. O., Sinha, D., Thompson, V., Tysoe, S., Briley, D., Darby, C., Hands, L., Howard, D., Kuker, W., Schulz, U., Teal, R., Barer, D., Brown, A., Crawford, S., Dunlop, P., Krishnamurthy, R., Majmudar, N., Mitchell, D., Myint, M. P., O'Brien, R., O'Connell, J., Sattar, N., Vetrivel, S., Beard, J., Cleveland, T., Gaines, P., Humphreys, J., Jenkins, A., King, C., Kusuma, D., Lindert, R., Lonsdale, R., Nair, R., Nawaz, S., Okhuoya, F., Turner, D., Venables, G., Dorman, P., Hughes, A., Jones, D., Mendelow, D., Rodgers, H., Raudoniitis, A., Enevoldson, P., Nahser, H., O'Brien, I., Torella, F., Watling, D., White, R., Brown, P., Dutta, D., Emerson, L., Hilltout, P., Kulkarni, S., Morrison, J., Poskitt, K., Slim, F., Smith, S., Tyler, A., Waldron, J., Whyman, M., Bajoriene, M., Baker, L., Colston, A., Eliot-Jones, B., Gramizadeh, G., Lewis-Clarke, C., Mccafferty, L., Oliver, D., Palmer, D., Patil, A., Pegler, S., Ramadurai, G., Roberts, A., Sargent, T., Siddegowda, S., Singh-Ranger, R., Williams, A., Williams, L., Windebank, S., Zuromskis, T., Alwis, L., Angus, J., Asokanathan, A., Fornolles, C., Hardy, D., Hunte, S., Justin, F., Phiri, D., Mitabouana-Kibou, M., Sekaran, L., Sethuraman, S., Tate, M. L., Akyea-Mensah, J., Ball, S., Chrisopoulou, A., Keene, E., Phair, A., Rogers, S., Smyth, J. V., Bicknell, C., Chataway, J., Cheshire, N., Clifton, A., Eley, C., Gibbs, R., Hamady, M., Hazel, B., James, A., Jenkins, M., Khanom, N., Lacey, A., Mireskandari, M., O'Reilly, J., Pereira, A., Sachs, T., Wolfe, J., Davey, P., Rogers, G., Smith, G., Tervit, G., Nichol, I., Parry, A., Young, G., Ashley, S., Barwell, J., Dix, F., Nor, A. M., Parry, C., Birt, A., Davies, P., George, J., Graham, A., Jonker, L., Kelsall, N., Potts, C., Wilson, T., Crinnion, J., Cuenoud, L., Aleksic, N., Babic, S., Ilijevski, N., Radak, Sagic, D., Tanaskovic, S., Colic, M., Cvetic, V., Davidovic, L., Jovanovic, D. R., Koncar, I., Mutavdzic, P., Sladojevic, M., Tomic, I., Debus, E. S., Grzyska, U., Otto, D., Thomalla, G., Barlinn, J., Gerber, J., Haase, K., Hartmann, C., Ludwig, S., Putz, V., Reeps, C., Schmidt, C., Weiss, N., Werth, S., Winzer, S., Gemper, J., Gunther, A., Heiling, B., Jochmann, E., Karvouniari, P., Klingner, C., Mayer, T., Schubert, J., Schulze-Hartung, F., Zanow, J., Bausback, Y., Borger, F., Botsios, S., Branzan, D., Braunlich, S., Holzer, H., Lenzer, J., Piorkowski, C., Richter, N., Schuster, J., Scheinert, D., Schmidt, A., Staab, H., Ulrich, M., Werner, M., Berger, H., Biro, G., Eckstein, H. -H., Kallmayer, M., Kreiser, K., Zimmermann, A., Berekoven, B., Frerker, K., Gordon, V., Torsello, G., Arnold, S., Dienel, C., Storck, M., Biermaier, B., Gissler, H. M., Klotzsch, C., Pfeiffer, T., Schneider, R., Sohl, L., Wennrich, M., Alonso, A., Keese, M., Groden, C., Coster, A., Engelhardt, A., Ratusinski, C. -M., Berg, B., Delle, M., Formgren, J., Gillgren, P., Jarl, L., Kall, T. B., Konrad, P., Nyman, N., Skioldebrand, C., Steuer, J., Takolander, R., Malmstedt, J., Acosta, S., Bjorses, K., Brandt, K., Dias, N., Gottsater, A., Holst, J., Kristmundsson, T., Kuhme, T., Kolbel, T., Lindblad, B., Lindh, M., Malina, M., Ohrlander, T., Resch, T., Ronnle, V., Sonesson, B., Warvsten, M., Zdanowski, Z., Campbell, E., Kjellin, P., Lindgren, H., Nyberg, J., Petersen, B., Plate, G., Parsson, H., Qvarfordt, P., Ignatenko, P., Karpenko, A., Starodubtsev, V., Chernyavsky, M. A., Golovkova, M. S., Komakha, B. B., Zherdev, N. N., Belyasnik, A., Chechulov, P., Kandyba, D., Stepanishchev, I., Csobay-Novak, C., Dosa, E., Entz, L., Nemes, B., Szeberin, Z., Barzo, P., Bodosi, M., Fako, E., Fulop, B., Nemeth, T., Pazdernyik, S., Skoba, K., Voros, E., Chatzinikou, E., Giannoukas, A., Karathanos, C., Koutsias, S., Kouvelos, G., Matsagkas, M., Ralli, S., Rountas, C., Rousas, N., Spanos, K., Brountzos, E., Kakisis, J. D., Lazaris, A., Moulakakis, K. G., Stefanis, L., Tsivgoulis, G., Vasdekis, S., Antonopoulos, C. N., Bellenis, I., Maras, D., Polydorou, A., Polydorou, V., Tavernarakis, A., Ioannou, N., Terzoudi, M., Lazarides, M., Mantatzis, M., Vadikolias, K., Dzieciuchowicz, L., Gabriel, M., Krasinski, Z., Oszkinis, G., Pukacki, F., Slowinski, M., Stanisic, M. -G., Staniszewski, R., Tomczak, J., Zielinski, M., Myrcha, P., Rozanski, D., Drelichowski, S., Iwanowski, W., Koncewicz, K., Bialek, P., Biejat, Z., Czepel, W., Czlonkowska, A., Dowzenko, A., Jedrzejewska, J., Kobayashi, A., Leszczynski, J., Malek, A., Polanski, J., Proczka, R., Skorski, M., Szostek, M., Andziak, P., Dratwicki, M., Gil, R., Nowicki, M., Pniewski, J., Rzezak, J., Seweryniak, P., Dabek, P., Juszynski, M., Madycki, G., Pacewski, B., Raciborski, W., Slowinski, P., Staszkiewicz, W., Bombic, M., Chlouba, V., Fiedler, J., Hes, K., Kostal, P., Sova, J., Kriz, Z., Privara, M., Reif, M., Staffa, R., Vlachovsky, R., Vojtisek, B., Hrbac, T., Kuliha, M., Prochazka, V., Roubec, M., Skoloudik, D., Netuka, D., Steklacova, A., Benes III, V., Buchvald, P., Endrych, L., Sercl, M., Campos, W., Casella, I. B., de Luccia, N., Estenssoro, A. E. V., Presti, C., Puech-Leao, P., Neves, C. R. B., da Silva, E. S., Sitrangulo, C. J., Monteiro, J. A. T., Tinone, G., Bellini Dalio, M., Joviliano, E. E., Pontes Neto, O. M., Serra Ribeiro, M., Cras, P., Hendriks, J. M. H., Hoppenbrouwers, M., Lauwers, P., Loos, C., Yperzeele, L., Geenens, M., Hemelsoet, D., van Herzeele, I., Vermassen, F., Astarci, P., Hammer, F., Lacroix, V., Peeters, A., Verhelst, R., Cirelli, S., Dormal, P., Grimonprez, A., Lambrecht, B., Lerut, P., Thues, E., De Koster, G., Desiron, Q., Maertens de Noordhout, A., Malmendier, D., Massoz, M., Saad, G., Bosiers, M., Callaert, J., Deloose, K., Blanco Canibano, E., Garcia Fresnillo, B., Guerra Requena, M., Morata Barrado, P. C., Muela Mendez, M., Yusta Izquierdo, A., Aparici Robles, F., Blanes Orti, P., Garcia Dominguez, L., Martinez Lopez, R., Miralles Hernandez, M., Tembl Ferrairo, J. I., Chamorro, A., Macho, J., Obach, V., Riambau, V., San Roman, L., Ahlhelm, F. J., Blackham, K., Engelter, S., Eugster, T., Gensicke, H., Gurke, L., Lyrer, P., Mariani, L., Maurer, M., Mujagic, E., Muller, M., Psychogios, M., Stierli, P., Stippich, C., Traenka, C., Wolff, T., Wagner, B., Wiegert, M. M., Clarke, S., Diepers, M., Grochenig, E., Gruber, P., Isaak, A., Kahles, T., Marti, R., Nedeltchev, K., Remonda, L., Tissira, N., Valenca Falcao, M., de Borst, G. J., Lo, R. H., Moll, F. L., Toorop, R., van der Worp, B. H., Vonken, E. J., Kappelle, J. L., Jahrome, O., Vos, F., Schuiling, W., van Overhagen, H., Keunen, R. W. M., Knippenberg, B., Wever, J. J., Lardenoije, J. W., Reijnen, M., Smeets, L., van Sterkenburg, S., Fraedrich, G., Gizewski, E., Gruber, I., Knoflach, M., Kiechl, S., Rantner, B., Abdulamit, T., Bergeron, P., Padovani, R., Trastour, J. -C., Cardon, J. -M., Le Gallou-Wittenberg, A., Allaire, E., Becquemin, J. -P., Cochennec-Paliwoda, F., Desgranges, P., Hosseini, H., Kobeiter, H., Marzelle, J., Almekhlafi, M. A., Bal, S., Barber, P. A., Coutts, S. B., Demchuk, A. M., Eesa, M., Gillies, M., Goyal, M., Hill, M. D., Hudon, M. E., Jambula, A., Kenney, C., Klein, G., Mcclelland, M., Mitha, A., Menon, B. K., Morrish, W. F., Peters, S., Ryckborst, K. J., Samis, G., Save, S., Smith, E. E., Stys, P., Subramaniam, S., Sutherland, G. R., Watson, T., Wong, J. H., Zimmel, L., Flis, V., Matela, J., Miksic, K., Milotic, F., Mrdja, B., Stirn, B., Tetickovic, E., Gasparini, M., Grad, A., Kompara, I., Milosevic, Z., Palmiste, V., Toomsoo, T., Aidashova, B., Kospanov, N., Lyssenko, R., Mussagaliev, D., Beyar, R., Hoffman, A., Karram, T., Kerner, A., Nikolsky, E., Nitecki, S., Andonova, S., Bachvarov, C., Petrov, V., Cvjetko, I., Vidjak, V., Haluzan, D., Petrunic, M., Liu, B., Liu, C. -W., Bartko, D., Beno, P., Rusnak, F., Zelenak, K., Ezura, M., Inoue, T., Kimura, N., Kondo, R., Matsumoto, Y., Shimizu, H., Endo, H., Furui, E., Bakke, S., Krohg-Sorensen, K., Nome, T., Skjelland, M., Tennoe, B., Albuquerque e Castro, J., Alves, G., Bastos Goncalves, F., de Aragao Morais, J., Garcia, A. C., Valentim, H., Vasconcelos, L., Belcastro, F., Cura, F., Zaefferer, P., Abd-Allah, F., Eldessoki, M. H., Heshmat Kassem, H., Soliman Gharieb, H., Colgan, M. P., Haider, S. N., Harbison, J., Madhavan, P., Moore, D., Shanik, G., Kazan, V., Nazzal, M., Ramsey-Williams, V., Burzotta F. (ORCID:0000-0002-6569-9401), Tinelli G. (ORCID:0000-0002-2212-3226), Tshomba Y. (ORCID:0000-0001-7304-7553), and Vincenzoni C.
- Abstract
Background: Among asymptomatic patients with severe carotid artery stenosis but no recent stroke or transient cerebral ischaemia, either carotid artery stenting (CAS) or carotid endarterectomy (CEA) can restore patency and reduce long-term stroke risks. However, from recent national registry data, each option causes about 1% procedural risk of disabling stroke or death. Comparison of their long-term protective effects requires large-scale randomised evidence. Methods: ACST-2 is an international multicentre randomised trial of CAS versus CEA among asymptomatic patients with severe stenosis thought to require intervention, interpreted with all other relevant trials. Patients were eligible if they had severe unilateral or bilateral carotid artery stenosis and both doctor and patient agreed that a carotid procedure should be undertaken, but they were substantially uncertain which one to choose. Patients were randomly allocated to CAS or CEA and followed up at 1 month and then annually, for a mean 5 years. Procedural events were those within 30 days of the intervention. Intention-to-treat analyses are provided. Analyses including procedural hazards use tabular methods. Analyses and meta-analyses of non-procedural strokes use Kaplan-Meier and log-rank methods. The trial is registered with the ISRCTN registry, ISRCTN21144362. Findings: Between Jan 15, 2008, and Dec 31, 2020, 3625 patients in 130 centres were randomly allocated, 1811 to CAS and 1814 to CEA, with good compliance, good medical therapy and a mean 5 years of follow-up. Overall, 1% had disabling stroke or death procedurally (15 allocated to CAS and 18 to CEA) and 2% had non-disabling procedural stroke (48 allocated to CAS and 29 to CEA). Kaplan-Meier estimates of 5-year non-procedural stroke were 2·5% in each group for fatal or disabling stroke, and 5·3% with CAS versus 4·5% with CEA for any stroke (rate ratio [RR] 1·16, 95% CI 0·86–1·57; p=0·33). Combining RRs for any non-procedural stroke in all CAS versus CEA
- Published
- 2021
47. Kissingstents in the Aortic Bifurcation – a Valid Reconstruction for Aorto-iliac Occlusive Disease
- Author
Björses, K., Ivancev, K., Riva, L., Manjer, J., Uher, P., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2008
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48. Tetrahydrobiopterin Saves Pancreatic Isografts From Brain Death Exacerbated Ischemia Reperfusion Injury.: Abstract# C1642
- Author
Oberhuber, R., Ritschl, P., Fabritius, C., Cardini, B., Resch, T., Hermann, M., Obrist, P., Werner, E., Aigner, F., Maglione, M., Pratschke, J., and Kotsch, K.
- Published
- 2014
49. Endovascular Therapeutic Approaches for Acute Superior Mesenteric Artery Occlusion
- Author
Acosta, S., Sonesson, B., and Resch, T.
- Published
- 2009
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50. Der Chimney-Graft: Endovaskuläre Technik zur Erhaltung der supraaortalen Äste
- Author
Kölbel, T., Ohrlander, T., Dias, N., Resch, T., Sonesson, B., and Malina, M.
- Published
- 2009
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