211 results on '"Religionszugehörigkeit"'
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2. Making sense of the crisis: how religion shapes the attribution of meaning during the corona pandemic
- Author
Unser, Alexander and Riegel, Ulrich
- Published
- 2023
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3. Zwischen Ich-Gesellschaft und Wir-Nation. Religionszugehörigkeit, Religiosität und der Umgang mit religiöser Vielfalt in der Schweiz
- Author
Liedhegener, Antonius
- Published
- 2022
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4. Changing roles of religiosity and patriarchy in women's employment in different religions in Europe between 2004 and 2016.
- Author
Guveli, Ayse and Spierings, Niels
- Subjects
RELIGIOUSNESS ,WOMEN'S employment ,RELIGIOUS identity ,PATRIARCHY ,GENDER role ,WOMEN'S attitudes ,GENDER ,JEWISH women - Abstract
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- Published
- 2021
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5. Ein schmaler Grat: Glaubwürdigkeits- statt Glaubensprüfung
- Author
Classen, Claus Dieter
- Subjects
Glaubwürdigkeit ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,Bundesverfassungsgericht ,Asyl - Abstract
Der Autor kommentiert den Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 03.04.2020. In diesem Beschluss geht es um die Glaubwürdigkeit von konvertierten Asylsuchenden und den Umgang mit diesen. Der Autor kommt in diesem Zusammenhang zu dem Schluss, dass das BVerfG sowohl die Gerichte zu einem sensiblen Umgang mit dem Recht auf Glaubensfreiheit auffordern will, als auch die Kirchen zu einer vorsichtigen Praxis im Umgang mit Taufbegehren auffordern will. Weitergehend wird die Frage beantwortet, inwieweit der Staat zulässig die Frage nach der Religionszugehörigkeit beantworten kann, Zeitschrift für Kanonisches Recht, Bd. 1 (2022)
- Published
- 2023
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6. Fremdheitserfahrungen und Othering: Ordnungen des 'Eigenen' und 'Fremden' in interreligiöser Bildung
- Author
Freuding, Janosch and Freuding, Janosch
- Abstract
Interreligiöse Bildung versteht sich als Beitrag zum friedlichen Zusammenleben der Religionen und Weltanschauungen. Doch auch in interreligiösen Lernvorgängen und Bildungsansätzen sind immer wieder ausgrenzende Mechanismen des Othering, des "Fremdmachens", zu beobachten. Zugleich zeigt sich, dass verschiedene religionspädagogische Ansätze von unterschiedlichen Zugängen zum Thema Fremdheit ausgehen: Während die einen Fremdheitserfahrungen und individuelle religiöse Positionierungen ins Zentrum stellen, versuchen andere, "Fremdheit" zu dekonstruieren. Der Autor zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, diese unterschiedlichen Auffassungen aufeinander zu beziehen und wirkungsvoll gegen Othering-Strukturen in interreligiöser Bildung vorzugehen.
- Published
- 2022
7. Die Reformierten in Schlesien: Vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Altpreußischen Union von 1817
- Author
Bahlcke, Joachim, Dingel, Irene, Bahlcke, Joachim, and Dingel, Irene
- Abstract
Schlesien bildete nicht nur mit Blick auf Politik und Gesellschaft, sondern auch hinsichtlich seiner spezifischen religiösen Struktur während der Frühen Neuzeit eine wichtige Brückenlandschaft in Ostmitteleuropa. Dies lässt sich an grenzübergreifenden Kontakten erkennen, an Eheverbindungen sowie an den Ausbildungswegen der Theologen. Nicht nur im humanistisch-gelehrten Umfeld der Metropole Breslau, auch im Bereich der einzelnen Territorialherrschaften und regionalen Stadtzentren des Oderlandes sind reformierte Einflüsse seit der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts nachweisbar. Die kleinräumige Territorialorganisation Schlesiens mit zahlreichen semisouveränen Fürsten, die Schwäche der katholischen Kirchenorganisation und das Fehlen personeller und finanzieller Ressourcen des katholischen Oberherrn ermöglichten Freiräume, die der Ausbreitung reformierter Vorstellungen zugutekamen. Über die innerschlesischen Entwicklungen hinaus nimmt der vorliegende Sammelband, der die Ergebnisse einer internationalen und interdisziplinären Tagung in Polen dokumentiert, auch die Außenbeziehungen der schlesischen Reformierten in den Blick, die sich aus Studienkontakten, dynastischen Beziehungen und Folgen eines seit der Reformation verdichtenden Wissens- und Ideentransfers ergaben. Der Band zeigt neue Forschungsperspektiven auf, um landeseigene wie sachliche und zeitliche Spezifika eines schlesischen Reformiertentums vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert herauszuarbeiten.
- Published
- 2022
8. Toleranz und Identität: Geschichtsschreibung und Geschichtsbewusstsein zwischen religiösem Anspruch und historischer Erfahrung
- Author
Armborst-Weihs, Kerstin, Becker, Judith, Armborst-Weihs, Kerstin, and Becker, Judith
- Abstract
Das neuzeitliche Europa war durch eine vielfältige religiös-konfessionelle Differenzierung bestimmt. Infolgedessen sahen sich die Konfessionen und Religionen beständig herausgefordert, ihre eigene Identität jeweils in Abgrenzung von konkurrierenden Entwürfen religiöser Weltdeutung und Sinnstiftung zu definieren und sich politisch gegen die Vertreter solcher Entwürfe zu behaupten. Mit der Verbreitung des Ideals der religiösen Toleranz erfuhren die Mechanismen der Exklusion, auf denen die Konstruktion religiös-konfessioneller Identitäten herkömmlich beruhte, signifikante Veränderungen.
- Published
- 2022
9. Religion und Mobilität: Zum Verhältnis von raumbezogener Mobilität und religiöser Identitätsbildung im frühneuzeitlichen Europa
- Author
Jürgens, Henning P., Weller, Thomas, Jürgens, Henning P., and Weller, Thomas
- Abstract
Das frühneuzeitliche Europa ist gekennzeichnet durch eine enorme Zunahme von Mobilität, bedingt durch bessere Verkehrswege und technische Neuerungen seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters. Religion konnte sich einerseits hemmend auf solche Mobilitätsprozesse auswirken. Andererseits konnten religiöse Beweggründe raumbezogene Mobilität aber auch befördern, ja zum Teil überhaupt erst bewirken. So löste die konfessionelle Spaltung der lateinischen Christenheit und die nachfolgende Konfessionalisierung in den Territorien Migrationsprozesse bisher ungekannter Größe aus, bis hin zur Auswanderung ganzer Glaubensgemeinschaften nach Übersee.Aber auch wirtschaftliche Zwänge, Kriege und Hungersnöte, die Ausübung von Handel und bestimmten Gewerben oder die akademische Ausbildung sowie die adelige Standeserziehung konnten Menschen gleich welchen religiösen Bekenntnisses dazu veranlassen, dauerhaft oder zeitweilig ihren Aufenthaltsort zu wechseln.Beide Phänomene, Religion und Mobilität, sind von der historischen Forschung bislang zumeist getrennt voneinander behandelt worden. Die Konfessionalisierungsforschung hat Religion bislang als Impulsgeber für Mobilität wahrgenommen und dabei den Zusammenhang mit anderen Formen von Mobilität zum Teil vernachlässigt. Die Beiträge des Bandes tragen dazu bei, religions- und migrationsgeschichtliche Ansätze und Fragestellungen zusammenzuführen und enger miteinander zu verzahnen. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach dem Stellenwert von Mobilität für die Ausbildung oder Auflösung religiös-konfessioneller Identitäten im frühneuzeitlichen Europa.
- Published
- 2022
10. Kirchenaustritte seit 2018: Wege und Anlässe; Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Repräsentativbefragung
- Author
Ahrens, Petra-Angela and Ahrens, Petra-Angela
- Abstract
In der Studie werden die Gründe, Anlässe und Wege zum Austritt aus der evangelischen und katholischen Kirche untersucht. In der bundesweiten quantitativen Untersuchung wurden insgesamt 1.500 ehemals evangelische und katholische Kirchenmitglieder zu ihrem Kirchenaustritt befragt. Die Studie wurde vor dem aktuellen Hintergrund der Austrittsspitze im Jahr 2019 und sich daran anschließende Vermutungen über die Bedeutung konkreter Anlässe für die Austrittsentscheidung konzipiert. Die Ausgetretenen wurden darüber befragt, wie sich ihre Beziehung zu Kirche und Glauben bzw. Religion über verschiedene Lebensphasen hinweg entwickelt hat. Es zeigt sich, dass nur selten ein konkreter Anlass die Entscheidung zum Kirchenaustritt begründet, sondern dass die Entfremdung zur Kirche einem Prozess gleichkommt., This study examines the reasons for and occasions and paths to leaving both the Protestant and Catholic churches. In a nationwide quantitative study, a total of 1,500 former Protestant and Catholic church members were interviewed about their leaving the church. The study was designed against the backdrop of both the peak in the wave of people deciding to leave the church in 2019 and subsequent assumptions about the significance of specific reasons for them deciding to leave. The interviewees were asked about how their relationship with the church and faith or religion had evolved during different stages of their lives. It turns out that only rarely did a concrete occasion justify their decision to leave the church, but that their alienation from the church resembles a process.
- Published
- 2022
11. Religious affiliation, religious practice and social integration of refugees
- Author
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ), Siegert, Manuel, Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ), and Siegert, Manuel
- Abstract
In der BAMF-Kurzanalyse 2|2020 wird untersucht, welchen Religionen sich die befragten Geflüchteten zugehörig fühlen, welchen Stellenwert Religion und Glaube in ihrem Leben haben und wie sozial eingebunden die Angehörigen der unterschiedlichen Glaubensrichtungen sind. Anhand der Daten der 2. Welle der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten aus dem Jahr 2017 geht der Autor der Frage nach, welchen Glaubensrichtungen sich die Geflüchteten, die in den Jahren 2013 bis einschließlich 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind, zugehörig fühlen. Weiterhin zeigt er, welchen Stellenwert Religion und Glaube im Leben der Geflüchteten haben und in welchem Umfang sie am religiösen Leben in Deutschland teilnehmen. Abschließend wird untersucht, ob die Teilnahme an religiösen Veranstaltungen - als Indikator für die Teilnahme am religiösen Leben - mit der sozialen Integration in einem Zusammenhang steht., The BAMF's Brief Analysis 2|2020 examines to which religions the interviewed refugees feel that they belong, what significance religion and faith have in their lives, and how socially integrated the members of the different faiths are. The author uses the data from the 2nd wave of the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees from 2017 to explore the question of the faiths to which the refugees who came to Germany in the years from 2013 up to and including 2016 feel that they belong. Furthermore, he shows the importance that religion and faith take on in the lives of the refugees and to what extent they take part in religious life in Germany. Finally, he examines whether attendance at religious ceremonies - as an indicator of participation in religious life - is related to social integration.
- Published
- 2022
12. 'Race, colour or religion': Der politische Blick auf Minderheitenreligionen in Großbritannien seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
- Author
Sturm-Martin, Imke and Sturm-Martin, Imke
- Abstract
Von 1950 bis 1980 vervielfachten sich Zahl und Größe religiöser Minderheitengruppen in Großbritannien aufgrund der Nachkriegszuwanderung, doch anders als bei vorangegangenen Wanderungen und im Unterschied zur Gegenwart wurden die verschiedenen Glaubensrichtungen der neuen Einwanderer während dieses Zeitraums kaum thematisiert. Dieser Zugang ist vor dem Hintergrund einer untergehenden Kolonialmacht zu sehen, die an der Illusion eines Commonwealth mit gleichberechtigten Untertanen ("subjects") festhielt, aber die eigene Dominanz nicht aufgeben wollte. Das Gruppenmerkmal "race" diente in der Endphase des Empires als allumfassendes Etikett, das weitere Differenzierungen überflüssig machen sollte. Eine neue Minderheitengeneration, die die Religion seit den 1980er-Jahren als wichtiges Element der Abgrenzung entdeckt hat, und das davon unabhängige Aufkommen des islamistischen Terrorismus haben die Phase des religiösen Desinteresses beendet., The number and size of populations belonging to minority religions in the UK multiplied between 1950 and 1980 due to immigration from the Commonwealth. Unlike previous and subsequent waves of immigration, religion did not become a public issue at this time. The new policy of multiculturalism focused predominantly on the theme of “race”. This approach emerged against the background of a declining imperial power which attempted to maintain an illusion of a Commonwealth of equal "subjects" and imperial dominance. The label "race" served to distinguish between "native" British on the one hand and colonial subjects on the other and, at the same time, brushed over existing cultural or religious differences. In the 1980s, when a new minority generation discovered religion as a means to emphasise diversity and (independently of this) Islamic terrorism began to spread, the period in which religion had been ignored came to an end.
- Published
- 2022
13. European Identity between Religiousness and Secularity
- Author
Galina S. Klimova
- Subjects
Christentum ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,religiousness ,european integration ,Identity (social science) ,lcsh:Political science ,secularization ,denomination ,Eurobarometer (2009–2019) ,European Value Study (2nd and 3rd wave) ,World Value Survey (1st-6th wave) ,Sociology & anthropology ,Christianity ,religious affiliation ,european identity ,Political science ,European integration ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,europäische Integration ,World Values Survey ,European union ,european union ,media_common ,Religionssoziologie ,Religiosität ,Eurobarometer ,Gender studies ,Säkularisierung ,General Medicine ,Confession ,Secularity ,Brexit ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Sociology of Religion ,christianity ,ddc:301 ,EU ,lcsh:J ,europäische Identität - Abstract
The role of religion in the structure of European identity was not on the top of agenda before the discussion of the Constitution project, but in the light of the intensive migration and Brexit this question appears to be more and more important. The issue of the interconnection between religion and European identity has several dimensions: the role of believing and belonging as well as Christianity and it forms in construction and functioning of European identity and feeling of Europeanness. The correlation analysis of Eurobarometer data (2009-2019), European Value Study (2d and 3d waves) and World Value Survey (1st-6th waves) data allows us to prove that, being secular in its roots, European identity has intense ties with religiousness. Religion appears to be a factor of European identity not within any confession, but more as a faith. Nevertheless, correlation analysis also demonstrates differences in the influence of Christian confessions on the one’s self-identification as European, which allows to look wider at the religion function in European Identity and claimed European values (mainly of secular and Enlightenment origin) in historical retrospective. This means that religion perspective not only reopens the discussion of the substance of being European, but also is one of key approaches to the urgent issues of peaceful group coexistence within European Union. Роль религии в структуре европейской идентичности не была на повестке дня до обсуждения проекта Конституции, но в свете интенсивной миграции и Brexit этот вопрос представляется все более и более важным. Взаимосвязь между религией и европейской идентичностью имеет несколько измерений: роль веры, а также христианства и его ветвей в построении и функционировании европейской идентичности и чувства европейскости. Корреляционный анализ данных Евробарометра (2009-2019), European Value Study (2 и 3 волны) и World Value Survey (1-6 волны) позволяет доказать, что, будучи секулярной по своей природе, европейская идентичность имеет тесные связи с религиозностью. Религия представляется фактором европейской идентичности не в рамках какой-либо конфессии, а скорее как вера. Тем не менее корреляционный анализ также демонстрирует различия во влиянии христианских конфессий на самоидентификацию человека как европейца, что позволяет взглянуть шире на функцию религии в европейской идентичности и декларируемых европейских ценностях (в основном светского и просветительского происхождения) в исторической ретроспективе. Религиозная перспектива не только открывает дискуссию о сущности европейской идентичности, но также является одним из ключевых подходов к проблеме мирного сосуществования групп в рамках Европейского союза.
- Published
- 2020
14. SALVATION AND RELIGIOSITY: The Predictive Strength and Limitations of a Rokeach Value Survey Item.
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In this study we explore the possibilities and limitations of using the Salvation item of the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) as a global indicator of religiosity. Our data come from the data collection connected to the 4th wave of the European Social Survey (2008; N = 1144). First we compare the Salvation item with four global indicators of religiosity. In the second phase of analysis we examine the relationship between the overall indicators of religiosity - including, especially, the RVS Salvation item - and two „classic” aspects of religiosity, the ideological dimension (beliefs) and the consequential dimension (religious behaviour). In the third step, we analyse the similarities and differences of the behaviour of Salvation and the other indicators as a function of socio-demographic variables (gender, age, level of education, domicile, denominational affiliation) with ANOVA. On the whole, the Salvation item of the RVS is a somewhat weaker indicator of religiosity than the other global indicators. On the one hand, it seems to be a stricter measure than those, and, on the other hand, it is less suitable to identify non-traditional forms of religiosity. With these restrictions, however, it can be considered an adequate indicator of religiosity under the social conditions of Hungary in the twenty-first century. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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15. Wie viel Religion und Nation braucht der Staat? Administrativ-rechtsförmige Solidaritäten und ihre identitätsbasierten Grundlagen in Europa
- Author
Annette Schnabel
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,Politikwissenschaft ,nationale Identität ,religiousness ,nation ,Mehrebenenanalyse ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Norm ,religious affiliation ,Solidarität ,Political science ,national identity ,050602 political science & public administration ,solidarity ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,060303 religions & theology ,Religiosität ,05 social sciences ,European Values Study 2017: Integrated Dataset (EVS 2017), Version 2.0.0. (DOI: 10.4232/1.13314) [Solidaritätsnormen ,Norms of solidarity ,Normes de solidarité ,ZA7500] ,standard ,06 humanities and the arts ,0506 political science ,Religion ,multi-level analysis ,ddc:320 ,EU ,EVS ,Humanities - Abstract
Der Beitrag untersucht das Verhältnis zwischen administrativer wohlfahrtsstaatlicher und identitär-partikularer Solidarität. Zunächst wird der Solidaritätsbegriff theoretisch in seiner Mehrdimensionalität entfaltet und dann die beiden Modi der administrativen und der identitär-partikularen Solidarität unterschieden. Diese theoriegeleitete Differenzierung wird im empirischen Teil mit den Daten aus der fünften Welle der European Values Study verknüpft. In einer Mehrebenenanalyse wird für die Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union untersucht, wie sich Religiosität und nationenbezogene Zugehörigkeit auf Einstellungen zur administrativen Solidarität in unterschiedlichen staatlichen Kontexten auswirken. Die Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass eine mehrdimensionale Untersuchung von Solidarität das komplexe Verhältnis von administrativer und identitär-partikularer Solidarität näher aufschlüsseln kann und Religiosität und nationenbezogene Zugehörigkeit die Dimensionen der administrativen Solidarität je unterschiedlich beeinflussen: Während Religion teils konkurrierende Einflüsse aufweist, scheint Nation eher unterstützend zu wirken. The paper analyzes the relationship between welfare state-related administrative and identity-based solidarity. The article starts by unfolding the multidimensionality of solidarity, to then differentiate between the two types of administrative and identity-based solidarity. These theory-driven considerations are operationalized and confronted with data from the fifth wave of the European Values Study. A multilevel analysis shows for the member states of the European Union how religious and national identities influence attitudes towards measures of administrative solidarity within differing country-related contexts. The study concludes that a multidimensional analysis of administrative and identity-based solidarities may indeed facilitate the understanding of their complex relationship. Religious and national identities influence administrative solidarity in its various dimensions in quite different ways: while religion has contradictory effects on administrative solidarity, the effects of national identity seem rather to support the latter’s strength. Cet article étudie le rapport entre la solidarité administrative relevant de l’État-providence et la solidarité identitaire particulariste. Le concept de solidarité est tout d’abord déployé théoriquement dans toute sa multidimensionnalité puis une distinction est établie entre deux de ses modes : la solidarité administrative et la solidarité identitaire particulariste. Dans la partie empirique, cette différenciation théorique est mise en corrélation avec des données issues de la cinquième vague de la European Values Study. Pour étudier l’influence de la religiosité et de l’appartenance nationale sur les attitudes vis-à-vis de la solidarité administrative dans différents contextes étatiques, une analyse multi-niveaux a été conduite pour les pays membres de l’Union européenne. Cette analyse montre qu’une étude multidimensionnelle de la solidarité permet de déterminer plus précisément le rapport complexe entre solidarité administrative et solidarité identitaire particulariste et que la religiosité et l’appartenance nationale peuvent exercer une influence différente sur les dimensions de la solidarité administrative : Tandis que la religion représente une influence en partie concurrente, la nation semble plutôt avoir un effet de soutien.
- Published
- 2020
16. Religiosity in Slovakia: Structure, Dynamics and Spatial Diversification
- Author
Miroslav Tížik, Juraj Majo, and Tatiana Podolinská
- Subjects
Slowakei ,Slovakia ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,national state ,religiousness ,church ,Diversification (marketing strategy) ,secularization ,Sociology & anthropology ,diversity ,Religiosity ,religious affiliation ,Glaube ,Economic geography ,Slovak data EVS1991 and 1999 ,church-state relation ,faith ,Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes ,Religionssoziologie ,Religiosität ,Diversität ,Säkularisierung ,Building and Construction ,Geography ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Sociology of Religion ,Kirche ,ddc:301 ,EVS ,Staat - Abstract
Religiosity represents a key temporal and spatial-based social phenomenon with great internal variability. In this paper, we focus on a selection of the most important indicators of this factor in Slovakian society. With the aid of temporal statistical data with some structural differences (such as age) in current society, we attempt to concentrate on the dynamics and great spatial diversification of denominational division in Slovakia. The Church and state relationship is another politically important factor which influences this social phenomenon. The variability of relationships within the social and political context and its transformations was a significant determinant influencing the religiosity and development of religious life. Moreover, even in today's mostly secularizing society, this relationship maintains its importance for the society. In the analysis of societal religiosity, we have to focus on the internal aspects of faith, measured by representative surveys that portray varieties of internal aspects of faith and their divergence from the censual measurement of denominational affiliation.
- Published
- 2020
17. Kirchenaustritte seit 2018: Wege und Anlässe; Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Repräsentativbefragung
- Author
Petra-Angela Ahrens
- Subjects
faith ,Religionssoziologie ,Religiosität ,Kirchenaustritt ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,religiousness ,katholische Kirche ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Austrittswelle ,EKD ,Glaubensverständnis ,Hilfe für Geflüchtete ,Kindesmissbrauch ,Kirchensteuer ,Konfession ,Mitgliederverlust ,religiöse Indifferenz ,Skandale ,Sociology & anthropology ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,evangelische Kirche ,Catholic Church (Roman) ,Protestant church ,leaving the church ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,religious affiliation ,Sociology of Religion ,Glaube ,ddc:301 - Abstract
In der Studie werden die Gründe, Anlässe und Wege zum Austritt aus der evangelischen und katholischen Kirche untersucht. In der bundesweiten quantitativen Untersuchung wurden insgesamt 1.500 ehemals evangelische und katholische Kirchenmitglieder zu ihrem Kirchenaustritt befragt. Die Studie wurde vor dem aktuellen Hintergrund der Austrittsspitze im Jahr 2019 und sich daran anschließende Vermutungen über die Bedeutung konkreter Anlässe für die Austrittsentscheidung konzipiert. Die Ausgetretenen wurden darüber befragt, wie sich ihre Beziehung zu Kirche und Glauben bzw. Religion über verschiedene Lebensphasen hinweg entwickelt hat. Es zeigt sich, dass nur selten ein konkreter Anlass die Entscheidung zum Kirchenaustritt begründet, sondern dass die Entfremdung zur Kirche einem Prozess gleichkommt. This study examines the reasons for and occasions and paths to leaving both the Protestant and Catholic churches. In a nationwide quantitative study, a total of 1,500 former Protestant and Catholic church members were interviewed about their leaving the church. The study was designed against the backdrop of both the peak in the wave of people deciding to leave the church in 2019 and subsequent assumptions about the significance of specific reasons for them deciding to leave. The interviewees were asked about how their relationship with the church and faith or religion had evolved during different stages of their lives. It turns out that only rarely did a concrete occasion justify their decision to leave the church, but that their alienation from the church resembles a process.
- Published
- 2022
18. Wie wird gesellschaftliches Engagement von Religionszugehörigkeit, Religiosität und Wertorientierungen beeinflusst? Antworten auf Basis des Religionsmonitors 2013.
- Author
Stein, Margit
- Abstract
The connections between religious affiliation, religiosity, values and activism are strong, as an empirical analysis of the 'Religion Monitor 2013' shows. The people who are predominantly involved in activism demonstrate a strong sense of their own values and have a charitable, universalistic worldview. Whether their values influenced their activism depended strongly on the respondents' religious affiliation. Values and the centrality of religion were decisive factors for Christians, to a lesser extent for non-affiliated persons and not at all for Muslims when deciding whether to engage in activism. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
19. Stav i poverenje prema crkvi kod građana Srbije
- Author
Andrijanaa, Maksimović, Aleksandar, Petrov, Andrijanaa, Maksimović, and Aleksandar, Petrov
- Abstract
Proces sekularizacije je učinio da klasična religioznost izgubi svoju tradicionalno dominantnu poziciju. Tu poziciju preuzimaju oblici tzv. svetovne religioznosti. Prema našem mišljenju, svetovna religioznost nije prepoznata u Srbiji kao religioznost postmodernog doba, već pre kao oblik prilagođenosti religije uslovima postmodernizma. Otuda smatramo da je klasična religioznost u Srbiji i dalje dominantna. Stav i poverenje prema crkvi upravo tumačimo kao konvencionalnu religioznost. Stav i poverenje prema crkvi sagledavamo kroz dva pitanja. Prvo pitanje meri stav prema crkvi kroz dvovalentno izražavanje stava o tome da li crkva daje odgovore na moralna pitanja, duhovne potrebe, porodične i socijalne probleme. Drugo pitanje tiče se poverenja u crkvu. Oba pitanja smo merili u odnosu na obrazovanje, pol, na relaciji ruralno/urbano i u odnosu na pripadnost religijskim konfesijama. U radu smo se oslanjali na analizu sekundarnih podataka EVS-a (European Value Study) na bazi anketne metode u svim državama Evrope. Hipoteze od kojih smo pošli u radu bile su da se sa povećanjem nivoa obrazovanja smanjuje stepen poverenja u crkvu a da je stav prema crkvi negativniji, da je kod žena pozitivniji stav prema crkvi i veće poverenje nego kod muškaraca, da je viši stepen poverenja i pozitivniji stav prema crkvi u selu nego u gradu i da je viši stepen poverenja i pozitivan stav prema crkvi, odnosno prema verskim zajednicama, kod muslimana nego kod pravoslavaca, katolika i protestanata. Teorijski, naše pretpostavke su zasnovane na teoriji sekularizacije. U tom smislu, društvene promene su umanjile uticaj religije u društvu, a na pojedince se deluje mehanizmima profanog društva. Fokusirali smo se na građane Srbije, gde su uticaji tranzicije poziciju religije učinili složenijom., The process of secularization made classical religiosity lose its traditionally dominant position. This position is taken over by forms of the so-called secular religiosity. In our view, secular religiosity is not recognized in Serbia as religiosity of the postmodern age, but rather as a form of adaptation of religion to the conditions of postmodernism. Therefore, we believe that classical religiosity is still dominant in Serbia. We just interpret attitude and trust in church as conventional religiosity. Attitudes towards and trust in church are examined through two questions. The first question measures the attitude towards church through a bivalent attitude of whether church gives answers to moral questions, spiritual needs, family and social issues. The second question is about trust in church. We measured both issues in relation to education, gender, rural/urban relation, and religious affiliation. In this paper, we have relied on the analysis of secondary EVS (European Value Study) data based on a survey conducted in all European countries. The hypotheses we started from in the paper were that as the level of education increases, the level of trust in church decreases, and that the attitude towards church is more negative, that women have a more positive attitude towards church and greater trust than men, that the level of trust is higher and there is a more positive attitude towards church in the village compared to the city, and that there is a higher degree of trust and a positive attitude towards church, i.e. religious communities, among Muslims compared to Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants. Theoretically, our assumptions are based on secularization theory. In this sense, social changes have diminished the impact of religion in society, and individuals are influenced by the mechanisms of a profane society. We have focused on the citizens of Serbia, where the effects of transition made the position of religion more complex.
- Published
- 2021
20. Wie viel Religion und Nation braucht der Staat? Administrativ-rechtsförmige Solidaritäten und ihre identitätsbasierten Grundlagen in Europa
- Author
Schnabel, Annette and Schnabel, Annette
- Abstract
Der Beitrag untersucht das Verhältnis zwischen administrativer wohlfahrtsstaatlicher und identitär-partikularer Solidarität. Zunächst wird der Solidaritätsbegriff theoretisch in seiner Mehrdimensionalität entfaltet und dann die beiden Modi der administrativen und der identitär-partikularen Solidarität unterschieden. Diese theoriegeleitete Differenzierung wird im empirischen Teil mit den Daten aus der fünften Welle der European Values Study verknüpft. In einer Mehrebenenanalyse wird für die Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union untersucht, wie sich Religiosität und nationenbezogene Zugehörigkeit auf Einstellungen zur administrativen Solidarität in unterschiedlichen staatlichen Kontexten auswirken. Die Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass eine mehrdimensionale Untersuchung von Solidarität das komplexe Verhältnis von administrativer und identitär-partikularer Solidarität näher aufschlüsseln kann und Religiosität und nationenbezogene Zugehörigkeit die Dimensionen der administrativen Solidarität je unterschiedlich beeinflussen: Während Religion teils konkurrierende Einflüsse aufweist, scheint Nation eher unterstützend zu wirken., The paper analyzes the relationship between welfare state-related administrative and identity-based solidarity. The article starts by unfolding the multidimensionality of solidarity, to then differentiate between the two types of administrative and identity-based solidarity. These theory-driven considerations are operationalized and confronted with data from the fifth wave of the European Values Study. A multilevel analysis shows for the member states of the European Union how religious and national identities influence attitudes towards measures of administrative solidarity within differing country-related contexts. The study concludes that a multidimensional analysis of administrative and identity-based solidarities may indeed facilitate the understanding of their complex relationship. Religious and national identities influence administrative solidarity in its various dimensions in quite different ways: while religion has contradictory effects on administrative solidarity, the effects of national identity seem rather to support the latter’s strength., Cet article étudie le rapport entre la solidarité administrative relevant de l’État-providence et la solidarité identitaire particulariste. Le concept de solidarité est tout d’abord déployé théoriquement dans toute sa multidimensionnalité puis une distinction est établie entre deux de ses modes : la solidarité administrative et la solidarité identitaire particulariste. Dans la partie empirique, cette différenciation théorique est mise en corrélation avec des données issues de la cinquième vague de la European Values Study. Pour étudier l’influence de la religiosité et de l’appartenance nationale sur les attitudes vis-à-vis de la solidarité administrative dans différents contextes étatiques, une analyse multi-niveaux a été conduite pour les pays membres de l’Union européenne. Cette analyse montre qu’une étude multidimensionnelle de la solidarité permet de déterminer plus précisément le rapport complexe entre solidarité administrative et solidarité identitaire particulariste et que la religiosité et l’appartenance nationale peuvent exercer une influence différente sur les dimensions de la solidarité administrative : Tandis que la religion représente une influence en partie concurrente, la nation semble plutôt avoir un effet de soutien.
- Published
- 2021
21. Religiosity in Slovakia: Structure, Dynamics, and Spatial Diversification
- Author
Podolinská, Tatiana Zachar, Tížik, Miroslav, Majo, Juraj, Podolinská, Tatiana Zachar, Tížik, Miroslav, and Majo, Juraj
- Abstract
Religiosity represents a key temporal and spatial-based social phenomenon with great internal variability. In this paper, we focus on a selection of the most important indicators of this factor in Slovakian society. With the aid of temporal statistical data with some structural differences (such as age) in current society, we attempt to concentrate on the dynamics and great spatial diversification of denominational division in Slovakia. The Church and state relationship is another politically important factor which influences this social phenomenon. The variability of relationships within the social and political context and its transformations was a significant determinant influencing the religiosity and development of religious life. Moreover, even in today's mostly secularizing society, this relationship maintains its importance for the society. In the analysis of societal religiosity, we have to focus on the internal aspects of faith, measured by representative surveys that portray varieties of internal aspects of faith and their divergence from the censual measurement of denominational affiliation.
- Published
- 2021
22. A Mall Intercept Survey on Religion and Worldview in the Cape Flats of Cape Town, South Africa
- Author
Farrar, Thomas J., Falake, Khanyisane A., Mebaley, Adriel, Moya, Mandisi D., Rudolph, Ivor I., Farrar, Thomas J., Falake, Khanyisane A., Mebaley, Adriel, Moya, Mandisi D., and Rudolph, Ivor I.
- Abstract
This study analyzes worldviews and religious beliefs and practices in the Cape Flats area of Cape Town, South Africa, using a mall intercept survey of n=513 visitors to five shopping centers. Variables considered included demographic characteristics, measures of religiosity and religious pluralism, participation in religious activities, and supernaturalism (both related and unrelated to a traditional Christian-Abrahamic worldview). The majority (69.4%) of respondents identifies as Christian, though denominational affiliation is very diverse. The other two prevalent religious affiliations are the African Traditional Religion (16.4%) and Islam (11.7%). Only 1.6% of the respondents self-identified as non-religious, a smaller percentage than has been found in research on Cape Town as a whole or South Africa nationally. The degree of self-reported religiosity, participation in religious activities, and belief in supernatural phenomena are all high. Associations between demographic characteristics and religion and worldview variables are analyzed in detail.
- Published
- 2021
23. Islam, Gender, Intersektionalität: Bildungswege junger Frauen in der Schweiz
- Author
Gasser, Nathalie and Gasser, Nathalie
- Abstract
Wie wirkt sich der aktuelle Islamdiskurs auf Bildungsbiografien junger Secondas aus? Wie beeinflussen unterschiedliche Differenzkategorien wie beispielsweise Gender und Religion die Bildungsbiografien? Und wirken diese Kategorien intersektionell? Die Autorin zeigt auf, wie unterschiedlich junge Secondas aus der Schweiz mit der Herausforderung umgehen, als religiös orientierte muslimische Frauen in einem tendenziell islamkritischen Umfeld bildungsbiografisch zu bestehen. Sie verdeutlicht die bestehenden Bildungsbarrieren samt den unterschiedlichen Taktiken, diese zu umgehen. Auf dieser Grundlage diskutiert sie, inwiefern Religion dabei als intersektionale, interdependente Analysekategorie gefasst werden kann.
- Published
- 2021
24. Territorial structure of the denominational space of the South-East Baltic
- Author
Andrei G. Manakov and Vitaliy S. Dementiev
- Subjects
Baltic States ,Cultural Studies ,History ,Sociology and Political Science ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,Ostseeraum ,Raumplanung und Regionalforschung ,Belorussia ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Baltic region ,Structure (category theory) ,denominational space ,North-West Russia ,Belarus ,Space (commercial competition) ,Sociology & anthropology ,religious affiliation ,South east ,Economic geography ,ddc:710 ,Landscaping and area planning ,Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung ,Religionssoziologie ,Area Development Planning, Regional Research ,Baltikum ,Weißrussland ,Religion ,Geography ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Sociology of Religion ,ddc:301 ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
The South-East Baltic is a meeting place of three branches of Christianity: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Lutheranism. Dominant in the Baltic region, these religious confessions define the cultural landscape of the area. At the same time, they have an indirect effect on socio-economic development. In this study, we aim to identify the main components of the territorial structure and the formation and transformation factors of the denominational space in the South-East Baltic. The complexity of the denominational structure of the local population stems from the centuries-long position of this region as a political buffer zone. We calculate the potential denominational structure and the potential religious fractionalisation index at the level of basic territorial units and regions southeast of the Baltic Sea. Based on this, we identify the main components of the territorial structure of the denominational space, which includes three denominational shields and contact zones between them. From a practical viewpoint, these components suggest a new variant of the territorial differentiation of the Baltic region. This variant has only limited relevance to ethnic and socioeconomic zoning.
- Published
- 2019
25. Cumulative disadvantage? The role of race compared to ethnicity, religion, and non-white phenotype in explaining hiring discrimination in the U.S. labour market
- Author
Yemane, Ruta and Yemane, Ruta
- Abstract
Numerous correspondence studies have found strong and persistent evidence for racial discrimination in the U.S. labour market. However, since in the majority of studies race was the only variable that was manipulated, it is difficult to disentangle whether it is the ethnic background, the phenotype, the religious affiliation, or a combination of all that drives hiring discrimination. To answer this question, I draw on the theoretical framework of intersectionality and look at the role of ethnicity, as well as religion and non-white phenotype, and how they mediate discrimination outcomes using data from a correspondence study that was conducted across 49 states in the U.S. (N=2,107). The results show that next to racial preferences, employers also have ethnic preferences that influence their hiring decisions. In addition, I find significant evidence for an anti-Muslim bias which is stronger for phenotypical whites than for phenotypical non-whites. Although the overall penalty for applicants who are ascribed non-whites and who additionally have a Muslim affiliation is higher in magnitude, the penalty is not statistically different from the penalty of either being non-white or having a Muslim religious affiliation only. This result is not in line with intersectional theory and suggests that for some employers, one signal of otherness (either non-whiteness or Muslim religious affiliation) is enough to elicit strong bias.
- Published
- 2020
26. Migrations- und Integrationsforschung: Jahresbericht 2013 des Forschungszentrums Migration, Integration und Asyl im Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
- Author
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ), Walz, Christoph, Gütlhuber, Thomas, Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ), Walz, Christoph, and Gütlhuber, Thomas
- Abstract
Der Jahresbericht gibt einen Überblick über die Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte des Forschungszentrums im Jahr 2013. Neben der Darstellung der laufenden und abgeschlossenen Forschungsprojekte werden Informationen zu Publikationen, Veranstaltungen, Vorträgen und der Vernetzung des Forschungszentrums gegeben. Aufgabe des Forschungszentrums des Bundesamts ist die Beobachtung des Migrationsgeschehens nach und von Deutschland, die Analyse von Auswirkungen von Migrationsprozessen und die Gewinnung von Erkenntnissen für die Migrationssteuerung. Daneben wird auch der Prozess der Integration von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund sowie die Weiterentwicklung von Integrationsmaßnahmen auf Bundesebene begleitet. Zu diesem Zweck führt das Forschungszentrum zahlreiche Forschungsprojekte durch. Für 2013 sind dabei insbesondere die Forschungsprojekte "Integration von zugewanderten Ehepartnerinnen und Ehepartnern in Deutschland (BAMF-Heiratsmigrationsstudie 2013)", "Beschäftigungssituation von ausländischen Studienabsolventen deutscher Hochschulen", "Migrationspotenziale", "(Spät-)Aussiedler in Deutschland: Eine Analyse aktueller Daten und Forschungsergebnisse" und "Geschlechterrollen bei Deutschen und Zuwanderern christlicher und muslimischer Religionszugehörigkeit" zu nennen. Ein weiteres herausragendes Projekt ist der Migrationsbericht, der jährlich im Auftrag der Bundesregierung durch das Bundesamt erstellt wird und u.a. eine differenzierte Darstellung der einzelnen Zuwanderergruppen liefert. Neben einem Gesamtüberblick über alle Forschungsprojekte geht der Jahresbericht auch auf die vielfältigen Aktivitäten der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Forschungszentrums in Bezug auf Wissenstransfer, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Vernetzung ein, gibt Informationen zu den zahlreichen externen Publikationen und stellt eine Auswahl von Vorträgen dar.
- Published
- 2020
27. Die Religionszugehörigkeit, religiöse Praxis und soziale Einbindung von Geflüchteten
- Author
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ), Siegert, Manuel, Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ), and Siegert, Manuel
- Abstract
In der BAMF-Kurzanalyse 2|2020 wird untersucht, welchen Religionen sich die befragten Geflüchteten zugehörig fühlen, welchen Stellenwert Religion und Glaube in ihrem Leben haben und wie sozial eingebunden die Angehörigen der unterschiedlichen Glaubensrichtungen sind. Anhand der Daten der 2. Welle der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten aus dem Jahr 2017 geht der Autor der Frage nach, welchen Glaubensrichtungen sich die Geflüchteten, die in den Jahren 2013 bis einschließlich 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind, zugehörig fühlen. Weiterhin zeigt er, welchen Stellenwert Religion und Glaube im Leben der Geflüchteten haben und in welchem Umfang sie am religiösen Leben in Deutschland teilnehmen. Abschließend wird untersucht, ob die Teilnahme an religiösen Veranstaltungen – als Indikator für die Teilnahme am religiösen Leben – mit der sozialen Integration in einem Zusammenhang steht., The BAMF's Brief Analysis 2|2020 examines to which religions the interviewed refugees feel that they belong, what significance religion and faith have in their lives, and how socially integrated the members of the different faiths are. The author uses the data from the 2nd wave of the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees from 2017 to explore the question of the faiths to which the refugees who came to Germany in the years from 2013 up to and including 2016 feel that they belong. Furthermore, he shows the importance that religion and faith take on in the lives of the refugees and to what extent they take part in religious life in Germany. Finally, he examines whether attendance at religious ceremonies - as an indicator of participation in religious life – is related to social integration.
- Published
- 2020
28. Geschlechterrollen bei Deutschen und Zuwanderern christlicher und muslimischer Religionszugehörigkeit
- Author
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ), Becher, Inna, El-Menouar, Yasemin, Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ), Becher, Inna, and El-Menouar, Yasemin
- Abstract
Die BAMF-Geschlechterrollenstudie 2013, die als Begleitforschung zur Deutschen Islam Konferenz entstanden ist, beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach Geschlechtergerechtigkeit. Untersucht wird, inwieweit bei muslimischen und christlichen Zuwanderern hierarchische Geschlechterbeziehungen befürwortet und im Alltag praktiziert werden. Die Studie präsentiert ein differenziertes Bild über die Rollenaufteilung zwischen den Geschlechtern in der muslimischen Bevölkerung. Sie kommt zum Schluss, dass sowohl die Mehrheit der Muslime als auch der Christen eine Gleichberechtigung von Männern und Frauen befürworten. Somit herrscht insgesamt ein klares Bekenntnis zur Geschlechtergerechtigkeit vor., The 2013 Gender Role Study of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge - BAMF), which was drawn up as supporting research for the German Islam Conference (Deutsche Islam Konferenz - DIK) , addresses the question of gender equity. The investigation tackles the question of the degree to which Muslim and Christian immigrants are in favour of hierarchical gender relations and practice them in their everyday lives. The study presents a differentiated picture of the division of roles between the genders. It reaches the conclusion that the majority of both Muslims and Christians are in favour of equal rights for men and women. This means that, taken as a whole, there is a clear commitment towards gender equity.
- Published
- 2020
29. Dokumentation zu Choroplethenkarten für Deutschland, 1882-2017
- Author
Rahlf, Thomas and Rahlf, Thomas
- Abstract
Im Rahmen der 2. Auflage von Deutschland in Daten wurden 21 interaktive Choroplethenkarten auf Kreisebene erstellt. Insgesamt wurden zu acht Themengebieten (Bevölkerungsdichte, Geburten, Mindestsicherungsquote, Wahlbeteiligung, Gefährliche Körperverletzung, Erwerbstätige im produzierenden Gewerbe, Arbeitslose und Konfessionen), zu denen für aktuelle Jahre (2011-2017) Statistiken auf Kreisebene vorhanden sind, für das Kaiserreich sieben und für die Weimarer Republik fünf Vergleiche erstellt. Für die Darstellungen wurden vorhandene Kartengeometrien des Max-Planck-Instituts für demografische Forschung sowie von Daniel Ziblatt und Jeffrey C. Blossom mit Datensätzen verknüpft, die in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren erstellt wurden und auf umfangreichem Veröffentlichungsmaterial der amtlichen Statistik basieren. Zusätzlich zu der Verknüpfung wurden die vollständigen Namen der Kreise und ihre Zuordnungen zu übergeordneten Verwaltungseinheiten ergänzt. Für die Erstellung der Karten wurde das jQuery plugin Mapael verwendet., As part of the 2nd edition of Germany in Data, 21 interactive choropleth maps were created at the district level. A total of eight thematic areas (population density, births, social care, voter turnout, grievous bodily harm, employed persons in the manufacturing sector, unemployed, and denominations), for which statistics are available at district level for current years (2011-2017), were compared to seven statistics for the German Empire and to five for the Weimar Republic. For the presentations, existing map geometries of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research as well as of Daniel Ziblatt and Jeffrey C. Blossom were linked with data records that were created in the 1980s and 1990s. The datasets are based on extensive publication material from official statistics. In addition to the mapping, full names of all districts and their assignments to higher-level administrative units have been added. The jQuery plugin Mapael was used to create the maps.
- Published
- 2020
30. German Churches in Times of Demographic Change and Declining Affiliation: A Projection to 2060
- Author
Gutmann, David, Peters, Fabian, Gutmann, David, and Peters, Fabian
- Abstract
The problem of declining membership in Germany’s churches has been apparent for almost half a century. However, few scientific studies have investigated the respective influences of demographic and church-specific phenomena, as well as the potential impact if present trends continue. To answer these questions, we use a cohort component model and project the membership of each German Catholic diocese and Protestant regional church until 2060. Thus, for the first time we present a projection of church members for each of the 27 Catholic (arch-) dioceses and the 20 Protestant regional churches, as well as for the entire Evangelical Church and the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. We collected data from dioceses, Protestant regional churches and the Federal Statistical Office. Under the assumptions made, the results suggest a continued decline in membership and that by 2060 the number of church members would be half the number of 2017. Protestant Church membership would have shrunk slightly more than Catholic Church membership. We can conclude that church-specific factors (baptisms, leaving, and joining the church) would have a stronger influence on declining numbers than demographic factors. Moreover, demographic change would have a greater impact on registered church membership than on the total population. The proportion of Christians in the population would sharply decrease. Although in 2017 54.4 percent of the population belonged to one of the two major churches, according to the projection model, only 31.1 percent would be church members in 2060. As our results are not predictions but projections using trend analysis, we show how changed conditions would affect the projected development in five scenarios.
- Published
- 2020
31. Ethnische Hierarchien in der Bewerberauswahl: ein Feldexperiment zu den Ursachen von Arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung
- Author
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH, Koopmans, Ruud, Veit, Susanne, Yemane, Ruta, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH, Koopmans, Ruud, Veit, Susanne, and Yemane, Ruta
- Abstract
In einem großen Feldexperiment haben wir die Ursachen von Diskriminierung gegenüber Bewerbern mit Migrationshintergrund untersucht. Dazu versendeten wir tausende Bewerbungen von fiktiven Personen an reale Stellenausschreibungen in acht Berufen im gesamten Bundesgebiet. Neben der Ethnizität der Bewerber (deutschstämmig oder Migrationshintergrund in einem von 34 Herkunftsländern), ihrem phänotypischen Erscheinungsbild (Schwarz, Weiß oder Asiatisch) und ihrer Religionszugehörigkeit (keine, Christlich, Muslimisch oder Buddhistisch/Hinduistisch) variierten wir weitere Merkmale der Bewerbungen, wie das Geschlecht des Bewerbers, den Notendurchschnitt, ob der Bewerbung ein Referenzschreiben beilag und ob Informationen über die derzeitige Vertragssituation bereitgestellt wurden. Unsere Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass Bewerber mit Migrationshintergrund gegenüber Bewerbern ohne Migrationshintergrund diskriminiert werden. Allerdings variiert das Ausmaß der Diskriminierung deutlich zwischen Herkunftsgruppen: Bewerber mit Migrationshintergrund in West- und Südeuropa sowie Ostasien werden nicht signifikant diskriminiert, während andere Herkunftsgruppen erhebliche Nachteile erfahren. Auch Bewerber mit schwarzem Phänotyp und mit muslimischer Religion erfahren signifikante Diskriminierung. Mit Blick auf die klassischen Erklärungsansätze für Diskriminierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt - d.h. präferenzbasierte und statistische Diskriminierung - zeigen unsere Analysen, dass die kulturelle Distanz zwischen Herkunftsländern und Deutschland die Diskriminierung gegenüber verschiedenen Gruppen deutlich besser erklärt als leistungsbezogene Gruppenmerkmale wie der durchschnittliche Bildungsstand. Somit sprechen unsere Befunde stärker für präferenzbasierte Diskriminierung als für statistische Diskriminierung., We conducted a large-scale field experiment to investigate the drivers of discrimination against second generation immigrant job applicants. To these ends, we sent thousands of applications from fictitious persons to real job openings in eight professions all over Germany. Next to job applicants' ethnicity (German or migration background in one out of 34 origin countries), phenotype (Asian, Black, White), and religious affiliation (none, Buddhist or Hindu, Christian, or Muslim), we varied several other characteristics of the applications, such as applicants' gender, final grades, whether or not a reference letter was included, as well as information about applicants' current contract. Our results confirm that employers discriminate against immigrant job applicants. The magnitude of discrimination, however, varies strongly between origin groups. Whereas employers do not discriminate against Western and Southern European and East Asian immigrants, other origin groups experience significant disadvantages. In addition, we observe substantial disadvantages for Black and Muslim job applicants. With respect to classic theories about the drivers of discrimination on the labor market, that is, taste-based and statistical discrimination, we find that the cultural distance between origin countries and Germany explains discrimination against different groups much better than productivity-related group characteristics, such as average levels of education. Consequently, our empirical findings are more supportive of taste-based discrimination than they are of statistical discrimination theories.
- Published
- 2020
32. Changing roles of religiosity and patriarchy in women's employment in different religions in Europe between 2004 and 2016
- Author
Niels Spierings and Ayse Guveli
- Subjects
Traditionalism ,patriarchy ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,Judaism ,Patriarchy ,religiousness ,gender attitudes ,Sociology & anthropology ,Frauenerwerbstätigkeit ,Religiosity ,Inequality, cohesion and modernization ,Einstellung ,Protestantism ,religious affiliation ,gender-specific factors ,Sociology ,Ongelijkheid, cohesie en modernisering ,European Social Survey (ESS), rounds 2 (2004), 4 (2008), 8 (2010), and 10 (2016) ,Gender role ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Religionssoziologie ,Religiosität ,lcsh:HQ1-2044 ,women's employment ,Gender studies ,Patriarchat ,gender role ,religiosity ,European Social Survey ,Europe ,Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,attitude ,lcsh:The family. Marriage. Woman ,geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ,ddc:300 ,Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies ,Sociology of Religion ,ddc:301 ,Europa ,Geschlechtsrolle - Abstract
Contains fulltext : 232741.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Objective: This paper seeks to understand the changing roles of religiosity and gender attitudes in the employment of women in Europe between 2004 and 2016. Background: Religiosity and gender traditionalism are both considered to decrease the likelihood of women’s employment. This study argues that this relationship needs to be decoupled, as religiosity and gender traditionalism have different underlying mechanisms. Method: We analysed rounds 2 (2004), 4 (2008), 8 (2010), and 10 (2016) of the European Social Survey (ESS), which include, among other data, information on employment, religious affiliation, religiosity, and gender role attitudes in 16 countries (N=39,233).Results: We show that taking religiosity into account further increases the already increased likelihood of employment for Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish women compared to women with no religion. We also find, however, that religiosity decreases the employment gap between Muslim and Orthodox women on the one hand and secular women on the other. Including gender role attitudes in the model only marginally explains the employment gap. Conclusion: Our findings support the idea that the mechanisms that underlie the relationships religiosity and traditional gender role attitudes have with women's employment differ. Over time, the likelihood of employment increases for women of all religions, except for Muslim women, among whom it drops. 34 p.
- Published
- 2021
33. German Churches in Times of Demographic Change and Declining Affiliation: A Projection to 2060
- Author
Fabian Peters and David Gutmann
- Subjects
History ,religiousness ,church ,migration ,Sociology & anthropology ,evangelische Kirche ,Catholic Church (Roman) ,German ,demographic change ,Protestantism ,religious affiliation ,Trend ,Bevölkerung ,multi-state population projection ,HT201-221 ,Church membership ,Demographic change ,Multi-region cohort-component model ,Multi-state population projection ,Christianity ,Roman Catholicism ,education.field_of_study ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Religiosität ,katholische Kirche ,multi-region cohort-component model ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,roman catholicism ,Trend analysis ,language ,ddc:300 ,ddc:301 ,church membership ,Kirchenaustritt ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,membership ,Population ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Population Studies, Sociology of Population ,Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology ,Protestant church ,Mitgliedschaft ,HB848-3697 ,education ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Projection (alchemy) ,Demography ,Demography. Population. Vital events ,Religionssoziologie ,Bevölkerungsentwicklung ,HT101-395 ,City population. Including children in cities, immigration ,population development ,language.human_language ,protestantism ,leaving the church ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Demographic economics ,Sociology of Religion ,Kirche ,christianity - Abstract
The problem of declining membership in Germany’s churches has been apparent for almost half a century. However, few scientific studies have investigated the respective influences of demographic and church-specific phenomena, as well as the potential impact if present trends continue. To answer these questions, we use a cohort component model and project the membership of each German Catholic diocese and Protestant regional church until 2060. Thus, for the first time we present a projection of church members for each of the 27 Catholic (arch-) dioceses and the 20 Protestant regional churches, as well as for the entire Evangelical Church and the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. We collected data from dioceses, Protestant regional churches and the Federal Statistical Office. Under the assumptions made, the results suggest a continued decline in membership and that by 2060 the number of church members would be half the number of 2017. Protestant Church membership would have shrunk slightly more than Catholic Church membership. We can conclude that church-specific factors (baptisms, leaving, and joining the church) would have a stronger influence on declining numbers than demographic factors. Moreover, demographic change would have a greater impact on registered church membership than on the total population. The proportion of Christians in the population would sharply decrease. Although in 2017 54.4 percent of the population belonged to one of the two major churches, according to the projection model, only 31.1 percent would be church members in 2060. As our results are not predictions but projections using trend analysis, we show how changed conditions would affect the projected development in five scenarios., Comparative Population Studies, Vol 45 (2020)
- Published
- 2020
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34. Islam, Gender, Intersektionalität: Bildungswege junger Frauen in der Schweiz
- Author
Gasser, Nathalie
- Subjects
Religionszugehörigkeit ,Bildungsverlauf ,Integration ,Islam ,soziale Ungleichheit ,ethnography ,Sociology & anthropology ,educational opportunity ,Ethnographie ,religious affiliation ,Schweiz ,course of education ,gender ,Frau ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Agency ,Bildungsanthropologie ,Bildungsbiografien ,Discourse on Islam ,Educational Anthropology ,Educational Biographies ,Islamdiskurs ,Islamic Studies ,Michel De Certeau ,Secondas ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Migrationshintergrund ,social inequality ,Jugendlicher ,Muslim ,migration background ,Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung ,Sociology of Education ,education system ,Bildungswesen ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,adolescent ,Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie ,woman ,ddc:300 ,Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies ,Intersektionalität ,ddc:301 ,Bildungschance ,intersectionality ,Switzerland - Abstract
Wie wirkt sich der aktuelle Islamdiskurs auf Bildungsbiografien junger Secondas aus? Wie beeinflussen unterschiedliche Differenzkategorien wie beispielsweise Gender und Religion die Bildungsbiografien? Und wirken diese Kategorien intersektionell? Die Autorin zeigt auf, wie unterschiedlich junge Secondas aus der Schweiz mit der Herausforderung umgehen, als religiös orientierte muslimische Frauen in einem tendenziell islamkritischen Umfeld bildungsbiografisch zu bestehen. Sie verdeutlicht die bestehenden Bildungsbarrieren samt den unterschiedlichen Taktiken, diese zu umgehen. Auf dieser Grundlage diskutiert sie, inwiefern Religion dabei als intersektionale, interdependente Analysekategorie gefasst werden kann.
- Published
- 2020
35. Cumulative disadvantage? The role of race compared to ethnicity, religion, and non-white phenotype in explaining hiring discrimination in the U.S. labour market
- Author
Ruta Yemane
- Subjects
Social Psychology ,Economics ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,phenotype ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Ethnic group ,Benachteiligung ,race and ethnicity ,Ethnizität ,Racism ,deprivation ,Race (biology) ,ddc:150 ,Personaleinstellung ,religious affiliation ,0502 economics and business ,050602 political science & public administration ,ddc:330 ,Psychology ,050207 economics ,Labor Market Research ,race ,Disadvantage ,media_common ,Intersectionality ,White (horse) ,Arbeitsmarktforschung ,hiring discrimination ,05 social sciences ,Wirtschaft ,Diskriminierung ,humanities ,0506 political science ,Rasse ,Psychologie ,religion ,hiring ,ethnicity ,ddc:300 ,Demographic economics ,Intersektionalität ,Sozialpsychologie ,intersectionality ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,discrimination - Abstract
Numerous correspondence studies have found strong and persistent evidence for racial discrimination in the U.S. labour market. However, since in the majority of studies race was the only variable that was manipulated, it is difficult to disentangle whether it is the ethnic background, the phenotype, the religious affiliation, or a combination of all that drives hiring discrimination. To answer this question, I draw on the theoretical framework of intersectionality and look at the role of ethnicity, as well as religion and non-white phenotype, and how they mediate discrimination outcomes using data from a correspondence study that was conducted across 49 states in the U.S. (N=2,107). The results show that next to racial preferences, employers also have ethnic preferences that influence their hiring decisions. In addition, I find significant evidence for an anti-Muslim bias which is stronger for phenotypical whites than for phenotypical non-whites. Although the overall penalty for applicants who are ascribed non-whites and who additionally have a Muslim affiliation is higher in magnitude, the penalty is not statistically different from the penalty of either being non-white or having a Muslim religious affiliation only. This result is not in line with intersectional theory and suggests that for some employers, one signal of otherness (either non-whiteness or Muslim religious affiliation) is enough to elicit strong bias.
- Published
- 2020
36. Die Religionszugehörigkeit, religiöse Praxis und soziale Einbindung von Geflüchteten
- Author
Siegert, Manuel and Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ)
- Subjects
social participation ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,event ,Federal Republic of Germany ,soziale Partizipation ,Sociology & anthropology ,religious affiliation ,Veranstaltung ,Glaube ,refugee ,Migration, Sociology of Migration ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Migration ,faith ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Religionssoziologie ,SOEP ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,religiöse Faktoren ,Religion ,religious factors ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Flüchtling ,ddc:300 ,Sociology of Religion ,ddc:301 - Abstract
In der BAMF-Kurzanalyse 2|2020 wird untersucht, welchen Religionen sich die befragten Geflüchteten zugehörig fühlen, welchen Stellenwert Religion und Glaube in ihrem Leben haben und wie sozial eingebunden die Angehörigen der unterschiedlichen Glaubensrichtungen sind. Anhand der Daten der 2. Welle der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten aus dem Jahr 2017 geht der Autor der Frage nach, welchen Glaubensrichtungen sich die Geflüchteten, die in den Jahren 2013 bis einschließlich 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind, zugehörig fühlen. Weiterhin zeigt er, welchen Stellenwert Religion und Glaube im Leben der Geflüchteten haben und in welchem Umfang sie am religiösen Leben in Deutschland teilnehmen. Abschließend wird untersucht, ob die Teilnahme an religiösen Veranstaltungen – als Indikator für die Teilnahme am religiösen Leben – mit der sozialen Integration in einem Zusammenhang steht. The BAMF's Brief Analysis 2|2020 examines to which religions the interviewed refugees feel that they belong, what significance religion and faith have in their lives, and how socially integrated the members of the different faiths are. The author uses the data from the 2nd wave of the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees from 2017 to explore the question of the faiths to which the refugees who came to Germany in the years from 2013 up to and including 2016 feel that they belong. Furthermore, he shows the importance that religion and faith take on in the lives of the refugees and to what extent they take part in religious life in Germany. Finally, he examines whether attendance at religious ceremonies - as an indicator of participation in religious life – is related to social integration.
- Published
- 2020
37. Religious affiliation, religious practice and social integration of refugees
- Author
Siegert, Manuel and Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ)
- Subjects
social participation ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,event ,Federal Republic of Germany ,soziale Partizipation ,Sociology & anthropology ,religious affiliation ,Veranstaltung ,Glaube ,refugee ,Migration, Sociology of Migration ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Migration ,faith ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Religionssoziologie ,SOEP ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,religiöse Faktoren ,Religion ,religious factors ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Flüchtling ,ddc:300 ,Sociology of Religion ,ddc:301 - Abstract
In der BAMF-Kurzanalyse 2|2020 wird untersucht, welchen Religionen sich die befragten Geflüchteten zugehörig fühlen, welchen Stellenwert Religion und Glaube in ihrem Leben haben und wie sozial eingebunden die Angehörigen der unterschiedlichen Glaubensrichtungen sind. Anhand der Daten der 2. Welle der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten aus dem Jahr 2017 geht der Autor der Frage nach, welchen Glaubensrichtungen sich die Geflüchteten, die in den Jahren 2013 bis einschließlich 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind, zugehörig fühlen. Weiterhin zeigt er, welchen Stellenwert Religion und Glaube im Leben der Geflüchteten haben und in welchem Umfang sie am religiösen Leben in Deutschland teilnehmen. Abschließend wird untersucht, ob die Teilnahme an religiösen Veranstaltungen - als Indikator für die Teilnahme am religiösen Leben - mit der sozialen Integration in einem Zusammenhang steht. The BAMF's Brief Analysis 2|2020 examines to which religions the interviewed refugees feel that they belong, what significance religion and faith have in their lives, and how socially integrated the members of the different faiths are. The author uses the data from the 2nd wave of the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees from 2017 to explore the question of the faiths to which the refugees who came to Germany in the years from 2013 up to and including 2016 feel that they belong. Furthermore, he shows the importance that religion and faith take on in the lives of the refugees and to what extent they take part in religious life in Germany. Finally, he examines whether attendance at religious ceremonies - as an indicator of participation in religious life - is related to social integration.
- Published
- 2020
38. Different Trends in Marriage and Fertility Behavior for Roman Catholics, German Protestants, and Women without Religious Affiliation in West Germany: An Analysis of Five Birth Cohorts Based on the German General Social Survey
- Author
Sonja Schulz
- Subjects
Familiensoziologie, Sexualsoziologie ,demography ,alte Bundesländer ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,reproductive behavior ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Roman Catholic ,Sociology & anthropology ,Population Studies, Sociology of Population ,religious affiliation ,Trend ,Bevölkerung ,ALLBUS ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,marriage ,fertility ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Religionssoziologie ,General Social Sciences ,Kohortenanalyse ,cohort analysis ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Protestant ,Religion ,generatives Verhalten ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Demographie ,old federal states ,Katholik ,ddc:300 ,Fruchtbarkeit ,German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) - Cumulation 1980-2018 (Data File Version 1.1.0) [social demography ,ZA5276] ,Family Sociology, Sociology of Sexual Behavior ,Sociology of Religion ,ddc:301 ,Ehe - Abstract
In this visualization, the author shows that cohort changes in the propensity to get married and bear a child are different for Roman Catholics, German Protestants, and religiously unaffiliated West German women. The data are from the German General Social Survey—Cumulation 1980–2018. Calculations are based on the life-table method (Kaplan-Meier estimates). In general, demographic changes toward a lower tendency to get married and to bear a child start among the religiously unaffiliated and diffuse to the Christian groups over time, with the Catholics being most resistant to change. The different time trends in demographic behavior translate into increasing differences between religious groups across time, which are most pronounced in the cohort born from 1960 to 1969, and tend to decrease again thereafter.
- Published
- 2022
39. Assessing the Strength of Pentecostal Churches’ Electoral Support: Evidence from Brazil
- Author
Fábio Lacerda
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,Politikwissenschaft ,Qualitative evidence ,Chamber of Deputies ,media_common.quotation_subject ,election ,Elections ,Wahl ,Evangelicals ,050601 international relations ,Wahlergebnis ,State (polity) ,Protestantism ,Pentecostals ,political representation ,religious affiliation ,Political science ,Phenomenon ,Brasilien ,Ethnography ,050602 political science & public administration ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,media_common ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,election result ,05 social sciences ,Legislature ,Protestantismus ,0506 political science ,Religion ,Lateinamerika ,Latin America ,Political economy ,ddc:320 ,Political Science and International Relations ,Brazil - Abstract
Since the 1980s, the number of Pentecostal candidates elected to the Brazilian legislatures has grown remarkably. Literature has argued that the phenomenon is related to Pentecostal churches’ support for particular candidates. To date, however, this claim has been based only on ethnographies or studies relying on a few cases of elected candidates. Drawing from a new data set of Evangelical (Protestant) candidates for the Federal Chamber of Deputies and state legislative assemblies, I try to answer the following questions: Do Pentecostal candidates raise fewer campaign resources than other candidates? What is the effect of being a Pentecostal candidate on the vote in Brazilian legislative elections? Is the structure of the church relevant to this effect? Using OLS regression models, I show that being a Pentecostal has a negative, though not significant effect on campaign spending. Additionally, there is a positive statistical relationship between being a Pentecostal and receiving votes, and between having the support of more centralized churches and receiving votes. Qualitative evidence of six Pentecostal politicians who lost their churches’ support at some point between elections, attempted reelection, and performed considerably worse than before reinforces the importance of having the support of a Pentecostal church., Desde a década de 1980, o número de candidatos pentecostais eleitos para os legislativos brasileiros têm crescido de maneira notável. Estudos anteriores argumentaram que o fenômeno está relacionado ao apoio das igrejas pentecostais a candidatos específicos. Até hoje, no entanto, essa afirmação tem sido baseada apenas em etnografias ou estudos baseados em poucos casos de candidatos eleitos. Com base em um novo banco de dados de candidatos evangélicos (protestantes) para a Câmara dos Deputados e Assembléias Legislativas, tento responder às seguintes perguntas: Candidatos pentecostais arrecadam menos recursos de campanha do que outros candidatos? Qual é o efeito de ser um candidato pentecostal sobre o voto nas eleições legislativas brasileiras? A estrutura da igreja é relevante para esse efeito? Usando modelos de regressão OLS, mostro que ser pentecostal tem um efeito negativo, embora não significativo, sobre os gastos de campanha. Além disso, há uma relação estatística positiva entre ser pentecostal e votos e entre o apoio de igrejas mais centralizadas e votos. Evidências qualitativas de seis políticos pentecostais que perderam o apoio de suas igrejas em algum momento entre as eleições, tentaram a reeleição e se saíram consideravelmente pior do que antes, reforçam a importância de contar com o apoio de uma igreja pentecostal.
- Published
- 2018
40. Understanding the Spatial Trajectories of Minority Groups: An Approach that Examines their Demographic, Cultural and Socio-economic Characteristics
- Author
Sapiro, Philip and Sapiro, Philip
- Abstract
Population researchers have contributed to the debate on minority group distribution and disadvantage and social cohesion by providing objective analysis. A plethora of new distribution measurement techniques have been presented in recent years, but they have not provided sufficient explanatory power of underlying trajectories to inform ongoing political debate. Indeed, a focus on trying to summarise complex situations with readily understood measures may be misplaced. This paper takes an alternative approach and asks whether a more detailed analysis of individual and environmental characteristics is necessary if researchers are to continue to provide worthwhile input to policy development. Using England and Wales as a test bed, it looks at four small sub-populations (circa 250,000 at the turn of the century) - two based on ethnic grouping: Bangladeshi and Chinese; and two based on an under-researched area of cultural background, religion: Jews and Sikhs. Despite major differences in longevity of presence in the UK, age profile, socio-economic progress, and levels of inter-marriage, there are, at a national level, parallels in the distribution patterns and trajectories for three of the groups. However, heterogeneity between and within the groups mean that at a local level, these similarities are confounded. The paper concludes that complex interactions between natural change and migration, and between suburbanisation and a desire for group congregation, mean that explanations for the trajectory of distribution require examination of data at a detailed level, beyond the scope of index-based methods.
- Published
- 2019
41. The ADIS study: a large-scale correspondence test on labor market discrimination in Germany - Technical Report
- Author
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH, Veit, Susanne, Yemane, Ruta, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH, Veit, Susanne, and Yemane, Ruta
- Abstract
The Arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung "ADIS" project is a large scale correspondence study that was conducted in Germany between October 2014 and April 2016 with the aim to study labor market discrimination against second generation immigrants. In particular, the experiment was designed for two purposes: First, to decompose drivers of ethnic discrimination in the labor market and to understand the role of phenotype, country of origin, and religion in order to explain ethnic hierarchies; and second, to test economic theories of taste-based and statistical discrimination models, in order to explain discriminatory hiring decisions. Previous studies on ethnic labor market discrimination have provided strong evidence of its occurrence, but provide limited insight into the mechanisms behind it and the causes of variation in rates of discrimination against different ethnic, racial, and religious groups. In this report we describe our multidimensional design that tests rates of discrimination across 35 ethnic groups, for which we vary productivity relevant information (such as grades and reference letters) as well as phenotype and religious background of the applicants. The study is based on applications to 7,557 job vacancies with male and female applicants in eight professions across Germany. In this technical report we will discuss our research design in depth and give detailed insight into the implementation of the study and the challenges during data collection, with a main focus on the choice of the individual treatments and how they were operationalized., Das Arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung "ADIS" Projekt ist eine großangelegte Korrespondenzteststudie, die deutschlandweit zwischen Oktober 2014 und April 2016 durchgeführt wurde. Während in der Vergangenheit mit Hilfe von Korrespondenzteststudien bereits eindrücklich nachgewiesen werden konnte, dass Bewerber mit Migrationshintergrund auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt benachteiligt werden, geben diese Studien wenig Einblick in die zugrundeliegenden Ursachen und Mechanismen. Ziel der Studie war es daher, das Auftreten und das Ausmaß von Diskriminierung gegenüber qualifizierten Migranten zweiter Generation zu untersuchen und hierbei insbesondere zwei Fragestellungen tiefergehend zu erforschen: Erstens sollen zugrundeliegende Mechanismen ethnischer Diskriminierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt betrachtet werden. Hierbei wird die Rolle von Faktoren wie ethnischer Gruppe, Religion oder Phänotyp beleuchtet, die eventuell ethnische Hierarchien erklären können. Zum anderen sollen Annahmen zweier unterschiedlicher ökonomischer Erklärungsmodelle für diskriminierende Entscheidungen (präferenzbasierte und statistische Diskriminierung) untersucht werden. Für die ADIS-Studie nutzen wir ein multidimensionales Forschungsdesign und messen das Ausmaß von Diskriminierung für insgesamt 35 verschiedene ethnische Gruppen, für die sowohl der Phänotyp und die Religionszugehörigkeit, als auch produktivitätsrelevante Indikatoren wie Zeugnisnoten und Referenzschreiben variiert werden. Die Studie basiert auf rund 7,557 Beobachtungen von männlichen und weiblichen Kandidaten, die sich deutschlandweit auf insgesamt acht verschiedene Berufe beworben haben. Im folgenden Bericht diskutieren wir das Forschungsdesign und geben eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Studienumsetzung sowie der Herausforderungen bei der Datenerhebung und der Operationalisierung der einzelnen Treatments.
- Published
- 2019
42. In ganzer Tiefe, Breite und Länge des Lebens: Profil(e) und Charakteristika konfessioneller Erwachsenenbildung in Hessen
- Author
Seitter, Wolfgang and Seitter, Wolfgang
- Abstract
Konfessionelle Erwachsenenbildungsarbeit vollzieht sich -wie jede Bildungsarbeit- in konkreten gesellschaftlichen und bildungspolitischen Kontexten. Gegenwärtig bedeutet dies für Einrichtungen der kirchlichen wie der allgemeinen Erwachsenenbildung auch und vor allem die Sicherstellung eines spezifischen Profils, um im Feld der Anbieterlandschaft sichtbar und unterscheidbar zu bleiben. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde 2012 eine Studie durchgeführt, um Angebots- und Inhaltsprofil(e) konfessioneller Erwachsenenbildung am Beispiel Hessens genauer zu untersuchen.
- Published
- 2019
43. Vernetzung für die Zukunft: konfessionelle Erwachsenenbildung im Kontext bürgerschaftlichen Engagements
- Author
Drumm, Joachim and Drumm, Joachim
- Abstract
Konfessionelle Erwachsenenbildung ist durch ihre gute Vernetzung vor Ort und durch ihren hohen Einsatz von Ehrenamtlichen besonders geeignet, Menschen in ihrem Lebensraum zu erreichen. Viele lokale Beispiele belegen die erfolgreiche Arbeit.
- Published
- 2019
44. Territorial structure of the denominational space of the South-East Baltic
- Author
Manakov, A. G., Dementiev, V. S., Manakov, A. G., and Dementiev, V. S.
- Abstract
The South-East Baltic is a meeting place of three branches of Christianity: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Lutheranism. Dominant in the Baltic region, these religious confessions define the cultural landscape of the area. At the same time, they have an indirect effect on socio-economic development. In this study, we aim to identify the main components of the territorial structure and the formation and transformation factors of the denominational space in the South-East Baltic. The complexity of the denominational structure of the local population stems from the centuries-long position of this region as a political buffer zone. We calculate the potential denominational structure and the potential religious fractionalisation index at the level of basic territorial units and regions southeast of the Baltic Sea. Based on this, we identify the main components of the territorial structure of the denominational space, which includes three denominational shields and contact zones between them. From a practical viewpoint, these components suggest a new variant of the territorial differentiation of the Baltic region. This variant has only limited relevance to ethnic and socioeconomic zoning.
- Published
- 2019
45. Syrische Migranten in Deutschland als bedeutsame neue Bevölkerungsgruppe
- Author
Worbs, Susanne, Rother, Nina, Kreienbrink, Axel, Worbs, Susanne, Rother, Nina, and Kreienbrink, Axel
- Abstract
2015 und 2016 sah sich Deutschland einer seit den frühen 1990er Jahren nicht mehr gekannten Zahl von Asylsuchenden gegenüber. Syrische Geflüchtete waren dabei - und sind noch immer - die mit Abstand wichtigste Herkunftsgruppe, gefolgt von Menschen aus dem Irak und Afghanistan. Die große Mehrheit der Syrer erhält im Asylverfahren einen Schutzstatus. Ende 2017 lebten fast 700.000 syrische Staatsangehörige in Deutschland, mehr als 23-mal so viele wie vor dem Ausbruch des Krieges im Herkunftsland. Innerhalb weniger Jahre sind sie damit zur drittgrößten Gruppe ausländischer Staatsangehöriger in Deutschland geworden. Dies bringt demographische, sozialstrukturelle und kulturelle Veränderungen in der Bevölkerung insgesamt mit sich.
- Published
- 2019
46. The Denominational Space of Modern Sweden: Christianity
- Author
Olga A. Balabeykina and Vasily L. Martynov
- Subjects
Christentum ,History ,Sociology and Political Science ,value-orientation ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Immigration ,church ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,Raum ,Einwanderung ,Wertorientierung ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,Space (commercial competition) ,Social value orientations ,lcsh:Regional economics. Space in economics ,01 natural sciences ,Sociology & anthropology ,religious affiliation ,Sociology ,media_common ,administrative church structure ,021107 urban & regional planning ,economic activities of religious organisations ,lcsh:HT388 ,Religion ,ddc:301 ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance ,zone ,immigration ,Cultural Studies ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,geography of religions ,media_common.quotation_subject ,orthodoxe Kirche ,Sociology of religion ,Structure (category theory) ,Christianity ,structure ,Religious studies ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Sweden ,Religionssoziologie ,Struktur ,wirtschaftliches Handeln ,economic action ,denominational space ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Sociology of Religion ,Kirche ,Orthodox Church ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Schweden - Abstract
This article considers spatial and temporal diffusion of Christian values in Sweden and examines the features of the country's confessional space. The work aims to identify historical and geographical characteristics of the formation of Sweden’s Christian space and of its current transformation. Another objective is to introduce data on the economic activities of large religious organisations into scholarly use. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that Christianity is the most popular religion in Sweden, given that it is religion that has a profound effect on worldview in a society. The article describes the transformation of territorial and canonical structure of Christian denominations in Sweden. It is argued that, despite secularisation of Swedish society, religion remains a key component in both host and immigrant cultures, which requires a study of the denominational space. Special attention is paid to recent changes in Sweden's Christian space. The authors emphasise the growing role of the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, which is manifested in the rising number of religious facilities and a growing territorial presence. This study is the first in its kind to analyse data on the economic organisation of a foreign country’s denominational space. The authors establish a connection between migration processes in a society and changes in the internal structure of its Christian space.
- Published
- 2017
47. Understanding the Spatial Trajectories of Minority Groups: An Approach that Examines their Demographic, Cultural and Socio-economic Characteristics
- Author
Philip Sapiro
- Subjects
social cohesion ,Minority group ,Spatial distribution ,Index of dissimilarity ,Ethnic group ,Religion ,Migration ,Natural change ,Integration ,Benachteiligung ,Distribution (economics) ,Großbritannien ,migration ,regional distribution ,deprivation ,ethnic group ,religious affiliation ,Bevölkerung ,regionale Verteilung ,Economic geography ,Sociology ,Parallels ,HT201-221 ,education.field_of_study ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Great Britain ,ddc:300 ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,ethnische Gruppe ,Population ,soziale Kohäsion ,Population Studies, Sociology of Population ,Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology ,HB848-3697 ,education ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Disadvantage ,Demography ,Demography. Population. Vital events ,minority ,business.industry ,Segregation ,HT101-395 ,City population. Including children in cities, immigration ,Minderheit ,spatial distribution ,natural change ,Explanatory power ,business - Abstract
Population researchers have contributed to the debate on minority group distribution and disadvantage and social cohesion by providing objective analysis. A plethora of new distribution measurement techniques have been presented in recent years, but they have not provided sufficient explanatory power of underlying trajectories to inform ongoing political debate. Indeed, a focus on trying to summarise complex situations with readily understood measures may be misplaced. This paper takes an alternative approach and asks whether a more detailed analysis of individual and environmental characteristics is necessary if researchers are to continue to provide worthwhile input to policy development. Using England and Wales as a test bed, it looks at four small sub-populations (circa 250,000 at the turn of the century) – two based on ethnic grouping: Bangladeshi and Chinese; and two based on an under-researched area of cultural background, religion: Jews and Sikhs. Despite major differences in longevity of presence in the UK, age profile, socio-economic progress, and levels of inter-marriage, there are, at a national level, parallels in the distribution patterns and trajectories for three of the groups. However, heterogeneity between and within the groups mean that at a local level, these similarities are confounded. The paper concludes that complex interactions between natural change and migration, and between suburbanisation and a desire for group congregation, mean that explanations for the trajectory of distribution require examination of data at a detailed level, beyond the scope of index-based methods. Such analyses are necessary if researchers are to effectively contribute to future policy development., Comparative Population Studies, Vol 44 (2019)
- Published
- 2019
48. Stav i poverenje prema crkvi kod građana Srbije
- Author
Andrijanaa, Maksimović and Aleksandar, Petrov
- Subjects
Vertrauen ,Serbien ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,church ,rural area ,ländlicher Raum ,Sociology & anthropology ,Serbian ,Einstellung ,religious affiliation ,gender ,stav prema crkvi ,poverenje u crkvu ,obrazovanje ,pol ,selo/grad ,religijske konfesije ,građani Srbije ,attitude towards church ,confidence in church ,rural/urban ,religious affiliations ,Serbian citizens ,Philosophy, Ethics, Religion ,Philosophie, Theologie ,education ,Religionssoziologie ,Geschlecht ,Philosophie ,Philosophy ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Serbe ,attitude ,ddc:100 ,Stadtregion ,Sociology of Religion ,Kirche ,ddc:301 ,confidence ,Bildung ,EVS ,Serbia ,urban area - Abstract
Proces sekularizacije je učinio da klasična religioznost izgubi svoju tradicionalno dominantnu poziciju. Tu poziciju preuzimaju oblici tzv. svetovne religioznosti. Prema našem mišljenju, svetovna religioznost nije prepoznata u Srbiji kao religioznost postmodernog doba, već pre kao oblik prilagođenosti religije uslovima postmodernizma. Otuda smatramo da je klasična religioznost u Srbiji i dalje dominantna. Stav i poverenje prema crkvi upravo tumačimo kao konvencionalnu religioznost. Stav i poverenje prema crkvi sagledavamo kroz dva pitanja. Prvo pitanje meri stav prema crkvi kroz dvovalentno izražavanje stava o tome da li crkva daje odgovore na moralna pitanja, duhovne potrebe, porodične i socijalne probleme. Drugo pitanje tiče se poverenja u crkvu. Oba pitanja smo merili u odnosu na obrazovanje, pol, na relaciji ruralno/urbano i u odnosu na pripadnost religijskim konfesijama. U radu smo se oslanjali na analizu sekundarnih podataka EVS-a (European Value Study) na bazi anketne metode u svim državama Evrope. Hipoteze od kojih smo pošli u radu bile su da se sa povećanjem nivoa obrazovanja smanjuje stepen poverenja u crkvu a da je stav prema crkvi negativniji, da je kod žena pozitivniji stav prema crkvi i veće poverenje nego kod muškaraca, da je viši stepen poverenja i pozitivniji stav prema crkvi u selu nego u gradu i da je viši stepen poverenja i pozitivan stav prema crkvi, odnosno prema verskim zajednicama, kod muslimana nego kod pravoslavaca, katolika i protestanata. Teorijski, naše pretpostavke su zasnovane na teoriji sekularizacije. U tom smislu, društvene promene su umanjile uticaj religije u društvu, a na pojedince se deluje mehanizmima profanog društva. Fokusirali smo se na građane Srbije, gde su uticaji tranzicije poziciju religije učinili složenijom. The process of secularization made classical religiosity lose its traditionally dominant position. This position is taken over by forms of the so-called secular religiosity. In our view, secular religiosity is not recognized in Serbia as religiosity of the postmodern age, but rather as a form of adaptation of religion to the conditions of postmodernism. Therefore, we believe that classical religiosity is still dominant in Serbia. We just interpret attitude and trust in church as conventional religiosity. Attitudes towards and trust in church are examined through two questions. The first question measures the attitude towards church through a bivalent attitude of whether church gives answers to moral questions, spiritual needs, family and social issues. The second question is about trust in church. We measured both issues in relation to education, gender, rural/urban relation, and religious affiliation. In this paper, we have relied on the analysis of secondary EVS (European Value Study) data based on a survey conducted in all European countries. The hypotheses we started from in the paper were that as the level of education increases, the level of trust in church decreases, and that the attitude towards church is more negative, that women have a more positive attitude towards church and greater trust than men, that the level of trust is higher and there is a more positive attitude towards church in the village compared to the city, and that there is a higher degree of trust and a positive attitude towards church, i.e. religious communities, among Muslims compared to Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants. Theoretically, our assumptions are based on secularization theory. In this sense, social changes have diminished the impact of religion in society, and individuals are influenced by the mechanisms of a profane society. We have focused on the citizens of Serbia, where the effects of transition made the position of religion more complex.
- Published
- 2019
49. A mall intercept survey on religion and worldview in the Cape Flats of Cape Town, South Africa
- Author
Thomas J Farrar, Mandisi D. Moya, Khanyisane A. Falake, Ivor I. Rudolph, and Adriel Mebaley
- Subjects
demographische Faktoren ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,religiousness ,mall intercept ,Supernaturalism ,BL1-2790 ,Sociology & anthropology ,Religiosity ,South Africa ,Religious pluralism ,doi.org/10.4232/1.13161) ,South African 2011 Census [mall intercept ,survey ,Cape Flats ,International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) Religion III - ISSP 2008 (ZA4950, Datenfile Version 2.3.0, https] ,religious affiliation ,Cape ,Republik Südafrika ,worldview ,Religionssoziologie ,Religiosität ,Religions. Mythology. Rationalism ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,demographic factors ,Weltanschauung ,Islam ,church attendance ,Kirchenbesuch ,spirituality ,Spiritualität ,Geography ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,religion ,mall intercept, religion, worldview, survey, Cape Flats, South Africa ,Republic of South Africa ,Ethnology ,Sociology of Religion ,ddc:301 - Abstract
This study analyzes worldviews and religious beliefs and practices in the Cape Flats area of Cape Town, South Africa, using a mall intercept survey of n=513 visitors to five shopping centers. Variables considered included demographic characteristics, measures of religiosity and religious pluralism, participation in religious activities, and supernaturalism (both related and unrelated to a traditional Christian-Abrahamic worldview). The majority (69.4%) of respon-dents identifies as Christian, though denominational affiliation is very diverse. The other two prevalent religious affiliations are the African Traditional Religion (16.4%) and Islam (11.7%). Only 1.6% of the respondents self-identified as non-religious, a smaller percentage than has been found in research on Cape Town as a whole or South Africa nationally. The degree of self-reported religiosity, participation in religious activities, and belief in supernatural phenomena are all high. Associations between demographic characteristics and religion and worldview variables are analyzed in detail.Keywords: mall intercept, religion, worldview, survey, Cape Flats, South Africa
- Published
- 2019
50. Secular New Zealand and Religious Diversity: From Cultural Evolution to Societal Affirmation
- Author
Douglas Pratt
- Subjects
Christentum ,Religionspolitik ,Sociology and Political Science ,Cultural identity ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,Soziologie von Gesamtgesellschaften ,social relations ,02 engineering and technology ,religious diversity ,religiöse Gruppe ,290 Other religions ,Sociology & anthropology ,religious affiliation ,Cultural diversity ,religious group ,Sociology ,Religionsgemeinschaft ,Social science ,Sociocultural evolution ,media_common ,kulturelle Vielfalt ,060303 religions & theology ,education.field_of_study ,Diversität ,social integration ,021107 urban & regional planning ,06 humanities and the arts ,ethnic diversity ,Religion ,lcsh:Sociology (General) ,230 Christianity & Christian theology ,240 Christian practice & observance ,soziale Integration ,ddc:301 ,cultural identity ,Laizismus ,280 Christian denominations ,Social Psychology ,Neuseeland ,Religionszugehörigkeit ,laicism ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Sociology of religion ,Population ,Christian missions ,lcsh:HM401-1281 ,secularization ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Macrosociology, Analysis of Whole Societies ,soziale Beziehungen ,Christianity ,Indigenous ,Christian denominations ,diversity ,demographics ,Secularization ,education ,kulturelle Identität ,reception ,religious community ,Religionssoziologie ,historische Entwicklung ,Säkularisierung ,religious policy ,historical development ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Sociology of Religion ,200 Religion ,cultural diversity ,Diversity (politics) ,New Zealand - Abstract
About a century ago New Zealand was a predominantly white Anglo-Saxon Christian nation, flavoured only by diversities of Christianity. A declining indigenous population (Maori) for the most part had been successfully converted as a result of 19th century missionary endeavour. In 2007, in response to increased presence of diverse religions, a national Statement on Religious Diversity was launched. During the last quarter of the 20th century the rise of immigrant communities, with their various cultures and religions, had contributed significantly to the changing demographic profile of religious affiliation. By early in the 21st century this diversity, together with issues of inter-communal and interreligious relations, all in the context of New Zealand being a secular society, needed to be addressed in some authoritative way. Being a secular country, the government keeps well clear of religion and expects religions to keep well clear of politics. This paper will outline relevant historical and demographic factors that set the scene for the Statement, which represents a key attempt at enhancing social inclusion with respect to contemporary religious diversity. The statement will be outlined and discussed, and other indicators of the way in which religious diversity is being received and attended to will be noted. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2016
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