973 results on '"Regulacija"'
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2. Upravljanje Umetne Inteligence v Evropskem Digitalnem Ekosistemu: Kontekstualizacija, Razvoj in Trendi.
- Author
Trilar, Jure and Cvar, Nina
- Subjects
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DIGITAL technology , *ECOSYSTEM management , *ARTIFICIAL intelligence , *SCIENCE associations , *POWER (Social sciences) - Abstract
This paper examines the development of a governance model for the so-called European digital ecosystem and its management of artificial intelligence (AI) systems within the socio-political conditions of datafication. The text identifies the role of AI in the European digital ecosystem, which is also appropriately defined. The main thesis of the research—that the regulatory intentions for managing AI systems should be understood within the broader European digital ecosystem, contextualized within the epistemological frameworks of the European Union—is elaborated using the theoretical approach of Ian Manners (2008), who in his analyses describes the EU as a global normative political power. The research, through secondary analysis, which includes not only existing literature but also the analysis of documents such as preparatory documents of the European Commission, materials, and studies from working groups in the field of AI from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), demonstrates the positioning of the European digital ecosystem within the normative political legacy of the EU, which is also reflected in the governance of AI systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Mihajlović, Aleksandar
- Subjects
GOVERNMENT corporations ,DOCUMENTATION ,GOVERNMENT policy ,ECONOMIC development - Abstract
Copyright of Facta Universitatis: Law & Politics is the property of University of Nis, Serbia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
JUST, Petr and MORGADO, Nuno
- Subjects
POLITICAL competition ,POLITICAL culture ,HISTORICAL trauma ,POLITICAL movements ,POPULIST parties (Politics) - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Comparative Politics is the property of Journal of Comparative Politics and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
5. Načrtovanje, izdelava in vodenje sistema za regulacijo ravnovesja krogle na letvi z uporabo industrijske krmilne opreme.
- Author
Muškinja, Nenad and Stojnšek, Matej
- Subjects
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SERVOMECHANISMS , *INDUSTRIAL controls manufacturing , *USER interfaces , *PROGRAMMABLE controllers , *INDUSTRIAL equipment - Abstract
The paper presents the design and implementation of a ball-onbeam system using a Mitsubishi industrial equipment. The system is implemented both mechanically and in simulations. An industrial servo motor with a servo drive ensures the beam angle. An industrial PLC controls the system and an HMI display is used for the user interface. A dynamic mathematical model of the system is developed. It is used in simulations to design control algorithms. Simulations of the designed algorithms are performed in the Matlab/Simulink environment. They are implemented in PLC and hardware configured. An onscreen HMI user interface is created. The control performance is measured on a real system and is compared with simulation results. The system is used to control the ball position along the beam. Different control algorithms are available. The controller parameters can be changed by the HMI interface. The developed system can be used as an alternative to commercial systems to learn the control theory and the industrial hardware and software. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
- Author
ERŽEN, Marjeta and ČEH, Barbara
- Abstract
Foraging has always been an important activity for people, as it provided them with food, spices, and medicinal plants. Knowledge of foraging is diminishing in today's times, as there is no longer such a need for this method of food obtaining. However, the trends in foraging herbs are gradually making a comeback, whether people gather them for personal use or for commercial purposes. However, lack of good manners in herb foraging and in understanding of responsible foraging can lead to excessive exploitation of natural habitats, the disappearance of certain plant species, damage to ecosystems, soil erosion, and the spread of invasive species. Due to the intensive human activity of collecting wild species of plants for commercial purposes, the overexploitation of these plants has appeared in some places, therefore, instructions have come from many departments dealing with this to transfer wild plants to the cultivation system and thereby reduce excessive taking from nature. At the same time, to reduce the negative impact of herb foraging on the environment, it is necessary to introduce regulations in this area, educate people about sustainable herb foraging, implement control, and systematically organize the activity of herb gathering. Guidelines for herb foraging, as outlined in this article, can contribute to these efforts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Čandrlić, Slavko, Holik, Dubravka, and Včev, Ivan
- Subjects
CITIES & towns ,PRICE regulation ,INTERNATIONALIZED territories ,DRUG prices ,DRUG laws - Abstract
Copyright of Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law in Split / Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Splitu is the property of Split Faculty of Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Kristijan, Ristić and Nataša, Marjanović
- Subjects
Copyright of Business Studies / Poslovne Studje is the property of Business Studies / Poslovne Studje and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
PETROVIĆ, Dalibor and PAVLOVIĆ, Dejan
- Subjects
VIRTUAL communities ,INTERNET privacy ,MODERN society ,VIRTUAL communications ,DIGITAL technology ,ANONYMITY - Abstract
Copyright of Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu is the property of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
- Subjects
ELECTRICITY markets ,ENERGY consumption ,ELECTRICITY pricing ,ABSOLUTE value ,SUPPLY & demand ,ELECTRIC power consumption - Abstract
Copyright of Ekonomske Ideje i Praksa is the property of Centar za Izdavacku Delatnost Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Beogradu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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11. Organizacijski aspekti regulacijskih tijela za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanja.
- Author
Kristić, Tadija
- Subjects
UNFAIR competition ,GOVERNMENT agencies ,PUBLIC administration ,PUBLIC interest ,ORGANIZATIONAL change - Abstract
Copyright of Croatian & Comparative Public Administration is the property of Institut za Javnu Upravu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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12. Kvaliteta usluga za beskućnike: prikaz trenutnog stanja i izazova u Hrvatskoj.
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QUALITY of service , *QUALITY control , *SOCIAL services , *HOMELESS persons , *HOMELESSNESS , *QUALITATIVE research - Abstract
Although homelessness is a multifaceted phenomenon that has aroused interest in the Croatian scientiï¬c community over the last decade, the quality of homelessness services has not been explored so far. Based on a qualitative research that included key participants in the homelessness sector, this theme is problematized through various aspects of service quality. Following an introduction and a description of the method used, this paper describes the legal regulation of quality of services for homeless people, as well as the problems that homelessness services providers encounter in practice in relation to legal documents. More speciï¬cally, this paper analyses: the availability of services for homeless people, ï¬nancing models, quality of accommodation facilities, quality of social services and quality control. All these aspects of service quality are supplemented by a number of ï¬rst-hand practical experiences as well as some examples of good practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Muharemović, Mahir
- Abstract
Copyright of Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law in Split / Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Splitu is the property of Split Faculty of Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Ekonomske Ideje i Praksa is the property of Centar za Izdavacku Delatnost Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Beogradu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Tomić, Zoran R.
- Abstract
Copyright of Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade is the property of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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16. Razvoj sistema za upravljanje s porabo električne energije
- Author
BREGAR, LOVRENC and Blažič, Boštjan
- Subjects
virtual power plant ,pulse width modulation ,Raspberry Pi ,active consumer ,tokovni merilnik ,pametno omrežje ,inštalacijski odklopnik ,current measurement device ,rezanje električnih konic ,regulacija ,circuit breaker ,regulation ,mikrokrmilnik ,virtualna elektrarna ,peak sheaving ,pulzno širinska modulacija ,microcontroller ,aktivni porabnik ,napetostni regulator ,smart grid ,voltage regulator - Abstract
Diplomsko delo zajema upravljanje s porabo različnih bremen odjemalca električne energije glede na skupno porabo. Informacija o skupni porabi je lahko pridobljena na različne načine. Pri iskanju rešitve smo predpostavljali, da je informacija o skupni električni porabi že na voljo oz. se po potrebi dogradi ustrezen merilnik. Za možnosti upravljanja porabnikov smo iz nabora znanih porabnikov izpostavili tiste, pri katerih bi najprej lahko začeli izvajati upravljanje porabe glede na skupno porabo. Med izbranimi porabniki smo se osredotočili na enostavne porabnike, ki imajo lastnosti čistega ohmskega bremena. Na njih je možno enostavno krmiljenje z napetostnimi regulatorji. Tipičen primer je grelnik vode - bojler, ki smo ga med testiranjem nadomestili s klasično žarnico. Za mikrokrmilnik smo uporabili Raspberry PI z linux operacijskim sistemom. Poleg napajanja smo pripravili ustrezne signalne in komunikacijske povezave. Za krmiljenje porabnika smo izdelali napetostni regulator. Napetost na izhodu regulatorja je odvisna od signala PWM na vhodu. Izbrali smo merilnik proizvajalca Iammeter, ki omogoča standardno komunikacijo preko Modbus protokola in RS485 povezave. Vso omenjeno opremo smo zmontirali na panel. Zaradi narave testov smo uredili brezprekinitveno DC napajanje s pomožno baterijo. Poleg priprave strojne opreme je bila potrebna tudi izdelava programske opreme. Glavni del je regulacija upravljanja porabnika na osnovi meritev skupne porabe in vnaprej postavljene meje toka. Programska oprema je izdelana v Python programskemu jeziku in se izvaja na mikrokrmilniku. Za namen meritev posameznih tokov smo si pripravili neodvisno meritev z večkanalnim simultanim merilnikom in računalnikom s programom za prikaz vrednosti v obliki grafov. Prikaz vseh tokov v realnem času je nudil dobro predstavo o poteku regulacije. Rezultati testiranja so pokazali smotrno uporabo izbrane rešitve. Z upravljanjem porabnikov se lahko upravlja skupni odjem električne energije. To je recimo zelo aktualno, ko govorimo o sprotni porabi energije, proizvedene s sončno elektrarno. Isto rešitev lahko uporabimo v primeru rezanja energetskih konic, ki imajo za osnovo 15 minutne intervale. Z optimizacijo regulatorja lahko dosegamo tudi hitre odzive znotraj ene sekunde, ki pa pomenijo dodatne prednosti pri omejevanju toka blizu nazivne meje glavnih ali drugih varovalk. Omenjena rešitev je z uporabo prenosa informacije o skupnem toku preko prostranega (WAN) ali lokalnega (LAN) omrežja lahko aktualna pri dizajniranju elektro distribucije preko vključevanja v pametna omrežja (»Smart Grid«) oz. virtualne elektrarne (»Virtual power Plant«). The thesis covers the management of the consumption of various loads of the electricity consumer in relation to the total consumption. Information on total consumption can be captured in different ways. When searching for a solution, we assumed that the information on the total electricity consumption is already available or additional measuring device will be added. For controlling the consumers we are choosing from a set of known consumers in which we can control the consumption considering the total consumption. Among the selected consumers, we focused on simple consumers that have the characteristics of a pure ohmic load and controlled with voltage regulator. A typical example is a water heater, which we replaced with a classic light bulb during testing. We used a Raspberry Pi with a Linux operating system for the microcontroller. In addition to power supply, we prepared the necessary signal and communication connections. We designed a voltage regulator to control the load. The voltage at the output of the regulator depends on the PWM signal at the input. We selected a measuring device from the manufacturer Iammeter, which enables standard communication via the Modbus protocol and RS485 connection. We assembled all the equipment on the panel. Due to the nature of the tests, we set up an uninterrupted DC power supply with an auxiliary battery. In addition to preparing the hardware, software development was also necessary. The main part involves regulating the control of the load based on measurements of the total consumption and predetermined current limits. The software is developed in the Python programming language and runs on the microcontroller. For the purpose of measuring specific currents, we prepared an independent measurement using a multi-channel simultaneous measuring device and computer software to display values in graphs. The real-time monitor of all currents provided a good representation of the controlled regulation proces The testing results demonstrated the effective use of the selected solution. By controlling the loads we can control the total electricity consumption. This is particularly relevant when discussing real-time energy consumption produced by a solar power plant. We can use the same solution when cutting peak energy consumption that are based interval of 15- minute. By optimizing the controller, we can achieve quick responses within one second, which offers additional benefits in limiting the current near the nominal limit of the fuses. The mentioned solution, using the transfer of information of total current via a wide area (WAN) or local (LAN) network, can be relevant in the design of electricity distribution through integration into smart grids or virtual power plant.
- Published
- 2023
17. Bank funding, credit growth and macroprudential regulation
- Author
Ćehajić, Aida and Košak, Marko
- Subjects
reliability ,boniteta ,finančni instrumenti ,kreditiranje ,banking ,crediting ,regulation ,financiranje ,kontrola ,udc:336.1 ,financing ,regulacija ,financial instruments ,cost ,stroški ,banking management ,bančno poslovanje ,krediti ,control ,bančništvo ,credit - Published
- 2023
18. Analiza evropskega bančnega regulativnega okvira za okoljska, družbena in upravljavska razkritja
- Author
Govejšek, Nastja and Marinč, Matej
- Subjects
sustainable development ,kreditiranje ,banking ,tveganje standardi ,crediting ,projects ,regulation ,razkritje ,projekti ,regulacija ,trajnostni razvoj ,standards ,udc:336.71 ,EU ,disclosure ,bančništvo ,risk - Published
- 2023
19. A feasibility analysis of the entry of Preskok into the Scandinavian market
- Author
Radilović, Ana and Pfajfar, Gregor
- Subjects
udc:339.13 ,Sweden ,analiza ,Norway ,trg ,Slovenia ,market ,regulation ,research,a nalysis ,modeli ,legislation ,regulacija ,models ,zakonodaja ,električna vozila ,Švedska ,foreign trade ,Slovenija ,Norveška ,raziskave ,competition ,konkurenca ,electric vehicles ,zunanja trgovina - Published
- 2023
20. The implementation of Solvency II directive in the Western Balkan countries
- Author
Apostolovska, Marija and Marinč, Matej
- Subjects
analiza ,direktive ES ,capital ,analysis ,zavarovalstvo ,kapital ,regulation ,solventnost ,solvency ,simulation ,simulacija ,risk management ,regulacija ,udc:336 ,obvladovanje tveganj ,EC directives ,insurance - Published
- 2023
21. Electricity price modelling and the role of new developments in electricity markets
- Author
Halužan, Marko and Verbič, Miroslav
- Subjects
energetics ,renewable energy resources ,primeri ,trg ,market ,regulation ,energetika ,modeli ,price ,regulacija ,ekonomska predvidevanja ,strojno učenje ,models ,machine learning ,cases ,električna energija ,economic forecasting ,electricity ,EU ,obnovljivi viri energije ,udc:620.9 ,cena - Published
- 2023
22. Vpliv cen stanovanjskih nepremičnin na bilance bank v Evropski uniji
- Author
Čižman, Manca and Marinč, Matej
- Subjects
analiza ,research ,analysis ,real estate ,banking ,regulation ,nepremičnine ,price ,regulacija ,udc:332.8 ,stanovanja ,banking management ,bančno poslovanje ,appartements ,raziskave ,bančništvo ,cena ,tveganje ,risk - Published
- 2023
23. Vloga agregatorja pri vzpostavitvi trga vodenega polnjenja električnih vozil
- Author
Korošec, Jan and Manfreda, Anton
- Subjects
energetics ,trg ,reforme ,market ,regulation ,energetika ,regulacija ,mobility ,reforms ,mobilnost ,električna vozila ,električna energija ,aggregates ,liberalizacija ,liberalization ,electricity ,agregati ,EU ,udc:620.9 ,electric vehicles - Published
- 2023
24. Digital transformation of a bank due to COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Šnofl, Julija and Indihar Štemberger, Mojca
- Subjects
safety ,research ,kadri ,analysis ,epidemija ,banking ,regulation ,raziskav analiza ,digitalization ,digitalizacija ,regulacija ,epidemic ,varnost ,case study ,udc:659.2:004 ,personnel ,bančništvo - Published
- 2023
25. Accounting specifics in the banking operations of Hrvatska poštanska banka p.l.c
- Author
Pintarić, Ines and Peruško, Ticijan
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Finance ,specifičnost financijskih izvještaja ,financial statements ,financijski izvještaji ,bank ,specifičnost bankarskog poslovanja ,regulation ,regulacija ,financial institution ,financijska institucija ,specificity of financial statements ,specificity of banking operations ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Financije ,banka - Abstract
Predmet diplomskog rada su banke i specifičnosti njihove djelatnosti, na koji način i prema kojim pravilima posluju. Banke u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao financijska institucija, značajan su i utjecajan sektor u poslovanju te utječu na financijski i gospodarski sektor države. Specifičnost bankarskog poslovanja očituje se u tome da se banke moraju držati svih zakonskih propisa i regulativa, jer njihovo ne pridržavanje bi moglo dovesti do destabilizacije financijskog i gospodarskog sektora države i narušavanja povjerenja od strane komitenata. U Republici Hrvatskoj regulaciju banaka vrši Hrvatska narodna banka. Za sve financijske institucije obvezna je primjena računovodstvenih načela i standarda MSFI i MRS prilikom financijskog izvještavanja. The subject of the thesis are banks and the specifics of their activity, how and according to which rules they operate. Banks in the Republic of Croatia, as a financial institution, are an important and influential sector in business and influence the financial and economic sectors of the country. The specificity of banking operations is manifested in the fact that banks must adhere to all laws and regulations, because failure to comply with them could lead to destabilization of the financial and economic sector of the state and breach of trust on the part of clients. In the Republic of Croatia, banks are regulated by the Croatian National Bank. For all financial institutions, it is mandatory to apply the accounting principles and standards of MSFI and MRS during financial reporting.
- Published
- 2023
26. Analiza družbeno odgovornega poročanja izbranih bank v Evropski uniji
- Author
Orter, Vanja and Košak, Marko
- Subjects
banke ,analiza ,sustainable development ,research ,analysis ,udc:502.131.1 ,banking ,reports ,social responsibility ,regulation ,regulacija ,banks ,trajnostni razvoj ,družbena odgovornost ,raziskave ,EU ,bančništvo ,poročila - Published
- 2023
27. Price determinants and valuation models of cryptocurrencies
- Author
Smolič, Anej and Čadež, Simon
- Subjects
blockchain technology ,finance ,currency ,kriptovaluta ,regulation ,denar ,price ,regulacija ,cryptocurrency ,tehnologija veriženja podatkovnih blokov ,value ,money ,valuta ,vrednost ,udc:336,74 ,tveganje ,cena ,risk - Published
- 2023
28. Analiza trga pogonskih goriv v Sloveniji po popolni liberalizaciji cen
- Author
Franz, Josip Julijo and Švigelj, Matej
- Subjects
energetics ,analiza ,analysis ,trg ,Slovenia ,market ,regulation ,energetika ,oil ,oblikovanje cene ,regulacija ,preskrbovalne verige ,udc:339.3 ,pricing ,Slovenija ,nafta ,supply chain - Published
- 2023
29. Analiza dostopnosti zdravil v Sloveniji glede na leto pridobitve dovoljenja za promet
- Author
Petrovič Fras, Tonja and Došenović Bonča, Petra
- Subjects
registracija ,Slovenia ,zdravila novi proizvodi ,regulation ,ZDA ,mednarodne primerjave ,price ,regulacija ,medications ,new products ,udc:614 ,registration ,Slovenija ,international comparisons ,EU ,cena ,USA - Published
- 2023
30. Spread risk and matching adjustment in solvency II
- Author
Mitrovska, Marija and Perman, Mihael
- Subjects
capital ,zavarovalstvo ,udc:368 ,regulation ,kapital ,obvladovanje tveganj ,solventnost ,solvency ,Slovency II ,EU ,risk management ,regulacija ,insurance - Published
- 2023
31. A comparison of key relative financial performance indicators between Malaysian takaful firms and Slovenian conventional insurance firms
- Author
Alajbegović, Naida and Ahčan, Aleš
- Subjects
research ,analiza ,analysis ,rules ,zavarovalstvo ,regulation ,comparisons ,modeli ,islam ,regulacija ,models ,udc:368 ,komparacije ,raziskave ,pravila ,insurance - Published
- 2023
32. Economics and regulation of motor third party liability insurance
- Author
Đurić, Olja and Perman, Mihael
- Subjects
indemnity responsibility ,zavarovalstvo ,Slovenia ,Srbija ,regulation ,odškodnina ,mednarodne primerjave ,oblikovanje cene ,regulacija ,avtomobilsko zavarovanje ,udc:368 ,pricing ,Slovenija ,international comparisons ,EU ,indemnity ,Serbia ,insurance ,car insurance ,odškodninska odgovornost - Published
- 2023
33. An analysis of blockchain innovation in the insurance industry
- Author
Vujičić, Nikolija and Groznik, Aleš
- Subjects
blockchain technology ,zavarovalstvo ,tveganje,varnost ,regulation ,strategija ,regulacija ,culture ,tehnologija veriženja podatkovnih blokov ,kultura ,informatika ,udc:368 ,informatics ,risk,safety ,strategy ,insurance - Published
- 2023
- Author
Krasniqi, Enver and Durguti, Esat
- Subjects
SMEs ,financing ,government policy ,and regulation ,MSP ,financiranje ,vladina politika ,regulacija - Abstract
This paper aims to examine the barriers and challenges faced by businesses in Kosovo in terms of access to SMEs funding sources during the pandemic, as well as their impact on the business evaluation of SMEs. Given that more than 99 percent of businesses in Kosovo are SMEs, which are considered essential for economic development, they also contribute to job creation. This study employs a quantitative approach, with reported data provided directly by SMEs via questionnaires. The empirical approach used in the study is ordered logit regression to measure the effect of credit lending, business plan, own investment, donations, and borrowings from family or friends on business evaluation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Empirical results show that credit lending and business plans have a significant positive impact on business evaluation, whereas borrowings from family or friends and donations have a significant negative impact. Despite the study’s limitations, we are convinced that it should spark a debate between researchers, academics, and policymakers. The study contains the original value and contribution in the empirical aspect, which is designed on the data provided for Kosovo to evaluate the association between SMEs and the use of funding sources during the Covid-19 pandemic., Ovaj rad ima za cilj ispitati prepreke i izazove s kojima se suočavaju poduzeća na Kosovu u pogledu pristupa izvorima financiranja MSP-a tijekom pandemije, kao i njihov utjecaj na poslovnu procjenu MSP-a. S obzirom na to da su više od 99 posto poduzeća na Kosovu mala i srednja poduzeća, koja se smatraju ključnima za gospodarski razvoj, ona također doprinose stvaranju radnih mjesta. Ova studija koristi kvantitativni pristup, s prijavljenim podacima koje dostavljaju mala i srednja poduzeća izravno putem upitnika. Empirijski pristup korišten u studiji je uređena logit regresija za mjerenje učinka kreditiranja, poslovnog plana, vlastitog ulaganja, donacija i posuđivanja od obitelji ili prijatelja na procjenu poslovanja tijekom pandemije Covid-19. Empirijski rezultati pokazuju da kreditiranje i poslovni planovi imaju značajan pozitivan utjecaj na procjenu poslovanja, dok posudbe od obitelji ili prijatelja te donacije imaju značajan negativan utjecaj. Unatoč ograničenjima studije, uvjereni smo da bi ona trebala potaknuti raspravu između istraživača, akademika i kreatora politike. Studija sadrži izvornu vrijednost i doprinos u empirijskom aspektu, koji je osmišljen na temelju podataka dostavljenih za Kosovo za procjenu povezanosti između malih i srednjih poduzeća i korištenja izvora financiranja tijekom pandemije Covid-19.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
ŠUTE, Ivica
- Abstract
Copyright of Economic & Ecohistory / Ekonomska i Ekohistorija is the property of Society for Croatian Economic & Environmental History and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
36. Private Security Regulation in Hungary and Slovenia - A Comparative Study Based on Legislation and Societal Foundations.
- Author
Christián, László and Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
PRIVATE security services ,SOCIALISM ,BUSINESSPEOPLE ,LAW - Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
37. Microcontroller system design for speed control of a brushless direct-current electrical motor
- Author
Uroić, Ivan and Pavković, Danijel
- Subjects
PCB ,BLDC ,brushless ,printed circuit board ,regulation ,mikrokontroler ,simulation ,simulacija ,regulacija ,testing ,matematički model ,testiranje ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Electrical Engineering. Automation and Robotics ,microcontroller ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Elektrotehnika. Automatizacija i robotika ,tiskana pločica ,control ,upravljanje ,mathematical model - Abstract
Beskolektorski istosmjerni (BLDC) elektromotori često su korišteni u uređajima raznih namjena. Iako imaju mnogo prednosti u odnosu na konvencionalne istosmjerne strojeve, ipak su kompliciraniji za upravljanje. Stoga je opisan matematički model BLDC elektromotora, te je iz istog napravljena simulacija u programskom paketu Simulink. Pomoću opisanog modela i njegove simulacije moguće je testirati razne metode upravljanja, te vidjeti očekivani rezultat. Potom su projektirane, izrađene i testirane tiskane pločice koje služe za upravljanje sa četiri pojedina BLDC elektromotora. Napisan je upravljački program za reguliranje brzine vrtnje elektromotora na STM32 mikrokontroleru. Provedena su ispitivanja i dobiveni rezultati jednog kanala izrađene tiskane pločice. Brushless direct current (BLDC) electric motors are often used in devices of various purposes. Although they have many advantages over conventional DC machines, they are still more complicated to operate. Therefore, a mathematical model of a BLDC electric motor was described and a simulation was made from it using Simulink. Using the described model and its simulation, it is possible to test various control and regulation methods and see the expected result. After that, printed circuit boards were designed, made and tested, which serve to control four individual BLDC electric motors. A driver program was written for regulating the rotational speed of an electric motor on the STM32 microcontroller. Tests were carried out and the results of one channel of the printed circuit board were obtained.
- Published
- 2022
38. Karakterizacija vezave kalcijevih ionov v kalmodulinu podobno domeno α-aktinina-4 in priprava kristalov za strukturne raziskave
- Author
Ivanovski, Andrej and Pavšič, Miha
- Subjects
kalcij ,calcium ,crystallization ,kristalizacija ,α-actinin-4 ,α-aktinin-4 ,regulation ,structure ,regulacija ,struktura - Abstract
Aktivnost mnogih citosolnih proteinov je odvisna od koncentracije kalcija. Eden izmed pomembnih znotrajceličnih proteinov, ki se odziva na kalcijeve ione, je α-aktinin-4. α aktinini so citoskeletni proteini iz družine spektrinov, ki igrajo povezovalno vlogo med različnimi celičnimi strukturami. Sestavljajo jih štiri regije in sicer aktin vezavna domena, paličasta regija s štirimi spektrinskimi ponovitvami, povezovalna regija “vrat” in kalmodulinu podobna domena. α aktinine delimo na dve skupini glede na njihovo tkivno specifičnost. Mišični izoobliki, α-aktinina 2 in 3, ne vežeta Ca2+-ionov. Po drugi strani ne-mišični izoobliki, α aktinina-1 in -4, vežeta Ca2+-ione, kar vpliva na njuno strukturo in posledično na prostorsko ureditev z njima povezanih aktinskih filamentov. Aktivno obliko α-aktinina-4 predstavlja antiparalelen homodimer z aktin-vezavno domeno na obeh koncih, katerega osrednja vloga je prečno povezovanje aktinskih filamentov v snope in mreže. Za razliko od sorodnega α-aktinina-1 je prisoten tudi v nukleoplazmi, kjer naj bi deloval kot transkripcijski ko-aktivator številnih genov, vpletenih v tumorske spremembe celic. Dosedanje raziskave so pokazale, da vezava Ca2+-iona v kalmodulinu podobno domeno α aktinina-1 sproži konformacijske spremembe v tem delu molekule, ki se po predvidevanjih prenesejo na aktin-vezavo domeno in posledično reorganizacijo aktinskega citoskeleta. Z namenom primerjati Ca2+-vezavne lastnosti ne-mišičnih α aktininov smo se osredotočili na še neokarakterizirano izoobliko 4. V okviru magistrskega dela smo pripravili proteinske kristale dimerne oblike α-aktinina-4, ki vsebuje vse domene udeležene v zgoraj opisani interakciji, ter posneli set difrakcijskih podatkov do ločljivosti 2,9 Å. Z bioinformatsko analizo, kjer smo primerjali zaporedja kalmodulinu podobnih domen različnih izooblik, smo določili tiste aminokislinske ostanke v kalmodulinu podobni domeni α aktinina-4, ki so najverjetneje ključni pri koordinaciji Ca2+ iona. Podobno kot pri α aktininu-1 je tudi pri tej izoobliki pri vezavi Ca2+-ionov aktivna le ena izmed štirih t. i. EF-dlani. Da bi to hipotezo preverili smo v kalmodulinu podobno domeno α aktinina-4 uvedli različne točkovne mutacije, mutantne oblike pa nato okarakterizirali z uporabo izotermne titracijske kalorimetrije. Potrdili smo, da je res aktivno le eno od potencialnih vezavnih mest za Ca2+, afiniteta za vezavo pa je 4-krat nižja kot pri α aktininu-1. Predvidevamo, da je opažena razlika eden izmed faktorjev, ki vplivajo na različno obnašanje teh dveh izooblik ter posledično na njuno različno preferenčno vključenost v citoskeletne strukture kot so fokalni stiki in ukrivljene membranske strukture. The activity of many cytosolic proteins depends on calcium concentration. One of the important intracellular proteins that respond to calcium ions is α-actinin-4. α actinins are cytoskeletal proteins of the spectrin family that play a crosslinking role between different cellular structures. They consist of four regions, namely an actin binding domain, a rod region with four spectrin repeats, linker region “neck” and a calmodulin-like domain. α actinins are divided into two groups according to their tissue specificity. The muscle isoforms, α-actinin-2 and -3, do not bind Ca2+-ions. On the other hand, the non-muscle isoforms, α-actinin-1 and -4, bind Ca2+-ions, which affects their structure and consequently the spatial arrangement of the actin filaments connected to them. The active form of α-actinin-4 is an antiparallel homodimer with an actin-binding domain at both ends, the central role of which is the cross-linking of actin filaments into bundles and networks. Unlike the related α-actinin-1, it is also present in the nucleoplasm, where it is thought to act as a transcription co-activator for many genes involved in tumorigenic cell changes. Research so far has shown that the binding of Ca2+-ion in the calmodulin-like domain of α-actinin-1 triggers conformational changes in this part of the molecule, which are predicted to be transferred to the actin-binding domain and the resulting reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. To compare the Ca2+-binding properties of non-muscle α actinins, we focused on the yet uncharacterized isoform 4. As part of the master's thesis, we prepared protein crystals of the dimeric form of α-actinin-4, which contains all the domains involved in the interaction described above, and recorded a set of diffraction data up to a resolution of 2.9 Å. By bioinformatic analysis, where we compared the sequences of the calmodulin-like domains of different isoforms, we determined those amino acid residues in the calmodulin-like domain of α-actinin-4, which are most likely to be crucial in the coordination of the Ca2+-ion. Like α-actinin-1, only one of the four EF1-hands is active in binding Ca2+-ions. In order to test this hypothesis, we introduced various point mutations in the calmodulin-like domain of α-actinin-4, and the mutant forms were then characterized using isothermal titration calorimetry. We confirmed that only one of the potential binding sites for Ca2+ is indeed active, and the binding affinity is 4 times lower than that of α-actinin-1. We assume that the observed difference is one of the factors influencing the different behavior of these two isoforms and consequently, to their different preferential involvement in cytoskeletal structures such as focal junctions and curved membrane structures.
- Published
- 2022
39. Značilnosti platformnega dela v Sloveniji
- Author
Jovanović, Staša and Kovačič, Gorazd
- Subjects
udc:331.1: 004.738.5(043.2) ,platformna ekonomija ,nadzor ,surveillance ,platform capitalism ,platformno delo ,regulation ,regulacija ,platform economy ,platformni kapitalizem ,platform work - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali pojav platformnega dela, ki je vse bolj prisotno tudi v Sloveniji. Na podlagi obstoječe literature o platformni ekonomiji ter na podlagi lastne raziskave, ki je temeljila na analizi desetih polstrukturiranih intervjujev, smo se spraševali: kakšni so poslovni modeli platformnih podjetij, kako delujejo razmerja delavec-platforma-stranka-menedžment, koliko delavskih in socialnih pravic imajo platformni delavci, kako platformni delavci subjektivno zaznavajo svoj položaj znotraj platforme, kakšna je trenutna delovnopravna regulacija platformnih podjetij in platformnega dela, kako se kaže prekarnost pri delu v platformnih podjetjih, kako podjetja vzpostavljajo nadzor nad delavci in delovnim procesom, ali so delavci individualizirani ter kakšna je vloga vitke ekonomije pri organizaciji dela preko spletnih platform. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da svoje razredne pozicije delavci ne reflektirajo, da delavci ustvarjajo proizvajalna sredstva v obliki informacije in zagotavljajo svoja delovna sredstva, da je delo prekarno in ni regulirano, da delo vsebuje elemente delovnega razmerja in se pri njem krši delovnopravna zakonodaja, da se platformna podjetja zaradi izmikanja odgovornosti predstavljajo kot tehnološka podjetja in da se delavci nadzorujejo tudi sami. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da so udeleženci platformne ekonomije interpelirani v neoliberalno ideologijo podjetništva samega sebe, kar pa se je delno spremenilo, ko sta določeni podjetji monopolizirali trg in poslabšali delovne pogoje. In this thesis, we discussed the phenomenon of platform work, which is increasingly becoming present in Slovenia. Based on the existing literature on platform economy and taking into account our own research, which was based on the analysis of ten semi-structured interviews, we structured our research around the following research questions: what are the business models of platform companies, how do worker-platform-client-management relations work, how many labour and social rights do platform workers have, how do platform workers subjectively perceive their position within the platform, what is the current labour law regulation of platform companies and platform work, how does work-related precarity manifest itself at work in platform companies, how do companies establish surveillance over workers and the work process, are workers individualised, and what is the role of lean economics in the organisation of work through online platforms. We have found that workers do not reflect their class position, that workers produce productive resources in the form of information and provide their labour means, that work is precarious and unregulated, that work contains elements of an employment relationship, that labour laws are violated, that platform companies present themselves as technology companies due to evasion of responsibility, and that workers also exercise self-surveillance themselves. It has also been established that participants in the platform economy are interpellated into a neoliberal ideology of self-entrepreneurship, which has partly changed as certain two companies have monopolised the market and worsened working conditions.
- Published
- 2022
40. Vpliv novih tehnologij žlahtnjenja rastlin na preskrbo s hrano in trajnostni razvoj kmetijstva
- Author
Korez, Tim and Štajner, Nataša
- Subjects
food supply ,green revolution ,preskrba s hrano ,zelena revolucija ,žlahtnjenje rastlin ,kmetijstvo ,plant breeding ,regulation ,regulacija ,agriculture - Abstract
Nove tehnologije žlahtnjenja rastlin, ki zajemajo transgene modifikacije in tudi GSO, ponujajo velike možnosti za prehransko varnost, izboljšavo hranljive vrednosti hrane, trajnostni razvoj kmetijstva in ekonomski razvoj držav in posameznikov, hkrati pa odpravljajo pomanjkljivosti zelene revolucije. To diplomsko delo obravnava potenciale, tveganja in dejansko opažene učinke novih tehnologij žlahtnjenja rastlin na življenja ljudi in različne aspekte kmetijstva v svetu. Obravnavani so tudi regulatorni vidiki. Medtem ko je znanost vznemirljiva in so nekatere jasne koristi že opazne, lahko prekomerna regulacija in napačno dojemanje javnosti ovirata učinkovit razvoj in uporabo novih tehnologij žlahtnjenja rastlin. Prekomerna regulacija je še posebej prisotna v Evropi, vpliva pa tudi na države v razvoju v Afriki in Aziji, ki bi lahko imele največ koristi od novih tehnologij žlahtnjenja rastlin. Potrebne so regulativne reforme in bolj znanstveno utemeljena javna razprava. New plant breeding technologies, including both transgenic modifications and GMOs, offer great opportunities for food security, improving the nutritional value of food, sustainable agricultural development, and the economic development of countries and individuals, while overcoming the shortcomings of the green revolution. This work discusses the potentials, risks and actually observed effects of new plant breeding technologies on different aspects of agriculture and people in the world. Regulatory aspects are also discussed. While the science is exciting and some clear benefits are already being seen, over-regulation and misperceptions by the public can hinder the effective development and use of new plant breeding technologies. Over-regulation is particularly prevalent in Europe, but also affects developing countries in Africa and Asia, which could benefit most from new plant breeding technologies. Regulatory reforms and a more science-based public debate are needed.
- Published
- 2022
41. Vstopanje platform dela na trg delovne sile in družbeni boji
- Author
Mrčela, Laura and Vodovnik, Žiga
- Subjects
udc:331.5:004(043.2) ,delavsko organiziranje ,workers' organisation ,platforme dela ,platformna ekonomija ,Slovenia ,labour platforms ,regulation ,Slovenija ,regulacija ,platform economy - Abstract
Platforme dela predstavljajo novo obliko delovanja kapitalističnega sistema, ki temelji na digitalnih platformah kot posrednikih za srečevanje različnih skupin uporabnikov. Platforme dela so na trgu delovne sile poglobile trende prekarizacije in fleksibilizacije dela, zato se družboslovno raziskovanje obrača k razmisleku o možnostih za regulacijo dela na platformah. Preko pregleda ključne literature ter dokumentov skuša magistrsko delo prikazati značilnosti dela na platformah, obstoječe poskuse regulacije ter možnosti za nadaljnjo regulacijo platformne ekonomije, tako na zakonodajni ravni kot preko organizacije delavcev. Na primeru Slovenije ugotavljamo, da so na trgu delovne sile v Sloveniji prisotne platforme na področju dostave hrane, prevozov ter skrbstvenega in gospodinjskega dela. Platforme se vključujejo na že prekariziran slovenski trg delovne sile, ter preko uveljavljenih nestandardnih oblik zaposlovanja še dodatno poglabljajo trende fleksibilizacije dela. V Sloveniji pravne regulacije platformnih oblik dela ne poznamo, prihaja pa do začetkov organiziranja delavcev na platformah za dostavo hrane. Ključnega pomena za učinkovito reguliranje platformnega dela in uspešno delavsko organiziranje je dobro poznavanje značilnosti dela na platformah. Labour platforms represent a new form of capitalism, one based on digital platforms as tools for the interaction of different groups of users. As platforms intensify the precarisation and flexibilisation of labour, social science research has turned to rethinking of ways to regulate platform work. Based on a literature review and document analysis, this thesis aims to reveal the characteristics of platform work, existing forms of platform regulation and possibilities for further regulating the platform economy, on the legislative level as well as through workers’ organisation. In the case of Slovenia, we find food delivery, transport, care, and domestic work platforms on the labour market. These platforms emerge on an already precarious labour market, where they further intensify the flexibilisation of labour through existing non-standard forms of employment. There is no legal regulation of platform work in Slovenia, but workers on food delivery platforms are beginning to organise. The key to effective regulation of platform work and successful workers’ organising is a good understanding of the characteristics of platform work.
- Published
- 2022
42. Responsible artificial intelligence
- Author
Javorović, Luka and Mićunović, Milijana
- Subjects
odgovorni razvoj ,umjetna inteligencija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Information Systems and Information Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Informacijski sustavi i informatologija ,pravilnici ,regulacija - Abstract
Cilj je ovog radi dati općeniti pregled pravilnika, smjernica i praksi za odgovorni razvoj umjetne inteligencije (UI) u okviru europskih, odnosno međunarodnih projekata. Odgovorni razvoj UI ima potencijal postati novim standardom u razvoju i primjeni UI, posebno u kontekstu Četvrte industrijske revolucije. No, potreban je oprez u razvoju takvih sveobuhvatnih sustava koji imaju veliki potencijal za inovacije i utječu na, odnosno potiču transformaciju svih aspekata društva. Stvaranje pravilnika i smjernica koje bi regulirale odgovoran razvoj i primjenu UI jedna je od najvažnijih tema u znanstvenoj i stručnoj zajednici u području razvoja UI, robotike i pametnih strojeva i sustava. Zahvaljujući razvoju strojnog učenja, inovacija u području UI i implementaciji inteligentnih tehnologija koje zajedno povećavaju učinkovitost i produktivnost sustava UI, pojavljuje se potreba za definiranjem strožih standardiziranih pravilnika i smjernica. Ovaj rad donosi pregled, opis i analizu pravilnika i smjernica u području odgovornog razvoja UI, odnosno pregled pravilnika i smjernica javnog (državnog) sektora i pravilnika i smjernica privatnog sektora. Poseban naglasak će biti na tehnologijama visokog rizika, poput potencijalnih sigurnosnih problema izravno vezanih uz implementaciju inteligentnih rješenja i sustava (npr. pitanje pristranosti, privatnosti podataka i društvenih i etičkih načela razvoja). Stvaranje jedinstvenog, sustavnog i sveobuhvatnog pravilnika u području odgovornog razvoja UI predstavlja planirani i strateški pristup razvoju i implementaciji UI te tako na odgovoran i siguran način omogućuje znanstveni i tehnološki, odnosno ekonomski i gospodarski razvoj društva. Također, takav pristup jamči sigurnost krajnjeg korisnika i smanjuje (pa čak i isključuje) mogući dehumanizirajući učinak visokotehnoloških rješenja i sustava.
- Published
- 2022
43. Valuation of regulatory policies in the field of the Covid-19 epidemic in the context of recreational sports in Slovenia
- Author
Baliž, Timotej and Durnik, Mitja
- Subjects
epidemija Covid-19 ,measures ,recreational sport ,regulation ,udc:79:616-036.21:578.834(497.4)(043.2) ,rekreativni šport ,ukrepi ,Covid-19 epidemic ,regulacija - Abstract
Diplomsko delo predstavlja vpliv epidemije Covid-19 v Sloveniji na vladno regulacijo rekreativnega športa, s katero se je omejevalo širjenje novega virusa med športniki, ki so se ukvarjali z rekreativnim športom. Šport kot sam je izredno ključen dejavnik v življenju, ki zagotavlja ne samo telesno, temveč tudi duševno in socialno zdravje, s čimer se kakovost življenja in življenjskega sloga posameznika učinkovito izboljša. To pa je začelo trpeti, ko je ob pojavu koronavirusa vlada začenjala s sprejemanjem ukrepov za preprečevanje širjenja virusa. Namen diplomskega dela je bilo ugotoviti, kako močno je sama epidemija vplivala na rekreativni šport med posamezniki v Sloveniji. Prikazati smo želeli stanje regulacije rekreativnega športa pred epidemijo Covid-19 ter med epidemijo. Želeli smo pokazati tudi spremembe v načinu rekreacije pred in med epidemijo ter spremembe v psihofizičnih sposobnostih med rekreativnimi športniki, pri čemer nam je bila v pomoč spletna anketa. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil raziskati, kako je epidemija Covid-19 vplivala na rekreativni šport v Sloveniji ter tako prikazati dejansko vključevanje države pri omejevanju oziroma spodbujanju rekreativnega športa. Prav tako je bil cilj diplomskega dela pridobitev zadostnih in celovitih povratnih informacij anketirancev, ki so nam s tem podali vpogled v neposredni vpliv sprejetih vladnih ukrepov na njihove rekreativne navade, s čimer smo pridobili odličen vpogled v to, ali je vlada sprejemala kakovostne in učinkovite ukrepe, ki so skrbeli za zajezitev epidemije. This diploma thesis presents the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic in Slovenia based on the government's regulation of recreational sports, which was used to limit the spread of the new virus among athletes who were involved in recreational sports. Sport itself is an extremely crucial factor in life, ensuring not only people's physical health, but also mental and social health, thus effectively improving the quality of lifestyle of the individuals. However, the recreational sports began to suffer when the government started taking measures to prevent the spread of the virus when the new coronavirus appeared. The purpose of this diploma work was therefore to find out how strongly the epidemic itself has affected recreational sports among individuals in Slovenia. I wanted to introduce the state of regulation of recreational sports before the Covid-19 epidemic and also during the epidemic with all the restrictive measures. The purpose of this diploma thesis was also to prove the changes in the way of recreation before, as well as during the epidemic, in psychophysical abilities among recreational athletes, where an online survey helped me to get all the necessary results to interpret. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how the Covid-19 epidemic affected recreational sports in Slovenia and thus show the actual involvement of the government in limiting and promoting recreational sports as a necessary help of being immune to the new disease. The aim of the diploma thesis was also to obtain sufficient and comprehensive feedback from respondents, which then gave me an insight into the direct impact of government measures on their recreational habits, what helped me to get excellent insight into whether the government has taken quality and effective measures with taking care of curbing the epidemic in Slovenia.
- Published
- 2022
44. Simulacija sistema za prezračevanja predora
- Author
NIKOLIČ, ROK and Kunaver, Matevž
- Subjects
omrežne vtičnice ,air speed sensors ,simulators ,simulatorji ,graphical user interface ,senzorji hitrosti zraka ,fans ,web sockets ,regulation ,grafični uporabniški vmesnik ,regulacija ,Python ,ventilatorji - Abstract
Diplomska naloga opisuje razvoj več simulatorjev, ki simulirajo sistem prezračevanja v več slovenskih predorih. Za idejo je bil vzet simulator vetra, uporabljen za testiranje sistema Scade. Simulirani so senzorji za hitrost pretoka zraka, ventilatorji za pospeševanje in upočasnjevanje zraka, senzorji za zaznavanje dima in senzorji za zaznavanje čezmerne prisotnosti plina Co2. Poleg senzorjev je bil simuliran tudi regulator, ki upravlja ostale dele sistema. Za vse simulatorje so bili ustvarjeni novi grafični uporabniški vmesniki. Sistem je bil zgrajen okoli načina komunikacije preko omrežnih vtičnic, ki se uporabljajo s programskim jezikom Python. The thesis describes the development of several simulators that simulate the system of air circulation that is found in several Slovenian road tunnels. The idea was taken from a simulator of wind speed used to test a Scada system. We simulate sensors for air speed, fans for increasing and decreasing air speed, smoke detectors and sensors for high levels of Co2. Besides the sensors we also simulate the regulation software that manages the other parts of the system. We designed new graphical user interfaces for all the simulators. The system was designed around the communication over web sockets, that we used with the programing language Python.
- Published
- 2022
45. Modeling and control of pneumatic system for material strength testing
- Author
Bača, Marko Miroslav and Šitum, Željko
- Subjects
umaralica ,PID ,umaralica, pneumatika, regulacija, PID regulator, regulator s kliznim stanjima ,regulation ,dynamic strength tester ,pulsno-širinska modulacija ,regulacija ,pneumatics ,pulse-width modulation ,test device ,ispitni uređaj ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Strojarstvo ,pneumatika ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Mechanical Engineering ,regulator s kliznim stanjima ,sliding mode controller - Abstract
U ovom radu prikazan je izvod matematičkog modela, simulacija i eksperimentalna validacija rezultata dinamičkog ispitnog sustava umaralice. Ključni parametri modela sustava određeni su eksperimentalno, uvedena su i neka pojednostavljenja modela radi lakše izvedbe simulacije sustava. Ispitni sustav je reguliran s osnovnim regulatorima iz klasične teorije upravljanja, te njihove modificirane strukture. Pri tome su vidljive razlike u brzini odziva i stacionarnoj točnosti različitih struktura regulatora. Većina predloženih regulatora ostvaruje dobre rezultate prilikom zadavanja statičkih referenci. Zbog spore dinamike upravljačkih uređaja prilikom slijeđenja dinamičkih referenci poput sinusne funkcije dolazi do značajnih odstupanja od zadane reference. Kao rješenje tog problema izveden je upravljački algoritam korištenjem pulsno širinske modulacije male sklopne frekvencije. Simulacijski modeli sustava provjereni su eksperimentalno, na izrađenom ispitnom sustavu umaralice. In this paper, the mathematical model, simulation and experimental validation of the results of the dynamic strength tester are presented. The key parameters of the system model were determined experimentally, and some simplifications of the model were introduced for easier performance of the system simulation. The test system is regulated by basic regulators from classical control theory and their modified structure. Differences in response speed and stationary accuracy of different regulator structures are visible. Most of the proposed controllers achieve good results when specifying static references. Due to the slow dynamics of control devices, significant deviations from the given reference to occur when following dynamic references such as a sinusoidal function. As a solution to this problem, a control algorithm using pulse width modulation with a low switching frequency was implemented. The simulation models of the system were checked experimentally, on the made test system of the dynamic strength tester.
- Published
- 2022
46. Nelinearno vodenje laboratorijske naprave polhelikopter
- Author
PORENTA, MARTIN and Škrjanc, Igor
- Subjects
neural network ,identifikacija ,dinamični sistem ,dynamic system ,identification ,nevronske mreže ,prediktivni regulator ,regulacija ,closed loop control ,predictive control - Abstract
Pri vodenju sistemov se v praksi dostikrat srečamo z nelinearnimi sistemi, za katere je značilno, da izkazujejo precej kompleksnejšo dinamiko kot linearni sistemi. To pomeni, da s klasičnimi regulatorji ne moremo zagotoviti dovolj dobrega delovanja zaprtozančnega vodenja čez celotno delovno območje. Zato smo se v tem magistrskem delu posvetili zaprtozančnemu vodenju nelinearnega dinamičnega sistema z naprednejšimi nelinearnimi regulatorji. Eksperimente smo izvajali na laboratorijski napravi polhelikopter in njenem matematičnem modelu. Napravo sestavlja nihalo, ki je v sredini vrtljivo vpeto. Na levi strani nihala imamo proti utež na desni strani pa elektro motor s propelerjem. Sistem kot vhod prejme napetost na elektromotorju in na izhodu vrne kot odmika. Naprava izkazuje nelinearno delovanje in precej ocsilatoren odziv, zato je še posebej primerna za testiranje razvitih nelinearnih regulatorjev. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil, da smo spoznali različne napredne regulatorje ter poiskati najboljšega za vodenje naprave polhelikopter. Celotno magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na šest glavnih poglavij. V prvem uvodnem poglavju na kratko predstavimo teoretične osnove vodenja sistemov. Ker se bomo v delu srečevali z naprednejšimi nelinearnimi regulatorji, ki temeljijo na nelinearnem modelu sistema, smo v uvodnem poglavju na kratko predstavili teorijo identifikacije nelinearnih modelov sistema. Kot smo že omenili, bomo za vodenje sistema uporabili naprednejše pristope. Zato smo v drugem poglavju podrobneje predstavili teorijo in izpeljali izraze vseh uporabljenih naprednejših regulatorjev. V magistrskem delu smo uporabili tri različne regulatorje: mehki prediktivno funkcijski regulator (FPFC), regulator na osnovi nevronskih mrež NARMA L2 in regulator PID z optimiziranimi parametri. Vse eksperimente smo izvajali na laboratorijski napravi polhelikopter in njenem matematičnem modelu, zato je četrto poglavje magistrske naloge posvečeno analizi statičnih in dinamičnih lastnosti laboratorijske naprave. Izkaže se, da je dobro poznavanje lastnosti sistemi, ki ga vodimo, ključno za uspešno načrtovanje eksperimentov in regulacijskih algoritmov. Vse regulacijske algoritme smo najprej razvili na modelu naprave, saj je zajemanje meritev in identifikacija modela veliko hitrejša in tudi iskanje napak v programski kodi veliko lažje. Nato smo regulatorje razvili še na realnem sistemu in opazovali kakšne spremembe moramo narediti, da nek kompleksnejši regulator uspešno zaživi na realnem sistemu. Po končani analizi laboratorijske naprave in njenega modela v četrtem poglavju predstavimo rezultate vodenja z razvitimi regulatorji. Najprej predstavimo rezultate vodenja za posamezni regulator, ki jih v zadnjem podpoglavju četrtega poglavja primerjamo med seboj, da določimo najboljšo vrsto regulatorja za obravnavani problem. Izkaže se, da najboljše rezultate vodenja dobimo z regulatorjem FPFC, ampak je razvijanje FPFC zamudnejše kot s PID. Regulator PID dobro deluje na začetku delovnega območja (manjši koti odmika naprave polhelikopter), pri večjih odmikih pa postane odziv sistema precej oscilatoren. FPFC izkazuje precej manjše oscilacije kot regulator PID, ampak v ustaljenem stanju slabše odpravlja motnje kot PID. NARMA L2-regulator se precej dobro izkaže pri vodenju na modelu sistema, ampak nam regulatorja ni uspelo usposobiti na realnem sistemu. Pri vodenju NARMA L2-regulatorja na realnem sistemu dobimo nestabilen odziv sistema in nikakor ne uspemo dobiti dobrega delovanja. V petem in šestem poglavju sledita še podrobnejša razprava rezultatov in zaključek magistrskega dela. When designing control loops, we often encounter non-linear systems that have much more complex dynamics than linear systems. This means that we cannot use classical control algorithms to guarantee that the control loop works sufficiently well over the entire operating range. Therefore, in this master thesis we focus on the control of a nonlinear dynamic system with more advanced nonlinear controllers. All experiments were performed on a semi-helicopter laboratory device. The device consists of a pendulum which is rotatably mounted in the center. On the left side of the pendulum is a counterweight and on the right side is an electric motor with a propeller. The system receives the voltage at the electric motor as input and returns the offset angle as the output. The device shows non-linear operation and a rather oscillating response, so it is particularly suitable for testing developed non-linear controllers. The entire master's thesis is divided into six main chapters. In the first introductory chapter, we briefly present the theoretical foundations of the control of dynamical systems. Since we will encounter more advanced nonlinear controllers based on a nonlinear system model, we briefly introduced the theory of identification of the nonlinear system model. As mentioned earlier, we will use more advanced approaches to control our system. Therefore, in the second chapter we have presented the theory in more detail and derived the expressions of all the advanced controllers used. In the master thesis we have used three different controllers: Fuzzy Predictive Function Controller (FPFC), NARMA L2 Neural Network Controller and PID controller with optimised parameters. All experiments were conducted on a semi-helicopter laboratory device and its mathematical model, so that the fourth chapter of the master's thesis is devoted to the analysis of the static and dynamic properties of the laboratory device. It has been found that a good knowledge of the properties of the system is crucial for the successful design of experiments and control algorithms. We first developed all the control algorithms on the model of the device, as it is much faster to collect measurements and identify the model, and it is also much easier to look for errors in the program code. Then we developed the controls on the real system and observed what changes we had to make to make a more complex control work successfully on the real system. After the analysis of the laboratory device and its model, in the fourth chapter we present the results of control with developed regulators. We first present the results for each controller, which we compare in the last subsection of chapter four to determine the best controller type for our problem. It turns out that the best control results are obtained with an FPFC controller, but the development of the FPFC is more time-consuming than that of a PID controller. The PID controller works well at the beginning of the working range (smaller offset angles of the helicopter), but at higher offsets the system response becomes quite oscillatory. The FPFC has much less oscillation than the PID controller, but at steady state it performs worse than the PID controller at removing disturbances. The NARMA L2 controller works quite well when run on a system model, but we were not able to train the controller on a real system. When we run the NARMA L2 controller on a real system, we get an unstable system response and we never manage to get good performance. Chapters five and six are followed by an even more detailed discussion of the results and the conclusion of the master's thesis.
- Published
- 2022
47. Regulacija decentraliziranih avtonomnih organizacij
- Author
Sivka, Sara and Grilc, Peter
- Subjects
pravna osebnost ,decentralizirana avtonomna organizacija ,legal personality ,tehnologija veriženja blokov ,decentralized organization ,blockchain technology ,decentralizirana organizacija ,decentralized autonomous organization ,regulation ,smart contract ,regulacija ,pametna pogodba - Abstract
Delo obravnava pojav tehnološko inovativnih organizacij, ki zaradi razvoja tehnologije veriženja blokov v povezavi s pametnimi pogodbami avtonomno delujejo v decentraliziranem medmrežju, z multinacionalnim obsegom in dostopom do trga in tako predstavljajo idejno zasnovo za razvoj optimalnejših poslovnih modelov in struktur. S predstavitvijo prednosti v povezavi z dodatnimi vzroki za regulacijo decentraliziranih avtonomnih organizacij predpostavimo in zaključimo, da ni primerno, da tovrstne inovativne organizacije delujejo neregulirano. Hkrati v delu izpostavljamo problematiko vzpostavitve optimalnega regulativnega okvira z željo preprečiti prekomerno centralizacijo tehnoloških sistemov, katerih idejna zasnova temelji prav na decentraliziranem delovanju, ter z željo zasnovati regulativni okvir, ki bo v največji meri skladen z obstoječimi tehnološkimi strukturami, ter bo kot tak omogočil tudi nadaljnji (regulirani) razvoj inovacij. V delu za ta namen primerjalnopravno predstavimo vzroke in napotke za sprejetje tovrstnega regulativnega okvira, ter ponazorimo možnost analogne uporabe tradicionalnega prava (tudi v slovenskem pravnem redu). This thesis examines the emergence of technologically innovative organizations that, due to the development of blockchain technology in conjunction with smart contracts, operate autonomously in a decentralized interconnected network, with multinational scale and market access, and thus provide a conceptual framework for the development of more optimal business models and structures. By presenting the advantages, combined with additional reasons for regulating decentralized autonomous organizations, we assume and conclude that it is not appropriate for such innovative organizations to operate in an unregulated manner. At the same time, the paper highlights the problem of establishing an optimal regulatory framework, with a view to avoiding the excessive centralization of technological systems whose conceptual design is based precisely on decentralized functioning, and with a view to designing a regulatory framework that is as compatible as possible with the existing technological structures, and as such will also allow for the further (regulated) development of innovations. To this end, the paper provides a comparative law perspective on the reasons and guidance for the adoption of such a regulatory framework and illustrates the possibility of analogical application of traditional law (also in the Slovenian legal order).
- Published
- 2022
48. Financijska kriza i kreditni rejtinzi država
- Author
Sanja Bach
- Subjects
kreditni rejtinzi ,agencije za kreditni rejting ,financijska kriza ,nadzor ,regulacija ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
U globalnoj financijskoj krizi, kojoj se još uvijek ne nazire kraj, u središtu pozornosti našle su se, ne prvi put, agencije za dodjelu kreditnih rejtinga. Naime smanjenje rejtinga izaziva zabrinutost država o njihovoj kreditnoj sposobnosti, a postavlja se pitanje i o načinu mjerenja od strane rejting-agencija. Ključna zabrinutost odnosi se na nestabilnost koju smanjenje rejtinga unosi na financijska tržišta, a posebice kada smanjenje ocjena prelazi u kategorije neinvesticijskog razreda. Složenost financijskih tržišta i raznolikost dužnika s vremenom su porasli, a ulagači i regulatori sve se više oslanjaju na stavove rejting-agencija. Istodobno, broj agencija za kreditni rejting koje rade u SAD-u i drugim zemljama snažno je porastao. Sve to, a posebice aktualna financijska kriza, potaknulo je sudionike tržišta i donositelje političkih odluka na preispitivanje djelovanja agencija i adekvatnosti javnog nadzora nad rejting-industrijom. Isto se dogodilo i tijekom azijske financijske krize, što otvara pitanja moći rejting-industrije i njezina utjecaja na financijska tržišta u budućnosti.
- Published
- 2014
49. The Effects of Law Through Actions of Inspections.
- Author
Pečarič, Mirko
- Subjects
STRATEGIC planning ,LAW enforcement ,RISK management in business ,PUBLIC administration ,ADMINISTRATIVE procedure - Abstract
Copyright of International Public Administration Review / Mednarodna Revija za Javno Upravo is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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50. Economic Freedom and Economic Growth in South Africa.
- Author
Coetzee, Clive E. and Kleynhans, Ewert P. J.
- Subjects
- *
ECONOMIC liberty ,SOUTH Africa economic development ,SOUTH African economic policy - Abstract
The economic growth and economic freedomnexus is studied in this article and applied to South Africa in an empirical study. Economic freedom is founded on the free or private market economy, based on competition, where voluntary exchange occurs and a legislative framework ensures the safety of market agents and private property. As part of the literature study, the Index of Economic Freedom, the Economic Freedom of theWorld Index and the Freedomin theWorld Indexwere studied and applied to South Africa. An empirical analysis was conducted, cross-correlation functions were estimated, and Granger causality functions, regression analysis and finally a vector auto-regression model (var) were constructed and estimated. The research findings fromSouthAfrica support the literature, suggesting that there are indeed some indications that greater levels of economic freedom support higher rates of economic growth in a country. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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